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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace metod vícekriteriálního rozhodování při hodnocení služeb / Aplication of multicriteria decision in rating of services

KUPEČEK, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The aim of dissertation is to analyse provided services in chosen area and evaluate them by quantitative methods. At the beginning of thesis there are delimited theoretical terms connected with this area. For practital part was chosen few companies for comparison by chosen multicriteria method, which was evaluated and was chosen best company by results of method. At the end of thesis are introduced suggestions for services improvement of companies.

Applying Multi-criteria Decision Analysis for Software Quality Assessment

Goh, Wan Ai January 2010 (has links)
With the rapid advancement of technologies, software is gaining its popularity in assisting our daily activities in the last decades. This circumstance causes a rising concerns about a software product with high quality which lead to a question about the justification whether a software product has high quality. Therefore, a numerous of researches and studies had spent a lot of effort in software product quality assessment in order to justify whether the software product(s) under study have satisfactory quality. One of the foremost approaches to assess software product quality is the application of the quality models. For example, quality model ISO 9126. However, the quality models do not provide an explicit way to aggregate the performance of different quality aspects nor handling the various interests raised from different perspective or stakeholders. Although many studies have been conducted to aggregate the different measures of quality attributes, they are still not capable to include the various interests raised by different software product stakeholders. Therefore, some studies have attempted to apply MCDA methods in order to aggregate the measure of quality attributes as the ultimate software product quality and handling the various quality interests. However, they do not provide any rational about their particular choice of MCDA methods. Most of them justify their choice by referring to high popularity of the selected MCDA method. Without studying the suitability of MCDA methods in the application domain of the software product, it is difficult to conclude whether the chosen MCDA methods fit in the intended software engineering discipline. Furthermore, there is no systematic approach available to help other software practitioners in selecting the MCDA method that will be suitable for their needs and constraints in software product quality assessment. This thesis aims to provide the key concepts for an effective selection of suitable MCDA method for the purpose of software product quality assessment. A foremost part of this thesis presents two systematic reviews. The first review illustrates the evaluation of the characteristics of MCDA methods. The second review identifies the major needs and constraints of the software quality assessment potential MCDA method has to consider in order to be used for assessing quality of software products. Based on the results from both systematic reviews, a selection framework named MCDA-SQA framework is formulated. This framework is intended to assist the software practitioners to systematically select and adapt appropriate MCDA method(s) in order to fulfil their quality assessment needs and the respective environmental concerns.

Localising suitable areas for wind power development in Kiruna Municipality. : A spatial multi-criteria decision analysis.

Marcianò, Pietro January 2017 (has links)
Within the last decade, wind power has faced a strong expansion in Sweden, supported by national policies. However, when wind power projects are to be developed, a series of legal difficulties, opposing land-use interests and resistance often arise, hindering their implementation on a local level. To bypass such difficulties, the Swedish government has invited municipalities to localise suitable areas for wind power development in their comprehensive plans. By adopting this proactive approach, different interests and views can be implemented in an early stage of the planning process, possibly reducing the risk of land-use issues and local resistance.The Municipality of Kiruna is currently updating its comprehensive plan and wind power is among the planning issues to be further investigated. Therefore, this thesis aims to combine GIS and multi-criteria decision making to support wind power spatial planning in Kiruna Municipality by exploring environmental, economic and social constraints and criteria under different planning scenariosTherefore, a spatial multi-criteria decision analysis is implemented to promote wind power localisation and at the same time, to prevent possible detrimental consequences. Swedish legislation, guidelines issued by national agencies and wind power planning practices are implemented to delimit areas feasible or unfeasible for wind power development. Then, the localisation process within feasible areas is guided by a set of social, economic and environmental criteria reflecting land-use interests typical of Kiruna Municipality. Weights, steering the relevance of the different criteria in the process, are then developed on the basis of three planning scenarios of future development for the Nordic Arctic.The results of the analysis show that approximately 90% of the territory of Kiruna Municipality is not feasible for wind power development. In particular, low wind speeds and areas of interest for defence are constraints excluding large portions of the municipal territory. Among the feasible areas, it is particularly complex to identify locations which are not located within areas of interest for reindeer herding or national interest for undisturbed mountainous environment and that have an adequate distance from existing electric grids. Nevertheless, the planning scenarios pinpoint suitable locations for wind power development in northeastern Kiruna, in proximity of Karesuando.

Město pro byznys: Vícerozměrná statistická analýza a možné návrhy na zdokonalení projektu / Město pro byznys: Multi-dimensional statistical analysis and the possible suggestions on how to improve the project

Krajča, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of my diploma thesis is multidimensional data analysis. Analyzed data come from the comparative research Město pro byznys 2013 (Eng. translation: The city for business 2013). Another goal is to propose some changes that could improve the project. Used methods for multidimensional data analysis are exploratory analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. Among others, for proposing some changes I use multi-criteria decision analysis.

Keeping it in the loop : A roadmap to circular economy for NCC / Bibehålla i kretsloppet : En vägbeskrivning för cirkulär ekonomi i svensk byggindustri

Tabrizi, Shanar January 2016 (has links)
Resource efficiency and circular economy (CE) has become increasingly relevant to the Swedish construction company NCC in connection to the plans of demolishing the current head office in Stockholm and building a new head office next to it. NCC wants to investigate how to minimize the negative sustainability implications of bringing down a commercial facility well before its life length has expired, through exploring the possibilities of integrating principles of CE in future planning‐and construction processes. This study seeks to understand how the Swedish construction company NCC could work with decision-making for CE in order to keep their materials in the loop. As the concept of CE is broad there are many options for working with its principles. However, the construction industry is relatively new to these and a list of priorities would therefore be helpful in such an initial phase, as focusing on all would be inefficient and rather daunting. Thus, this study suggests a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) as a tool for decision-making and prioritizing between various approaches to CE. Together with NCC, an MCDA was performed where three different options for working with CE were analysed (Waste as Resource, Circular Design and Circular Business Models). In a focus group, 17 criteria that were relevant to NCC were developed as a basis for analysing the options. These were then defined, scored and weighted to reveal a most preferable option. The MCDA showed that the most preferable approach to CE for NCC is working with circular design, i.e. Design for Deconstruction (DfD), followed closely by measures to increase the rate of reuse and recycling of already existing construction- and demolition waste. However, the sensitivity analysis revealed that if economic criteria received a higher weight, increased reuse and recycling is the most preferable option. MCDA was deemed a helpful decision-making tool for CE principles. While the scoring and weighting is subjective and it is challenging to quantify the criteria, the strength lies in bringing a new and innovative topic on the agenda by gathering key decision-makers in focus groups to discuss and learn. A preliminary study to this thesis was conducted at NCC (Tabrizi, 2015) with the aim of conducting a survey of good examples with regard to development of commercial properties that are designed for flexibility and deconstruction during refurbishment and end‐of‐life. It showed that the challenges relate to the hesitant perception of secondary material, design and construction limitations, the need for material documentation, organization and logistics as well as creating sustainable business models. Key success factors for overcoming these challenges for NCC is working towards better communication and promotion of secondary material through information sharing, building up a knowledge base and internal targets, as well as establishing a consistent work methodology for DfD in order to move NCC towards a circular economy.

Supporting Sustainable selection for lubricants in automotive industry : Constant velocity joint grease as a case study

Murugesan, Rajan, Raafat Youssef Afifi Elsisi, Mohamed January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability within automotive industry has been an important topic that is covered in several studies. Due to the multi-aspect nature of sustainability and the variety of the factors need to be taken in consideration when choosing a material, the decision-making process could be challenging. This study focuses on lubricants within the automotive industry and proposes a framework consisted of three milestones that aspire to assist automotive manufacturers in sustainable lubricant selection. The study uses LCA as an environmental assessment tool for fully formulated lubricants and multicriteria decision matrix to include other criteria indicators in the decision-making process quantitively. The study also contributes to the literature by performing LCA for fully formulated lubricants. The framework was applied on well-established case company within the automotive industry (Volvo Cars Corporation) in Sweden. The results showthe importance and significant impacts of the inclusion of the additives in LCA studies done on lubricants using CV joint grease as a case study. It also shows the effect of the organisational preferences on the final results of the framework.

Use of Building Energy Simulation Software in Early-Stage of Design Process / Användning av energisimuleringsprogram i tidiga skeden av byggprocessen

Li, Beidi January 2017 (has links)
In traditional planning process, energy analysts work on finalized architectural designs and have limited capability to amend inefficient energy features such as high aspect ratio. Energy efficiency being a major part of sustainable design, the need for performance-oriented design tools has become imminent. There is a wide range of energy simulation tools across the world. Crawley et al. (2005) proposes a plain comparison of the most common ones based on vendor-supplied information. The present report aims to identify simulation tools that can help architects making energy-efficient design decisions in early stage of building process and the most suitable programs will be tested on a standard case in Stockholm area with respect to their architecture, functionalities, usability and limitations.

A performance investigation of stormwater accommodations in Stockholm : A multi-criteria decision analysis / Utvärdering av prestandan hos dagvattensystem i Stockholm : En multikriterieanalys

Jonsson, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Stormwater management is a problematic area and has during the last 20 years been given an increased attention due to more pollution in the cities. The increased pollution and contaminants in stormwater implicates risks for animals, humans, the ecosystem and receiving recipients. Due to the increased attention, authorities, government and other stakeholders have developed measurements to deal with the problem. Stormwater accommodations and other type of stormwater detainment has been developed with increased modern technology and functionality to fit specific areas where different type of pollutants can vary. Stormwater treatment are necessary because it creates social, environmental and technical advantages combined with protection of ecosystem, increased multifunctionality when combining for example stormwater ponds in nature, parks or urban and rural environment. This report describes seven diverse types of stormwater accommodations systems; rain garden, stormwater ponds, wells, screen basins, infiltration trenches, pipe-/concrete magazine and swales in accordance from Structor Mark Stockholm. From these seven accommodations, three were chosen to be included in Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). The purpose of the MCDA was to evaluate four different categories linked to stormwater, which are environment, social, technology and economical categories. These categories are broad concepts; therefore, parameters were developed to narrow down the areas within the concept, from which the area of investigation was founded within. The parameters created for each category are degree of purification for the environmental category, performance and maintenance for the technological category, aesthetical and social benefits for the social category and costs and risk for the economical category. The criteria developed from these parameters are specific topics that was scored from the scale between 0-5, where 0 = insignificant, 1= Low, 2= Moderate, 3= Major, 4=High, 5= Very high. A reference option was also created, considered as “no commercial treatment of stormwater”, only to transport stormwater. This reference option was also referred to as a zero-alternative and is drainage by piping. The scoring was conducted by stakeholders and citizens of Stockholm. The scoring of the three chosen stormwater accommodations and the reference alternative after calculating the mean value and summarize it resulted in that stormwater pond received the highest overall score of 11.9 followed by rain gardens 11.4, infiltration trench 11.3 and drainage by piping 7.3. The stakeholders are influential people that works either with stormwater, layout and planning or maintenance personnel. Citizens of Stockholm provided inputs only in regards of the social aspects. A total of 20 stakeholders were contacted and 5 stakeholders participated in the scoring procedure. Citizens were interviewed on the street; a total of 60 people was asked to participate and 13 people decided to participate in the scoring procedure of the social aspects. Although, the attendance of stakeholders was low, they are still considered important to this project since they provided the scoring of the criteria for each respective category (environment, technology, social and economic). In regards of the low attendance by stakeholders, this resulted in a way that it became hard to distinguish the result between the different stormwater accommodation. Therefore, it was hard to determine which stormwater accommodation that was the best out ofthe ranking provided by the MCDA. A benefit by using MCDA as a tool in this case, gave an indication that the MCDA can work as a framework to decision makers, even though the result in this case became difficult to manage and distinguish between the different stormwater accommodations. Finally, the method, layout and analysis itself can provide means of measurements for stormwater investigations when the purpose is to choose between the best stormwater systems included in the MCDA. Inputs from stakeholders concluded that depending on what type of existing circumstances, there must be a site-specific evaluation to treat every area as a unique area, before deciding what type of stormwater accommodation to apply to that specific location. / Dagvattenhantering är ett problematiskt område som under de senaste 20 åren har fått allt mer uppmärksamhet då mer föroreningar uppdagats i städerna. Den ökande föroreningen av dagvatten tenderar att orsaka en större risk för djur, människor, ekosystem och recipienter dit dagvatten rinner. På grund av uppmärksamheten som dagvattenhanteringen har fått, har myndigheter, regering och andra intressenter utvecklat dagvatten teknologin ytterligare för att skapa en modern dagvattenstrategi för att handskas med problemet. Dagvattenhantering är nödvändigt eftersom den skapar sociala, miljömässiga och tekniska fördelar samt om dagvattensystemen kombineras med funktionalitet så kan detta ge ökat skydd för ekosystemen samt förbättrad hälsa hos befolkningen i städerna. Den här rapporten beskriver sju olika typer av dagvattensystem så som; rain gardens, dagvattendammar, brunnar, skärmbassänger, svackdiken, rör-/betong magasin samt krossdiken på begäran av Structor Mark Stockholm. Utav dessa 7 dagvattensystem, ingick 3 anläggningar i en så kallad multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Syftet med en MCDA är att utvärdera fyra olika kategorier som kan förknippas med dagvattenhantering. Kategorierna är miljömässiga, sociala, tekniska och ekonomiska. Dessa kategorier utger dock ett brett budskap och för att begränsa analysen så skapades parametrar. Dessa parametrar skapas utifrån varje enskild kategori. För den miljömässiga kategorin skapades parametern grad av rening, för den tekniska kategorin skapades parametern prestanda och underhåll, för den sociala kategorin skapades parametern estetiska och sociala fördelar, och slutligen för den ekonomiska kategorin skapades parametern kostnader och risker. Utifrån dessa parametrar skapades sedan kriterier med specifika huvudämnen som kan bedömas enligt en poängskala från 0-5 där 0 = insignificant, 1=Low, 2= Moderate, 3= Major, 4= High, 5= Very high. Tre dagvattensystem inkluderas i MCDA vilket var; rain gardens, dagvattendammar, krossdiken vars syfte är att rena och fördröja dagvatten. Ett referensalternativ skapades också som ävenkallas ”zero-alternative”, vilket anses inte ha någon rening av dagvatten utan är endast ett transportsystem för dagvatten. Detta referensalternativ kallas drainage by piping. Poängsättningen gjordes av intressenter och invånare i Stockholm. Intressenterna är människor som arbetar med dagvattenhantering antingen på planeringsstadiet eller ute i fält som drift och underhålls personal. Invånare i Stockholm bedömde endast den sociala kategorin eftersom det kan sakna kunskap och insyn i det miljömässiga, tekniska och ekonomiska detaljerna. Totalt kontaktades 20 intressenter där 5 personer valde att medverka i MCDA. Invånare i Stockholm intervjuades på stan, totalt frågades ca 60 personer varav 13 personer valde att medverka i poängsättningen. Poängsättningen av de tre valda dagvattensystemen samt referensalternativet, efter beräkningav medelvärdet samt den totala summeringen resulterade i att dagvattendammar fick den hösta poängen 11,9 hamnade rain garden på andra plats med 11,4, krossdike på tredje plats med 11,3 samt referensalternativet på en fjärde plats med 7,3. De tre dagvattensystemen hade ett relativt liknande slutgiltigt resultat. Dock så skilde sig den individuella kategoriska bedömningen av miljömässiga, tekniska, sociala samt ekonomiska aspekten med större varierande resultat. Även om deltagandet av intressenter var relativt lågt, endast 25 % av det kontaktade intressenterna valde att ställa upp, så anses dessa intressenter vara viktiga för det här projektet då de, utifrån deras kunskap, bedömer det uppsatta kriterierna och det är denna bedömning som resultatet baseras på. Resultaten mellan det olika dagvattenanläggningarna som var inkluderade i MCDA var svåra att särskilja, troligtvis beroende på att ingen viktningsmetod användes. Däremot så är en fördel med MCDA som verktyg i det här fallet, att det gav en indikation på att MCDA kan fungera som ett stödjande verktyg för beslutsfattare även om resultatet i det här fallet var svårt att särskilja. Själva metoden, upplägget och analysen kan användas som medel för att avgöra vilken typ av dagvattenanläggning som passar bäst utifrån de kriterier som är uppsatta. Slutligen så gav intressenterna en påvisning att dagvattenanläggningar ska konstrueras så att hänsyn tas till omkringliggande omständigheter, där varje plats ska ansesvara unik. Det krävs en platsspecifik utredning där hänsyn till geologiska, geotekniska,hydrologiska samt infrastrukturella och miljömässiga aspekter bör utredas innan valet av dagvattensystem bestäms.

Coordenação da entrega de ajuda a vítimas de desastre: uma abordagem multicritério com pensamento focado em valor. / Coordination of aid delivery to disaster victims: a multicriteria approach with value-focused thinking

Cavalcanti, Luísa Brandão 27 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da logística envolvida em operações de resposta a desastres, com foco na entrega final de suprimentos destinados a ajudar vítimas. Seu propósito é investigar os objetivos pertinentes ao planejamento do transporte da carga e encontrar uma metodologia para definir estratégia que sirva à tomada de decisão em campo. Para tanto, primeiramente identifica-se os objetivos adotados em modelos de Pesquisa Operacional para a tarefa em questão, através da análise de conteúdo das publicações pertinentes. Então, a abordagem do Pensamento Focado em Valores é utilizada para estruturar o problema. Finalmente, o método Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique Exploiting Ranks (SMARTER) é empregado na construção de um modelo de Análise da Decisão Multicritério (ADM), com consulta a um profissional experiente da área humanitária e aproveitando a análise da literatura previamente realizada. Neste processo, são elaboradas e avaliadas seis alternativas para a tomada de decisão condizentes com os valores da comunidade humanitária. Os resultados obtidos mostram que existe incompatibilidade entre os critérios de desempenho identificados nas publicações existentes e os objetivos perseguidos pelo Tomador da Decisão (TD) real. De acordo com o modelo construído, o atendimento de prioridades e a manutenção da sustentabilidade da operação são os objetivos que devem ser levados em conta para planejar a entrega de carga em pós-desastre, sendo que o custo e a equidade da distribuição não devem ser considerados. Conclui-se que o método adotado é útil à definição destes critérios e também ao desenvolvimento de estratégias que resultem em distribuições de ajuda melhores, aos olhos do próprio TD. Desta forma, ressalta-se que este trabalho contribui à área da Logística Humanitária com a investigação dos objetivos, assim como ao campo da ADM pela formalização dos processos de elaboração de alternativas, além da adição de mais uma aplicação possível ao repertório do método SMARTER. / This study concerns the logistics of disaster response operations, with a focus on final delivery of supplies to victims. The objectives here are to investigate what objectives are pertinent to the transportation-planning task and to find a methodology for choosing a strategy that aids decision-making on the field. For achieving these, a content analysis of Operations Research models is done, allowing the identification of such objectives, from which the problem is structured using a Value-Focused Thinking approach. Subsequently, the Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Exploiting Ranks (SMARTER) is employed to build a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) model, consulting an experienced humanitarian professional and taking into account the results from the previous analysis. Throughout this process, six alternatives for making decisions are designed and evaluated based on the objectives defined. Findings are that there is incompatibility between performance criteria identified in the literature and objectives pursued by a real Decision Maker (DM). From the model presented by this thesis, one concludes that satisfying priorities and sustaining the response operation are the objectives to be taken into account when drawing an aid distribution plan. It also follows that the methodology adopted here is useful to defining such performance criteria and to develop strategies that result in better outcomes, as judged by the DM. Therefore, this study contributes to Humanitarian Logistics research area by casting a light on the objectives of a post-disaster task, and to the MCDA field by formalizing the process of designing alternatives for complex problems, besides adding a new application of SMARTER to its repertory.

The use of formal methods for decision making in the planning phase of healthcare facilities

Lima, Clarissa Sucupira Andrade 09 April 2007 (has links)
The Pre-Project Phase of building construction manages the communication between client organization, user groups and designers. Disconnects and miscommunication in this phase may result in a product that does not fulfill the expectations of the parties involved. It is expected that the adoption of more formal methods can streamline the communication and improve its precision. Based on a literature review, a triage of methods is introduced: (a) a method for initial criteria management, supported by the EcoProP software (developed by VTT in Finland); (b) a method to rationalize and manage criteria in relation to the design organizational instruments, supported by the QFD ProP software (developed by VTT in Finland); (c) a method that supports multi criteria decision making, supported by a range of commercially available software tools. In order to assess the effectiveness of these tools they have been applied in the specific case of Pre-Project Phase of a healthcare facility. A Case Study on a concrete discrete decision problem is dealt with. It concerns the choice between a central medication room and patient room dispenser closets (also known as Nurservers). The Nurservers Case Study is used to evaluate the applicability of the proposed criteria gathering, ranking and decision methods in the Pre-Project Phases daily practices. The claim that these rational methods increase efficiency, precision and satisfaction of the parties involved in this phase is investigated. The thesis evaluates how the introduction of rational methods benefits the communication between stakeholders.

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