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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos efeitos da dexametasona sobre a incidência de disfunção cognitiva pós-operatória em idosos submetidos à anestesia geral / Evaluation of the effects of dexamethasone on the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients undergoing general anesthesia

Livia Stocco Sanches Valentin 12 January 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Disfunção cognitiva pós-operatória (POCD) é um evento adverso multifatorial mais frequente em pessoas com idade superior a 60 anos ou doenças neurológicas e psiquiátricas. Este estudo avaliou o efeito da dexametasona sobre a incidência de POCD em idosos após cirurgia não cardíaca sob anestesia geral. Métodos: Cento e quarenta pacientes (ASA I-II, idade 60-87 anos) participaram deste estudo prospectivo, randomizado, envolvendo a administração ou não de 8 mg de dexametasona IV antes da indução anestésica para anestesia geral profunda ou superficial de acordo com o índice bispectral. Os testes neuropsicológicos foram aplicados no pré-operatório e em 3, 7, 21, 90 e 180 dias após a cirurgia e comparados com os dados normativos. Enolase específica do neurônio e S100beta foram avaliados antes e 12 horas após a indução da anestesia. A regressão linear com inferência baseada no método de equações de estimação generalizadas (GEE) foi aplicado, seguido pelo teste post-hoc de Bonferroni, considerando P <0,05 como significativo. Resultados: No terceiro dia pós-operatório, POCD foi diagnosticada em 25,2% dos pacientes que receberam a dose de dexametasona e anestesia profunda, 15,3% nos pacientes que receberam a dose da dexametasona e anestesia superficial, 68,2% do grupo de anestesia profunda e 27,2% do grupo de anestesia superficial (p < 0,0001). Os testes neuropsicológicos demonstraram que a anestesia superficial e a dose de dexametasona antes da indução anestésica diminuiu a incidência de POCD, especialmente para as funções memória e atenção e para a função executiva. A administração de dexametasona preveniu o aumento nos níveis séricos de S100beta no pós-operatório (p < 0,002) bem como está relacionado com uma diminuição significativa nos níveis séricos de enolase específica de neurônio (NSE) (p < 0,001). A memória imediata apresentou diferença entre pacientes com e sem alelo APOe4 (p = 0,025) independente do momento de avaliação. A memória de longo prazo apresentou alteração ao longo dos momentos de avaliação em pacientes com e sem a presença do APOe4 (p = 0,006 e p = 0,017 respectivamente). Pacientes com o alelo APOe4 apresentaram maior percentual de disfunção para memória imediata que os pacientes sem o alelo (p = 0,003). Os pacientes sem o alelo APOe4 apresentaram redução de disfunção para o processo de flexibilidade mental após 180 dias quando comparado aos demais momentos (p < 0,05) e os pacientes com a presença do alelo não apresentaram qualquer alteração estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,999), sendo que após 180 dias os pacientes com o alelo APOe4 apresentaram alteração na função executiva para a flexibilidade mental quando comparados aos pacientes sem o alelo (p < 0,001). Conclusão: A dexametasona pode minimizar a incidência de POCD em pacientes idosos submetidos a cirurgia não cardíaca, especialmente quando associada à anestesia superficial. Efeito da dexametasona sobre os níveis séricos S100beta e NSE pode estar relacionado com algum grau de neuroproteção / Background: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a multifactorial adverse event most frequently in elderly patients or people aged over 60 years, neurological and psychiatric diseases. This study evaluated the effect of dexamethasone on POCD incidence after non-cardiac surgery and general anesthesia. Methods: One hundred and forty patients (ASA I-II; age 60-87 years) took part in a prospective randomized study involving the administration or not of 8 mg of IV dexamethasone before deep or superficial anesthesia according to bispectral index. Neuropsychological tests were applied preoperatively and at 3rd, 7th, 21st, 90th and 180th days after surgery and compared with normative data. Neuron specific enolase and S100beta were evaluated before and 12 hours after induction of anesthesia. Linear regression with inference based on the generalized estimating equations (GEE) method was applied, followed by the post-hoc Bonferroni test considering P < 0.05 as significant. Results: On the 3rd postoperative day, POCD was diagnosed in 25.2% of patients receiving dexamethasone plus deep anesthesia, 15.3% of the dexamethasone plus superficial anesthesia group, 68.2% of the deep anesthesia group and 27.2% of the superficial anesthesia group (p < 0.0001). Neuropsychological tests showed that dexamethasone plus superficial anesthesia decreased the incidence of POCD, especially memory, attention and executive function. The administration of dexamethasone prevented the postoperative increase in S100? serum levels (p < 0.002) and it is also related with a significant decrease in serum levels of neuron specific enolase (p < 0.001). Immediate memory was different between patients with and without APOe4 allele (p = 0.025) independent of the moment of assessment. The Long-term memory was impaired over the evaluation periods in patients with and without the presence of APOe4 allele (p = 0.006 and p = 0.017 respectively). Patients with the APOe4 allele had higher percentage of dysfunction for Immediate memory (p = 0.003). Patients without the APOe4 allele showed a reduction of dysfunction for the process of Mental flexibility after 180 days compared to the other assessment phases (p < 0.05) and patients with APO?4 allele showed no statistically significant change (p > 0.999), and after 180 days the patients with the APOe4 allele had alterations in Executive function for mental flexibility when compared to patients without the allele (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Dexamethasone can minimize the incidence of POCD in elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery, especially when associated with superficial anesthesia. The effect of dexamethasone on S100beta e NSE serum levels might be related with some degree of neuroprotection

"Estudo comparativo do desempenho em testes neuropsicológicos de pacientes com diagnóstico de doença de Alzheimer e demência vascular" / Comparative study of the performance of patients with Alzheimer´s disease and vascular dementia in neuropsychological tests

Maria Niures Pimentel dos Santos Matioli 26 October 2005 (has links)
A doença de Alzheimer (DA) e a demência vascular (DV), especialmente a sua forma subcortical, são responsáveis pela maioria dos quadros de demência em idosos, nem sempre facilmente diferenciadas do ponto de vista clínico. O objetivo do estudo foi comparar o desempenho de pacientes com DA e com DV em uma bateria breve de testes cognitivos (Mini-exame do estado mental e bateria Neuropsi para confirmar o diagnóstico de demência; CLOX 1 e 2, fluência verbal categoria animal e fonêmica, EXIT 25 e teste de memória tardia da bateria breve de rastreio cognitivo), e verificar seu valor no diagnóstico diferencial entre elas. O desempenho do grupo DV foi inferior ao DA nos testes: CLOX 2, fluência verbal animal e fonêmica. O grupo DA obteve desempenho inferior a DV no subitem evocação do teste de memória tardia. / Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD), especially its subcortical form, are responsible for the majority of dementia cases in the elderly and are not always easily differentiated from a clinical point of view. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of mild VaD and AD patients in a series of brief cognitive tests (Mini-mental State Examination and Neuropsi battery, in order to confirm the diagnosis of dementia; CLOX 1 and 2, category and letter fluency, a delayed recall test of 10 simple figures and the EXIT 25), and to evaluate the potential use of these tests for the differential diagnosis between them. The performance of the VaD group was significantly impaired, in relation to the AD group, in the tests CLOX 2, category verbal fluency and letter verbal fluency, while the AD patients performed significantly worst in the delayed recall test.

Avaliação neuropsicológica de pacientes com distrofia muscular de Duchenne / Neuropsychological assessment of patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Elaine Cristina Zachi 01 December 2009 (has links)
A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) é provocada por mutações no gene distrofina. Este gene codifica a proteína distrofina, que exerce papel importante na manutenção da estabilidade da membrana da fibra muscular. Os objetivos do estudo consistiram em examinar o desempenho neuropsicológico de pacientes com DMD e verificar a influência de deleções downstream ao exon 45 sobre o mesmo. Foram avaliados os perfis de inteligência de 63 pacientes com DMD por meio das Escalas Wechsler de Inteligência ou o Teste de Raven. A faixa etária do grupo variou de 6 a 26 anos de idade e a escolaridade, 1 a 16 anos de estudo formal. Os pacientes com escores de inteligência normais (n=34) foram comparados com controles quanto às funções neuropsicológicas. O grupo controle foi composto por 34 jovens do sexo masculino pareados por idade. Os testes incluíram medidas de memória verbal (Teste de Aprendizado Verbal de Rey), habilidade viso-espacial (Teste de Organização Visual de Hooer), funções executivas (fluência verbal e Teste de Wisconsin de Classificação de Cartas). A avaliação também incluiu testes da bateria Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) para o exame de: tempo de reação simples (Simple Reaction Time); tempo de reação com dupla escolha (Choice Reaction Time), atenção visual sustentada (Rapid Visual Processing), amplitude atencional/memória operacional (Spatial Span, ordem direta e inversa), memória visual de curto e longo prazo (Pattern Recognition Memory), reconhecimento de estímulos complexos apresentados simultaneamente ou após intervalo (Delayed Matching to Sample), memória espacial (Spatial Recognition Memory) e tomada de decisão (Information Sampling Task). O Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) foi administrado para exame de sintomas de depressão e o Inventário de Comportamentos da Infância e Adolescência (CBCL) foi utilizado como medida de alterações de comportamento. Utilizou-se a análise de variância (one-way ANOVA) na comparação entre grupos. As covariáveis foram controladas por meios estatísticos. Os pacientes com DMD obtiveram medias de QIs com 1 desvio padrão abaixo da media da população. Após controle para covariáveis, os pacientes com DMD mostraram desempenhos significantemente inferiores nos testes de Aritmética, Vocabulário, Compreensão, Dígitos e no Teste de Wisconsin (número de erros totais, erros perseverativos, respostas de nível conceitual e categorias completas). Também mostraram tempos de reação mais longos (Simple Reaction Time), menor amplitude atencional tanto na ordem direta, quanto inversa (Spatial Span) e menor número de acertos no teste de tomada de decisão (Information Sampling Task) (p<0,05). A proporção de pacientes com deleções no gene distrofina foi de 54% (34/63). Não foi encontrada associação entre os resultados de inteligência e dados genéticos. Comparados com controles, os 14 pacientes com deleção downstream ao exon 45 e QI&#8805;80 mostraram dificuldades mais específicas. O tempo de reação foi discutido conforme a complexidade da tarefa. Os participantes do grupo controle apresentaram escores mais altos no BDI e CBCL, indicando maior ocorrência de sintomas. Possíveis fatores relacionados foram discutidos. Há evidências de que as deleções downstream ao exon 45 (relacionadas à isoforma cerebral da distrofina Dp140) estão envolvidas com a menor eficiência de tomada de decisão dentre os pacientes com DMD. Os achados também sugerem a associação entre a DMD e disfunções frontais. / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. This gene codes for dystrophin, a protein important for maintaining the stability of muscle-fiber membranes. The objectives of the study were to examine neuropsychological performance in patients with DMD and the influence of deletions in the dystrophin gene (the Dp140 regulatory region) on neuropsychological function. General intelligence was investigated in 63 DMD patients using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale or the Raven\'s Matrices Test. The age range for DMD participants was from 6 to 26 years, with a range of 1 to 16 years of formal education. The participants who had intellectual scores in the normal range (n=34) were compared to controls in terms of neuropsychological function. The control group was composed of 34 male age-matched subjects. Patients were divided into groups according to the region of mutation in the dystrophin gene and those with delection downstream of exon 45 were also compared to controls. The battery included the Wechsler scale subtests and measures of verbal memory (Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test), viso-perceptual skills (Hooper Visual Organization Test), executive function (FAS, animals and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test). The assessment also included tests of the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) to examine reaction time (Simple Reaction Time and Choice Reaction Time), sustained attention (Rapid Visual Processing), working memory (Spatial Span, forward and reverse), short and long term visual memory (Pattern Recognition Memory), recognition memory for complex stimuli presented simultaneously or after short interval (Delayed Matching to Sample), spatial memory (Spatial Recognition Memory), and decision making (Information Sampling Task). The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was administered for depression symptoms assessment and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used as a measure of disruptive behavior. Analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was used. Covariates were controlled statistically. The DMD patients had mean IQs about one standard deviation lower than population means. Verbal IQ was significantly lower than Performance IQ. After controlling for covariates, significant difference (p<0.05) appeared between DMD patients and controls and DMD was associated to lower IQs (Full Scale, Verbal, and Performance) and worse performances on Arithmetic, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Digit Span, Wisconsin Test (total errors, perseverative errors, conceptual level responses, and categories completed), Spatial Span (forward and reverse recall), and on the number of correct trials on Information Sampling Task. They also showed slower simple reaction times (Simple Reaction Time). The proportion of patients with dystrophin gene deletions was 54% (34/63). No relationship was established between intelligence results and genetic data. Compared to controls, 14 patients with delection downstream of exon 45 and normal IQs showed more specific deficits. Reaction time was discussed in terms of complexity of the task. Controls showed significant higher BDI and CBCL scores than DMD patients. Possible related factors were discussed. There is evidence to indicate that delections downstream of exon 45 (related to cerebral dystrophin isoform Dp140) are involved in decision making impairment in patients with DMD. The findings suggest that DMD may be related to frontal dysfunction.

Perfil de alterações cognitivas em pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática / Cognitive impairment profile of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Renata Areza Fegyveres 16 October 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Pneumopatias que cursam com hipóxia crônica, como a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, podem ser acompanhadas por alterações cognitivas secundárias a queda prolongada da saturação de oxigênio. Objetivo: 1) Averiguar se existem alterações cognitivas nos pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática; 2) Caso estejam presentes, avaliar o seu perfil neuropsicológico e 3) Verificar se há correlação entre a gravidade da doença e desempenho cognitivo. Métodos: Vinte e um pacientes com diagnóstico de fibrose pulmonar idiopática foram selecionados do Ambulatório de Doenças do Interstício Pulmonar da Divisão de Pneumologia do Hospital das Clínicas da USP e foram submetidos a exame neurológico convencional, testes laboratoriais, neuroimagem, avaliação neuropsicológica abrangente e prova de função pulmonar. O grupo controle consistiu de vinte indivíduos não dementes clinicamente saudáveis equiparados por sexo, idade, escolaridade e nível sócio-econômico com o grupo anterior. Resultados: Os resultados do Mini-exame do estado mental, fluência verbal (categoria frutas), Teste de memória de figuras-aprendizado, Teste de dígito-símbolo e o Teste de trilhas parte B apresentaram diferença entre os dois grupos (p < 0,05). Conclusões: O estudo mostrou que os pacientes com fibrose pulmonar idiopática apresentam desempenho pior que o grupo controle em testes de funções executivas e velocidade de processamento mental, o que vai ao encontro com a hipótese de uma encefalopatia do tipo subcortical, semelhante àquela encontrada em pacientes com outras doenças pulmonares que cursam com hipóxia. É necessária a confirmação desses resultados com testes de tempo de reação mais precisos / Background: Lung disease with hypoxaemia as chronic pulmonary obstructive disease may be associated with cognitive impairment caused by continuous fall in oxygen saturation. Objective: 1) to identity if there is cognitive impairment in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; 2) if present, to evaluate the neuropsychological profile of these alterations and 3) to verify if there is correlation of disease severity and cognitive performance. Methods: Twenty-one patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis were selected from the Interstitial Lung disease Out-patient Clinic and were submitted throughout conventional neurological exam, blood lab, neuroimaging, broad neuropsychological and lung function evaluation. The control group consisted of twenty non-demented healthy subjects paired by gender, age, schooling and socio-economic level. Results: The Mini-mental state examination, Semantic verbal fluency (fruit category), learning item of the Brief Cognitive Battery, Digit symbol test and Trail making part B results were different between both groups (p < 0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that patients with IPF performed worse in tests of executive functions and mental speed, which is congruent with the hypotheses of encephalopathy of subcortical type similar to the one found in patients with other lung hypoxaemic disease. These results should be confirmed with more accurate reaction time tests

Apatia e funções executivas em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer leve e em indivíduos com comprometimento cognitivo leve amnéstico / Apathy and executive functions in patients with Alzheimer disease and subjects with amnestic mild cognitive impairment

Henrique Cerqueira Guimarães 13 February 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A apatia constitui o transtorno neuropsiquiátrico mais prevalente na doença de Alzheimer (DA) e se relaciona com uma série de desfechos deletérios. Sua neurobiologia ainda é pouco compreendida, e alguns autores postulam sua associação com disfunção de circuitos fronto-estriatais. A maior parte da evidência disponível sobre essa relação provém de estudos em que foram avaliados pacientes com DA leve a moderada. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre apatia e disfunção executiva em estágios bastante iniciais do processo de declínio cognitivo no contexto da DA. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 87 indivíduos, sendo 28 deles com DA leve, 26 com Comprometimento Cognitivo Leve de subtipo amnéstico (CCLa) e 33 controles. Os participantes foram submetidos a uma bateria de avaliações da qual constavam a Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo (BBRC-Edu), o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), a Entrevisa Executiva (EXIT-25), a Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (BAF), a Escala de Avaliação de Demência (DRS), o Teste de Aprendizagem Auditivo Verbal de Rey (RAVLT), a Escala de Avaliação de Incapacidade na Demência (DAD) e a Escala de Apatia (EA). Explorou-se correlações entre o desempenho nos testes empregados e os escores aferidos pela EA, nos grupos com comprometimento cognitivo (DA ou CCLa), e em grupos constituídos a partir da combinação deles, considerando os pacientes com CCLa conversores à DA no seguimento. RESULTADOS: O grupo de pacientes com DA apresentava média de idade de 81,9 ± 4,8 anos e escolaridade média de 2,5 ± 2,0 anos. O grupo com CCLa apresentava média de idade de 80,8 ± 3,7 anos e escolaridade média de 3,7 ± 2,8 anos. O grupo dos controles apresentava média de idade de 79,5 ± 3,5 anos e escolaridade média de 3,7 ± 3,3 anos. Os três grupos não se distinguiam significativamente quanto às suas características sociodemográficas. Não foram observadas correlações entre o desempenho em quaisquer dos testes de função executiva empregados e os escores obtidos por meio da EA. Observou-se correlação forte entre o desempenho funcional auferido através da DAD e os escores na EA (rho= -0,7; p<0,001) no grupo DA. Documentou-se correlação moderada entre a sintomatologia apática e o desempenho na subescala Atenção da DRS (rho= -0,59; p<0,01) e em tarefas de evocação tardia nos testes de memória episódica da BBRC (rho=-0,37; p<0,05) e do RAVLT (rho= -0,47; p< 0,001), quando analisados em conjunto os pacientes com DA e aqueles com CCLa que converteram para DA. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta amostra de indivíduos com baixa escolaridade, composta por pacientes com DA leve e CCLa, não se observou associação entre o desempenho em testes de função executiva e a sintomatologia apática medida pela EA / INTRODUCTION: Apathy is the most prevalent neuropsychiatric disorder in Alzheimer disease (AD), and has been related to several deleterious outcomes. Its neurobiology is still poorly understood, and some studies have suggested an association with frontostriatal circuits dysfunction. Most of this evidence comes from studies with mild to moderate AD patients. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between apathy and executive dysfunction in the very early stages of cognitive impairment in the context of AD. METHODS: 87 subjects were evaluated, being 28 with mild AD, 26 with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (aMCI) and 33 controls. The participants were submitted to a comprehensively evaluation consisting on the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSC), the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Executive Interview (EXIT-25), the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), the Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), the Disability Assessment in Dementia (DAD), and the Apathy Scale (AS). Correlations were investigated between AS scores and the performance in the cognitive measures within the two cognitively impaired groups (AD or aMCI) and also within combinations of them, considering aMCI convertion to AD. RESULTS: The AD group had mean age of 81.9 ± 4.8 years, and 2.5 ± 2.0 mean years of formal education, while the aMCI group had mean age of 80.8 ± 3.7 years and a mean of 3.7 ± 2.8 years of schooling. Controls were aged 79.5 ± 3.5 years, with 3.7 ± 3.3 years of education. The three groups did not differ statistically from each other regarding the main sociodemographic features. There was no correlation between any executive measure and AS scores. We found strong correlations between AS scores and functional performance evaluated with the DAD (rho= -0.70; p <0.001) in the AD group. There were also modest to moderate correlations between AS scores and DRS Attention subscale (rho= -0.59; p<0.01), and with delayed recall tasks of episodic memory tests from the BCSB (rho=-0.37; p<0.05) and the RAVLT (rho= -0.47 ; p< 0.05), when AD and aMCI converters were analysed toghether as a group. CONCLUSION: In this sample consisting of mild AD and aMCI subjects, with very low educational level, we failed to find any association between executive function tests performance and apathy symptoms measured with the AS

Contribution à l'étude des troubles mentaux dans l'hydrocéphalie à pression normale: étude clinique et neuropsychologique pré et post opératoire de 63 sujets

De Mol, Jacques January 1983 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences psychologiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Neuropsychological and cognitive concomitants of aggression

Van der Schyff, Bronwen 20 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Counselling Pyschology) / "Given the environmental and biological studies of criminality and delinquency, it seems clear that offense behaviour is a multifactorial disorder, with contributors possibly including such variables as low IQ, attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity, and early aggressiveness. Protective factors possibly include high IQ and shyness. Each of these factors has been shown to be highly heritable" (Oilalla & Gottesman, 1991, p.128). It is imperative that researchers in the areas of violence, aggression and criminality take into consideration both the social and biological factors and that these areas once integrated, will enhance our understanding and provide a more cohesive picture.

Normative indications for Xhosa-speaking unskilled workers on the trail making test and the stroop test

Andrews, Karen Anne Hope January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the study was to produce preliminary normative indications for the Trail Making Test and the Stroop Test, administered in English, on a non-clinical sample of black, Xhosa-speaking, unskilled individuals (N = 33), with an educational level of 11 – 12 years, in two age categories (18 –29 and 30 – 40 years). The sample was equally distributed for gender and level of education. Participants, who were required to have a basic proficiency in English, were from traditionally black township schools with relatively disadvantaged quality of education. Within-sample age and gender effects were investigated. There were no significant age effects on the Trail Making Test, whereas there was one significant difference between age groups on the Stroop Test with respect to the Color-Word task, and a result that strongly approached significance on the Word task, with the younger group performing better than the older group. There were no significant gender effects on the Trail Making Test, whereas there was one significant difference between genders on the Stroop Test with respect to the Word task, and a result that approached significance on the Color task, with females performing better than males. Normative indications for both measures were compared to available normative data on western populations with higher levels and more advantaged quality of education. This comparison revealed consistently poorer performances for both the Trail Making Test and the Stroop Test, confirming the need for localised normative datasets to facilitate accurate neuropsychological diagnoses on culturally disadvantaged individuals.

"Is rugby bad for your intellect": the effect of repetitive mild head injuries on the cognitive functioning of university level rugby players

Smith, Ian Patrick January 2006 (has links)
The study sought to determine whether there is evidence for the presence of residual (chronic) deleterious effects on cognition due to repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in top team university level rugby players, using ImPACT 3.0, Trail Making Test (TMT) and Digit Span. The initial sample of 48 participants was divided into groups; Rugby (n = 30) and Controls (n = 18), Rugby Forwards (n = 14) and Rugby Backs (n = 16). A reduced sample (N = 31) comprised of Rugby (n = 20) and Controls (n = 11), Rugby Forwards (n = 9) and Rugby Backs (n = 11). Comparative subgroups were equivalent for estimated IQ but not for age and educational level in the full sample; in the reduced sample there was equivalence for all three variables of age, education and estimated IQ. All cognitive test measures were subjected to independent t-test analyses between groups at the pre- and post-season, and dependent t-test analyses for Rugby and Controls at pre- versus post-season. Overall, the results implicated the presence of deleterious effects of concussive events on Rugby players in the areas of speed of information processing, working memory and impulse control. Significant practice effects were found on the TMT and Digit Span for controls, but not on ImPACT 3.0, supporting the use of this computer-based programme in the sports management context.

The scrum-down on brain damage effects of cumulative mild head injury in rugby: a comparison of group mean scores between national rugby players and non-contact sport controls

Finkelstein, Melissa January 2000 (has links)
The present study comprises the second phase of a larger and ongoing research study investigating the brain damage effects of cumulative mild head injury in rugby. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cumulative mild head injury sustained in the game of rugby would cause brain injury as evidenced by impaired performance on sensitive neuropsychological tests. Participants were Springbok professional rugby players (n = 26), Under 21 rugby players (n = 19), and a non-contact sport control of national hockey players (n = 21). Comparisons of performance were carried out across a spectrum of neuropsychological tests for the three rugby groups (Total Rugby, Springbok Rugby, and Under 21 Rugby) versus the performance of the non-contact sport control group (Hockey Control), as well as comparisons of performance f9r the subgroups of Rugby Forwards versus Rugby Backs. Comparisons revealed a consistent pattern of poorer performance across all rugby groups relative to the performance of the controls on tests highly sensitive to the effects of diffuse brain damage. Within rugby group comparisons (Forwards versus Backs) showed significantly poorer performance for Total Rugby Forwards and Springbok Rugby Forwards relative to the performance of the respective Total Rugby Backs and Springbok Rugby Backs on sensitive, as well as on somewhat less sensitive, neuropsychological tests. The performance of Under 21 Rugby Forwards relative to Under 21 Rugby Backs demonstrated similar trends. Brain reserve capacity theory was used as a conceptual basis for discussing the implications of these findings.

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