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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Analysis of Haydn's Horn Concerto and Trumpet Concerto

Adamson, Daniel 08 1900 (has links)
Among the existing solo instrumental concertos of Joseph Haydn's oeuvre are two concertos for brass instruments. These are the Horn Concerto in D Major (Hob. VIId: 3) and Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major (Hob. VIIe: 1). In addition to their standing as the only two concertos for solo brass instruments written by Haydn in existence, the two concertos provide a unique opportunity for insight into the history of the concerto genre and Haydn's change in compositional style. This is because of their chronological position within Haydn's oeuvre; the Horn Concerto was composed in 1762 during the early years of Haydn's employment with the Esterházy family and the Trumpet Concerto in 1796 as the last known concerto written by Haydn. Significant changes had occurred during that thirty four year time-span, not only in Haydn's life, but also within the field of music. This dissertation examines some of these changes and provides a comparative analysis of these two pieces. More specifically, it employs Schenkerian analysis of the voice-leading and structure of both concertos to examine the transformation in Haydn's compositional style and show the evolution of concerto form. This evolution in style between the Horn Concerto and Trumpet Concerto is most prominently marked by a loosening of compositional constraints, including freer formal procedures, instrumentation, harmonic structures, and an increase in chromaticism (aided by the new chromatic abilities of the trumpet). This document provides an in-depth comparative analysis within an often overlooked genre of music and gives insight into changes in Haydn's compositional style and the concerto genre.

Le langage de Claude Vivier : essai d’approche endogénétique d’un style musical

Rhéaume, Martine 04 1900 (has links)
La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU) / Cette recherche propose la description panoramique du style mélodique du compositeur québécois Claude Vivier (1948-1983) d’un point de vue qualifié d’endogénétique. L’entreprise repose sur l’analyse de seize (16) œuvres, composées entre 1973 et 1982 et allant de Chants à Samarkand. Il s’agit, en les considérant dans l'ordre chronologique de leur composition, de déterminer quels traits stylistiques mélodiques sont propres à chacune des œuvres, comment ils sont transformés d’une œuvre à l’autre, et quels traits stylistiques nouveaux apparaissent. Dans certains cas, une de ces caractéristiques est utilisée comme moteur unique d'une œuvre : un élément utilisé parmi d'autres dans certaines œuvres – la mélodie principale, la construction mélodique par ajouts de hauteurs, les accords-couleurs – apparaît comme l’élément principal d'une œuvre spécifique, pour ensuite être réintégré dans une autre, mais en étant ramené à un rôle secondaire au profit d'un autre élément. L’ensemble donne lieu à une description dynamique du style de Vivier comme évoluant de façon hélicoïdale plutôt que de façon linéaire. La thèse est constituée de trois chapitres précédés d'une introduction, consacrée au parcours biographique du compositeur, à la revue critique de la littérature analytique qui lui a été consacrée et à la notion de style. Le premier chapitre présente le choix des œuvres analysées et la méthodologie suivie, en particulier les principes de l'analyse paradigmatique, utilisée systématiquement pour chacune des seize œuvres analysées. Les parcours analytiques des œuvres forment le chapitre central de la thèse et permettent la constitution de fiches stylistiques dont les résultats sont compilés dans un tableau synthèse servant de base à un chapitre final où l’évolution endogénétique du style mélodique de Vivier est synthétisée. La seconde partie de la thèse présente en annexe les analyses paradigmatiques des seize œuvres, auxquelles renvoient les parcours analytiques du deuxième chapitre. Cette recherche a notamment démontré des similitudes d'axes paradigmatiques entre les œuvres, ce qui a donné lieu à une dénomination uniforme des axes d'une œuvre à l'autre ; ils sont décrits avec précision au début du second chapitre. Bien que la méthodologie utilisée donne une importance première au paramètre mélodique, les autres paramètres musicaux sont également mis en lumière dans les parcours analytiques. / This research proposes the panoramic description of the musical melodic style of Quebec composer Claude Vivier (1948-1983) from a perspective identified as endogenetic. The endeavour is based on the analysis of sixteen (16) works composed between 1973 and 1982, from Chants to Samarkand. This entails considering them in their chronological order of composition, so as to determine which stylistic traits are present in each work, how these are transformed from one work to the next, and what new stylistic melodic traits appear. In some cases, a single trait is used to propel an entire work: thus, an element that is one among many in certain works–the mélodie principale (principal melody), additive melodic construction based on pitch, accords-couleurs (colour-chords)–appears as the principal element of a particular work, to then be reintegrated into a subsequent work, this time in a subordinate role to some other element. Taken as a whole, these analyses lead to a dynamic description of Vivier’s style as having evolved in spirals rather than in a linear fashion. This dissertation is comprised of three chapters preceded by an introduction that is dedicated to the biographical elements of Vivier’s life, to a review of analytical literature devoted to the composer, and to a discussion of style as a concept. Chapter One presents the selection process of the works chosen for analysis and the methodology applied, in particular the fundamentals of paradigmatic analysis, used systematically for each of the sixteen works analyzed. The analytical overview for each of the works forms the core of the central chapter of the dissertation, facilitating the production of style index cards whose results are compiled in a summary chart that provides the foundation for the final chapter, where a synthesis of the endogenetic evolution of Vivier’s melodic style is presented. In the second part of the dissertation, an annex contains the paradigmatic analyses of all sixteen works, as referred to in Chapter Two during discussion of the analytical overview. In particular, this research has demonstrated the presence of similar paradigmatic axes between works, which has resulted in a standardization of the naming structure of these axes from one work to another; these are explained in detail at the beginning of the second chapter. Although the chosen methodology allots particular importance to the melodic parameter, the other musical parameters are also brought to light during the analytical overviews.

Une méthode dangereuse : comprendre le processus créateur en musique de film, le cas de Norman McLaren et Maurice Blackburn, David Cronenberg et Howard Shore

Hellégouarch, Solenn 06 1900 (has links)
Cette version de la thèse a été tronquée des certains éléments protégés par le droit d’auteur. Une version plus complète est disponible en ligne pour les membres de la communauté de l’Université de Montréal et peut aussi être consultée dans une des bibliothèques UdeM. / Si Norman McLaren (1914-1987) œuvre principalement dans le domaine onirique de l’animation, David Cronenberg (1943-), parfois surnommé « The Baron of Blood », réalise des films de fiction appartenant à un genre singulier qu’il a lui-même développé, celui de « l’horreur intérieure ». Que peuvent donc partager ces deux cinéastes aux univers a priori si distincts ? Chacun a construit une relation à long terme avec un compositeur : Maurice Blackburn (1914-1988) pour le premier, Howard Shore (1946-) pour le second. Mais si les univers des deux réalisateurs ont été maintes fois investigués, l’apport de leurs compositeurs respectifs demeure peu examiné. Or, d’un univers à l’autre, la musique semble jouer un rôle de toute première importance, chacun des compositeurs étant impliqué très tôt dans le processus cinématographique. Cette implication précoce dans la création collective est indicatrice de la place et du rôle centraux qu’occupent Blackburn et Shore et leur musique au sein de l’œuvre de McLaren, d’une part, et de Cronenberg, de l’autre. De la sorte, les partitions semblent ne pouvoir être considérées comme une simple illustration sonore des films, mais comme une composante tout à fait fondamentale, relançant dès lors la question du rôle de la musique au cinéma : comment le définir ? En outre, au fil de la rencontre continue sur plusieurs films, musique et cinéma en sont venus à un entrelacement tel qu’un style singulier de musicalisation des images se serait développé : quels sont les traits qui définissent ce style ? D’une collaboration à l’autre, cette thèse cherche à établir une poïétique de la création musico-filmique ; elle cherche à décrire et à comprendre les processus créateurs filmique et musical qui déterminent la composition d’une musique de film et, plus encore, une musicalité de tout le complexe audio-visuel. À travers des portraits examinant la pratique et le discours des créateurs et quatre analyses de bandes sonores (A Phantasy de Norman McLaren, Jour après jour de Clément Perron, Crash et A Dangerous Method de David Cronenberg), des liens se tissent peu à peu entre les pensées et les pratiques des deux compositeurs qui développent des stratégies similaires et originales face aux problèmes que leur posent les œuvres de McLaren (l’indissociabilité de la musique et de l’image) et de Cronenberg (la « transformation de l’esthétique humaine »). D’un binôme à l’autre, le cinéma se transforme en un laboratoire musico-filmique où chacun élabore une « méthode dangereuse » qui force l’analyste à explorer de nouvelles avenues méthodologiques. / Norman McLaren’s (1914-1987) animation work evokes a primarily dream-like world. David Cronenberg (1943-), also sometimes known as the “Baron of Blood,” makes fiction films that belong to a singular genre he developed: the “inner horror.” So what can these two filmmakers possibly have in common? They both built a long-term relationship with composers: Maurice Blackburn (1914-1988) for the former and Howard Shore (1946-) for the latter. Though the distinct approaches of these two directors have been widely studied, the weight of the contributions of their respective composers remains largely unmeasured. And this, despite the fact that music seems to play a primary role in these two directors’ process since, in each instance, the composer is involved very early on. This unusually early involvement of the composer, and the ongoing collaboration it entails, are indicative of the central place and role held by Blackburn and Shore’s music in McLaren’s work on the one hand, and Cronenberg’s on the other. This considered, their scores must no longer be seen as direct sound illustration of the films, but rather as essential components of the films, even though such a stance forces us to rethink how we define the role of music in film. Furthermore, from film to film, music and cinema become so intertwined that a singular style of musicalization of the image develops, begging the question: what are the characteristics of this style? From one collaboration to the other, this thesis seeks to establish a poietic of film-music creation; it looks to describe the cinematic and musical creative processes that determine the composition of film music and, beyond that, the musicality of the entire audio-visual complex. Through portraits that investigate the practice and discourse of creators and through the analysis of four soundtracks (A Phantasy by Norman McLaren, Day After Day by Clément Perron, Crash and A Dangerous Method by David Cronenberg), the thoughts and practices of the two composers, who develop similar innovative strategies to solve the problems posed by the works of McLaren (the inseparability of music and image) and Cronenberg (the “transformation of human aesthetics”), are gradually connected. From one duo to another, cinema becomes a musical and cinematic laboratory where each develops a “dangerous method” which forces the analyst to explore new methodological avenues.

Electric, eclectic, Canadian: issues of genre and identity in the music of the Guess Who

Dalby, Susan E. 14 September 2009 (has links)
Conducting musical analyses over three case studies, Electric, Eclectic, Canadian: Issues of Genre and Identity in the Music of the Guess Who considers issues of genre, culture, and identity in the music of Canadian rock band the Guess Who. The first case study discusses soft rock transformations in the songs “These Eyes” (1968), “Laughing” (1969), and “Undun” (1969). The second case study examines changes in audience identification with the song “American Woman” (1970), performing comparative analyses of the Guess Who original release to Lenny Kravitz’s version (1999). The final case study discusses ideas of authenticity in the folk rock-inspired protest songs “Hand Me Down World” (1970), “Share the Land” (1970), and “Guns, Guns, Guns” (1972), comparing them to the iconic songs “For What It’s Worth” (Buffalo Springfield, 1967), “Big Yellow Taxi” (1970), “Ohio” (Neil Young, 1970 and “Southern Man” (Young, 1970). The conclusions summarise various musical and socio-political aspects of the Guess Who’s output and places it in relation to questions of national identity.

Two Harpsichord Sonatas by Antonio Soler: Analysis and Transcription for Solo Guitar

Daniel, Andrew 08 1900 (has links)
There is a puacity of original works from the Baroque Era for the guitar. Transcriptions, especially music originally for harpsichord, complement the guitarist's repertoire. Dominating the priviledged space in the guitar canon, represented by Baroque transcriptions, are the composers Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel and Domenico Scarlatti. Underrepresented in the Baroque guitar canon is the music of Spanish composers, most noteworthy, the harpsichordist Padre Antonio Soler, who composed more than 120 sonatas for his instrument. Music is culturally defined and it is clear, through an analysis of the keyboard works of Soler, that his music was imbued with the salient features of his place and time. There is an implicit connection between the guitar and the non-guitar music produced in Spain as guitar gestures are part of the national emblem; this study makes an explicit connection between the harpsichord music of Soler and the modern guitar. The Spanish Baroque style, epitomized by the works of Soler, provide a clear objective for transcription. The current study produces a transcription of Padre Antonio Soler's Sonata No. R.27 and Sonata No. R.100, as well as an analysis of the sonatas to facilitate interpretation for performance and an explanation of the transcription process. The lacunae of Spanish Baroque guitar transcriptions that exists in the repertoire will be partially filled by adding Soler to the distinguished list of composers that currently inhabit the guitarists's library.

The Use of the Trumpet in Early Seventeenth Century Spanish Music Dramas: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Works by Sebastián Durón, Joaquín Martínez de la Roca, and Alessandro Scarlatti

Duell, Trevor 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to conduct and analysis of the role and symbolism of the trumpet in two early eighteenth century Spanish music dramas: La Guerra de los Gigantes by Sebastian Duron and Los Desagravios de Troya by Joaquin Martinez de la Roca.

The Adaptation of Saxophone-Like Phrasing into the Improvisatory and Compositional Vocabulary of Jazz Guitar: A Comparative Analysis of Phrasing, Articulation, and Melodic Design in the Styles of Jimmy Raney, Jim Hall, and John Scofield

Pinilla, Daniel, 1987- 05 1900 (has links)
This study investigates how different guitarists introduced saxophone-like phrasing into the improvisatory and compositional vocabulary of jazz guitar through their collaborations with saxophonists. This research presents a comparative analysis of phrasing, articulation, and melodic design in solo improvisations. The mixed approach to this study includes analysis of motives, voice leading, articulation, length of phrases, melodic contour, and the execution of bebop vocabulary on the guitar. The findings are based on original transcriptions from significant recordings by guitar-saxophone pairs. These highlight the similarities between and adaptations of musical devices from saxophonists Stan Getz, Jimmy Giuffre, and Joe Lovano into the jazz guitar styles of Jimmy Raney, Jim Hall, and John Scofield. This study supports the argument that the evolution of modern jazz guitar playing is directly connected to the adaptation of saxophone-like phrasing at an improvisatory and compositional level. It also shows that the concept of style in jazz flows between different instruments' lineages. Understanding these findings provides a more complex and accurate concept of the development of style in jazz.

Johann Sebastian Bach's Partita for Solo Flute, BWV 1013 Transcribed and Arranged for Guitar: A Musico-Rhetorical Performance Guide

Burns, Bryan K. 08 1900 (has links)
The main purpose of this dissertation is to offer classical guitarists an additional analytical technique for interpreting and performing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. While this mode of analysis can be successfully applied to any of the instrumental works by Bach frequently transcribed and performed by guitarists, I have chosen for this study my recent transcription of the Partita in A minor for solo flute traverso, BWV 1013. With a continuo-based, harmonic realization of the Partita, I contribute to the existing guitar repertoire by offering a new transcription of this work, while demonstrating how historical concepts of rhetorical structure and aesthetics found in relevant primary source material can inspire a new approach to analysis, transcription, and performance practice. In this way, my investigations create additional perspectives for classical guitarists regarding the analysis and performance of this work, while complementing traditional harmonic analysis and subject labeling. Although it is my hope that this new transcription of the Partita will serve as an important contribution to the existing literature, the main purpose of this dissertation resides in the musico-rhetorical analytical technique and its implications on performance practice for classical guitarists.

The Influence of Adolf von Henselt on Sergei Rachmaninoff: A Comparative Analysis of Henselt's Piano Concerto Op. 16 and Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto Op. 18

Kim, Meenha 08 1900 (has links)
Sergei Rachmaninoff's Second Piano Concerto is one of the most frequently performed and beloved works. It is ironic that, however, despite its huge popularity, there are not many in-depth studies of this concerto, offering pianists few opportunities to examine the work from an analytical perspective. The detailed analysis presented in this study reveals that the main structure of this concerto is directly related to a motto comprising three-notes, designated the 6-5-1 motto. In his use of this motto in the Second Piano Concerto, Rachmaninoff was profoundly influenced by the German-born composer Adolf von Henselt. Indeed, while von Henselt's importance for Russian music has been generally recognized, his impact, especially upon Rachmaninoff, has received insufficient attention in the scholarly literature. This study also examines Henselt's Piano Concerto Op. 16 in depth in order to demonstrate how Rachmaninoff's masterwork relates to its precursor. Additional studies of the 6-5-1 motto in European compositions from the nineteenth century trace the motto's origins.

Gabriel Pierné's Sonata in D Minor, op. 36: A Study of the Work's Compositional Language and Context, Focusing on the Composer's Transcription for Flute

Le, Huong Thu 05 1900 (has links)
There are very few significant sonatas for flute and piano written between 1880 and 1918, a period of unusually rich stylistic diversity. Gabriel Pierné composed his Sonata in D Minor, Op. 36 for piano and violin in 1900, and later transcribed it for flute and piano. Unfortunately, the work has not been embraced to a significant extent by either violinists or flutists. The wealth of violin sonatas from this period might explain it not becoming part of the canon for violinists, but this is not the case for the flute repertoire, where it seems that it should hold a place of genuine importance. Since little has been written about Pierné as a composer or about this piece in either of its versions, this project is intended to promote an understanding of the work in its historical and theoretical context and to advocate for more frequent performances. This document also suggests an alternate version of several particular passages so it can better represent the characteristics of today's flute and its modern techniques. This research will help other flutists and flute professors to introduce and spread an awareness of its existence and ideally helping to establish its place in the flute repertoire. From a historical standpoint, this dissertation also offers a case study of Gabriel Pierné's place, both stylistically and institutionally, in the history of French music in fin-de-siècle. Both of these goals fill important gaps in the existing research literature.

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