Spelling suggestions: "subject:"batural history museum"" "subject:"datural history museum""
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Musealização da zoologia: narrativas evolutivas construídas com animais / Musealization of zoology: evolutionary narratives built with animals.Soler, Mariana Galera 04 September 2015 (has links)
Os museus de história natural são instituições multifacetadas. Constituem-se como espaços privilegiados para discussão da teoria evolutiva, uma vez são instituições de pesquisa científica, repositórios de material comparativo e meios de comunicação, especialmente por meio de suas exposições. Neste trabalho, o animal é entendido como interface entre duas áreas: museologia e zoologia. Discute-se, então a musealização da zoologia, ou seja, os processos que tornam um animal objeto de museu (musealia) e o seu uso em narrativas evolutivas de exposições de museus de história natural. Para tanto, foram analisadas exposições de três museus de história natural latino-americanos: \"Las Aves\" - Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia; \"Tiempo y materia. Laberintos de la evolución\" - Museo de La Plata; e \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" - Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. A heterogeneidade de acervos e recursos expográficos exigiu o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia objetiva e replicável para descrição das exposições, estruturada em: (i) fichas; (ii) matrizes conceituais; e (iii) planta baixa. A partir do detalhamento das exposições realizou-se a análise comparativa, considerando três aspectos: presença de conceitos evolutivas nas narrativas; (ii) abordagem da teoria evolutiva; e (iii) concepção de museologia. Tais análises demonstraram que \"Las Aves\" e \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" são exposições mais semelhantes, tanto nos conceitos evolutivos presentes na narrativa, como na abordagem sistemática da teoria evolutiva na exposição. \"Tiempo y materia\" mostrou-se como uma exposição diferenciada, pois sua narrativa foi construída a partir do conceito de evolução e não de grupos zoológicos, acumulando o maior número de conceitos evolutivos presentes na narrativa e uma abordagem voltada aos mecanismos evolutivos. Contudo, quanto à concepção de museologia, nas três exposições há o distanciamento entre o visitante e o conteúdo proposto, sendo que a teoria evolutiva é apresentada como fato corroborado pelo acervo, textos e outros recursos expográficos. Quanto a comunicação da teoria evolutiva e o papel comunicacional dos animais em exposições, observou-se que a construção teórica das narrativas está restrita aos textos e que os animais emprestam suas estruturas para ilustração e demonstração de conceitos evolutivos apresentados textualmente, servindo como \"comprovação\" da realidade e materialidade da teoria. / Natural history museums are multifaceted institutions. They constituted a privilege venue for discussion of the Theory of Evolution, as they are institucions of scientific research, and also a commucation medium especially due to its exhibitions. For this study, animals are understood as an interface between two fields: museology and zoology. Submitted for discussion is the musealisation of zoology, that is, the processes that make animals a museum object (musealia) and its use on evolutionary narratives on natural historical museums exhibitions. For this purpose, exhibition in three Latin American natural history museums were analyzed: \"Las Aves\" - Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires, Argentina); \"Tiempo y materia. Laberintos de la evolución\" - Museo de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina); e \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" - Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Heterogeneous collections and exhibitions resources demanded the development of an objective and replicable methodology for describing those exhibits, structured in (i) data sheets; (ii) conceptual matrixes; and (iii) ground plan of the facilities. Detailed description of the exhibitions led to a comparative analysis around three items: (a) the presence of evolutionary concepts in their narratives; (b) their approaches on evolutionay theory; and (c) their museological conceotualisation. Analyses demonstrated that \"Las Aves\" and \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" were more similar to each other, both in the evolutionary concepsts presents and in their systematics-oriented approach on evolutionary theory. On the other hand, \"Tiempo y material\" had its own narrative built on the notion of evolution itself and not on animal taxonomic work. As for their museological conceptualization, in all three exhibitions there is a gap between the visitor and the proposed content, and evolutionary theory is presented as a corroborated fact by the objects, texts and others exhibitions resources. Upon reflecting on the one communication of the evolutionary theory and the communication role of animals in exhibition, one can notice the the theoretical construction of narratives is restrict to the associated texts, and the animal themselves lend their own structures for the illustration and demonstration of textually presented evolutionay concepts, serving as \"proof\" of the reality and materiality.
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“Uma joia" no sul do Brasil : O Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta, criado em 1908 (Porto Alegre/RS)Witt, Nara Beatriz January 2016 (has links)
O estudo desenvolvido enfoca o Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta (Porto Alegre, RS), constituído pelo padre jesuíta Pio Buck, no ano de 1908. A investigação objetiva construir a história do Museu, dando ênfase à atuação dos professores e pesquisadores jesuítas, o padre Pio Buck e o padre Balduíno Rambo, cujas práticas científicas foram fundamentais para a criação e existência deste Museu. A sua fundação ocorreu dentro do cenário de criação dos primeiros museus brasileiros, em que se pode inserir os museus de História Natural, e de criação de museus de Educação em todo o mundo, em que se pode inserir os museus escolares. As coleções formadas por objetos produzidos pela indústria e por elementos coletados na natureza formavam as coleções de História Natural do museu escolar. Esses materiais funcionavam como modelos para a compreensão e representação da natureza e da realidade, no âmbito do Método Intuitivo e Lições de Coisas. O museu escolar se configurava como um novo espaço nas escolas, em especial para o ensino de Ciências e História Natural, vinculados ao contexto científico da época. Nos colégios jesuítas, havia a tradição de estudos na área de Ciências Naturais. O Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta, assim, voltava-se para o ensino de História Natural e para a pesquisa, associando a tradição científica dos jesuítas com a modernidade pedagógica do ensino no novo contexto de uma sociedade científica. A abordagem deste estudo envolve a Educação e a Museologia, estabelecendo um encontro entre a história da educação e a história dos museus, estabelecendo relações entre os museus escolares e os Museus de História Natural. O estudo tece relações do Museu voltado para as práticas do ensino, no âmbito de um museu escolar, e para as práticas da pesquisa científica, no âmbito de um museu de História Natural. A investigação verifica que o Museu reunia acervo didático e científico, com caráter voltado para o ensino e para a Ciência. A pesquisa identifica o Museu como um espaço de produção científica dos jesuítas. O estudo constrói a história do Museu através de suas práticas a partir das atuações de seus agentes como professores, pesquisadores e cientistas. Adota os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da História Cultural, elegendo o conceito de práticas para a abordagem. Constitui o corpus documental da pesquisa, um conjunto de documentos textuais e visuais, e artefatos. Destaca que o Museu Anchieta de Ciências Naturais, denominação atual, está entre os mais antigos museus escolares e museus de História Natural no país. Constata a importância do trabalho desenvolvido no Museu do Colégio Anchieta para o escopo das Ciências Naturais e dos museus escolares. Conclui que o museu foi associado a uma rede de Museus de História Natural e de comunicação com outros cientistas e instituições / The study developed is focused on the Natural History Museum at Anchieta School (Porto Alegre, RS), by the Jesuit Priest Pio Buck, in 1908. The investigation aims to build the history of the museum, emphasizing the work of teachers and Jesuits researchers, Priest Pio Buck and Priest Balduíno Rambo, whose scientific practices were fundamental to the creation and existence of this museum. Its foundation took place in the scenario of creation of the first Brazilian museums in which you can insert the Natural History Museums and creation of Education museums all over the world, where you can insert the school museums. The collections composed by objects produced by the industry and elements collected in nature formed the collections of the Natural History Museum School. These materials served as models for the understanding and representation of nature and reality, in the framework of the intuitive Method and Thing Lessons. The school museum is configured as a new space in schools, especially in the teaching of Science and Natural History, linked to the scientific context of that time. At the Jesuit schools, there was a tradition of studies in the field of Natural Sciences. The Natural History Museum at Anchieta School, like this, was turned to the teaching of Natural History and research, combining the Jesuit scientific tradition with the pedagogical teaching modernity in the new context of a scientific society. The approach of this study involves Education and Museology, establishing a meeting between the history of Education and the history of museums, establishing relations between the school museums and the Natural History Museums. The study makes relations of the museum related to teaching practices, in a school museum and for the practices of the scientific research as a part of a Natural History Museum. The research finds that the museum brought together educational and scientific collection with character for teaching and science. The investigation identifies the museum as a space of scientific production of the Jesuits. The study builds the history of the museum through its practices from the actions of its agents as teachers, researchers and scientists. It adopts the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Cultural History, choosing the concept of practices to the approach. It constitutes the documental corpus of the research, visual and textual documents and artifacts. It points out that the Anchieta Museum of Natural Sciences, the current name, is among the oldest school museums and Natural History Museums in Brazil. It shows the importance of the work developed in the museum at Anchieta School for the scope of the Natural Sciences and school museums. It concludes that the museum was associated with a network of Museums of Natural History and communication with other scientists and institutions.
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Aha! – En evolutionär upplevelse påmuseet museet : En studie för att undersöka vad gymnasielärarebehöver för att underlätta sin evolutionsundervisningpå Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum / Aha! – An evolutionary experience at the museum : A study to determine what college teachers need to facilitate teachingevolution at The Natural History Museum of GothenburgEkvall, Helen January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p>Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur gymnasielärare vill använda Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum (GNM) i sin undervisning om evolution samt att ta reda på vilka didaktiska inslag som</p><p>behövs för att motivera och inspirera fler lärare att använda museet i sin evolutionsundervisning.</p><p>Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i läroplanens styrdokument och fem begrepp som Ann Zetterqvist i sin forskning utpekar som centrala och viktiga för att kunna förstå evolutionsteorin. Forskningen visar att undervisningen om evolutionsteori är en utmaning för lärarna och slår fast att det kan behövas stöd från skolan och även från institutioner utanför. Min utgångspunkt är att GNM kan bidra till och är värdefullt för lärandet i ämnet evolution.</p><p>Undersökningens urvalskriterium är gymnasielärare som har använt museet under de senaste två åren i samband med en lektion om evolution. Undersökningen bygger i huvudsak på semistrukturerade intervjuer kompletterade med ett mindre antal enkätsvar. Forskning visar att förekomsten av en väl grundad pedagogisk policy är viktigt för museerna för att det pedagogiska budskapet skall nå fram till besökaren. Forskningen visar vidare att det är mycket viktigt att museibesöket kopplas till läroplanen. Vidare pekar forskningen på att eleverna ofta inte uppnår kunskapsmålen gällande evolutionsteorin Resultaten visar att lärarna inte medvetet planerar sitt museibesök utifrån skolans styrdokument, men deras önskemål om ämnesområden visar på en tydlig koppling till styrdokumenten. Resultaten visar även att lärarna värdesätter GNM för dess undervisning av evolutionsteorin, men för att lärarna skall känna sig motiverade att på egen hand undervisa på museet behöver de vissa didaktiska inslag och handledning. Detta arbete resulterar i ett antal didaktiska förslag baserade på lärarnas och museipedagogens önskemål.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></p></p> / <p> </p><p>The main objective with this paper was to investigate how college teachers wish to use The Natural History Museum of Gothenburg (GNM) when teaching evolution, and also to determine which didactic elements are required to motivate other teachers to use the museum when teaching evolution. The foundation of this study is built on the school curriculum and five concepts which Ann Zetterqvist identifies in her research as central and necessary for understanding evolution. Research indicates that teaching the theory of evolution is a challenge for teachers and also emphasizes the importance of internal and external support. I propose that GNM is valuable for teaching evolution. The criteria for the selection of candidates are college teachers who have used the museum during the last two years to teach evolution. The study is based on semi-structured interviews completed with questionnaires. Research reveals that without a conscious educational policy the museums pedagogic message may not reach the visitor. Research also shows that it is very important that museums school programme is based on the national curriculum. Results from previous research reveal that students have difficulty in reaching the curricular goals concerning evolution.The results from this study show that teachers had not consciously followed the curriculum when planning their visit, their subject request is however clearly applicable to the curriculum. The teachers interviewed clearly value GNM as a place to teach the theory of evolution, but request certain didactic elements and teacher guides to motivate teaching without the aid of a museum teacher. This study results in a number of didactic elements based upon the teachers and museum teachers' requests.</p>
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Aha! – En evolutionär upplevelse påmuseet museet : En studie för att undersöka vad gymnasielärarebehöver för att underlätta sin evolutionsundervisningpå Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum / Aha! – An evolutionary experience at the museum : A study to determine what college teachers need to facilitate teachingevolution at The Natural History Museum of GothenburgEkvall, Helen January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur gymnasielärare vill använda Göteborgs Naturhistoriska Museum (GNM) i sin undervisning om evolution samt att ta reda på vilka didaktiska inslag som behövs för att motivera och inspirera fler lärare att använda museet i sin evolutionsundervisning. Uppsatsen tar sin utgångspunkt i läroplanens styrdokument och fem begrepp som Ann Zetterqvist i sin forskning utpekar som centrala och viktiga för att kunna förstå evolutionsteorin. Forskningen visar att undervisningen om evolutionsteori är en utmaning för lärarna och slår fast att det kan behövas stöd från skolan och även från institutioner utanför. Min utgångspunkt är att GNM kan bidra till och är värdefullt för lärandet i ämnet evolution. Undersökningens urvalskriterium är gymnasielärare som har använt museet under de senaste två åren i samband med en lektion om evolution. Undersökningen bygger i huvudsak på semistrukturerade intervjuer kompletterade med ett mindre antal enkätsvar. Forskning visar att förekomsten av en väl grundad pedagogisk policy är viktigt för museerna för att det pedagogiska budskapet skall nå fram till besökaren. Forskningen visar vidare att det är mycket viktigt att museibesöket kopplas till läroplanen. Vidare pekar forskningen på att eleverna ofta inte uppnår kunskapsmålen gällande evolutionsteorin Resultaten visar att lärarna inte medvetet planerar sitt museibesök utifrån skolans styrdokument, men deras önskemål om ämnesområden visar på en tydlig koppling till styrdokumenten. Resultaten visar även att lärarna värdesätter GNM för dess undervisning av evolutionsteorin, men för att lärarna skall känna sig motiverade att på egen hand undervisa på museet behöver de vissa didaktiska inslag och handledning. Detta arbete resulterar i ett antal didaktiska förslag baserade på lärarnas och museipedagogens önskemål. / The main objective with this paper was to investigate how college teachers wish to use The Natural History Museum of Gothenburg (GNM) when teaching evolution, and also to determine which didactic elements are required to motivate other teachers to use the museum when teaching evolution. The foundation of this study is built on the school curriculum and five concepts which Ann Zetterqvist identifies in her research as central and necessary for understanding evolution. Research indicates that teaching the theory of evolution is a challenge for teachers and also emphasizes the importance of internal and external support. I propose that GNM is valuable for teaching evolution. The criteria for the selection of candidates are college teachers who have used the museum during the last two years to teach evolution. The study is based on semi-structured interviews completed with questionnaires. Research reveals that without a conscious educational policy the museums pedagogic message may not reach the visitor. Research also shows that it is very important that museums school programme is based on the national curriculum. Results from previous research reveal that students have difficulty in reaching the curricular goals concerning evolution.The results from this study show that teachers had not consciously followed the curriculum when planning their visit, their subject request is however clearly applicable to the curriculum. The teachers interviewed clearly value GNM as a place to teach the theory of evolution, but request certain didactic elements and teacher guides to motivate teaching without the aid of a museum teacher. This study results in a number of didactic elements based upon the teachers and museum teachers' requests.
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“Uma joia" no sul do Brasil : O Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta, criado em 1908 (Porto Alegre/RS)Witt, Nara Beatriz January 2016 (has links)
O estudo desenvolvido enfoca o Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta (Porto Alegre, RS), constituído pelo padre jesuíta Pio Buck, no ano de 1908. A investigação objetiva construir a história do Museu, dando ênfase à atuação dos professores e pesquisadores jesuítas, o padre Pio Buck e o padre Balduíno Rambo, cujas práticas científicas foram fundamentais para a criação e existência deste Museu. A sua fundação ocorreu dentro do cenário de criação dos primeiros museus brasileiros, em que se pode inserir os museus de História Natural, e de criação de museus de Educação em todo o mundo, em que se pode inserir os museus escolares. As coleções formadas por objetos produzidos pela indústria e por elementos coletados na natureza formavam as coleções de História Natural do museu escolar. Esses materiais funcionavam como modelos para a compreensão e representação da natureza e da realidade, no âmbito do Método Intuitivo e Lições de Coisas. O museu escolar se configurava como um novo espaço nas escolas, em especial para o ensino de Ciências e História Natural, vinculados ao contexto científico da época. Nos colégios jesuítas, havia a tradição de estudos na área de Ciências Naturais. O Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta, assim, voltava-se para o ensino de História Natural e para a pesquisa, associando a tradição científica dos jesuítas com a modernidade pedagógica do ensino no novo contexto de uma sociedade científica. A abordagem deste estudo envolve a Educação e a Museologia, estabelecendo um encontro entre a história da educação e a história dos museus, estabelecendo relações entre os museus escolares e os Museus de História Natural. O estudo tece relações do Museu voltado para as práticas do ensino, no âmbito de um museu escolar, e para as práticas da pesquisa científica, no âmbito de um museu de História Natural. A investigação verifica que o Museu reunia acervo didático e científico, com caráter voltado para o ensino e para a Ciência. A pesquisa identifica o Museu como um espaço de produção científica dos jesuítas. O estudo constrói a história do Museu através de suas práticas a partir das atuações de seus agentes como professores, pesquisadores e cientistas. Adota os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da História Cultural, elegendo o conceito de práticas para a abordagem. Constitui o corpus documental da pesquisa, um conjunto de documentos textuais e visuais, e artefatos. Destaca que o Museu Anchieta de Ciências Naturais, denominação atual, está entre os mais antigos museus escolares e museus de História Natural no país. Constata a importância do trabalho desenvolvido no Museu do Colégio Anchieta para o escopo das Ciências Naturais e dos museus escolares. Conclui que o museu foi associado a uma rede de Museus de História Natural e de comunicação com outros cientistas e instituições / The study developed is focused on the Natural History Museum at Anchieta School (Porto Alegre, RS), by the Jesuit Priest Pio Buck, in 1908. The investigation aims to build the history of the museum, emphasizing the work of teachers and Jesuits researchers, Priest Pio Buck and Priest Balduíno Rambo, whose scientific practices were fundamental to the creation and existence of this museum. Its foundation took place in the scenario of creation of the first Brazilian museums in which you can insert the Natural History Museums and creation of Education museums all over the world, where you can insert the school museums. The collections composed by objects produced by the industry and elements collected in nature formed the collections of the Natural History Museum School. These materials served as models for the understanding and representation of nature and reality, in the framework of the intuitive Method and Thing Lessons. The school museum is configured as a new space in schools, especially in the teaching of Science and Natural History, linked to the scientific context of that time. At the Jesuit schools, there was a tradition of studies in the field of Natural Sciences. The Natural History Museum at Anchieta School, like this, was turned to the teaching of Natural History and research, combining the Jesuit scientific tradition with the pedagogical teaching modernity in the new context of a scientific society. The approach of this study involves Education and Museology, establishing a meeting between the history of Education and the history of museums, establishing relations between the school museums and the Natural History Museums. The study makes relations of the museum related to teaching practices, in a school museum and for the practices of the scientific research as a part of a Natural History Museum. The research finds that the museum brought together educational and scientific collection with character for teaching and science. The investigation identifies the museum as a space of scientific production of the Jesuits. The study builds the history of the museum through its practices from the actions of its agents as teachers, researchers and scientists. It adopts the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Cultural History, choosing the concept of practices to the approach. It constitutes the documental corpus of the research, visual and textual documents and artifacts. It points out that the Anchieta Museum of Natural Sciences, the current name, is among the oldest school museums and Natural History Museums in Brazil. It shows the importance of the work developed in the museum at Anchieta School for the scope of the Natural Sciences and school museums. It concludes that the museum was associated with a network of Museums of Natural History and communication with other scientists and institutions.
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“Uma joia" no sul do Brasil : O Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta, criado em 1908 (Porto Alegre/RS)Witt, Nara Beatriz January 2016 (has links)
O estudo desenvolvido enfoca o Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta (Porto Alegre, RS), constituído pelo padre jesuíta Pio Buck, no ano de 1908. A investigação objetiva construir a história do Museu, dando ênfase à atuação dos professores e pesquisadores jesuítas, o padre Pio Buck e o padre Balduíno Rambo, cujas práticas científicas foram fundamentais para a criação e existência deste Museu. A sua fundação ocorreu dentro do cenário de criação dos primeiros museus brasileiros, em que se pode inserir os museus de História Natural, e de criação de museus de Educação em todo o mundo, em que se pode inserir os museus escolares. As coleções formadas por objetos produzidos pela indústria e por elementos coletados na natureza formavam as coleções de História Natural do museu escolar. Esses materiais funcionavam como modelos para a compreensão e representação da natureza e da realidade, no âmbito do Método Intuitivo e Lições de Coisas. O museu escolar se configurava como um novo espaço nas escolas, em especial para o ensino de Ciências e História Natural, vinculados ao contexto científico da época. Nos colégios jesuítas, havia a tradição de estudos na área de Ciências Naturais. O Museu de História Natural do Colégio Anchieta, assim, voltava-se para o ensino de História Natural e para a pesquisa, associando a tradição científica dos jesuítas com a modernidade pedagógica do ensino no novo contexto de uma sociedade científica. A abordagem deste estudo envolve a Educação e a Museologia, estabelecendo um encontro entre a história da educação e a história dos museus, estabelecendo relações entre os museus escolares e os Museus de História Natural. O estudo tece relações do Museu voltado para as práticas do ensino, no âmbito de um museu escolar, e para as práticas da pesquisa científica, no âmbito de um museu de História Natural. A investigação verifica que o Museu reunia acervo didático e científico, com caráter voltado para o ensino e para a Ciência. A pesquisa identifica o Museu como um espaço de produção científica dos jesuítas. O estudo constrói a história do Museu através de suas práticas a partir das atuações de seus agentes como professores, pesquisadores e cientistas. Adota os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da História Cultural, elegendo o conceito de práticas para a abordagem. Constitui o corpus documental da pesquisa, um conjunto de documentos textuais e visuais, e artefatos. Destaca que o Museu Anchieta de Ciências Naturais, denominação atual, está entre os mais antigos museus escolares e museus de História Natural no país. Constata a importância do trabalho desenvolvido no Museu do Colégio Anchieta para o escopo das Ciências Naturais e dos museus escolares. Conclui que o museu foi associado a uma rede de Museus de História Natural e de comunicação com outros cientistas e instituições / The study developed is focused on the Natural History Museum at Anchieta School (Porto Alegre, RS), by the Jesuit Priest Pio Buck, in 1908. The investigation aims to build the history of the museum, emphasizing the work of teachers and Jesuits researchers, Priest Pio Buck and Priest Balduíno Rambo, whose scientific practices were fundamental to the creation and existence of this museum. Its foundation took place in the scenario of creation of the first Brazilian museums in which you can insert the Natural History Museums and creation of Education museums all over the world, where you can insert the school museums. The collections composed by objects produced by the industry and elements collected in nature formed the collections of the Natural History Museum School. These materials served as models for the understanding and representation of nature and reality, in the framework of the intuitive Method and Thing Lessons. The school museum is configured as a new space in schools, especially in the teaching of Science and Natural History, linked to the scientific context of that time. At the Jesuit schools, there was a tradition of studies in the field of Natural Sciences. The Natural History Museum at Anchieta School, like this, was turned to the teaching of Natural History and research, combining the Jesuit scientific tradition with the pedagogical teaching modernity in the new context of a scientific society. The approach of this study involves Education and Museology, establishing a meeting between the history of Education and the history of museums, establishing relations between the school museums and the Natural History Museums. The study makes relations of the museum related to teaching practices, in a school museum and for the practices of the scientific research as a part of a Natural History Museum. The research finds that the museum brought together educational and scientific collection with character for teaching and science. The investigation identifies the museum as a space of scientific production of the Jesuits. The study builds the history of the museum through its practices from the actions of its agents as teachers, researchers and scientists. It adopts the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Cultural History, choosing the concept of practices to the approach. It constitutes the documental corpus of the research, visual and textual documents and artifacts. It points out that the Anchieta Museum of Natural Sciences, the current name, is among the oldest school museums and Natural History Museums in Brazil. It shows the importance of the work developed in the museum at Anchieta School for the scope of the Natural Sciences and school museums. It concludes that the museum was associated with a network of Museums of Natural History and communication with other scientists and institutions.
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Musealização da zoologia: narrativas evolutivas construídas com animais / Musealization of zoology: evolutionary narratives built with animals.Mariana Galera Soler 04 September 2015 (has links)
Os museus de história natural são instituições multifacetadas. Constituem-se como espaços privilegiados para discussão da teoria evolutiva, uma vez são instituições de pesquisa científica, repositórios de material comparativo e meios de comunicação, especialmente por meio de suas exposições. Neste trabalho, o animal é entendido como interface entre duas áreas: museologia e zoologia. Discute-se, então a musealização da zoologia, ou seja, os processos que tornam um animal objeto de museu (musealia) e o seu uso em narrativas evolutivas de exposições de museus de história natural. Para tanto, foram analisadas exposições de três museus de história natural latino-americanos: \"Las Aves\" - Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia; \"Tiempo y materia. Laberintos de la evolución\" - Museo de La Plata; e \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" - Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. A heterogeneidade de acervos e recursos expográficos exigiu o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia objetiva e replicável para descrição das exposições, estruturada em: (i) fichas; (ii) matrizes conceituais; e (iii) planta baixa. A partir do detalhamento das exposições realizou-se a análise comparativa, considerando três aspectos: presença de conceitos evolutivas nas narrativas; (ii) abordagem da teoria evolutiva; e (iii) concepção de museologia. Tais análises demonstraram que \"Las Aves\" e \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" são exposições mais semelhantes, tanto nos conceitos evolutivos presentes na narrativa, como na abordagem sistemática da teoria evolutiva na exposição. \"Tiempo y materia\" mostrou-se como uma exposição diferenciada, pois sua narrativa foi construída a partir do conceito de evolução e não de grupos zoológicos, acumulando o maior número de conceitos evolutivos presentes na narrativa e uma abordagem voltada aos mecanismos evolutivos. Contudo, quanto à concepção de museologia, nas três exposições há o distanciamento entre o visitante e o conteúdo proposto, sendo que a teoria evolutiva é apresentada como fato corroborado pelo acervo, textos e outros recursos expográficos. Quanto a comunicação da teoria evolutiva e o papel comunicacional dos animais em exposições, observou-se que a construção teórica das narrativas está restrita aos textos e que os animais emprestam suas estruturas para ilustração e demonstração de conceitos evolutivos apresentados textualmente, servindo como \"comprovação\" da realidade e materialidade da teoria. / Natural history museums are multifaceted institutions. They constituted a privilege venue for discussion of the Theory of Evolution, as they are institucions of scientific research, and also a commucation medium especially due to its exhibitions. For this study, animals are understood as an interface between two fields: museology and zoology. Submitted for discussion is the musealisation of zoology, that is, the processes that make animals a museum object (musealia) and its use on evolutionary narratives on natural historical museums exhibitions. For this purpose, exhibition in three Latin American natural history museums were analyzed: \"Las Aves\" - Museo de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires, Argentina); \"Tiempo y materia. Laberintos de la evolución\" - Museo de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina); e \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" - Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Heterogeneous collections and exhibitions resources demanded the development of an objective and replicable methodology for describing those exhibits, structured in (i) data sheets; (ii) conceptual matrixes; and (iii) ground plan of the facilities. Detailed description of the exhibitions led to a comparative analysis around three items: (a) the presence of evolutionary concepts in their narratives; (b) their approaches on evolutionay theory; and (c) their museological conceotualisation. Analyses demonstrated that \"Las Aves\" and \"Conchas, corais e borboletas\" were more similar to each other, both in the evolutionary concepsts presents and in their systematics-oriented approach on evolutionary theory. On the other hand, \"Tiempo y material\" had its own narrative built on the notion of evolution itself and not on animal taxonomic work. As for their museological conceptualization, in all three exhibitions there is a gap between the visitor and the proposed content, and evolutionary theory is presented as a corroborated fact by the objects, texts and others exhibitions resources. Upon reflecting on the one communication of the evolutionary theory and the communication role of animals in exhibition, one can notice the the theoretical construction of narratives is restrict to the associated texts, and the animal themselves lend their own structures for the illustration and demonstration of textually presented evolutionay concepts, serving as \"proof\" of the reality and materiality.
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Meningsskapande i utställningen : En komparativ etnografisk fallstudie av förskolegruppers multimodala kommunikation vid ett Naturhistoriskt museum och ett Science centerHansson, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
Som övergripande syfte vill denna studie undersöka hur två förskolegrupper kan meningsskapa i två olika utställningar genom att beskriva, analysera och jämföra dessa två förskolegruppers multimodala kommunikation vid utställningsbesök. Genom syftet vill denna studie ge ökad kunskap om multimodal kommunikation hos två förskolegrupper i två olika utställningar. I syftet ingår att studien önskar öka kunskapen om hur semiotiska resurser kan användas och vad som fokuseras genom språkbruk, som kommunikativa villkor för lärande i utställningar. Studien har en design av en komparativ etnografisk fallstudie. Videoinspelningar, MP-3 ljudinspelningar, deltagande observation och fältanteckningar har använts som instrument för datainsamling. Genom strategiska urval valdes 11 stycken treåriga förskolebarn och tre pedagoger för att besöka en utställning vid Naturhistoriska Museet och nio femåriga förskolebarn med två pedagoger for att besöka en utställning vid Tom Tits Experiment (science center). Det insamlade materialet transkriberades multimodalt och kunde därefter analyseras som text. Multimodal interaktionsanalys (Norris 2004, 2014) och ett språkbruksraster (Rostvall & West 2001) användes för analys. Resultatet visade markanta skillnader mellan utställningarna. Av den multimodala interaktionsanalysen visade utställningen vid ett science center en bredare användning av semiotiska resurser, då alla artefakters meningserbjudanden var både visuella och taktila, en del artefakter erbjöd även auditiva meningserbjudanden. Språkbruket i samma utställning var mycket varierat och barnen anmodade varandra. Slutsatsen blir av detta att förskolegruppernas a) meningsskapande villkoras av språkbruk och att b) om meningsskapandet ska ske i samarbete ökas den möjligheten dess mer symmetriska de sociala relationerna är.
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Navajo Baskets and the American Indian Voice: Searching for the Contemporary Native American in the Trading Post, the Natural History Museum, and the Fine Art MuseumHowe, Laura Paulsen 18 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the display of Navajo baskets and examines some of the possible meanings Navajo baskets can reveal. Acknowledging that the meaning of a work of art changes when it is placed in different environments, the thesis explores what meanings are revealed and what meanings are concealed in basket displays in three venues: the trading post, the natural history museum, and the fine art museum. The study concludes that the fine art museum has the most potential to foster a dialogue about the contemporary Navajo, whose identity is a product of continuity and change. Chapter one discusses the basket's connotation as one of continuity and change, a meaning essential to understanding the contemporary Navajo. It becomes clear that when looking for the meaning of tradition and adaptation, the institutional utterance of an exhibition venue must be one that allows a complex modern Navajo identity to emerge. Chapter two examines the institutional utterance of the trading post. In such a setting, meanings of a mythical past emerge from the basket. The environment of the trading post reveals a romantic view of the Old West that hides the meaning of the contemporary Navajo from patrons and viewers. Chapter three focuses on the natural history museum and the effects of its institutional utterance on the Navajo basket's significance. In this learning environment, the Navajo basket acts as an artifact and meanings emerge about Navajo ritual and history. However, natural history museums often educate audiences through means like curiosity cabinets and living history displays that distance the contemporary Navajo. It is the fine art museum that has the most potential to reveal the adaptive, contemporary Navajo, discussed in chapter four. Art museums validate baskets as art objects when they exhibit them with Western painting and sculpture. Such displays can hide the contemporary Navajo in a discussion of formal elements. However, when an art museum exhibits a basket as a meaningful object, it allows the basket to reveal the Dine's desire for cultural continuity and the long Navajo history of adapting to changing environments.
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Negotiating nature on display– Discourse and ideology in naturalhistory museumsNielsen, Sigurd Solhaug January 2006 (has links)
This thesis considers exhibitions in natural history museums as a process of negotiation between three parties: the museum as an institution, the museum staff, and the visitors. These represent different interests that shape exhibitions relating to nature. The thesis asks the following main question: In what way do discourses play a role in the staff’s work within natural history museums? The empirical sources are based on interviews conducted with staffmembers from eight different natural history museums: six in Austria and two in Norway. The interviews are analysed based on the principles of discourse psychology and critical discourse analysis. The theoretical framework is based on postmodernism as a reaction and countermovement to modernism. Kant’s theory of knowledge, the concept of representation and discourse theory are considered in relation to one another and form an ontological departure for the epistemology. The methodology combines critical discourse analysis and discourse psychology as applied to conversational text. The discourse analysis reveals different discourses concerning the museum as institution, professional museum staff, and the visitors. The thesis concludes that the museum as institution is characterised by a knowledge culture/tradition that was particularly substantiated during the Enlightenment. In turn, the knowledge tradition is characterised by discourse that places expectations regarding the procedures of the employee, but also through the visitors’ expectations as to what a museumis and what the exhibitions provide them with. The employees meet the museum understood as discourse through mainly three different strategies for how exhibitions should function. I call these strategies ‘action promotion’, ‘communication focus’ and ‘political context’. In this way, the identities and actions of the employees depend considerably on their personal relationship to the museum as a concept and discourse, as well as to the visitors’ presumptions, expectations and experiences concerning museums. / Diese Master-Arbeit betrachtet die Ausstellung eines naturgeschichtlichen Museums als Ergebnis eines Verhandlungsprozesses zwischen drei Parteien mit unterschiedlichen Interessen: dem Museumspersonal, dem Museum als Institution sowie dem Publikum. Die Hauptfragestellung der Arbeit lautet: In welcher Weise spielen Diskurse in der Arbeit derwissenschaftlichen Angestellten naturgeschichtlicher Museen eine Rolle? Der theoretische Rahmen der Arbeit basiert auf dem Postmodernismus als einer Reaktion auf und Gegenbewegung zum Modernismus. Kants Erkenntnistheorie, das Konzept der Repräsentation sowie die Diskurstheorie bilden zusammen die ontologische Grundlage der Epistemologie. Die Methodologie kombiniert gesprächsbezogene kritische Diskursanalyse und Diskurspsychologie. Das empirische Material besteht aus Interviews mit wissenschaftlichen Angestellten acht naturgeschichtlicher Museen, davon sechs in Österreich und zwei in Norwegen. Die Diskursanalyse deckt unterschiedliche Diskurse hinsichtlich des Museums als Institution, der wissenschaftlichen Angestellten sowie des Publikums auf. Die Arbeit schlussfolgert, dass das Museum als Institution von einer Wissenskultur gekennzeichnet ist, die insbesondere in der Zeit der Aufklärung begründet ist. Diese Kultur ist insofern diskursgeprägt, als dass sie bestimmte Erwartungen an die Arbeit des Museumspersonals beinhaltet, aber auch durch die Erwartungen des Publikums an ein Museum und seine Ausstellungen. Die Angestellten nähern sich dem Museum als Diskurs, in dem sie hauptsächlich drei verschiedene Strategien im Hinblick auf die Funktion von Ausstellungen verfolgen: Inspiration zu eigenständigem Handeln (”Handlungspromotion”),auf das Publikum zugeschnittene Kommunikation (”Kommunikationsfokus”) sowie Einbeziehung politischen Kontexts. Insofern hängen Identität und Handeln der Angestellten stark von ihrer persönlichen Beziehung zum Museum als Konzept und Diskurs ab, ebenso wie von ihren Annahmen bezüglich der Erwartungen des Publikums und dessen Erfahrungen mit Museen.
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