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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Cross Section Measurement Of Events With Two Muons At The $Z^{0}$ Resonance And At Least One Heavy Flavour Jet At The ATLAS Experiment Of The Large Hadron Collider

Steinbach, Peter 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In 2010, the Large Hadron Collider (\\lhc{}) at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva (Switzerland) came into full operation providing proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of $\\sqrt{s} = \\unit[7]{TeV}$. \\lhc{} data may allow the observation of the Higgs boson, the last unknown building block of the standard model of particle physics (SM). Di-muon final states containing heavy flavour jets pose an irreducible background for searches of the Higgs boson as predicted the SM or theories beyond. They also provide a unique testbed for tests of perturbative Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (pQCD). This thesis provides a measurement of the cross section of events with one di-muon pair with an invariant mass in the \\Z{} mass region and at least one heavy flavour jet. Studies on acceptance and systematic effects of the experimental setup are presented as well as a comparison to theoretical predictions. The total inclusive cross section of \\zbFS{} events was observed as $\\sigma(\\mu^{+}\\mu^{-}+b+X) = \\unit[(4.15 ^{+0.97}_{-0.89} (stat.) ^{+0.45}_{-0.53} (syst.))]{pb} $ from the equivalent of $\\unit[36]{pb^{-1}}$ of data. Agreement with pQCD predictions at next-to leading order (NLO) is found while tensions with leading order (LO) predictions are observed. Further, the cross-section ratio \\RwZ{} with events containing two muons and at least one jet of any origin was measured to $\\mathcal{R} = \\unit[4.6 ^{+1.4}_{-1.2} (stat.) \\pm 0.5 (syst.)]{\\%}$. This is found to agree with NLO and LO calculations within known uncertainties.

Estudo do comportamento de variáveis cinemáticas na produção difrativa de mésons D-+* em colisões próton-próton √s = 7TeV / Study of the diffractive production of mesons from proton-proton collisions, at √s = 7TeV

Juliana Fonseca Boaretto 31 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Apresentamos um estudo preliminar da produção difrativa de mésons utilizando dados obtidos da colisão próton-próton, a energias de centro de massa de 7 TeV, com o experimento CMS-LHC. O trabalho inclui o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de reconstrução dos mésons D* através do canal de decaimento D*->D0 + pion (lento) ->K+pion, a medida da eficiência de detecção e reconstrução, e uma análise do comportamento de variáveis cinemáticas na produção difrativa dessas partículas, particularmente, das lacunas de rapidez. Para isso, foi utilizada uma luminosidade integrada de 3,171pb^(-1) de dados coletados no ano de 2010. As análises com os dados experimentais foram comparadas com os resultados obtidos com geradores de Monte Carlo PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 e POMPYT. / In this work we present a very preliminary study of the diffractive production of mesons D* from proton-proton collisions, at center of mass energy of 7 TeV, with the CMS-LHC experiment. The decay channel where D*->D0 + pion (slow) ->K+pion was reconstructed and the efficiency was computed. An analysis of the dependence of the kinematical variables,particularly of the pseudo rapidity gap Δη, on the meson production was done. A total luminosity of 3.171pb^(-1) of data collected in the year of 2010 was analyzed, and the reconstructed data were compared to the ones obtained with PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 and POMPYT generators.

Estudo do comportamento de variáveis cinemáticas na produção difrativa de mésons D-+* em colisões próton-próton √s = 7TeV / Study of the diffractive production of mesons from proton-proton collisions, at √s = 7TeV

Juliana Fonseca Boaretto 31 August 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Apresentamos um estudo preliminar da produção difrativa de mésons utilizando dados obtidos da colisão próton-próton, a energias de centro de massa de 7 TeV, com o experimento CMS-LHC. O trabalho inclui o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de reconstrução dos mésons D* através do canal de decaimento D*->D0 + pion (lento) ->K+pion, a medida da eficiência de detecção e reconstrução, e uma análise do comportamento de variáveis cinemáticas na produção difrativa dessas partículas, particularmente, das lacunas de rapidez. Para isso, foi utilizada uma luminosidade integrada de 3,171pb^(-1) de dados coletados no ano de 2010. As análises com os dados experimentais foram comparadas com os resultados obtidos com geradores de Monte Carlo PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 e POMPYT. / In this work we present a very preliminary study of the diffractive production of mesons D* from proton-proton collisions, at center of mass energy of 7 TeV, with the CMS-LHC experiment. The decay channel where D*->D0 + pion (slow) ->K+pion was reconstructed and the efficiency was computed. An analysis of the dependence of the kinematical variables,particularly of the pseudo rapidity gap Δη, on the meson production was done. A total luminosity of 3.171pb^(-1) of data collected in the year of 2010 was analyzed, and the reconstructed data were compared to the ones obtained with PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 and POMPYT generators.

Search for new massive resonances decaying to dielectrons or electron-muon pairs with the CMS detector

Reis, Thomas 25 February 2015 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur la recherche de nouvelles résonances massives se désintégrant en une paire d’électrons ou une paire électron-muon avec le détecteur CMS, installé auprès du Grand Collisionneur du Hadrons (LHC) au CERN. Les données analysées correspondent à l’ensemble des collisions proton-proton enregistrées par le détecteur en 2012 à une énergie dans le centre de masse de 8 TeV. Après une brève introduction au modèle standard des particules élémentaires et à quelques unes des théories allant au-delà, le LHC et le détecteur CMS sont présentés. La reconstruction des différentes particules créées lors des collisions, en particulier des électrons et muons de haute énergie, est ensuite discutée. Deux analyses séparées sont menées.<p>La première consiste en la recherche d’une nouvelle résonance étroite, plus massive que le boson Z, dans le spectre de masse invariante des paires d’électrons, dont la principale contribution, dans le modèle standard, provient du processus de Drell–Yan. De telles résonances sont notamment prédites par des modèles dits de grande unification ou à dimensions spatiales supplémentaires. Le bruit de fond provenant des processus du modèle standard étant réduit dans la région étudiée, quelques événements localisés peuvent suffire pour mener à une découverte, et la sélection des électrons est optimisée afin de ne perdre aussi peu d’événements que possible. Les différentes contributions des bruits de fond sont partiellement estimées à partir de simulations. Une méthode basée sur le spectre de masse invariante des paires électron-muon mesuré dans les données est développée pour valider la contribution du second bruit de fond en terme d’importance. Aucun excès n’est observé par rapport aux prédictions du modèle standard et des limites supérieures à 95% de niveau de confiance sont placées sur le rapport entre la section efficace de production multipliée par le rapport de branchement d’une nouvelle résonance et celle au pic du boson Z. Ces limites sont ensuite converties en limites inférieures sur la masse de différentes particules hypothétiques de spin 1 ou de spin 2.<p>La seconde analyse consiste en une recherche de résonances massives et étroites dans le spectre de masse invariante des paires électron-muon. De telles résonances briseraient la conservation du nombre leptonique tel que prédit par le modèle standard. Cette possibilité existe cependant dans certains modèles de nouvelle physique. C’est notamment le cas pour un modèle à dimensions supplémentaires où apparaissent des nouveaux bosons neutres lourds. La sélection des événements demande un électron de haute énergie comme dans l’analyse précédente, et un muon de grande impulsion transverse. La stratégie de recherche est similaire au cas des paires d’électrons :le fait de rechercher un signal étroit rend l’analyse statistique très peu sensible aux erreurs systématiques affectant la normalisation absolue du spectre de masse électron-muon. Comme aucune déviation significative n’est observée par rapport aux prévisions du modèle standard, des limites supérieures sur la section efficace multipliée par le rapport de branchement sont établies pour le modèle à dimensions spatiales supplémentaires. Étant données les faibles valeurs théoriques de la section efficace de production des résonances violant la conservation de la saveur dans ce modèle, la quantité de données analysées ne permet pas d’en déduire une limite inférieure sur leur masse. Cette analyse représente néanmoins la première recherche directe avec l’expérience CMS, de bosons massifs, se désintégrant avec violation du nombre leptonique, en une paire électron-muon.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the dimuon decay channel with the ATLAS detector

Rudolph, Christian 09 December 2014 (has links)
Die Suche nach dem Higgs-Boson des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik stellte einen der Hauptgründe für den Bau des Large Hadron Colliders (LHC) dar, dem derzeit größten Teilchenphysik-Experiment der Welt. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist gleichfalls von dieser Suche getrieben. Der direkte Zerfall des Higgs-Bosons in Myonen wird untersucht. Dieser Kanal hat mehrere Vorteile. Zum einen ist der Endzustand, bestehend aus zwei Myonen unterschiedlicher Ladung, leicht nachzuweisen und besitzt eine klare Signatur. Weiterhin ist die Massenauflösung hervorragend, sodass eine gegebenenfalls vorhandene Resonanz gleich in ihrer grundlegenden Eigenschaft - ihrer Masse - bestimmt werden kann. Leider ist der Zerfall des Higgs-Bosons in ein Paar von Myonen sehr selten. Lediglich etwa 2 von 10000 erzeugten Higgs-Bosonen zeigen diesen Endzustand . Außerdem existiert mit dem Standardmodellprozess Z/γ∗ → μμ ein Zerfall mit einer sehr ähnlichen Signatur, jedoch um Größenordnungen höherer Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit. Auf ein entstandenes Higgs-Boson kommen so etwa 1,5 Millionen Z-Bosonen, welche am LHC bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 8 TeV produziert werden. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei eng miteinander verwandte Analysen präsentiert. Zum einen handelt es sich hierbei um die Untersuchung des Datensatzes von Proton-Proton-Kollisionen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 8 TeV, aufgezeichnet vom ATLAS-Detektor im Jahre 2012, auch als alleinstehende Analyse bezeichnet. Zum anderen erfolgt die Präsentation der kombinierten Analyse des kompletten Run-I Datensatzes, welcher aus Aufzeichnungen von Proton-Proton-Kollisionen der Jahre 2011 und 2012 bei Schwerpunktsenergien von 7 TeV bzw. 8 TeV besteht. In beiden Fällen wird die Verteilung der invarianten Myon-Myon-Masse nach einer schmalen Resonanzsignatur auf der kontinuierlichen Untergrundverteilung hin untersucht. Dabei dient die theoretisch erwartete Massenverteilung sowie die Massenauflösung des ATLAS-Detektors als Grundlage, um analytische Parametrisierungen der Signal- und Untergrundverteilungen zu entwickeln. Auf diese Art wird der Einfluss systematischer Unsicherheiten auf Grund von ungenauer Beschreibung der Spektren in Monte-Carlo Simulationen verringert. Verbleibende systematische Unsicherheiten auf die Signalakzeptanz werden auf eine neuartige Weise bestimmt. Zusätzlich wird ein bisher einzigartiger Ansatz verfolgt, um die systematische Unsicherheit resultierend aus der Wahl der Untergrundparametrisierung in der kombinierten Analyse verfolgt. Zum ersten Mal wird dabei die Methode des scheinbaren Signals auf einem simulierten Untergrunddatensatz auf Generator-Niveau angewendet, was eine Bestimmung des Einflusses des Untergrundmodells auf die Anzahl der ermittelten Signalereignisse mit nie dagewesener Präzision ermöglicht. In keiner der durchgeführten Analysen konnte ein signifikanter Überschuss im invarianten Massenspektrum des Myon-Myon-Systems nachgewiesen werden, sodass obere Ausschlussgrenzen auf die Signalstärke μ = σ/σ(SM) in Abhängigkeit von der Higgs-Boson-Masse gesetzt werden. Dabei sind Stärken von μ ≥ 10,13 bzw. μ ≥ 7,05 mit einem Konfidenzniveau von 95% durch die alleinstehende bzw. kombinierte Analyse ausgeschlossen, jeweils für eine Higgs-Boson-Masse von 125,5 GeV. Die erzielten Ergebnisse werden ebenfalls im Hinblick auf die kürzlich erfolgte Entdeckung des neuen Teilchens interpretiert, dessen Eigenschaften mit den Vorhersagen eines Standardmodell-Higgs-Bosons mit einer Masse von etwa 125,5 GeV kompatibel sind. Dabei werden obere Grenzen auf das Verzweigungsverhältnis von BR(H → μμ) ≤ 1,3 × 10^−3 und auf die Yukawa-Kopplung des Myons von λμ ≤ 1,6 × 10^−3 gesetzt, jeweils mit einem Konfidenzniveau von 95%.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Foundations 3. Experimental Setup 4. Event Simulation 5. Muon Reconstruction and Identification 6. Event Selection 7. Signal and Background Modeling 8. Systematic Uncertainties 9. Statistical Methods 10. Results 11. Summary and Outlook / The search for the Standard Model Higgs boson was one of the key motivations to build the world’s largest particle physics experiment to date, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This thesis is equally driven by this search, and it investigates the direct muonic decay of the Higgs boson. The decay into muons has several advantages: it provides a very clear final state with two muons of opposite charge, which can easily be detected. In addition, the muonic final state has an excellent mass resolution, such that an observed resonance can be pinned down in one of its key properties: its mass. Unfortunately, the decay of a Standard Model Higgs boson into a pair of muons is very rare, only two out of 10000 Higgs bosons are predicted to exhibit this decay. On top of that, the non-resonant Standard Model background arising from the Z/γ∗ → μμ process has a very similar signature, while possessing a much higher cross-section. For one produced Higgs boson, there are approximately 1.5 million Z bosons produced at the LHC for a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. Two related analyses are presented in this thesis: the investigation of 20.7 fb^−1 of the proton-proton collision dataset recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2012, referred to as standalone analysis, and the combined analysis as the search in the full run-I dataset consisting of proton-proton collision data recorded in 2011 and 2012, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of L = 24.8 fb^−1 . In each case, the dimuon invariant mass spectrum is examined for a narrow resonance on top of the continuous background distribution. The dimuon phenomenology and ATLAS detector performance serve as the foundations to develop analytical models describing the spectra. Using these analytical parametrisations for the signal and background mass distributions, the sensitivity of the analyses to systematic uncertainties due to Monte-Carlo simulation mismodeling are minimised. These residual systematic uncertainties are addressed in a unique way as signal acceptance uncertainties. In addition, a new approach to assess the systematic uncertainty associated with the choice of the background model is designed for the combined analysis. For the first time, the spurious signal technique is performed on generator-level simulated background samples, which allows for a precise determination of the background fit bias. No statistically significant excess in the dimuon invariant mass spectrum is observed in either analysis, and upper limits are set on the signal strength μ = σ/σ(SM) as a function of the Higgs boson mass. Signal strengths of μ ≥ 10.13 and μ ≥ 7.05 are excluded for a Higgs boson mass of 125.5 GeV with a confidence level of 95% by the standalone and combined analysis, respectively. In the light of the discovery of a particle consistent with the predictions for a Standard Model Higgs boson with a mass of m H = 125.5 GeV, the search results are reinterpreted for this special case, setting upper limits on the Higgs boson branching ratio of BR(H →μμ) ≤ 1.3 × 10^−3, and on the muon Yukawa coupling of λμ ≤ 1.6 × 10^−3 , both with a confidence level of 95 %.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Foundations 3. Experimental Setup 4. Event Simulation 5. Muon Reconstruction and Identification 6. Event Selection 7. Signal and Background Modeling 8. Systematic Uncertainties 9. Statistical Methods 10. Results 11. Summary and Outlook

On the electronic phase diagram of Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 superconductors: A local probe study using Mössbauer spectroscopy and Muon Spin Relaxation

Goltz, Til 28 October 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, I study the electronic and structural phase diagrams of the superconducting 122 iron pnictides systems Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 by means of the local probe techniques 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) and muon spin relaxation (muSR). For both isovalent substitution strategies - Co/K for Fe/Ba and P for As, respectively - the antiferromagnetic Fe ordering and orthorhombic distortion of the parent compounds BaFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 are subsequently suppressed with increasing chemical substitution and superconductivity arises, once long-range and coherent Fe magnetic order is sufficiently but not entirely suppressed. For Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 in the charge compensated state (x/2=y), a remarkably similar suppression of both, the orthorhombic distortion and Fe magnetic ordering, as a function of increasing substitution is observed and a linear relationship between the structural and the magnetic order parameter is found. Superconductivity is evidenced at intermediate substitution with a maximum Tsc of 15 K coexisting with static magnetic order on a microscopic length scale. The appearance of superconductivity within the antiferromagnetic state can by explained by the introduction of disorder due to nonmagnetic impurities to a system with a constant charge carrier density. Within this model, the experimental findings are compatible with the predicted s± pairing symmetry. For EuFe2(As1-xPx)2, the results from 57Fe MS and ZF-muSR reveal an intriguing interplay of the local Eu 2+ magnetic moments and the itinerant magnetic Fe moments due to the competing structures of the iron and europium magnetic subsystems. For the investigated single crystals with x=0.19 and 0.28, 57Fe MS evidences the interplay of Fe and Eu magnetism by the observation of a transferred hyperfine field below Tafm at which the Eu subsystem orders into a canted A-type AFM magnetic structure. Furthermore, an additional temperature dependent out-of-plane tilting of the static Fe hyperfine field is observed below the onset of static Eu ordering. ZF-muSR shows a strong increase of the local field at the muon site below Tafm=20 K and a crossover from isotropic to anisotropic Eu spin-dynamics between 30 and 10 K. The temperature dependence of the spin dynamics, as derived from the muSR dynamic relaxation rates, are related to a critical slowing down of Eu-spin fluctuations which extends to even much higher temperatures (~100 K). They also effect the experimental linewidth observed in the 57Fe MS experiments. The strong influence of the Eu magnetic order onto the primary observables in both methods prevents conclusive interpretation of the experimental data with respect to a putative interplay of Fe magnetism and superconductivity.

W boson measurement in the muonic decay channel at forward rapidity with ALICE / Mesure de la production du boson W dans le canal muonique à rapidité à l'avant avec ALICE

Zhu, Jianhui 01 April 2017 (has links)
La haute densité d’énergie atteinte au Large Hadron Collider (LHC) au CERN permet une production abondante de sondes dures, telles que quarkonia, jets à haute impulsion transverse (p<sub>T</sub>) et bosons vecteurs (W, Z), qui sont produits lors de la collision partonique initiale. Les bosons vecteur se désintègrent avant la formation du Plasma de Quark et de Gluons (PQG), une phase déconfinée de la matière, qui peut être produite lors de collisions d’ions lourds ultra-relativistes. Les leptons issus de la désintégration des bosons électrofaibles ne sont pas sensibles à l’interaction forte avec le PQG. Pour ces raisons les bosons électrofaibles fournissent une référence pour l’étude des modifications induites par le milieu sur les sondes colorées.La production de bosons W en collisions pp à √s=8 TeV et en collisions p-Pb à √s<sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV est mesurée dans le canal de désintégration muonique au LHC avec le détecteur ALICE. En collision pp, la gamme de rapidité couverte par la mesure est -4<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.5. En collision p-Pb, la différence d’énergie entre le proton et l’ ion plomb donne lieu à un décalage en rapidité. En inversant la direction des faisceaux, il est possible de couvrir les régions de rapidité -4.46<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.96 et 2.03<y<sub>cms</sub><3.53. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse consistent dans la mesure de la section efficace de la production de muons avec pT>10GeV/c issus de la désintégration des bosons W+ et W-. La mesure de l’asymétrie de charge, définie comme la différence des taux de production des muons positifs et négatifs divisée par leur somme, est également effectuée. Les résultats sont comparés avec des calculs théoriques obtenus avec ou sans tenir compte des modifications des fonctions de distribution partonique dans les noyaux. La production du boson W est aussi étudiée en fonction de la centralité des collisions : nous observons que, dans les erreurs expérimentales, la section efficace des muons issus de la désintégration du boson W est proportionnelle aux nombre de collisions binaires entre les nucléons. / The high collision energies available at the LHC allow for an abundant production of hard probes, such as quarkonia, high-p<sub>T</sub> jets and vector bosons (W, Z), which are produced in initial hard parton scattering processes. The latter decay before the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), which is a deconfined phase of QCD matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Their leptonic decay products do not interact strongly with the QGP. Thus electroweak bosons introduce a way for benchmarking in-medium modifications to coloured probes. The production of W-boson in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV and p-Pb collisions at √s<sub>NN</sub>=5.02 TeV are measured via the muonic decay channel at the LHC with the ALICE detector. In pp collisions the rapidity covered by the measurement is -4<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.5. In p-Pb collisions, on the other hand, the different energies of the proton and lead ion give rise to a rapidity shift. By exchanging the direction of the beams, it is possible to cover the rapidity ranges -4.46<y<sub>cms</sub><-2.96 and 2.03<y<sub>cms</sub><3.53. The production cross section and charge asymmetry of muons from W-boson decays with p<sup>μ</sup>T>10 GeV/c are determined. The results are compared to theoretical calculations both with and without including the nPDFs. The W-boson production is also studied as a function of the collision centrality: the cross section of muons from W-boson decays is found to scale with the average number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions with uncertainties.

A physics-based muon trajectory estimation algorithm for muon tomographic applications

Reshma Sanjay Ughade (16625865) 04 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Recently, the use of cosmic ray muons in critical national security applications, e.g., nuclear nonproliferation and safeguards verification, has gained attention due to unique muon properties such as high energy and low attenuation even in very dense materials. Applications where muon tomography has been demonstrated include cargo screening for detection of special nuclear materials smuggling, source localization, material identification, determination of nuclear fuel debris location in nuclear reactors, etc. However, muon image reconstruction techniques are still limited in resolution mostly due to multiple Coulombscattering (MCS) within the target object. Improving and expanding muon tomography would require development of efficient & flexible physics-based algorithms to model the MCS process and accurately estimate the most probable trajectory of a muon as it traverses the target object. The present study introduces a novel algorithmic approach that utilizes Bayesian probability theory and a Gaussian approximation of MCS to estimate the most probable path of cosmic ray muons as they traverse uniform media.</p> <p>Using GEANT4, an investigation was conducted involving the trajectory of 10,000 muon particles that underwent bombardment from a point source parallel to the x-axis. The proposed algorithm was assessed through four types of simulations. In the first type, muons with energies of 1 GeV, 3 GeV, 10 GeV, and 100 GeV were utilized to evaluate the algorithms’ performance and accuracy. The second type of simulation involved the use of target cubes composed of different materials, including aluminum, iron, lead, and uranium. These simulations specifically focused on muons with an energy of 3 GeV. Next, the third type of simulation entailed employing target cubes with varying lengths, such as 10 cm, 20 cm, 40 cm, and 80 cm, specifically using muons with an energy of 3 GeV and a uranium target. Lastly, all the previous simulations were revised to accommodate a source of poly-energetic muons. This revision was undertaken to create a more realistic source scenario that aligns with the distribution of muon energies encountered in real-world situations.</p> <p>The results demonstrate significant improvements in precision and muon flux utilization when comparing different algorithms. The Generalized Muon Trajectory Estimation (GMTE) algorithm shows around 50% improvement in precision compared to currently used Straight Line Path (SLP) algorithm across all test scenarios. Additionally, GMTE algorithm exhibits around 38% improvement in precision compared to the extensively used Point of Closest Approach (PoCA) algorithm. Similarly for both mono and poly energetic source of muons, the GMTE algorithm shows 10%-35% increase in muon flux utilization for high Z materials and a 10%-15% increase for medium Z materials compared to the PoCA algorithm. Similarly, it demonstrates 6%-9% increase in muon flux utilization for both medium and high Z materials compared to the SLP algorithm across all test scenarios. These results highlight the enhanced performance and efficiency of GMTE algorithm in comparison to SLP and PoCA algorithms.</p> <p>Through these extensive simulations, our objective was to comprehensively evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm across a range of variables, including energy levels, materials, and target geometries. The findings of our study demonstrate that the utilization of these algorithm enables improved resolution and reduced measurement time for cosmic ray muons when compared with current SLP and PoCA algorithm.</p>

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