Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multiphase flow"" "subject:"multiphases flow""
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Sistema baseado em medidor de pressão diferencial para determinação em linha de vazões de produção em poços de petróleo. / System based on differential pressure device for in ine determination of production flow rate in oil wells.Elson Francisco da Paz 17 December 2010 (has links)
A indústria de petróleo e gás tem trabalhado para o desenvolvimento de métodos que permitam o monitoramento e controle da produção de fluidos nos poços. Para isso são desenvolvidos equipamentos específicos para medição de vazões. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema baseado em medidores de vazão por obstrução ou pressão diferencial (placas de orifício, bocais e Venturis) para determinação em linha de vazões de produção (óleo, gás e água) em poços de petróleo. A partir das equações de conservação da massa e do momento para escoamento unidimensional e considerando escoamento isotérmico com fases incompressíveis, sem mudança de fase, com fases líquidas homogeneizadas e com escorregamento constante entre as fases líquida e gasosa, é deduzida uma relação geral entre vazão mássica total e queda de pressão. Utilizando a correlação de Chisholm para o escorregamento, é realizada uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo homogêneo e o modelo de escorregamento constante. Por meio de uma caracterização dos fluidos em produção em estado permanente e utilizando o modelo de black oil para o sistema óleo-gás, são determinadas as vazões de produção na condição de referência. São realizadas validações dos resultados do modelo com dados experimentais obtidos numa bancada experimental em Aracaju (Sergipe) e em poços de Urucu (Amazonas). A comparação com os resultados experimentais mostra que as predições feitas com o modelo de escorregamento podem ser consideradas satisfatórias, levando-se em conta que o modelo foi desenvolvido de maneira independente, sem parâmetros de ajuste dos dados experimentais. / The oil and gas industry has been working to develop methods to monitor and control the fluid production in the wells. For this purpose, specific equipments are developed for measuring stream flows. This work presents a system based on differential pressure (or obstruction) flow meters (orifice plates, Venturis and nozzles) for online determination of production flows (oil, gas and water) in oil wells. Starting from the mass and momentum conservation equations for one-dimensional, isothermal flow and considering incompressible phases without phase change, homogenized liquid phases and constant slip between gas and liquid phases, a general relationship between total mass flow and pressure drop is derived. Using Chisholmts correlation for the slip, a comparison is made between the results obtained with the homogeneous model and the constant slip model. Through a characterization of the production fluids in steady state and using the black oil model for the oil-gas system, the production flows are determined at the reference condition. A validation is made between results obtained with the model and experimental data obtained in a rig at Aracaju (Sergipe) and in wells at Urucu (Amazonas). The comparison with experimental results shows that the predictions made with the slip model may be considered satisfactory, taking into account that the model was developed independently, without parameters adjusted from the experimental data.
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Identificação de padrões de escoamento horizontal bifásico gás-líquido através de distribuição tempo-freqüência e redes neurais / Identification of horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns through time-frequence distribution and neural networksSelli, Marcelo Fernando 02 February 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo fundamental a construção de um sistema de identificação capaz de diagnosticar em tempo real as diferentes configurações de escoamentos bifásicos horizontais. É importante ressaltar que o desenvolvimento deste know-how é capital para a operação eficaz de instalações de manipulação e ou transporte de fluidos multifásicos, e representa, hoje, um dos grandes desafios nas indústrias do petróleo e termonuclear. O princípio de funcionamento do sistema proposto baseia-se nos sinais captados por um sensor de pressão flutuante de resposta rápida, e no seu pósprocessamento com auxílio da transformada de Gabor e de uma rede neural convenientemente treinada. A implementação é tal que a operação de diagnóstico pode ser feita on-line, desde a aquisição dos sinais até o pósprocessamento. Resultados experimentais foram obtidos no circuito experimental do NETeF - Núcleo de Engenharia Térmica e Fluidos da USP - Universidade de São Paulo, para uma secção de testes horizo ntal com 12 m de comprimento e diâmetro interno de 30 mm. Em específico foram ensaiados os seguintes padrões de escoamento ar-água: estratificado liso, ondulado, intermitente, anular e a bolhas. Os resultados mostram que, dependendo dos limites de detecção pré-estabelecidos, todos o principais padrões de escoamento bifásico horizontal são identificados corretamente. / The fundamental objective of this work is the construction of an identification system capable of diagnosing in real time different configurations of horizontal two-phase flow patterns. It is important to emphasize that the development of this know-how is capital to the efficient operation of facilities for manipulation and transportation of multiphase fluids, and represents, today, one of the most important challenges in the oil and thermonuclear industries. The working principle of the proposed system is based on the signals acquired by a rapid response fluctuating pressure sensor, and on its post processing through Gabor Transform and on a conveniently trained artificial neural network. The implementation is accomplished in way that the diagnosis operation is performed on-line, from signal acquisition to post-processing. Experimental results were obtained on the experimental circuit at NETeF - Núcleo de Engenharia Térmica e Fluidos of USP - Universidade de São Paulo, at São Carlos, using a horizontal test section, with 12 m length and 30 mm internal diameter. Experiments were done with the following air-water flow patterns: stratified smooth, wavy, intermittent, annular, and bubbly. Results show that, depending on the preset detection limits, all the main horizontal two phase flow patterns were correctly identified.
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Sistema baseado em medidor de pressão diferencial para determinação em linha de vazões de produção em poços de petróleo. / System based on differential pressure device for in ine determination of production flow rate in oil wells.Paz, Elson Francisco da 17 December 2010 (has links)
A indústria de petróleo e gás tem trabalhado para o desenvolvimento de métodos que permitam o monitoramento e controle da produção de fluidos nos poços. Para isso são desenvolvidos equipamentos específicos para medição de vazões. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema baseado em medidores de vazão por obstrução ou pressão diferencial (placas de orifício, bocais e Venturis) para determinação em linha de vazões de produção (óleo, gás e água) em poços de petróleo. A partir das equações de conservação da massa e do momento para escoamento unidimensional e considerando escoamento isotérmico com fases incompressíveis, sem mudança de fase, com fases líquidas homogeneizadas e com escorregamento constante entre as fases líquida e gasosa, é deduzida uma relação geral entre vazão mássica total e queda de pressão. Utilizando a correlação de Chisholm para o escorregamento, é realizada uma comparação entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo homogêneo e o modelo de escorregamento constante. Por meio de uma caracterização dos fluidos em produção em estado permanente e utilizando o modelo de black oil para o sistema óleo-gás, são determinadas as vazões de produção na condição de referência. São realizadas validações dos resultados do modelo com dados experimentais obtidos numa bancada experimental em Aracaju (Sergipe) e em poços de Urucu (Amazonas). A comparação com os resultados experimentais mostra que as predições feitas com o modelo de escorregamento podem ser consideradas satisfatórias, levando-se em conta que o modelo foi desenvolvido de maneira independente, sem parâmetros de ajuste dos dados experimentais. / The oil and gas industry has been working to develop methods to monitor and control the fluid production in the wells. For this purpose, specific equipments are developed for measuring stream flows. This work presents a system based on differential pressure (or obstruction) flow meters (orifice plates, Venturis and nozzles) for online determination of production flows (oil, gas and water) in oil wells. Starting from the mass and momentum conservation equations for one-dimensional, isothermal flow and considering incompressible phases without phase change, homogenized liquid phases and constant slip between gas and liquid phases, a general relationship between total mass flow and pressure drop is derived. Using Chisholmts correlation for the slip, a comparison is made between the results obtained with the homogeneous model and the constant slip model. Through a characterization of the production fluids in steady state and using the black oil model for the oil-gas system, the production flows are determined at the reference condition. A validation is made between results obtained with the model and experimental data obtained in a rig at Aracaju (Sergipe) and in wells at Urucu (Amazonas). The comparison with experimental results shows that the predictions made with the slip model may be considered satisfactory, taking into account that the model was developed independently, without parameters adjusted from the experimental data.
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Análise e revisão de modelos de escoamentos multifásicos empregados em válvulas do tipo Choke. / Analysis and review of the multiphase flow models applied for coke valves.Buffa, Fernando Kenig 01 September 2017 (has links)
Escoamentos multifásicos estão presentes em diversas aplicações industriais, principalmente na indústria do petróleo. Um dos casos de aplicação, objeto de estudo desse trabalho, é a determinação da produção de poços de petróleo através de válvulas choke. É apresentada uma revisão dos efeitos físicos e do equacionamento adotado pelos principais modelos multifásicos existentes para tais válvulas. Um estudo de sensibilidade de tais efeitos físicos é realizado, analisando as possíveis alternativas para a diferença de velocidade entre as fases, o mecanismo adotado para a troca de calor entre as fases, a influência da energia cinética a montante da válvula, a influência da área efetiva da garganta e a metodologia de cálculo da recuperação de pressão a jusante da válvula. Conclui-se que dos diversos fatores que influenciam no cálculo da vazão mássica e da condição crítica, a área efetiva da garganta é um parâmetro importante e que é necessário uma maior investigação de como determinar tal parâmetro. / Multiphase flow are present in many industrial applications, mainly at the petroleum industry. One of these application cases, aim of this work study, is to determine a petroleum well production by the choke valves. It is presented a revision of the physical effects and for the adopted equation by the main existing multiphase models for such valves. A sensibility study of such physical effects is performed, analyzing the possible alternatives for the phases velocities difference, the adopted mechanism for the heat transfer between the phases, the upstream kinetic energy influence, the throat effective area influencie and the calculation methodology adopted for the valve downstream pressure recover. It is concluded that from many factors that influence in the mass flow and critical condition calculation, the throat effective area is a important parameter and it is necessary a deeper investigation in how to determine such parameter.
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Mass loading and Stokes number effects in steady and unsteady particle-laden jets.Foreman, Richard J. January 2008 (has links)
In single phase, steady, turbulent axisymmetric jets, the time-averaged velocity field can be characterised by the decay in centreline velocity and increased spread with increasing distance from the jet orifice. In a two-phase or ‘particle-laden’ jet, the particles will modulate the jet turbulence and exchange momentum with the gas phase. Consequently, these effects reduce both the centreline velocity decay and spreading rates with respect to the single-phase jet. Empirical exponential scaling factors were found by previous authors to describe the reduced centreline decay and spreading rates well for low Stokes numbers. In this thesis, power-law scaling factors are found to scale well a wide range of centreline velocity decay and spreading rate data published over the past 40 years, for a wide range of Stokes numbers. The power-law scaling is composed of three different regimes. For low Stokes numbers St₀ ≲20, it is found that the gas phase centreline velocity, u₀/uc collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹, and the velocity profile half widths r₁/ ₂ collapse if plotted as a function of x/D(1+Ø₀)⁻¹. Here, u₀ is the exit velocity, Ø₀ is the exit mass loading, x is the axial coordinate and D is the pipe diameter. For intermediate Stokes numbers, u₀/uc collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹ and r₁/ ₂ collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹/². For high Stokes numbers St₀ ≳ 200, u₀/uc collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹/² and the half width is approximately independent of Ø₀. In addition to the velocity of the gas phase, other aspects of particle- laden jets are found to be amenable to scaling by power-law functions. It is found that reported solid phase mass flux data scales similarly to gas phase measurements. Limited solid phase concentration and entrainment measurements reported in the literature are also found to scale by power-law functions. Whereas that limited data was obtained from the literature, measurements of the distribution of particles in particle-laden jets were conducted to further assess the validity of the scaling regimes to the solid phase. A planar light scattering technique is conducted to measure the distribution of particles in an axisymmetric jet and their subsequent scaling (or lack thereof) are reported for a variation in Ø₀, Stokes number and gas phase jet exit density. For Stokes numbers based on the pipe friction velocity St* ₀ ∼ 1, half widths of particle distributions were found to scale with x/D(1+Ø₀)⁻¹/² . The apparent centreline concentration was found to be independent of Ø₀ at this same St* ₀ . For Stokes numbers based on the pipe friction velocity St*₀ < 1, half widths are independent of Ø₀. The effect of the other parameters, i.e. Stokes number and density ratio, on centreline distributions and half widths are also investigated. Measurements of particle distributions, delivered via an annular channel, in a triangular oscillating jet (OJ) flow are also reported for a variation in momentum ratio, the ratio of OJ momentum to channel momentum and mass loading. The results of the variation in momentum ratio on particle distributions are compared with an existing precessing jet (PJ) study. It is the aim of this study to determine the experimental conditions for which the OJ nozzle is superior to the PJ nozzle. The use of an OJ nozzle is preferable at an industrial scale by virtue of its lower driving pressure compared with a PJ nozzle. It is found that particle distributions in a PJ flow spread at a greater rate with increasing momentum ratio compared with the spread of particles in an OJ flow. However, at momentum ratios approximately less than unity, the absolute spread from an OJ is greater. This also corresponds to nozzle driving pressure less than approximately 10kPA. For an increase in mass loading, the spread of particle distribution in the OJ decreases and recirculation increases. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1337352 / Thesis (M.Eng.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2008
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Mass loading and Stokes number effects in steady and unsteady particle-laden jets.Foreman, Richard J. January 2008 (has links)
In single phase, steady, turbulent axisymmetric jets, the time-averaged velocity field can be characterised by the decay in centreline velocity and increased spread with increasing distance from the jet orifice. In a two-phase or ‘particle-laden’ jet, the particles will modulate the jet turbulence and exchange momentum with the gas phase. Consequently, these effects reduce both the centreline velocity decay and spreading rates with respect to the single-phase jet. Empirical exponential scaling factors were found by previous authors to describe the reduced centreline decay and spreading rates well for low Stokes numbers. In this thesis, power-law scaling factors are found to scale well a wide range of centreline velocity decay and spreading rate data published over the past 40 years, for a wide range of Stokes numbers. The power-law scaling is composed of three different regimes. For low Stokes numbers St₀ ≲20, it is found that the gas phase centreline velocity, u₀/uc collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹, and the velocity profile half widths r₁/ ₂ collapse if plotted as a function of x/D(1+Ø₀)⁻¹. Here, u₀ is the exit velocity, Ø₀ is the exit mass loading, x is the axial coordinate and D is the pipe diameter. For intermediate Stokes numbers, u₀/uc collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹ and r₁/ ₂ collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹/². For high Stokes numbers St₀ ≳ 200, u₀/uc collapses if plotted as a function of x/D(1 + Ø₀)⁻¹/² and the half width is approximately independent of Ø₀. In addition to the velocity of the gas phase, other aspects of particle- laden jets are found to be amenable to scaling by power-law functions. It is found that reported solid phase mass flux data scales similarly to gas phase measurements. Limited solid phase concentration and entrainment measurements reported in the literature are also found to scale by power-law functions. Whereas that limited data was obtained from the literature, measurements of the distribution of particles in particle-laden jets were conducted to further assess the validity of the scaling regimes to the solid phase. A planar light scattering technique is conducted to measure the distribution of particles in an axisymmetric jet and their subsequent scaling (or lack thereof) are reported for a variation in Ø₀, Stokes number and gas phase jet exit density. For Stokes numbers based on the pipe friction velocity St* ₀ ∼ 1, half widths of particle distributions were found to scale with x/D(1+Ø₀)⁻¹/² . The apparent centreline concentration was found to be independent of Ø₀ at this same St* ₀ . For Stokes numbers based on the pipe friction velocity St*₀ < 1, half widths are independent of Ø₀. The effect of the other parameters, i.e. Stokes number and density ratio, on centreline distributions and half widths are also investigated. Measurements of particle distributions, delivered via an annular channel, in a triangular oscillating jet (OJ) flow are also reported for a variation in momentum ratio, the ratio of OJ momentum to channel momentum and mass loading. The results of the variation in momentum ratio on particle distributions are compared with an existing precessing jet (PJ) study. It is the aim of this study to determine the experimental conditions for which the OJ nozzle is superior to the PJ nozzle. The use of an OJ nozzle is preferable at an industrial scale by virtue of its lower driving pressure compared with a PJ nozzle. It is found that particle distributions in a PJ flow spread at a greater rate with increasing momentum ratio compared with the spread of particles in an OJ flow. However, at momentum ratios approximately less than unity, the absolute spread from an OJ is greater. This also corresponds to nozzle driving pressure less than approximately 10kPA. For an increase in mass loading, the spread of particle distribution in the OJ decreases and recirculation increases. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1337352 / Thesis (M.Eng.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2008
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Time-dependent boundary conditions for multiphase flowOlsen, Robert January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this thesis a set of boundary conditions for multiphase flow is suggested.</p><p>Characteristic-based boundary conditions are reviewed for single-phase flow. The problem of open-boundary conditions is investigated, and to avoid drifting values, the use of control functions is proposed.</p><p>The use of control functions is also verified with a new test which assesses the quality of the boundary conditions. Particularly, P- and PI-control functions are examined. PI-controllers have the ability to specify a given variable exactly at the outlet as well as at the inlet, without causing spurious reflections which are amplified.</p><p>Averaged multiphase flow equations are reviewed, and a simplified model is established. This model is used for the boundary analysis and the computations. Due to the averaging procedure, signal speeds are reduced to the order of the flow speed. This leads to numerical challenges. For a horizontal channel flow, a splitting of the interface pressure model is suggested. This bypasses the numerical problems associated with separation by gravity, and a physical realistic model is used. In this case, the inviscid model is shown to possess complex eigenvalues, and still the characteristic boundary conditions give reasonable results.</p><p>The governing equations are solved with a Runge-Kutta scheme for the time integration. For the spatial discretisation, a finite-volume and a finite-difference method are used. Both implementations give equivalent results. In single-phase flow, the results improve significantly when a numerical filter is applied. For two-dimensional two-phase flow, the computations are unstable without a numerical filter.</p>
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NAPL spill modeling and simulation of pumping remediation : NAPL modellering och simulering av pumpningRasmusson, Kristina, Rasmusson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>This Master Thesis presents TMVOC simulations of a NAPL-spill (non-aqueous phase liquid) and following pumping remediation. TMVOC is a simulation program for three-phase non-isothermal multicomponent flow in saturated-unsaturated heterogeneous media. The models presented are based on an actual remediation project. The aim of the thesis was to study if the historical development of the NAPL-spill could be simulated and how long time the pumping remediation would take. A 3D-model and a radially symmetric cylindrical model were created.</p><p>A large effort of the work done was in taking the complex TMVOC model in use and modifying it for the problem at hand. Therefore, the numerical results of the simulations should be considered as preliminary and as forming basis for future studies.</p><p>The results from the spill simulation and historical pumping simulation indicated that the spill volume could be less than the estimated 1400 m<sup>3</sup>, perhaps around 700 m<sup>3</sup>, assuming a leakage time of 30 years.</p><p>The historical pumping simulation of a 700 m<sup>3</sup> diesel spill showed good agreement with measured values for some wells, but overestimated the recovery in other wells. The overestimation could be due to the fact that the 3D-model did not take seasonal changes in the groundwater level into consideration. Also, the model did not account for any heterogeneity or compartmentalization in soil material properties that could explain the differences between the wells. </p><p>Assuming the same spill of 700 m<sup>3</sup>, future pumping was simulated. The results from these simulations indicated the remediation time to be long due to fast decreasing mobility of the NAPL phase. The NAPL flow rate to the wells was halved in a couple of years. Much of the NAPL was distributed over a large area at near residual saturation with the highest NAPL saturation found at the opposite side of the pumping wells in the model.</p><p> </p><p>Future simulation studies should address the effect of discretization as well as the effect of uncertainties in material properties e.g. conductivity, residual NAPL saturation and soil heterogeneity.</p>
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Use of pore-scale network to model three-phase flow in a bedded unsaturated zoneZhang, Wenqian 17 July 1995 (has links)
Contamination of ground water by non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) has
received increasing attention. The most common approach to numerical modeling of
NAPL movement through the unsaturated zone is the use of the finite difference or finite
element methods to solve a set of partial differential equations derived from Darcy's law
and the continuity equations (Abriola and Pinder, 1985; Kaluarachchi and Parker, 1989).
These methods work well in many settings, but have given little insights as to why certain
non-ideal flow phenomena will occur. The network modeling method, which considers
flow at the pore-scale, was used in this study to better understand macroscopic flow
phenomena in porous media.
Pore-scale network models approximate porous medium as a connected network
of pores and channels. Two and three-dimensional pore-scale network models were
constructed in this study. A uniform statistical distribution was assumed to represent the
random arrangement of pore and tube sizes. Both hysteristic scanning curves and
intermediate fluid distribution are studied. The simulation results suggested that network
models may be used to predict the characteristic curves of three-phase systems. The
results also suggested that three-dimensional models are necessary to study the three-phase
problems. Two-dimensional models do not provide realistic results as evidenced by
their inability to provide scale-invariant representation of flow processes. The network
sizes used in this study ranged from 10 x 5 (50) to 156 x 78 (12168) pores for two-dimensional
and from 10 x 5 x 5 (250) to 100 x 50 x 5 (25000) pores for three-dimensional
domains. The domain size of 100 x 50 x 5 pores was large enough to provide
descriptions independent of the domain scale.
The one important limitation of network models is the considerable computational
requirements. The use of very high speed computers is essential. Except for this
limitation, the network model provides an invaluable technique to study fluid transport
mechanisms in the vadose zone. / Graduation date: 1996
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Low differential pressure and multiphase flow measurements by means of differential pressure devicesJusto, Hernandez Ruiz, 15 November 2004 (has links)
The response of slotted plate, Venturi meter and standard orifice to the presence of two phase, three phase and low differential flows was investigated. Two mixtures (air-water and air-oil) were used in the two-phase analysis while a mixture of air, water and oil was employed in the three-phase case. Due to the high gas void fraction (α>0.9), the mixture was considered wet gas. A slotted plate was utilized in the low differential pressure analysis and the discharge coefficient behavior was analyzed. Assuming homogeneous flow, an equation with two unknowns was obtained for the multi-phase flow analysis. An empirical relation and the differential response of the meters were used to estimate the variables involved in the equation. Good performance in the gas mass flow rate estimation was exhibited by the slotted and standard plates for the air-water flow, while poor results were obtained for the air-oil and air-water oil flows. The performance of all the flow meter tested in the analysis improved for differential pressures greater than 24.9 kPa (100 in_H2O). Due to the tendency to a zero value for the liquid flow, the error of the estimation reached values of more than 500% at high qualities and low differential pressures. Air-oil and air-water-oil flows show that liquid viscosity influences the response of the differential pressure meters. The best results for high liquid viscosity were obtained in the Venturi meter using the recovery pressure for the gas flow estimation at differential pressures greater than 24.9 kPa (100 in_H2O). A constant coefficient Cd was used for the low differential pressure analysis and results did show that for differential pressure less than 1.24 kPa (5 inH2O) density changes are less than 1% making possible the incompressible flow assumption. The average of the computed coefficients is the value of Cd.
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