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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NollCO2-certifiering av byggnader : En fallstudie med fokus på materialval inom produktionsskedet och förnybar solelproduktion som klimatåtgärd / NollCO2-certification of buildings : A case study with focus on material choices within the production stage and solar power production as climate action

Dannelind, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the possibility to certify a building according to the new certification NollCO2 from Sweden Green Building Council by conducting a case study. The idea behind the certification is to balance the climate impact of a building using climate actions to attain a net zero balance. The focus of this thesis is to examine material choices that can reduce the climate impact and illustrate how solar power production can compensate the climate impact in order to reach net zero. The thesis employs a case study to investigate the different approaches to reach net zero. By replacing the reference building’s frame of concrete with cross-laminated timber (CLT) or more sustainable concrete the climate impact from the product stage can be reduced by 20 %. More climate friendly reinforcement and recycled bricks as facade reduce the climate impact further. The distribution of climate impact on different product groups shows that concrete, reinforcement and CLT account for most of the climate impact. Measures aimed at these product groups, thus, have the greatest impact on the result. Simulations of different solar power system designs show that the roof area covered by solar cells, that depends on roof type and shading effects, is an important measure in order to maximize the solar power production. The optimal design for maximized solar production was a saddle roof in a west-east direction with a slope of 10°. However, the roof surface of the reference building is not large enough to compensate for the building’s climate impact. To reach net zero, a 4–6 larger roof area/solar cell installation is required. Interviews with representatives from six different property owners were also carried out to provide a broader perspective. The interviewees mentioned that there are incentives to build with lower climate impact from e.g. owners, tenants, and municipalities, and that low climate impact enables green financing. Obstacles to working with NollCO2 that were mentioned during the interviews were uncertainties regarding e.g. costs, information gathering and climate compensation. Hopefully, the NollCO2-certification can contribute to more knowledge and challenge the industry to rethink their methods and start to build more sustainable.

Projektledningsrelaterade nyckelfaktorer i projekteringsskedet av byggprojekt med hög hållbarhetsprofil : En fallstudie av ett NollCO2-certifierat byggprojekt / Project management related key factors at the design phase in a construction project with a high sustainability profile : A case study of a NollCO2-certified construction project.

Svensson, Karl January 2024 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står idag för en femtedel av koldioxidutsläppen och en dryg tredjedel av energianvändningen inom Sveriges gränser, vilket pekar på en stor utvecklingspotential. Miljöcertifieringen NollCO2 ska på ett mer holistiskt sätt driva på klimatarbetet i byggprojekt genom att ställa krav på att växthusgasutsläppen under bygg- och driftskedet reduceras, men också att kvarvarande klimatpåverkan balanseras med klimatåtgärder mot ”netto noll”. Forskningen lyfter fram att det i hållbara byggprojekt är svårare att hålla tidplanen och kostnadsbudgeten, där detta bland annat beror på långsamt beslutsfattande, kommunikationssvårigheter och projekteringsomtag. Dessa problem har nämnts i projekt med lägre ställda hållbarhetsambitioner än de som NollCO2 har. NollCO2-certifieringen har dessutom ett annat upplägg än dess förlagor. Dessa anledningar gör det intressant att undersöka vad som gör ett NollCO2-certifierat projekt genomförbart och framgångsrikt. Examensarbetets mål har varit att genom en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie av ett NollCO2-certifierat byggprojekt (1) identifiera vilka projektledningsrelaterade nyckelfaktorer som är viktiga ur ett tids- och kostnadsperspektiv i projekteringsskedet av ett byggprojekt med hög hållbarhetsprofil och (2) analysera de identifierade nyckelfaktorerna genom att ta reda på: ·       Vad varje nyckelfaktor innebär ·       Varför nyckelfaktorn är viktig för byggprojekt med hög hållbarhetsprofil ·       Hur projektgruppen i praktiken får nyckelfaktorn att fungera. Litteraturen som studerades handlade bland annat om grunderna i olika miljöcertifieringar och byggprocessen, som sedan ledde till att studera de fyra termerna tydliga målsättningar, kommunikation, tidig samverkan och upparbetade relationer. De personer som intervjuades var beställarens Projektchef, projektledaren, byggentreprenörens projektchef, platschefen, projekteringsledaren, hållbarhetssamordnaren och arkitekten. De fyra projektledningsrelaterade nyckelfaktorerna identifierades som tydliga målsättningar, kommunikation, tidig samverkan och upparbetade relationer, vilka visades inbördes relaterade varandra. En tydlig målsättning definieras som förståeligt, gemensamt och etablerat i tidigt skede. Där är det även viktigt att ett syfte med uppgiften finns för att förstå målet. Det kan uppnås genom bland annat ett bra och tydligt måldokument. Bra kommunikation i ett byggprojekt handlar om att ha bra informationsdelning mellan de olika aktörerna i ett byggprojekt; både muntligt genom att ge rätt information till rätt person vid rätt tid, och skriftligt/digitalt genom att ha uttalade sätt för hur handlingar, styrdokument och annat inom byggprojektets ramar ska kommuniceras ut. Tidig samverkan är när en byggentreprenör och rätt konsulter blir anlitade i ett tidigt skede. Som en gemensam organisation, likt ett fiktivt bolag sätts all nödvändig kompetens in i början av projekteringen för att minska risken för fel och ändringar. Upparbetade relationer är relationer som på ett eller annat sätt finns med andra inom branschen. Det underlättar att arbeta i en grupp där relationer är etablerade och styrkor och svagheter kända. Ingen av de fyra identifierade nyckelfaktorerna är i sig nya eller unika för CO2-certifierade projekt. Däremot pekar resultaten från studien på att dessa nyckelfaktorer är extra viktiga att beakta i projekteringsskedet av ett projekt där NollCO2-certifieringens krav ska uppfyllas eftersom det ställer krav på en högre grad av samordning mellan medverkande i projektet. / The Swedish construction- and real estate sector today account for a fifth of carbon dioxide emissions, a third of the energy consumption and two fifths of waste in Sweden, which points at a large development potential. The environmental-certification NollCO2 aims to involve sustainability in a more holistic way by establishing an emission limit for the specific construction project, and then undercut that limit by 30%. Research shows that it is harder to keep schedule and budget in sustainable construction projects, where some of the reasons is slow decision-making, communication-difficulties, and design-retakes. These problems have been mentioned in construction projects with less ambitious sustainability-goals than NollCO2 has. The NollCO2-certification is also set up in a different way than its predecessors. These reasons makes it intriguing to research what makes a NollCO2-certified construction project feasible and successful.  The goal of the thesis project has been to (1) identify what project management related key-factors is important from a time- and cost perspective in the design-stage of a construction project with high a sustainability-profile and (2) analyze the identified key-factors by answering; ·       What each key-factor implies ·       Why the key-factor is important for construction projects with a high sustainability-profile ·       How the project-organization get the key-factor to work practically  The studied literature brought up the basics of different environmental-certifications and the construction process, which led to studying the four terms clear goalsetting, communication, early partnering and worked up relationships. The different roles that were interviewed was the clients projectchief, project manager, the contractors projectchief, site manager, design manager, sustainability coordinator, and architect.  The four project management related key-factors were identified (1) as clear goalsetting, communication, early partnering and worked up relationships.  These four key-factors were analyzed (2) with the help of the questions stated earlier. A clear goal is defined as understandable, common, and established in an early stage. It’s also important to understand the intention of the assignment to understand the goal. The clear goals can for instance be achieved using a good and clear goalsetting-document. Good communication in a construction project is all about sharing information with one another correctly. Verbally by giving the right information to the right information at the right time. Written by using certain ways or systems of sharing plans, control documents and other things within the project framework. Early partnering is when a contractor along with the right consultants gets involved at an early stage to contribute with their expertise. By working as a joint organization, almost as a fictive company you can put all the necessary competence in the design stage and therefore minimize the number of errors and changes. Worked up relationships is relations that exists in some way with other people in the construction industry. It’s easier to work in a group that you already have a relationship with, where you know each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Byggande med netto noll klimatpåverkan : En fallstudie av två pilotprojekt med påbyggnadscertifieringen NollCO2 / Construction With Net Zero Climate Impact : A case study of two pilot projects with the extension certification NollCO2

Lundh, Alice, Felixon, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Introduction – This study examines the environmental certification NollCO2, which manages and sets requirements for a building's carbon dioxide emissions during its life cycle. Emissions of carbon dioxide are one of the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. This affect opportunities to achieve national and global climate goal. By building according to the requirement of net zero carbon dioxide emissions, the climate impact from the construction sector can be reduced and greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden decrease. Method – The survey is a two-case study of the pilot projects Hyllie Terrass in Malmö and the Lidl store outside Visby, two of the first climate-neutral buildings with NollCO2 certification. The study has a qualitative approach, and the empirical data is collected with the help of semi-structured interviews and an in-depth literature search. Results / Analysis – The results of the study showed that the NollCO2 certification is about reducing carbon dioxide emissions with a focus on the climate issue. Each new NollCO2 project contributes to a reduced amount of carbon dioxide emissions. The certification differs from the other certifications by setting a CO2 budget in line with the climate goal. An obstacle that exists when implementing the NollCO2 certification is that the production cost increases. Meeting the CO2 budget set by Sweden Green Building Council is also a challenge. The certification is completely new in its kind, which created doubts about feasibility and untested methods. There is also a risk when the design work is to be handed over to the construction contract that decisive choices may be affected. Some property owners find that the certification process is lengthy and advanced, due to structural and technical barriers. There can also be problems with profitability for property owners where higher certification ratings outweigh the actual climate impact. There is also criticism that the certification is called zero, as carbon dioxide emissions in practice do not end up at net zero. Sweden is far ahead in the development towards carbon-neutral construction because of the environment and nature being deeply rooted in the culture and history that the country has. The Nordic region has a goal to be the world's most sustainable integrated region by 2030, which will accelerate development. Commitment to building more carbon dioxide-efficient indicates a widespread international interest in the industry for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Discussion – Based on the study, it is stated that the certification NollCO2 sets requirements for construction projects to build with less climate impact. The certification is the only existing tool to demonstrate a reduced climate impact. It is not possible to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions today, but the measures of the certification are efforts to achieve the environmental goals. By using and developing the NollCO2 certification, the conditions will be improved. To gain more commitment, more demands are needed from authorities and organizations. There are requirements when it comes to energy, but climate requirements are also needed. If Sweden continues to take the lead, the country will set a good example that can spread knowledge and tools for climate grazing in other countries. Keywords: NollCO2 certification, climate-neutral construction, environmental certification, carbon dioxide emissions, SGBC

Implementering av NollCO2-certifiering : En fallstudie av en nybyggnation för att identifiera hur netto-noll balans kan uppnås / Implementaion of NollCO2-certification : A case study of a new construction to identify how net-zero balance can be reached

Bjellerup, Victoria, Bäckström, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
This project aims to examine the demands of the new NollCO2-certification from a practicalpoint of view and to identify what it would mean for a real estate company to certify newconstructions according to NollCO2. Through investigation of a case-study object, a newbuilding at ICA Fastigheter, both climate impact and possible climate compensation measuresare analyzed in order to investigate how net-zero balance can be reached by 2045. By executing life cycle assessments and sensitivity analyses, both performed using MicrosoftExcel, the carbon footprint of the case-study building is evaluated within the NollCO2-certification framework. The project examines climate compensation measures related to bothenergy efficiency measures, and grid delivered renewable electricity. In the investigation,climate compensation measures are put in relation to both the NollCO2-framwork and ongoingsustainability work at ICA Fastigheter. The results show that there are many possibilities to decrease a building’s carbon footprint. Thegreatest decrease is retrieved by choosing materials with less carbon emissions such as greenconcrete or fiberglass insulation. In comparison to the case-study building’s original 512 tonsCO2eq, effective energy usage supplied from a green energy source can reduce the climateimpact further to approximately 415 tons CO2eq. To reach net-zero balance, offsite energyproduction can be installed. A solar park would need to produce 505 – 657 MWh which woulddemand approximately 15 000 - 20 000 square meters and cost 3.8 – 4.7 million Swedishcrowns. If ICA Fastigheter instead chooses to invest in wind power, the energy productionneeded would be 486 – 634 MWh, approximately 3% of the total production of an averagewindmill in Sweden. By investing in efficiency measures in existing buildings net-zero balancewould be reached with the expected expenses being a minimum of 7.6 million Swedish crowns. When analyzing the result of this case-study it is evident that an implementation of the NollCO2-certification is possible for ICA Fastigheter. However as of now, there are too many estimatesfor the result to be reliable. When taking ICA Fastigheter’s current long-term plans into accountit is evident that the most suitable climate compensation measure is to develop their energyefficiency projects in existing buildings. Efforts to increase energy efficiency in the real estateportfolio currently has a functioning workflow but must be improved to work as a sufficientclimate compensation measure when the number of new constructions aiming for the NollCO2-certification increases.

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