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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in structuring benthic macroinvertebrate communities in the St. Lawrence River /

Ricciardi, Anthony. January 1996 (has links)
This research examined how an invasive macrofouling organism, the Eurasian zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), alters benthic communities in a riverine ecosystem. Controlled field experiments using artificial substrates showed that macroinvertebrate abundance is significantly enhanced within Dreissena beds, and that the physical habitat provided by mussel shells has a greater impact on macroinvertebrate abundance than biological factors (e.g., food provided by mussel biodeposits). Data collected at field sites before and after the establishment of dense Dreissena colonies suggested that these colonies alter macroinvertebrate communities on hard substrates primarily by enhancing populations of deposit-feeding organisms (e.g., amphipod crustaceans) and predators (e.g., flatworms), and by displacing fauna that are poorly adapted to interstitial substrate (e.g., large gastropods, net-spinning caddisfly larvae). Freshwater sponges were the only organisms found to compete successfully with Dreissena for hard substrate; sponge overgrowth caused significant local mortality of zebra mussels at all sites where sponges were abundant. / The capacity for Dreissena to displace native freshwater mussels (Family Unionidae) in the St. Lawrence River was examined over a four year period by quadrat sampling at selected sites. Dreissena preferentially colonized unionid mussels in the river. Mean infestation loads (number of zebra mussels per unionid mussel) in the St. Lawrence were 10-100 times lower than in the Great Lakes,.but resulted in similar high mortality. Severe declines in unionid species richness and abundance occurred in areas of the river that supported dense Dreissena populations ($>$4,000 mussels/m$ sp2).$ Analysis of data from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River system suggests that mass mortality and extirpation of unionid populations typically occurs within 4-5 years following initial colonization of unionids by Dreissena, and that Dreissena infestation will increase the future tate of extinction of North American unionids by nearly 10-fold.

Environmentally relevant chemical disruptors of oxidative phosphorylation in Baltic Sea biota : Exposure and toxic potentials

Dahlberg, Anna-Karin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on toxicity and occurrence of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (OH-PBDEs) in Baltic Sea biota. The aims were to assess OH-PBDEs potency for disruption of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and determine their and related compounds exposure in Baltic blue mussel, herring and long-tailed duck. A method for analysis of OH-PBDEs in herring and long-tailed duck plasma was also evaluated. Relevant OH-PBDEs were tested in vitro for OXPHOS disruption, using a classic rat mitochondrial respiration assay and a cell mitochondrial membrane potential assay. All compounds were found to disrupt OXPHOS either by protonophoric uncoupling and/or via inhibition of the electron transport chain. 6-OH-BDE47 and 6-OH-BDE85, were identified as particularly potent OXPHOS disruptors. Strong synergism was observed when OH-PBDEs were tested as a mixture corresponding to what is present in Baltic blue mussels. Baltic blue mussel is main feed for several species of mussel feeding sea ducks which have decreased dramatically in numbers. To assess long-tailed ducks exposure to brominated substances, liver tissue from long-tailed ducks wintering in the Baltic Sea and blue mussels were analysed. The result confirms that long-tailed duck are exposed to OH-PBDEs via their diet. However, low concentrations were found in the duck livers, which suggest low retention of these compounds despite daily intake. How the nutritional value of blue mussels as feed for sea ducks are affected by OH-PBDE exposure still needs further studies. Other species of sea ducks foraging on Baltic blue mussels during summer months can also be more exposed due to seasonal variation in primary production. Herring sampled in the Baltic Proper and Bothnian Sea, were found to contain OH-PBDEs and high levels of their methylated counterpart, MeO-PBDEs. As demethylation of MeO-PBDEs is known to occur in fish, MeO-PBDEs may pose as additional source for more toxic OH-PBDEs in herring and their roe. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Avaliação dos teores de Br, Cl, K, Mg, Mn e V em mexilhões Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758: Mollusca, Bivalvia) coletados no litoral do estado de São Paulo, Brasil / Evaluation of the levels of Br, Cl, K, Mg, Mn and V in Perna perna mussels (Linnaeus, 1758: Mollusca, bivalvia) collected in coast of São Paulo, Brazil

Daniele Seo 19 December 2012 (has links)
O ambiente costeiro tem sido fortemente alterado em função de múltiplos impactos ambientais decorrentes das atividades antrópicas, como por exemplo, o escoamento de esgoto proveniente de áreas urbanas, a liberação de inúmeros produtos químicos das indústrias, a agricultura e o fluxo de embarcações, que podem acarretar vazamentos acidentais de petróleo e derivados, combustíveis e outros produtos transportados por via marítima. Neste contexto, um dos meios para avaliação da contaminação ambiental causada por essas substâncias potencialmente tóxicas em água do mar é a monitoração por meio de diferentes espécies de bivalves, que tem sido utilizada por diversos pesquisadores, do Brasil e do exterior. No que se refere aos moluscos bivalves, particularmente os mexilhões, o seu uso no biomonitoramento da contaminação marinha deve-se principalmente à sua ampla distribuição geográfica, hábito séssil e habilidade de concentrar metais tóxicos em até 102 - 105 vezes em relação às concentrações detectadas na água. No presente trabalho, foi empregado o biomonitoramento passivo com o uso do molusco bivalve Perna perna com relação aos elementos Br, Cl, K, Mg, Mn e V. Foram escolhidos estes elementos uma vez que eles podem ser determinados pelo método de INAA (Análise por Ativação com Nêutrons Instrumental), por meio da irradiação curta o que proporciona análises mais rápidas e também por serem importantes do ponto de vista nutricional ou ambiental. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os teores de Br, Cl, K, Mg, Mn e V em amostras de mexilhões Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758: Mollusca, Bivalvia) coletados em regiões costeiras de São Paulo sujeitas à contaminação antrópica (Ponta de Itaipu e Ilha das Palmas, em Santos), comparando os valores obtidos nos sítios possivelmente impactados com os valores do sítio controle situado na Praia da Cocanha, em Caraguatatuba. Os pontos de coleta no litoral de São Paulo estão localizados nas regiões geográficas 23º 37 S 45º 24 W (Caraguatatuba) e 23º 57\' S - 46º 20\' W (Santos). A coleta dos organismos foi realizada em todas as estações do ano, com início na primavera de 2008 e término no inverno de 2009. As amostras coletadas foram limpas, trituradas, homogeneizadas e secas por meio da liofilização para posterior INAA. O procedimento de INAA consistiu em irradiar alíquotas das amostras obtidas na forma de pó em invólucros de polietileno no reator nuclear IEA R1 do IPEN/CNEN - SP juntamente com padrões sintéticos de elementos. O tempo de irradiação no reator foi de 8 a 10 s e sob o fluxo de nêutrons térmicos de 6,6 x 1012 n cm-2 s-1. As concentrações dos elementos foram calculadas pelo método comparativo. O procedimento de INAA foi validado com relação à exatidão e precisão, por meio das análises dos materiais de referência certificados NIST SRM 1566b Oyster Tissue e NIST SRM 2876 Mussel Tissue. Os resultados destes materiais de referência certificados indicaram uma boa qualidade dos resultados com relação à precisão e exatidão. As faixas das concentrações (em base seca) dos elementos obtidos nos mexilhões coletados em Santos e na Praia da Cocanha para as quatro estações do ano foram de: 173,80 a 358,99 mg kg-1 para Br; 45658 ± 1811 a 109166 ± 824 mg kg-1 para Cl; 7043 ± 856 a 12506 ± 675 mg kg-1 para K; 2774 ± 211 a 5691 ± 717 mg kg-1 para Mg; 7,01 ± 0,30 a 29,74 ± 3,32 mg kg-1 para Mn e 0,77 ± 0,02 a 3,43 ± 0,28 mg kg-1 para V. Foi estudada a variação sazonal e espacial das concentrações desses elementos e também foram comparados esses resultados com valores da literatura. A partir dos resultados obtidos pode - se concluir que os mexilhões da espécie Perna perna, podem ser utilizados como biomonitores da contaminação marinha. / The coastal environment has been heavily altered by multiple environmental impacts of human activities, such as disposal of sewage from urban areas, the release of numerous chemical industries, agriculture and the flow of vessels, which can lead to accidental spills of oil and oil products, fuels and other products transported by sea. In this context, a means of determining concentrations of these potentially toxic substances in the sea water is the biomonitoring by means of different types of bivalves, which have been used by various researchers, in Brazil and other countries. With regard to bivalve mollusks, particularly mussels, their use in monitoring the marine contamination is mainly due to their wide geographic distribution, sessile habit and ability to concentrate toxic metals to 102-105 times in relation to the concentrations detected in water. In the present study, we employed the passive biomonitoring using the Perna perna bivalve mollusk with respect to the elements Br, Cl, K, Mg, Mn and V. These elements were chosen since they can be determined by INAA method (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis), by means of short irradiation which provides faster analyzes and also due to their importance from the standpoint of environmental or nutritional studies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of Br, Cl, K, Mg, Mn and V in samples of Perna perna mussels (Linnaeus, 1758: Mollusca, Bivalvia) collected in coastal regions of São Paulo subject to anthropogenic contamination (Ponta de Itaipu and Palmas Island, in Santos), comparing the values obtained in sites potentially impacted with the values of the control site in Praia da Cocanha, in Caraguatatuba. The collection points located in São Paulo coast are located in the geographical areas 23º 37\'S - 45° 24\' W (Caraguatatuba) and 23º 57\'S - 46º 20\' W (Santos). The collection of organisms was performed in all seasons of the year, beginning in spring 2008 and ending in winter 2009. The samples were cleaned, crushed, homogenized and dried by lyophilization for further analysis by INAA. The INAA procedure consisted of irradiating aliquots of the samples obtained in powder form in polyethylene envelopes in the nuclear research reactor IEA - R1 of IPEN / CNEN - SP together with synthetic standards of elements. The irradiation time in the reactor was 8 to 10 s under the thermal neutron flux of 6.6 x 1012 n cm-2 s-1. The concentrations of the elements were calculated using the comparative method. The INAA procedure was validated with respect to accuracy and precision, through the analysis of certified reference materials NIST SRM 1566b Oyster Tissue and NIST SRM 2876 Mussel Tissue. The results of these certified reference materials indicated good quality of results with respect to precision and accuracy. The ranges of concentrations (dry basis weight) of the elements obtained in mussels collected in Santos and Praia da Cocanha for the four seasons of the year were: 173.80 to 358.99 mg kg-1 for Br; 45658 ± 1811 to 109166 ± 824 mg kg-1 for Cl; 7043 ± 856 to 12506 ± 675 mg kg-1 for K; 2774 ± 211 to 5691 ± 717 mg kg-1 for Mg; 7.01 ± 0.30 to 29.74 ± 3.32 mg kg-1 for Mn and 0.77 ± 0.02 to 3.43 ± 0.28 mg kg-1 for V. The seasonal and spatial variations of the concentrations of these elements were studied and the values compared to the literature. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the species of Perna perna mussels, can be used as biomonitors of marine contamination.

Ichtyofauna vybraných toků Šumavy / Ichtyofauna of selected streams of Bohemian Forest

ŠRÁMEK, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Presented work is directed to summarize the results of ochtyomonitoring of five stream in Bohemian Forest in autumn 2010. The processing status is evaluated fish communities, especially their species composition, diversity, dominance, evenness and other parameters. They have been evaluated also physico-chemical properties of the sites such as air and water temperature, conductivity and turbidity. Last but not least were evaluated the characteristics of flows and in particular morphological characteristics, types of the bottom substrate and its contours etc. The evaluation of all obtained data showed that fish communities surveyed Bohemian flows are balanced, they are not burdened with invasive species and rand indicators correlated with the state of flow, geographic location and natural conditions. It was caught nine fish species in the total number of 963 individuals. Abundance was at all locations in the range 201,6 to 409,7 individuals per kilometer of flow, showed the diversity of communities from 0,372093 to 2,166085 (Shannon and Wiener index) and from 0,301804 to 0,866948 (Simpson index), then evenness of plant 0,372093 to 0,783906. The most dominant species was the brown trout, the second most frequent species was bullhead.

The effect of mussel bed structure on the associated infauna in South Africa and the interaction between mussel and epibiotic barnacles

Jordaan, Tembisa Nomathamsanqa January 2011 (has links)
Mussels are important ecological engineers on intertidal rocks where they create habitat that contributes substantially to overall biodiversity. They provide secondary substratum for other free-living, infaunal or epifaunal organisms, and increase the surface area for settlement by densely packing together into complex multilayered beds. The introduction of the alien invasive mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis has extended the upper limit of mussels on the south coast of South Africa, potentially increasing habitat for associated fauna. The aim of this study was to describe the structure of mussel beds, the general biodiversity associated with multi- and monolayered mussel beds of indigenous Perna perna and alien M. galloprovincialis, and to determine the relationship between mussels and epibiotic barnacles. This was done to determine the community structure of associated macrofauna and the role of mussels as biological facilitators. Samples were collected in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, where M. galloprovincialis dominates the high mussel zone and P. perna the low zone. Three 15 X 15 cm quadrats were scraped off the rock in the high and low zones, and in the mid zone where the two mussel species co-exist. The samples were collected on 3 occasions. In the laboratory mussel-size was measured and sediment trapped within the samples was separated through 75 μm, 1 mm and 5 mm mesh. The macrofauna was sorted from the 1 mm and 5 mm sieves and identified to species level where possible. The epibiotic relationship between mussels and barnacles was assessed by measuring the prevalence and intensity of barnacle infestation and the condition index of infested mussels. Multivariate analysis was used on the mean abundance data of the species for each treatment (Hierarchical clustering, multidimensional scaling, analysis of similarity and similarity of percentages) and ANOVA was used for most of the statistical analyses. Overall, the results showed that tidal height influences the species composition and abundance of associated fauna. While mussel bed layering influenced the accumulation of sediments; it had no significant effect on the associated fauna. Time of collection also had a strong effect. While there was an overlap of species among samples from January, May and March, the principal species contributing to similarity among the March samples were not found in the other two months. The outcomes of this study showed that low shore mussel beds not only supported a higher abundance and diversity of species, but were also the most structurally complex. Although the condition index of mussels did not correlate to the percentage cover of barnacle epibionts, it was also evident that low shore mussels had the highest prevalence. The levels of barnacle infestation (intensity) for each mussel species were highest where it was common and lowest where it was least abundant. This is viewed as a natural artefact of the distribution patterns of P. perna and M. galloprovincialis across the shore. Mussels are more efficient as facilitators on the low mussel zone than the high mussel zone possibly because they provide habitats that are more effective in protecting the associated macrofauna from the effects of competition and predation, than they are at eliminating the effects of physical stress on the high shore. Although mussels create less stressful habitats and protect organisms from the physical stress of the high shore, there are clear limitations in their ability to provide ideal habitats. The biological associations in an ecosystem can be made weak or strong depending on the external abiotic factors and the adaptability of the affected organisms.

Avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos e organoclorados em diferentes compartimentos do ambiente marinho do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of the contamination of several compartiments of marine environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro by hidrocarbons and organochlorine

Satie Taniguchi 31 October 2001 (has links)
O ambiente marinho é o destino final de muitos contaminantes, como os PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs, que têm sido detectados em vários compartimentos do ambiente marinho, podendo trazer efeitos deletérios para o ecossistema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos alifáticos, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs através da análise de 15 amostras de sedimento, 6 de mexilhão e 11 de fígado de peixe. Para isso, foi otimizada uma mesma metodologia para todas as matrizes bióticas. A amostragem foi feita ao longo da costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1996 a 1998, durante o Programa de Monitoramento do Ambiente do Meio Ambiente Marinho, promovido pela Marinha do Brasil. Os controles de qualidade analítica e confiabilidade dos dados gerados seguiram os padrões internacionais. A metodologia utilizada foi considerada satisfatória para análise dos organismos e sedimentos, de acordo com a avaliação feita através da análise de materiais de referência certificados. Os PCBs e DDTs apresentaram o fenômeno da magnificação com concentrações crescentes: sedimentos < mexilhões < peixes. Os HCHs apresentaram as maiores concentrações nos mexilhões. Os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos apresentaram concentrações similares nas três matrizes amostradas, o mesmo ocorrendo com os PAHs. As concentrações de hidrocarbonetos do petróleo indicam que as maiores introduções são próximas às áreas urbanas. Os PCBs e pesticidas também foram detectados em grande parte das amostras, mas em baixas concentrações. A fonte desses OCs para o ambiente marinho pode ser oriunda de outras regiões devido ao transporte e à deposição atmosférica. A comparação entre as matrizes mostrou a importância da análise simultânea de sedimentos e organismos em função da concentração de cada grupo de compostos e sua diferente acumulação. / The marine environment is the final recipient of many organic compounds that are widely found in seawater, sediments and organisms. The purpose of this study was the assessment of the contamination of aliphatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs and HCHs through the analyses of 15 sediments, 6 mussels and 11 fish livers. The same methodology was optimized for biotic matrices. The sampling was performed from 1996 to 1998 along the Coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, during the Brazilian Navy Environmental Monitoring Program. Quality assurance and quality control followed the international procedures. The methodology give satisfactory results in accord with the analyses of certified standard reference materials. Data of PCBs and DDTs from different matrices revealed increasing concentrations: sediment < mussel < fish. HCHs prevailed in mussels. Data of aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs were similar between sediments and organisms. Levels of petroleum hydrocarbons showed major inputs near the urban areas. PCBs and chlorinated pesticides were detected in the majority of samples but in low levels. These inputs can be attributed to long-range atmospheric transport. Comparison among the sampled matrices showed the importance of simultaneous analyses of sediments and organisms based in the concentration of each group of compounds and their different accumulations.

Le savoir des mytiliculteurs de la lagune de Venise et du littoral breton : étude d'anthropologie comparative / The knowledge of musseil-culturists of the lagoon of Venice and the "Bretagne" coast : study of comparative anthropology / I saperi dei mitilicoltori della laguna di Venezia e del litorale bretone : studio di antropologia comparativa

Vianello, Rita 13 December 2013 (has links)
D’un point de vue géographique, la lagune de Venise n’a que peu en commun avec les baies principales de la Bretagne septentrionale, si ce n’est son ouverture sur la mer. Les deux réalités étudiées ont pourtant en commun leur soumission à l’action des marées qui a poussé les populations littorales à développer des savoirs et des techniques de pêche traditionnelles d’une très grande richesse et qu’ils ont su faire évoluer au cours du temps pour mieux les adapter aux caractéristiques du milieu.Les différentes formes de récolte et de pêche, l’élevage des moules en particulier, ont entraîné une domestication et une anthropisation de ces zones. En Bretagne, tout comme à Venise, la valorisation de la moule en tant que ressource alimentaire et économique est assez tardive.Que ce soit dans les sources bibliographiques ou durant l’enquête réalisée sur le terrain, notre recherche nous a permis de repérer des allusions fréquentes à la toxicité présumée de ce mollusque, à Venise appelé « peòcio » c’est-à-dire « pou » et considéré non comestible. Quels mécanismes ont métamorphosé la moule en un aliment aujourd’hui apprécié et recherché ? Et comment des zones, autrefois très pauvres se sont transformées, en des lieux renommés pour la production de moules ? C’est pour répondre à ces questions que nous avons entrepris la reconstruction de l’histoire de la mytiliculture. / From a geographic perspective, the Venice Lagoon has almost nothing in common with the main northern bays of “Bretagne”; simply, both open on the sea. Therefore, the two studied realities have to share their submission to the action of tides that have pushed the coastal communities to develop fishing knowledge and techniques. They were able to evolve over time to better suit the characteristics of the environment. The different forms of harvesting and fishing, mussel farming in particular, led to domestication and human impacts in these areas. In “Bretagne”, as in Venice, is rather late the development of mussels as food and as economic resource.Whether in the literature sources or during the survey in the field, our research has led us to identify frequent allusions to the alleged toxicity of this mollusk in Venice called “peòcio” that mean “cootie” and considered inedible. What mechanisms have metamorphosed mussels into a regarded and sought food today? And how formerly very poor areas are transformed into places renowned for the production of mussels? It is to answer these questions that we undertook the reconstruction of the history of the mussel. / Da un punto di vista geografico la laguna di Venezia ha poco in comune con la Bretagna settentrionale se non il suo sbocco sul mare. Di conseguenza le due realtà condividono la dipendenza dall’azione delle maree, le quali hanno spinto le popolazioni litoranee a sviluppare dei saperi e delle particolari tecniche di pesca adattate alle caratteristiche dell’ambiente.Nel corso della nostra ricerca abbiamo incontrato delle frequenti allusioni alla presunta tossicità del mitilo, a Venezia chiamato “peòcio”, cioè pidocchio. Infatti a Venezia, come in Bretagna, la valorizzazione dei mitili quale risorsa alimentare ed economica è un fenomeno tardivo. Quali meccanismi hanno trasformato i mitili in un alimento che è oggi apprezzato e ricercato? E in che modo delle zone un tempo molto povere si sono trasformate in località rinomate per la produzione di questi molluschi? Per rispondere a queste domande abbiamo ricostruito la storia della mitilicoltura.

Mussel culture in British Columbia : the influence of salmon farms on mussel growth and biochemical composition

Taylor, Barbara Elan January 1990 (has links)
To realise the potential for mussel culture in British Columbia, mariculture research must identify specific environments and suitable locations which promote maximum growth in mussels. The present study investigates the possible advantages, through nutritional enrichment, of salmon farms as sites for mussel culture. Mussels were cultured at different distances around two salmon farms on the east coast of Vancouver Island (Departure Bay and Genoa Bay). Three parameters of mussel growth: condition index, carbohydrate content, and crude protein content were monitored at 3-6 wk intervals from September 1988 to August 1989. Distinct seasonal differences in growth were observed, but distance from the farm did not substantially influence mussel growth. Adult mortality and larval settlement were similarly unaffected. Contrary to prediction, the farms did not increase available food for mussels. Measures of seston and chlorophyll concentration, made concurrently with the mussel collections, indicated that neither a direct contribution of nutrients in the form of feed and fish faeces, nor an indirect contribution of waste ammonia to augment phytoplankton production, occurred. This was despite currents flowing, at least part of the time, in such a direction as to transport potential nutrients from the farms to the mussels. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate

Tratamento térmico de mexilhões Perna perna como forma de assegurar a qualidade - avaliação do crescimento de Bacillus cereus e de Staphylococcus aureus. / Thermical treatment as a form to certificate the quality of Perna perna mussel – evaluation of Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus growth.

Eduardo Oliveira Salan 29 April 2005 (has links)
Os mexilhões são alimentos marinhos freqüentemente ingeridos crus, ou parcialmente cozidos, e o hábito de aferventar estes bivalves somente até que abram as valvas, é insuficiente para eliminar os microrganismos patogênicos eventualmente presentes neste molusco. Após levantamento inicial, e visando melhorar a qualidade do mexilhão Perna perna cultivado e comercializado no município de Ubatuba, SP, esta pesquisa estudou o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus e Bacillus cereus em mexilhões in natura e pré-cozidos, e a eliminação dos mesmos por meio de tratamentos térmicos, avaliando, posteriormente, as características físico-químicas e sensoriais dos produtos. Em ambos os casos, lotes de 1 kg de mexilhão foram inoculados, individualmente, com cepas de S. aureus e B. cereus e mantidos, por 10 horas, a temperatura ambiente (25ºC±1ºC) e sob refrigeração (7ºC±1ºC). Posteriormente, foram estabelecidos seis tipos de tratamentos térmicos, sendo três sob vapor (5, 10 e 15 min) e três por imersão em água (5, 10 e 15 min), buscando estabelecer o binômio que proporcionasse a eliminação dos mesmos, e avaliando o rendimento, os aspectos físico-químicos e sensoriais. Para ambos microrganismos, ocorreu crescimento durante as 10 horas de estudo, sendo este mais evidente, nos tratamentos mantidos a temperatura ambiente. No mexilhão pré-cozido ocorreram as maiores contagens microbianas, se comparado ao mexilhão in natura. Com relação aos tratamentos térmicos, todos foram eficientes, eliminando os microrganismos da ordem de, pelo menos 2 ciclos logarítmicos, no entanto, os tratamentos térmicos por imersão em água, permitiram melhores resultados do que os tratamentos sob vapor. As análises fisico-químicas e sensoriais, não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os tratamentos térmicos estudados. Com o emprego de altas temperaturas por um determinado período, obteve-se perda de alguns minerais, como Potássio e Boro, tendo outros, não apresentado alteração com relação ao tempo de exposição ao calor. Já, quanto ao rendimento, houve diferença, em nível de 5%, sendo os melhores rendimentos alcançados nos menores tempos de exposição ao calor e, os tratamentos por imersão, apresentaram resultados melhores que os tratamentos sob vapor. Concluiu-se que o tratamento térmico, binômio tempo-temperatura, de 10 min em água à ebulição, é suficiente para reduzir os microrganismos, permitindo a retenção dos nutrientes e um rendimento de 54,36%, podendo, portanto, ser recomendado para os produtores, visando melhorar a qualidade do mexilhão, via adequação do manejo atualmente empregado. / Mussels are seafood frequently ingested raw or partially cooked and the habit of boiling bivalves only to open the valves, is insufficient to eliminate several species of pathogenic bacteria. Seeking to improve the quality of the cultivated and marketed Perna perna mussel in the district of Ubatuba, SP, this research studied the microbiological growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus in fresh and pre-cooked mussels, and the elimination by thermal treatments, being evaluated its physicochemical and sensorial characteristics. For such, lots of 1 kg of mussel was inoculated individually with strains of S. aureus and B. cereus, and maintained by 10 hours at environmental temperature (25ºC±1ºC) and under refrigeration (7ºC±1ºC). Six thermal treatments were established, 3 in steam (5, 10 and 15 min) and 3 in boiling water (5, 10 and 15 min), being looked in the elimination of B. cereus and S. aureus, and also evaluating the performance, and physical-chemical and sensorial aspects. Microbiological growth was verified after 10 hours for both microorganisms, and this being more evident in the treatments maintained at environmental temperature. Pre-cooked mussel obtained the largest microbial developments, if compared to fresh mussels. About the thermal treatments, everyone was efficient, eliminating at least 2 logarithmic cycles, however, thermal treatments in boiling water obtained better results than the steam treatments. The physical-chemical and sensorial analyses, didn't present statistical difference among the thermal treatments studied. Use of high temperatures for a determinate period, obtained lost in some minerals, like potassium and boron, and others minerals not presented alteration in relation to the heat time exposure. Already in the performance, it was obtained statistical difference, being the best performances reached in the smallest times of heat exposition, and the treatments in boiling water presented better results than the steam treatments. The thermal treatment, binomial time-temperature, of 10 min in boiling water, is enough to reduce the microorganisms, allowing the retention of the nutrients and performance of 54.36%, could be recommended for the producers seeking to improve the traditional handling.

Påverkan av habitatsammansättning i vattendrag och omgivande land på flodpärlmusslans rekrytering / Impact of habitat composition in watercourses and surrounding land on recruitment of freshwater pearl mussels

Brändén, Anneli January 2021 (has links)
Flodpärlmusslan (Margaritana margaritifera) är en starkt hotad mussla som är beroende av öring (Salmo trutta) för sin larvutveckling. Musslan är negativt påverkad av dagens användning av vattendrag och omgivande mark då de har höga krav på sin omgivning. Denna undersökning tittar på hur bottensubstrat, tillgång till värdfiskars habitat och kantzonernas sammansättning påverkar musslornas rekrytering. För detta användes biotopkarteringar, vilka relaterades till musslans rekrytering. Resultatet visade att hög förekomst av ståndplatser för värdfisken, strömmande vatten och buskskiktet på land var positivt för rekryteringen av flodpärlmusslan. Det visade sig däremot att det inte var någon skillnad i bottensubstratets sammansättning eller i antalet diken mellan vattendrag med och utan rekrytering. Slutsatsen för denna undersökning är att det behövs fördjupade studier på mindre skala och i akvarieexperiment med fokus på hur värdfiskens habitat, hydrologin och kantzonens utseende påverkar musslans rekrytering. / The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritana margaritifera) is a highly endangered mussel that depends on trout (Salmo trutta) for its larval development. The mussels are negatively affected by the current use of watercourses and surrounding land as they have high demands on their surroundings. This study looks at how bottom substrates, access to host fish habitats and the composition of ecotone affect mussel recruitment. For this biotope mapping was used, which was related to the mussel's recruitment. The results showed that the high prevalence of sites for host fish, flowing water and the shrub layer on land was positive for the recruitment of freshwater pearl mussels. It turned out, however, that there was no difference in the composition of the bottom substrate or in the number of ditches between watercourses with and without recruitment. The conclusion of this study is that in-depth studies on a smaller scale and in aquarium experiments are needed with a focus on how the host fish's habitat, hydrology and the appearance of the edge zone affect the mussel's recruitment.

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