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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparative Study of Reading First Schools Reading Achievement to Non-Reading First Schools.

Adams, Wandaleen 07 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was any significant increase in the reading achievement of Reading First third grade students compared to the reading achievement of the third grade reading students in Non-Reading First schools located in southwest Virginia for 2004-2009. The Standards of Learning (SOLs) reading test scores were compiled from the Virginia Standards of Learning test scores that are available to the public from the Virginia Department of Education website. The elementary schools chosen for this study have a similar number of disadvantaged students and similar demographics. The reading achievement was being examined after 6 years of implementation of teaching strategies using Reading First in 3 of the elementary schools and compared to Non-Reading First schools. Using a quantitative design, the comparative study included data obtained from the 2004-2009 Virginia Standards of Learning standardized assessment test scores for third grade students in 6 elementary schools. The data comparison examined the reading achievement relationship between the Reading First schools (experimental) and the Non-Reading First schools (control group). The analysis was based on 2 research questions and 12 hypotheses; 6 hypotheses for each question. A t-test for independent samples was used to identify the differences between the means of Reading First schools and the Non-Reading First schools. A chi square analysis was used to identify the differences between the means of Reading First schools compared to the means of Non-Reading First schools in the areas of not proficient, proficient, and advanced proficient. The results of the study indicated that there were significant increases for reading achievement for the Reading First schools in the experimental group compared to the Non-Reading First in the control group. The Reading First schools performed better or as well as their peers in Non-Reading First schools at the advanced reading proficiency level.

Impact of Standardized Testing Emphasis on Teaching and Learning in Kindergarten through 12th Grade in United States Schools: East Tennessee Principals' Perspectives.

Dodge, Terri 14 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The pressure to perform on standardized tests in the United States has become intense. Increased accountability has caused principals to think about their perceptions of standardized testing with regard to accountability measures, test validity, use of test data, impact of testing on the curriculum, and stress related to testing. The purpose of this study was to investigate kindergarten- through 12th-grade principals' perceptions of standardized testing. The study included 91 principals of Title I and nonTitle I schools located in 8 rural East Tennessee school districts. Data were gathered using a survey instrument to determine principals' opinions of standardized testing. There were 4 predictor (independent) variables in this study: Title I status of the school measured by status (Title I school and nonTitle I school), gender predictor variable, predictor variable of highest degree earned by principals (master's, specialist, and doctorate), and predictor variable of experience in current position (1-6 years, 7-14 years, and 15-39 years). The data analysis focused on 5 dimensions of standardized testing. The 5 (dependent) variables were: (a) general impact-accountability, (b) validity of standardized tests, (c) use of standardized tests in individualizing instruction, (d) impact on curriculum, and (e) stress related to standardized testing. The findings reflected that in general, principals had a positive view of standardized testing; however, the study showed that there was agreement among principals that standardized testing has limitations, particularly in the area of fairness to ethnic groups. The research indicated that principals use test data in many ways to improve their schools. Regardless of Title I status, gender, highest degree earned, and years of experience in current position, there were no significant differences in principals' opinions of standardized testing regarding the 5 dimensions of standardized testing.

Principal Leadership and Its Perceived Influence on Teacher Morale in Elementary Schools.

Littleford, Anne Runyan 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to construct a theoretical framework explaining the connection between principal leadership practices and the phenomenon of teacher morale. The study also focused on principal leadership practices and the perceived effects that style has on how teachers feel about themselves and their jobs. First, a review of extant literature defined what constitutes effective leadership in school related environments. Second, the researcher defined teacher morale, both high and low, and how it relates to work performance. Third, the researcher attempted to explore how teacher morale and the leadership style of their principals relate. This qualitative study was conducted using interviews of teachers from 7 public elementary schools. Post interview journaling was also conducted by the researcher to capture immediate author perspective. The teachers were interviewed to gain their perceptions of leadership practices that motivate them to enjoy their jobs and work beyond status quo. With information gleaned from teachers, the desired outcome of this research was for principals to self-evaluate their leadership strategies and style and to find importance in building high teacher morale for the betterment of everyone. The researcher coded transcripts into themes, patterns, and the following theoretical constructs: (a) change, (b) leadership practices, (c) mandated testing, (d) stress, (e) communication, (f) acknowledgment, (g) professionalism (h) identifying with teachers, and (i) building community.

Predicting Sixth Grade Performance on Criterion-Referenced Reading Tests with Third Grade Test Scores

Gallacher, Michael Sean 11 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzed the correlation between students' third grade reading ability and sixth grade reading ability. The data were collected from an urban school district, and the participants were students whose records contained information from their third grade school year and their sixth grade school year. The Utah English Language Arts Criterion-Referenced Tests (ELA-CRT) administered in third and sixth grade were used to determine reading ability. Additional demographic data, including race, gender, special education identification, free/reduced lunch, and English Language Learner (ELL), was assessed and controlled for in the data analysis and provided important information concerning the overall findings. Analysis revealed that third grade reading scores had a strong predictive value on sixth grade reading scores. Certain demographic variables carried statistically significant correlations with sixth grade reading performance including race, special education identification, free/reduced lunch, and ELL identification. However, when analyzed together and considering the statistical weight each other, only third grade reading performance, free/reduced lunch, and ELL identification held significant correlations.

The Relationship Between Principal Reported Instructional And Organizational Practices Of Title I Elementary Schools And Adequate Yearly Progress

Bur, Marsha 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study examined the practices of Title I elementary school principals in the state of Florida for the school year 2009 - 2010. Elementary school principals in six Florida school districts responded to a survey to determine the extent of implementation of instructional and organizational practices identified by research to improve instruction and learning. The practices (sub-constructs) examined were identified as curriculum, instruction, assessment, educational agenda (vision, mission, beliefs, goals), leadership for school improvement, community building, and culture of continuous improvement. The results of this study indicated that participating Florida Title I principals believed that they were implementing effective instructional and organizational practices in their schools. Despite this belief, all but two of the schools represented in the results failed to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) for school year 2009-2010. The analysis of the responses indicated a negative, but not statistically significant, correlation between self-reported scores and AYP percentage points earned. These results warrant further study to determine if the reported indicators can be verified by observation or other personnel. Within the limits of this study, the negative correlation suggested that school principals should examine their practices related to instructional and organizational effectiveness for fidelity and stakeholder buy-in. Principals must not only believe that these practices are evident, they must verify them through constant monitoring and quantitative measures.

A Comparison Of Eighth Grade Reading Proficiency On State Assessments With The National Assessment Of Educational Progress

Dyer, Kathryn B 01 January 2011 (has links)
The National Assessment of Educational Progress is a nationwide assessment administered every other year to eighth grade students in the United States in reading and mathematics. The purpose of this study was to compare the results of 2009 eighth grade state reading assessment proficiency percentages to NAEP proficiency percentages. Primarily, this study examined whether a predictive relationship existed between state and NAEP proficiency percentages. Subsequent research questions analyzed the extent to which a relationship existed for subgroups (race/ethnicity, English Language Learners, low socioeconomic status, and students with disabilities) and while controlling for census regions. It was found that a predictive relationship does exist between state and NAEP proficiency percentages for eighth grade students who took these reading assessments in 2009. The correlations between the variables were consistently high; however, the relationships were not significant for all subgroups nor for all census regions. It was determined that NAEP and state assessment proficiency percentages are not well suited to direct comparisons. Recommendations for practice included the development of nationwide common assessments, standards, and proficiency scales

Gender Segregated Learning Environments An Analysis Of The Perceived Impact Of Single-sex Classrooms In South Carolina

Gleason, Paul 01 January 2011 (has links)
Educating male and female students in separate learning environments has been a common practice since the early inception of educational programs. However, this practice was heavily debated in the 20th century for its perceived inequalities in the treatment of students based on their gender resulting in today's coeducational classroom structure. Recently, interest in single-sex classrooms returned as an alternative for educating America's youth. Political support for this educational approach was evident in modifications to the 2006, No Child Left Behind Act which in turn led to increased availability and popularity of this educational venue. Despite same-sex classrooms' acceptance, research results on the effectiveness of single-sex classrooms have been mixed contributing to inconclusive findings that do little to support the use of public funds for such initiatives. The purpose of this research is the analysis of data to clarify the outcomes of single-sex classroom environments and their effects on students. South Carolina Department of Education survey results (2008) were examined using ANOVA analysis to identify differences in the group means between the male and female students and regression analysis was used to test the influence of the control (independent) variables on the dependent variables. The statistical analysis did not find significant differences in how the single-sex classrooms impact males and females in terms of academic achievement. However, motivation and self-esteem were found to have significant differences for male and female students in single-sex classrooms. Notably the analysis results iv indicated 4th, 5th, and 6th grade levels demonstrated the greatest disparities between the genders. Regression results highlighted the inability of the independent (control) variables of grade level, gender, or ethnicity in explaining the variation in any of the dependent variables, failing to confirm the model used in analysis. Likewise, grade level was generally found to have a greater impact than gender or ethnicity on the academic achievement, motivation and selfesteem dependent variables. It is recommended that additional research be conducted to further consider these variables and their effects on students utilizing a wider range of control (independent) variables.

Florida School Indicator Report Data As Predictors Of High School Adequate Yearly Progress (ayp)

Carr, John D 01 January 2011 (has links)
The focus of this research was to identify variables reported in the 2008-2009 Florida School Indicator Report (FSIR) that had a statistical impact, positive or negative, on the likelihood that a school would achieve Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in reading or mathematics using the logistic regression technique. This study analyzed four broad categories reported by the FSIR to include academic, school, student, and teacher characteristics. FSIR and AYP data was collected for 468 Florida high schools that were categorized by the Florida Department of Education as presenting a comprehensive curriculum to grades 9-12 or grades 10-12. It was determined in this study that academic data associated with ACT results and the grade 11 FCAT Science were effective predictors of a school’s academic health in reading and mathematics. Student absenteeism showed the greatest impact on a school obtaining AYP in reading while the percentage of students qualifying for free and disabled populations within a school showed the greatest impact on a school obtaining AYP in mathematics. Teachers teaching out of field were identified as having a negative influence on AYP in reading and mathematics while a teacher’s experience was considered a positive influence on AYP in mathematics only. Further research is necessary to fully explore the use of logistic regression as a predictive tool at the state, school district, and school level.

Self-efficacy Beliefs Of Florida School Principals Regarding Federal And State Accountability Measures

McCullers, John 01 January 2009 (has links)
This study examined how self-efficacy beliefs, a central construct of social cognitive theory, might be used to inform educational leadership and policy decisions related to school accountability measures. A survey of 112 principals in Florida was used to investigate the degree to which principals believed the goals of federal and state school accountability measures (the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the Florida School Grades Plan) were actually attainable, and to what degree they believed their leadership actually helped achieve these goals. A large majority (83.8%) of respondents believed the state goals to be attainable, whereas only a minority (20.7%) believed the federal goals could be attained. This disparity was associated with a significant difference in self-efficacy beliefs related to the plans, and in the associated leadership behavior of principals. This significant difference in principal self-efficacy beliefs could predict a disparity in leadership effort toward goal attainment. The study suggested that policymakers should be cautious about revising the goals of the Florida School Grades Plan, since principals' self-efficacy beliefs related to the plan were already quite high. In contrast, the findings suggested that policymakers should look to revising the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 to correct the dearth of principal belief in the actual attainability of its goals.

No Child Left Behind?: The Relationship Between Education Policy And Student Success

Resmann, Brittany 01 January 2009 (has links)
This study investigated how education policy influences student success, and if there are linkages between K-12 education policy and higher education. Historically, education has primarily been a function of state and local governments. The role of the federal government drastically changed with the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. This thesis focused on the influence of No Child Behind on several indicators of student success in K-12 and postsecondary education. All fifty states were examined in this study. This approach is rather unusual since it is typical to focus on one state or a small group of states. In addition to the state level analyses, macro analyses were also conducted to generate sounder policy prescriptions. This study tested three primary research questions. The first research question tested possible changes in several measures of student success since the implementation of No Child Left Behind. The second research question analyzed the relationship between K-12 education policy and higher education. The third research question addressed the possibility that state education reforms have had an impact on test scores, graduation rates, and college enrollment. Findings showed that K-12 test scores have improved on the national level since the implementation of No Child Left Behind, but there are several states that have witnessed a decline in test scores since legislation was enacted. There was no relationship between the state reforms and the variables that measured student success. Based on the findings, policy prescriptions were generated for both leaders within education and policymakers.

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