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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Koncept montážní linky pro montáž centrální části systému termoregulace motoru / Assembly of central part of the motor heat regulation system as a concept of an assembly line

Juřicová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on design of assemble unit technology for mounting the central part of motor heat regulation system. In the beginning the current status is described,  followed by the analysis of mounting options, specifying assembly times and determining cycles of the assebly line and developing logistic support. The resulting layout should be ergonomically acceptable, cost-effective and efficient.

Steilheit und Reproduzierbarkeit der elektronischen Registrierung der Gelenkbahnnei-gung in Abhängigkeit von der Befestigung am Unterkiefer

Wagner, Philipp 22 March 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte die Wiederholbarkeit der Aufzeichnung von Unterkiefer-bewegungen und die Steilheit der Kiefergelenkbahn in Abhängigkeit von der Befestigungs-methode der Registrierapparatur an der Unterkieferzahnreihe. Der Untersucher zeichnete dazu in zwei zeitlich getrennten Sitzungen Protrusions- und Mediotrusionsbewegungen von Probanden auf. Er befestigte dabei den Registrierbogen mit drei unterschiedlichen Verfah-ren am Unterkiefer: mit einem okklusionsbedeckenden, periokklusalen Löffel, mit einer Okklusionsklemme und einem paraokklusalen Löffel. Zwei Methoden bedecken die Unterkie-ferzahnreihe und erhöhen die vertikale Kieferrelation. Bei der dritten Methode hingegen befestigte der Untersucher den Unterkieferbogen an den Labialflächen der Unterkieferzähne mit ungestörter habitueller Interkuspidation. Die mittlere, über alle Befestigungsmethoden gemessene, sagittale Gelenkbahnneigung be-trug 44,74 ° bei 3 mm und 42,65 ° bei 5 mm Gelenkbahn. Der Bennett-Winkel nahm Werte von 10,96 ° (3 mm) und 10,17 ° (5 mm) an. Die sagittale Kiefergelenkbahn differierte bei den unterschiedlichen Befestigungsmethoden statistisch signifikant und klinisch relevant. Die Messung mit paraokklusaler Befestigung des Unterkieferbogens erzielte sagittale Kondylen-bahnneigungen, die im Mittel 7,94 ° (3 mm) und 9,46 ° (5 mm) steiler waren als die mit der Okklusionsklemme gemessenen Neigungen. Die Wiederholbarkeit war bei allen Gruppen innerhalb einer Sitzung exzellent, unterschied sich jedoch beim Vergleich beider Sitzungen statistisch signifikant. Die Gelenkbahnaufzeichnung mittels paraokklusaler Befestigung des Unterkieferbogens war exzellent wiederholbar. Unter Benutzung des periokklusalen Löffels und der Okklusionsklemme sank die Reliabilität statistisch signifikant und klinisch relevant ab. Die Untersuchung zeigte darüber hinaus, dass verschiedene Messsysteme mit unterschiedli-chen Bezugsebenen und -punkten arbeiten und die in der Literatur zu findenden Werte für Gelenkbahnneigungen daher kaum vergleichbar sind. Für die Programmierung virtueller und voll adjustierbarer Artikulatoren sollte daher, wenn möglich, die paraokklusale Befestigung für die Messung der Kiefergelenkbahnen Anwendung finden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis III Tabellenverzeichnis III Abkürzungsverzeichnis IV 1 Einleitung 1 2 Literaturübersicht der Registriersysteme 4 2.1 Einteilung 4 2.2 Photographische Verfahren 4 2.3 Mechanisch-graphische Verfahren 5 2.4 Elektronische Registrierverfahren 7 3 Befestigung der Registriersysteme 11 3.1 Befestigung mit einem paraokklusalen Löffel 11 3.1.1 Indirekte Methode 11 3.1.2 Direkte Methoden 11 3.2 Befestigung mit einem okklusionsbedeckenden (periokklusalen) Löffel 13 3.3 Befestigung mit einer Okklusionsklemme 14 4 Das Kiefergelenk 16 4.1 Anatomische Besonderheiten 16 4.2 Funktionen 17 4.3 Bewegungsabläufe des Kiefergelenks 18 4.3.1 Bewegungsspektrum 18 4.3.2 Habituelle und zentrische Okklusion 19 4.3.3 Schädelbezugsebenen 19 4.3.4 Bezugspunkt 20 4.4 Kondylenbahnen 22 4.4.1 Sagittale Kondylenbahn 22 4.4.2 Transversale Kondylenbahnneigung 27 5 Material und Methode 28 5.1 Untersuchungsdesign 28 5.2 Stichprobenumfang 28 5.3 Messung mit dem „CADIAX Compact 2“ 29 5.4 Versuchsablauf 29 5.5 Statistische Methoden zur Analyse 32 6 Ergebnisse 34 6.1 Absolutwerte der Kondylenbahnneigung 34 6.2 Zuverlässigkeit der Wiederholung 36 6.2.1 Mittelwertunterschiede 36 6.2.2 Intraklass-Korrelationskoeffizient 40 7 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 42 7.1 Interpretation der wichtigsten Ergebnisse 42 7.2 Vergleich mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur 43 7.2.1 Steilheit der sagittalen Kiefergelenkbahnneigung 43 7.2.2 Einfluss der Befestigung auf die Steilheit der sagittalen Kiefergelenkbahn 43 7.2.3 Reliabilität der Messung der Gelenkbahnneigung 45 7.2.4 Einfluss der Befestigung auf die Reliabilität der Messung 46 7.3 Stärken und Schwächen dieser Untersuchung 47 8 Ausblick 49 9 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 50 Literaturverzeichnis 55
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Grundlagen zur methodischen Beurteilung der montagegerechten Produktgestaltung anhand virtueller Werkzeuge

Kneschke, Christoph, Schmauder, Martin January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Mesh Mounting Concept for a Mechanical Rock Excavation Machine / Nätmonteringskoncept för en Mekanisk Bergavverkningsmaskin

Skoog, Elin January 2017 (has links)
This report is the result of a Master’s Thesis done at the Machine Design Department at the Royal Institute of Technology. The project was carried out at Svea Teknik AB in cooperation with Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB and the Mining and Rock Excavation division in Örebro. Atlas Copco is currently developing a new TBM for mechanical rock excavation, which have been named the RVM (Remote Vein Miner. When doing the excavation, stresses and cracks are induced in the tunnel walls and roof, why it is necessary to reinforce the tunnel so that is does not collapse. In this case this is done by drilling holes and inserting rock bolts into the tunnel walls, and at the same time clothe the walls with a chain link mesh. The operators that are doing this are working in an unsecured part of the tunnel and are hence exposed to a safety risk. It is therefore of interest to make this mesh mounting procedure automated. The project’s purpose was to develop a design concept for the mesh handling and mounting for the RVM that require less manual hands-on work by the operators, i.e. replacing the existing semi-manual mesh handling to a solution that instead can be automatized and remote controlled. Brainstorming was used to generate 6 different concepts, 4 for the mesh handling and 2 for the bolt handling, which were evaluated in two separate Pugh’s evaluation matrices. The two concepts that was deemed most promising, the bolt carrousel and an arm handling solution for mesh rolls, were further developed. CAD models of the included components and systems were made and used to verify the arm’s range and that it fulfilled all of the constraints related to the spatial limitations on the machine. The hydraulic cylinders were dimensioned with forces obtained from an ADAMS simulation. The final conceptual design did fulfil the requirements, but was considered to be very complex and concerns were made regarding how it would handle the harsh environment in the tunnel. / Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete som utförts på Institutionen för Maskinkonstruktion på KTH. Projektet gjordes med Svea Teknik AB i samarbete med Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB och deras avdelning för Gruv- och Bergbrytningsteknik i Örebro. Atlas Copco håller för närvarande på att utveckla en ny TBM för mekanisk bergavverkning, som har fått namnet RVM (Remote Vein Miner). När bergavverkning sker så induceras spänningar och sprickor i berget som omger tunneln och det är därför nödvändigt att förstärka tunneln så att den inte rasar samman. I detta fall så sker denna förstärkning genom att borra hål i tunnelväggen och sätta in bergbultar, och samtidigt klä väggarna med ett skyddande nät. När operatörerna utför detta arbete så befinner de sig i en del av tunneln som inte är säkrad och de är således utsatta för säkerhetsrisker. Det är därför av intresse att göra denna nätmonteringsprocess automatiserad. Syftet med detta projekt var att utveckla en konceptkonstruktion för näthanteringen- och monteringen för RVM-maskinen som innebär mindre manuellt arbete av operatörerna, alltså att ersätta den nuvarande semi-manuella näthanteringslösningen med en lösning som istället kan automatiseras och fjärrstyras. Brainstormning användes för att ta fram 6 stycken olika koncept, 4 gällande näthanteringen och 2 för bulthanteringen. Dessa koncept utvärderades i två separata Pugh matriser. De två koncept som ansågs vara de mest lovande, bultkarusellen och en armkonstruktion för hantering av nätrullar, utvecklades vidare. CAD-modeller av de inkluderade komponenterna och systemen gjordes och användes för att verifiera armens räckvidd och att den uppfyllde att hålla sig inom maskinens platsbegränsningar. De hydrauliska cylindrarna dimensionerades utifrån krafter som erhölls från en ADAMS-simulering. Den slutgiltiga konstruktionen uppfyllde alla specificerade krav, men ansågs vara väldigt komplex och det ansågs osäkert hur och om den skulle klara av den mycket tuffa miljön i tunnelgången.
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Applications of active materials

Edqvist, Erik January 2009 (has links)
Energy efficiency is a vital key component when designing and miniaturizing self sustained microsystems. The smaller the system, the smaller is the possibility to store enough stored energy for a long and continuous operational time. To move such a system in an energy efficient way, a piezoelectrical locomotion module consisting of four resonating cantilevers has been designed, manufactured and evaluated in this work. The combination of a suitable substrate, a multilayered piezoelectric material to reduce the voltage, and a resonating drive mechanism resulted in a low power demand. A manufacturing process for multilayer cantilever actuators made of P(VDF-TrFE) with aluminum electrodes on a substrate of flexible printed circuit board (FPC), has been developed. An important step in this process was the development of an etch recipe for dry etching the multilayer actuators in an inductive plasma equipment. Formulas for the quasi static tip deflection and resonance frequency of a multilayered cantilever, have been derived. Through theses, it was found that the multilayered structures should be deposited on the polymer side of the FPC in order to maximize the tip deflection. Both a large and a miniaturized locomotion module were manufactured and connected by wires to verify that the three legged motion principal worked to move the structures forward and backward, and turn it right and left. By touching and adding load, to a fourth miniaturized cantilever, its ability to act as a contact sensor and carry object was verified. The presented locomotion module is part of a multifunctional microsystem, intended to be energy efficient and powered by a solar panel with a total volume of less than 25 mm3 and weight 65 mg. The whole system, consisting of a solar cell, an infra red communication module, an integrated circuit for control, three capacitors for power regulating, the locomotion module and an FPC connecting the different modules, was surface mounted using a state of the art industrial facility. Two fully assembled systems could be programmed both through a test connector and through optical sensors in the multifunctional solar cell. One of these was folded together to the final configuration of a robot. However, the entire system could not be tested under full autonomous operating conditions. On the other hand, using wires, the locomotion module could be operated and used to move the entire system from a peak-to-peak voltage of 3.0 V.
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Effective vibro-acoustical modelling of rubber isolators

Coja, Michael January 2005 (has links)
This thesis, gathering four papers, concerns the enhancement in understanding and modelling of the audible dynamic stiffness of vibration rubber isolators including experimental measurements. Paper A studies the performances of three different types of vibration isolator using an indirect measurement technique to estimate the blocked dynamic transfer stiffness of each specimen. The measurements are performed over a wide audible frequency range of 200 to 1000 Hz in a specially designed test rig enabling the investigation of arbitrary preload influences. Paper B addresses the modelling of the audible-frequency stiffness of the rubber conical mount experimentally appraised in Paper A accounting for preload effects. The model is based on a simpliflied waveguide approach approximating the nonlinearities attributed to the predeformations by adopting shape factor considerations. The carbon black filled rubber is assumed incompressible, displaying a viscoelastic behavior based on a fractional derivative Kelvin-Voigt model efficiently reducing the number of required material parameters. In Paper C the focus is on the axial dynamic stiffness modelling of an arbitrary long rubber bushing within the audible frequency range. The problems of simultaneously satisfying the locally non-mixed boundary conditions at the radial and end surfaces are solved by adopting a waveguide approach, using the dispersion relation for axially symmetric waves in thick-walled infinite plates, while fulfilling the radial boundary conditions by mode-matching. The results obtained are successfully compared with simpliflied models but display discrepancies when increasing the diameter-to-length ratios since the influence of higher order modes and dispersion augments. Paper D develops an effective waveguide model for a pre-compressed cylindrical vibration isolator within the audible frequency domain at arbitrary compressions. The original, mathematically arduous problem of simultaneously modelling the preload and frequency dependence is solved by applying a novel transformation of the pre-strained isolator into a globally equivalent homogeneous and isotropic configuration enabling the straightforward application of a waveguide model to satisfy the boundary conditions. The results obtained present good agreement with the non-linear finite element results for a wide frequency range of 20 to 2000 Hz at different preloads. / QC 20101001
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Flexural strengthening of prestressed hollow-core slabs using near-surface mounted (NSM) CFRP reinforcement

Foubert, Steven 09 May 2014 (has links)
Prestressed hollow core slabs are essential components in structures such as bridges, parking garages, marine structures, and commercial and industrial buildings. Material degradation and altered functional requirements may seriously threaten the structural integrity of these reinforced concrete structures. Using FRP composites, the NSM strengthening technique presents a viable solution to these challenges. However, further investigation is required to establish comprehensive empirical design guidelines. The intent of this research project is to investigate the NSM technique in conjunction with common design concepts such as prestressed concrete, precast hollow core slabs, the complex behaviour of disturbed regions, and fiber-reinforced composite materials. An experimental program was developed, which included eleven full-scale slab specimens, subject to a four-point load configuration. The main parameters included the prestressing reinforcement ratio, CFRP strengthening ratio, and in-service opening location. Experimental results showed that prestressed concrete strengthened in flexure with NSM-CFRP is a viable technique for lower reinforcement ratios.

Vliv fixace vodních ploštic (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) na výsledky studia jejich růstu a variability / The influence of the fixation of water bugs (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) on the results of their growth and variability

SVOBODOVÁ, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
The main task of this thesis was to investigate the influence of the preservation by ethyl alcohol and dry mounting on the morphometric characteristics of water bugs´ and to test the hypothesis that live individuals and individuals preserved by ethyl alcohol and dry mounted (both groups deal with individuals of the same species, sex and developmental stage) have the same morphometric parameters. The next task was to determine the effect of preparation by ethyl alcohol and dry mounting on the change of weight caused by different way of individuals´ preparation. Two model species of water bugs were chosen for this study: creeping water bug Ilyocoris cimicoides (Naucoridae) and backswimmer Notonecta glauca (Notonectidae). Weight and twelve other morphometric body characters were measured in adults of both sexes of both species. All data and their differences were tested by Student's paired t-test or nonparametric Wilcoxon test. The level of significance p = 0,05 was used for the decision whether the difference before and after preservation by ethyl alcohol and dry mounting is or is not statistically significant. Both preservation by ethyl alcohol and dry mounting influence only the body weight of treated individuals. Other morphometric characters are more or less independent on the way of preservation of water bugs´ individuals in collections. In this work, we also tested the effect of the Dyar rule for the increase in weight and size between different developmental stages of both species studied. Dyar rule for the evolution of both species was not verified. This project was supported by the grant of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic No. P505/10/0096.
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Poka-yoke design of rubber rail for holding and transversal sealing of packages / Poka-yoke design av gummiskena för fasthållande och transversalt förseglande av förpackningar

Lilja, Erik January 2018 (has links)
This report is the result of a bachelor thesis project conducted as the final part of the education in Innovation technique and Design at Karlstad University. The project itself was carried out at Tetra Pak, Lund and consisted of re-designing a component used in packaging machines, with the purpose of making it fool proof in terms of assembly. The mis mounting of this component could lead to inferior sealing quality in packages produced and in worst case leakage and spoiled content. The issue of the mis mounting has been raised by several customers and Tetra Pak is looking for a solution to improve the mounting.   The methods used in this project are common in product development, such as the use of a design specification, generating solutions by various brainstorming methods and evaluating these concepts by different forms of matrices. In addition to common product development methods, other suiting methods such as CAT (Consensual assessment technique) has been used and theory in Poka-yoke solutions as well as Cognitive ergonomics has been studied. In the pre-studies, a rather wide study of different sources has been made to gather information on this technically advanced target component and converged them all by the principles of data triangulation. By involving user centred design theory, the entire methodology also extends to using the view of the users in all steps along the way. The resulting solution has been filed as a report of invention by Tetra Pak along with two other concepts which were deemed valuable for the company by the supervisor at Tetra Pak. This proposed concept is not only physically impossible to misplace, it also displays by colour marking how it is to be placed and reminds the assembler of the process by nearby instructions. The resulting CAD model shows this solution as technically fit for the machinery and a simple mock-up of the physical function of the solution shows how it would be impossible to mount incorrectly. The project resulted in 39 different concepts of various function, documented in an idea archive. This project has developed a proposed Poke-yoke solution which matches the product specification set by the company as well as two other solutions deemed of value by the company in terms of future use. The proposed use of the main solution shows potential in solving the issue at a reasonable expected cost while theoretically improving user cognition. The solution also requires very little physical change in the component and surrounding machinery, thus giving it great potential for retrofit ability.
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Robert Frank e a operação de montagem no campo do olhar

Jung, Ana Emillia 21 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:19:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 anaemilia.pdf: 11726982 bytes, checksum: d0cb6288e1da54b67001097c7c67229b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the Polaroids series photographer Robert Frank creates performed situations and manipulates the two-dimensional surface in a post-production condition, building images with uncertain borders where emptiness, words, pictorial gestures, appropriations and acts are highlighted. Emerging through mounting resources, these procedures question certain intrinsic references in the field of photography and image, allowing the recognition of a territory where both manufacture and operatory notions that state poetical basis are implied and contrasted, interrogate and disturb in relation to the look field. In the interlocution of art history and theory with psychoanalysis and philosophy, we find the possibility of troubling the procedures of this work in order to elaborate questions that resonate from it, without reducing its terms. In the first chapter, we investigate the potential of the foreigner language as a condition of the image, which is identified in both the photography and image fields, as extinguisher of borders and promoter of new proposition parameters. The unquiet Freudian strangeness articulated with infinite possibilities of artistic language opens a field to think the Polaroids series as image-happening. In the second chapter, we analyze the relation between the visible and what can be said from renitent aspects of the mounting operation along the series, such as the figural logic in dreams and reticulations, the relation between image and word, the repetition as difference and the gesture that re-signifies the instant of looking. In the third chapter, we study the projection of these plastic procedures in the visual field. From the process of determining the view of the artistic object, we reach the notion of irrepresentability as an encounter with the Real, and we conclude with the structure of the scopic field, which was formulated by Jacques Lacan and has its orientation in art theory developed by Georges Didi-Huberman, in which the look accomplishes the function of causing the subject in its desire / Na série Polaroids, o fotógrafo Robert Frank cria situações encenadas e manipula a superfície bidimensional em condição de pós-produção, construindo imagens com fronteiras imprecisas onde se destacam vazios, palavras, gestos pictóricos, apropriações e encenações. Emergindo por recursos de montagem, tais procedimentos colocam em questão certas referências intrínsecas ao campo da fotografia e da imagem permitindo reconhecer um território onde tanto a fatura como as noções operatórias que se afirmam como fundamento poético se implicam e se rebatem, interrogam e perturbam em relação ao campo do olhar. Na interlocução da história e teoria da arte com a psicanálise e a filosofia, encontramos a possibilidade de problematizar os procedimentos deste trabalho a fim de elaborar as questões que dele ressoam sem, entretanto, reduzir seus termos. No primeiro capítulo, investigamos o potencial de linguagem do estrangeiro como uma condição da imagem, que se identifica, tanto no campo fotográfico como imagético, como anulador de fronteiras e instaurador de novos parâmetros propositivos. A inquietante estranheza freudiana articulada com as infinitas possibilidades da linguagem artística abre campo para pensar a série Polaroids como imagem-acontecimento. No segundo capítulo, analisamos a relação entre o visível e o dizível a partir dos aspectos renitentes da operação de montagem ao longo da série, entre os quais, a lógica figural nos sonhos e na retícula, a relação entre imagem e palavra, a repetição como diferença e o gesto que re-significa o instante de ver. No terceiro capítulo, analisamos o rebatimento destes procedimentos plásticos no campo do visual. Do processo de instauração da visualidade do objeto artístico, alcançamos a noção de irrepresentável como encontro com o Real, e concluímos com a estrutura do campo escópico formulada por Jacques Lacan, e cuja orientação na teoria da arte é desenvolvida por Georges Didi- Huberman, onde o olhar cumpre a função de causar o sujeito em seu desejo
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