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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Napoleão Bonaparte entre russos e luso-brasileiros: um estudo comparado de sua representação em Guerra e Paz e Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro / Napoleon Bonaparte between Russians and Portuguese-Brazilians: the comparative study of its representation in War and Peace and Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro

Souza, Carolina Ramos de 22 August 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma análise comparada da representação de Napoleão Bonaparte por meio do estudo da obra de Lev Tolstói, Guerra e paz, e dos exemplares da Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, foi realizado o mapeamento de tais escritos com a finalidade de identificar as referências à figura de Napoleão e o contexto em que estão inseridas. Desta maneira, foi possível identificar as aproximações e os afastamentos entre os dois tipos de representações de Napoleão e a dimensão do mito napoleônico no imaginário de russos e luso-brasileiros. / This work aims to develop a comparative analysis of Napoleon Bonaparte representation through the study of Lev Tolstoys work, War and Peace, and Gazeta do Rio de Janeiros issues. Therefore, the mapping of such writings was done in order to find references to Napoleons figure and the context in which they are inserted. Thus, it was possible to identify the approaches and departures between two types of Napoleons representations and the size of Napoleonic myth in the minds of Russians and Portuguese-Brazilians.

O circuito das artes pelas letras de Vivant Denon: um nobre patrono para uma nova França (1778-1815) / The path of the arts by the writings of Vivant Denon: a noble patron for a new France (1778-1815)

Morales, Maria Angélica Beghini 24 August 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os elementos contraditórios - ou seja, tanto as características aristocráticas quanto as modernizantes - próprios do período de transição em que a sociedade francesa se encontrava na virada do século XVIII para o XIX, presentes nos escritos de Dominique-Vivant Denon (1747-1825), Directeur Général des Musées durante o Consulado e o Império. Buscaremos compreender como uma figura oriunda da nobreza provinciana francesa conseguiu se equilibrar no jogo de forças políticas que se desenrolou na França com o advento da Revolução e como se tornou uma personagem fundamental na constituição de um dos grandes projetos políticos e culturais do período: a reformulação do Museu do Louvre. Em uma perspectiva mais ampla, pretenderemos investigar, através da produção de Vivant Denon, o fenômeno de reapropriação e ressignificação de uma tradição cultural associada ao Antigo Regime na construção do Império Napoleônico. / The object of this research is to study the contradictory elements - both aristocratic features as the modernizing ones - in the transition period from the eighteenth century to the nineteenth, present in the writings of Dominique-Vivant Denon (1747-1825), Directeur Général des Musées during the Consulate and the Empire. We seek to understand how a figure derived from the French provincial nobility managed to balance the game of political forces that unfolded in France with the Revolution and how he became a fundamental character in the consolidation of a major cultural and political projects of the period: the reformulation of Louvre Museum. In a broader perspective, the present study seeks to understand and investigate, through the writings of Vivant Denon, the phenomenon of reinterpretation of a cultural tradition associated with the Old Regime in the construction of the Napoleonic Empire.

O circuito das artes pelas letras de Vivant Denon: um nobre patrono para uma nova França (1778-1815) / The path of the arts by the writings of Vivant Denon: a noble patron for a new France (1778-1815)

Maria Angélica Beghini Morales 24 August 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os elementos contraditórios - ou seja, tanto as características aristocráticas quanto as modernizantes - próprios do período de transição em que a sociedade francesa se encontrava na virada do século XVIII para o XIX, presentes nos escritos de Dominique-Vivant Denon (1747-1825), Directeur Général des Musées durante o Consulado e o Império. Buscaremos compreender como uma figura oriunda da nobreza provinciana francesa conseguiu se equilibrar no jogo de forças políticas que se desenrolou na França com o advento da Revolução e como se tornou uma personagem fundamental na constituição de um dos grandes projetos políticos e culturais do período: a reformulação do Museu do Louvre. Em uma perspectiva mais ampla, pretenderemos investigar, através da produção de Vivant Denon, o fenômeno de reapropriação e ressignificação de uma tradição cultural associada ao Antigo Regime na construção do Império Napoleônico. / The object of this research is to study the contradictory elements - both aristocratic features as the modernizing ones - in the transition period from the eighteenth century to the nineteenth, present in the writings of Dominique-Vivant Denon (1747-1825), Directeur Général des Musées during the Consulate and the Empire. We seek to understand how a figure derived from the French provincial nobility managed to balance the game of political forces that unfolded in France with the Revolution and how he became a fundamental character in the consolidation of a major cultural and political projects of the period: the reformulation of Louvre Museum. In a broader perspective, the present study seeks to understand and investigate, through the writings of Vivant Denon, the phenomenon of reinterpretation of a cultural tradition associated with the Old Regime in the construction of the Napoleonic Empire.

Napoleão Bonaparte entre russos e luso-brasileiros: um estudo comparado de sua representação em Guerra e Paz e Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro / Napoleon Bonaparte between Russians and Portuguese-Brazilians: the comparative study of its representation in War and Peace and Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro

Carolina Ramos de Souza 22 August 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma análise comparada da representação de Napoleão Bonaparte por meio do estudo da obra de Lev Tolstói, Guerra e paz, e dos exemplares da Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, foi realizado o mapeamento de tais escritos com a finalidade de identificar as referências à figura de Napoleão e o contexto em que estão inseridas. Desta maneira, foi possível identificar as aproximações e os afastamentos entre os dois tipos de representações de Napoleão e a dimensão do mito napoleônico no imaginário de russos e luso-brasileiros. / This work aims to develop a comparative analysis of Napoleon Bonaparte representation through the study of Lev Tolstoys work, War and Peace, and Gazeta do Rio de Janeiros issues. Therefore, the mapping of such writings was done in order to find references to Napoleons figure and the context in which they are inserted. Thus, it was possible to identify the approaches and departures between two types of Napoleons representations and the size of Napoleonic myth in the minds of Russians and Portuguese-Brazilians.

L’art et la bataille : représenter les campagnes d’Italie : (1800 ; 1859) / The art and the battle : a study on the way of representing the French Italian campaigns : (1800 ; 1859)

Nicolas, Aude 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette étude a pour but d’analyser les représentations peintes – mais aussi, à chaque fois que cela était pertinent pour le propos, les dessins, les photographies et les sculptures – des campagnes d’Italie de 1800 et de 1859. L’approche comparative de ces deux événements met en parallèle les héritages et les innovations artistiques d’« un Napoléon à l’autre », en posant à chaque fois la question de la volonté de précision et des connaissances des artistes chargés d’immortaliser les grandes phases de ces conflits, de manière à apporter un regard principalement centré sur les aspects militaires de ces représentations, en recourant notamment à l’étude iconographique. S’il s’agit avant tout d’un travail d’histoire de l’art, s’appuyant sur l’analyse stylistique et sur la réception critique des œuvres, l’approche méthodologique proposée croise d’autres disciplines afin de détailler la conception et l’organisation des œuvres : topographie, stratégie, tactique et, plus largement, d’autres domaines plus spécifiquement liés au patrimoine militaire (uniformologie, emblématique, armement…). Les œuvres sont également confrontées aux objets conservés et à l’histoire militaire qu’elles représentent, afin de comprendre comment les artistes ont conçu leurs productions et sont parvenus à rendre les faits. L’organisation du propos est divisée en trois parties, étudiant successivement la représentation topographique (les artistes se sont-ils rendus sur les lieux, ont-ils cherché à être précis en rendant les paysages et les particularités géographiques ?), le rendu de la bataille (comment la traite-t-on au début et au milieu du siècle, trouve-t-on un véritable souci de faire figurer les bonnes unités aux bons endroits et de tenter de comprendre et / ou de recomposer les manœuvres tactiques ?) et la perception héroïque (comment met-on en valeur le héros d’une époque à l’autre et comment différencier une œuvre au rendu réaliste d’une autre vouée à la glorification ou à l’édification ?). / This work deals with a comparative analysis of military paintings representing the French Italian Campaigns (1800 and 1859), including drawings, photographs and sculptures when it is relevant. The parallel is established between artistic heritages and innovations from “a Napoleon to the other”, asking the artists’ willing of precision and military knowledge when they represented these events, so these works of art are studied in a different way focused on a military approach using iconography. Although the main work is in history of art, based on the analysis of formal handling and critical reception, the methodology resorts other sciences in order to examine the artworks composition and organisation in details: in that way, artworks are confronted to topography, strategy, tactic and also military heritage testimonies (uniforms, emblems, weapons…) and history they aimed to show. The work is divided in three parts, successively studying topographical representation (did the artists travelled to see the places and did they represented precise and recognizable geographical details?), the way of painting battles (how fights were figured at the beginning and in the middle of the 19th century, can regiments and tactical manoeuvres be identified correctly?) and heroic perception (how heroes were showed in 1800 and in 1859 and how artworks can be ranked, between glorification and realistic representations?).


SALVI, GRETA 12 June 2013 (has links)
Nel Triennio 1796-1799, si svolge la breve parabola della Repubblica Cisalpina, una delle unità politiche fondate da Napoleone Bonaparte nel corso della Campagna d’Italia. Il presente lavoro studia la cultura teatrale e gli aspetti performativi che caratterizzano la Cisalpina e soprattutto la sua capitale, Milano, in questa congiuntura storica. La tesi che si vuole sostenere riguarda l’uso delle pratiche performative come strumento di educazione popolare e di diffusione dei principi della Rivoluzione del 1789. Un intento perseguito, con differenti finalità, tanto dalle autorità francesi quanto dai patrioti italiani filo-rivoluzionari. La trattazione si articola intorno a tre nuclei fondamentali: i mutamenti urbanistici e architettonici intervenuti a Milano durante il Triennio, la teoria e la pratica teatrale, la forma para-performativa delle feste pubbliche. Le relazioni culturali tra Italia e Francia sono state oggetto di particolare attenzione. La documentazione su cui lo studio si basa è costituita da edizioni a stampa di testi teatrali, descrizioni di feste, editti, corrispondenza e periodici dell’epoca conservati presso biblioteche e archivi milanesi e parigini. / In the Triennium 1796-1799 took place the short life of the Cisalpine Republic, one of the political units founded by Napoleon Bonaparte during the Italian Campaign. This work studies the theatrical culture and the performing aspects which characterized the Cisalpine Republic and particularly its capital, Milan, in that historical juncture. The thesis asserted here is about the use of performing practices as an instrument of popular education and spreading of the principles of the 1789 Revolution. This aim was pursued by both French authorities and Italian pro-Revolution patriots. This work tackles three main points: the architectural and urban changes which affected Milan during the Triennium, the theory and practice of theatre, the public celebrations. The cultural relations between Italy and France have been investigated with special attention. This study is based on some documents kept in archives and libraries of Milan and Paris, such as printed editions of theatrical plays, records of celebrations, correspondence and periodicals from the age of the Cisalpine Republic.

Lotzdorfs „Scharfer Zacken“ am Sandberg und Napoleon Bonaparte

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 21 June 2021 (has links)
Es ist eine geschichtsträchtige Zeit. Napoleon Bonaparte, Zar Alexander I. von Russland, König Friedrich Wilhelm III. von Preußen, Graf zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, Ludwig Graf Yorck von Wartenburg und viele andere höchste Politiker und Militärs waren 1813, nach Napoleons Rückzug aus Russland, in Radeberg zu Lage-Sondierungen, Gelände-Besichtigungen und hochrangigen Gesprächen. Nur knapp sind Radeberg und Lotzdorf direkten militärischen Kämpfen entgangen, trotzdem waren die Schäden durch Belagerungen, Requirierungen, Plünderungen u. ä. unvorstellbar.... Dabei spielte der Sandberg, gelegen zwischen Radeberg und Lotzdorf am „Lotzdorfer Zacken“ und die höchste Erhebung im Radeberger Gebiet, eine besondere Rolle, denn Napoleon kam mit seinem Stab von Dresden, um von hier aus das Terrain für die Vorbereitung einer Schlacht zu sondieren.

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