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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Aguiar, Anderson Rossi de 11 March 2014 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Paspalum notatum, native grass biome Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, has high forage value, but has difficulty germinating seeds with low viability. Inserted in this context are the promoters of germination and biomass, biostimulants stimulate® and bioagent Trichoderma spp. by mechanisms that influence the metabolism of action of the species. The present study investigated the promotion of seed germination and development of P. notatum. Through the Allium cepa test in ten treatments (four replicates per treatment), eight with metabolites of Trichoderma spp. and two controls in the absence of metabolites were selected isolates of trichoderma biological agent. The test of sanity, the identification of fungi associated with seeds used the methods of filter paper and plating on solid agar PDA (potato dextrose agar). With the in vitro technique of direct confrontation of the antagonist action on three fungal contaminants of highest incidence was observed. In a preliminary test, pre-treatment is selected to germination of P. notatum. Seed germination in greenhouse consisted of 16 treatments with four replicates, the control treatments, the three isolates, the stimulate®, the combination of each of the three isolates stimulate®, all with and without pretreatment, analysis of the data was through the Genes program. For reviews of morphogenesis, four were randomly chosen tillers per treatment, they monitored for the appearance and elongation and leaf senescence. This monitoring was performed two times per week. The top three trichoderma isolates selected in test A. cepa strain were 2B2, C1, 2B12. The removal of the seed coat structures of P. notatum was the pre-treatment showed the best performance with 34.5% twinned seeds. In the test of sanity the fungal genera Aspergillus, Curvularia, and Fusarium Geniculosporium were identified, isolated and 2B2 of Trichoderma spp. efficient for direct to these fungal genera confrontation. For the IVE (index emergency speed), the combination treatments of biological powder 2B12 isolated from trichoderma and biostimulating Stimulate® and only Stimulate® biostimulating with pretreatment and without pretreatment combination of biological powder isolated 2B2 Trichoderma with biostimulating Stimulate®, achieved the best results, with 14.48, 13.93 and 12.75, respectively. The biostimulating stimulate® promotes the rate of speed of emergence of seeds of P. notatum and the production of dry matter, the initial rate of elongation of the sheet (TAIF) positively interfere in the dry weight of shoots. / Paspalum notatum, gramínea nativa do bioma Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, possui alto valor forrageiro, porém apresenta dificuldade de germinação de sementes, com baixa viabilidade. Inseridos neste contexto estão os promotores de germinação e biomassa, bioestimulante Stimulate® e o bioagente Trichoderma spp. que através de mecanismos de ação influenciam no metabolismo da espécie. O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a promoção da germinação das sementes e desenvolvimento de P. notatum. Através do teste de Allium cepa em dez tratamentos (quatro repetições por tratamento), oito com metabólitos de isolados de Trichoderma spp. e dois controles na ausência de metabólitos foram selecionados isolados do agente biológico trichoderma. O teste da sanidade, a identificação dos fungos associados às sementes utilizaram-se os métodos do papel de filtro e do plaqueamento em meio ágar sólido BDA (batata dextrose ágar). Com a técnica in vitro de confrontação direta foi observada a ação do antagonista sobre três fungos contaminantes de maior incidência. Em teste preliminar, selecionou-se o pré-tratamento para a germinação das sementes de P. notatum. A germinação das sementes em casa de vegetação constou de 16 tratamentos, com quatro repetições, os tratamentos controle, os três isolados, o stimulate®, a combinação de cada um dos três isolados mais stimulate®, todos com e sem o pré-tratamento, análise dos dados foi através do programa Genes. Para as avaliações das características morfogênicas, foram escolhidos aleatoriamente quatro perfilhos por tratamento, sendo os mesmos monitorados quanto ao aparecimento e alongamento de folhas e senescência. Este monitoramento era realizado duas vez por semana. Os três melhores isolados de trichoderma selecionado no teste de A. cepa foram o 2B2, C1, 2B12. A retirada das estruturas de revestimento das sementes de P. notatum foi o pré-tratamento que apresentou o melhor desempenho com 34,5% das sementes geminadas. No teste da sanidade foram identificados os gêneros de fungos Aspergillus, Curvularia, Geniculosporium e Fusarium, e o isolado 2B2 de Trichoderma spp. mostrou eficiente na confrontação direta a estes gêneros de fungos. Para o IVE (índice de velocidade emergência), os tratamentos da combinação do pó biológico do isolado 2B12 de trichoderma e o bioestimulante Stimulate® e somente o bioestimulante Stimulate® com pré-tratamento, e sem pré-tratamento a combinação do pó biológico do isolado 2B2 de trichoderma com bioestimulante Stimulate®, obtiveram os melhores resultados, com 14.48, 13.93 e 12.75, respectivamente. O bioestimulante stimulate®, promove o índice de velocidade de emergência das sementes de P. notatum e a produção de massa seca, a taxa de alongamento inicial da folha (TAIF) interfere positivamente, na massa seca da parte aérea.

Recreation and tourism induced changes in northern boreal environments

Kangas, K. (Katja) 27 October 2009 (has links)
Abstract The popularity of nature-based tourism has increased worldwide and peripheral areas with conservational value, like protected areas, are attractive destinations. The recreational use and construction of tourism facilities can cause environmental degradation and decrease the conservational and recreational value of areas if not well planned and managed. The aim of this thesis was to improve our knowledge of recreation and tourism induced changes in northern boreal environments. Direct and indirect impacts of recreation on vegetation and birds in protected areas were examined. Furthermore, the environmental impacts of ski resorts in terms of changes in vegetation and soil, threats from non-native species and water pollution were investigated. In protected areas, the size of the disturbed areas around campsites was found to be mainly determined by the distance between the main tourism facilities (wilderness hut and campfire-site), and the mountain biotopes were more sensitive to disturbance than forests. Recreational use had induced changes also in the bird community. The occurrence and the composition of birds were affected, and the open nesters nesting on the ground were found to be the most sensitive. The construction, revegetation and management practices of ski runs had increased the nutrient concentrations, pH and conductivity of the soil, and changed the original vegetation notably. Non-native seed mixture species, used in revegetating the ski runs, were found to be favoured by management practices (disturbance and peat addition) in an experimental study, but, eventually, were not able to be established themselves into study plots. Ski resorts’ construction and management have also affected the water quality. Concentrations of nutrients were higher in ski resort lakes in relation to reference lakes and were comparable to lakes polluted by agriculture and forestry. The results of this theses give new information on tourism and recreation induced changes and are applicable for planning and management. Nature-based tourism and recreation can cause long-term changes in terrestrial and aquatic environments, which should be considered at all levels of planning and management. For sustainable tourism development, it is essential that impacts are regularly monitored and preventative means are developed and used to minimize environmental degradation.

Environmental DNA Detection and Population Genetic Patterns of Native and Invasive Great Lakes Fishes

Snyder, Matthew Robert January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Betydelsen av urbana bostadsgårdars ålder för dess artrikedom av inhemska örtartade växter och förekomst av fåglar / The importance of age of urban residential yards for the species richness of native herbs and of birds

Grimlycke, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Life on Earth is currently experiencing a sixth species extinction, where urbanization, as one of the main driving forces, fragments and causes losses of near-urban habitats. At the same time, a rich variety of habitats can be found in urban landscapes that may harbour biodiversity. Knowledge of how urban ecosystems develops over time is fundamental for application of relevant nature conservation measures that promote species richness. This study aims to shed light on the importance of age in urban residential yards for the species richness of native herbaceous plants and of birds. The study was carried out in Linköping during the summer of 2023, and it included surveys of native herbaceous plants and birds in three area types (natural area, old and young residential yards). In total, 114 species of native herbs and 34 species of birds were found. Sites in the natural area had (mean ± SE) 25,8 (± 1,8) and 6,6 (± 0,7) species of plants and birds respectively, whereas the corresponding values for old residential yards were 23,2 (± 1,2) and 5,7 (± 0,5) and for young residential yards 19,9 (± 1,3) and 3,3 (± 0,7). Jaccard's coefficient showed that the largest proportion of shared species occurred between ‘old’ and 'young' residential yards. Overall, the results of my study showed some support for my prediction that age of residential yards is important for species richness of native herbaceous plants and birds. The results indicate that urban environments (old and young residential yards) harbour a selection of species that can withstand anthropogenic disturbance. / Livet på jorden upplever ett sjätte artutdöende där urbaniseringen, som en av de främsta drivkrafterna, fragmenterar och orsakar förluster av stadsnära habitat. Samtidigt finns en rik variation av livsmiljöer i stadslandskap som hyser en biologisk mångfald. Kunskap om hur urbana ekosystem utvecklas över tid är grundläggande för tillämpning av relevanta naturvårdsåtgärder i staden som främjar artrikedom. Denna studie syftar till att belysa betydelsen av urbana bostadsgårdars ålder för artrikedomen hos inhemska örtartade växter och fåglar. Studien genomfördes i Linköping under sommaren 2023 och omfattade inventeringar av inhemska örtartade växter och fåglar i tre områdestyper (naturområde, äldre och unga bostadsgårdar). Totalt hittades 114 arter av inhemska örter och 34 arter av fåglar. Naturområdet hade (medelvärde ± SE) 25,8 (± 1,8) respektive 6,6 (± 0,7) arter av växter och fåglar, medan motsvarande värden för äldre bostadsgårdar var 23,2 (± 1,2) och 5,7 (± 0,5) och för unga bostadsgårdar 19,9 (± 1,3) och 3,3 (± 0,7). Jaccards koefficient visade att den största andelen överlappande arter förekom mellan ’äldre’ och ’unga’ bostadsgårdar. Sammantaget visade resultaten av min studie ett visst stöd för min förutsägelse att bostadsgårdarnas ålder är av betydelse för artrikedomen hos inhemska örtartade växter och fåglar. Resultaten tyder på att stadsmiljöer (äldre och unga bostadsgårdar) hyser ett urval av arter som tål antropogena, av människan orsakade, störningar.

Non-Native Species and Urbanization in the Context of Butterfly Communities

Rivest, Stephanie 09 January 2023 (has links)
Biodiversity is being lost around the world and anthropogenic activities, like non-native species introductions and urbanization, are among the leading causes of decline. Broadening our understanding of human-driven impacts on biodiversity can lead to more effective solutions and contribute towards stemming biodiversity losses. In this thesis, I explored the impacts of non-native species introductions and urbanization on butterfly-plant communities. I evaluated potential factors influencing the range expansion of a newly introduced species (Chapter 1), examined the role of urbanization in structuring biological communities (Chapter 2), and identified important ecological interactions between native and non-native species (Chapter 3). In my first chapter, I found that the newly introduced European Common Blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) was more abundant in urban and disturbed habitat that was unmown and where their preferred larval host plant (Lotus corniculatus), a non-native species, was present. I also found that P. icarus was not a strong flier relative to other butterfly species, suggesting that adult dispersal may not be a driving factor in range expansion. Instead, this species could expand its range in the future by colonizing habitats in developed regions across Canada given the association I found between P. icarus and disturbed habitat. In my second chapter, I found that urbanization led to the biotic homogenization of butterfly communities around Montréal, QC, favouring a few, highly abundant, non-native species. Homogenization was detected at both the taxonomic and functional levels and was driven by increases in P. icarus abundance in the more urban sites. In my third chapter, I found that non-native plants were well integrated into native butterfly nectar diets in an at-risk oak savanna ecosystem on Vancouver Island, BC and that usage of non-native plants increased when they were more available during the season. I also found that native butterflies visited non-native plants more often than flower availability predicted on its own, suggesting that butterflies may even prefer non-native nectar. Findings from my thesis research broaden our understanding of the ways in which butterfly communities can be influenced by human activities like urbanization and the introduction of non-native species, informing conservation efforts and directing future research needs.


Ivanov, Kaloyan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Réponse physiologique d’espèces ligneuses à un sol contaminé en PCP et ACC dans un contexte de phytoremédiation

Heine, Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

GIS-based models for the development of sustainable aquaculture of native fish species in central Mexico : a catchment level approach for the protection of biodiversity

Peredo-Alvarez, Victor M. January 2011 (has links)
Over the last 3 decades, freshwater aquaculture has become one of the most important food industries. However the constant introduction of a reduced number of very successful species for aquaculture has been identified as one of the main activities related to the alarming decline of fish biodiversity worldwide. This issue has raised awareness amongst the scientific community, governmental authorities and the general public towards freshwater fish biodiversity. This new awareness has promoted the development of “green” markets and environmentally friendly strategies, aiming for a reliable production of protein sources. The development of native species aquaculture has been presented as a strong alternative for sustainable aquaculture and the protection of biodiversity. However, it seems clear that unplanned native species aquaculture developments can be as detrimental on local biodiversity as the introduction of exotic fish, if not more dangerous. Therefore, the advantages and disadvantages of native species aquaculture have to be clearly analysed before any aquaculture development. This study aimed to establish a philosophical background regarding the use of native fish species in aquaculture in contrast to the introduction of exotic species that may compete for a similar niche as food in local markets. The main ecological impacts that exotic fish species may have on natives, such as competition, predation, and hybridization were discussed. In addition, a well planned native species Aquaculture Strategy for the Protection of Biodiversity was produced, at catchment level, within a Geographic Information System (GIS). For the development of the native species aquaculture strategy in central Mexico, four species of Atherinids (Chirostoma estor, C. Jordani, C. promelas and Atherinella balsana) and two species of native Ictalurids (Ictalurus balsanus and Ictalurus dugesii) were included in this study. These six species are relatively new to aquaculture and they were selected on the basis of their importance in local fisheries and markets in their native basins of the Lerma-Santiago and Balsas rivers. Both of these basins are of great importance in central Mexico, not only because of their biodiversity but also because of their high human population densities and socio-economic status. The use of Geographic Information Systems was a fundamental factor in the development of the native species aquaculture strategy at catchment level, consisting of site suitability models (SSM) for each species in their corresponding native catchments. Overall, SSM identified 13,916 km2 and 11,178 km2 highly suitable for aquaculture of the studied Atherinids and Ictalurids respectively, based on Water, Soil and Terrain, Infrastructure and Risk sub-models. A set of predictive species distribution models (PSDM), which related ecological characteristics for each studied species with relevant environmental and topographic parameters into a GIS, were also produced. Such models were developed for the establishment of potential natural ranges of distribution for each species, as well as their potential to become exotic in new environments, as a potential for invasion model (PI). Based on a partial verification, both PSDM and PI models produced results that were satisfactorily consistent with the known distribution of each modelled species. The combination of SSM and PSDM produced an Aquaculture Strategy for the Protection of Biodiversity model (ASPB) which identified the most environmentally friendly suitable areas for aquaculture sites. In contrast, the combination of the SSM with PI models into an ASPB model identified the site suitability potential for non-native species that are genetically close to native ones, in an attempt to reduce the known impacts that exotic species have on local biodiversity. In this way the ASPB model identified 7,651 km2 suitable for aquaculture of I. balsanus in its native Balsas basin and 15,633 km¬2 suitable for aquaculture of the non-native I. dugesii. ASPB models were produced for all the studied species. The final results were used to produce a set of guidelines for the development of sustainable aquaculture of native species at catchment level that cover genetic and ecological implications, as well as a well planned decision making tool produced in a GIS.

From reclamation to restoration: native grass species for revegetation in northeast British Columbia

Huff, Valerie 04 January 2010 (has links)
Grasses are widely used in revegetation to control erosion, build soil and maintain habitat. In northeast British Columbia, non-native grass species are commonly seeded to reclaim industrially disturbed sites. Widespread concern about degradation of biodiversity and key ecological processes has led to increasing value placed on native species and management practices leading to a more resilient landscape. I undertook this study to fill the restoration knowledge gap relating to native grasses in northeast BC. I did an extensive inventory of grasses on 217 sites in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Functional traits were measured in the field and in a greenhouse growth experiment. I found ninety-nine grass species occuring in the region, 70% of which are native. The number, proportion and extent of non-native grasses are increasing and four of these – Poa pratensis, Festuca rubra, Bromus inermis, and Phleum pratense represented almost a quarter of all occurrences. Several native species were common throughout the region: Calamagrostis canadensis, Leymus innovatus, Elymus trachycaulus, Poa palustris and Agrostis scabra. Other native species, including Festuca altaica, Koeleria macrantha, Pascopyrum smithii, and Schizachne purpurascens, strongly favoured intact habitats. Elevation, soil moisture regime, proportion of bare ground, and land use were significant factors related to local grass species composition and abundance. Agrostis scabra, Alopecurus aequalis, Beckmannia syzigachne, Bromus ciliatus, Cinna latifolia, Deschampsia cespitosa, Elymus alaskanus, Elymus trachycaulus, Festuca saximontana and Hordeum jubatum grew commonly on severely damaged well sites. Field measurements for Specific Leaf Area (SLA) and Leaf Dry Matter Content (LDMC) of 11 species showed an inverse correlation. Bromus ciliatus, Bromus pumpellianus, and Elymus trachycaulus had high SLA/low LDMC linked to rapid growth, whereas Festuca altaica, Deschampsia cespitosa, and Calamagrostis stricta had low SLA/high LDMC linked to slow growth and persistence. In the greenhouse experiment, Poa palustris, Cinna latifolia and Bromus ciliatus produced the most overall biomass and Pascopyrum smithii and Poa palustris produced the greatest aboveground biomass. Calamagrostis stricta, Poa palustris, Elymus glaucus, Leymus innovatus and Pascopyrum smithii exhibited clonal growth. Beckmannia syzigachne, Bromus ciliatus Cinna latifolia produced viable seed during the 135-day experiment. Considering all attributes five native species, Calamagrostis canadensis, Elymus trachycaulus, Poa palustris, Leymus innovatus, and Agrostis scabra are recommended for general restoration use in northeast B.C. Other native species show promise when matched to particular site conditions, including Alopecurus aequalis, Arctagrostis latifolia, Beckmannia syzigachne, Bromus ciliatus, Calamagrostis stricta, Cinna latifolia, Deschampsia cespitosa, Elymus glaucus, Festuca saximontana, Glyceria striata, Hordeum jubatum, Koeleria macrantha, Pascopyrum smithii, Poa alpina, Schizachne purpurascens and Trisetum spicatum. This information will be valuable to land managers interested in moving beyond reclamation to ecological restoration of sites disturbed by oil and gas development. Developing practices that are environmentally sound and socially acceptable requires ongoing botanical inventory. Plant traits may be useful in matching species to site conditions and restoration goals. Policy recommendations include phasing in of requirements to use native seed while restricting the use of agronomic species, promoting natural colonization, and supporting a native seed industry.

Ověření úspěšnosti předchozího vysazení raka říčního a revize výskytu raka pruhovaného na území CHKO Třeboňsko / Verification of success of previous noble crayfish introduction and revision of occurrence of spiny cheek crayfish in the CHKO Třeboňsko

KOUTNIK, Dalibor January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to verify the success of previous reintroduction of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) in main streams and selected reservoirs in the protected area Třeboňsko. Further expansion took place monitoring invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and spiny cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) in these streams. Both are a carrier of crayfish plague. Thus, where they already exist, would not make sense to try to strengthen further the population of noble crayfish.

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