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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekologické aspekty dopravy, internalizace externích nákladů / Ecological aspects of transportation, internalisation of the external costs

Soukup, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
I will bend at a negative impact of transportation to the environment and present alternatives and opportunities to solve actual bad condition.

The Mediating Role Of Metacognition On The Relationship Among Depression/anxiety/negative Impact Of Life Experiences And Smoking Dependence

Yaris, Seval 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of metacognition as a mediator of the relationship between smoking dependence and depression/anxiety/ negative impact of life experiences. A sample of 202 adult smokers completed the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Life Experiences Survey (LES), Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30), and Fagerstr&ouml / m Test of Nicotine Dependence (FTND). The path analyses were used to test a mediation model in which depression, anxiety, or negative impact of life experiences was the predictor of metacognition, which in turn was a predictor of smoking dependence. Twelve mediation models were tested using total scores of metacognition, and its factors including positive beliefs about worry, negative beliefs about worry, lack of cognitive confidence, beliefs about need to control thoughts, and cognitive self-consciousness as mediator variables. The models included depression, anxiety, or negative impact of life experiences as independent variables / and smoking dependence as dependent variable. The results suggested that neither total metacognition score nor the individual metacognitive dimensions did mediate the relationship between smoking dependence and depression/anxiety/negative impact of life experiences. The results and limitations, as well as the implications of these findings, were discussed by referring to the relevant literature.

Social Media as an Internal Communication Tool in Project Management Practices. : Exploring an Impact of Social Media Use on Employee Communication in Small and Medium-sized Companies in Uzbekistan

Ten, Yulia January 2017 (has links)
Social media is progressively implemented in work organizations as means of communication among employees. Thus, it is of crucial importance to develop understanding how they empower and limit communicative activities which shape the network through which organizational tasks are accomplished, as it is these very dynamics that enforce and eternalizecompanies. Given these trends, the time seems ripe to investigate how Social media is used in internal communication processes in organizations, thatis the main purpose of this study. Additionally, this study aims to explore positive and negative consequences of Social media use perceived by employees. The research was guided by the following research questions:How is Social media used for communication and collaboration of project teams?What are the perceived advantages and disadvantages of Social media use in work by projectteammembers?The research adopts a grounded theory strategy which is considered to be appropriate for investigations in the field with scarce theoretical background. The data collection was conducted in two rounds: with seven unstructured interviews in the first round and five semi-structured interviews in the second round. The sample of the research comprised employees and managers of small and medium-sized companies specialized in Social Media Marketing and Digital Journalism in Uzbekistan. In accordance with the grounded theory approach, the data analysis was conducted through a coding process, which consists of three stages: open, axial and selective coding.The research questions were answered through developing a model which visualizes the use of Social media and its possible positive/negative impacts on communication and collaboration in organizations. The model was developed basedon the dataderived from the interviews. The central part of the model is metaphorically named Social media as a circulatory system of a company, thatexplains how Social media supports vital activity of a company through maintaining smooth functioning of key organizational processes. The possible positive and negative consequences of Social media use are also represented through two core categories: digitalization of social relationships and humanization of Social media. The first concept suggests that excessive use of Social media by employees leads to development of disingenuous relationships among users and increased pressure that stems from highercontrol and surveillance by management which areafforded by social media use. The second core category suggests that Social media, in contrast, may enhance social connectivity, employee commitment, engagement and develop a feeling of a family within a company. To provide this management should use Social media as another avenue for collaboration and display company informal meetings, achievements, and corporate culture.

Cestovní ruch jako faktor rozvoje sídel / Tourism as a Factor of Development of the Residential Areas

Pelant, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou cestovního ruchu, především ve smyslu jeho dopadů na územní celky. Práce je rozdělena na dvě části. První část, mající obecný charakter, má za účel popsat základní souvislosti týkající se cestovního ruchu a následně přiblížit přístupy k cestovnímu ruchu, které lze uplatňovat. Druhá část se již zabývá konkrétním sídelním celkem, jímž je město Tábor.

Dopad věkové struktury na inflaci - Příklad rozvíjejících se zemí / The Impact of Age Structure on Inflation - Example of Developing Countries

Zakaraia, Khatia January 2018 (has links)
Many countries in the world experience demographic transition - significant decrease of fertility rates and increase share of the old population. The pace and characteristics of demographic shifts however are individual for each country. At the same time these countries face low inflation rates or even deflation. In this thesis I demonstrate how demographic changes are correlated with low inflation rates. I estimated two different models - VAR and FEM for panel data using two samples of developing countries. The primary argument of using two separate groups for estimating the same problem is robustness check, whether all three imposed hypotheses will hold in any sample of the population. These hypotheses are - first, deflation is positively correlated with increased share of the old population, second, low inflation in developing economies has structural pattern due to demographic changes and third, deflation can be forecastable if it is driven by demographic trends. Despite the heterogeneity of the results from PVAR and FEM, a negative impact of aging population on inflation has been proved. Also estimation results support our two hypotheses that low inflation if it is partially driven by aging structure changes, has structural rather than cyclical characteristics and is predictable. Contribution...

Have you ever had a terrible online shopping experience? / Have you ever had a terrible online shopping experience?

Qu, Mengran, Xu, Luqi January 2020 (has links)
Background: Nowadays, the development of the internet makes online shopping more popularized . The appearance of online shopping brings considerable benefits to customers, however, there are still risks in the area. To maintain good relationship management between customers and companies, it is necessary to understand the online customer experience and its relevant important factors . Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain the impact of three factors (low-quality delivery, low-quality online customer service, and low-quality website design) on online customer experience. Methodology: The paper used a quantitative approach in cross-sectional design and collected totally 78 responses. The related data collection is conducted through a self-completion questionnaire in the online form.  Findings: The negative impacts of low-quality online customer service and low-quality website design on online customer experience are confirmed. There is an effective and strong connection between low-quality website design and low-quality online customer service. Conclusion: Based on the findings, H2 and H3 cannot be rejected but H1 needs to be rejected. One can therefore say that even in the context of rapid technological development, modern online shoppers have not changed their aversion to low-quality elements, that the view that low-quality online customer service and low-quality website design negatively affect OCE has not changed.

En översiktsstudie om sociala faktorer och strukturer som främjar vägen ut ur kriminalitet / A Scope Review of Literature Handling Social Factors and Structures that Promote Desistance from Crime

Ihlström, Caroline, Ling, Markus January 2022 (has links)
This study is a review of literature on the theme of what factors positive for a person to leave a criminal lifestyle. The purpose of the study is to investigate these factors and try to determine whether there are consistent patterns in the existing literature on the subject in order to answer the study's questions. Questions for the study were (1) What social factors affect a person's motivation to leave a criminal lifestyle and maintain desistance from crime? Also (2) which structures in society have a positive and negative impact in the process of change between crime and a normative lifestyle? The work of collecting literature has  been done through a search and a selection process of peer-reviewed literature. Finally, 13 articles on the subject were included. The results show that the factors that can affect whether a person withdraws from crime are scattered, but the factors that mainly stood out as positive were relationship ties to family and internal motivation.

Эколого-экономическое обоснование проекта по организации участка обезвоживания осадка на ГСВ МУП «Водоканал» г. Екатеринбурга : магистерская диссертация / Ecological and economic feasibility study of the project for the organization of a sludge dewatering site at the FGP of Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal in Ekaterinburg

Максимов, А. Ф., Maksimov, A. F. January 2017 (has links)
В работе рассматриваются проблемы размещения и обработки образующегося осадка на предприятиях водоподготовки. Проведен анализ деятельности предприятий водоподготовки как объекта негативного воздействия на окружающую среду в России и Свердловской области. В настоящее время на большинстве водопроводных станций не организовано повторное использование промывных вод и применение технологий обезвоживания осадка. Сброс таких вод приводит к загрязнению источников водоснабжения. Проблема обработки водопроводного осадка справедливо считается одной из наименее разработанных, наиболее технически сложной и дорогостоящей. В работе проведено сравнение существующих технологий обезвоживания осадка. Предложен инвестиционный проект по разработке и внедрению эффективной системы обезвоживания осадка в условиях уменьшения экологической нагрузки путем исключения сброса промывных вод в окружающую среду. Приводится технико-экономическое обоснование проекта и рассчитана его эколого-экономическая эффективность. / The paper deals with the problems of placing and processing the formed sludge at water treatment plants. The analysis of water treatment enterprises as an object of negative impact on the environment in Russia and the Sverdlovsk region has been carried out. Currently, most waterworks do not organize reuse of washing water and the use of sludge dewatering technologies. Discharge of such water leads to contamination of water supply sources. The problem of treatment of a water sediment is rightly considered one of the least developed, the most technically complex and costly. The paper compares existing sludge dewatering technologies. An investment project is proposed to develop and implement an effective sludge dewatering system in conditions of decreasing the ecological load by eliminating the discharge of wash water into the environment. The feasibility study of the project is given and its ecological and economic efficiency is calculated.

Эколого-экономическая оценка рационального использования полигонов твердых коммунальных отходов в Пермском крае : магистерская диссертация / Ecological and economic assessment of rational use of municipal solid waste landfills in the Perm Krai

Бикташева, А. О., Biktasheva, A. O. January 2018 (has links)
The problems of formation and placement of municipal solid waste in the Perm Krai are considered. The lack of temporary storage of waste, the unreasonable organization of selective collection, the unsettled time for export, untimely disposal of waste generated have a negative impact on both the quality of life of the population and the quality of the environment. The problem of waste generation and disposal is considered to be the most acute in modern conditions. At the same time, there is a real opportunity to return them to production, contributing to the partial solution of many socio-economic issues. The paper analyzes the situation on waste management in the Perm Krai, considers various options for the rational use of MSO landfills, provides an ecological and economic assessment of the options for using MSO landfills in the Perm Krai. As scientific novelty of the work, it is possible to note the development of an algorithm for the adoption of organizational and managerial decisions for the selection of the direction of reclamation and use of the territories of MSO landfills. / В работе рассматриваются проблемы образования и размещения твердых коммунальных отходов в Пермском крае. Отсутствие мест временного складирования отходов, непродуманная организация селективного сбора, невыдержанные сроки вывоза, несвоевременное обезвреживание образующихся отходов отрицательно сказываются как на качестве жизни населения, так и на качестве окружающей среды. Проблема образования и размещения отходов считается наиболее острой в современных условиях. В тоже время существует реальная возможность возвращения их в производство, способствуя частичному решению многих социально-экономических вопросов. В работе проведен анализ ситуации по обращению с отходами в Пермском крае, рассмотрены различные варианты рационального использования полигонов ТКО, дана эколого-экономическая оценка вариантов использования полигонов ТКО в Пермском крае. В качестве научной новизны работы можно отметить разработку алгоритма по принятию организационно-управленческих решений по выбору направления рекультивации и использования территорий полигонов ТКО.

Эколого-экономическое обоснование проекта переработки резинотехнических изделий : магистерская диссертация / Ecological and economic justification of the project for the processing of rubber products

Упоров, Д. А., Uporov, D. A. January 2019 (has links)
The paper considers the problems of the formation and processing of municipal solid waste, in particular rubber products. The lack of places for temporary storage of waste, the ill-conceived organization of selective collection, and untimely processing of waste negatively affect both the quality of life of the population and the quality of the environment. The problem of the formation and processing of rubber products (car tires) is considered the most acute in modern conditions. The paper analyzes the modern methods of recycling rubber products, substantiates the choice of the most optimal processing method - classical pyrolysis. The study provides a calculation of the economic feasibility of a project for the processing of car tires by pyrolysis. The environmental effectiveness of the project is also justified. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the selection of the optimal method for processing rubber goods, which has a minimally negative impact on the environment. / В работе рассматриваются проблемы образования и переработки твердых коммунальных отходов, в частности резинотехнических изделий. Отсутствие мест временного складирования отходов, непродуманная организация селективного сбора, несвоевременная переработка отходов отрицательно сказываются как на качестве жизни населения, так и на качестве окружающей среды. Проблема образования и переработки резинотехнических изделий (автомобильных шин) считается наиболее острой в современных условиях. В работе проведен анализ современных методов утилизации резинотехнических изделий, обоснован выбор наиболее оптимального метода переработки – классический пиролиз. В исследовании приведен расчет экономического обоснования проекта по переработке автомобильных шин методом пиролиза. Также обоснована экологическая эффективность проекта. Научная новизна исследования заключается в выборе оптимального метода переработки РТИ, оказывающего минимально негативное воздействие на окружающую среду.

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