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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Narratologiese perspektief op die "sustersverhale" in Genesis 12, 20 en 26

Taljaard, Dirk Cornelis 03 September 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Semitic languages) / The characterirzatioon, "sister-narratives", is based on the formula "my sister is she" which is :found in two narratives concerning Abra(ha)m and Sarai (Genesis 12 : 10 - 20 and 20 : 1 - 18) and one recounting the experiences of Isaac and Rebecca (Genesis 26 : 1 - 17). Because of similarities between them, various comparative studies (usually focussing on historical and form-critical aspects) have been atternpted during the course of time. The present study analyses the three Biblical stories linguistically from a narratological perspective. Attention is paid to six categories, namely events, characters, narrator, space, time and reader. Conclusions arrived at concern processes of actualization and accomplishment, the dynamic (though varying) portrayal of the patriarchs, textual indications of the (implied) communication between narrator and reader, emotional connotations attached to different places, and "text.-time" versus "story-time".

Pharisäer in der Darstellung des Lukasevangeliums : eine Charakterisierung unter Anwendung der Methoden der narrativen Exegese

Beyer, Hartmut 30 September 2005 (has links)
ABSTRACT (deutsch) Das Lukasevangelium ist ein literarisches Werk in Form einer Erzählung. Die Pharisäer spielen darin eine zentrale Rolle als wichtigste Gruppe der Gegenspieler Jesu. Die Methode der narrativen Exegese ist daher geeignet, die Darstellung der Pharisäer zu analysieren und eine literarische Charakterisierung vorzunehmen. Eine Untersuchung aller Texte des Lukasevangeliums, in denen Pharisäer erwähnt werden, ergibt ein komplexes und facettenreiches Pharisäerporträt. Die Pharisäer werden primär negativ dargestellt, als religiöse Führer, die die göttliche Sendung Jesu, seine Vollmacht und seinen Auftrag, nicht erkennen und ablehnen. Die Pharisäer haben eine Kontrastfunktion innerhalb der Gesamterzählung des Lukasevangeliums. Sie dienen als Negativfolie, auf der die Bedeutung der Hauptfigur Jesus umso heller aufleuchtet. Ein Merkmal des Lukasevangeliums ist jedoch, dass dieses primär negative Bild durch die erzählerische Darstellung mehrfach abgeschwächt wird. Der Erzähler zeichnet kein einseitiges Pharisäerbild (flat character), sondern differenziert deutlich (mehr als die anderen Synoptiker). Er verzichtet bei der Präsentation ihres Verhaltens und ihrer Worte weitgehend auf explizit feindliche Aspekte. Er deutet eine relative Nähe zwischen Jesus und den Pharisäern an. Eine abschließende negative Wertung oder Verurteilung der Pharisäer unterbleibt. Auffällig ist die komplette Auslassung der Rolle der Pharisäer beim Prozess gegen Jesus. Die Reaktion Jesu auf die Pharisäer ist geprägt von Milde und Hoffnung, trotz vereinzelter scharfer Auseinandersetzungen. Jesus ist bei allen Begegnungen mit den Pharisäern bemüht, ihnen zur Erkenntnis seiner Person als göttlichem Gesandten zu verhelfen und sie zur Umkehr zu bewegen. ABSTRACT (english) The Gospel of Luke is a literary work in narrative form in which the Pharisees play a central role as the most important group in opposition to Jesus. Thus narrative exegesis is an appropriate method to analyse the presentation of the Pharisees and to undertake a literary characterisation of their role. An examination of all the texts in Luke's Gospel which mention the Pharisees yields a complex, multi-facetted portrait of the Pharisees. The Pharisees, characterised primarily negatively as religious leaders, neither recognise nor acknowledge the divine mission of Jesus, nor his authority nor mandate. Rather the Pharisees function in juxtaposition to Christ and his ministry within the overall narrative of Luke's Gospel. They serve as a negative backdrop against which the central figure of Jesus appears all the more significant, indeed even radiant. However, it is one trait of Luke's Gospel that this primarily negative picture is repeatedly softened by the narrative presentation. The narrator does not paint a one-sided picture of the Pharisees (flat character) but differentiates clearly in his presentation (more than the other Synoptic Gospels do). In his presentation of the Pharisees' behaviour and words the author to a large extent forgoes mentioning explicitly hostile aspects, but rather intimates the relative proximity between Jesus and the Pharisees. There is no final negative evaluation or judgement passed on the Pharisees. It is noteworthy that there is a complete omission of the role of the Pharisees in the legal proceedings and court trials against Jesus. Jesus' reaction to the Pharisees is nevertheless one of gentleness and hope, despite a few acrimonious conflicts recounted in the narrative. In all of his encounters with Pharisees Jesus endeavours to help them recognise himself as divine envoy and to move them to repentance. / New Testament / M.Th.

Die aoristos en imperfektum in die Handelinge van die Apostels

Van Alten, H. H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Those who follow the research of the last century concerning verbal aspect, will realize the importance of this topic for the understanding of the input of the author / speaker in the written or spoken word, because verbal aspect gives the specific view of the author / speaker on an action. However, the input of the author is not unqualified, but takes place within certain grammatical and contextual parameters. Within these parameters the author has the freedom to give actions which occur within the written or spoken word, a specific colour. As a result of short definitions of the aspect of the different Greek tenses, I was able to identify six different aspectual uses for both the aorist and the imperfect which agreed with the chosen definitions. The Acts of the Apostles was used to test the tenability of the definitions and the aspectual uses. Only with extensive analysis can the theory be confirmed. Apart from the fact that Acts is an extensive book, it has the additional advantage that the writer regularly alternates between different genres (narrative and speech). In this way the analysis of the theory can be concentrated further by investigating whether aspectual changes occur between the different genres. Analysis of the proposed theory demonstrated firstly that the author does not use the Greek tenses haphazardly, but that he consciously makes use of the aorist and imperfect indicative. The aorist is used especially to represent events or acts in totality and as completed; the imperfect is used to represent events or acts in progress and as processes. The analysis also confirmed that the author applies the aorist and the imperfect in different ways. The identified aspectual uses of both these tenses could be recognized throughout the whole book. Although the author probably did not work with definitions and aspectual uses, he was clearly aware of verbal aspect and the different ways in which an action can be portrayed. The analysis finally demonstrated that a change in genre (from narrative to speech or the other way round) often also effects a change in verbal aspect. In this way the author portrays his specific view on actions within their context. The most frequent aspectual use of the aorist, is the aorist used to portray acts as completed actions in their totality (in both narratives and speeches) and the aorist to portray the key moments of the story (largely in narratives). The most frequent aspectual use of the imperfect, is the imperfect to show actions in progress (often in narratives) and the imperfect to sketch the background (largely in narratives). From the above we can draw the conclusion that the author of Acts uses the aorist and imperfect aspectually, while also considering the alternation between genres. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wie die navorsing van die laaste eeu oor verbale aspek in die Griekse werkwoord nagaan, kry 'n besef van die belang van hierdie onderwerp vir die verstaan van die skrywer / spreker se inset in die geskrewe of gesproke woord. Verbale aspek gee naamlik die spesifieke perspektief van die skrywer / spreker op die handeling weer. Die inset van die skrywer is egter nie ongekwalifiseerd nie, maar vind plaas binne bepaalde grammatikale en kontekstuele merkers. Binne hierdie merkers het die skrywer die vryheid om aan handelinge, wat binne die geskrewe of gesproke woord voorkom, 'n spesifieke kleur te gee. Na aanleiding van kort definisies van die aspek van die verskillende Griekse tydvorme, spesifiek die aoristos en die imperfektum, was ek in staat om ses aspektuele gebruike onder beide die aoristos en die imperfektum te identifiseer wat in ooreenstemming was met die gekose definisies. Handelinge van die Apostels moes dien as toetsingsmateriaal vir die houdbaarheid van die definisies en die aspektuele gebruike. Slegs deur omvangryke analise kan die teorie bevestig word. Behalwe dat Handelinge 'n omvangryke boek is, het dit verder die voordeel dat die skrywer op 'n gereelde basis tussen genres (narratief en redevoering) wissel. Op dié manier kan die analise van die teorie verder toegespits word om te ondersoek of daar aspektuele veranderinge optree tussen die verskillende genres. Die analise van die voorgestelde teorie het eerstens aangetoon dat die skrywer nie slegs lukraak van Griekse tydvorme gebruik maak nie, maar bewustelik met onderskeidelik die aoristos en die imperfektum indikatief omgaan. Die aoristos word veral gebruik om gebeure of handelinge in totaliteit weer te gee en as voltooid voor te stel; die imperfektum word gebruik om gebeure of handelinge in hul voortgang weer te gee en as proses voor te stel. Die analise het tweedens bevestig dat die skrywer beide die aoristos en die imperfektum aspektueel verskillend aanwend. Die geïdentifiseerde aspektuele gebruike van beide hierdie tydvorme kon deur die hele boek herken word. Alhoewel die skrywer waarskynlik nie met definisies en aspektuele gebruike gewerk het nie, was hy duidelik bewus van verbale aspek en die verskillende maniere waarop 'n handeling weergegee kan word. Die analise het derdens getoon dat 'n verandering van genre (van narratief na redevoering of andersom) meestalook 'n verandering van verbale aspek te weeg bring. Op hierdie manier gee die skrywer dus sy spesifieke perspektief op handelinge binne hul konteks weer. Die mees frekwente aspektuele gebruike vir die aoristos is die aoristos om handelinge as voltooide aksies in hulle totaliteit weer te gee (verdeel tussen narratiewe en redevoerings) en die aoristos om die hoofmomente van die verhaal weer te gee (grotendeels in narratiewe). Die mees frekwente aspektuele gebruike vir die imperfektum is die imperfektum om voortgaande aksies aan te toon (dikwels in narratiewe) en die imperfektum om agtergrond te skilder (grotendeels in narratiewe). Ons kan dus die gevolgtrekking maak dat die skrywer van Handelinge die aoristos en imperfektum aspektueel aanwend, en daarbyook afwisseling tussen verskillende genres in ag neem.

Final sentences in biblical Hebrew narrative prose form Genesis to 2 Kings

Payle, Kenneth David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Final sentences are a neglected area of research in Biblical Hebrew. Apart from an investigation by Mitchell (1879) in the previous century, and a more recent article by Muraoka (1997), this is certainly an area of Biblical Hebrew grammar in need of research. Biblical Hebrew grammars propound a variety of ways final constructions can supposedly be expressed. The main thesis of this study is that the diversity of final constructions in Biblical Hebrew is not merely different syntactic realizations of the same semantic meaning, but that each syntactic construction carries definite semantic nuances. Traditional grammars, because they are sentence-based, present some shortcomings in the description of final sentences. I will briefly expose some of the linguistic presuppositions of traditional grammars, and their inherent limitations with respect to the study of final constructions. Recent developments in general linguistics, especially the variety of approaches subsumed under the broad classification textlinguistics, create new opportunities to address Biblical Hebrew grammar. I will explore this relatively recent developments to the study of language, in order to determine whether insights from studies conducted in terms of this paradigm can be used to describe final constructions more adequately. A number of theses are presented in Chapters 2 and 3, which are evaluated in Chapters 4 to 6. The findings are presented in a summary of at the end of each chapter. The final results of this investigation are summarized in Chapter 7. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Finaalsinne het tot dusver min aandag geniet in Bybelse Hebreeuse navorsing. Afgesien van 'n ondersoek deur Mitchell (1879) in die vorige eeu, en 'n onlangse artikel deur Muraoka (1997), is hierdie 'n navorsingsgebied wat vra om nadere ondersoek. Volgens Bybelse Hebreeuse grammatikas kan finaalsinne op verskeie wyses uitgedruk word. Die hooftese van hierdie studie is dat die verskeidenheid van finaalkonstruksies in Bybelse Hebreeus nie bloot verskillende sintaktiese opsies is om dieselfde semantiese betekenis te realiseer nie, maar dat elke onderskeie sintaktiese konstruksie 'n besondere semantiese nuanse weergee. Omdat hulle eng op die beskrywing van die sin gebaseer is, hou traditionele grammatikas tekortkominge in vir die beskrywing van finaalsinne. In hierdie studie wys ek kortliks op die linguistiese voorveronderstellings van die tradisionele benadering, en op die inherente tekortkominge van so 'n benadering ten opsigte van die ondersoek van finaalsinne. Onlangse ontwikkelinge in die algemene linguistiek, veral die verskeidenheid benaderings saamgevat onder die begrip tekslinguistiek, bied nuwe moontlikhede vir die beskrywing van Bybelse Hebreeus. Ek sal hierdie nuwe benadering tot taalstudie ondersoek om vas te stel of dit aangewend kan word om finaalsinne beter te beskryf. Verskeie tesisse word in Hoofstukke 2 en 3 geformuleer en dan in Hoofstukke 4 tot 6 geëvalueer. Die resultate word aan die einde van elke hoofstuk saamgevat. Die uiteindelike konklusies van hierdie studie word in Hoofstuk 7 saamgevat.

From information structure, topic and focus, to theme in Biblical Hebrew

Floor, Sebastiaan Jonathan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Ancient Studies)) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the information structure of Biblical Hebrew narrative, and develop accounts of topic and focus in Biblical Hebrew, respectively. Both topic and focus categories have been determined for Biblical Hebrew (cf. chapters 3 and 5), as well as the information structure strategies that these categories can fulfill in discourse. For topic categories, four different categories of information structure topics in Biblical Hebrew have been distinguished. These are 1. Primary topics 2. Secondary topics 3. Tail topics 4. Topic frames In addition, associated with topics are topic contrastiveness as well as deictic orientations or text-world frames. All these categories, when present, are part of the topical framework of a discourse. For focus structure categories, three different types of focus structure in Biblical Hebrew have been distinguished. These are: 1. Predicate focus 2. Sentence focus 3. Argument focus Again, like in the case of topics, contrastiveness is associated with focus structures. The strategies of information structure topics and focus structures in theme developments were distinguished. For topics, the following information structure strategies or functions stand out: 1. Topic continuity 2. Topic promotion 3. Topic shift 4. Topic deictic text-world framing 5. Topic contrasting For focus structures, the following information structure strategies or functions stand out: 1. Commenting on topics 2. Presenting unidentifiable or inactive participants 3. Reporting, that is, event-reporting and state-reporting of out-of-the-blue, unexpected, discourse new events or states. Some reporting re-directs the theme, other reporting, especially that of states, supports the theme. 4. Identifying referents, either as identifying contrastive, unexpected referents or deictic text-world frames, or by announcing theme macrowords. Contrastiveness is a pragmatic overlay in the case of many focus constituents, especially presupposed information that is focused on. In other words, the three focus structures are used in certain strategies: 1. Predicate focus structures are used for commenting in topic-comment articulations. 2. Sentence focus structures are used for presentational sentences, and for themeredirecting and theme-supporting, event-reporting and state-reporting sentences. The word-order is generally marked. 3. Argument focus is used for unexpected, contrastive identification, and for the announcement of theme macrowords. The word-order is marked, similar to sentence focus structures. All the topic and focus categories and their respective information structure strategies have a link with the theme of a discourse. Theme has been defined in this study as the developing and coherent core or thread of a discourse in the mind of the speaker-author and hearerreader, functioning as the prominent macrostructure of the discourse (chapter 7 (7.4.4)). The information structure with its topics and focus structures and its strategies, can be used as a tool to identify and analyse themes. These categories and strategies together are called theme traces when they occur in marked syntactic constructions or in other prominence configurations like relexicalisation, end-weight, and repetition of macrowords. Theme traces are defined with the following wording: A theme trace is a clue in the surface form of a discourse, viewed from the perspective of information structure, that points to the cognitive macrostructure or theme of a text. This clue is in the form of (1) a marked syntactical configuration, be it marked word-order or marked in the sense of explicit and seemingly “redundant”, all signaling some thematic sequencing strategy, or (2) some recurring concept(s) signaling some prominence and coherence (chapter 7 (7.5.4)). By investigating these theme traces, the analyst will have a tool to study themes in discourse. This theme traces tool will assist in the demarcation of the sections in the developing theme of a text by means of a variety of boundary features, and once these thematic units have been established, the study of the topic framework together with the focus content will yield a verifiable understanding of the macrostructure of a text in Biblical Hebrew. Global themes are contrasted with local themes. Global themes occur in the higher-level thematic groupings, like whole narratives and smaller episodes within the narratives. Within the episodes are sub-units like scenes and thematic paragraphs, the smallest thematic unit. In scenes and thematic paragraphs, local themes occur. Between the different thematic units, a variety of theme sequential strategies occur. Theme shifting is a wider information structure strategy that is in operation in discourse. For instance, topic promotion, topic shift, and topic text-world framing are all cases of theme shifting. To study the theme of a narrative discourse from the perspective of the information structure, four steps of a theme-tracing model have been suggested, and applied to Genesis 17.

Pharisäer in der Darstellung des Lukasevangeliums : eine Charakterisierung unter Anwendung der Methoden der narrativen Exegese

Beyer, Hartmut 30 September 2005 (has links)
ABSTRACT (deutsch) Das Lukasevangelium ist ein literarisches Werk in Form einer Erzählung. Die Pharisäer spielen darin eine zentrale Rolle als wichtigste Gruppe der Gegenspieler Jesu. Die Methode der narrativen Exegese ist daher geeignet, die Darstellung der Pharisäer zu analysieren und eine literarische Charakterisierung vorzunehmen. Eine Untersuchung aller Texte des Lukasevangeliums, in denen Pharisäer erwähnt werden, ergibt ein komplexes und facettenreiches Pharisäerporträt. Die Pharisäer werden primär negativ dargestellt, als religiöse Führer, die die göttliche Sendung Jesu, seine Vollmacht und seinen Auftrag, nicht erkennen und ablehnen. Die Pharisäer haben eine Kontrastfunktion innerhalb der Gesamterzählung des Lukasevangeliums. Sie dienen als Negativfolie, auf der die Bedeutung der Hauptfigur Jesus umso heller aufleuchtet. Ein Merkmal des Lukasevangeliums ist jedoch, dass dieses primär negative Bild durch die erzählerische Darstellung mehrfach abgeschwächt wird. Der Erzähler zeichnet kein einseitiges Pharisäerbild (flat character), sondern differenziert deutlich (mehr als die anderen Synoptiker). Er verzichtet bei der Präsentation ihres Verhaltens und ihrer Worte weitgehend auf explizit feindliche Aspekte. Er deutet eine relative Nähe zwischen Jesus und den Pharisäern an. Eine abschließende negative Wertung oder Verurteilung der Pharisäer unterbleibt. Auffällig ist die komplette Auslassung der Rolle der Pharisäer beim Prozess gegen Jesus. Die Reaktion Jesu auf die Pharisäer ist geprägt von Milde und Hoffnung, trotz vereinzelter scharfer Auseinandersetzungen. Jesus ist bei allen Begegnungen mit den Pharisäern bemüht, ihnen zur Erkenntnis seiner Person als göttlichem Gesandten zu verhelfen und sie zur Umkehr zu bewegen. ABSTRACT (english) The Gospel of Luke is a literary work in narrative form in which the Pharisees play a central role as the most important group in opposition to Jesus. Thus narrative exegesis is an appropriate method to analyse the presentation of the Pharisees and to undertake a literary characterisation of their role. An examination of all the texts in Luke's Gospel which mention the Pharisees yields a complex, multi-facetted portrait of the Pharisees. The Pharisees, characterised primarily negatively as religious leaders, neither recognise nor acknowledge the divine mission of Jesus, nor his authority nor mandate. Rather the Pharisees function in juxtaposition to Christ and his ministry within the overall narrative of Luke's Gospel. They serve as a negative backdrop against which the central figure of Jesus appears all the more significant, indeed even radiant. However, it is one trait of Luke's Gospel that this primarily negative picture is repeatedly softened by the narrative presentation. The narrator does not paint a one-sided picture of the Pharisees (flat character) but differentiates clearly in his presentation (more than the other Synoptic Gospels do). In his presentation of the Pharisees' behaviour and words the author to a large extent forgoes mentioning explicitly hostile aspects, but rather intimates the relative proximity between Jesus and the Pharisees. There is no final negative evaluation or judgement passed on the Pharisees. It is noteworthy that there is a complete omission of the role of the Pharisees in the legal proceedings and court trials against Jesus. Jesus' reaction to the Pharisees is nevertheless one of gentleness and hope, despite a few acrimonious conflicts recounted in the narrative. In all of his encounters with Pharisees Jesus endeavours to help them recognise himself as divine envoy and to move them to repentance. / New Testament / M.Th.

Ty jsi Hospodin, jak se ti líbí, tak činíš / For thou, O LORD, hast done as it pleased thee

PECOVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This paper is concerned with synchronic analysis of the biblical text. The text has been analyzed according to various narrative methods, as presented in the manual by J. L. Ska. The Book of Jonah is an extremely complex and elaborated text. It is basically a narration, determined by a precise Hebrew syntax. In the Book of Jonah, we may find three interlaced plots. This fact makes of the book, one of the shortest books in the Old Testament, a precious literary masterpiece. The most secondary literature affirms that the main theme of the Book consists in God{\crq}s grace and mercy. But the narrative analysis discovers also the importance of the prophet himself, who is a splendid image of the mankind, and his wonderful complexness.

A discourse-functional description of participant reference in Biblical Hebrew narrative

Runge, Steven Edward 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Ancient Studies. Biblical Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Each language has some means or system of referring to participants. This system of reference includes a participant’s initial introduction, continuing reference to the participant, as well as reintroduction after some period of absence. A number of morphological, syntactic and pragmatic issues impinge upon the kinds of encoding used to refer to participants in various contexts. The primary concern of this study is to provide a cross-linguistic, discourse-functional description of the encoding of participants in Biblical Hebrew narrative. Our description is based on the analysis of a preliminary test corpus of Exod 1-12, which is then applied to our dissertation corpus of Gen 12-25. In order to narrow the scope of the project, the data considered in this dissertation will be limited to the corpora of Exod 1-12 and Gen 12-25. It will not consider embedded reported speeches, but instead focuses exclusively and exhaustively on the narrative proper of these two corpora. Dooley and Levinsohn (2001:112) have identified three basic linguistic functions a participant reference system must be capable of accomplishing: • Semantic: “identify the referents unambiguously, distinguishing them from other possible ones”. In other words, the reader must be able to track ‘who did what to whom’, • Processing: “overcome disruptions in the flow of information”, • Discourse-pragmatic: “signal the activation status and prominence of the referents or the actions they perform”. We propose that these three functions are not discrete categories, but represent a hierarchical entailment scheme. In other words, overencoding a participant to accomplish the processing function at the same time accomplishes a semantic function of identifying the participant. The study begins by providing a description of the default encoding based on the semantic and cognitive constraints present in various discourse contexts. Our methodology is to develop a set of default encoding principles based on the semantic function of participant reference which can account for as much of the attested data as possible. These default principles are also used to identify pragmatically-motivated departures from the default norms. The non-default encoding is construed as explicitly marking the presence of some linguistic feature. The non-default encoding data are then grouped based on the pragmatic effects they achieve, and are described in light of attested cross-linguistic principles. We claim that the processing function of participant reference is accomplished in Biblical Hebrew through the redundant relexicalization of agents. These redundant NPs have the pragmatic effect of segmenting the discourse into distinct developments. Next we describe the pragmatic use of referring expressions as accomplishing the discourse-pragmatic function of thematic highlighting. Finally, we describe participant encoding which exceeds that necessary for the processing function as accomplishing a second discourse-pragmatic function of cataphorically highlighting a following speech or event. The above-mentioned model is ultimately applied to Gen 27 to demonstrate its explanatory value for exposition of Biblical Hebrew narrative.

Séfora: estudo literário e histórico-teológico de uma personagem pertencente às tradições do êxodo

Suzuki, Francisca Cirlena Cunha Oliveira 08 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-23T12:33:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisca Cirlena Cunha Oliveira Suzuki.pdf: 2336750 bytes, checksum: 21c083bc10ee472d107ebc7af83b718d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-23T12:33:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Francisca Cirlena Cunha Oliveira Suzuki.pdf: 2336750 bytes, checksum: 21c083bc10ee472d107ebc7af83b718d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Zipporah, Moses’ wife, is the object of study of this Master’s degree dissertation, a character that belongs to the exodus traditions. She participates in just four episodes in the macronarrative on exodus (Ex 2:15-22; 4:18-20.24-26; 18:1-7). Therefore, in the first sight the Midianite seems to have less matter, in the sense of she occupies a position of secondary figure. However, the biblical literature shows that the roles, in certain moment, can be inverted. Suddenly, the protagonism comes out, exactly, through the character that, in general, does not have a big visibility. In fact, Zipporah astonishes us in many ways: in literary terms she is in the center; historically, she may contradict eventual prejudices from her cultural context in question when she defends the life of those who are endangered in their surviving, without anyone questioning her freedom as a woman; theologically she is reflected as someone who gains the consent of God. Thus, Moses’ Midianite wife becomes a model for the protagonism of those characters that, in general, are evaluated as secondary figures, highlighting their fundamental importance for the history of salvation / Séfora, esposa de Moisés, é o objeto de estudo desta dissertação de mestrado, uma personagem pertencente às tradições do êxodo. Ela participa de apenas quatro episódios na macronarrativa sobre o êxodo (Ex 2,15c-22; 4,18-20.24-26; 18,1-7). No entanto, ainda que à primeira vista a madianita pareça ter uma importância menor, apenas ocupando o lugar de uma figura secundária, a literatura bíblica tem mostrado que os papéis, em determinado momento, podem inverter-se e, de repente, uma personagem sem maior visibilidade assume o protagonismo. Nesse sentido, Séfora surpreende em alguns aspectos: literariamente, ela ganha centralidade na cena em que salva seu noivo de sangue; historicamente, ela talvez contradiga eventuais preconceitos pertencentes a seu contexto cultural, ao defender a sobrevivência de quem se vê ameaçado e ao assumir protagonismo como mulher; teologicamente, ela é retratada como quem obtém o consentimento de Deus. Dessa forma, a esposa madianita de Moisés se torna um modelo para o protagonismo daquelas personagens que, em geral, são avaliadas como secundárias, destacando a fundamental importância delas para a história da salvação

A narrativa de Deus: a força da teologia narrativa / The God's narrative: the strength of theology narrative

Oliveira, Maria Goretti de 29 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-23T11:04:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 A narrativa de Deus - MARIA GORETTI DE OLIVEIRA - DEFINITIVO 2 (22 JULHO 18).pdf: 586810 bytes, checksum: 76bea7a8f5dda7ee1d6677e145c7a403 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-23T11:04:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 A narrativa de Deus - MARIA GORETTI DE OLIVEIRA - DEFINITIVO 2 (22 JULHO 18).pdf: 586810 bytes, checksum: 76bea7a8f5dda7ee1d6677e145c7a403 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-29 / This research aims to demonstrate the strength of narrative language in Theology and how Christianity salvation's message is transmitted through this literary genre. The study was conducted from the method of narrative analysis which considers the narrative strategies in order to reach the author's Theology. Therefore, the literary categories are identified with the purpose of presenting how the biblical narrative becomes Theology with the intention to express the communities' faith experience. For that purpose it is identifies how the narrator constructs the narrative and are analyzes the strategies used with the intention the provocating the construction of meaning while reading. The creation of the plot, the narrator, the characters, the time, the space and the narrative focus are literary components used to represent the theology of the author and his confession of faith. T his analysis Will demonstrate which theological contents comes up from the narrative at Acts 9:1-19a. The hypothesis defended that the practice of literary genre has a fundamental importance in Theology. The nature of this research is theoretical and bibliographical. Its itinerary was developed by readings, reflections and analysis. All of this was supported by a selected bibliography about the subject. It gathered publications about the narrative literary genre, and the narrative analysis. In addition, in this study, were chosen biblical commentaries about the text / Esta pesquisa pretende demonstrar a força da narrativa na teologia e como a mensagem de salvação do cristianismo é transmitida por meio desse gênero literário. O estudo é feito a partir do método de análise narrativa que leva em consideração as estratégias narrativas, a fim de se chegar à teologia do autor. Portanto, são identificadas as categorias literárias com a finalidade de apresentar como a narrativa bíblica se constitui como teologia com o propósito de expressar a experiência de fé das comunidades. Para isso, verifica-se como o narrador construiu a narração e analisam-se as estratégias usadas com o intuito de provocar a construção de sentido durante a leitura. A criação do enredo, o narrador, os personagens, o tempo, o espaço e o foco narrativo são componentes literários usados para representar a teologia do autor e a sua confissão de fé. A análise demonstra quais conteúdos teológicos emergem da narrativa de Atos 9,1-19a, defendendo a hipótese de que o uso desse gênero literário tem fundamental importância na teologia. A natureza desta pesquisa é de caráter teórico e bibliográfico. O itinerário será percorrido com o auxílio de leituras, reflexões e análises apoiadas na bibliografia levantada sobre o tema. Foram reunidas obras que tratam do genero literário narração e da análise narrativa, além de comentários bíblicos da perícope selecionada

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