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Nascrac vs Nasgro : sprickpropageringKarlsson, Jeanette January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Nascrac vs Nasgro : sprickpropageringKarlsson, Jeanette January 2005 (has links)
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Utvärdering av osäkerhet i sprickfortplantningsmodeller / Evaluation of uncertainty of crack propagation modelsTuyishimire, Gabriel January 2015 (has links)
In aerospace industry and other major mechanical industry systems, engineering components that are subjected to cyclic loads often lead to progressive crack growth that eventually results in struc-tural fracture. The damage tolerance design which is based on the assumption of pre-existed flaws in a structure is an important approach in aircraft industry since it is impossible to have flaw-free manufactured components.In this thesis work, an evaluation of crack propagation models was carried out. Fatigue crack growth threshold and fatigue crack growth rate models were evaluated. A method to present ex-perimental data available was developed to evaluate uncertainties in fatigue life models for more accurate predictions. Currently, a software that is used for predicting crack propagation life is NASGRO. The study has been made for two types of materials: a nickel-iron-based alloy (Inconel 718 forging) and titanium alloys (Ti 6-4 both forging and casting).A threshold model is in the normal case developed for each temperature. A method to model fatigue threshold (ΔKth) has been suggested by assuming temperature independence of ΔKth. In this method, a new threshold model was created by making use of an A/P (Actual/Predicted) plot so that all measured threshold values are on the conservative side of the minimum model. With this method, an understanding of fatigue threshold model was improved over the other method due to the possibilities to model ΔKth with average and minimum threshold values for each load ratio (ΔKth, R).Moreover, a method to investigate which set of parameters that best represent the crack growth behaviour has been suggested. In this method the best set of parameters were chosen to be the set of parameters giving the best fit to the available (da/dN, ΔK) points. The comparison between this method and the method with the set of parameters that give minimum scatter in the A/P values was done.Crack growth rate da/dN log curves were plotted as function of stress intensity range ΔK for R-ratio values ranging from -2 to 0.9 for the two different methods. A distinctive difference between the two methods was observed in Paris region at high temperatures (5500C-6500C) which becomes more obvious at lower R-ratios. Predicting crack propagation rate model with set of parameters giving minimum standard deviation in da/dN points was shown to be less conservative than that of parameter sets giving lowest scatter in A/P. Using both evaluation methods, da/dN versus ΔK plots of Inconel718forging were compared to da/dN (ΔK) plots for the pre-existing data at 5500C for R-ratios ranging from 0 to 0.8. An overall R-ratio influence was observed throughout for both ΔKth and da/dN.
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Fretting behavior of AISI 301 stainless steel sheet in full hard conditionHirsch, Michael Robert 10 July 2008 (has links)
Fretting, which can occur when two bodies in contact undergo a low amplitude relative slip, can drastically reduce the fatigue performance of a material. The extent of fretting damage is dependent on the material combination and is affected by many parameters, making it difficult to design against fretting. Some of these parameters include contact force, displacement amplitude, and contacting materials. This work develops a method for quantifying the extent of damage from fretting as a function of these parameters for a thin sheet of AISI 301 stainless steel in the full hard condition in contact with both ANSI A356 aluminum and AISI 52100 steel contacting bodies. Fretting experiments were conducted on a Phoenix Tribology DN55 Fretting Machine using a fixture which was developed for holding thin specimens. The displacement amplitude and normal force were systematically varied in order to cover a range that could typically be experienced during service. The tribological behavior was studied by analyzing friction force during cycling and inspecting the resulting surface characteristics. Fretting damaged specimens were cycled in tension in a servohydraulic test system to failure. The decrease in fatigue life caused by fretting damage was determined by comparing the stress-life (S-N) response of the fretted specimens to the S-N response of the virgin material, thus characterizing the severity of the fretting damage. The conditions that lead to the greatest reduction in life were identified in this way. Using the fracture mechanics based NASGRO model, an Equivalent Initial Flaw Size (EIFS) was used to quantify the level of fretting damage, thus separating the life of the component into crack nucleation and subsequent propagation. This method and data will allow engineers to design more robust components that resist fretting damage, thus increasing the safety and reliability of the system.
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Evaluation of fatigue crack growth software for use on cracks in complex geometriesWilliams, Joshua Marc 02 May 2009 (has links)
Fatigue-crack growth data for the lower arm of the Apache helicopter’s scissor assembly is presented from an Army alternate source qualification test. The lower arm model is imported to finite element analysis software to obtain the stress state at a crack location. The stress state and geometry are used in seven fatigue-crack growth cases in NASGRO and AFGROW, with an additional four cases discussed briefly. The results from the fatigue-crack growth routines are compared to the fatigue-crack growth data from the Army’s test. One case reproduces the crack growth data prior to breakthrough. Some cases are shown to be more applicable to this configuration than others are. The process of performing fatigue life estimates is discussed. Suggestions are made on the viability of this approach and possible future avenues for development.
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