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Nongovernmental Organizations' Perceptions on Inclusive Education Implementation in Primary Schools : A Comparative Case Study between Cameroon and South AfricaNde, Evelyn Neh January 2017 (has links)
This paper examines, analysis and compares nongovernmental organizations'perceptions on inclusive education implementation in primary schools in Cameroon and South Africa aiming to gain understanding of the challenges nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) face in the implementation phase.
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Can NGOs build states and citizenship through service delivery? : evidence from HIV/AIDS programmes in rural UgandaBukenya, Badru January 2012 (has links)
Service delivery NGOs (SD-NGOs) have long been criticised for promoting ‘technocratic’ and ‘depoliticised’ forms of development. However, some commentators have begun to argue that such agencies, and even their ‘technocratic’ interventions, can have positive impacts on political forms and processes. This study investigates these two opposing perspectives through the lens of state building and citizenship formation in the global South. Primary research into the activities of a prominent SD-NGO in Uganda called The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO), through its “mini-TASO Project” (MTP), finds that the project delivered important citizenship gains for People with HIV/AIDS (PWAs). This was visible in four main areas, namely, enhanced ability of PWAs to exercise voice, increased associationalism among previously unorganised and marginalised PWAs, increased voluntarism and more participation of PWAs in political contests. Yet, the project’s state-capacity building effects were more uneven. On the one hand, the programme played an important role in strengthening the bureaucratic ability of targeted hospitals to deliver HIV/AIDS services, enhanced PWAs’ legibility to the state as well as increased state’s embeddedness in society. On the other hand, however, it was less successful in expanding the infrastructural reach of the state in rural Uganda. The overall conclusion is that while SD-NGOs emerge as more political actors than critics claim, their potentially progressive effects are contingent on and remain limited by intervention and contextual factors. While intervention factors encompass issues such as the expertise of SD-NGOs, programme design and funding, the contextual ones include the pre-existing state-society relations, operating environment for civil society, influence of donors, and the character of both formal and informal political institutions, among others.
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Projekty nestátních neziskových organizací financovaných ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie v období 2004 - 2006 v kraji Vysočina / Projects NGOs financed from the Structural funds of the EU for programming period 2004-2006 in the Vysocina RegionKremláčková, Mirka January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the function of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and their position in the development programmes and activities of the Vysocina Region. Non-governmental segment is a significant area of the civil society's development which faces to problems of funding of their activity. NGOs use more-resources for funding. As The Czech republic entered into the European Union on 1. May 2004, the Structural Funds are by one of the important foreign financial resources for funding activities NGOs. The diploma thesis give her attention to specific features NGOs of the Vysocina Region and their wants. The main goal of the diploma thesis is estimation success of NGOs in the Vysocina Region while generating projects financed from the SF of the EU for short programming period 2004-2006. The particular goal is estimation of problems and shortcomings NGOs of Vysocina in the process of production, projects approval and execution of projects. There will be made recommendations for current data of programming period 2007-2013 to take away shortcomings on the basis of made research between NGOs of the Vysocina Region.
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Posouzení faktorů úspěšnosti NNO / Assessment of the Success Factors of NGOsFaiglová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is the processing and evaluation of information gained from the questionnaire survey, which took place within the University research. The work is focused on factors that influence the success of NGOs in particular in the areas of activities of organizations and their financing. NGOs are first grouped according to age, geographical scope and legal status. It is also being considered with a vision and mission of their short-term and long-term goals. Another chapter examines the importance of volunteers and their application in different areas of operation. Here is an analysis of the internal control situation, the quality of services and use of information systems. The last task is focused on the allocation of financial resources and evaluation of NGO work with the financial plans.
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Think-tanks-and Their Role in the New EU Member States:Czech and Slovak ExperiencePitoňáková, Lívia January 2007 (has links)
V práci jsou analyzovány kořeny, vývoj, současné postavení, hrozby a výzvy think-tanků v České a Slovenské republice. Srovnání s jejich tradicí ve Spojených státech zkoumá přenositelnost amerického "modelu" think-tanků do střední a východní Evropy. Tento přenos je značně omezený a krátkodobě nerealizovatelný vzhledem k rozdílným legislativním podmínkám a nerozvinuté filantropii. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována motivům k vytváření regionálních i mezinárodních sítí think-tanků. Práce vychází jednak z dosavadní literatury na toto téma, jednak z dotazníkového šetření.
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Úloha nevládních neziskových organizací v oblasti rozvojové spolupráce a humanitární pomoci v ČR / The role non-profit organisations in development cooperation and humanitarian aid in Czech republicBrychtová, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis looks at Czech non-governmental non-profit organisations operating in the area of development cooperation and humanitarian aid, their role, functioning and dilemmas they face. In the the part, it describes generally non-governmental non-profit organisations, their history, legislative framework, financing possibilities and work they with volunteers in the Czech environment. The second part summarises the results of questionnaire investigation carried out among member organisations of the Czech Forum for Development Cooperation.
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Úloha neziskových organizací při řešení nezaměstnanosti / The role of NGOs in tackling unemploymentFišar, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis topic is the role of the non-profit sector in the field of unemployment solutions. The first part relates the consequences of unemployment and non-profit activities and highlights their importance in mitigating the effects of unemployment. This part also points out impact of non-profit organizations to increase employment and employability. In the next chapter, using examples from practice outlines the possibilities of cooperation between the NGOs and public administration. The third part focuses on statistical data on unemployment in the Czech Republic and then in more detail in the Vysočina Region. The final section describes in detail activities of NGO Fokus Vysočina and also several other examples of activities of social enterprises in the Vysočina Region. The conclusion summarizes the results and gives recommendations for further improvement.
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Financování nestátních neziskových organizací v sociálních službách se zaměřením na oblast samofinancování / Financing of NGOs in Social Services with Focus on Self-financingHronová, Markéta January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the system of financing of NGOs in social services and to develop their self-financing possibilities, including the practical application of the theoretical basis for the specific NGO. The theoretical part deals with the definition of social services, the Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services, legal forms of social services providers, and especially main sources of financing of NGOs in social services with a focus on how these might be self-financing. Practical part includes an analysis of the financing of the civic association OPORA including evaluation and selection of appropriate possibilities of its self-financing.
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As mudanças climáticas globais e as ONGs socioambiental brasileiras: novas estratégias de conservação para a Amazônia / The global climate change and the Brazilian social environmental NGOs: new strategies to the Amazon conservation.Gabriela de Azevedo Couto 17 January 2012 (has links)
A emergência das mudanças climáticas globais como problemática socioambiental central dos tempos atuais impõe-se como um desafio não só porque exige da sociedade medidas para minimizar os impactos e buscar novos modos de vida em um planeta em transformação, mas principalmente porque demanda um melhor entendimento sobre como as alterações no clima são percebidas e interpretadas pela sociedade, assim como sobre a propensão de determinados grupos sociais para intervir no tema. Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender uma parte deste processo, investigando, a partir da emergência e posicionamento do tema Mudanças Climáticas Globais na agenda internacional, como as estratégias e ações de ONGs ambientalistas brasileiras para conservação da Amazônia são influenciadas. Isso porque o desmatamento da floresta Amazônica se apresenta como o maior responsável pelos altos índices de emissões brasileiras de Gases de Efeito Estufa, mas também porque a floresta amazônica é considerada um importante sumidouro de carbono. Além disso, este estudo apresenta elementos que mostram a importância da atuação de ONGs ambientalistas brasileiras, uma vez que influenciam os processos de tomada de decisão relativos às mudanças climáticas no âmbito nacional e internacionalmente. Esta pesquisa concentra-se em compreender o papel desempenhado por um grupo específico de organizações não-governamentais ambientalistas brasileiras no processo social que contribui para o debate relativo à problemática estabelecida. São organizações que vêm se articulando com diferentes parceiros, desenvolvendo novos projetos, inovando em suas estratégias de atuação social e política, transitando da escala local à global e ampliando e diversificando seu universo de ações e relações, sem que para isso tenham que modificar sua missão. A principal ideia da dissertação é que estas organizações não devem ser consideradas meras oportunistas por lidarem com um tema da moda, nem tampouco reféns de financiadores que impõem a elas suas prioridades; ao contrário, são organizações que contribuem para a construção de novas agendas e constroem novas oportunidades de financiamento a fim de continuarem cumprindo com sua missão. / The emergence of global climate change is a unique social and environmental problematic. Climate change is a challenge, not only because it requires societal measures to minimize impacts and to search for new ways of life in a transforming world, but especially because it demands a better understanding of how climate change is perceived and interpreted by different societies, and of the willingness of social groups to act in response to these challenges. The objective of this study is to understand one part of this process, evaluating how the strategies and actions of Brazilian environmental NGOs advocating the conservation of the Amazon are influenced by the emergence and positioning of the Global Climate Change issue on the international agenda. This connection is important, both because the deforestation of the Amazon is the main contributor to high Brazilian greenhouse gas emissions, and because the forest is an important carbon stock for the world. This study presents evidence that demonstrates the importance of some Brazilian environmental NGOs, which exert influence on decision-making processes at national and international climate change talks. Moreover, the research is focused on understanding the role played by a specific group of Brazilian environmental NGOs in the bottom-up social processes that contribute to the climate change debate. These organizations articulate among different partners, develop new projects and innovate in their strategies for social and political action. They transit from the local to the global scale, amplifying and diversifying their range of activities and relationships, all of this without the need for change in their institutional missions. The central thesis of this dissertation, then, is that these organizations not be considered as mere opportunists because they are now dealing with a fashionable issue, or as hostages of international donors that impose new priorities. Rather, they are argued to be organizations that contribute to the development of new agendas and the building of new financing opportunities, in order to continue striving toward the achievement of their institutional missions.
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Climate Change Communication by Development NGOs : An Analysis of The Potential Role of MarketizationIsbäck, Signe January 2020 (has links)
This thesis sets out to answer how development NGOs frame climate change in the wake of the Agenda 2030 and assess what factors might be at play in shaping the universal framing of climate change as emphasized in the SDGs. While there are several factors which might influence the framing of climate change used by NGOs, this study focuses on marketization as a potential explanatory factor. By drawing on theories of marketization, organizational uncertainties and climate justice, this thesis analyzes how the two selected cases, ActionAid and Diakonia, discursively frame and communicate about the issue of climate change in material on their websites. The findings suggest that there exists a relationship between the organization’s levels of marketization and the framing of climate change. Through discourse analysis, the findings of this study point to how a lower level of marketization seems to correspond with a larger incorporation of ‘climate justice discourse’ and the adoption of the universal framing of climate change as emphasized in the SDGs. On the other hand, a higher level of marketization seems to correspond with a more traditional framing of development aid and climate change, with an emphasis on climate actions mainly targeted towards the Global South. However, as this is a comparative case-study and the first to research this specific topic, future studies are needed in order to produce more generalizable and robust results.
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