Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nervous system diseases"" "subject:"cervous system diseases""
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Due to the blood-brain barrier, delivery of many drugs to the brain has required intracranial surgery which is prone to complication. Here we show that Dopamine Neuron Stimulating Peptide 11 (DNSP-11), following non-invasive intranasal administration, protects dopaminergic neurons from a lesion model of Parkinson’s disease in the rat. A significant and dose-dependent increase in an index of dopamine turnover (the ratio of DOPAC to dopamine) was observed in the striatum of normal young adult Fischer 344 rats by whole-tissue neurochemistry compared to vehicle administered controls.
Among animals challenged with a moderate, unilateral 6-hydroxy-dopamine (6-OHDA) lesion of the substantia nigra, those treated repeatedly with intranasally administered DNSP-11 exhibited greater numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive dopaminergic neuronal cell bodies in the substantia nigra and greater TH+ fiber density in the striatum when compared to animals treated intranasally with vehicle only or a scrambled version of the DNSP-11 sequence. Lesioned animals that received intranasal DNSP-11 treatment did not exhibit abnormal, apomorphine-induced rotation behavior, contrasted with animals that received only vehicle or scrambled peptide that did exhibit significantly greater rotation behavior.
In addition, the endogenous expression of DNSP-11 from the pro-region of GDNF was investigated by immunohistochemistry with a custom, polyclonal antibody. Signal from the DNSP-11 antibody was found to be differentially localized from the mature GDNF protein both spatially and temporally. While DNSP-11-like immunoreactivity extensively colocalizes with GDNF immunoreactivity at post-natal day 10, the day of maximal GDNF expression, DNSP-11-like signal was found to be present in the 3 month old rat brain with signal in the substantia nigra, ventral thalamic nucleus, dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, with the strongest signal observed in the locus ceruleus where GDNF is not expressed. Results from immunoprecipitation of brain homogenate were not consistent with the synthetic, amidated 11 amino-acid rat DNSP-11 sequence. However, binding patterns in the literature of NPY, the only homologous sequence present in the CNS, do not recapitulate the immunoreactive patterns observed for the DNSP-11 signal.
This study provides evidence for a potential easy-to-administer intranasal therapeutic using the DNSP-11 peptide for protection from a 6-OHDA lesion rat model of Parkinson’s disease.
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Effets chroniques des pesticides sur le système nerveux central : données épidémiologiques en milieu agricole / Chronic central nervous system effects of pesticides : epidemiological data in farmersBlanc-Lapierre, Audrey 20 November 2012 (has links)
Compte-tenu de l’importance des populations exposées, les effets à long terme des pesticides sont un enjeu de santé publique majeur. Leur étude pose néanmoins des problèmes méthodologiques complexes. Notre objectif était de contribuer à la connaissance des effets chroniques des pesticides sur le système nerveux central en explorant par une approche épidémiologique innovante le rôle des insecticides organophosphorés dans l’apparition de troubles cognitifs. Nous avons développé et utilisé deux outils de mesure de l’exposition (une matrice culture-exposition : PESTIMAT, et des algorithmes basés sur des études de terrain : PESTEXPO) afin d’estimer l’exposition à 34 insecticides organophosphorés utilisés en vigne, en considérant pour chaque individu l’ensemble des tâches viticoles exposant aux pesticides (préparation, application, nettoyage, réentrée) réalisées au cours de sa vie. Ces outils ont été appliqués dans le cadre du premier suivi (2001-2003) de la cohorte PHYTONER constituée en 1997 par l’inclusion de 925 affiliés à la Mutualité Sociale Agricole de Gironde. L’exposition aux organophosphorés définie par des index cumulés à l’aide de nos deux outils était associée à une baisse des performances cognitives, de manière plus marquée pour les tests explorant la mémoire de travail visuelle et la vitesse de traitement de l’information. Les niveaux de risque variaient en fonction des organophosphorés et étaient plus marqués pour le mévinphos. Cette thèse a confirmé le risque de troubles cognitifs chez les utilisateurs professionnels de pesticides et pose la question d’une évolution ultérieure vers une démence. Elle a également démontré la faisabilité et la pertinence d’une approche s’attachant à établir des scores d’exposition à des matières actives pesticides spécifiques pour en analyser les effets de santé. / Given the number of exposed persons, long term effects of pesticides are a foremost Public Health concern. However their study raises complex methodological issues. Our objective was to contribute to the knowledge of the pesticide chronic effects on the central nervous system by exploring the role of organophosphate insecticides in occurence of cognitive disorders by an innovative epidemiological approach. Two exposure assessment tools were developed (a crop exposure matrix: PESTIMAT and algorithms based on field studies: PESTEXPO) to estimate the lifetime cumulated exposure to 34 organophosphate insecticides used in vineyards, taking into account pesticide exposure during tasks (mixing, spraying, cleaning, re-entry) performed by wine-growers. These tools were used in the framework of the first follow-up (2001-2003) of the PHYTONER cohort, initiated in 1997 by the enrollment of 925 workers affiliated to the farmer health insurance system in Gironde, France. Cumulative organophosphate exposure defined by an index using the two tools was associated with poor cognitive performances, particularly for tests exploring the visual working memory and the processing speed. Risk level varied depending on the organophosphate, and was more pronounced for mevinphos. This thesis supports the hypothesis that cognitive impairment may be associated with pesticide occupational use and raises the question of a further evolution towards dementia. It also demonstrated the feasibility and the relevance of an approach based on chemical specific exposure scores to analyze health effects.
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Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S. with 130,000 deaths and around 800,000 affected annually. Currently, there is a significant disconnect between basic stroke research and clinical stroke therapeutic needs. Few animal models of stroke target the large vessels that produce cortical deficits seen in the clinical setting. Also, current routes of drug administration, intraperitoneal and intravenous, do not mimic the clinical route of intra-arterial drug administration. To bridge this divide, we have retro-engineered a mouse model of stroke from the current standard of care for emergent large vessel occlusion (ELVO) stroke, endovascular thrombectomy, to include selective intra-arterial pharmacotherapy administration. Using the tandem transient common carotid and middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) model to induce stroke, we threaded micro-angio tubing into the external carotid artery (ECA) towards the bifurcation of the common carotid and internal carotid arteries (CCA/ICA) allowing for the delivery of agents to the site of acute ischemia. Our model was optimized through a flow rate and injection volume study using carbon black ink injected through the intra-arterial model at different flow rates and injection volumes. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that our injections were arriving at the site of ischemia and to improve injection volumes for future dosing while mitigating systemic side effects by preventing or minimizing systemic distribution. We determined that a flow rate of 2.5 µl/minute and injection volume of 10 µl was optimal. Next, we tested potential neuroprotective compounds nitroglycerin, verapamil, and a combination of verapamil and lubeluzole. Compounds were chosen for drug synergy and to target specific pathways in either an acute or delayed manner. Acute treatments included nitroglycerin and/or verapamil while delayed treatment included lubeluzole. The known mechanism of action for FDA approved nitroglycerin is through vessel dilation that results in increased blood flow to the treated region. A secondary mechanism of nitroglycerin is the production of nitric oxide, which has demonstrated antioxidant and anti-apoptotic effects when processed and released from cells surrounding the blood vessels. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, also FDA-approved for cerebral artery vasospasm: is thought to act by blocking the L-type calcium channels on the cell membrane from opening following membrane depolarization after insult. Finally, lubeluzole, also FDA-approved, is proposed to work as an NMDA modulator inhibiting the release of glutamate and nitric oxide synthase and blocking sodium and calcium channels. Through our stroke model we were able to demonstrate that each drug(s) showed a significant decrease in infarct volume and improved functional recovery while simultaneously minimizing potential systemic side effects suggesting that our stroke model may improve the preclinical validation of potential stroke therapies and help bridge the bench to bedside divide in developing new stroke therapies.
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Estudo comparativo da fixação dos transplantes musculares na reanimação facial unilateral com ou sem o uso do tendão palmar longo / Comparative study of muscle transplants insertion technique for unilateral facial reanimation with and without the palmaris longus tendonScopel, Gean Paulo 03 November 2010 (has links)
Vinte e seis pacientes com paralisia facial unilateral de longa duração foram submetidos à reanimação facial em único estágio com transplante do músculo grácil inervado pelo ramo massetérico do nervo trigêmeo. Foram divididos em 2 grupos não-randomizados de acordo com a técnica de fixação: Grupo I (19 pacientes), fixação do músculo com uso do tendão palmar longo inserido no músculo orbicular nos lábios superior e inferior do lado não paralisado (além da linha média); Grupo II (7 pacientes), fixação do retalho apenas com pontos separados no músculo orbicular dos lábios superior e inferior no lado paralisado. A avaliação qualitativa demonstrou melhores resultados no Grupo I (94,1% vs 66,6%). Na comparação do posicionamento do arco de cúpido em repouso, no pré e pós-operatório, observamos melhora estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) em ambos os grupos. Durante o sorriso, entretanto, houve melhora significativamente maior na centralização do arco de cúpido nos pacientes submetidos à fixação com tendão palmar longo (Grupo I) / Twenty-six patients with unilateral long-stading facial palsy underwent 1-stage reanimation with free gracilis muscle transplant innervated by the masseteric branch of the trigeminal nerve. They were divided into 2 nonrandomized groups according to insertion technique: group I (19 patients), palmaris longus tendon graft placed between the gracilis free flap and the orbicularis oris of the upper and lower lip on the nonparalyzed side; group II (7 patients), interrupted suture between the free flap and the orbicularis oris of the upper and lower lip on the paralyzed side. Qualitative evaluation of the smile demonstrated better results in patients from group I (94,1% vs 66,6%). Comparing the position of the Cupid`s bow at rest, pre- and postoperatively in each patient, we observed significant improvement of facial symmetry in both groups. During smile, however, there was significantly higher rate of centralization of the Cupid`s bow in patients submitted to reanimation with the use of the palmaris longus tendon (group I)
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Prevalência e características da dor neuropática e neuropatia periférica em doentes submetidos à oxaliplatina para tratamento do câncer colorretal / Prevalence and characteristics of neuropathic pain and peripheral neuropathy in patients receiving oxaliplatin for colorectal cancer treatmentScisci, Nathália 10 August 2016 (has links)
Dor neuropática e neuropatia causadas pelo quimioterápico oxaliplatina são comuns e causam restrições às atividades funcionais e qualidade de vida. Muitos estudos têm quantificado e qualificado esses sintomas, porém raramente utilizando amostra expressiva e instrumentos validados e específicos para este fim. Neste estudo é proposta uma análise ampla, por instrumentos que quantificam e qualificam a dor e neuropatia relacionadas à oxaliplatina e suas características associadas. Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência de dor neuropática e neuropatia periférica em doentes com câncer colorretal recebendo tratamento com oxaliplatina durante os seis meses de tratamento quimioterápico e após seguimento (de 3 a 6 meses); avaliar, comparar e descrever as características da dor e neuropatia nesta população e avaliar seu impacto nas atividades de vida diária e qualidade de vida. Métodos: Foram incluídos 110 doentes (média 55,6 anos) com câncer colorretal durante o tratamento quimioterápico com oxaliplatina e seguidos por 3 a 6 meses após quimioterapia. Os doentes responderam ao questionário sócio-demográfico e a questionários específicos para dor e neuropatia antes da quimioterapia e bimestralmente por até seis meses durante a quimioterapia e em avaliação de seguimento realizada de 3 a 6 meses após o término da quimioterapia. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da Organização Européia para Pesquisa e Tratamento do Câncer - C30 (EORTC QLQ-C30); Questionário de Dor McGill reduzido (QDMR), Inventário de Sintomas de Dor Neuropática (ISDN), Inventário Breve de Dor (BPI-Brief Pain Inventory) Questionário de Dor Neuropática 4 (DN4), Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HADS), Escore Total de Neuropatia (TNS - Total Neuropathy Score). Resultados: Em geral, a dor e neuropatia aumentaram durante o período de quimioterapia e diminuíram após fim do tratamento, permanecendo em níveis significativamente mais elevados após o fim do tratamento quimioterápico. A média de intensidade de dor (dor mais intensa) segundo o IBD foi 2,54 na V3 (após 4 meses de tratamento com oxaliplatina). A dor foi do tipo neuropática em 21,67% dos doentes ao fim da quimioterapia e em 10,00% após fim do seguimento. As médias segundo o ISDN foram 0,67 no basal, 18,67 na V2, 17,77 na V3, 17,44 após quimioterapia e 11,03 após seguimento. A característica da dor mais frequente foi em choque elétrico, enjoada e incômoda segundo o QDMR e segundo o ISDN foram choque elétrico, frio doloroso e dormência. A qualidade de vida sofreu impacto negativo. Conclusões: Dor neuropática foi prevalente após a quimioterapia e após seguimento e se associou com interferência negativa sobre as atividades diárias. Estes dados poderão auxiliar o desenvolvimento de tratamentos individualizados da neuropatia relacionada à oxaliplatina / Neuropathic pain and neuropathy caused by oxaliplatin chemotherapy are common and cause restrictions in activities of daily living and quality of life. Many studies have quantified and qualified these symptoms but only rarely used a comprehensive sample of patients and employed validated and specific instruments for pain assessment. In this study we proposed a comprehensive analysis by instruments that quantify and qualify the pain and neuropathy and its characteristics. Aim of Investigation: To identify the prevalence of neuropathic pain and peripheral neuropathy in patients with colorectal cancer receiving treatment with oxaliplatin during the six months of chemotherapeutic treatment and after follow-up (3 to 6 months); to evaluate, compare and describe pain and peripheral neuropathy characteristics in this population and evaluate their impact on activities of daily living. Methods:110 patients (mean 55.6 years) with colorectal cancer were included during the six months of chemotherapy with oxaliplatin and follow-up (3 to 6 months) after chemotherapeutic treatment. Patients answered socio-demographic questionnaires and specific assessment tools for pain and neuropathy evaluation at the baseline visit and every 2 months during chemotherapy and after follow-up (3-6 months). The instruments used were: The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30 (EORTC QLQ-C30); Reduced McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI), Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) Neuropathic Pain Diagnostic Questionnaire (DN4), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Total Neuropathy Score (TNS), Results: In general, pain and neuropathy intensity increased during chemotherapy and decreased after the end of treatment (follow-up). The most severe pain according to the BPI was 2.54 in V3 (after 4 months treatment with oxaliplatin). Pain was neuropathic in 21.67% right after chemotherapy and in 10.00% after follow-up according to the DN4. The average sum of neuropathic pain symptoms according to the NPSI were 0.67 in V1, 18.67 in V2, 17.77 in V3, 17.44 after chemotherapy and 11.03 after follow-up. The most common characteristics of the pain was electric shocks, nauseating and fearful, according to MPQ and according to NPSI were electric shock, evoked by cold stimuli and tingling. Conclusions: Patients treated with oxaliplatin had significant pain and neuropathy that negatively interfeared with daily activities. These data may help tailor individualized treatment of chemotherapy related neuropathic pain
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Over-Expression of BDNF Does Not Rescue Sensory Deprivation-Induced Death of Adult-Born Olfactory Granule CellsUnknown Date (has links)
It is of interest to understand how new neurons incorporate themselves into the
existing circuitry of certain neuronal populations. One such population of neurons is that
which are born in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and migrate to the olfactory bulb where
they differentiate into granule cells. Another area of interest is the role of brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on the survival and overall health of these neurons. This
study aimed to test whether or not BDNF is a survival factor for adult-born granule cells.
Here were utilized a transgenic mouse model over-expressing BDNF under the α-
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAMKIIα) promoter, and tested its
effect on olfactory granule cells under sensory deprived conditions. Results from this
experiment indicated that there was no significant difference in cell death or cell survival when comparing transgenic and wild type animals. We concluded that BDNF is not a
survival factor for adult-born granule cells. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Estudo experimental do hematoma intraneural associado à compressão extrínseca: análise funcional e histomorfométrica / Experimental intraneural hematoma with extrinsic compression: functional assessment and neural histomorphometryScopel, Gean Paulo 02 July 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A formação do hematoma intraneural com comprometimento dos nervos periféricos pode ocorrer após traumas ou em associação com distúrbios de coagulação. A opção por conduta conservadora (expectante) ou descompressão cirúrgica ainda é controversa. Essas duas condutas foram analisadas comparativamente por meio de modelo experimental em ratos submetidos a hematoma intraneural associado à compressão extrínseca. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Cinqüenta ratos Wistar foram divididos em 5 grupos. Em 4 grupos (A, B, C e D) o nervo ciático direito foi envolvido por tubo de silicone de diâmetro interno maior que o do nervo, simulando o trajeto do nervo periférico através de regiões inextensíveis (exemplo: túnel do carpo). No grupo B, foi realizada injeção intraneural no segmento envolvido pelo tubo de 0,2 ml de sangue autógeno. No grupo C, após produção do hematoma, foi feita a imediata remoção do tubo de silicone simulando-se a descompressão túnel do carpo, e epineurotomia longitudinal complementar. No grupo D, após produção do hematoma, foi realizada apenas a remoção do tubo de silicone. No grupo E (CONTROLE) o nervo foi apenas exposto sem a presença de hematoma ou compressão extrínseca. A avaliação funcional foi feita periodicamente durante 61 dias através do Índice de Função Ciática (IFC) de Bain-Mackinnon-Hunter, e a análise histomorfométrica realizada ao término deste período. RESULTADOS: O grupo A (compressão extrínseca) apresentou IFC inicial de -26,29±2,89 com retorno aos valores pré-operatórios no 5º dia de pós-operatório. O grupo B (hematoma e compressão extrínseca) foi aquele com pior função ciática inicial (IFC -85,23±3,51) com recuperação da função no 23º dia. O grupo C apresentou IFC inicial de -32,78±7,45 com normalização no 5º dia. O grupo D apresentou IFC inicial de -45,13±6,84 com normalização da função ciática no 5º pós-operatório. A análise estatística do IFC identificou diferença significativa (p<0,0001) entre a conduta expectante (grupo B) e o tratamento cirúrgico descompressivo (grupos C e D) até o 19° dia. O número e a densidade de fibras mielínicas em degeneração foi significativamente maior no grupo B quando comparado aos outros grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo experimental, descompressão cirúrgica e epineurotomia reduziram a perda de fibras mielínicas e determinaram recuperação funcional mais rápida. / INTRODUCTION: Intraneural hematoma can result in the median nerve in the carpal tunnel after trauma or coagulation disorders. The decision for expectant management or descompressive surgical techniques is still controversial. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups. The sciatic nerve was wrapped around with a silastic device in 4 groups. Group A the sciatic nerve was just wrapped by the silastic tube. In group B an intraneural injection of autologous blood was added. In group C, after the hematoma creation the silastic device was removed and a longitudinal epineurotomy was performed. In group D, we removed the silastic device after the hematoma but the nerve was not opened. In the group E (sham-operated) sciatic nerve was exposed without hematoma or compression. Nerve function recovery was assessed periodically over 61 days using the Bain-Mackinnon-Hunter Sciatic Function Index (SFI). RESULTS: Group A (extrinsic compression) presented initial SFI of -26.29±2.89, with return to baseline values on the 5th postoperative day. Group B (hematoma and extrinsic compression) exhibited the poorest function (SFI - 85.23±3,51) after surgery and recovery in 23 days. Group C (liberation of silastic and hematoma drainage through epineurotomy) and Group D (only removal of the silastic tube) presented similar initial SFI values of - 32.78±7.45 and - 45.13±6.84, respectively. In both groups SFI values returned to baseline level on 5th postoperative day. The statistical analysis of SFI identified a significant difference (p<0.0001) between the expectant management (group B) and the descompressive surgery approach (groups C & D) by 1st to 19th postoperative day. The number of degenerative fibers and density of degenerative fibers were statistically significant bigger in the group B when compared to the other groups. There was no statistical difference between the other groups when these parameters were analysed. CONCLUSION: Thus, immediate descompressive procedures of the intraneural hematoma provide a faster functional recovery and reduce the damage to the axon fibers.
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Every year over 2.5 million traumatic brain injuries (TBI) occur and are the leading cause of death and disability among adolescents. There are no approved treatments for TBI. Survivors suffer from persistent cognitive impairment due to posttraumatic tissue damage and disruption of neural networks which significantly detract from their quality of life. Posttraumatic cognitive impairment depends in part on the brain's limited ability to repair or replace damaged cells. Immature neurons in the hippocampus dentate gyrus, a brain region required for learning and memory, are particularly vulnerable to TBI. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) is a potential therapeutic for TBI because it is a potent neurotrophic factor capable of mediating neuroprotection, neuro-repair, and neurogenesis. We hypothesized that conditional IGF1 overexpression in the mouse hippocampus following experimental controlled cortical impact injury (CCI) would enhance posttraumatic neurogenesis chronically. To this end, conditional astrocyte-specific IGF1 overexpressing mice (IGFtg) and wild-type (WT) mice received CCI or sham injury. The proliferation marker BrdU was used to label neurons born the first week after injury. Six weeks after injury, when surviving posttrauma-born neurons would be fully developed, we counted proliferated cells (BrdU+) and the subset expressing a mature neuronal marker (NeuN+/BrdU+) in the hippocampus. We also assessed cognitive performance during radial arm water-maze reversal (RAWM-R) testing, a neurogenesis-sensitive assay. IGF1 promoted end-stage maturity and decreased mis-migration of neurons born after trauma. These effects coincide with IGF1 induced improvements in performance on neurogenesis sensitive cognition following TBI.
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), an early signaling molecule downstream of IGF1, has been identified as a potential target for TBI interventions because of its regulatory role in neuronal plasticity and neurogenesis. However, recent studies have also reported maladaptive plasticity and recovery associated with posttraumatic mTOR activation. It is imperative to elucidate the mechanism of action of IGF1 during pre-clinical evaluations. We hypothesized that IGF1 mediates posttraumatic neurogenic effects through IGF1 induction of mTOR activation. We injured cohorts of IGFtg and WT mice and harvested their brains for immunohistochemistry to assess IGF1 overexpression effects on posttraumatic mTOR activation at 1, 3, and 10 days post-injury (dpi). We found that IGF1 upregulated mTOR activation following TBI in a region-specific manner at 1 and 3dpi. To determine if IGF1 regulated differentiation and arborization through the mTOR pathway, injured WT and IGFtg mice received daily i.p. injections of rapamycin (10mg/kg), the inhibitor of mTOR, or its vehicle for 7 days. Vehicle and rapamycin administration began 3dpi, after the cells dividing at the peak of posttraumatic proliferation were labeled with BrdU. IGF1 enhancement of posttraumatic neurogenesis was not dependent on mTOR activation.
In summary, IGF1 directs newborn neuron localization, promotes end-stage maturation, and chronically improves cognition. IGF1 can stimulate posttraumatic neurogenesis and plasticity independent of mTOR activation. These data suggest that IGF1 can stimulate neuron replacement following trauma-induced hippocampal neuron loss and cognitive improvement. Further studies should investigate IGF1 and mTOR inhibition as a combination therapy for neurorehabilitation.
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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor neuron death and subsequent muscle atrophy. Approximately 15% of ALS cases are inheritable, and mutations in the Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) gene contribute to approximately 5% of these cases, as well as about 2% of sporadic cases. FUS performs a diverse set of cellular functions, including being a major regulator of RNA metabolism. FUS undergoes liquid- liquid phase transition in vitro, allowing for its participation in stress granules and RNA transport granules. Phase transition also contributes to the formation of cytoplasmic inclusions found in the cell bodies of FUS ALS patients motor neurons. The nature of these inclusions has remained elusive, as the proteins localized to them have not been identified. Additionally, the functional consequence of the accumulation of cytoplasmic FUS inclusions has not been established, nor is it understood how they contribute to selective motor neuron death.
We carried out two related, but independent studies to characterize the proteins that may be included in FUS-positive inclusions. In this first study, we utilized immunoprecipitation of wild-type and mutant FUS in the presence and absence of RNase, followed by LC MS/MS. The identified proteins represent those that directly or indirectly interact with FUS, with relatively high affinity that can be pulled down with immunoprecipitation. A wide variety of interacting proteins were identified and they are involved in a multitude of pathways including: chromosomal organization, transcription, RNA splicing, RNA transport, localized translation, and stress response. Their interaction with FUS varied greatly in their requirements for RNA. Most notably, FUS interacted with hnRNPA1 and Matrin-3, proteins also known to cause familial ALS. Immunofluorescent staining of proteins interacting with mutant FUS were localized to cytoplasmic inclusions. We concluded that mis-localization of these proteins potentially lead to their dysregulation or loss of function, thus contributing to FUS pathogenesis.
In the second study, we developed a protocol to isolate dynamic FUS inclusions and employed LC MS/MS to identify all proteins associated with FUS inclusions. We identified a cohort of proteins involved in translation, splicing, and RNA export to be associated with the FUS inclusions. Further pathway and disease association analysis suggested that proteins associated with translation and RNA quality control pathways may be the most significant. Protein translation assays using both N2A and ALS patient fibroblasts demonstrated suppression of protein biosynthesis in mutant FUS expressing cells. However, translation initiation was not impaired. To understand how protein synthesis is suppressed by mutant FUS mediated defects in RNA metabolism, we examined changes in a well conserved RNA turnover pathway namely: nonsense mediated decay (NMD). We found that NMD is hyperactivated in cells expressing mutant FUS, likely due to chronic suppression of protein translation shifting the pathways autoregulatory circuit to allow for hyperactivation. We concluded that mutant FUS suppresses protein biosynthesis and disrupts NMD regulation. These defects together likely contribute to motor neuron death.
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Autologous Peripheral Nerve Grafts to the Brain for the Treatment of Parkinson's DiseaseWelleford, Andrew 01 January 2019 (has links)
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a disorder of the nervous system that causes problems with movement (motor symptoms) as well as other problems such as mood disorders, cognitive changes, sleep disorders, constipation, pain, and other non-motor symptoms. The severity of PD symptoms worsens over time as the disease progresses, and while there are treatments for the motor and some non-motor symptoms there is no known cure for PD. Thus there is a high demand for therapies to slow the progressive neurodegeneration observed in PD. Two clinical trials at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine (NCT02369003, NCT01833364) are currently underway that aim to develop a disease-modifying therapy that slows the progression of PD. These clinical trials are evaluating the safety and feasibility of an autologous peripheral nerve graft to the substantia nigra in combination with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for the treatment of PD. By grafting peripheral nerve tissue to the Substantia Nigra, the researchers aim to introduce peripheral nerve tissue, which is capable of functional regeneration after injury, to the degenerating Substantia Nigra of patients with PD. The central hypothesis of these clinical trials is that the grafted tissue will slow degeneration of the target brain region through neural repair actions of Schwann cells as well as other pro-regenerative features of the peripheral nerve tissue.
This dissertation details analysis of the peripheral nerve tissue used in the above clinical trials with respect to tissue composition and gene expression, both of injury-naive human peripheral nerve as well as the post-conditioning injury nerve tissue used in the grafting procedure. RNA-seq analysis of sural nerve tissue pre and post-conditioning show significant changes in gene expression corresponding with transdifferentiation of Schwann cells from a myelinating to a repair phenotype, release of growth factors, activation of macrophages and other immune cells, and an increase in anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective gene transcripts. These results reveal in vivo gene expression changes involved in the human peripheral nerve injury repair process, which has relevance beyond this clinical trial to the fields of Schwann cell biology and peripheral nerve repair. To assess the neurobiology of the graft post-implantation we developed an animal model of the grafting procedure, termed Neuro-Avatars, which feature human graft tissue implanted into athymic nude rats. Survival and infiltration of human graft cells into the host brain were shown using immunohistochemistry of Human Nuclear Antigen. Surgical methods and outcomes from the ongoing development of this animal model are reported. To connect the results of these laboratory studies to the clinical trial we compared the severity of motor symptoms before surgery to one year post-surgery in patients who received the analyzed graft tissue. Motor symptom severity was assessed using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Part III. Finally, the implications and future directions of this research is discussed. In summary, this dissertation advances the translational science cycle by using clinical trial findings and samples to answer basic science questions that will in turn guide future clinical trial design.
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