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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A computational investigation of some polycalicenes as novel nonbenzenoid aromatic molecules and the strange case of the cyclopropenyl anion

Collier, Willard 02 May 2009 (has links)
Polycalicenes are novel nonbenzenoid aromatic hydrocarbons made from calicene subunits. A host of related polycalicenes are possible by varying the number of calicenes and the bonding motif of the calicenes (e.g. head-to-tail versus head-to-head). Polycalicenes might posses interesting and useful electrical, magnetic, and optical properties. Especially intriguing is that while calicene has never been synthesized, bicalicene 2, where two calicenes are bonded head-to-tail, has been synthesized by Yoshida et al. and found to be aromatic despite having a peripheral 16 ð electron count. This study details a computational investigation of the aromaticity of some planar polycalicenes using the nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS) criterion of aromaticity. NICS values were calculated with HF/6-31+G(d,p) and B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). Bicalicene 3, where two calicenes are bonded head-to-head, was shown to have a triplet ground state which required the calculation of NICS values using UB3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). Also, the aromaticities of some “belted” polycalicenes were evaluated using NICS values calculated at 6-31G(d,p). The smaller basis set was used due to the increasing number of basis functions for the larger “belted” polycalicenes. In addition, the electronic ground and excited states of the planar polycalicenes were also calculated. The electronic ground states were assigned using HF/6-31+G(d,p) and B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). CCSD(T)/6-31G(d,p) calculations were used to confirm assignments. The electronic excited states were calculated using time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). Recently, the reliability of the NICS criterion was questioned when it was claimed NICS found the cyclopropenyl anion to be aromatic. One part of this study details the examination of this claim and concluded that the earlier work was in error. The error was proven to arise from the failure to employ diffuse basis functions in the earlier work.

Sampling UK Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) : the effect of trapping on population structure

Stancliffe-Vaughan, Abigail E. January 2015 (has links)
Populations of non-native signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, are damaging to UK native species and habitats though their populations are expanding with no coherent framework in place for their control. This is partly the result of a literature gap on the effect of trapping on non-native crayfish population structure which this thesis will explore in order to add to the European literature. Population size structure analysis has been facilitated via the creation of novel samplers and an in-depth analysis of the effect of aperture on the size/life stage of crayfish sampled. Smaller trap apertures, the addition of refuge material and novel samplers increased the catch of juvenile crayfish. Sex was indeterminable for up to 50% of juvenile crayfish, with juvenile sex ratios potentially biased towards females. Conditions on the River Lark did not limit populations, though temperature varied significantly between sites whilst substrata, pH and biological oxygen demand did not. Three years of trapping and juvenile sampling enabled population analysis at a site level. The population at Lark Head (professionally trapped), had a consistent size structure from 2010 to 2012, whilst individuals at Barton Mills (community trapped) and the Plough (untrapped), showed size decreases over time. The proportions of adult to juvenile individuals, and males to females, were similar at all three sites in 2011 & 2012. Catch per unit effort, decreased at all three sites with the greatest reductions at trapped sites. There is no evidence that catch sizes, or the proportion of juveniles, increased with trapping in spite of one site being trapped by the community since 2001 and another trapped by professionals since 2005. This refutes inferences that trapping causes an increase in biomass due to a reduction in the number of cannibalistic and dominant large males, with size and sex bias in traps also not corroborated.

Josephson junctions and devices fabricated by focused electron beam irradiation

Booij, Wilfred Edwin January 1997 (has links)
The irradiation of high Tc superconducting thin films with a focused electron beam, such as that obtained in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM), can result in the formation of a Josephson junction. The conditions required for the formation of these Josephson junctions in YBa2Cu3O7-d and related compounds are discussed as well as the physical properties of the irradiated material. From electrical transport measurements of individual Josephson junctions it was found that these junctions have a Superconductor/Normal/Superconductor (SNS) nature. Low temperature anneal studies indicate that Josephson junctions with optimum properties can be obtained by a combination of a high electron dose and subsequent low temperature anneal. Extremely high electron doses resulted in the formation of a purely resistive region. The electrical transport in such regions with a dimension of 200 nm in the direction of current transport is shown to be compatible with variable range hopping (VRH). Barriers with the same length but a finite superconducting transition temperature showed a low bias resistance that is significantly lowered due to proximity coupling. Using purely resistive regions in combination with Josephson junctions, devices consisting of two closely spaced Josephson junctions with a third terminal connected to the shared electrode were fabricated and characterised (minimum separation 20 nm). The distinct behaviour of the Josephson critical current with applied magnetic field (Ic(B)) of these devices was found to be well described by a newly developed model, which incorporates the effect of the static redistribution current in the shared electrode on the phase distribution of the Josephson junctions. An important finding is that the behaviour of the high critical current with applied magnetic field of two closely spaced junctions was found to be consistent with a model system consisting of a closely spaced Josephson junction and a resistive barrier. A three terminal device with Josephson junctions at small separations was found to have a significantly increased trans resistance when compared with the individual resistance of the Josephson junctions it constituted of. A number of illustrative examples of device structures realised with the focused electron beam irradiation technique are also included.

β, β'-π-Extended Porphyrins: Exploration of Functionalization and Aromatic Character

Cooper, Courtney Taylor 07 1900 (has links)
Seventeen new dithiophenyl- and napthodithiophenyl- fused porphyrins were synthesized; from these an additional 7 porphyrin oligomers were also synthesized. Additionally freebase 2,7-dimethoxytriphenylene fused porphyrin was also synthesized from a freebase precursor. Aromatic indices NICS and AICD were used to evaluate these new molecules.

Estudo computacional de [2.2]ciclofanos / Computational Study of [2.2]cyclophanes

Caramori, Giovanni Finoto 01 September 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados computacionalmente os [2.2]ciclofanos ([2.2]paraciclofano (1), anti-[2.2]metaciclofano (2a), sin-[2.2]metaciclofano (2b) e [2.2]metaparaciclofano (3)), que são os [2n]ciclofanos mais simples, contendo dois anéis fenílicos conectados por duas pontes etilênicas. Os ciclofanos têm apresentado inúmeras aplicações importantes, podendo atuar como auxiliares em sínteses assimétricas e como catalisadores que simulam funções enzimáticas, apresentando seletividade em relação aos substratos. Eles são empregados tanto em químicab supramolecular quanto em áreas biomédicas. Estudos que empregam ressonância de spin eletrônico ou que investigam propriedades ópticas não-lineares dos [2.2]ciclofanos indicam que os mesmos apresentam interações transanulares, que ocorrem através de recobrimento direto entre orbitais pertencentes a anéis diferentes, through-space, ou através de recobrimento entre orbitais dos anéis e das pontes, through-bond. As interações transanulares possuem um papel fundamental na química dos ciclofanos, alterando o comportamento reacional destes compostos e as transições espectroscópicas. Apesar dos métodos de preparação de ciclofanos, desde os mais simples aos mais complexos, serem intensamente investigados, estudos computacionais, que busquem compreender as correlações entre tensão e aromaticidade, estrutura eletrônica e o mecanismo de ocorrência das interações transanulares, são raramente encontrados na literatura. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as interações transanulares, bem como correlacionar as diferenças estruturais, a tensão sobre anéis e pontes, cargas atômicas, aromaticidade e os deslocamentos químicos, não apenas para os isômeros dos [2.2]ciclofanos, mas também seus derivados fluorados (perfluoração de um dos anéis dos [2.2]ciclofanos), bem como avaliar os efeitos de diversos substituintes (CN, Cl, C=O, NH2 e NO2) e da protonação na estrutura eletrônica do isômero [2.2]paraciclofano. As otimizações de geometria de 1, realizadas com diferentes métodos e conjuntos de funções de base, mostraram que os modelos MP2/6-31+G(d,p) e B3PW91/6-31+G(d,p) fornecem os melhores resultados em comparação com os dados de raios-x. Buscas conformacionais mostraram que 2a e 2b são confôrmeros com energias diferentes e que 3 possui dois confôrmeros degenerados. As energias relativas e de tensão das pontes, seguiram a mesma ordem, indicando que a tensão sobre as pontes e a repulsão entre as nuvens ? dos anéis aromáticos são determinantes para a estabilidade dos [2.2]ciclofanos. As reações isodésmicas indicaram que os anéis comportam-se como absorvedores de tensão. NICS e HOMA mostraram que apesar das perdas de planaridade dos anéis a aromaticidade é mantida. O método NBO confirmou que todos os [2.2]ciclofanos apresentam interações through-bond, mas apenas 2a e 2b apresentaram interações through-space significantes. A análise AIM mostrou que as interações transanulares observadas são do tipo camada fechada (iônica ou ligação de hidrogênio) e que estabilizam os [2.2]ciclofanos. Para os derivados fluorados as principais alterações geométricas observadas foram para os diedros das pontes. As reações isodésmicas revelaram que as tensões das pontes e as energias relativas são afetadas pela fluoração. Além disso, os anéis dos isômeros fluorados absorvem mais tensão que os anéis dos isômeros não fluorados. NICS e HOMA mostraram que a substituição por flúor aumenta a aromaticidade dos [2.2]ciclofanos. A análise NBO indicou que a perfluoração aumentou o número e a intensidade das interações through-space, mas as mesmas ficaram restritas principalmente aos derivados fluorados de 2a e 2b. A mesma análise evidenciou que há uma conjugação dos pares de elétrons dos átomos de flúor com o sistema ?. Por outro lado, a análise AIM sugeriu que a substituição não aumenta o número de interações through-space, mas confirmou a conjugação dos pares de elétrons dos átomos de flúor. Os demais substituintes empregados afetam os parâmetros geométricos do [2.2]paraciclofano (1) de maneira diferenciada. A análise particionada das reações isodésmicas mostrou que as tensões nos anéis e nas pontes dependem não apenas do substituinte empregado, mas também da posição da substituição. NICS e HOMA indicaram que a aromaticidade no anel não-substituído dos derivados substituídos é maior que em 1. A análise NBO revelou que a substituição e a protonação aumentam a ocorrência de interações transanulares through-space. O método AIM indicou a presença de interações transanulares apenas para o derivado substituído com NH2 e CN e para a espécie protonada. No entanto, tais interações apresentaram características de interações de camada fechada. com pequenas estabilizações. As cargas atômicas e os deslocamentos químicos confirmaram as mudanças na densidade eletrônica, observadas através do método AIM. / In this work, the [2.2]cyclophanes ([2.2]paracyclophane (1), anti-[2.2]metacyclophane (2a), syn-[2.2]metacyclophane (2b) e [2.2]metaparacyclophane (3)), which are the simplest [2n] cyclophanes that contain two phenyl rings connected by two ethanediyl linkages, were studied computationally. Cyclophanes have presented several important applications, such as auxiliary in asymmetric synthesis, catalysts that simulate enzymatic functions, presenting selectivity in relation to the substrates. They are employed either in supramolecular chemistry or in biomedical areas. Studies that apply electron spin resonance or that investigate the non-linear optical properties of [2.2]cyclophanes, indicate that these compounds present transannular interactions, which occur through direct overlap of orbitals lying in different rings, throughspace, or through overlap between orbitals from rings and bridges, through-bond. The transannular interactions have a fundamental role in cyclophane chemistry, changing the reactional behavior of these compounds, and the spectroscopic transitions. Despite the fact that the well known methods of preparation, from the simplest to the most complex cyclophanes, have been studied intensively, computational studies that intent to comprehend the correlations between tension and aromaticity, electronic structure, and the mechanism of the transannular interactions are rarely found in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this work was not only to study the transannular interactions, correlating the structural differences, tension in rings and bridges, atomic charges, aromaticity, and chemical shifts of the [2.2]cyclophanes isomers but also to extent a similar treatment to the fluorinated derivatives. In addition, the effects of substituents such as (CN, Cl, C=O, NH2, and NO2) and the protonation on the electronic structure of [2.2]paracyclophane were also evaluated. The geometry optimizations of 1, carried out by using different methods and basis set, showed that the models MP2/6-31+G(d,p) and B3PW91/6-31+G(d,p) provide the best results in comparison with the x-ray data. Conformational searches showed that 2a and 2b are the conformers that present the same energy and the isomer 3 has two degenerated conformers. The strain energies of the bridges followed the same tendency as the relative energies, indicating that the tension on the bridges and the repulsions between the ? clouds of the aromatic rings are the key factors that determine the [2.2]cyclophane stabilities. The isodesmic reactions indicated that the rings are absorbents of tension. NICS and HOMA showed that the aromaticity of the rings is preserved despite the changes on the planarity. The NBO method confirmed that all [2.2]cyclophanes present through-bond interactions, but only 2a and 2b exhibit noteworthy through-space interactions. The AIM analysis pointed out that the transannular interactions behave as closed shell interactions (ionic or hydrogen bond), stabilizing the [2.2]cyclophanes. The main geometric changes, observed to the fluorinated derivatives, were those related with the dihedral angle of bridges. The isodesmic reactions pointed out that the tensions of bridges and the relative energies are affected by the fluorination. In addition, the fluorinated rings absorb more tension than the non-fluorinated rings. NICS and HOMA showed that the substitution by fluorine increases the aromaticity of the [2.2]cyclophanes. The NBO analysis indicated that the number of through-space interactions increase with the fluorination, but it is restrict to the derivatives of 2a and 2b. In addition, the same analysis pointed out a conjugation of the fluorine lone pairs with the ? system. On the other hand, the AIM analysis suggested that the substitution do not increase the number of through-space interactions, but confirmed the conjugation of the fluorine lone pairs. The other substituents can affect the geometric parameter of 1 noticeably. The partitioned analysis of isodesmic reactions showed that the tensions in bridges and rings not only depend on the substituents employed but also on the position of substitution. NICS and HOMA pointed out that the aromaticity is bigger in the non-substituted rings of [2.2]paracyclophane derivatives than in 1. The NBO analysis showed that the substitution and protonation increase the number of through-space interactions. AIM method indicated the transannular interactions occur only to the derivate substituted by NH2 and CN, and to the protonated specie. However, these interactions presented features of closed shell interactions with small stabilizations. The atomic charges and the chemical shifts confirmed the changes of the electronic density, observed through the AIM method.

As ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte - Influência na ressonância e aromaticidade de cátions e ácidos orgânicos / Hydrogen bonds and substituent effect - Influence in the resonance and aromaticity of the cations and organic acids

Parreira, Renato Luis Tâme 11 July 2006 (has links)
A natureza das ligações de hidrogênio e a influência destas interações na estrutura eletrônica de complexos neutros, catiônicos, aniônicos e radicalares foi estudada utilizando-se análises geométricas, energéticas, eletrônicas e topológicas. Inicialmente, verificaram-se alterações na aromaticidade do cátion pirílio após a complexação com uma a três moléculas de água. Tais complexos foram ainda estudados em meio reacional com constante dielétrica igual a da água com o emprego do modelo PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model). Adicionalmente, os efeitos da hidroxilação na estrutura eletrônica dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio foram considerados. Posteriormente, analisaram-se os efeitos das fortes ligações de hidrogênio na ressonância do grupo carboxila em complexos formados entre o radical hidroperoxil e os ácidos fórmico, acético e trifluoroacético. Como extensão desse trabalho, estudos envolvendo complexos obtidos com e sem restrições na otimização de geometria possibilitaram obter informações a respeito da ressonância dos grupos carboxila e carboxilato quando o fluoreto de hidrogênio interage linear ou perpendicularmente com todos os átomos do ácido fórmico e do ânion formiato. O desenvolvimento das atividades supracitadas compreendeu a análise da função de onda pelos métodos NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory) e AIM (Atoms in Molecules). As alterações em parâmetros geométricos e nas cargas atômicas foram consideradas. Uma análise energética foi realizada com o emprego do método de decomposição de energia proposto por Xantheas. As freqüências vibracionais e a intensidade das bandas do estiramento do grupo X-H, doador da ligação de hidrogênio, foram analisadas. As densidades de spin para os complexos radicalares também foram obtidas. A influência das ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte na aromaticidade dos cátions foram verificados com o emprego dos métodos e índices NICS (Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts), HOMA (Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy) e PDI (para-Delocalization Index). Os cálculos foram efetuados com os modelos B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) e UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd). Ocasionalmente, outras funções de base (EPR-III e cc-pVDZ), assim como o método MP2, foram utilizados para testar a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos. As interações intermoleculares pouco alteraram a estrutura eletrônica e a aromaticidade do cátion pirílio. Analogamente, a substituição de um átomo de hidrogênio por um grupo hidroxila em diversas posições dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio também não provocou modificações muito significativas na estrutura eletrônica desses cátions, embora tenha se verificado uma dependência da aromaticidade com a posição da hidroxila. Por outro lado, a distorção geométrica associada às ligações de hidrogênio foram responsáveis pelo incremento ou diminuição da ressonância do grupo carboxila nos ácidos fórmico, acético, trifluoroacético e do grupo carboxilato no ânion formiato. Os efeitos dos grupos doador e sacador de elétrons na estabilização dos complexos radicalares foram evidenciados. Adicionalmente, pode-se atribuir um caráter covalente parcial em algumas ligações de hidrogênio. / The nature of hydrogen bonds and their influence on electronic structure of neutral, cationic, anionic, and radical complexes was studied by using geometric, energetic, electronic, and topological analysis. The changes in aromaticity of the pyrylium cation upon complexation with one up to three water molecules were investigated. The PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model) model was employed to study the pyrylium-water complexes in a water reaction medium. In addition, the effects of hydroxylation on electronic structure of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations were also considered. In addition, the effects of strong hydrogen bonds on carboxyl group resonance in the complexes formed between the hydroperoxyl radical and formic, acetic, and trifluoroacetic acids were analyzed. In extension of this work, studies including complexes, obtained with and without geometric restrictions, provided information about the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups when the hydrogen fluoride interacts, linear or perpendicularly, with all atoms of formic acid and formate anion. The analysis of the wavefunction by using NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory), and AIM (Atoms in Molecules) methods was necessary to the development of the above mentioned activities. The changes in geometric parameters and atomic charges were also considered. An energetic analysis of complexes was done with the energy decomposition method proposed by Xantheas. The vibrational frequencies and the intensity of the X-H (hydrogen bond donor group) stretching bands were studied. The spin densities for the radical complexes were also obtained. The Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts (NICS), Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity (HOMA), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy), and PDI (para-Delocalization Index) aromaticity criteria were employed to verify the hydrogen bond influence and the effect of hydroxylation in the aromaticity of the cations. The calculations were carried out by using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd), and UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) models. Occasionally, other basis set (EPR-III and cc-pVDZ), as well as the MP2 method, were applied to test the accuracy of the results. The intermolecular interactions lead to small alterations in the electronic structure and aromaticity of pyrylium cation. Similarly, the substitution at different positions of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations by a hydroxyl group does not cause significant changes in the electronic structure of these cations. However, a dependence of the hydroxyl group position on aromaticity was observed. On the other hand, for formic, acetic, trifluoroacetic acids, as well as for the formate anion, the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups is affected not only by the geometric distortions but also by the hydrogen bonds. The effects of the electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups in the stabilization of radical complexes were characterized. Furthermore, a partial covalent character can be attributed to some hydrogen bonds.

As ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte - Influência na ressonância e aromaticidade de cátions e ácidos orgânicos / Hydrogen bonds and substituent effect - Influence in the resonance and aromaticity of the cations and organic acids

Renato Luis Tâme Parreira 11 July 2006 (has links)
A natureza das ligações de hidrogênio e a influência destas interações na estrutura eletrônica de complexos neutros, catiônicos, aniônicos e radicalares foi estudada utilizando-se análises geométricas, energéticas, eletrônicas e topológicas. Inicialmente, verificaram-se alterações na aromaticidade do cátion pirílio após a complexação com uma a três moléculas de água. Tais complexos foram ainda estudados em meio reacional com constante dielétrica igual a da água com o emprego do modelo PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model). Adicionalmente, os efeitos da hidroxilação na estrutura eletrônica dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio foram considerados. Posteriormente, analisaram-se os efeitos das fortes ligações de hidrogênio na ressonância do grupo carboxila em complexos formados entre o radical hidroperoxil e os ácidos fórmico, acético e trifluoroacético. Como extensão desse trabalho, estudos envolvendo complexos obtidos com e sem restrições na otimização de geometria possibilitaram obter informações a respeito da ressonância dos grupos carboxila e carboxilato quando o fluoreto de hidrogênio interage linear ou perpendicularmente com todos os átomos do ácido fórmico e do ânion formiato. O desenvolvimento das atividades supracitadas compreendeu a análise da função de onda pelos métodos NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory) e AIM (Atoms in Molecules). As alterações em parâmetros geométricos e nas cargas atômicas foram consideradas. Uma análise energética foi realizada com o emprego do método de decomposição de energia proposto por Xantheas. As freqüências vibracionais e a intensidade das bandas do estiramento do grupo X-H, doador da ligação de hidrogênio, foram analisadas. As densidades de spin para os complexos radicalares também foram obtidas. A influência das ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte na aromaticidade dos cátions foram verificados com o emprego dos métodos e índices NICS (Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts), HOMA (Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy) e PDI (para-Delocalization Index). Os cálculos foram efetuados com os modelos B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) e UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd). Ocasionalmente, outras funções de base (EPR-III e cc-pVDZ), assim como o método MP2, foram utilizados para testar a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos. As interações intermoleculares pouco alteraram a estrutura eletrônica e a aromaticidade do cátion pirílio. Analogamente, a substituição de um átomo de hidrogênio por um grupo hidroxila em diversas posições dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio também não provocou modificações muito significativas na estrutura eletrônica desses cátions, embora tenha se verificado uma dependência da aromaticidade com a posição da hidroxila. Por outro lado, a distorção geométrica associada às ligações de hidrogênio foram responsáveis pelo incremento ou diminuição da ressonância do grupo carboxila nos ácidos fórmico, acético, trifluoroacético e do grupo carboxilato no ânion formiato. Os efeitos dos grupos doador e sacador de elétrons na estabilização dos complexos radicalares foram evidenciados. Adicionalmente, pode-se atribuir um caráter covalente parcial em algumas ligações de hidrogênio. / The nature of hydrogen bonds and their influence on electronic structure of neutral, cationic, anionic, and radical complexes was studied by using geometric, energetic, electronic, and topological analysis. The changes in aromaticity of the pyrylium cation upon complexation with one up to three water molecules were investigated. The PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model) model was employed to study the pyrylium-water complexes in a water reaction medium. In addition, the effects of hydroxylation on electronic structure of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations were also considered. In addition, the effects of strong hydrogen bonds on carboxyl group resonance in the complexes formed between the hydroperoxyl radical and formic, acetic, and trifluoroacetic acids were analyzed. In extension of this work, studies including complexes, obtained with and without geometric restrictions, provided information about the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups when the hydrogen fluoride interacts, linear or perpendicularly, with all atoms of formic acid and formate anion. The analysis of the wavefunction by using NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory), and AIM (Atoms in Molecules) methods was necessary to the development of the above mentioned activities. The changes in geometric parameters and atomic charges were also considered. An energetic analysis of complexes was done with the energy decomposition method proposed by Xantheas. The vibrational frequencies and the intensity of the X-H (hydrogen bond donor group) stretching bands were studied. The spin densities for the radical complexes were also obtained. The Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts (NICS), Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity (HOMA), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy), and PDI (para-Delocalization Index) aromaticity criteria were employed to verify the hydrogen bond influence and the effect of hydroxylation in the aromaticity of the cations. The calculations were carried out by using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd), and UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) models. Occasionally, other basis set (EPR-III and cc-pVDZ), as well as the MP2 method, were applied to test the accuracy of the results. The intermolecular interactions lead to small alterations in the electronic structure and aromaticity of pyrylium cation. Similarly, the substitution at different positions of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations by a hydroxyl group does not cause significant changes in the electronic structure of these cations. However, a dependence of the hydroxyl group position on aromaticity was observed. On the other hand, for formic, acetic, trifluoroacetic acids, as well as for the formate anion, the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups is affected not only by the geometric distortions but also by the hydrogen bonds. The effects of the electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups in the stabilization of radical complexes were characterized. Furthermore, a partial covalent character can be attributed to some hydrogen bonds.

Estudo computacional de [2.2]ciclofanos / Computational Study of [2.2]cyclophanes

Giovanni Finoto Caramori 01 September 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados computacionalmente os [2.2]ciclofanos ([2.2]paraciclofano (1), anti-[2.2]metaciclofano (2a), sin-[2.2]metaciclofano (2b) e [2.2]metaparaciclofano (3)), que são os [2n]ciclofanos mais simples, contendo dois anéis fenílicos conectados por duas pontes etilênicas. Os ciclofanos têm apresentado inúmeras aplicações importantes, podendo atuar como auxiliares em sínteses assimétricas e como catalisadores que simulam funções enzimáticas, apresentando seletividade em relação aos substratos. Eles são empregados tanto em químicab supramolecular quanto em áreas biomédicas. Estudos que empregam ressonância de spin eletrônico ou que investigam propriedades ópticas não-lineares dos [2.2]ciclofanos indicam que os mesmos apresentam interações transanulares, que ocorrem através de recobrimento direto entre orbitais pertencentes a anéis diferentes, through-space, ou através de recobrimento entre orbitais dos anéis e das pontes, through-bond. As interações transanulares possuem um papel fundamental na química dos ciclofanos, alterando o comportamento reacional destes compostos e as transições espectroscópicas. Apesar dos métodos de preparação de ciclofanos, desde os mais simples aos mais complexos, serem intensamente investigados, estudos computacionais, que busquem compreender as correlações entre tensão e aromaticidade, estrutura eletrônica e o mecanismo de ocorrência das interações transanulares, são raramente encontrados na literatura. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as interações transanulares, bem como correlacionar as diferenças estruturais, a tensão sobre anéis e pontes, cargas atômicas, aromaticidade e os deslocamentos químicos, não apenas para os isômeros dos [2.2]ciclofanos, mas também seus derivados fluorados (perfluoração de um dos anéis dos [2.2]ciclofanos), bem como avaliar os efeitos de diversos substituintes (CN, Cl, C=O, NH2 e NO2) e da protonação na estrutura eletrônica do isômero [2.2]paraciclofano. As otimizações de geometria de 1, realizadas com diferentes métodos e conjuntos de funções de base, mostraram que os modelos MP2/6-31+G(d,p) e B3PW91/6-31+G(d,p) fornecem os melhores resultados em comparação com os dados de raios-x. Buscas conformacionais mostraram que 2a e 2b são confôrmeros com energias diferentes e que 3 possui dois confôrmeros degenerados. As energias relativas e de tensão das pontes, seguiram a mesma ordem, indicando que a tensão sobre as pontes e a repulsão entre as nuvens ? dos anéis aromáticos são determinantes para a estabilidade dos [2.2]ciclofanos. As reações isodésmicas indicaram que os anéis comportam-se como absorvedores de tensão. NICS e HOMA mostraram que apesar das perdas de planaridade dos anéis a aromaticidade é mantida. O método NBO confirmou que todos os [2.2]ciclofanos apresentam interações through-bond, mas apenas 2a e 2b apresentaram interações through-space significantes. A análise AIM mostrou que as interações transanulares observadas são do tipo camada fechada (iônica ou ligação de hidrogênio) e que estabilizam os [2.2]ciclofanos. Para os derivados fluorados as principais alterações geométricas observadas foram para os diedros das pontes. As reações isodésmicas revelaram que as tensões das pontes e as energias relativas são afetadas pela fluoração. Além disso, os anéis dos isômeros fluorados absorvem mais tensão que os anéis dos isômeros não fluorados. NICS e HOMA mostraram que a substituição por flúor aumenta a aromaticidade dos [2.2]ciclofanos. A análise NBO indicou que a perfluoração aumentou o número e a intensidade das interações through-space, mas as mesmas ficaram restritas principalmente aos derivados fluorados de 2a e 2b. A mesma análise evidenciou que há uma conjugação dos pares de elétrons dos átomos de flúor com o sistema ?. Por outro lado, a análise AIM sugeriu que a substituição não aumenta o número de interações through-space, mas confirmou a conjugação dos pares de elétrons dos átomos de flúor. Os demais substituintes empregados afetam os parâmetros geométricos do [2.2]paraciclofano (1) de maneira diferenciada. A análise particionada das reações isodésmicas mostrou que as tensões nos anéis e nas pontes dependem não apenas do substituinte empregado, mas também da posição da substituição. NICS e HOMA indicaram que a aromaticidade no anel não-substituído dos derivados substituídos é maior que em 1. A análise NBO revelou que a substituição e a protonação aumentam a ocorrência de interações transanulares through-space. O método AIM indicou a presença de interações transanulares apenas para o derivado substituído com NH2 e CN e para a espécie protonada. No entanto, tais interações apresentaram características de interações de camada fechada. com pequenas estabilizações. As cargas atômicas e os deslocamentos químicos confirmaram as mudanças na densidade eletrônica, observadas através do método AIM. / In this work, the [2.2]cyclophanes ([2.2]paracyclophane (1), anti-[2.2]metacyclophane (2a), syn-[2.2]metacyclophane (2b) e [2.2]metaparacyclophane (3)), which are the simplest [2n] cyclophanes that contain two phenyl rings connected by two ethanediyl linkages, were studied computationally. Cyclophanes have presented several important applications, such as auxiliary in asymmetric synthesis, catalysts that simulate enzymatic functions, presenting selectivity in relation to the substrates. They are employed either in supramolecular chemistry or in biomedical areas. Studies that apply electron spin resonance or that investigate the non-linear optical properties of [2.2]cyclophanes, indicate that these compounds present transannular interactions, which occur through direct overlap of orbitals lying in different rings, throughspace, or through overlap between orbitals from rings and bridges, through-bond. The transannular interactions have a fundamental role in cyclophane chemistry, changing the reactional behavior of these compounds, and the spectroscopic transitions. Despite the fact that the well known methods of preparation, from the simplest to the most complex cyclophanes, have been studied intensively, computational studies that intent to comprehend the correlations between tension and aromaticity, electronic structure, and the mechanism of the transannular interactions are rarely found in the literature. Therefore, the aim of this work was not only to study the transannular interactions, correlating the structural differences, tension in rings and bridges, atomic charges, aromaticity, and chemical shifts of the [2.2]cyclophanes isomers but also to extent a similar treatment to the fluorinated derivatives. In addition, the effects of substituents such as (CN, Cl, C=O, NH2, and NO2) and the protonation on the electronic structure of [2.2]paracyclophane were also evaluated. The geometry optimizations of 1, carried out by using different methods and basis set, showed that the models MP2/6-31+G(d,p) and B3PW91/6-31+G(d,p) provide the best results in comparison with the x-ray data. Conformational searches showed that 2a and 2b are the conformers that present the same energy and the isomer 3 has two degenerated conformers. The strain energies of the bridges followed the same tendency as the relative energies, indicating that the tension on the bridges and the repulsions between the ? clouds of the aromatic rings are the key factors that determine the [2.2]cyclophane stabilities. The isodesmic reactions indicated that the rings are absorbents of tension. NICS and HOMA showed that the aromaticity of the rings is preserved despite the changes on the planarity. The NBO method confirmed that all [2.2]cyclophanes present through-bond interactions, but only 2a and 2b exhibit noteworthy through-space interactions. The AIM analysis pointed out that the transannular interactions behave as closed shell interactions (ionic or hydrogen bond), stabilizing the [2.2]cyclophanes. The main geometric changes, observed to the fluorinated derivatives, were those related with the dihedral angle of bridges. The isodesmic reactions pointed out that the tensions of bridges and the relative energies are affected by the fluorination. In addition, the fluorinated rings absorb more tension than the non-fluorinated rings. NICS and HOMA showed that the substitution by fluorine increases the aromaticity of the [2.2]cyclophanes. The NBO analysis indicated that the number of through-space interactions increase with the fluorination, but it is restrict to the derivatives of 2a and 2b. In addition, the same analysis pointed out a conjugation of the fluorine lone pairs with the ? system. On the other hand, the AIM analysis suggested that the substitution do not increase the number of through-space interactions, but confirmed the conjugation of the fluorine lone pairs. The other substituents can affect the geometric parameter of 1 noticeably. The partitioned analysis of isodesmic reactions showed that the tensions in bridges and rings not only depend on the substituents employed but also on the position of substitution. NICS and HOMA pointed out that the aromaticity is bigger in the non-substituted rings of [2.2]paracyclophane derivatives than in 1. The NBO analysis showed that the substitution and protonation increase the number of through-space interactions. AIM method indicated the transannular interactions occur only to the derivate substituted by NH2 and CN, and to the protonated specie. However, these interactions presented features of closed shell interactions with small stabilizations. The atomic charges and the chemical shifts confirmed the changes of the electronic density, observed through the AIM method.

Vektory, šíření a genetická variabilita patogenu račího moru v oblastech, kam byl zavlečen / The crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci in its introduced ranges: vectors, introduction pathways, genetic variation and host-pathogen interactions

Mrugała, Agata January 2016 (has links)
- ABSTRACT - The crayfish plague pathogen, Aphanomyces astaci, is responsible for substantial declines and local extinctions of native European crayfish populations. As a consequence, the pathogen is now listed among 100 world's worst invasive alien species. The spread of A. astaci is greatly facilitated by its natural hosts, North American crayfish, that thanks to a long co-evolutionary history with the crayfish plague pathogen evolved efficient defence mechanisms. In contrast, European, Australian and Asian crayfish species are highly susceptible to this disease agent. However, progress of A. astaci infection in native European crayfish was observed to differ between distinct pathogen strains, indicating variability in their virulence. Indeed, we demonstrated a relationship between patterns in crayfish immune response and A. astaci virulence in an experimental infection involving the European noble crayfish and three differently virulent crayfish plague strains. The European continent is currently inhabited by at least eight North American crayfish species. The carrier status was confirmed in six of them, including also Orconectes cf. virilis occurring in the Netherlands and the UK. In this country, we detected Aphanomyces astaci presence in some populations of the non-indigenous crayfish species as well...

Single and multiple addition to C60. A computational chemistry study

Cases Amat, Montserrat 30 September 2003 (has links)
Des del seu descobriment, a la molècula C60 se li coneixen una varietat de derivats segons el tipus de funcionalització amb propietats fisicoquímiques específiques de gran interès científic. Una sel·lecció de derivats corresponents a addicions simple o múltiple al C60 s'ha considerat en aquest treball d'investigació. L'estudi a nivell de química computacional de diversos tipus d'addició al C60 s'han portat a terme per tal de poder donar resposta a aspectes que experimentalment no s'entenen o són poc clars.Els sistemes estudiats en referència a l'addició simple al C60 han estat en primer lloc els monoiminoful·lerens, C60NR, (de les dues vies proposades per la seva síntesi, anàlisis cinètic i termodinàmic han ajudat a explicar els mecanismes de formació i justificar l'addició a enllaços tipus [5,6]), i en segon lloc els metanoful·lerens i els hidroful·lerens substituits, C60CHR i C60HR, (raons geomètriques, electròniques, energètiques i magnètiques justifiquen el diferent caràcter àcid ente ambdós derivats tenint en compte una sèrie de substituents R amb diferent caràcter electrònic donor/acceptor). Els fluoroful·lerens, C60Fn, i els epoxid ful·lerens, C60On, (anàlisi sistemàtic dels seus patrons d'addició en base a poder justificar la força que els governa han aportat dades complementàries a les poques que existeixen experimentalment al respecte). / Since the discovery of C60 molecule a large number of derivatives molecules have been described with a great scientific interest of their specific physical and chemical properties. A selection of single and multiple addition products has been considered in this investigation. Study at Computational Chemistry level for this selected derivatives have been carried out in order to give answer to several points that experimentally are not understandable or not enough clear.As single addition derivatives, firstly were studied the monoiminofullerenes, C60NR, (two routes of synthesis have been considered, kinetic and thermodynamic analysis have help to explain formation mechanisms and justify the possible addition at [5,6]-type bonds), and secondly the methanofullerenes and the substituted hydrofullerenes, C60CHR and C60HR, (geometric, electronic, energetic and magnetic reasons justify the different acid character between both series of derivatives taking care on the influence of R substituents with different donor/acceptor character). The fluorofullerenes, C60Fn, and the epoxide fullerenes, C60On, have been studied as multiple addition derivatives (systematic analysis of the addition pattern have been performed in the way to find reasons to justify the driving force of the multiple addition process).

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