Spelling suggestions: "subject:"batural 2potential"" "subject:"batural 60potential""
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Valoración de las condiciones naturales asociadas con el desarrollo de la actividad turística en el estado de San Luis Potosí, México / Valoración de las condiciones naturales asociadas con el desarrollo de la actividad turística en el estado de San Luis Potosí, MéxicoVázquez Solís, Valente 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper examines the main characteristics of natural order associated to touristic practices thatsubsist in the San Luis Potosí territory, located at the meridian limit of the ancient Aridoamérica and occupies a central portion of the United States of Mexico. This federative entity differs from the national context by its demographic growth and important industrial development, condition that is more relevant in the State headquarter. However, in spite of its varied and abundant natural attributes that include desert zones, steppes, tropical perennial forest and other vegetation associations of transcendental importance that complement the natural attractions, good for economic activities. Even in the xxi century the touristic activity in San Luis Potosí has had a marginal dynamics out of the state planning policies, which shows that the natural conditions have not been, by themselves, a significative sparkling to push its growth.The proposed results of this research are part of the project «Natural and socioeconomic potential for ecotourism development in the State San Luis Potosí, México», financed by a concurrent fund of the National Council of Science and Technology and the government ofthe State of San Luis Potosí. / El presente trabajo examina las principales características de orden natural asociadas a lapráctica del turismo que subyacen en el territorio de San Luis Potosí, que se localiza en el lí- mite meridional de la antigua Aridoamérica y ocupa la porción central de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Esta entidad federativa se distingue en el contexto nacional por un crecimiento demográfico e industrial importante, situación que se presenta especialmente en la cabecera estatal. No obstante y a pesar de sus atributos naturales variados y abundantes que incluyen zonas desérticas, esteparias, bosque tropical perenifolio y otras asociaciones vegetales de trascen- dental importancia que complementan atractivos naturales idóneos para el aprovechamiento económico, aún al inicio del siglo xxi la actividad turística ha tenido una dinámica marginal ajena a las directrices y políticas de planificación rectoras en el estado de San Luis Potosí, lo que muestra que las condiciones naturales no han sido, por sí solas, un detonante significativo que incentive el crecimiento de la actividad.En las condiciones anteriores, el Plan Estatal de Desarrollo de San Luis Potosí 2003- 2009 evidencia un incipiente interés gubernamental en el último trienio por impulsar la articulación de ejes y zonas que integren al ecoturismo como una actividad complementaria de la economía regional. Lo anterior solo será posible mediante la creación de instrumentos científicamente sustentados que mensuren las potencialidades y condiciones del elemento natural, revelado en este trabajo a través de métodos geográficos cuantitativos apoyados en análisis de sistemas de información geográfica.Los resultados que se proponen obtener en esta investigación forman parte del proyecto titulado «Potencial natural y socioeconómico para el desarrollo del ecoturismo en el estado de San Luis Potosí, México», financiado por un fondo concurrente del Consejo Nacional deCiencia y Tecnología y el Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosí.
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Potenciál dobrodružného cestovního ruchu v Královéhradeckém kraji / Potential of the adventure tourism in the Hradec Králové regionMichna, Jan January 2017 (has links)
1 Univerzita Karlova v Praze Přírodovědecká fakulta Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje Studijní program: Geografie Studijní obor: Regionální a politická geografie Jan Michna POTENCIÁL DOBRODRUŽNÉHO CESTOVNÍHO RUCHU V KRÁLOVÉHRADECKÉM KRAJI POTENTIAL OF THE ADVENTURE TOURISM IN THE HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION Diplomová práce Praha 2017 Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. Jiří Vágner, Ph.D. 2 Potential of the adventure tourism in the hradec králové region Abstract This thesis deals with the characteristics of adventure tourism with a specific focus on selected adventure activities in the Hradec Králové Region. The first part focuses on the theoretical concepts of selected issues, the development of this fast growing form of tourism and offers an overview of approaches to assess the territorial potential for tourism. The empirical part is based on the evaluation of the geographical potential for selected activities of adventure tourism with usage of geoinformation systems. The benefits of this thesis include defining the most important destinations of adventure tourism in the region and, above all, finding new places with appropriate natural potential to develop adventure activities that could be an alternative to already established destinations. The results showed that even though the Hradec Králové...
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Offshore Wind Power Foundations' Corrosion Protection Strategy : Anlysis remotely controlled corrosion protection system and comparison to traditional corrosion protection of offshore wind foundationAlhamalawi, Mazen January 2021 (has links)
När en metall är omgärdad av en elektrolyt, så som havsvatten, kommer det att byggas upp en naturlig potential. Det sker en elektronvandring mellan materialet och havsvattnet och ju större potentialskillnad desto större sannolikhet att metallen kommer korrodera. Korrosion är en stor och viktig fråga för offshorekonstruktioner och byggnader. För att uppnå en konstruktions designade livslängd kan åtgärder vidtas med hänsyn till kapitalkostnader och drift- och underhållskostnader. Denna studie syftar till att jämföra ekonomiska för- och nackdelar hos de två korrosionsskyddssystemen Galvanic Anode Corrosion Protection (GACP) och Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) på havsbaserade vindkraftsfundament. Det förstnämnda systemet använder offeranoder och det sistnämnda är ett katodiskt korrosionsskydd med hjälp av påtryckt ström. Studien bestod av flera steg av litteraturstudier där teori om korrosion och korrosionssystem användes för att till slut kunna jämföra valda korrosionsskyddssystem. Resultatet visar att GACP har fler fördelar och färre nackdelar än ICCP och skulle därmed vara mer ekonomiskt fördelaktig i marina miljöer. GACP ger också önskad effekt direkt vid installation och behöver inte någon strömkälla, ICCP är mer komplicerat och är inte effektivt förrän hela systemet är monterat och i drift. Dessutom behöver ICCP extra strömkälla samt kablage. / When a metal is surrounded by an electrolyte, such as seawater, a natural potential will be built up. An electron migration between the material and the seawater will happen and the greater the potential difference, the greater the probability that the metal will corrode. Corrosion is an important issue when it comes to offshore structures. In order to achieve a structure designed lifetime, measures can then be taken with regard to capital costs and operating and maintenance costs. This study aims to compare the economic advantages and disadvantages of the two, Galvanic Anode Corrosion Protection (GACP) and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP), corrosion protection systems on offshore wind power foundations. The first mentioned system uses sacrificial anodes and the second is a cathodic corrosion protection by an applied current. The study consisted of several stages of literature studies where theory of corrosion and corrosion systems was used to finally be able to make a comparison between selected corrosion protection systems. The result shows that GACP has more advantages and fewer disadvantages than ICCP and would thus be more economical. GACP, for example, is efficient during installation and does not need an additional power source, but ICCP is more complicated and not efficient until complete assembly of the entire system and requires additional power source and cables. Right now, there is no design standard available with detailed requirements and advice has been given as for galvanic anodes systems.
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Využití metod prostorové analýzy dat pro hodnocení intenzity cestovního ruchu na Sušicku / Use of spatial data analysis methods for evaluating the intensity of tourism in the region of SušickoKREJČÍ, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the intensity of tourism and the potential for further development in the region of Sušicko. As a tool for carrying out such analysis has been used in computer software ArcGIS and field research through personal interviews. Based on the results of such analysis were designed new products for the further development of tourism in the region of Sušicko.
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Degradação ambiental e áreas suscetíveis à desertificação antrópica no município sergipano de Nossa Senhora da GlóriaSilva, Max Cardoso 01 July 2016 (has links)
Humanity has evidenced significant changes in the enviromental causing impacts from different
nature in the biosphera. Desertification for example, is a serious problem in places where it
happens. In Brazil, the susceptible area to this process are located at the northeasthern, it is what
we call "Sertão", where is the city of Sergipe "Nossa Senhora da Glória”. This study aimed to
analyse the enviromental degradation and the process of anthropic desertification in the city of
Nossa Senhora da Glória. Object of this study. So, to achieve this and other specific goals were
used many methodological procedures associated to different stages, highlighting among them
the bibliographic data and other documents that were useful to investigate the object of study,
beside the outside activities. The results of this study show that in this city is evident in different
places in the rural areas the prevalance of degraded areas and susceptible to the process of a
thropic desertification, even if in reversible conditions with application of effective measures
to combat the phenomenon. The human or the anthropic activities is was detected as being
responsible as immediate causes the over cultivation, overgrazing, deforestation, and poor
irrigation. Moreover, it must be... Recognized other deeper causes directly related to poverety,
and it is not given other alternative to the farmers, instead of remove from the land as much as
possible to solve their immediate needs, even compromising their long-term survival. On the
other hand, the socio-economical vulnerability from the population of this region show low
income, file expectancy, low economic productivity, concentration of land and wealth in the
hands of a few, it is further agraveted by periodic droughts plaguing the semiarid region. It is
conclused that thos whole situation reflected in the worsening of enviromental problems to be
overcome depends on actions the go beyond sectoral polices and remedial guidance. / A humanidade tem evidenciado significativas mudanças no meio ambiente ocasionando
impactos de diferentes naturezas na biosfera. A desertificação por exemplo, constitui um grave
problema nos ambientes em que ocorre. No Brasil as áreas suscetíveis a esse processo
localizam-se no Sertão nordestino, onde se situa o município sergipano de Nossa Senhora da
Glória, objeto deste estudo. A presente pesquisa visou analisar a degradação ambiental e o
processo de desertificação antrópica no município sergipano de Nossa Senhora da Glória.
Assim, para atingir esse e outros objetivos específicos utilizaram-se diversos procedimentos
metodológicos associados a diferentes etapas, destacando-se entre eles o levantamento de dados
bibliográficos e de outros documentos que se mostraram úteis para a investigação do objeto,
além das atividades de campo. Os resultados desse estudo mostram que no referido município
evidencia-se em diferentes localidades do espaço rural a predominância de áreas degradadas e
suscetíveis ao processo de desertificação antrópica, ainda em condições reversíveis com
aplicação de medidas eficazes de combate ao fenômeno. No que pese as atividades humanas ou
antrópicas detectou-se como responsáveis por suas causas imediatas o sobrecultivo, o pastoreio
excessivo, o desmatamento e a irrigação inadequada. Além disso, há de se reconhecer outras
causas mais profundas diretamente ligadas a pobreza que não deixam outra alternativa aos
agricultores a não ser retirar o máximo da terra para satisfazer as suas necessidades imediatas,
ainda que comprometendo sua subsistência a longo prazo. Por outro lado, a situação de
vulnerabilidade socioeconômica da população sertaneja do município apresentando baixos
índices de renda, expectativa de vida, baixa produtividade econômica, concentração de terras e
de riqueza em poder de poucos, ainda é agravada pelas secas periódicas que assolam a região
semiárida. Disso conclui-se que, toda essa situação repercute no agravamento dos problemas
ambientais que para serem transpostos dependem de ações que vão além de políticas setoriais
e de orientação remedial.
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