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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genome-wide identification of Pax3 transcriptional targets during normal and pathological neural crest development / Identification à large échelle des gènes contrôlés par le facteur de transcription Pax3, durant le développement normal et pathologique de la crête neurale.

Alkobtawi, Mansour 18 October 2019 (has links)
La crête neurale est une population de cellules migratoires multipotentes qui se délaminent du tube neural et se différencient en plusieurs types cellulaires. Des altérations du réseau génique de régulation (GRN) de la CNengendrent des maladies congénitales, peu comprises. Cette thèse a pour but d’approfondir la compréhension du rôle de PAX3, un gène crucial dans le GRN de la CN, pendant le développement normal ou pathologique de la CN. Tout d’abord, nous avons caractérisé deux lignées transgéniques de X. laevis, Pax3:GFP etSox10:GFP qui permettent d’étudier l’induction et la spécification précoce de la CN ou sa migration, respectivement. Ensuite, en utilisant des analyses à large échelle, RNAseq et ChIPseq,nous avons défini le premier CN-GRN centré surPax3 chez X. laevis et avons notamment identifié quatre nouveaux gènes régulés par Pax3 :pcdh8l, ercc1 (directement) et fhl3, mmp14(indirectement). Des analyses par perte et gain de fonction de Pax3 in vivo ont permis de vérifier lapertinence de ces cibles.Puis, nous avons analysé le rôle des cibles, Fhl3,pendant le développement de la CN. Fhl3 s’est avéré être un stimulateur intracellulaire de la voie BMP qui, de manière contrôlée spatio-temporellement,est indispensable pour que les cellules cibles de BMP activent la production de WNT à un niveau suffisant pour le développement de la CN.Finalement, nous avons généré les premières lignées iPSC dérivées de patients atteints du syndrome de Waardenburg de type 1 qui ont un allèle de Pax3 muté et nous avons pu les différencier en CN. L’ensemble de ce travail apporte de nouveaux outils et de nouveaux gènes d’intérêt à étudier la CN tant chez X. laevis que chez l’humain. / The neural crest (NC) is a population of multipotent migratory cells that delaminate from the neural tube and differentiate into several cell types. Alterations in NC regulatory gene network (GRN) result in congenital diseases that are poorly understood. This thesis aims to better understand the role of Pax3, a crucial gene in NC GRN, during the normal orpathological NC development. First, we characterized two transgenic lines of X. laevis,Pax3:GFP and Sox10:GFP that allowed us to study the induction and early specification of NC or its migration, respectively. Then, using large scale analyzes, RNAseq and ChIPseq, we defined the first NC-GRN centered on Pax3 inX. laevis and identified in particular four new genes regulated by Pax3 : pcdh8l, ercc1(directly) and fhl3, mmp14 (indirectly). The relevance of these targets was verified by Pax3loss- and gain-of-function in vivo.Then, we analyzed the role of one target, Fhl3,during NC development. We have shown thatFhl3 is an intracellular stimulator of the BMP pathway, which, in a spatiotemporally controlled manner, is essential for BMP target cells to activate the production of WNT at a sufficient level for the development of NC.Finally, we generated the first iPSC lines derived from Waardenburg syndrome type 1patients with a heterozygous Pax3 loss-of function mutation and we were able to differentiate them into NC. All of this work brings new tools and new genes of interest to study NC in both X. laevis and humans.


Martino, Vanessa 20 November 2015 (has links)
Glaucoma is a heterogeneous group of diseases that is currently considered to be the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Of the identified risk factors, elevated intraocular pressure remains the only modifiable risk factor that can be targeted clinically. Ocular hypertension is often a result of dysregulation of aqueous humour fluid dynamics in the anterior eye segment. Aqueous humour drainage is regulated by structures located in the anterior chamber of the eye. In some circumstances dysregulation occurs due to developmental abnormalities of these structures. The malformation of structures in the anterior segment is thought to be due to a defect in the differentiation and/or migration of the periocular mesenchyme during development. Unique to vertebrates, the neural crest cell (NCC) population contributes to the periocular mesenchyme and is instrumental to the proper development of structures in the anterior segment. For many years our laboratory has examined the role of the Activating Protein-2 (AP-2) transcription factors that are expressed in the neural crest and vital during the development of the eye. The purpose of this research project is to investigate the role of AP-2β in the NCC population during the development of the anterior segment of the eye. Conditional deletion of AP-2β expression in the NCC population demonstrated that mutants have dysgenesis of structures in the anterior segment including defects of the corneal endothelium, corneal stroma, ciliary body and a closed iridocorneal angle. Loss of retinal ganglion cells and their axons was also observed, likely due to the disruption of aqueous outflow, suggesting the development of glaucoma. The data generated from this research project will be critical in elucidating the role of AP-2β in the genetic cascade dictating the development of the anterior eye segment in addition to providing scientific research with a novel model of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Srovnání migrace a morfogeneze neurální lišty u evolučně důležitých zástupců paprskoploutvých ryb s cílem charakterizovat vývojové zdroje kraniofaciální diverzity / Comparison of migration and morphogenesis of neural crest cells in Ray-finned fishes: towards identification of developmental sources of craniofacial diversity

Štundl, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Extensively migrating population of neural crest cells, which contributes to many tissues and builds up most of craniofacial vertebrate structures, has a crucial role in embryonic development of vertebrate body. The migratory pathways of neural crest cells are thought to be very conserved throughout the vertebrates and cranial neural crest migration is defined by progression of three migratory streams: trigeminal, hyoid and a common branchial stream. In this diploma thesis, migration of cranial neural crest was analysed using embryos of the Senegal bichir (Polypterus senegalus) and of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), which represent two basal-most lineages of extant ray-finned fishes. A combination of several techniques was used in both species in order to study cranial neural crest cells from their sites of origin to post- migratory stages and the pattern of migration was compared and discussed in revealed embryonic context. In the Senegal bichir the hyoid neural crest stream was shown to migrate first and it is also the most abundant; this heterochrony shift is apparently related to formation of external gills, which in bichir are situated on the hyoid arch only. In sterlet, neural crest cells migrate in a classic pattern of three progressive streams but their dynamics and patterning is influenced by...

Finding novel Neural Crest regulators : Pfkfb4, a key glycolysis partner, controls Neural Crest early patterning in Xenopus laevis / A la découverte de nouveaux régulateurs de la Crête Neurale : Pfkfb4, un régulateur de la glycolyse, contrôle aussi le développement précoce de la Crête Neurale chez l’amphibien.

Pegoraro, Caterina 12 December 2012 (has links)
La crête neurale (CN) est une population transitoire de cellules multipotentes qui émerge à la frontière entre l’ectoderme neural et non-neural, dans une région appelée la bordure neurale (BN). Lorsque la BN se soulève pour former le tube neural, les cellules de la CN subissent une transition épithélium-mésenchyme (TEM), et migrent de façon intensive dans l’ensemble de l’embryon pour atteindre leur destination finale et se différencier. Elles sont à l’origine de nombreux types de dérivés : neurones, cellules gliales, cartilage de la tête, os et tissus connectifs, cellules pigmentaires, cellules sympatho-adrenales. Tous ces processus sont régulés par l’action coordonnée de nombreux gènes qui forment un réseau de régulations génétiques complexe, au sein duquel de nombreuses interactions ont été décrites, même si de nombreuses relations restent à élucider à ce jour. Une mauvaise régulation de gènes normalement impliqués dans la formation de la CN provoque des malformations congénitales appelées neurocristopathies. Par ailleurs, la TEM subie par les cellules de CN avant leur migration est également observée dans les cellules cancéreuses acquérant des propriétés métastatiques. Les événements moléculaires et de nombreux gènes impliqués dans la TEM sont communs au développement de la CN et au cancer.Les liens existant entre le développement de la CN et les neurocristopathies, ainsi que les métastases, soulignent l’importance de l’étude du réseau de régulations génétiques permettant la formation de la CN et l’EMT.Au laboratoire, nous nous intéressons aux événements précoces d’induction et de spécification de la CN. Dans le but d’identifier les gènes préférentiellement impliqués dans le développement précoce de la CN et non dans la formation de l’ectoderme neural et non-neural, un crible a été effectué sur le transcriptome de différents tissus embryonnaires micro-disséqués. La validation des résultats de ce crible a permis d’identifier plusieurs gènes intéressants possédant une fonction potentielle dans la formation de la CN. Nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à deux d’entre eux, en raison de leur fonction originale comparée à la majorité des gènes impliqués dans le développement de la CN : serca1 et pfkfb4, un régulateur de l’homéostasie calcique et un régulateur de la glycolyse respectivement.Nous avons analysé les patrons d’expression des gènes des familles serca et pfkfb au cours du développement de Xenopus laevis. En raison de son expression spécifique dans la CN, nous avons étudié plus en détails le rôle de pfkfb4 dans la formation de la CN. Cette analyse a montré que pfkfb4 est nécessaire pour la spécification neurale et de la crête neurale.Toutefois, malgré son rôle documenté dans la glycolyse, le phénotype des morphants pfkfb4 dans l’embryon de Xenopus laevis n’est pas dû à une altération de la glycolyse.En conclusion, nos résultats démontrent l’existence d’un nouveau rôle non glycolytique pour Pfkfb4 au cours du développement embryonnaire de Xenopus Laevis. / Neural Crest (NC) is a transient population of multipotent cells that arises at the border between neural and non-neural ectoderm, in a region named the neural border (NB). As the neural border elevates to form the neural tube, NC cells undergo an Epithelial-To-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), migrate extensively into the whole body to reach their final destinations and differentiate. They give rise to multiple derivatives: neurons and glia, head cartilage, bones and connective tissue, pigment cells, sympatho-adrenal cells. All these processes are regulated by the concerted actions of several genes that form a complex Gene Regulatory Network (GRN), in which many interactions have been elucidated, but even more relationships still need to be understood. Misregulation of genes normally involved in NC formation causes birth defects called neurocristopathies. Moreover, the EMT that NC cells undergo before migration also takes place when cancer cells become metastatic: the molecular events and many of the genes involved in EMT and migration are shared between NC development and cancer. The links with metastasis, neurocristopathies and the fact that still little is known about the earliest steps of NC formation, highlight the importance and the interest in understanding the Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) leading to NC formation and EMT.In the laboratory, we are interested in the early steps of NC induction and specification. In order to identify genes preferentially involved in early NC development compared to genes involved in neural and non-neural ectoderm formation, a transcriptome screen on different microdissected embryonic tissues has been performed. The validation of the results of the screen revealed several interesting genes with a potential function in NC formation. We focused particularly on two of them, due to their original function compared to the majority of the genes involved in NC development: serca1 and pfkfb4, a calcium homeostasis regulator and a glycolysis regulator respectively. We analysed the expression patterns of serca and pfkfb family genes during Xenopus laevis development. Then, due to its specific expression in NC, we studied more in details the role of pfkfb4 in NC formation. This analysis revealed that pfkfb4 is necessary for neural and neural crest specification. However, despite its known role in glycolysis, pfkfb4 morphant phenotype in Xenopus laevis embryos is not due to an alteration of the glycolytic pathway.In conclusion, our results reveal a novel extra-glycolytic role for Pfkfb4 during Xenopus laevis embryonic development.

Intéractions neuronales lors de la formation des circuits crâniens / Neuronal interactions during the formation of cranial circuits

Outin Tamraz, Eve 01 September 2015 (has links)
Deux des trois divisions du système nerveux viscéral – le système nerveuxparasympathique et le système nerveux entérique – sont associés aux nerfscrâniens (le troisième, le système nerveux sympathique, est associé aux nerfsspinaux). Cette étude est centrée sur les nerfs crâniens et sur les ganglionsqui leur sont associés ; plus précisément sur les stratégies cellulaires ayantlieu lors de leur ontogenèse.Je propose des principes unificateurs concernant les interactions neuronalesmises en jeu lors de la formation des nerfs crâniens branchiomériques ainsiqu’un nouveau mode de migration des précurseurs des ganglionsparasympathiques couplé à la migration de leurs partenairespréganglionnaires jusqu’au site de formation du ganglion. Enfin, je présentecertaines observations préliminaires suggérant que les précurseurs dusystème nerveux entériques utilisent ce même modus operandi pour envahirl’oesophage. / Two of the three divisions of the visceral nervous system —theparasympathetic and the enteric nervous systems— are associated withcranial nerves (the third one, the sympathetic division, being associatedwith spinal nerves). This work is focused on cranial nerves and associatedganglia and more particularly on the cellular strategies presiding over theirontogeny and wiring.I propose unifying principles of neuronal interactions that govern theformation of branchiomeric cranial nerves, as well as a novel migrationpathway followed by parasympathetic precursors, which use theirpreganglionic nerves to migrate to the site of ganglion formation. Finally, Ipresent preliminary observations suggesting that the enteric neuronalprecursors use the same trick to populate the esophagus.

The origin and early development of the intrinsic innervation in the foetal mouse lung

Tollet, Cecilia Jenny January 2003 (has links)
In this study, the origin and development of the intrinsic innervation in the foetal mouse lung is described and experimental evidence is provided to support the involvement of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in the guidance of nerves and neuronal precursors in the developing lung. Antibodies were used to stain for neuronal precursors, neurones, nerve fibres, primordial epithelium and smooth muscle. These structures were revealed in whole mounts of foetal mouse lungs by immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, and their spatial and temporal distribution was mapped from the onset of lung development and through the pseudoglandular period. The results showed that neuronal precursors, positive for neural crest cell markers, were present in the vagal tract of the foregut at embryonic day 10 (E10), the time of the evagination of the lung buds. These neural crest-derived cells (NCC) migrated into the lung at E11, along nerve processes directed from the vagus to the smooth musclecovered trachea and emerging lobar bronchi. During E11-E14, a network of nerves and ganglia became established along the dorsal trachea, and large ganglia formed a plexus at the ventral hilum. Nerve trunks issued from these ganglia, travelled along the smooth muscle-covered bronchi, providing a pathway for migrating NCC. To investigate the role of GDNF in the innervation of the lung, an in vitro model of left lung lobes was established. Lung growth and tubule branching was comparable to that in vivo, and neural tissue and smooth muscle continued to grow and thrive. A significant increase in nerve growth occurred when explants were cultured with GDNF compared to controls. Nerves extended, and NCC migrated towards GDNF-impregnated beads suggesting that GDNF may be the molecule guiding nerve fibres and NCC in the lung. The migrating NCC were negative for GDNF-family receptor α1 (GFRα1) during their migration into the lung while the nerves were positive. Since GDNF needs to be associated with its binding receptor, GFRα1, for cellular signalling, GDNF may induce the migration of the NCC if they migrate along the GFRα1-positive nerve fibres. It is concluded that neural tissue and smooth muscle become integral components of the lung shortly after the onset of lung development. The results show that the migration of neural crest-derived cells into the lung and the establishment of the innervation requires coordinated cross-talk between NCC, nerves and smooth muscle throughout development.

Analyzing PTK7/RACK1 interaction in neural morphogenesis / Die Analyse der PTK7/RACK1-Interaktion während der neuronalen Morphogenese

Wehner, Peter 30 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The function of PTK7 during Xenopus neural crest migration / Die Funktion von PTK7 in der Neuralleistenzellmigration in Xenopus laevis

Shnitsar, Iryna 14 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Myelinisierung des peripheren Nervensystems in Endothelin-Rezeptor-B-defizienten Ratten / Myelination of the peripheral nervous system in endothein recpetor B deficient rats

Keric, Naureen 01 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse du rôle de la paire de gènes A830082K12Rik/Nr2f1 dans la gliogenèse du système nerveux entérique

Charrier, Baptiste 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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