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Untersuchungen zur wirksamen Desinfektion von bedeutenden gegen Antibiotika multiresistenten Erregern (MRE) in der Human- und VeterinärmedizinKöhler, Anne Theresa 27 March 2020 (has links)
Der generalisierte Einsatz von Antibiotika im medizinischen Sektor erzeugt einen hohen Selektionsdruck auf Bakterien. Daher weisen bakterielle Resistenzen gegenüber antimikrobiellen Wirkstoffen eine zunehmende Inzidenz auf. Gegen Antibiotika multiresistente Erreger (MRE), insbesondere Multiresistente Gram-Negative Erreger (MRGN), stellen in Krankenhäusern, aber auch in Tierkliniken ein ernstzunehmendes Problem dar. Das Therapieversagen bei der Behandlung von Infektionen mit 3MRGN oder 4MRGN gefährdet die Gesundheitsversorgung. Die Bedeutung effektiver Kontrollmaßnahmen in der Unterbrechung nosokomialer Infektionsketten rückt in den Fokus. Infektionsprophylaxe wird durch eine Umweltdekontamination in Form von Reinigung und Desinfektion durchgeführt. Zertifizierte Biozide werden routinemäßig eingesetzt. Jedoch weisen einigen Studien auf eine Toleranz von Bakterien gegenüber Desinfektionsmitteln hin. Spezifische Dekontaminationsmaßnahmen könnten daher für die Bekämpfung von MRGN notwendig sein.
Ziel der Untersuchung war es zu evaluieren, ob klinische 3MRGN und 4MRGN im Vergleich zu nicht resistenten Referenzstämmen unempfindlicher gegenüber Desinfektionsmitteln reagieren und Desinfektionsprotokolle gegebenenfalls angepasst werden müssen. Dazu wurden sechzehn klinische Stämme der Gattungen Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas und Klebsiella wurden mit fünf korrespondierenden Referenzstämmen in vitro auf deren Empfindlichkeit gegenüber den gängigen Desinfektionsmitteln Natriumhypochlorit, Ethanol, Peressigsäure und Benzalkoniumchlorid untersucht. Die Effizienz wurde anhand von vier aufeinander aufbauenden Testverfahren gemäß den Richtlinien des Verbunds für angewandte Hygiene (VAH, 2015) beurteilt. Diese beinhalten die Bestimmung der minimalen Hemmkonzentration (MHK) und die Durchführung von Suspensionstests und Keimträgerversuchen. Es wurden wirksame Konzentrations-Zeit-Relationen für jeden Teststamm und jede aktive Substanz determiniert. Die Ergebnisse der Suspensionstests über- beziehungsweise unterschreiten die Werte der MHK-Bestimmung um ein Vielfaches. P. aeruginosa tolerierte die höchsten Benzalkoniumchlorid-Konzentrationen, während Acinetobacter-Stämme am empfindlichsten reagierten. Im Vergleich zu Suspensionstests wurden in den praxisnahen Keimträgerversuchen signifikant höhere Konzentrationen an Peressigsäure und Benzalkoniumchlorid ermittelt. Die geringere Empfindlichkeit von P. aeruginosa gegenüber Benzalkoniumchlorid wurde bestätigt. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen klinischen 3MRGN, 4MRGN und den jeweiligen Referenzstämmen in ihrer Sensitivität gegenüber Bioziden wurden - unabhängig von der angewandten Testmethodik - nicht festgestellt. Im Vergleich der Bakterienspezies wiesen Pseudomonaden eine geringere Sensibilität gegenüber Benzalkoniumchlorid auf, jedoch lagen die bakteriziden Konzentrationen in jedem Fall unterhalb der gelisteten Anwendungskonzentrationen. Der Einfluss organischer Belastung auf die Wirksamkeit von Natriumhypochlorit war signifikant. Die Expositionsdauer führte zu keiner signifikanten Absenkung der Wirkkonzentrationen.
Die Annahme, dass antibiotikaresistente Bakterien zwangsläufig biozidresistent sind, konnte anhand unserer Ergebnisse nicht bestätigt werden. Spezielle Desinfektionsprotokolle sind nicht notwendig, solange eine konsequente Einhaltung der durch den Hersteller vorgeschriebenen Konzentrations-Zeit-Relationen gegeben ist. Die Höhe der Desinfektionsmittelkonzentration ist für den Desinfektionserfolg ausschlaggebend, während der Einfluss der Einwirkzeit vernachlässigbar ist. Die MHK-Bestimmung eignet sich im Gegensatz zu praxisnahen Keimträgerversuchen nicht zur Ableitung von Anwendungs-konzentrationen von Desinfektionsmitteln.:1 Einleitung
2 Literatur
2.1 Desinfektion
2.1.1 Allgemeines
2.2 Wirksamkeitsprüfung chemischer Desinfektionsmittel
2.2.1 Allgemeines
2.2.2 VAH-Richtlinie
2.2.3 Minimale Hemmkonzentration
2.2.4 Qualitativer Suspensionstest
2.2.5 Quantitativer Suspensionstest
2.2.6 Quantitativer Keimträgertest
2.3 Bakterielle Resistenzen gegenüber Antibiotika
2.3.1 Allgemeines
2.3.2 Nosokomiale Infektionen
2.3.3 Acinetobacter spp.
2.3.4 Klebsiella spp.
2.3.5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
2.4 Bakterielle Resistenzen gegenüber Bioziden
2.4.1 Allgemeines
3 Veröffentlichungen
3.1 Veröffentlichung 1
3.2 Veröffentlichung 2
4 Diskussion
5 Zusammenfassung
6 Summary
7 Referenzen
7.1 Literaturverzeichnis
7.2 Tabellenverzeichnis
8 Danksagung
982 |
Hardware Efficient Deep Neural Network Implementation on FPGAShuvo, Md Kamruzzaman 01 December 2020 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a significant push to implement Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on edge devices, which requires power and hardware efficient circuits to carry out the intensive matrix-vector multiplication (MVM) operations. This work presents hardware efficient MVM implementation techniques using bit-serial arithmetic and a novel MSB first computation circuit. The proposed designs take advantage of the pre-trained network weight parameters, which are already known in the design stage. Thus, the partial computation results can be pre-computed and stored into look-up tables. Then the MVM results can be computed in a bit-serial manner without using multipliers. The proposed novel circuit implementation for convolution filters and rectified linear activation function used in deep neural networks conducts computation in an MSB-first bit-serial manner. It can predict earlier if the outcomes of filter computations will be negative and subsequently terminate the remaining computations to save power. The benefits of using the proposed MVM implementations techniques are demonstrated by comparing the proposed design with conventional implementation. The proposed circuit is implemented on an FPGA. It shows significant power and performance improvements compared to the conventional designs implemented on the same FPGA.
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A review of substances reported to cause false positives and negatives in forensic blood identification testsNovelli, Brittany Catherine 26 February 2021 (has links)
Forensic biology encompasses the examination of evidentiary items from crime scenes for biological fluids, often identifying the specific biological fluid present and developing a DNA profile that can be used to link a suspect to a crime. Blood identification consists of visual examination, presumptive tests based on the catalytic activity of hemoglobin, and confirmatory tests based on antigen-antibody interactions. Issues encountered in blood identification include the occurrence of false positive and false negative results. Many causes of these results are well-known but more recently three substances resulting in false negatives with catalytic color tests, chemiluminescent reagents, and immunoassays have been explored. Quebracho extract (a common leather tannin), sodium percarbonate (the main component of detergents containing active oxygen) and vitamin C-containing beverages were all found to produce false negative results at varying degrees with each of the tests mentioned. Increased knowledge of potential negative interfering agents by forensic investigators can help ensure that probative evidence is properly collected and thoroughly analyzed from a crime scene.
984 |
Utsatthet, våldsbrott och mord som underhållning : En studie om det kulturella utbytet inom true crime- podcasts / Vulnerability, crime of violence and murder as entertainment : a studyabout the cultural exchange within true crime- podcastsLagerstedt, Hanna, Frejborg, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Creating, producing and listening to podcasts has become an increasingly popular way for cultural transmission. Among an infinitely number of genres true crime has been rising in popularity during the last decade. By consuming true crime- podcasts we also affirm the relevance of the cultural exchange. The aim of this study is therefore to examine what this contemporary cultural exchange consists and in what way the transmission affect the actors. The study was implemented by interviewing creators of true crime- podcasts as well as women consuming numerous podcasts within the genre. By applying Bourdieus theoretical concepts combined with Boltanski and Thevenots theory about orders of worth in the analyses of the empirical material we can acquire a profound understanding of individual practices as well as how they legitimize their actions. From the comprehensive material generated from the interviews we found some distinctive results. First, the creators aim to educade, inform and engender a reflective practice within the consumers. The podcastconsumers assigned that they are listening to true crime- podcast in the purpose of entertainment and the acquisition of information. Also, they keep listening although many of them have experienced feelings of fear and have become more cautious towards their surroundings. The cultural exchange that takes place within the podcast is the creation of meaning and reflection itself.
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Docetaxel is a chemotherapeutic agent in the taxane group of drugs which is commonly used in the first line setting for metastatic hormone receptor negative breast cancer. We present a case of a 46 year old female who was diagnosed with de novo triple negative metastatic breast carcinoma, and has had an extended progression free survival (PFS) of almost 5 years on first line single agent treatment with Docetaxel.
46 year old female presented with a large left breast mass as well as axillary mass which revealed grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma of breast on biopsy of both sites. Tumor was estrogen and progesterone receptor negative. Pathology showed discordance in HER2 testing between FISH and IHC, however on repeat testing, HER2 was confirmed to be negative. PET/CT scan for staging revealed large left sided pleural effusion and abnormal soft tissue in the lower anterior and posterior chest on the left concerning for pleural metastases. Patient underwent CT guided biopsy of left lower pleural space which was consistent with metastatic adenocarcinoma with breast primary.
She was started on first line single agent chemotherapy with Docetaxel 100mg/m2 every 3 weeks. Tumor markers were non-contributory to assess disease response. Repeat systemic imaging in 3 months showed excellent partial response with decrease in size of breast mass, conglomerate axillary lymph nodes as well as pleural based metastatic foci. Patient had grade 1 neuropathy secondary to Docetaxel which was tolerable. Patient also had significant fatigue with warranted dose reduction by 20% after 6 months. She also demonstrated other adverse effects of Docetaxel such as nail dystrophy and mild blepharitis which were also tolerable.
Patient showed good tolerance to chemotherapy, with intermittent treatment holidays. CT scans continued to demonstrate good response with stable size of breast and lung masses. After two years of stable disease and fair tolerance (after completing 34 cycles), chemo regimen was changed to every 4 weeks per patient’s wish. She was also started on Gabapentin for chemotherapy related neuropathy.
At the end of 4 years, patient had completed 55 cycles of agent Docetaxel, maintaining ECOG of 1, with grade 2 neuropathy controlled with gabapentin.
Patient is currently 56 months out from her initial diagnosis of metastatic triple negative breast cancer and follow-up scans continue to show stable disease. She has developed profound fatigue after several months of treatment. Patient has also faced challenges with fluid retention secondary to Docetaxel. Although her performance status remains fair, patient is contemplating changing frequency of chemotherapy to every 5 or every 6 weeks.
Triple negative breast cancer is an aggressive disease with limited options of treatment with chemotherapy agents and no role for endocrine therapy or HER2 targeted treatment options. Docetaxel has shown to have median survival ranging between 10.1 to 14.7 months depending on the dose. Our patient has so far shown extended PFS of 56 months, with single agent Docetaxel in first line setting which surpasses current national averages.
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Here lies our beloved project, may it rest in peace - the impact of grief after project failure : An exploratory study of negative emotions within the context of project failure and their impact on emotional recovery and subsequent learningSchubert, Nick, Krcic, Sabo January 2020 (has links)
Background: Firms steadily increase their entrepreneurial activities to maintain competitive advantages as today’s fast-paced business environment requires dynamic responding to increasing customer demands. Projects serve to internally coordinate and respond to external influences that require a firm to react. Meeting set objectives when managing projects is deemed as a necessity when endeavoring to stay competitive. The increased frequency of initiated projects resulting from this setting demands involved project managers to rapidly and effectively recover from project failure as subsequent project success often lies within the seeds of previous failures. Yet, failing can cause intense negative emotional reactions, oftentimes grief. Therefore, we aimed to explore the impact of grief on project managers’ recovery and learning after project failure within the scope of this research. Purpose: Our aim was to understand and reflect on project managers’ perspectives on how they recover from the negative emotional experience after project failure within organizations and what the role of grieving is within this process. We claim that organizations and project managers can utilize our findings to enhance their understanding of this complex interplay. Method: To meet our research aims, we conducted a qualitative multi-case study with an exploratory research design based on an abductive form of grounded theory. Our primary data were gathered through in-depth interviews with a semi-structured approach. Sixteen current or former project managers from a variety of industries were interviewed as they shared their experience on project failure. Finally, we used grounded analysis to make sense of and derive findings of the collected data. Conclusion: Our findings unveil the complex interrelations among project failure, grief, emotional recovery, and learning when surveying it as one intertwined process. We identified the influence of grief on project managers as two-fold: it can interfere with the recovery process and obstruct learning, yet, it can serve as a driving force for action and enhanced abilities. When utilizing beneficial aspects of project failure, organizational support plays an essential role - if mutually coordinated between organization and project managers.
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The Impact of a Carbon Dioxide Price on Green Innovation : An Econometric Study Based on Patent CountsJohansson, Linus, Nilsson, Linus January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the effects of a market-based greenhouse gases price on green innovation by testing the Hicksian theory of induced innovation. To test whether causality exists, panel data compiled of 30 countries over 13 years (2005-2017) have been used. The study is restricted to the European Union emission trading scheme, where the price of EUA has been used as a market-based price for greenhouse gases. To capture the effect on innovation, an approximation for innovation in the form of patent counts have been employed using the patent category Y02 constructed by the EPO. The result suggests that green innovation is affected by the price of the EUA, total CO2 emissions and tax revenue from energy. This study employed a knowledge stock variable that was not found to be significant, contrary to previous literature on induced innovation. The incidence rate ratio associated with the permits price indicates that a one euro increase in price would result in a 1.135 % increase in the patenting of green technology. The result suggests that a higher price in permits would stimulate innovation of green technology within the European Union.
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Negative affect, introversion and physiological markers of cardiovascular disease.Martin, Luci A. 08 1900 (has links)
Cardiovascular risk factors have expanded to include personality and other psychological characteristics. Negative affect (NA) has a longstanding history in cardiovascular health, but the path by which NA leads to cardiovascular disease (CVD) is yet to be defined. The following study examined the relationship of high NA and low extroversion (EX) with physiological cardiovascular markers in a sample of non-medical, professional adults. Our results indicated that individuals high in NA and low in EX displayed a significantly lower platelet count and a significantly higher mean platelet volume. Individuals high in NA displayed a significantly lower cholesterol risk ratio, while individuals high in EX displayed significantly higher platelet counts. Personality was not significantly related to blood pressure, high or low density lipoproteins. Understanding the relationships among psychological variables and physiological markers will help clinical researchers design interventions that reduce the likelihood of CVD.
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Repo Rates and Private Consumption in Sweden from 1995-2019 : An analysis of negative repo rates with regards to private consumptionSöderström Hallberg, Jacob, Xu, Zixuan January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether repo rates have any impact on private consumption in Sweden. After the financial crisis in 2008, the repo rates in some periods become negative. Whether negative repo rates have impact on private consumption is an additional analysis in the thesis. In the theoretical framework the IS-LM model and some explicit hypothesis are derived. In the empirical part, data for repo rate, income, inflation and saving in Sweden are collected from 1995 to 2019 with a time unit of quarterly data. With the collected data one multiple linear regression is estimated and one additional test where the same model is modified with a dummy variable that isolates the periods with negative repo rates. In line with the theoretical prediction, the first multiple linear regression result exhibits that the repo rate has statistically significant negative impact on private consumption. The second multiple linear regression with the dummy variable shows that the impact of negative repo rates is not different from positive repo rate. Limitations and shortcomings are discussed in the section limitations and weaknesses.
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Negative Emotions toward a Celebrity Brand : A study on reasons, behavioral outcomes, and neutralization actionsDahmen, Corinna, Prüfer, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
Background: Social media changed the way of communication between brands and consumers and further enables people to become famous and create their own celebrity brand. Hence, celebrity brands are a new phenomenon, rarely studied by past research but becoming more important in the context of consumer-brand-relationships. Those relationships are similar to interpersonal ones, which are also highly affected by emotions. Negative emotions are perceived to have a higher impact on the relationship and are reflected in consumer behavior, for example, in avoiding the brand. Purpose: Besides the behavioral outcomes of negative emotions toward celebrity brands, the study strives to examine the reasons for negative emotions. Additionally, the purpose of the study is to investigate possible neutralization actions that celebrity brands can undertake to alleviate the negative emotions of consumers. Method: The study followed an exploratory research design. The qualitative data collection was done by conducting semi-structured interviews. Participants were selected based on the criterion of having negative emotions toward a celebrity brand and using social media. In total, 16 interviews were conducted. Conclusion: Negative emotions were either elicited by characteristics or behaviors of the celebrity. Whereas characteristics, e.g. attractiveness, are difficult to influence for celebrities, unfavorable behaviors, e.g. greed and violence, that trigger negative consumer emotions are preventable by the celebrities. The consumers start avoiding, unfollowing, and spreading negative word-of-mouth about the celebrity if they feel negatively toward the brand. To neutralize negative emotions, the celebrity brands are recommended to engage in building authenticity, trust, acceptance, attachment, and adding value to society. However, due to the consumers unfollowing the celebrity, the biggest challenge for celebrity brands is to address neutralization actions in a noticeable way for consumers.
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