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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An?lise dos Modos Ressonantes em Antenas de Microfita sobre Substratos Iso/Anisotr?picos por T?cnicas da Resson?ncia Transversa

Silva, Jefferson Costa e 20 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JeffersonCS.pdf: 1778652 bytes, checksum: 9c7b8596078955525164e6707b6830eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-20 / Neste trabalho, s?o utilizadas a T?cnica da Resson?ncia Transversa (TRT) e a T?cnica da Resson?ncia Transversa Modificada (MTRT), para a determina??o das freq??ncias dos modos ressonantes de antenas de microfita com patch quadrado, retangular e circular e com substratos isotr?picos e anisotr?picos. Para isso, ? proposto um modelo da cavidade equivalente, onde a antena tipo patch retangular ? representada como sendo a superposi??o de duas linhas infinitas em microfita, uma de largura W, representando a dimens?o que expressa a largura do patch, e a outra com largura L, representando a dimens?o que expressa o comprimento do patch. A avalia??o da efici?ncia e aplicabilidade dos m?todos citados ? realizada comparando-se com resultados experimentais e obtidos atrav?s de outras t?cnicas. Tr?s situa??es ser?o verificadas: estruturas com substrato infinito, estrutura com substrato tipo pedestal e estruturas com substrato truncado al?m dos limites da fita met?lica. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as t?cnicas de an?lise de onda completa utilizadas neste trabalho, por um formalismo matem?tico mais rigoroso, s?o eficientes e precisas tanto na aplica??o em estruturas com substrato isotr?pico como nas que possuem substrato anisotr?pico. Inicialmente s?o consideradas apenas as estruturas com substratos isotr?picos, com diferentes constantes diel?tricas, e ? avaliada a influ?ncia da largura do substrato sobre as freq??ncias dos modos ressonantes das antenas. Posteriormente, a an?lise do truncamento do diel?trico ? realizada para estruturas com substrato anisotr?pico. Em todos os casos, os resultados experimentais, obtidos a partir da constru??o de prot?tipos, s?o confrontados com os obtidos a partir de simula??o, utilizando as t?cnicas TRT e MTRT. No final, as t?cnicas descritas s?o utilizadas para antenas tipo patch circular, sendo utilizada uma t?cnica de equival?ncia para transformar a antena circular em outra quadrada ou retangular equivalente, dependendo do modo que se queira encontrar. Os resultados obtidos s?o ent?o analisados, observando-se uma boa concord?ncia e indicando a viabilidade do m?todo. Ap?s isso, s?o apresentadas as conclus?es e sugeridos alguns temas para a continuidade deste trabalho

Solos artificialmente cimentados em célula cúbica : isotropia a pequenas deformações e na ruptura / Artificially cemented soil tested in a cubical cell : isotropy at small strains and at failure

Silvani, Carina January 2017 (has links)
O solo é base de praticamente todas as obras de Engenharia Civil e em algumas situações este não apresenta condições de suportar o carregamento imposto. Tal problema pode ser solucionado com técnicas de estabilização. A estabilização com cal é uma técnica clássica, porém não apresenta um método racional de dosagem e uma superfície de falha tridimensional conhecida. Entretanto este quadro vem alterando-se por meio de pesquisas que buscam utilizar o coeficiente porosidade/teor volumétrico de cal para dosar solo-cal. Assim, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a influencia do coeficiente n/(Liv) na variação de resistência à tração na compressão diametral de misturas solo- cinza volante-cal para diferentes temperaturas e diferentes tempos de cura. Busca-se obter, também, a envoltória de ruptura tridimensional deste material. Para isso foram realizados ensaios de tração por compressão diametral em corpos de prova da mistura areia de Osório e cinza volante com 3, 5 e 7 % de cal (em peso), com peso especifico aparente seco de 14, 15 e 16 kN/m², curados a 20, 27, 35, 50, 65,80 e 90ºC por 1, 3 e 7 dias. Ensaios em Triaxial Verdadeiro e de ondas ultrassônicas foram executadas em amostras com 3 dias de cura a 35º, 3% de cal, peso específico seco de 14kN/m³ e nvariando de 0 até 180º. A relação porosidade/teor volumétrico de cal ajustado por um coeficiente [n/(Liv)0,3] mostrou-se adequada na previsão da resistência à tração para todas as temperaturas e tempos de cura estudados. O uso deste coeficiente permitiu a obtenção de curvas que permitem o cálculo da temperatura máxima que influência na resistência da mistura estudada para cada tempo de tempo. Este coeficiente também permitiu a obtenção de uma equação capaz de determinar a resistência máxima que pode ser obtida em cada tempo de cura independente da temperatura de cura. A envoltória de ruptura encontrada tem formato não circular, logo a resistência do material é dependente do caminho de tensões. A isotropia do material foi confirmada através da comparação entre caminhos de tensão iguais, porém executados em diferentes direções e através da comparação entre o Módulo Oedométrico há pequenas deformações (M0)e o Módulo de Cisalhamento há pequenas deformações (G0) das direções x, y e z da amostra. / Soil is the base of most civil engineering constructions, and when it cannot support the construction loads, such problem can be solved through the use of soil stabilization technique. Lime stabilization is a classical technique, but does not present a rational dosage method and a known three-dimensional failure envelope. This situation has been changed with researches using the porosity/lime ratio to dose soil-lime. Thereby this research aims to evaluate the influence of the quotient n/(Liv) in the assessment of splitting tensile at different temperatures and time of curing and find. It was also looked for the three dimensional rupture envelope of this material. For this research splitting tensile tests were carried out with lime contents varying from 3% to 7%, dry unit weight ranging from 14kN/m³ to 16kN/m³, time curing varying from 1 to 7 days and curing time varying from 20º to 90º. True Triaxial tests and ultrasonic waves tests were carried out with samples with 3% of lime content, 14kN/m³ of dry weight, 3 days of curing at 35º and nangle between nz and the consider stress path) in ranging from 0º to 180º. The porosity/lime ratio, defined as the ratio of the compacted mixture porosity and the lime volumetric content, adjusted by an exponent, proves to be an appropriate parameter to estimate the splitting tensile strength of the soil-fly ash-lime studied in all time and temperature studied. The use of this coefficient allowed obtaining curves that allow the calculation of the maximum temperature that influences the resistance of the studied mixture for each time period. This coefficient also allowed obtaining an equation capable of determining the maximum resistance that can be reached in each curing time independent of curing temperature. The failure envelope found has a non-circular shape, so the strength of the material is dependent on the stress path. The isotropy of the material was confirmed by comparing equal stress paths, but executed in different directions and by comparing the Oedometric Modulus in small strains (M0 ) and Shear Modulus in small strains (G0 ) of the x, y, and z directions the sample.

Lokální-globální princip pro kvadratické formy / Local-global principle for quadratic forms

Surý, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
Local-global principle for quadratic forms This work will be focused on the problems of representation and equivalence for quadratic forms. We will prove the fundamental Hasse-Minkowski theorem, which describes the rational representation and equivalence using properties of the form over the completions of Q: the real and p-adic numbers. We will refer to this procedure as local-global principle. Furthermore, we shall describe the methods for computing the p-adic invariants, and show their relation to the representation problem. Finally, we show how the local-global partially extends to integral forms, in particular to indefinite ones of dimension at least 4. 1

Basics of Linear Thermoelasticity

Meyer, Arnd, Springer, Rolf January 2015 (has links)
In this preprint, we look onto the theory of linear thermoelasticity. At the beginning, this theory is shortly repeated and afterwards applied to transversely isotropic materials. Then, the corresponding weak formulation is derived, which is the starting point for a FE-discretisation. In the last part, we explain how we added this material behaviour to an adaptive Finite-Element-code and show some numerical results.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical Background 3 Special Cases of Linear Thermoelasticity 4 Weak Formulation 5 Implementation 6 Numerical Examples A. Results of the Computation

Optimizing the Performance of Text Classification Models by Improving the Isotropy of the Embeddings using a Joint Loss Function

Attieh, Joseph January 2022 (has links)
Recent studies show that the spatial distribution of the sentence representations generated from pre-trained language models is highly anisotropic, meaning that the representations are not uniformly distributed among the directions of the embedding space. Thus, the expressiveness of the embedding space is limited, as the embeddings are less distinguishable and less diverse. This results in a degradation in the performance of the models on the downstream task. Most methods that define the state-of-the-art in this area proceed by improving the isotropy of the sentence embeddings by refining the corresponding contextual word representations, then deriving the sentence embeddings from these refined representations. In this thesis, we propose to improve the quality and distribution of the sentence embeddings extracted from the [CLS] token of the pre-trained language models by improving the isotropy of the embeddings. We add one feed-forward layer, referred to as the Isotropy Layer, between the model and the downstream task layers. We train this layer using a novel joint loss function that optimizes an isotropy quality measure and the downstream task loss. This joint loss pushes the embeddings outputted by the Isotropy Layer to be more isotropic, and it also retains the semantics needed to perform the downstream task. The proposed approach results in transformed embeddings with better isotropy, that generalize better on the downstream task. Furthermore, the approach requires training one feed-forward layer, instead of retraining the whole network. We quantify and evaluate the isotropy through multiple metrics, mainly the Explained Variance and the IsoScore. Experimental results on 3 GLUE datasets with classification as the downstream task show that our proposed method is on par with the state-of-the-art, as it achieves performance gains of around 2-3% on the downstream tasks compared to the baseline. We also present a small case study on one language abuse detection dataset, then interpret some of the findings in light of the results. / Nya studier visar att den rumsliga fördelningen av de meningsrepresentationer som ge- nereras från förtränade språkmodeller är mycket anisotropisk, vilket innebär att representationerna mellan riktningarna i inbäddningsutrymmet inte är jämnt fördelade. Inbäddningsutrymmets uttrycksförmåga är således begränsad, eftersom inbäddningarna är mindre särskiljbara och mindre varierande. Detta leder till att modellernas prestanda försämras i nedströmsuppgiften. De flesta metoder som definierar den senaste tekniken på detta område går ut på att förbättra isotropin hos inbäddningarna av meningar genom att förädla motsvarande kontextuella ordrepresentationer och sedan härleda inbäddningarna av meningar från dessa förädlade representationer. I den här avhandlingen föreslår vi att kvaliteten och fördelningen av de inbäddningar av meningar som utvinns från [CLS]-tokenet i de förtränade språkmodellerna förbättras genom inbäddningarnas isotropi. Vi lägger till ett feed-forward-skikt, kallat det isotropa skiktet, mellan modellen och de nedströms liggande uppgiftsskikten. Detta lager tränas med hjälp av en ny gemensam förlustfunktion som optimerar ett kvalitetsmått för isotropi och förlusten av nedströmsuppgiften. Den gemensamma förlusten resulterar i att de inbäddningar som produceras av det isotropa lagret blir mer isotropa, samtidigt som den semantik som behövs för att utföra den nedströms liggande uppgiften bibehålls. Det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet resulterar i transformerade inbäddningar med bättre isotropi, som generaliseras bättre för den efterföljande uppgiften. Dessutom kräver tillvägagångssättet träning av ett feed-forward-skikt, i stället för omskolning av hela nätverket. Vi kvantifierar och utvärderar isotropin med hjälp av flera mått, främst Förklarad Varians och IsoScore. Experimentella resultat på tre GLUE-dataset visar att vår föreslagna metod är likvärdig med den senaste tekniken, eftersom den uppnår prestandaökningar på cirka 2-3 % på nedströmsuppgifterna jämfört med baslinjen. Vi presenterar även en liten fallstudie på ett dataset för upptäckt av språkmissbruk och tolkar sedan några av resultaten mot bakgrund av dessa.

Homogenization of mechanical and thermal properties of fired clay bricks : effects of porosity / Homogénisation des propriétés mécaniques et thermiques des briques d'argile cuites : effet de la porosité

Tian, Zeye 28 June 2018 (has links)
En raison de l'exigence de protection de l'environnement, les briques d'argile cuites sont face à une nouvelle tendance de développement. Briques d'argile cuites ne sont pas seulement satisfaits de la mécanique force mais aussi augmentation de l'utilisation de l'énergie. La conductivité thermique est un paramètre très important mesurer l'utilisation de l'énergie. Sur le principe de garantir essentiellement propriétés mécaniques, la réduction de la conductivité thermique a été l'un des développements importants objectifs dans l'industrie du bâtiment.Basé sur l'analyse de la microstructure, les pores microscopiques ont un effet sur la macroscopie constantes élastiques et conductivité thermique. Micropores parallèles résultant de la production les méthodes provoquent l'isotropie transversale des briques d'argile cuites. Cependant, ce n'est pas clair que l'influence des micropores sur les propriétés macroscopiques. Bien que certains modèles étudié l'effet de la porosité sur les propriétés mécaniques des briques d'argile cuite, ces modèles sont empiriques et ont ignoré de nombreuses informations microscopiques. Un des buts de la thèse est d'analyser l'influence de la forme, l'orientation et la distribution spatiale de microscopique facteurs sur les propriétés mécaniques et la conductivité thermique afin de fournir une référence optimiser la micro-structure des briques d'argile cuites. / Due to the environmental protection requirement, fired clay bricks are facing new development tendency. Fired clay bricks are not only satisfied with mechanical strength but also rising energy utilization. Thermal conductivity is a very important parameter to measure the energy utilization. On the premise of guaranteeing the basically mechanical properties, reducing thermal conductivity has been one of important development goals in building industry.Based on the analysis of micro-structure, microscopic pores have an effect on macroscopic elastic constants and thermal conductivity. Parallel micropores resulting from producing methods cause the transverse isotropy of fired clay bricks. However, it is not clear that the influence of micropores on the macroscopic properties. Though some models studied the effect of porosity on mechanical properties of fired clay bricks, these models are empirical and ignored many microscopic information. One of the goals of the thesis is to analyze the influence of shape, orientation and spatial distribution of microscopic factors on mechanical properties and thermal conductivity in order to provide a reference to optimize the micro-structure of fired clay bricks.

Otimização de materiais constituídos de células treliçadas com restrições de isotropia para aplicações termomecânicas / Optimization of lattice cells materials aiming at thermomechanical applications including isotropy constraints

Guth, Danilo Colletta 24 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T17:19:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Danilo Guth.pdf: 5524444 bytes, checksum: 0d000481efd76a74f714599b9ac7f404 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Inspirados por materiais encontrados na natureza, pesquisadores têm estudado a utilização de materiais celulares em diversas aplicações como biomedicina, engenharia aeroespacial e militar. O ganho em relação ao material base é a excelente relação entre peso e propriedades diversas como: rigidez ao cisalhamento; condutividade térmica/elétrica; absorção de impacto, ruído e vibrações. Uma classe específica são os materiais constituídos por células treliçadas. Estes possuem estrutura periódica, formada por células-base constituídas de barras distribuídas espacialmente no domínio da célula. Modernos processos de fabricação vêm viabilizando a confecção das células em escalas micro e nanométricas. Técnicas para obtenção de novas configurações são objeto de diversos estudos que buscam obter estruturas ótimas para uma dada função multiobjetivo. O presente trabalho implementa o uso de programação quadrática sequencial para a obtenção de células-base otimizadas para funções termomecânicas incluindo a maximização do módulo de cisalhamento, módulo volumétrico, coeficiente de Poisson e condutividade térmica, permitindo a inclusão de restrições de isotropia. A determinação das propriedades macroscópicas é obtida através do método da homogeneização. Diversos resultados são obtidos para os casos bidimensional e tridimensional.

Contribution à la caractérisation du comportement géomécanique des roches couverture des réservoirs pétroliers / Contribution to the characterization of geomechanical behavior of caprocks in petroleum industry

Noiret, Aurélien 10 March 2009 (has links)
Une connaissance plus approfondie du comportement des roches argileuses, et plus particulièrement de leur tenue, s'avère aujourd'hui indispensable dans le cadre de plusieurs thèmes de recherche d'importance croissante : comme couverture des réservoirs pétroliers pour la production d’hydrocarbures et la séquestration de CO2, ou en tant que roche hôte pour le stockage des déchets nucléaires en couches géologiques profondes. Ces roches sont particulièrement difficiles à caractériser expérimentalement du fait de leur très faible perméabilité et de leur sensibilité à l'eau. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'améliorer la compréhension des couplages hydromécaniques intervenant dans ces matériaux. Tout d’abord, une contribution à la caractérisation de l’évolution de la structure des roches argileuses soumises à un chargement mécanique est apportée. A cet effet, un essai de compression uniaxiale sur l’argilite de Tournemire associant des observations au MEB et une méthode de corrélation d’images numériques est proposé. Par la suite, des simulations numériques des essais œdométriques ont été réalisées pour appréhender l'influence des propriétés poromécaniques, en particulier de la faible perméabilité sur le comportement de l'échantillon. L’étude des équations de diffusion et les simulations numériques effectuées nous permettent de proposer une méthode de détermination de la perméabilité intrinsèque de ces matériaux. Dans la dernière partie, une étude du comportement d’une roche couverture d’un réservoir pétrolier à grande échelle est réalisée sur un cas synthétique 3D. L’objectif de ce chapitre est d’étudier les variations du champ de contrainte au sein de la couverture au cours de la production du réservoir / Knowledge of shale poromechanical behavior is essential for various environmental issues such as CO2 deep geological storage, high level radioactive waste storage, oil field abandonment… Furthermore, due to their good confinement properties, there are considered as potential host rocks for high level radioactive waste storage. However, their experimental characterization is very complex because of their very low permeability and their saturating fluid sensitivity. The main objective of this study is to improve knowledge of hydromechanical coupling of such a material. To study the structure of argillites under stress, SEM in-situ uniaxial compression test is performed on parallelepiped sample; compression orientation is perpendicular to bedding planes direction. Correlation techniques are used to estimate strain distributions. Second part underlines the key points of shale experimental characterization using the framework of Biot’s mechanics of fluid saturated porous solids. Shales are well known as a more or less transverse isotropy material. The complete methodology to conduct œdometric tests on such sensitive and weakly permeable material is described. Measurements realized on Tournemire argillite are proposed and a comparison with the poroelastic parameters of Meuse / Haute-Marne is given. Furthermore, to investigate hydromechanical coupling, a transverse isotropic poroelastic model is used to estimate the influence of anisotropy on diffusion characteristic time. The experimental data are used in numerical simulations to estimate the intrinsic permeability of the samples. In the last part, the caprock behavior of a petroleum field is studied at large scale with a 3D synthetic model (finite element analysis). The purpose of this last chapter is to study changes in stress field during the oil production

Tertiary Creep Damage Modeling Of A Transversely Isotropic Ni-based Superalloy

Stewart, Calvin 01 January 2009 (has links)
Anisotropic tertiary creep damage formulations have become an increasingly important prediction technique for high temperature components due to drives in the gas turbine industry for increased combustion chamber exit pressures, temperature, and the use of anisotropic materials such as metal matrix composites and directionally-solidified (DS) Ni-base superalloys. Typically, isotropic creep damage formulations are implemented for simple cases involving a uniaxial state of stress; however, these formulations can be further developed for multiaxial states of stress where materials are found to exhibit induced anisotropy. In addition, anisotropic materials necessitate a fully-developed creep strain tensor. This thesis describes the development of a new anisotropic tertiary creep damage formulation implemented in a general-purpose finite element analysis (FEA) software. Creep deformation and rupture tests are conducted on L, T, and 45°-oriented specimen of subject alloy DS GTD-111. Using the Kachanov-Rabotnov isotropic creep damage formulation and the optimization software uSHARP, the damage constants associated with the creep tests are determined. The damage constants, secondary creep, and derived Hill Constants are applied directly into the improved formulation. Comparison between the isotropic and improved anisotropic creep damage formulations demonstrates modeling accuracy. An examination of the off-axis creep strain terms using the improved formulation is conducted. Integration of the isotropic creep damage formulation provides time to failure predictions which are compared with rupture tests. Integration of the improved anisotropic creep damage produces time to failure predictions at intermediate orientations and any state of stress. A parametric study examining various states of stress, and materials orientations is performed to verify the flexibility of the improved formulation. A parametric exercise of the time to failure predictions for various levels of uniaxial stress is conducted.

Inférence topologique

Prévost, Noémie 02 1900 (has links)
Les données provenant de l'échantillonnage fin d'un processus continu (champ aléatoire) peuvent être représentées sous forme d'images. Un test statistique permettant de détecter une différence entre deux images peut être vu comme un ensemble de tests où chaque pixel est comparé au pixel correspondant de l'autre image. On utilise alors une méthode de contrôle de l'erreur de type I au niveau de l'ensemble de tests, comme la correction de Bonferroni ou le contrôle du taux de faux-positifs (FDR). Des méthodes d'analyse de données ont été développées en imagerie médicale, principalement par Keith Worsley, utilisant la géométrie des champs aléatoires afin de construire un test statistique global sur une image entière. Il s'agit d'utiliser l'espérance de la caractéristique d'Euler de l'ensemble d'excursion du champ aléatoire sous-jacent à l'échantillon au-delà d'un seuil donné, pour déterminer la probabilité que le champ aléatoire dépasse ce même seuil sous l'hypothèse nulle (inférence topologique). Nous exposons quelques notions portant sur les champs aléatoires, en particulier l'isotropie (la fonction de covariance entre deux points du champ dépend seulement de la distance qui les sépare). Nous discutons de deux méthodes pour l'analyse des champs anisotropes. La première consiste à déformer le champ puis à utiliser les volumes intrinsèques et les compacités de la caractéristique d'Euler. La seconde utilise plutôt les courbures de Lipschitz-Killing. Nous faisons ensuite une étude de niveau et de puissance de l'inférence topologique en comparaison avec la correction de Bonferroni. Finalement, nous utilisons l'inférence topologique pour décrire l'évolution du changement climatique sur le territoire du Québec entre 1991 et 2100, en utilisant des données de température simulées et publiées par l'Équipe Simulations climatiques d'Ouranos selon le modèle régional canadien du climat. / Data coming from a fine sampling of a continuous process (random field) can be represented as images. A statistical test aiming at detecting a difference between two images can be seen as a group of tests in which each pixel is compared to the corresponding pixel in the other image. We then use a method to control the type I error over all the tests, such as the Bonferroni correction or the control of the false discovery rate (FDR). Methods of data analysis have been developped in the field of medical imaging, mainly by Keith Worsley, using the geometry of random fields in order to build a global statistical test over the whole image. The expected Euler characteristic of the excursion set of the random field underlying the sample over a given threshold is used in order to determine the probability that the random field exceeds this same threshold under the null hypothesis (topological inference). We present some notions relevant to random fields, in particular isotropy (the covariance function between two given points of a field depends only on the distance between them). We discuss two methods for the analysis of non\-isotropic random fields. The first one consists in deforming the field and then using the intrinsic volumes and the Euler characteristic densities. The second one uses the Lipschitz-Killing curvatures. We then perform a study of sensitivity and power of the topological inference technique comparing it to the Bonferonni correction. Finally, we use topological inference in order to describe the evolution of climate change over Quebec territory between 1991 and 2100 using temperature data simulated and published by the Climate Simulation Team at Ouranos, with the Canadian Regional Climate Model CRCM4.2.

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