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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Domestic PC production in the Soviet Baltic States 1977-1992

Kanger, Laur January 2013 (has links)
The thesis argues for the necessity and value of a two-way interaction between high-level abstractions and rich historical narratives mediated by middle-range theories. The basic assumptions of critical realism are used to derive a socio-technical metatheory which, in turn, structures the synthesis of specific substantive theories. The conceptual tools provided by the Multi-Level Perspective, Analytical Sociology and (Technological) Systems of Innovation frameworks guide the study of the cases. The empirical core of the thesis consists of detailed histories of the birth, development and decay of ten different personal computer production attempts in the Soviet Baltic states roughly between 1977 and 1992. In order to generalize from the historical narratives a novel analytical technique is developed and employed. The resulting middle-range theorization locates the mechanisms and patterns of the evolution of these cases on three different levels of aggregation: intra-case, inter-case and system-level. Finally, the study makes analytical contributions to the socio-technical metatheory and provides philosophical justifications based on actual research practice for retaining the realist position.

Parks, Policies and People : Nature Conservation Governance in Post-Socialist EU Countries

Yakusheva, Natalya January 2017 (has links)
The national parks in the Carpathian Mountains along the Polish and Slovak border represent encompassing policy agendas that strive to balance biodiversity conservation and social welfare tasks. These countries have, during the last 25 years, undergone rapid transformation from socialist regimes to liberal democracies, and this transformation has affected the political, social and economic spheres. The accession to the European Union (EU) introduced demands for further changes, such as closer integration of conservation and socioeconomic development and inclusive, transparent and accountable decision-making that are based on participatory mechanisms. This thesis explores key challenges and opportunities for nature conservation policy and practice at the local level in a context of post-socialist legacies and Europeanization. Multi-level governance, Europeanization, and post-socialist studies are used as theoretical vehicles for the analysis of four transboundary national parks: Pieninsky national parks (NP) in both Poland and Slovakia and Bieszczady NP [Poland] and Poloniny NP [Slovakia]. The results of this study show that the early designation of the studied parks as protected areas prevented their exploitation and enabled preservation of important landscapes, which currently are highly valued at the European level. These nature conservation regimes have created tangible restrictions on the possible economic uses of these areas. However, rural development alternatives depend on a broader set of local, national and global factors such as the structure of the local economy and employment, the prioritization of nature conservation in national policies, investors’ interest, and increasing urbanization. Europeanization provided opportunities for local actors to benefit from additional funding made available for nature conservation and rural development. At the same time, demands for participatory decision-making posed significant procedural and conceptual challenges to achieving transparent, inclusive and accountable governance. The prevalence of informal practices in local policy-making and the lack of trust in state authorities pose further challenges to formal participatory processes. The opportunities of local actors to reach out across levels to express their interests remain scarce and are not institutionalized, whereas the multi-level characteristics of modern governance indirectly shape local processes by defining common legal and policy frameworks. / Förvaltningen av nationalparkerna in vid gränsen mellan Polen och Slovakien i Karpaterna är framför allt inriktad mot att uppnå balans mellan bevarande av biologisk mångfald och social välfärd. Polen och Slovakien har under de senaste 25 åren genomgått en snabb förändring från socialistiska regimer till liberala demokratier, vilket har inneburit genomgripande politiska, sociala och ekonomiska förändringar. Medlemskapet i EU innebar ytterligare förändringar, som till exempel integrering av naturvårdsarbete och socioekonomisk utveckling, liksom främjande av inkluderande, transparent och deltagarinriktat beslutsfattande. Därmed bygger den moderna beslutsprocessen inte längre på den tidigare hierarkiska strukturen, utan har nu fått en aningen diffus karaktär, innefattande mängd olika aktörer som interagerar i såväl horisontella som vertikala beslutsprocesser. I denna avhandling utforskas nyckelutmaningar och möjligheter för beslutsfattande och implementering av naturvårdsarbete på lokal nivå, relaterade till de post-socialistiska arven och medlemskapet i EU. Multi-level governance (politiskt beslutsfattande på flera nivåer), Europeanization (europeisering) och post-socialistiska studier används som teoretiska verktyg för analysen av fyra gränsöverskridande nationalparker: Pieninsky, som innefattar såväl polska som slovakiska områden, Bieszczady (Polen) och Poloniny (Slovakien). Studien visar att det tidiga inrättandet av naturskydd i nationalparkerna hindrade exploatering och möjliggjorde bevarandet av värdefulla naturområden, vilka idag är högt värderade utifrån ett europeiskt perspektiv. Reglerna för detta naturskydd har dock skapat begränsningar för hur områdena kan användas för, till exempel, agrara verksamheter och turism. De mer övergripande landsbygdsutvecklingsmöjligheterna beror av lokala, nationella och globala faktorer som exempelvis den lokala ekonomins struktur, tillgång på arbetstillfällen, hur naturskydd prioriteras i nationellt beslutsfattande, intresse för investeringar i området och urbaniseringsprocesser. Medlemskapet i EU har medfört utökade möjligheter för finansiering av naturskydd och landsbygdsutveckling. Samtidigt har medlemskapet för dessa länder lett till ökade förväntningar på politiskt deltagande och nya utmaningar vad gäller transparens i beslutsfattande och inkluderande beslutsprocesser. Vidare har informella beslutsvägar i lokalt beslutsfattande och lågt förtroende för statliga myndigheter lett till ytterligare utmaningar i deltagandeprocesser. Möjligheter för lokala aktörer att kunna kommunicera och påverka beslut på högre nivåer har förblivit begränsade och är ännu inte tydligt institutionaliserade, samtidigt som det moderna, interaktiva beslutsfattandet på flera nivåer indirekt formar lokala processer genom att definiera legala och politiska ramverk inom vilka förvaltningsbeslut fattas.

Anti-corruption initiatives in South Africa since 1994: a critical evaluation

Mosselini, Kurt January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The legacy of apartheid may be likened to a Hydra. This mythical beast was rumoured to be large in stature, with poisonous breath. However, the trait it was better known for was that it possessed many heads and for every one head that was cut off, two would grow in its place. The elimination of the apartheid system effectively cut off the head of this hydra, severely wounding the beast but giving birth to various other terrors. Public sector corruption is one of those terrors. As an individual who was too young to be a part of the battle against apartheid, I have recognised that there is still a battle that needs to be won. As corruption continually thwarts the efforts of those who died for the liberation of South Africa and hinders the upliftment and development of the State, it becomes necessary to combat this scourge. However, before going into battle one must first understand the battle arena. Thus, the purpose of this dissertation is to gain understanding as to how the South African Government has attempted to combat corruption by means of policy and legislation. The information gained during this process may be used to identify areas of weakness, which may be considered in restrategising anti-corruption efforts. This battle against corruption needs to include all South Africans as public sector corruption has a negative impact on all who find themselves within our boarders. Thus, we cannot call ourselves truly liberated before this enemy of good governance is defeated.

A multi-level approach to assessing the impact of Social and Emotional Learning : Secondary SEAL

Wigelsworth, Michael Robert January 2010 (has links)
Despite an expanding interest in the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI), difficulties in definition, measurement and reconciling competing models has led to an argument that the practical application of EI has overtaken current levels of understanding and research (Matthews, Roberts, & Zeidner, 2004; Zeidner, Roberts, & Matthews, 2002). This is particularly relevant within education where a large range of social and emotional learning (SEL) programmes, designed to increase EI in pupils, vary drastically in their intended outcomes and methods, quality of material and the frequency and quality of evaluation (Hoffman, 2009). To date, the majority of research has been US based and the small quantity of UK research has been focused either at the primary level, or has assessed the perception of impact. This means the potential success for SEL to positively improve UK secondary aged pupil outcomes is untested. The aim of the current study was the assessment of the SEAL programme, a National Strategy for English secondary schools designed to positively influence a range of pupil outcomes, including increased emotional literacy, better behaviour and improved mental well-being. Additionally, the validity of the underlying relationship between EI and favourable outcomes, beyond identified socio-demographics, was measured. The study utilised a predominately quantitative design with a final sample of 22 schools (approximately 2360 pupils) implementing the SEAL programme, and 19 ‘matched comparison’ schools (approximately 1991 pupils), selected on the basis of similar school level characteristics. Pupils from every school completed annual self-rated assessments of their emotional literacy (using the ELAI), mental well-being and pro social behaviour (using the SDQ) over a three year period. A small case study element (9 SEAL Schools) was selected from the larger quantitative sample to provide context to the quantitative results. Multi-level modelling (a statistical technique for examining hierarchically clustered data) was used to analyse the results. After controlling for socio-demographic factors, results indicated a marginal non-significant effect in pupil’s emotional literacy and mental health difficulties as a result of attending a SEAL school, however no effect on prosocial behaviour was found. Results also indicated a differential effect on the basis of the pupil variables of SEN provision, gender and ethnicity, which was consistent with very little variation at school level reported. A significant relationship was found between emotional literacy, mental health difficulties and pro social behaviour, indicating a valid theoretical framework, despite the lack of a significant effect of the SEAL programme. Further examination revealed that the relationship between the variables may be more complex than originally theorised, although difficulties with high degrees of confound between the factors limit this interpretation. Implications and directions for future research are also discussed.

Interactions entre niveaux dans un modèle orienté agent de généralisation cartographique : Le modèle DIOGEN / Interactions between Levels in an Agent Oriented Model for Cartographic Generalisation

Maudet, Adrien 10 November 2016 (has links)
Les cartes représentent l'information géographique d'une zone donnée de manière d'autant plus simplifiée que l'échelle de la carte est petite. Le procédé de simplification, appelé généralisation cartographique, est soumis au respect de contraintes de lisibilité, d'adéquation de la représentation avec le niveau d'abstraction souhaité et de cohérence avec la réalité. La volonté d'automatiser le processus de création de cartes à partir de bases de données géographiques, a conduit à la création d'algorithmes permettant d'effectuer cette simplification objet par objet. Néanmoins, les choix des algorithmes, tout comme leur paramétrage, sont autant influencés par l'objet sur lequel ils s'appliquent que par les autres objets en relation (e.g. bâtiment à proximité d'un autre, route parallèle à un alignement de bâtiments). Ce constat a motivé l'utilisation de modèles multi-agents pour la généralisation automatisée de cartes. Le principe de ces modèles multi-agents repose sur la modélisation des objets (e.g. bâtiment, tronçon de route, îlot urbain) sous forme d'agents qui cherchent à se généraliser de façon à satisfaire leurs contraintes. Plusieurs modèles multi-agents ont été proposés, chacun ayant une approche différente des interactions entre niveaux. Ici, nous entendons par niveau, par exemple, la distinction entre les agents individuels comme un bâtiment, des agents représentant un groupe d’autres agents, comme un îlot urbain composé des routes l’entourant et des bâtiments inclus dans l’îlot.Nous étudions l'unification de ces modèles en nous appuyant sur le paradigme multi-niveaux PADAWAN, afin de faciliter les interactions entre agents de niveaux différents. Nous proposons ainsi le modèle DIOGEN, adaptant les principes d’interaction entre agents de niveaux différents à la généralisation cartographique guidée par des contraintes, ce qui a permis d’unifier les précédents modèles AGENT, CartACom et GAEL, tout en disposant de nouvelles capacités prometteuses.Nous avons évalué notre proposition sur un ensemble de cas d’étude. Parmi ces cas, nous nous sommes penchés sur la généralisation de carte de randonnée, où les itinéraires sont symbolisés individuellement avec des symboles différents, à la manière des plans de bus. La présence de plusieurs symboles d’itinéraires sur une même route support amène des problèmes de généralisation particuliers, comme le choix du positionnement des itinéraires de part et d’autre de la route, ou les implications pour les autres objets de la carte (e.g. points d’intérêts, bâtiments) se retrouvant sous le symbole de l’itinéraire, problèmes que nous essayons de résoudre en nous appuyant sur notre proposition de représentation formelle multi-niveaux.Ce travail nous a ensuite conduit à identifier des comportements multi-niveaux récurrents. Nous les avons exprimés de façon générique sous forme de patterns d’analyse, affranchies des spécificités de la généralisation cartographique, et de la résolution de problèmes contraints / Maps show geographic information of a given area in a simplified way, particularly when the scale is small. The simplification process, called cartographic generalisation, is submitted to several constraints : legibility, adequation to the abstraction level, and consistency with reality. The will to automate the maps creation process from geographical databases led to the creation of algorithms allowing the simplification object by object. However the choice of the algorithms, as their settings, are influenced by the object on which it is applied, and by the other objects in relation with this object (e.g. a building close to another one, a road parallel to a buildings alignment). This motivates the use of multi-agents models for automated map generalisation. Several multi-agent models were proposed, each of them having a different approach to manage multi-levels relations. Here, what we call a level is, for instance, the distinction between individual agents, like a building, and agents representing a group of other agents, like a urban block composed by the surrounding roads and buildings inside.We study the unification of existing models, using the multi-level paradigm PADAWAN, in order to simplify interactions between agents in different levels. We propose the DIOGEN model, in which the principle of interactions between agents of different levels is adapted to cartographic generalisation guided by constraints, those allowing to unify the existing models AGENT, CartACom and GAEL, and giving promising features.We evaluate our proposal on different case studies. Among them, we study the generalisation of trekking maps, where the routes are symbolized individually by a different couloured line symbols, like on bus maps. The presence of several route symbols on a same road leads to specific generalisation issues, like the choice of the side of each route symbol position, or the implications for the other objects on the map (e.g. points of interest, buildings) under the route symbol – issues tackled using our proposal of formal multi-levels representation.This work leads us to the identification of recurrent behaviours. We express them as analysis patterns, in a way that is independent from cartographic generalisation and constraint solving problems

Analyzing the Multiscalar Production of Borders Through the Various Degrees of State Membership in Canada

Zaman, Farah January 2017 (has links)
There has been great scholarly interest in examining the management, proliferation, and dynamic articulations of borders through an actor-network lens in recent years. In tracing the networks of Mohamed Harkat, the irregular arrival of a particular group of Tamil migrants, and Deepan Budlakoti, I demonstrate how the border is a fluid entity composed of socio-technical actors dispersed across time and space capable of producing varying degrees of membership statuses. In exploring the cases of these non-citizens, this thesis aims to understand what each of these multi-level networks tells us about the notion of borders and bordering practices alike. This study contributes to the expanding literature that situates the border as a fluid and malleable entity that is made up of interwoven socio-technical practices, discourses, symbols, institutions, and networks through which power is dispersed and the binary distinctions between membership and non-membership increasingly become layered concepts.

Amélioration du rendement des alimentations sans interruption / Efficiency improvement in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Rizet, Corentin 10 May 2011 (has links)
Les Alimentations Sans Interruption sont utilisées pour assurer la qualité et la continuité de l'énergie fournie aux charges sensibles. Basées sur deux conversions d'énergie électrique, ces alimentations supportent en permanence la puissance de la charge, rendant crucial leur rendement. Cette thèse a exploré différentes voies d'amélioration du rendement du commutateur assurant la conversion : le choix des composants semi-conducteurs, celui de la structure de conversion et du mode de fonctionnement. Le filtrage a été pris en compte sans faire l'objet d'investigations poussées. La méthode d'estimation du rendement, exploitant des données des constructeurs, a permis de quantifier l'impact et les limites de chaque voie explorée. Plusieurs structures de conversion multi-niveaux en commutation douce ont été développées, utilisant un pôle résonant. Enfin, plusieurs expérimentations ont validé les modèles utilisés, le concept du pôle résonant et la réalisation d'un prototype fonctionnel de 125 kVA. / The Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are used to supply such critical load with a high level of quality and continuity. The topology based on two consecutive converters providing permanently the whole power leading to made the efficiency a key point of the UPS. To improve the efficiency of the semi-conductors part, three ways have been studied in this thesis: The semi-conductor area, the topology of the converter and the switching mode. The filter losses have been taken into account based on the state of the art. The estimation of the efficiency, based on the datasheet from manufacturers, allow quantifying each way. Some soft-switching multi-level topologies have been developped and patented. Finally, experimentations have been made to asses the relevance of the models, the working of new topologies and the efficiency of the proposed 125 kVA UPS.

Niche innovation dynamics and the urban mobility transition

Cannon, Russell January 2019 (has links)
This thesis seeks to provide a detailed understanding of the introduction of dockless bike-sharing to London. As part of a wave of new smart and shared mobility services that are aiming to transform the way people move around cities, this emerging form of transport has created disruptions in London since its launch in 2017. This study aims to analyse to what extent dockless bike-sharing aligns or conflicts with the aims and objectives of local authorities governing public space in London. In doing so, it also aims to reveal insights into transformations in contemporary mobility by exploring the dynamics of niche innovations within socio-technical transitions, thus contributing to knowledge in the field of transition studies.To do this, a qualitative case study methodology was employed using document analysis and interviews with four stakeholders integrally involved in the case study, representing both public authorities and a private sector dockless bike-sharing operator, Mobike.The findings demonstrate that dockless bike-sharing is well aligned with the city’s explicit objectives to reduce car dependency and encourage active travel. It has particular potential to make cycling more accessible by bringing bike-sharing to parts of the city that do not have access to the pre-existing, docked bike-sharing scheme, operated by the central transport authority, Transport for London. Despite this, dockless bike-sharing, as a niche innovation, has struggled to break into the existing urban mobility regime. This can be seen to result from a variety of factors that include a failure to collaborate and build local legitimacy or pay sufficient regard to local conditions during early implementation. Furthermore, dockless bike-sharing’s demand for flexible parking has resulted in uses and misuses of public space that have created friction and placed the innovation in conflict with the existing physical urban landscape and the authorities that govern it. Its momentum has been further hindered by London’s complex governance structure, a structure which has not proved conducive to the dockless bike-sharing operating model. It is posited that if dockless bike-sharing is to build momentum and achieve its potential to expand the reach of bike-sharing in London, greater support is required from public authorities.

Simulation and Statistical Inference of Stochastic Reaction Networks with Applications to Epidemic Models

Moraes, Alvaro 01 1900 (has links)
Epidemics have shaped, sometimes more than wars and natural disasters, demo- graphic aspects of human populations around the world, their health habits and their economies. Ebola and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) are clear and current examples of potential hazards at planetary scale. During the spread of an epidemic disease, there are phenomena, like the sudden extinction of the epidemic, that can not be captured by deterministic models. As a consequence, stochastic models have been proposed during the last decades. A typical forward problem in the stochastic setting could be the approximation of the expected number of infected individuals found in one month from now. On the other hand, a typical inverse problem could be, given a discretely observed set of epidemiological data, infer the transmission rate of the epidemic or its basic reproduction number. Markovian epidemic models are stochastic models belonging to a wide class of pure jump processes known as Stochastic Reaction Networks (SRNs), that are intended to describe the time evolution of interacting particle systems where one particle interacts with the others through a finite set of reaction channels. SRNs have been mainly developed to model biochemical reactions but they also have applications in neural networks, virus kinetics, and dynamics of social networks, among others. 4 This PhD thesis is focused on novel fast simulation algorithms and statistical inference methods for SRNs. Our novel Multi-level Monte Carlo (MLMC) hybrid simulation algorithms provide accurate estimates of expected values of a given observable of SRNs at a prescribed final time. They are designed to control the global approximation error up to a user-selected accuracy and up to a certain confidence level, and with near optimal computational work. We also present novel dual-weighted residual expansions for fast estimation of weak and strong errors arising from the MLMC methodology. Regarding the statistical inference aspect, we first mention an innovative multi- scale approach, where we introduce a deterministic systematic way of using up-scaled likelihoods for parameter estimation while the statistical fittings are done in the base model through the use of the Master Equation. In a di↵erent approach, we derive a new forward-reverse representation for simulating stochastic bridges between con- secutive observations. This allows us to use the well-known EM Algorithm to infer the reaction rates. The forward-reverse methodology is boosted by an initial phase where, using multi-scale approximation techniques, we provide initial values for the EM Algorithm.

Energy Transition in Taiwan: A Multi-level Perspective / 台湾におけるエネルギー転換-重層的視座からの分析-

Chen, Yi-Chun 25 November 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第22137号 / 地環博第193号 / 新制||地環||38(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)准教授 森 晶寿, 教授 諸富 徹, 教授 宇佐美 誠 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM

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