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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational analysis of multi-phase flow in porous media with application to fuel cells

Akhgar, Alireza 21 December 2016 (has links)
Understanding how the water produced in an operating polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is transported in cathode catalyst layer (CCL) is crucial to improving performance and efficiency. In this thesis, a multiple-relaxation-time (MRT) lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is employed to simulate the high density ratio, multiphase water transport in in the CCL. The three-dimensional structure of the catalyst layer is reconstructed based on experimental data acquired with a dual beam scanning electron microscope/focused ion beam system and a stochastic method using lower order statistical functions (e.g. porosity and two point correlation functions). Simulations of the water transport dynamics are performed to examine the effect of a range of physical parameters: wettability, viscosity ratio, pressure gradient, and surface tension. The water penetration patterns in the catalyst layers reveal a complex fingering process and transition of the water transport pattern from a capillary fingering regime to a stable displacement regime is observed when the wettability potential of the catalyst layer changes. The second part of the analysis focuses on quantifying the impact of liquid water distribution and accumulation in the catalyst layer on effective transport properties by coupling two numerical methods: the two-phase LBM is used to determine equilibrium liquid water distribution, and then a finite volume-based pore-scale model (FV-PSM) is used to compute transport of reactant and charged species in the CL accounting for the impact of liquid water saturation .The simulated results elucidate and quantify the significant impact of liquid water on the effective oxygen and water vapor diffusivity, and thermal conductivity in CLs. / Graduate

Comprehensive Modeling and Numerical Investigation of Entrained-Flow Coal Gasifiers

Silaen, Armin 14 May 2010 (has links)
Numerical simulations of coal gasification process inside a generic 2-stage entrainedflow gasifier are carried out using the commercial CFD solver ANSYS/FLUENT. The 3-D Navier-Stokes equations and eight species transport equations are solved with three heterogeneous global reactions, three homogeneous reactions, and one thermal cracking equation of volatiles. Finite rates are used for the heterogeneous solid-gas reactions. Both finite rate and eddy-breakup combustion models are calculated for each homogeneous gas-gas reaction, and the smaller of the two rates is used. Lagrangian-Eulerian method is employed. The Eulerian method calculates the continuous phase while the Lagrangian method tracks each coal particle. Fundamental study is carried out to investigate effects of five turbulence models (standard k-ε, k-ω, RSM, k-ω SST, and k-ε RNG) and four devolatilization models (Kobayashi, single rate, constant rate, and CPD) on gasification simulation. A study is also conducted to investigate the effects of different operation parameters on gasification process including coal mixture (dry vs. slurry), oxidant (oxygen-blown vs. air-blown), and different coal distributions between two stages. Finite-rate model and instantaneous gasification model are compared. It is revealed that the instantaneous gasification approach can provide an overall evaluation of relative changes of gasifier performance in terms of temperature, heating value, and gasification efficiency corresponding to parametric variations, but not adequately capture the local gasification process predicted by the finite rate model in most part of the gasifier. Simulations are performed to help with design modifications of a small industrial demonstration entrained-flow gasifier. It is discovered that the benefit of opening the slag tap on the quench-type gasifier wider by allowing slag to move successfully without clogging is compromised by increased heat losses, reduced gasification performance, downgraded syngas heating value, and increased unburned volatiles. The investigation of heat transfer on fuel injectors shows that blunt tip fuel injector is less likely to fail compared to conical tip fuel injector because the maximum high temperature on the injector is scattered. Two concentric fuel/oxidant injections provide better fuel-oxidant mixing and higher syngas heating value than four separate fuel and oxidant injections.

Análise tempo-freqüência de regimes de escoamento bifásico gás-líquido intermitentes em tubo horizontal / Time-frequency analysis of intermittent two-phase flows in horizontal piping

Klein, Fabiana Lopes 20 October 2004 (has links)
Um dos atributos fundamentais associados aos escoamentos multifásicos é a existência de estruturas características segundo as quais as diferentes fases do líquido escoam. O surgimento de uma dessas estruturas, conhecidas como configurações ou regimes de escoamento, é determinado pelas vazões e propriedades físicas dos componentes, além de parâmetros geométricos como diâmetro e inclinação do conduto. O desenvolvimento de metodologias de caracterização de regimes, bem como a caracterização e o diagnóstico da transição destes regimes de escoamento são de fundamental importância. Este trabalho utiliza a análise tempo-frequência da transformada de Gabor para caracterizar os regimes de escoamento horizontais gás-líquido intermitentes. Mais especificamente, o principal objetivo está em investigar a existência de sub-regimes dentro do regime intermitente, para tanto recorremos à covariância tempo-frequência da transformada de Gabor, que é capaz de detectar transições através da não-estacionaridade associada com as correspondentes transições. Testes experimentais foram conduzidos no circuito TALC em CEA-Grenoble e uma extensiva base de dados foi obtida, cobrindo diversos tipos de escoamento intermitente. Uma sonda de condutividade elétrica, consistindo de dois anéis de eletrodos montados junto à tubulação, produziu sinais dos quais a covariância tempo-frequência foi calculada através da correspondente transformada de Gabor. / One of the main features associated to multiphase flows is the existence of characteristic dynamic structures according to which the different phases of a mixture of immiscible fluids can flow. The manifestation of one of these structures, known a flow pattern or regime, is determined by the flow rates as well as by physical and geometrical properties of the fluids and piping. The development of flow pattern characterization and diagnostic methods, and the associated transitions in between, is of crucial importance for an efficient engineering of such phenomena. Time-frequency analysis based on the Gabor transform is used in this work to characterize horizontal air-water intermittent flow regimes. More specifically, our main objective is to reveal the existence of sub-regimes inside the intermittent regimes region with the help of the corresponding time-frequency covariance based on the Gabor transform, which is capable of detecting transitions by assessing the unstationarity associated with the corresponding transitions. Experimental tests were conducted at the TALC facility at CEA-Grenoble and an extensive database was obtained, covering several types of intermittent flow. A conductivity probe, consisting in two ring electrodes flush mounted to the pipe, delivered signals from which the time-frequency covariance were calculated from the corresponding Gabor transform.

Estudo de sedimentador contínuo usando fluidodinâmica computacional. / Study of continuous settler using computational fluid dynamics.

Luna, Flavia Daylane Tavares de 23 March 2018 (has links)
Em virtude da sua facilidade de operação e elevada eficiência, sedimentadores são bastante utilizados pelas indústrias na separação de componentes com diferentes densidades. Porém o desempenho do tanque sedimentador depende do campo de fluxo dentro do equipamento que, por sua vez, é influenciado pelas características dos sólidos em suspensão, da geometria e dimensões do tanque separador. As características hidrodinâmicas em um sedimentador circular vertical foram investigadas no presente trabalho, tanto por abordagens experimentais como numéricas. As experiências foram realizadas por velocimetria de imagem de partículas em um protótipo de sedimentador, construído em acrílico cristal transparente. As simulações foram realizadas, utilizando o pacote ANSYS CFX na versão 16.0, considerando escoamento 3D, turbulento, isotérmico e em regime permanente. O modelo em fluidodinâmica computacional foi criado em forma progressiva. Inicialmente, foram testados modelos para o sistema monofásico (água) e verificados através da comparação aos dados experimentais. Seis modelos de turbulência do tipo RANS foram analisados: epsilon, Renormalization Group (RNG) k-epsilon, k-omega, Shear Stress Transport (SST) e os de tensão de Reynolds (BSL RSM e SSG RSM). Para o estudo bifásico, empregou-se o modelo multifásico Euler-Euler, juntamente com o modelo de partícula e o de Gidaspow. Nesta situação, diversas configurações de condições de contorno e modificações no projeto do tanque original foram analisadas por meio de campo vetorial, linhas de fluxo, planos de concentração volumétrica e de energia cinética turbulenta. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo de turbulência BSL RSM foi o mais adequado para descrever o escoamento no sedimentador contínuo, sendo capaz de prever as recirculações e as variações de velocidade ao longo do equipamento. As zonas de recirculações (posição e intensidade) mostraram-se influenciadas pelas condições de contorno e forma geométrica do tanque de separação. Foi verificado que o aumento do diâmetro do tanque sedimentador (em 40,0%) provocou um favorecimento na separação água e sólido, elevando a eficiência em 17,3%, enquanto o aumento da altura (em 40,0%) do tanque reduziu a eficiência de separação em 27,5% em comparação ao projeto original. / Due to their operation facility and high efficiency, settlers are widely used by industries for separating components of different densities. The performance of sedimentation, however, depends on the flow field is inside the equipment, which in turn is influenced by the characteristics of the solids in suspension and by the geometry and size of the separation tank. The hydrodynamic characteristics of a vertical circular settler were investigated in the present work by means of both experimental and numeric approaches. The experimental analyses were carried out by particle image velocimetry in a settler prototype built in transparent crystal acrylic. The simulations were carried out using the software ANSYS CFX version 16.0, considering a 3-D, turbulent, isothermal and steady-state flow. The computational fluid dynamics model was used in the progressive approach. The models were initially tested for the one-phase process (water) and checked against the experimental data. Six RANS turbulence models were analyzed: k-epsilon, Renormalization Group (RNG) k- epsilon, k-omega, Shear Stress Transport (SST) and Reynolds Stress models (BSL RSM and SSG RSM). For the two-phase flow, the Euler-Euler multiphase model was used together with the particle model and the Gidaspow model. In this context, several configurations of boundary conditions and modifications in the original tank design were analyzed using vector field, flow lines, volumetric concentration and turbulent kinetic energy. The results showed that the BSL RSM turbulence model was more appropriate to explain the flow in the continuous settler, being able to predict the recirculations and velocity variations along the equipment. The recirculation zones (position and magnitude) were influenced by the boundary conditions and by the geometric shape of the separation tank. It was found that an increase in the diameter of the settler tank (in 40.0%) favored the water and solid separation, increasing its efficiency by 17.3%, while an increase in the height of the tank (in 40.0%) reduced the efficiency of separation by 27.5% when compared to the original design.

Representação de superfícies livres utilizando partição da unidade implícita no sistema Freeflow / Free surface representation on freeflow using partition of unity implicits

Ladeira, Luis Felipe da Costa 13 June 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em introduzir uma nova abordagem de representação de superfície no ambiente de simulação Freeflow2D. Consiste em usar Partição da Unidade Implícita para estimar da superfície a geometria, normais e curvatura. Procurando se valer das vantagens de métodos do tipo meshless (sem malha) conservando no entanto a malha Lagrangiana, no interesse de manter o fácil acesso de vizinhança, inserção e eliminação de pontos / The objective of this work is to introduce a new approache of surface representation within the Freeflow system. It consists of using implicit functions by means of Partition of Unit Implicit to estimate surface geometry, normals and curvature. Aiming at the advantages of meshless methods of surface representation whilst keeping the Lagrangian mesh in order to preserve ease of access of geometric vicinity, particle insertion and removal

Análise e revisão de modelos de escoamentos multifásicos empregados em válvulas do tipo Choke. / Analysis and review of the multiphase flow models applied for coke valves.

Fernando Kenig Buffa 01 September 2017 (has links)
Escoamentos multifásicos estão presentes em diversas aplicações industriais, principalmente na indústria do petróleo. Um dos casos de aplicação, objeto de estudo desse trabalho, é a determinação da produção de poços de petróleo através de válvulas choke. É apresentada uma revisão dos efeitos físicos e do equacionamento adotado pelos principais modelos multifásicos existentes para tais válvulas. Um estudo de sensibilidade de tais efeitos físicos é realizado, analisando as possíveis alternativas para a diferença de velocidade entre as fases, o mecanismo adotado para a troca de calor entre as fases, a influência da energia cinética a montante da válvula, a influência da área efetiva da garganta e a metodologia de cálculo da recuperação de pressão a jusante da válvula. Conclui-se que dos diversos fatores que influenciam no cálculo da vazão mássica e da condição crítica, a área efetiva da garganta é um parâmetro importante e que é necessário uma maior investigação de como determinar tal parâmetro. / Multiphase flow are present in many industrial applications, mainly at the petroleum industry. One of these application cases, aim of this work study, is to determine a petroleum well production by the choke valves. It is presented a revision of the physical effects and for the adopted equation by the main existing multiphase models for such valves. A sensibility study of such physical effects is performed, analyzing the possible alternatives for the phases velocities difference, the adopted mechanism for the heat transfer between the phases, the upstream kinetic energy influence, the throat effective area influencie and the calculation methodology adopted for the valve downstream pressure recover. It is concluded that from many factors that influence in the mass flow and critical condition calculation, the throat effective area is a important parameter and it is necessary a deeper investigation in how to determine such parameter.

Electrical capacitance tomography for real-time monitoring of process pipelines

Al Hosani, Esra January 2016 (has links)
The process industry is concerned with the processing of crude resources into other products. Such crudes consist of multiphase components that introduce major challenges to the operators; hence the need for efficient instrumentations that address such challenges is highly desirable. One major need is an early deposit detection system that detects deposit before it builds-up in a pipeline or equipment to prevent any possible hazard. Another critical requirement is the need to continuously monitor the flow and deduce the flow rate of every individual phase in order to study and analyse the produced product. Hence, in order to ensure safety, increase profits, optimize production and ensure production quality, the multiphase flow must be adequately monitored and controlled. This thesis demonstrated the efficiency of novel ECT algorithms for early deposit detection and multiphase flow measurement in order to measure the flow rate of all separate phases. This thesis focuses on developments in ECT image reconstruction specifically the inverse solutions and is divided into three main studies where they all build up to complete each other. In the first study, ECT is used for the first time with a narrowband pass filter to focus on targeted locations in a pipe where dielectric contaminants are expected to deposit in order to enhance the resolution of the produced images. The experimental results showed that different deposit regimes and accumulated fine deposits could be detected with high resolution. The second study allowed a better understanding of how conductive material could be imaged using a conventional ECT device and how state of the art algorithms such as iterative total variation regularisation method and the level set method could enhance this application. Also, absolute ECT imaging is presented for the first time where the level set algorithm uses only one set of ECT measurement data. This study gives a novel solution for detecting conductive deposits as well as paves the way to use the new level set algorithm for multiphase flow measurement. In the third study, the novel narrowband level set algorithm was modified to image multiphase media in order to correctly determine the number, location and concentration of the present phases. The innovative absolute ECT imaging using level set method is tested with high contrast and low contrast multiphase data, which adds more to the challenge.

Direct Numerical Simulation of Swirling Flows using the Front Tracking Method

Terdalkar, Rahul J 20 December 2007 (has links)
"Swirling multiphase flows are found in a wide range of industrial processes. Such flows are used for separation of flows containing phases of different densities and for devices such as the spinning tensiometer. These flows are challenging to predict computationally, due to the presence of a phase boundary and the large pressure gradient generated by the swirl. In the present work the applicability of the front tracking method to swirling multi-phase flows is demonstrated by studying the evolution of a bubble in spinning tensiometer. Previous studies show that the evolution of a bubble in the spinning drop tensiometer can be used to measure the interfacial tension and other rheological properties. The front tracking method is applied to the spinning tensiometer problem to study several cases and verify the convergence of the solutions. The results are validated with other computational methods, theoretical models and experimental results. The length scales obtained from the front tracking method are in agreement with the corresponding values from experiments and other computational studies. The shape of the end of the elongated bubble obtained from the simulations is found to be similar to that suggested by a theoretical expression from previous studies. The simulations predict that the relaxation of bubble radius is exponential with time, at a rate that is found to be slightly greater than that predicted by the theoretical model."

Caracterização da fluidização de biomassas de casca de madeiras em leitos polidispersos

Genehr, Guilherme Alfredo 20 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-02-17T16:06:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Alfredo Genehr_.pdf: 3248455 bytes, checksum: 2c7c7d772f1c7cc1743b696d11f69d05 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-17T16:06:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Alfredo Genehr_.pdf: 3248455 bytes, checksum: 2c7c7d772f1c7cc1743b696d11f69d05 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-20 / UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos / Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização física de amostras de biomassas e inertes e a caracterização da fluidodinâmica de misturas binárias entre biomassa e areia, através da determinação das curvas de fluidização destas misturas. Como biomassa foram utilizadas casca de eucalipto (Eucalyptus) e casca de pinus (Pinus elliotti). Os experimentos foram realizados em um leito de bancada desenvolvido na Unisinos com diâmetro interno de 9,4 cm e 1,2 m de comprimento. A amostra de pinus possui um tamanho de partícula médio de 579,13 μm e a amostra de eucalipto um tamanho médio de partícula de 537,50 μm com massas específicas de 1,271 g/cm³ e 1,386 g/cm³ respectivamente. As misturas foram feitas com proporções entre 1,43% até 41,89% de massa de biomassa. Para os ensaios fluidodinâmicos foram determinadas as velocidades características inicial (ufi), aparente (ufa) e completa (ufc), além da velocidade de mínima fluidização (umf). Os métodos empregados foram o gráfico de queda de pressão em função da velocidade do gás e observações. As análises foram feitas com base na influência da natureza da biomassa, a fração de massa de biomassa contida na mistura e a comparação dos resultados experimentais em relação a correlação proposta na literatura. Os resultados mostraram que com o aumento da proporção de biomassa as velocidades características tendem a aumentar, com exceção das amostras de areia 01 com pinus. A correlação proposta pelos autores Paudel e Feng (2013) apresentou uma boa estimativa para a previsão da velocidade de mínima fluidização de misturas de biomassa e inerte com erros relativos médios absolutos de 12,70%, 31,90%, 140,33% e 19,10% para as misturas de areia 01 com eucalipto, areia 02 com eucalipto, areia 01 com pinus e areia 02 com pinus, respectivamente. / This paper presents the physical characterization of samples of biomass and inert and the characterization of fluid dynamics of binary mixtures of sand and biomass, by determining the fluidization curves from these mixtures. Eucalyptus bark (Eucalyptus) and pine bark (Pinus elliottii) were used as biomass. The experiments were performed in a bench bed developed at the Unisinos with an internal diameter of 94 cm and 1.2 m in length. The biomass samples have an average particle size of 579.13 μm for pine and 537.50 μm for eucalyptus with specific real mass of 1,271 g/cm³ and 1.386 g/cm³ respectively. The mixtures were prepared with proportions between 1.43% to 41.89% by weight of biomass. The initial (ufi), the apparent (ufa), the complete (ufc), and the minimum fluidization velocity (umf) were determined for fluid dynamic tests. The methods employed were the pressure drop graph as a function of gas velocity and observations. The analyzes have been performed concerning the influence of the nature of the biomass, the mass fraction of biomass contained in the mixture and comparison of the experimental results regarding the correlation proposed in the literature. The results showed that with the increase of the proportion of biomass characteristics speeds tend to increase, with the exception of the sand 01 with pine mixtures. The correlation proposed by the authors Paudel and Feng (2013) presented a good estimate for the prediction of the minimum fluidization velocity of mixtures of biomass and inert with absolute average relative errors of 12.70%, 31.90%, 140.33% and 19.10% for mixtures of sand 01 with eucalyptus, sand 02 with eucalyptus, sand 01 with pine and sand 02 with pine respectively.

Sistema baseado em medidor de pressão diferencial para determinação em linha de vazões de produção em poços de petróleo. / System based on differential pressure device for in ine determination of production flow rate in oil wells.

Elson Francisco da Paz 17 December 2010 (has links)
A indústria de petróleo e gás tem trabalhado para o desenvolvimento de métodos que permitam o monitoramento e controle da produção de fluidos nos poços. Para isso são desenvolvidos equipamentos específicos para medição de vazões. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema baseado em medidores de vazão por obstrução ou pressão diferencial (placas de orifício, bocais e Venturis) para determinação em linha de vazões de produção (óleo, gás e água) em poços de petróleo. A partir das equações de conservação da massa e do momento para escoamento unidimensional e considerando escoamento isotérmico com fases incompressíveis, sem mudança de fase, com fases líquidas homogeneizadas e com escorregamento constante entre as fases líquida e gasosa, é deduzida uma relação geral entre vazão mássica total e queda de pressão. Utilizando a correlação de Chisholm para o escorregamento, é realizada uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo homogêneo e o modelo de escorregamento constante. Por meio de uma caracterização dos fluidos em produção em estado permanente e utilizando o modelo de black oil para o sistema óleo-gás, são determinadas as vazões de produção na condição de referência. São realizadas validações dos resultados do modelo com dados experimentais obtidos numa bancada experimental em Aracaju (Sergipe) e em poços de Urucu (Amazonas). A comparação com os resultados experimentais mostra que as predições feitas com o modelo de escorregamento podem ser consideradas satisfatórias, levando-se em conta que o modelo foi desenvolvido de maneira independente, sem parâmetros de ajuste dos dados experimentais. / The oil and gas industry has been working to develop methods to monitor and control the fluid production in the wells. For this purpose, specific equipments are developed for measuring stream flows. This work presents a system based on differential pressure (or obstruction) flow meters (orifice plates, Venturis and nozzles) for online determination of production flows (oil, gas and water) in oil wells. Starting from the mass and momentum conservation equations for one-dimensional, isothermal flow and considering incompressible phases without phase change, homogenized liquid phases and constant slip between gas and liquid phases, a general relationship between total mass flow and pressure drop is derived. Using Chisholmts correlation for the slip, a comparison is made between the results obtained with the homogeneous model and the constant slip model. Through a characterization of the production fluids in steady state and using the black oil model for the oil-gas system, the production flows are determined at the reference condition. A validation is made between results obtained with the model and experimental data obtained in a rig at Aracaju (Sergipe) and in wells at Urucu (Amazonas). The comparison with experimental results shows that the predictions made with the slip model may be considered satisfactory, taking into account that the model was developed independently, without parameters adjusted from the experimental data.

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