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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovení lineárních syntetických vonných látek v abiotických a biotických matricích / Determination of linear synthetic aromatic compounds in abiotic and biotic matrices

Tulková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Synthetic musk compounds are artificial organic compounds with a smell similar to the odor of a natural musk. The most recently discovered and also the least known group of artificial musks is linear musk compounds. These substances are now often used in cosmetics, personal care products, detergents and various cleaning products. They have leaked into all the major environment components, especially into the hydrosphere. There has been great attention drawn to synthetic musk compounds in the last few years because of their environmental impact. The aim of this thesis is to identify twelve linear musk compounds (linalool, 2-cyclohexylethanol, fresco menthe, citronellol, HSA, isobornyl acetate, arocet, aroflorone, allyl cyclohexyl propionate, lilial, isoamyl salicylate and hexylcinnamic aldehyde) in waste water samples. The samples were taken at three different waste water treatment plants (WWTP) in South Moravian region (WWTP Brno-Modřice, WWTP Luhačovice and WWTP Hodonín). Each of these treatment plants has a different equivalent number of inhabitants. At first, a working method was optimized, then applied on real waste water samples. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) technique was used for the extraction of analytes. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was then used for identification and quantificaton of the studied compounds.

Développement de techniques de séparation et de détection pour l’analyse des polluants organiques et organométalliques dans des échantillons environnementaux. / Development of separation and detection techniques to analyze organic and organometallic pollutants in environmental samples

Cavalheiro, Joana 28 October 2014 (has links)
La Directive Cadre sur l'Eau (DCE) (2000/60) a mis en place une liste de 33 substances prioritaires, avec des normes qualité de l'environnement (NQE) pour chaque substance, et leur concentration dans les milieux aquatiques qui ne doivent pas dépasser c es NQE. De plus, elle exige des performances analytiques spécifiques pour ces méthodes: la limite de quantification doit être au moins aussi basse que 30% des NQE et l'incertitude de la méthode au niveau de la NQE doit être inférieure à 50%, pour k = 2. Par conséquent, le défi analytique actuel est de mesurer de faibles concentrations de ces polluants dans les matrices parfois difficiles. Ceci peut être réalisé en améliorant la technique d'extraction utilisée pour obtenir un extrait de l'échantillon plus concentré et plus propre. Dans ce contexte, les trois méthodes d'analyse ont été mises au point pour déterminer les composés musqués, alkylphénoliques et organométalliques dans les matrices environnementales. Ces techniques d'extraction et de pré-concentration innovantes ont ensuite été appliquées pour l’évaluation de la présence de ces composés dans les stations d'épuration locales et dans les cours d'eau récepteurs. Enfin, les niveaux de concentrations de fond au niveau national ont été mises à jour pour les composés organométalliques. / The ambitious Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60) set up a list of 33 priority substances, with Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for each substance, and their concentration in aquatic environments should not go beyond the EQS. Additionally, it requires specific analytical method performances: the limit of quantification must be at least as low as 30 % of the EQS and the uncertainty of the method at the EQS level must be inferior to 50 %, for k=2. Therefore, the current analytical challenge is to measure low concentrations of these pollutants in sometimes difficult matrices. This can be achieved by improving the extraction technique used to obtain a more concentrated and cleaner sample extract. In this context, 3 analytical methods were developed to determine musk, alkylphenols and organometallic compounds in environmental matrices. Recent extraction and pre-concentration techniques were applied and later the occurrence of these compounds in the local WWTPs and in the receiving water bodies where they are discharged was evaluated. Additionally, updated French background concentrations were established for organometallic compounds.

Habitat selection, movement patterns, and demography of common musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) in southwestern Québec

Belleau, Pascale. January 2008 (has links)
I studied the common musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus) at the northern limit of its range at Norway Bay, Quebec, from April to October 2006. Common musk turtles are habitat specialists and are selective of their habitats at the study-area and home-range scales. Beaver ( Castor canadensis) lodges were preferred at the study-area scale. Common musk turtles also preferred beaver lodges, emergent wetlands, aquatic beds with floating and submerged vegetation as well as rocky shores at the home-range scale. At the location scale, common musk turtles chose shallower and cooler sites that contained more logs and submerged vegetation than the sites available at random. There was no significant effect of sex on habitat use at the location scale. There was no significant difference in mean daily movements between the sexes during the active season. However, sex and month probably interact together to influence the mean distance traveled daily by common musk turtles in Norway Bay. Males appeared to move more than females in May, July, and October. Females appeared to move more daily than males in August and September. Neither sex appeared to move more daily in June. However, our small sample size did not allow us to conduct a conclusive analysis. The mean home-range area was 23.9 ha and was not different between sexes. I estimated a density of 4.1 turtles/ha and a sex ratio of 1.7M: 1F. The population includes 59.6% males, 35.8% females, and 4.6% juveniles. Adults ranged from 77 mm to 133 mm in carapace length.

Ανάπτυξη νέων διαγνωστικών μεθόδων για τη βαριά μυασθένεια

Τράκας, Νικόλαος 23 July 2012 (has links)
Η βαριά μυασθένεια (Myasthenia Gravis, MG) είναι μια αυτοάνοση νόσος η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από διαταραχή στη νευροδιαβίβαση στο επίπεδο της νευρομυϊκής σύναψης. Η διάγνωση της MG βασίζεται στην κλινική συμπτωματολογία η οποία συνεπικουρείται από φαρμακολογικές, ηλεκτροφυσιολογικές και απεικονιστικές δοκιμασίες και επιβεβαιώνεται συνήθως από την ορολογική ανίχνευση αυτοαντισωμάτων έναντι συστατικών της νευρομυϊκής σύναψης. Οι σύγχρονες διαγνωστικές δοκιμασίες είναι συνήθως ικανές προς ανίχνευση της παρουσίας αντισωμάτων στο 85-90% περίπου των μυασθενών με γενικευμένη MG και στο 50% περίπου των ασθενών με οφθαλμική MG. Το κενό αυτό στη διάγνωση της MG δημιουργεί ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις που ελέγχονται επειδή ένα αρνητικό αποτέλεσμα (το οποίο είναι το συχνότερο αποτέλεσμα στη συνήθη εργαστηριακή διάγνωση της MG) αφήνει μία ασάφεια σχετικά με την ύπαρξη MG. Πράγματι, ακόμη και ένας πολύ χαμηλός τίτλος θα μπορούσε να είναι επαρκής για να εξηγήσει την παρουσία της μυασθένειας, δεδομένου ότι δεν έχει διαπιστωθεί σημαντική συσχέτιση μεταξύ του τίτλου των αντισωμάτων και της σοβαρότητας της νόσου στον πληθυσμό των ασθενών. Ως εκ τούτου, υπάρχει αυξανόμενη ανάγκη για την ανάπτυξη ιδιαίτερα ευαίσθητων διαγνωστικών μεθόδων, για την αναμφισβήτητη απόδειξη της νόσου. Η πλέον ευαίσθητη διαγνωστική δοκιμασία είναι η ραδιολογική ανοσοκαθίζηση (Radioimmunoprecipitation assay, RIPA) και ο πλέον σημαντικός περιοριστικός παράγων για την ανίχνευση χαμηλού τίτλου αντισωμάτων, είναι η αδυναμία χρήσης μεγάλου όγκου ορού (μέγιστο είναι ~5-20 μl), η οποία θα καθιστούσε αναγκαία την επακόλουθη χρήση υψηλού όγκου αντί-ορού και η οποία θα οδηγούσε σε υπερβολικά μεγάλα άνοσο-ιζήματα, τα οποία με τη σειρά τους συνδέονται με απαράδεκτα επίπεδα μη ειδικού θορύβου υπόβαθρου. Με την ανάπτυξη στην παρούσα μελέτη της RIPA δύο-σταδίων ξεπεράσθηκαν σε μεγάλο βαθμό τα προβλήματα αυτά. Η δοκιμασία αυτή βασίζεται στην ακινητοποίηση του αντιγόνου-στόχου σε ένα αδιάλυτο υπόστρωμα, ακολουθούμενη από την επώαση με μεγάλους όγκους (π.χ. 0,1-1ml) του προς εξέταση ορού και την επακόλουθη απελευθέρωση των προσδεμένων αντισωμάτων με μικρό όγκο διαλύματος χαμηλού pH, τα οποία στη συνέχεια ανιχνεύονται και τιτλοδοτούνται με απλή RIPA με τη χρήση 125I-σημασμένων αντιγόνων. Δηλαδή χρησιμοποιήθηκε η αρχή του καθαρισμού με χρωματογραφία συγγένειας με όχι αυστηρό αλλά με απλό και εύκολο τρόπο, προκειμένου να εμπλουτισθεί ο ορός σε μεγάλο βαθμό στα ειδικά για το αντιγόνο αντισώματα πριν από τον προσδιορισμό και την τιτλοποίηση τους με τις συνήθεις ανοσολογικές δοκιμασίες. Έγινε προσπάθεια ανάπτυξης της προσέγγισης αυτής για την ανίχνευση αντισωμάτων έναντι του AChR και έναντι της MuSK. Έγιναν πολλές προσπάθειες για την εφαρμογή της για την ανίχνευση αντί-AChR αυτοαντισωμάτων. Σημειώθηκε μεγάλη πρόοδος, αλλά απαιτούνται επιπρόσθετες βελτιώσεις για την εφαρμογή της στην διάγνωση ρουτίνας. Για την ανίχνευση των αντί-MuSK αυτοαντισωμάτων με την προσέγγιση αυτή επετεύχθη σημαντικότερη βελτίωση. Η παρούσα συστηματική προσέγγιση απεδείχθη τουλάχιστον 20-50 φορές περισσότερο ευαίσθητη από την κλασική RIPA. Όλοι οι οροί οι οποίοι είχαν χαρακτηρισθεί προηγουμένως ως θετικοί ή αρνητικοί με την κλασική RIPA βρέθηκαν όπως αναμενόταν επίσης θετικοί ή αρνητικοί αντίστοιχα. Επιπλέον όμως μερικοί εκ των ορών οι οποίοι στο παρελθόν είχαν χαρακτηρισθεί ως αμφίβολοι βρέθηκαν σαφώς θετικοί, ή μερικοί άλλοι οι οποίοι είχαν χαρακτηρισθεί ως αρνητικοί αλλά παρουσίαζαν τίτλους ελαφρά υψηλότερους του μηδενός, αλλά όχι στατιστικά σημαντικούς ώστε να αξιολογηθούν ως υψηλότεροι του υπόβαθρου, βρέθηκαν θετικοί, ενώ άλλοι εξακολουθούν να παραμένουν αρνητικοί. Η δοκιμασία που αναπτύξαμε ήταν αρχικά περισσότερο επίπονη από ότι η κλασική RIPA, αλλά με την ανάπτυξη σημαντικών βελτιώσεων, η διαδικασία αυτή έχει απλουστευθεί ώστε να είναι δυνατός ο ταυτόχρονος έλεγχος μεγάλου όγκου (0,1-1 ml) πολλαπλών δειγμάτων ορών και έχει καταστεί δυνατή η χρήση της στην καθημερινή διάγνωση. Η βελτιωμένη αυτή μέθοδος εφαρμόζεται σήμερα για την ανίχνευση αντί-MuSK αντισωμάτων και αποσκοπεί στην ανίχνευση πολύ μικρών ποσοτήτων αυτοαντισωμάτων στον ορό των μυασθενικών οι οποίοι έχουν χαρακτηρισθεί ως οροαρνητικοί ή αμφίβολοι. / Myasthenia Gravis (MG), is an autoimmune disease, characterized by impairment in neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction level. The diagnosis of MG is based on clinical symptomatology, assisted by pharmacological, electrophysiological and imaging tests and is usually confirmed by serological detection of autoantibodies to components of the neuromuscular junction. The available diagnostic tests are usually able to detect the presence of antibodies in 85-90% of myasthenic patients with generalized MG and 50% of patients with ocular MG. This gap in the diagnosis of MG creates a major problem in most cases during diagnosis because a negative result (which is the most common result in ordinary laboratory diagnosis of MG) leaves an ambiguity regarding the existence of MG. Even a very low titer of specific antibodies, would be sufficient to explain the presence of myasthenia, since there has been no significant correlation between the titer of antibodies and the severity of disease among patients. Therefore, there is increasing need for the development of highly sensitive diagnostic methods for the unambiguous confirmation of the disease. The most sensitive diagnostic test so far, is the radiological immunoprecipitation assay (Radioimmunoprecipitation, RIPA) and the most important limiting factor for detecting low antibody titer, is the inability to use large volumes of serum (maximum is ~ 5- 20 ml), which would require the subsequent use of high-volume of anti-serum, which will result in excessively large immuno-sediments, which in turn are associated with unacceptable levels of nonspecific background values. With the development of two-step RIPA assay in this study we have largely overcome these problems. This test is based on the immobilization of target antigen to an insoluble substrate, followed by incubation with large volume (eg 0,1-1ml) of the test serum and release of bound antibodies with small volume of low pH solution, which are then detected and titrated with simple RIPA using 125I-labeled antigens. We used the principle of enrichment of serum to a large extent in antigen-specific antibodies by affinity purification with no strict but simple and easy way, before the final identification and titration of specific antibodies with standard immunoassays. We attempted the development of this approach in order to detect antibodies against AChR and MuSK. Numerous efforts have been made to implement this method in order to detect AChR autoantibodies, but although there was substantial progress, additional improvements are required for its application in routine diagnosis. With this approach we achieved significant improvement for detection of anti- MuSK autoantibodies. This systematic approach was proved to be at least 20-50 times more sensitive than classical RIPA. All sera which were previously classified as positive or negative with standard RIPA were also positive and negative respectively, as expected. In addition some of the sera which were previously classified as ambiguous were clearly positive and some others who were classified as negative but were slightly higher than zero, but not statistically significant so as to assess them as higher than the background, were positive, while others still remain negative. This newly developed test was originally more laborious than the classical RIPA, but with the development of significant improvements, the process has been simplified and allows the simultaneous testing of large volumes (0,1-1 ml) of multiple serum samples and its use has been made possible in everyday diagnosis. This improved method is currently applied to detect anti-MuSK antibodies and is designed to detect very small amounts of autoantibodies in the serum of myasthenic patients who are classified as seronegative or ambiguous.

Habitat selection, movement patterns, and demography of common musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) in southwestern Québec

Belleau, Pascale. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Rôle des protéines Wnt et de leurs voies de signalisation associées dans la formation de la jonction neuromusculaire / Role of Wnt proteins and signaling pathways in neuromuscular junction formation

Messéant, Julien 27 November 2014 (has links)
La formation de la jonction neuromusculaire des vertébrés (JNM), une synapse cholinergique périphérique entre les motoneurones et les fibres musculaires squelettiques repose sur la reconnaissance et l’apposition précise des motoneurones présynaptiques sur leurs cibles musculaires postsynaptiques. Les données de la littérature montrent que les morphogènes Wnt agissent comme des régulateurs clés de la formation de la JNM. Cependant, l'identité précise des Wnts, leur collaboration et les mécanismes moléculaires de la signalisation Wnt régissant la formation de la JNM restent encore incompris. A la JNM, la transduction du signal Wnt s’effectue par l'intermédiaire de l’interaction des Wnt soit avec le complexe formé par le récepteur tyrosine kinase MuSK et la lipoprotéine Lrp4 ou les récepteurs classiques Frizzled (Fzd). Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié les mécanismes moléculaires de la formation de la JNM médiés par les Wnts. Nous avons montré que Wnt4 et Wn11 sont nécessaires pour l’étape indépendante du nerf de prepatterning musculaire, caractérisée par l’agrégation des récepteurs de l’acétylcholine (RACh) dans des domaines discrets de la surface du muscle où la future synapse va se former, via l'activation différentielle des voies canonique et polarité cellulaire planaire (PCP). De plus, Fzd3 et Vangl2, deux composantes essentielles de la voie PCP, sont accumulées à la JNM et sont impliquées distinctement dans la formation de la JNM, Fzd3 étant nécessaire à la croissance des axones moteurs alors que Vangl2 joue un rôle dans l’agrégation du RACh et la restriction de la croissance des axones moteurs une fois leur cible musculaire atteinte. Pour étudier le rôle fonctionnel de l'interaction Wnt/MuSK, nous avons généré une souris transgénique délétée du domaine de liaison de MuSK aux Wnts (CRD, domaine riche en cystéines). Nous avons démontré que l'absence du CRD de MuSK affecte la formation de la JNM dès l’étape deprepatterning jusqu’à la maintenance de la JNM chez l’adulte, aboutissant à un phénotype pathogène. De plus, nous avons montré que le lithium, un inhibiteur réversible de la glycogène synthase kinase-3 restaure les défauts de formation de la JNM chez les embryons mutants et pourrait constituer un nouveau réactif thérapeutique pour le traitement des maladies neuromusculaires liées à une déficience de la voie de signalisation Wnt/MuSK. / Formation of the vertebrate neuromuscular junction (NMJ), a peripheral cholinergic synapse between motoneurons and skeletal muscle fibers relies on the accurate recognition and apposition of presynaptic motoneurons on postsynaptic muscle target. Recently, a growing body of evidence indicates that Wnt morphogens act as key regulators of NMJ formation. Yet, the specific Wnts identity, their collaborative function and the downstream molecular mechanisms of Wnt signaling regulating NMJ formation still remain elusive. At the NMJ, Wnt ligands transduce their signal through interaction of either the receptor complex formed by the muscle specific tyrosine kinase MuSK and the low density lipoprotein (Lrp) Lrp4 or the classical frizzled receptors. In this thesis, we have investigated the molecular mechanisms of Wnt-induced NMJ formation. We found that both Wnt4 and Wn11 are required for the nerve-independent muscle prepatterning step, characterized by acetylcholine receptor (AChR) aggregation in discrete domains of the muscle surface where the synapse will form, via differential activation of either canonical and/or planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways. Moreover, Fzd3 and Vangl2, two core components of the PCP pathway, are accumulated at the developing NMJ and play distinct roles in NMJ formation, with Fz3 required for motor axon growth and Vangl2 involved in AChR clustering and motor axon growth restriction within the target field. To further study the functional role of Wnt/MuSK interaction, we generated a transgenic mice deleted from MuSK Wnt binding domain (CRD, cysteine rich domain). We demonstrated that the absence of MuSK CRD affected NMJ formation from the prepatterning step to NMJ maintenance in adult leading to a pathogenic phenotype. Moreover, we found that lithium, a reversible inhibitor of the glycogen synthase kinase-3 fully rescued NMJ defects in mutant embryos and therefore may constitutes a novel therapeutic reagent for the treatment of neuromuscular disorders linked to Wnt/MuSK signaling pathway deficiency.

Stanovení musk sloučenin v biotických matricích / Determination of musk compounds in biotic matrices

Soukupová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with actual issues of the contamination in the environment with synthetic fragrances. Musk compounds are infiltrated to many environmental components (especially an aquatic ecosystem) because of their biological persistence and the ability of accumulation. This diploma thesis is focused on the selection and the optimization of method for the determination of musk compounds in real biotic matrices (fish). The isolation of analytes was realized by PSE method and the purification of extract was realized by the method of the adsorption column chromatography. Identification and quantification of individual musk compounds was carried out by GC-MS. In conclusion were results and the contamination of fish from the river Svratka disscissed and evaluated. These fish were caught at the inflow and at the outflow of the wastewater treatment plant.

Kontaminace životního prostředí musk sloučeninami / Contamination of environment of musk compounds

Tobková, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Synthetic musk compounds are artificial organic substances commonly used as fragrant constituents of personal care products as parfums, cosmetics, detergents, in-house cleaning and washing agents. Given their large area of applications and their ability to be persistent, they leaked into all parts of ecosystem, especially aquatic one. There have been a big focus on studiyng these compounds, their properties and fate in the different parts of ecosystems in the last years. The aim of master's thesis was carry out the determination of five representatives (habanolide, exaltolide, ambrettolide, musk MC4 and ethylene brassylate) of macrocyclic musk compounds in waste water samples from influent and effluent of three water treatment plants (WWTP Brno-Modřice, WWTP Lednice and WWTP Mikulov). One of the main tasks was to perform a method optimisation for the determination of selected musk compounds in waste water and evaluation and interpretation of the results. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique was used for the extraction of analytes, consequently gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used for analysis of selected analytes. Following evaluation the removal efficiency of musk compounds in the waste water treatment plant was assessed.

Studium průniku „musk“ sloučenin do abiotických a biotických složek vodních ekosystémů / Study of Transfer of Musk Compounds in Abiotic and Biotic Components of Aquatic Ecosystems

Zouhar, Libor January 2013 (has links)
This work was focused on the determination of musk compounds in various components of the environment. Synthetic musk compounds are organic substances commonly used as fragrant constituents of detergents, perfumes, cosmetics and other personal care products (PCPs). These compounds contaminate the aquatic environment through municipal wastewater from sewage treatment plants. The result is accumulation of these analytes in the environment and their occurrence in food chain. Synthetic fragrances are commonly detected also in human body; these substances generally belong among relatively new persistent organic pollutants (POPs) because of their persistence, bioaccumulation, and potential toxicity. The aim of this work was to optimize the methods for the determination of selected synthetic fragrances in wastewater (municipal, industrial) and in fish muscle. These analytes were determined in wastewater [the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) Brno – Modřice, cosmetic manufacturing plant] and in fish Squalius cephalus that had been caught in the river Svratka. The selected analytes (14 substances) originate from the group of nitromusk, polycyclic musk and linear musk compounds. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) [for wastewater samples] and pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) [for fish samples] were used for isolation of analytes from real samples. The identification and quantification of analytes were carried out by high resolution gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry detection (GC-MS). The results show that galaxolide (g.L-1) and tonalide (tenths of g.L-1) were polycyclic musk compounds which were found at the highest concentration level in influent and also in effluent samples from the WWTP Brno – Modřice. The most extended nitromusk compound was musk ketone (hundredths of g.L-1). Linear musk compounds were detected in all influent samples (g.L-1). The overall removal efficiency of synthetic musk compounds from wastewater in the WWTP varies within the following ranges: nitromusk compounds 34.4 % – 85.4 %, polycyclic musk compounds 36.7 % – 53.3 % and linear musk compounds 90.5 % – 99.9 %. On the basis of the results it can be stated that wastewater (effluent from the WWTP) is the primary source of musk compounds, especially of the polycyclic ones in the environment. It has been also shown that ultrafiltration used in a cosmetic plant is a highly efficient technology for removing nitromusk and polycyclic musk compounds from industry wastewater. The results from evaluation of the fish contamination by musk compounds show that galaxolide was the substance which reached the highest concentration levels (tens of g.kg-1 l.w.). The results corroborate ubiquitous occurrence of musk compounds in the environment and reduction of using of nitromusk compounds due to their potential toxic properties. It has been shown that the insufficiency of the purifying procedures used in the WWTP Brno – Modřice has a significant influence on the concentration level of polycyclic musk compounds (tonalide, galaxolide) in fish caught from the river Svratka.

Potential mechanisms in MuSK-myasthenia gravis

Koneczny, Inga January 2014 (has links)
Autoimmunity is a failure to tolerate circulating or cell surface expressed self antigens,leading to activation of the immune system and attack of self tissues. Muscle-specific kinase (MuSK) myasthenia gravis (MG) is a disease caused by antibodies to MuSK and hallmarked by fatigable muscle weakness. MuSK is a tyrosine kinase that interacts with low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4 (LRP4), resulting in maintenance of the high density of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) at the neuromuscular junction; this high density is essential for efficient transmission of signals from nerve to muscle, and MuSK antibodies impair this transmission. MuSK antibodies are predominantly IgG4, a subclass that does not induce immunological damage. Thus how these antibodies cause neuromuscular junction dysfunction is not clear. Potential mechanisms of the MuSK antibodies were explored in in vitro experiments. Plasmas from fourteen MuSK-MG patients were studied. IgG antibodies and IgG subclass profiles were measured with flow cytometry. Total IgG, Fabs, IgG4 and IgG1-3 subclass antibodies were prepared and purified; these were used to investigate the effects on MuSK surface expression, binding of LRP4 to MuSK, and agrin-LRP4-MuSK-induced AChR clustering in C2C12 mouse myotubes. No evidence for MuSK endocytosis by MuSK IgG, IgG1-3 or IgG4 antibodies was found. The predominant IgG4 subclass, and the monovalent IgG Fabs, blocked binding between LRP4 and MuSK but both IgG4 and IgG1-3 subclass antibodies were equally able to disperse pre-formed and newly-induced AChR clusters in C2C12 myotubes. The block of LRP4-MuSK interaction by IgG4 antibodies is likely to be a major pathogenic mechanism in MuSK-MG, which may lead to disrupted signal transduction, reduced AChR aggregation and neuromuscular transmission failure at the neuromuscular junction. In addition, MuSK IgG1-3, until now described as nonpathogenic, may also contribute to the reduced AChR density and neuromuscular dysfunction in MuSK-MG. These results provide new evidence concerning the pathogenic antibodies and their mechanisms in MuSK-MG.

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