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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da incerteza em estimativas de frequências naturais de vibração livre de edifícios altos em concreto armado / Study of uncertainties on estimating natural frequencies of free vibration of reinforced concrete tall buildings

Cachuço, Fabrício Bagatini January 2014 (has links)
Edifícios altos têm pouca rigidez lateral devido a suas dimensões. Os principais carregamentos laterais nestas estruturas são de sismos e vento. Portanto, suas propriedades dinâmicas e a correta estimativa das mesmas são fundamentais. Todavia, mesmo havendo muita pesquisa nesta área, a predição de frequências naturais de vibração livre de edifícios altos com precisão não é trivial. Métodos computacionais e fórmulas de normas ao redor do mundo divergem, ao passo que cidades brasileiras estão crescendo com a construção de maiores estruturas com frequências naturais estimadas abaixo de valores esperados. Neste trabalho, as incertezas acerca da estimativa de frequências naturais são investigadas através da comparação de resultados de diferentes metodologias. Primeiramente, frequências naturais estimadas ainda na fase de projeto de 8 prédios altos construídos ou em construção no Brasil são comparadas com formulações típicas baseadas em dados experimentais. Em um segundo momento, 3 edifícios altos têm suas primeiras frequências naturais estimadas através de: um método simplificado proposto neste trabalho; 2 programas de MEF diferentes; um modelo em MEF incluindo diagonais de compressão a fim de replicar o comportamento da alvenaria de fechamento e, finalmente, através da aplicação de um fator para calibrar a frequência natural obtida via programação em MEF. Tal fator é oriundo de uma formulação elaborada neste estudo para corrigir a frequência natural estimada sem a consideração do acréscimo de rigidez causado pela alvenaria de fechamento. Os resultados evidenciam que as baixas frequências naturais são semelhantes a medições de resposta sísmica. Também é relatada uma boa convergência para diferentes métodos computacionais enquanto os resultados das análises com alvenaria não estrutural revelam uma ótima convergência. Este estudo apresenta um melhor entendimento das razões para as baixas frequências naturais dos arranha-céus brasileiros enquanto expõe avanços na estimativa de frequências naturais com alta precisão. / Tall buildings have low lateral stiffness due to their dimensions and the main lateral forces on these structures are wind and seismic loads. Therefore, an accurate estimation of their dynamic properties is essential. Nevertheless, even with plenty of studies in this area, predicting natural frequencies of tall buildings is not trivial. Numeric computational methods and simplified procedures around the world diverge, whereas Brazilian cities are growing with the construction of higher buildings with lower estimated values for natural frequencies than the expected. In this work, the uncertainties are investigated through the comparison of different methods of estimating natural frequencies. Firstly, the natural frequencies estimated during project phase of 8 buildings, recently constructed or under construction in Brazil, are compared with formulas based on experimental measurements. Secondly, the natural frequencies of 3 buildings are estimated with different methods: two FEM models made with two computer programs commercially available, a simplified method proposed in this work, a FEM model with diagonal elements representing the masonry infill and a method based on applying a correction factor on the natural frequency obtained with another method. This last method is proposed here in order to consider the effect of infill masonry on the stiffness. The results evince that the low frequencies are similar to the ones measured on seismic response. The different computational methods have a good convergence while the analysis including the infill masonry has an outstanding convergence. This study reveals a better understanding of the reasons for low natural frequencies of the Brazilian tall buildings while presents improvements on estimating natural frequencies with high precision.

Analýza modálních vlastností vertikálního synchronního generátoru / Analysis of vertical synchronous generator modal properties

Kornherr, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the analysis of modal characteristics of the vertical synchronous generator. The goal of this work is to determine influence of individual parts of the generator on modal characteristics. Another part of this thesis contains analysis of different variants for storaging the generator and also structural modifications, which lead to the improvement of the modal properties. For modelation was used cumputional modeling in ANSYS.

Analýza dynamických vlastností pneumatického aktuátoru / Analysis of dynamic properties of pneumatic actuator

Hrivňák, Ján January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deas with dynamic analysis of pneumatic actuator which is used as regulation mechanis of turbochargers with Variable Nozzle Turbine (VNT) technology. The first part of work is focused on experimental modeling which goal is obtaining Frequency Response Function on specify frequency range by Frequency Response Function Analysis – FRFA. Dominant vibrations of pneumatic actuator active parts is expected on this specify frequency range. Results of experimental modeling will be used for gaining input parameters for numerical computation as well. The second part deal with Pre-Stressed Modal Analysis and subsequently Harmonic analysis. Obtained results with numerical and experimental analysis will be compared. This part of diploma thesis is solved in programmatic environment ANSYS Workbench.

Data Processing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks får Structural Health Monitoring

Danna, Nigatu Mitiku, Mekonnen, Esayas Getachew January 2012 (has links)
The gradual deterioration and failure of old buildings, bridges and other civil engineering structures invoked the need for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems to develop a means to monitor the health of structures. Dozens of sensing, processing and monitoring mechanisms have been implemented and widely deployed with wired sensors. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), on the other hand, are networks of large numbers of low cost wireless sensor nodes that communicate through a wireless media. The complexity nature and high cost demand of the highly used wired traditional SHM systems have posed the need for replacement with WSNs. However, the major fact that wireless sensor nodes have memory and power supply limitations has been an issue and many efficient options have been proposed to solve this problem and preserve the long life of the network. This is the reason why data processing algorithms in WSNs focus mainly on the accomplishment of efficient utilization of these scarce resources. In this thesis, we design a low-power and memory efficient data processing algorithm using in-place radix-2 integer Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This algorithm requires inputs with integer values; hence, increases the memory efficiency by more than 40% and highly saves processor power consumption over the traditional floating-point implementation. A standard-deviation-based peak picking algorithm is next applied to measure the natural frequency of the structure. The algorithms together with Contiki, a lightweight open source operating system for networked embedded systems, are loaded on Z1 Zolertia sensor node. Analogue Device’s ADXL345 digital accelerometer on board is used to collect vibration data. The bridge model used to test the target algorithm is a simply supported beam in the lab.

Undersökning av resonansfenomen i en fläktkonstruktion, med förslag till optimering

Svensson, Max January 2017 (has links)
Att konstruktioner som innehållande roterande element riskerar att utsättas för resonans är något en konstruktör alltid bör ha i åtanke. Alla konstruktioner har naturliga frekvenser även kallat egenfrekvenser, naturliga rörelsemönster, vars frekvens beror på dess massa och styvhet. Resonans uppstår då dessa naturliga frekvenser ligger nära angripande krafters frekvens. Resonansfenomenet amplifierar den dynamiska lasten och ofta uppstår väldigt höga påfrestningar på konstruktionen. Denna rapport redogör för en vibrationsanalys av en fläktkonstruktion, samt ett utvecklingsarbete för att optimera denna fläkt utifrån uppsatta krav från samarbetspartnern Quant Service Sweden AB. Fläktkonstruktionen finns hos kabeltillvärkaren NKT i Karlskrona. Arbetet har utförts tillsammans med Quant Service, ansvariga för underhållet på NKT. Fläktkonstruktionen har under flera tillfällen havererat genom att motorfästets skruvförband har gett vika efter allt för stora påfrestningar. Mycket tyder på att konstruktionen utsätts för stora vibrationer, där man tror att orsaken är resonans. Detta eftersom roterande delar enligt leverantör och egna tester ska vara balanserade inom givna gränsvärden. Samarbetspartnern Quant vill nu ha en redogörelse för om de höga vibrationerna orsakas av resonans eller inte, samt hur problemet kan lösas på bästa sätt. Arbetet innehåller två olika experiment, ett impulstest med impulshammare och ett test där fläktens motor startas och körs under två minuter. Konstruktionens respons har mätts med en accelerometer och den erhållna datan har använts för att beräkna en frekvensresponsfunktion, samt ett Power Spectra Density (PSD) i Matlab. Syftet med dessa experiment var att kartlägga konstruktionens egenfrekvenser och dynamiska laster för att se om dessa ligger nära varandra, och på så vis bekräfta att resonansfenomenet orsakat de kraftiga vibrationerna. Det experimentella resultatet visar på att konstruktionen har en dynamisk last på 48,3 Hz vilket motsvarar motorns varvtal på 2900 rpm. Denna dynamiska last ligger väldigt nära en utav konstruktionens egenfrekvenser, 45 Hz, vilket stärker hypotesen om resonans. De experimentella resultaten har validerats med hjälp av en modalanalys gjord i FEM-programmet Simulation Mechanical. Det experimentella impulstestet har också simulerats i programmet. Arbetet innehåller även utveckling av tre olika typer av förstärkning av fläktkonstruktionen. Syftet var att förstärka konstruktionen för att höja dess naturliga frekvenser och på så vis undvika resonansfenomenet. De tre konstruktionerna är rankade utifrån uppsatta krav med hjälp av en konceptbedömningsmatris enligt modellen concept scooring. Modalanalyser i FEM-programmet har gjorts för samtliga tre konstruktioner för att undersöka dess egenfrekvenser. Samtliga tre konstruktioner har inga egenfrekvenser under 100 Hz. Efter arbetet har Quant möjligheten att välja en utav de tre konstruktionerna för vidare implementering. / A designer must have in mind that constructions containing rotating elements risks being subjected to resonance. All constructions have got natural frequencies, also called eigenfrequencies, natural motions, where the frequency depends on its mass and stiffness. This report describes a work consisting a vibrational analysis of a fan construction. The fan construction is located at the cable manufacture NKT in Karlskrona. The work has been performed together with Quant Service, a company responsible for the maintenance at NKT. The fan construction struggle with recurrent breakdowns where the screw joints for the engine attachment were broken after large vibrations. The problem seems to occur due to the resonance phenomena, this because the rotating elements are balanced within limits according to the supplier of the fan wheels and own test performed by Quant themselves. The partner Quant service want to know if the large vibrations occurs due to resonance. The work contains two different experiments, one impulse test with an impulse hammer, and one experiment where the fan’s engine was running and driven for 2 minutes. The construction response was sampled with an accelerometer and the obtained data was used to calculate a frequency response function, and a power spectra density (PSD) in Matlab. The aim of these experiments were to obtain a survey of the constructions natural frequencies and dynamic force to analyse if they are close to each other, and by that confirm that resonance is the causing factor. The experimental result show that the construction has got a dynamic force acting with 48,3 Hz, which corresponds to the engine speed at 2900 rpm. This dynamic force is very close to one of the constructions natural frequencies at 45 Hz. This supports the hypothesis that the problems occur due to resonance. The experimental results have been validated with a modal analysis in the FEM program Simulation Mechanical. The experimental impulse test has been simulated in the program as well. The work also consists a development of three different types of strengthening of the fan construction. The aim is to increase the natural frequencies and by that avoid the resonance phenomena. The three constructions are ranked based on the requirements set by using a concept scooring matrix. Modal analysis for each of the three new constructions were created to confirmed the increased natural frequencies. The constructions all seems to have the first natural frequencies over 100 Hz. When the work was finished Quant had the possibility to pick one of the new constructions for further implementation.

Damage Detection in a Steel Beam using Vibration Response

Sharma, Utshree 03 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamic response of damped attachments in fighter applications / Dynamisk respons av dämpade infästen i stridsflyg

Nordström, Katja January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the impact of vibration isolators on circuit boards during harsh vibrationenvironments that occur when they are mounted on the wings of a fighter jet. To examine thisphenomenon, a mathematical model and a simulated model were developed to determine theresonant frequencies of the circuit board under various boundary conditions. Subsequently, theresonant frequencies of the circuit board were validated through experimental tests, allowing forthe establishment of the material properties of the circuit board. In order to prevent structuralfailure, this thesis employs α-gel dampers as the damped attachments for the circuit board.These vibration isolators belong to the category of silicone gel dampers and were evaluatedthrough experimental vibration testing. The two employed vibration isolators are denoted asmodels A1 and A2, exhibiting respective damping ratios of 0.1 and 0.05. By utilizing thesevibration isolators during the experimental vibration tests, the structure demonstrated resilienceagainst natural frequency coupling, thereby preventing failure. / Den här masteruppsatsen undersöker effekten av vibrationsisolatorer på kretskort under detuffa vibrationsmiljöer som sker vid vingarna på ett stridsflyg. För att undersöka detta såanvänds en matematisk modell samt en simulerad modell för att hitta resonansfekvensernaför kretskorten vid olika randvillkor. Resonansfrekvenserna från modellerna jämfördes medresonansfrekvenserna som kom tillhanda efter vibrationsprover och med dem så kunde ävenmaterialegenskaperna bestämmas. För att unvika kollaps av strukturen användes α-geldämpare till kretskorten. Dessa dämpare är gjorde av silikongel och utvärderades genomexperimentella vibrationsprover. Dessa vibrationsisolatorer var av modell A1 och A2 ochkorresponderande modell hade dämpningsförhållande 0.1 respektive 0.05. Genom att användadessa vibrationsiolatorer under de experimentella virbationstesterna så undvek strukturenkollaps genom att resonansfrekvenserna inte triggades.

Lateral Load Distribution and Deck Design Recommendations for the Sandwich Plate System (SPS) in Bridge Applications

Harris, Devin K. 07 December 2007 (has links)
The deterioration of the nation's civil infrastructure has prompted the investigation of numerous solutions to offset the problem. Some of these solutions have come in the form of innovative materials for new construction, whereas others have considered rehabilitation techniques for repairing existing infrastructure. A relatively new system that appears capable of encompassing both of these solution methodologies is the Sandwich Plate System (SPS), a composite bridge deck system that can be used in both new construction or for rehabilitation applications. SPS consists of steel face plates bonded to a rigid polyurethane core; a typical bridge application utilizes SPS primarily as a bridge deck acting compositely with conventional support girders. As a result of this technology being relatively new to the bridge market, design methods have yet to be established. This research aims to close this gap by investigating some of the key design issues considered to be limiting factors in implementation of SPS. The key issues that will be studied include lateral load distribution, dynamic load allowance and deck design methodologies. With SPS being new to the market, there has only been a single bridge application, limiting the investigations of in-service behavior. The Shenley Bridge was tested under live load conditions to determine in-service behavior with an emphasis on lateral load distribution and dynamic load allowance. Both static and dynamic testing were conducted. Results from the testing allowed for the determination of lateral load distribution factors and dynamic load allowance of an in-service SPS bridge. These results also provided a means to validate a finite element modeling approach which would could as the foundation for the remaining investigations on lateral load distribution and dynamic load allowance. The limited population of SPS bridges required the use of analytical methods of analysis for this study. These analytical models included finite element models and a stiffened plate model. The models were intended to be simple, but capable of predicting global response such as lateral load distribution and dynamic load allowance. The finite element models are shown to provide accurate predictions of the global response, but the stiffened plate approach was not as accurate. A parametric investigation, using the finite element models, was initiated to determine if the lateral load distribution characteristics and vibration response of SPS varied significantly from conventional systems. Results from this study suggest that the behavior of SPS does differ somewhat from conventional systems, but the response can be accommodated with current AASHTO LRFD bridge design provisions as a result of their conservativeness. In addition to characterizing global response, a deck design approach was developed. In this approach the SPS deck was represented as a plate structure, which allowed for the consideration of the key design limit states within the AASHTO LRFD specification. Based on the plate analyses, it was concluded that the design of SPS decks is stiffness-controlled as limited by the AASHTO LRFD specification deflection limits for lightweight metal decks. These limits allowed for the development of a method for sizing SPS decks to satisfy stiffness requirements. / Ph. D.

Flexural-Torsional Coupled Vibration of Rotating Beams Using Orthogonal Polynomials

Kim, Yong Y. 16 May 2000 (has links)
Dynamic behavior of flexural-torsional coupled vibration of rotating beams using the Rayleigh-Ritz method with orthogonal polynomials as basis functions is studied. The present work starts from a review of the development and analysis of four basic types of beam theories: the Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh, Shear and Timoshenko and goes over to a study of flexural-torsional coupled vibration analysis using basic beam theories. In obtaining natural frequencies, orthogonal polynomials used in the Rayleigh-Ritz method are studied as an efficient way of getting results. The study is also performed for both non-rotating and rotating beams. Orthogonal polynomials and functions studied in the present work are : Legendre, Chebyshev, integrated Legendre, modified Duncan polynomials, the eigenfunctions of a pinned-free uniform beam, and the special trigonometric functions used in conjunction with Hermite cubics. Studied cases are non-rotating and rotating Timoshenko beams, bending-torsion coupled beam with free-free boundary conditions, a cantilever beam, and a rotating cantilever beam. The obtained natural frequencies and mode shapes are compared to those available in various references and results for coupled flexural-torsional vibrations are compared to both previously available references and with those obtained using NASTRAN finite element package. / Master of Science

Design and analysis of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment bridge

Worthington, Michael Scott 26 October 2010 (has links)
A large structural weldment has been designed to serve as the new star tracker bridge for the Dark Energy Experiment upgrade to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory. The modeling approach, analysis techniques and design details will be of interest to designers of large structures where stiffness is the primary design driver. The design includes detailed structural analysis using finite element models to maximize natural frequency response and limit deflections and light obscuration. Considerable fabrication challenges are overcome to allow integration of precision hardware required for positioning the corrector optics to a precision of less than 5 microns along the 4-meter travel range. This thesis provides detailed descriptions of the bridge geometry, analysis results and challenging fabrication issues. / text

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