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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Durabilidade de pastas de cimento contendo a rede polimérica Epoxy-Etilenodiamina : avaliações em ambientes aquosos quimicamente agressivos / Durability of cement slurries containing epoxyethylenediamine polymeric network : evaluations in aggressive chemically aqueous environments

Santos, Danilo Oliveira 17 October 2017 (has links)
Cement slurries are used in oil wells to isolate the production area from the rock formation. An important property of these materials is their durability. Due to the interactions of the cement slurries with aggressive media in the oil wells, the durability can be threatened or lost. Cement slurries modified with polymers are promising materials candidates for cementing oil wells. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate new materials in hostile environments. In this work, new cement slurries were prepared with the Epoxy resin and the ethylenediamine hardener in two different media: distilled water and sea water. The new slurries were tested for their mechanical properties and characterized before and after interaction with the following media: production water, hydrochloric acid solution and mud acid solution. After 365 days of contact with the production water, the modified slurries showed greater chemical and mechanical resistance compared to the slurries without the polymer network (Standard slurries). Moreover, for the modified slurries after contact with the production water, a decrease of 9% in the compressive strength occurred, whereas for the slurries without the polymer network, the reduction reached 40%. Kinetic studies, chemical and thermodynamic equilibrium were carried out in the investigation of the interaction of the cement slurries with the solutions of HCl and mud acid. The results have suggested that the interactions between the modified slurries and the acid media are due to surface reactions with preservation of the hydrated compounds of the cement, causing a mass loss around 25%. For the standard slurries, the mechanism is predominantly diffusion, with structural deterioration of these slurries and mass loss of approximately 46%. Thus, the modified slurries with the polymer network Epoxy-EDA presented good characteristics to be used in the oil well procedures. / Pastas de cimento são utilizadas em poços de petróleo para isolar a zona de produção da formação rochosa. Uma propriedade importante desses materiais é sua durabilidade. Devido suas interações com meios agressivos, essa propriedade pode ser ameaçada ou perdida. Pastas de cimento modificadas com polímeros são materiais promissores candidatos à cimentação de poços de petróleo. Assim, é necessário avaliar novos materiais em meios hostis. Neste trabalho, novas pastas de cimento foram preparadas com a resina Epoxy e o endurecedor Etilenodiamina em dois meios distintos: água destilada e água do mar. As novas pastas foram testadas em relação às suas propriedades mecânicas e caracterizadas antes e após a interação com os seguintes meios: água de produção, solução de ácido clorídrico e solução de mud acid. Após 365 dias de contato com a água de produção, as pastas modificadas apresentaram maior resistência química em comparação com as pastas sem a rede polimérica (pastas padrão). Além disso, para as pastas modificadas após o contato com a água de produção, ocorreu uma diminuição de 9% na resistência à compressão, já para as pastas sem a rede polimérica, a redução atingiu 40%. Estudos cinéticos, equilíbrio químico e termodinâmico foram realizados na investigação da interação das pastas de cimento com as soluções de HCl e mud acid. Os resultaram sugerem que as interações entre as pastas modificadas e os meios ácidos são devido a reações superficiais com preservação dos compostos hidratados do cimento, ocasionando uma perda de massa em torno de 25%. Para as pastas padrão, o mecanismo é predominantemente por difusão, com deterioração estrutural dessas pastas e perda de massa de aproximadamente de 46%. Desta forma, as pastas modificadas com a rede polimérica Epoxy-EDA apresentaram boas características para serem utilizadas em ambientes subterrâneos dos poços de petróleo. / São Cristóvão, SE

On the hydro-mechanical behavior of ancient railway flatforms in term of reinforcement by soil-mixing

Duong, Trong Vinh, Duong, Trong Vinh 25 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The present work deals with the behavior of ancient railway sub-structure in France. A statistical study was firstly undertaken on problems occurred in the whole ancient French railway network. The analysis evidenced the particular importance of sub-grade quality for the performance of the sub-structure and the track geometry. Afterwards, an ancient railway line in the West of France was investigated. The analysis showed that the degradation speed of this line was correlated with different parameters such as the nature of sub-grades and the thickness of different layers. An increase trend of degradation speed with the increase in interlayer thickness was identified. The interlayer has a positive impact since it reduces the train-induced stress applied to the sub-grade. The hydro-mechanical behavior of interlayer soil under different conditions (water content, fines content, stress, number of cycles) was investigated. A set of triaxial tests and infiltration tests were performed for this purpose. By analyzing the shear strength properties, the permanent axial strain and the resilient modulus of interlayer soil, we found that the water content and the fines content must be considered together. Adding more fines into the interlayer presents a positive impact under unsaturated conditions thanks to the suction effect, but a negative impact under saturated conditions. The infiltration column tests with drying/wetting cycles showed that the hydraulic conductivity of interlayer soil is governed by fines fraction but did not change significantly with fines content. In order to study the mechanism of interlayer creation and mud pumping, a physical model of 550 mm inner diameter was developed. Soil samples representing the ancient French railway substructure with a ballast layer overlying an artificial silt layer (mixture of crushed sand and kaolin were tested. The effects of monotonic and cyclic loadings, water content and dry unit mass of sub-soil were investigated. It was found that the pore water pressure developed in the sub-soil and the sub-soil stiffness are the key factors for the migration of fine particles or the creation of interlayer/mud pumping. Water is the necessary condition, but it is the soil compressibility that governs the phenomenon to occur

Etudes pétrographique et géochimique des échappements de fluides du Bassin de la Côte Est de l’île nord de Nouvelle-Zélande et modélisation de la lithosphère / Petrographical and geochemical studies of fluid vents from the East Coast Basin of the north island of New Zealand and modeling of the lithosphere

Sabin, Mikael 12 November 2012 (has links)
En 2004 et 2007, neuf structures d'échappements de fluides (SEF), constituées de volcans de boue (VdB), d'évents de gaz (GS, gas seeps en anglais) et/ou de sources, ont été échantillonnées dans la partie émergée du Bassin de la Côte Est (BCE) de l'île nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande.L'étude granulométrique indique que la boue émise par les VdB, les roches encaissantes et les niveaux de décollement voisins sont composés d'argiles et de silts en majorité. L'étude de la fraction argileuse et de la roche totale par diffraction des rayons X (DRX) a révélé de nombreuses similitudes. Les volcans de boue, les roches encaissantes et les niveaux de décollement présentent ainsi le même assemblage minéralogique, à savoir smectite, illite, chlorite, kaolinite, quartz et feldspaths. Les proportions sont variables d'un échantillon à un autre mais le couple smectite-illite est toujours majoritaire.L'étude géochimique de la fraction solide indique que les échantillons sont riches en Si02, pauvres en Fe2O3, MgO, MnO et en alcalins, à quelques exceptions près. La composition en éléments majeurs s'organise entre un pôle argileux alcalin et un pôle carbonaté. Les spectres de terres rares sont similaires et caractéristiques des argiles ; Ils présentent également un faible degré de fractionnement, lié à la formation des carbonates. Ce sont donc les mêmes minéraux qui contrôlent la chimie des échantillons.L'étude géochimique de la phase liquide montre que l'eau impliquée dans les volcans de boue est d'origine marine essentiellement, et des réactions eau/roche similaires, notamment l'altération de smectite en illite. Cette étude a permis aussi d'obtenir une estimation de la température d'équilibre, comprise entre 60 et 110°C, impliquant une profondeur d'origine de 2 à 3 km, voire plus.L'étude géophysique indique qu'à l'aplomb des VdB et des deux sources chaudes étudiés, la croûte continentale a sensiblement la même épaisseur et que la profondeur de la croûte océanique en subduction avoisine les 20 km. A cette profondeur, la fusion de la péridotite n'est pas possible et la fusion résultante de la croûte continentale, responsable du volcanisme d'arc, non plus. Le gradient géothermique mesuré à TePuia est donc influencé par un autre phénomène, mais la modélisation de la lithosphère ne nous a pas permis de trouver lequel.Ces différentes études mettent en évidence des caractéristiques géochimiques, pétrographiques et minéralogiques communes aux volcans de boue de Nouvelle-Zélande. Les fluides impliqués dans ces structures proviendraient donc d'un même niveau source, recouvert du même assemblage sédimentaire. L'étude géophysique ne nous apporte aucune information à ce sujet mais permet cependant d'établir avec certitude que le régime thermique est le même du Nord de Hawke's Bay au Sud du BCE ; la région de TePuia est un cas particulier, peut-être influencée par le complexe volcanique de Matakaoa. / In 2004 and 2007, nine areas of fluids escapes structures (FES) with mud volcanoes (MVs), gas seeps (GSs) and springs, were sampled in the East Coast Basin (ECB) emerged part of New Zealand's north island.The grain size study indicates that the mud emitted by MVs, like surrounding rocks and decollement layers in the vicinity, is mainly composed of clays and silts. Clay fraction and whole rock XRD study revealed many similarities. Mud volcanoes, surrounding rocks and decollement layers have exactly the same mineral assemblage, i.e. smectite/illite, chlorite, kaolinite, quartz and feldspars. The proportions vary from one sample to another but the couple smectite/illite is always majority.The geochemical study of the solid fraction indicates that the samples are rich in Si02, low in Fe2O3, MgO, MnO and alkaline, with a few exceptions. The major element composition is organized between a pole and a pole clay alkaline carbonate. The REE patterns are similar and characteristics of clays They also have a low degree of fractionation, due to the formation of carbonates. So these are the same minerals that control the chemistry of samples.The liquid phase geochemical study shows that water involved in the MVs is mainly of marine origin, that water/rock reactions are similar, including weathering of illite in smectite, allowed us to obtain an estimate of the water equilibrium temperature between 60 and 110°C, implying an origin depth of 2-3 km.The geophysical study indicates that directly above the MVs and the two hot springs studied, the continental crust has substantially the same thickness and the depth of the subducting oceanic crust is around 20 km. At this depth, the melting of the peridotite is not possible and the resulting fusion of continental crust, responsible of arc volcanism, neither. The geothermal gradient measured at TePuia is influenced by another phenomenon, but the modeling of the lithosphere does not allow us to find which one.These studies show geochemical, petrographical and mineralogical characteristics common to mud volcanoes in New Zealand. Fluids involved in these structures therefore come from the same parent bed, covered with the same sedimentary package. The geophysical study gives us no information about it but nevertheless allows us to establish with certainty that the thermal regime is the same from Northern Hawke's Bay to the south of the ECB; TePuia region is a special case, perhaps influenced by the Matakaoa volcanic complex.

Dynamique morpho-sédimentaire d’un littoral sous influence amazonienne : Impact des forçages hydrosédimentaires sur la migration des bancs de vase et la mangrove côtière : Le cas de la Guyane française / Morpho-sedimentary dynamic of coasts under Amazonian's influence : impact of hydro-meteorological forcing on mud banks migration and coastal mangrove : the case study of French Guyana

Gensac, Erwan 19 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d'améliorer la compréhension des interconnexions entre les processus hydro-sédimentaires et l'évolution morphologique du littoral guyanais, formés à partir des énormes apports sédimentaires amazoniens. Elle s'appuie sur trois échelles spatiales : la côte des Guyanes, le banc de vase et la vasière. L'amortissement des houles à la côte ainsi que les processus de migration des bancs ont été étudiée à l'échelle de la côte des Guyanes. Ce travail apporte une vision structurelle des zones subtidales des bancs et met aussi en évidence les différents processus et forçages (houle, courant) responsables du transport sédimentaire, en fonction de la bathymétrie (> 5 m et < 5 m). L'évolution morphologique du banc de Kourou et des surfaces de mangrove côtières associées, ont aussi été étudiées. Un lien a ainsi été exposé entre, l'implantation des palétuviers, les régimes de courant et la topographie de la vasière. Cette relation a permis d'aborder l'aspect prédictif de l'expansion des surfaces de mangrove côtière. À l'échelle de la vasière, les zones intertidales sont divisibles en deux secteurs géographiques avec des dynamiques sédimentaires bien distinctes : le front de mer et les zones internes. La morphologie des vasières est abordée, tout comme les processus sédimentaires ayant lieu au niveau de la zone interne. Une méthode de reconstitution des apports sédimentaires de la zone interne est aussi proposée. Cette étude souligne l'importance des interactions entre les sédiments cohésifs et la houle, qui modèlent la morphologie du littoral. Les influences des forçages hydrométéorologiques sur la morphodynamique des bancs de vase et l'évolution du trit de côte sont soumises à discussion. / The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge of the interconnections between hydro-sedimentary processes and Guianese's coastal morphology evolution, formed by the sedimentary Amazon discharge. This subject follows three spatial scales : the Guianese's Coast, the mud bank and the mudflat. Coastal waves damping by mud and migration process have been studied at the Guianese's Coastal scale. This study also gives a structural vision of subtidal part of banks and highlights the various processes and hydrodynamics conditions needed for sedimentary transport, for two bathymetric areas (> 5 m and < 5 m depth). The morphological evolution of Kourou's mud bank and the associated surfaces of coastal mangrove are also analysed. A link between mangrove colonisation, currents and the mudflat topography is highlighted. This relation allows a discussion about predictive aspect of the mud banks colonisation by mangrove. At the mudflat scale, intertidal part is divided in two areas with different sedimentary dynamic processes : sea front and internals zones. The morphologycal structure and the sedimentary processes of internals zones are analysed. An historical reconstitution method of sedimentary supplies is also proposed. This study underlines morphological coastal changes sensitivity to hydro meteorological forcing and interactions between cohesive sediment and swells which seems to lead the morphological coastal evolution.

Caracterização da cunha sedimentar da Ilha de São Sebastião, São Paulo / Characterization of the sedimentary wedge off Sao Sebastiao Island, Sao Paulo

Silva, Ivo Vieira da 29 August 2016 (has links)
A Ilha de São Sebastião, localizada no Embaiamento de São Paulo, representa a fronteira entre a plataforma ao sul, coberta predominantemente por sedimentos lamosos derivados da pluma de água do Rio da Prata, e a plataforma ao norte, onde a distribuição de sedimentos provém de múltiplas fontes e com granulometria variável. O ressurgimento gerado pelas dinâmicas de massas de água, através do avanço e retração da Água Central do Atlântico Sul, aporta quantidade considerável de sedimentos para a plataforma interna, que então são transportados devido aos regimes oceanográficos atuantes, com correntes que alternam sazonalmente e que fluem em resposta à direção dominante dos ventos. A interação entre estes sedimentos e a complexa fisiografia da costa da Ilha de São Sebastião possibilita a deposição de um depósito sedimentar em forma de cunha de escala quilométrica, identificado pela primeira vez durante o cruzeiro oceanográfico NAP-Geosedex, em 2013, a bordo do NOc. Alpha Crucis. A análise de dados sísmicos coletados com quatro tipos de fontes diferentes ao longo de três cruzeiros oceanográficos, aliada a resultados ainda não publicados de datação e taxa de sedimentação de um testemunho sedimentar de 4 m de comprimento, permitiram a proposição de um modelo genético e evolutivo para a cunha sedimentar. Ademais, propõe-se a inserção da cunha no contexto global de depósitos progradantes de sedimentos fluviais da plataforma interna, segundo as nomenclaturas Cunha Progradante Infralitoral (Infralitoral Prograding Wedge - IPW) e Depocentros Lamosos (Mud Depocenters- MDCs). O depósito é formado por uma unidade inferior transgressiva (TST- Unidade U1) subjacente a um depósito característico de nível de mar alto (TSNA), formado, por sua vez, por três unidades (U2, U3 e U4), que exibem padrões progradantes e agradacionais. De acordo com a análise do testemunho, as idades da base das unidades superiores U3 e U4 datam de 1484 e 422 anos, respectivamente, sendo estimada uma idade de 6520 anos para o início da deposição do TSNA, o que ocorreu ao final da subida do nível do mar após o Último Máximo Glacial. As características de idade e de estrutura interna da cunha sedimentar possibilitam concluir que se trata de um depósito misto, com características tanto de IPWs como de MDCs. / The Sao Sebastião Island, located in the Bight of São Paulo, is the boundary between the continental shelf to the south, covered by muddy sediments mainly derived from the La Plata River\'s water plume, and the shelf to the north, where the sediment distribution comes from multiple sources and is variable in grain size. The upwelling generated by the water masses dynamics through the advance and retreat of the South Atlantic Central Water, carries considerable amount of sediment to the inner shelf, which are then transported due to active oceanographic regimes, with seasonally alternating current that flows in response to the prevailing wind direction. The interaction between these sediments and the complex physiography of the coast of São Sebastião Island enables the deposition of a sedimentary deposit in the form of a kilometric scale wedge, first identified during the oceanographic cruise NAP-Geosedex in 2013, aboard the R/V Alpha Crucis. The analysis of seismic data collected from four different sources over three oceanographic cruises, combined with results of dating and sedimentation rate of a 4 m long core, allowed the proposition of a genetic and evolutionary model for the sedimentary wedge. Furthermore, it is proposed the wedge insertion in the global context of progradational deposits of river sediments in the inner shelf, according to the terms Infralittoral Prograding Wedge (IPW) and Mud Depocenters (MDCs). The deposit is composed by a lower transgressive unit (TST - Unit U1) underlying a characteristic deposit of highstand sea level (HST), which comprises three units (U2, U3 and U4). These HST units exhibit a progradational and agradational patterns. According to the sediment core analysis, the ages of the base of the two topmost units U3 and U4 dating from 1484 and 422 years B.P., respectively. The estimated age of the onset of deposition of the HST is 6520 years B.P., which occurred at the end of the sea level rise after the Last Glacial Maximum transgression. The age and the internal structure of the sedimentary wedge allow the conclusion that it is a mixed deposit, which has characteristics of both IPWs and MDCs.

Estudo do comportamento mecânico de misturas de resíduo da fabricação de papel e solo para utilização na construção rodoviária / Study of the mechanical behavior of paper mill wastes and soil mixtures for their utilization in road construction

Chávez Molina, Carlos Ernesto 25 June 2004 (has links)
O resíduo sólido estudado na presente pesquisa e decorrente da associação de lama de calcário e dregs (expressão muito utilizada na indústria do papel, inclusive no Brasil, que poderia ser traduzida como \'borra\'), materiais gerados na fabricação de papel. Tradicionalmente, este resíduo é depositado em aterros sanitários ou em áreas controladas. No entanto, a disponibilidade de espaços adequados para a disposição é pequena, e a conservação dos mesmos é muito dispendiosa, visto que apresentam riscos de contaminação para o ambiente e fauna circundantes. Assim, este tipo de solução não é mais visto como viável a longo prazo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal determinar, a partir de ensaios de laboratório, o comportamento mecânico de misturas constituídas com solos e o resíduo em destaque, visando a sua utilização na construção rodoviária. Foram compactados corpos-de-prova com e sem adição de resíduo na energia normal do Proctor, variando-se o tipo de solo, o teor de cal e o tempo de cura, e posteriormente foram submetidos a ensaios de compressão simples, compressão diametral e índice de suporte Califórnia. Complementarmente, foram realizados ensaios de difração de raios-X e microscopia eletrônica por varredura para determinar, respectivamente, a composição química e micro-estrutura do resíduo. Os resultados mostraram que a adição do resíduo da fabricação de papel aos solos não melhora as propriedades mecânicas das misturas compactadas, sendo necessária a utilização de um estabilizante, como a cal, para melhorar as más características. Porém para os solos estudados, as misturas de solo, resíduo e cal apresentaram melhor comportamento mecânico que as misturas de solo-cal, oferecendo uma solução factível para a utilização deste resíduo na construção rodoviária. / The solid waste studied in the present research results from the association of lime mud and dregs, these materials are generated during the paper manufacturing. Traditionally, this waste is disposed of either surface impoundment or landfills. However, there is limited appropriate land availability for these disposal practices, and its maintenance is costly, due to the present contamination risks for the surrounding environment and fauna. Therefore, this kind of solution is no longer seen as long term viable. This work has the main objective of studying, based on laboratory tests, the mechanical behavior of soils and the wastes in focus mixtures, seeking their utilization in road construction. Specimens with and without the addition of waste were compacted at the normal proctor energy, varying the soil type, the lime rate and curing time, afterwards they were submitted to tests of unconfined compressive strength, indirect tensile strength and California bearing ratio. Complementary, tests of ray-X diffraction and spectrum electronic microscopy were executed to respectively determine the chemical composition and microstructure of the waste. The results showed that the addition of paper mill wastes to soils does not improve the mechanical properties of the compacted mixtures, being necessary the use of a stabilizer, such as lime, to improve its poor characteristics. However for the studied soils; the lime stabilized soils and the waste mixtures presented bettermechanical behavior than the lime stabilized soils offering a feasible solution for the use of this waste in road construction.

Desenvolvimento de composição cerâmica para massas de monoporosa com o uso de resíduo da indústria de papel como fonte de carbonatos

Neves, Edney Melo 28 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T20:42:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edney Melo Neves.pdf: 2401483 bytes, checksum: 62f3e20bc1f9efd71b600800871b29fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-28 / This work aims to investigate the incorporation of waste lime mud, generated by the pulp industry, in the formulations of the porous ceramic body in substitution the raw material calcite. The experiments covered the physico-chemical and mineralogical of the raw materials, the waste, and the compositions proposals. It was verified that the residue has the carbonate content slightly larger than the calcite, a larger average particle size and similar thermal properties. The ceramic bodies studied were prepared by the wet process, conformed by uniaxial pressing and sintered in an industrial furnace at 1135 °C and laboratory at temperatures of 1115 °C, 1125 °C, 1135 °C and 1145.°C with sintering cycle fast. Then, technological tests were carried total shrinkage, absorption of water, loss on ignition, mechanical strength and colorimetric coordinate. It was observed that, with the increase in substitution of calcite for the residue lime mud, the total shrinkage test samples decreased, while increasing the dimensional stability. Thus, other formulations have been proposed with the objective of keeping the shrinkage closest to standard composition. Compositions were selected, tested and characterized by differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetryc analysis, dilatometry and microstructure analysis of the fracture of the sintered specimens. The results shown to be possible to use waste "lime mud" in wall tiles compositions as a substitute for raw material calcite, keeping requirements of the NBR 13818, and with the advantage of reducing the percentage of carbonates in the composition, increased dimensional stability during sintering, lighten the color of ceramic body, addition to being an environmental solution. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar a incorporação do resíduo “lama de cal”, gerado pela indústria de celulose, nas formulações de massa cerâmica de revestimento poroso em substituição a matéria-prima calcita tradicional. Os experimentos abrangeram a caracterização físico-química e mineralógica das matérias-primas, do resíduo e das composições propostas. Verificou-se que o resíduo possui o teor de carbonatos ligeiramente maior que a calcita tradicional, um maior tamanho médio de partículas, e propriedades térmicas semelhantes. As massas cerâmicas estudadas foram preparadas pelo processo via úmida, conformada por prensagem uniaxial e sinterizadas em forno industrial a 1135 °C e de laboratório nas temperaturas de 1115.°C, 1125 °C, 1135 °C e 1145 °C em ciclo de sinterização rápido. Em seguida, foram realizados os ensaios tecnológicos de retração total, de absorção de água, de perda ao fogo, de resistência mecânica e de coordenada colorimétrica. Constatou-se que, conforme o aumento da substituição da calcita tradicional pelo resíduo “lama de cal”, a retração total dos corpos de provas diminuiu, além de aumentar a estabilidade dimensional. Assim, foram propostas outras formulações com o objetivo de manter a retração próxima a composição padrão. Selecionaram-se composições e realizaram-se os ensaios de análise térmica diferencial e termogravimétrica, dilatometria, e análise da microestrutura da fratura dos corpos de prova sinterizados. Os resultados revelaram ser possível o uso do resíduo “lama de cal” em composições de monoporosa como substituto da matéria-prima calcita tradicional, mantendo os requisitos exigidos pela NBR 13818, e com as vantagens de redução do percentual de carbonatos na composição, aumento da estabilidade dimensional durante a sinterização, clarear a cor da massa, além de ser uma solução ambiental.

Caracterização da cunha sedimentar da Ilha de São Sebastião, São Paulo / Characterization of the sedimentary wedge off Sao Sebastiao Island, Sao Paulo

Ivo Vieira da Silva 29 August 2016 (has links)
A Ilha de São Sebastião, localizada no Embaiamento de São Paulo, representa a fronteira entre a plataforma ao sul, coberta predominantemente por sedimentos lamosos derivados da pluma de água do Rio da Prata, e a plataforma ao norte, onde a distribuição de sedimentos provém de múltiplas fontes e com granulometria variável. O ressurgimento gerado pelas dinâmicas de massas de água, através do avanço e retração da Água Central do Atlântico Sul, aporta quantidade considerável de sedimentos para a plataforma interna, que então são transportados devido aos regimes oceanográficos atuantes, com correntes que alternam sazonalmente e que fluem em resposta à direção dominante dos ventos. A interação entre estes sedimentos e a complexa fisiografia da costa da Ilha de São Sebastião possibilita a deposição de um depósito sedimentar em forma de cunha de escala quilométrica, identificado pela primeira vez durante o cruzeiro oceanográfico NAP-Geosedex, em 2013, a bordo do NOc. Alpha Crucis. A análise de dados sísmicos coletados com quatro tipos de fontes diferentes ao longo de três cruzeiros oceanográficos, aliada a resultados ainda não publicados de datação e taxa de sedimentação de um testemunho sedimentar de 4 m de comprimento, permitiram a proposição de um modelo genético e evolutivo para a cunha sedimentar. Ademais, propõe-se a inserção da cunha no contexto global de depósitos progradantes de sedimentos fluviais da plataforma interna, segundo as nomenclaturas Cunha Progradante Infralitoral (Infralitoral Prograding Wedge - IPW) e Depocentros Lamosos (Mud Depocenters- MDCs). O depósito é formado por uma unidade inferior transgressiva (TST- Unidade U1) subjacente a um depósito característico de nível de mar alto (TSNA), formado, por sua vez, por três unidades (U2, U3 e U4), que exibem padrões progradantes e agradacionais. De acordo com a análise do testemunho, as idades da base das unidades superiores U3 e U4 datam de 1484 e 422 anos, respectivamente, sendo estimada uma idade de 6520 anos para o início da deposição do TSNA, o que ocorreu ao final da subida do nível do mar após o Último Máximo Glacial. As características de idade e de estrutura interna da cunha sedimentar possibilitam concluir que se trata de um depósito misto, com características tanto de IPWs como de MDCs. / The Sao Sebastião Island, located in the Bight of São Paulo, is the boundary between the continental shelf to the south, covered by muddy sediments mainly derived from the La Plata River\'s water plume, and the shelf to the north, where the sediment distribution comes from multiple sources and is variable in grain size. The upwelling generated by the water masses dynamics through the advance and retreat of the South Atlantic Central Water, carries considerable amount of sediment to the inner shelf, which are then transported due to active oceanographic regimes, with seasonally alternating current that flows in response to the prevailing wind direction. The interaction between these sediments and the complex physiography of the coast of São Sebastião Island enables the deposition of a sedimentary deposit in the form of a kilometric scale wedge, first identified during the oceanographic cruise NAP-Geosedex in 2013, aboard the R/V Alpha Crucis. The analysis of seismic data collected from four different sources over three oceanographic cruises, combined with results of dating and sedimentation rate of a 4 m long core, allowed the proposition of a genetic and evolutionary model for the sedimentary wedge. Furthermore, it is proposed the wedge insertion in the global context of progradational deposits of river sediments in the inner shelf, according to the terms Infralittoral Prograding Wedge (IPW) and Mud Depocenters (MDCs). The deposit is composed by a lower transgressive unit (TST - Unit U1) underlying a characteristic deposit of highstand sea level (HST), which comprises three units (U2, U3 and U4). These HST units exhibit a progradational and agradational patterns. According to the sediment core analysis, the ages of the base of the two topmost units U3 and U4 dating from 1484 and 422 years B.P., respectively. The estimated age of the onset of deposition of the HST is 6520 years B.P., which occurred at the end of the sea level rise after the Last Glacial Maximum transgression. The age and the internal structure of the sedimentary wedge allow the conclusion that it is a mixed deposit, which has characteristics of both IPWs and MDCs.

Seismic geomechanics of mud volcanoes

Gulmammadov, Rashad January 2017 (has links)
Mud volcanoes constitute an important component of petroliferous basins and their understanding is essential for successful exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields. They occur in both extensional and compressive tectonic settings, along with passive and active continental margins. Although extensive research exists on the geochemistry, geomorphology and stratigraphic evolution of these localized fluid flow structures, little is known about their geomechanical characteristics. This research investigates the geomechanics of mud volcanoes from the South Caspian Basin and West Nile Delta. This is achieved by establishing a workflow for geomechanical assessment of mud volcanoes using a P-wave velocity dataset from across the mud volcano within the offshore South Caspian Basin. This objective is developed further with the availability of seismic and wellbore data from around the Giza mud volcano, offshore West Nile Delta. Preliminary results of this study from the South Caspian Basin enable confidence in estimating the realistic magnitudes of elastic rock properties, stresses and fluid pressures from empirical and analytical correlations. Moreover, analysis of the variations in fluid pressures allow the fluid flow models around the mud volcano to be constrained and their gradients provide preliminary estimates of the drilling window. Structural and stratigraphic analysis around the Giza mud volcano offers insight into the formation of the mud volcano during the Quaternary and how the fault networks on the hanging wall of the arcuate tectonic fault have acted as conduits for primarily the pre-Pliocene fluids exploiting the areas of weakness along the hanging wall of the fault by entraining the Pliocene sediments. Fluid pressure evaluation reveals small overpressures caused by disequilibrium compaction. Further analysis offers insight into the critical fluid pressures that control fault movement, the stresses responsible for rock deformation around the wellbore and the width of the drilling window constrained by the fracturing of the strata. Analysis presented here provides details on the geomechanical significance of mud volcano environments, with implications for engineering practices. Overall, findings contribute to a systematic understanding of mud volcano settings not only from a field exploration and development point of view, but also at a wider scale for basin analysis and relatively small scale for play analysis.


MANOELA CRISTINA DO AMARAL NEVES 05 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Tendo em vista a diminuição dos impactos ambientais e a necessidade em aproveitar ao máximo as áreas disponíveis para disposição de resíduos, as mineradoras e indústrias de beneficiamento de minério tem investido em técnicas inovadoras procurando a melhoria do comportamento do resíduo gerado. Este estudo experimental relata o comportamento de um resíduo da produção de alumina desaguado por filtro prensa e, também, seu comportamento geotécnico quando estocado de forma densificada. Este trabalho utilizou o Filtro Prensa, que é um dispositivo que retem a parte sólida formando tortas compactas e com elevado teor de sólidos e grau de saturação. Foram feitos estudos das características e do comportamento do resíduo filtrado para encontrar a melhor e mais segura forma de disposição, buscando o melhor aproveitamento das áreas disponíveis. Foi realizado um aterro experimental com o resíduo do filtro prensa com o intuito de estocar o material, colhendo amostras e, assim, testando as condições de compactação em cada camada executada. O Aterro experimental foi dividido em 3 pistas, a pista 1 com 5 camadas de 30 cm, a pista 2 com 4 camadas de 40 cm e a pista 3 com 4 camadas de 50 cm de espessura. As camadas tiveram diferentes combinações de números de passadas e de umidade em relação a umidade ótima. Foram realizados ensaios de laboratório (Caracterização, Compactação Proctor Normal, Triaxial CIU/UU/PN, Adensamento e Permeabilidade) em amostras deformadas do resíduo, coletadas na saída do filtro prensa, e em amostras indeformadas obtidas nas áreas do aterro experimental observou-se que o teor de umidade obtido no resíduo na saída do filtro prensa é menor em 2 porcento ao teor de umidade ótimo do material, sendo favorável para promover sua compactação na disposição. Quando compactado, o resíduo apresenta baixa permeabilidade, da ordem de 10-6 a 10-8 m/s, sendo estes resultados obtidos em corpos de prova moldados variando-se o grau de compactação entre 85 porcento a 100 porcento e o teor de umidade variando -2 porcento a 6 porcento em relação a umidade ótima. Também foram avaliados os parâmetros de resistência por meio de ensaios triaxiais UU (não adensados e não drenados) em amostras não saturadas. Através dos resultados obtidos em campo observou-se que em todos os casos, há sempre um crescimento de peso específico seco e grau de compactação (GC) com o número de passadas. A umidade de 4 porcento acima da ótima é o limite para se ter GC aceitável, para qualquer espessura de camada dentro desta faixa de umidade (-1,0 a 4,0 porcento) o numero minimo de 8 passadas. / [en] Considering the reduction of environmental impacts and the need to make the best use of available waste disposal areas, mining beneficiation industries have invested in innovative techniques to improve the behavior of the waste generated. This experimental study reports the behavior of a residue from the production of alumina dewatered by filter press and also its geotechnical behavior when densified. This work used the Filter Press, which is a device that retains the solid part forming compact and high percentage of solids and saturation degree. Studies of the characteristics and behavior of the filtered residue were made to find the best and most safe form of disposal, seeking the best use of available areas. An experimental landfill with the press filter residue was carried out in order to store the material, collecting samples and, therefore, testing the compaction conditions in each layer performed. The experimental landfill was divided into 3 lanes, lane 1 with 5 layers of 30 cm, lane 2 with 4 layers of 40 cm and lane 3 with 4 layers of 50 cm of thickness. The layers had different combinations of numbers of passes and humidity relative to optimal humidity. Laboratory tests (Characterization, Compaction, CIU / UU / PN Triaxial, oedometer and Permeability) were carried out on deformed samples of the residue, collected at the exit of the filter press, and in undisturbed samples obtained in the areas of the experimental landfill it was observed that the moisture content obtained in the residue at the exit of the filter press is 2 percent lower than the optimum moisture content of the material, being favorable to promote its compaction in the arrangement. When compacted, the residue presents low permeability, in the order of 10-6 to 10-8 m / s, these results being obtained in molded test bodies varying the degree of compaction between 85 percent and 100 percent and the moisture content Varying -2 percent to 6 percent in relation to the optimal humidity. Resistance parameters were also assessed by UU triaxial tests (non-densified and non-drained) in unsaturated samples. Through the results showed in the field in all cases a growth of specific dry weight and degree of compaction (GC) with the number of passes. The humidity of 4 percent above the optimum is the limit to have acceptable GC, for any layer thickness within this humidity range (-1.0 to 4.0 percent) the minimum number of 8 passes.

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