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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of the victim in the South African system of plea and sentence agreements: a critique of section 105a of the criminal procedure act

Rodgers, Megan Bronwynne January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Crime victims once played a prominent role in the criminal justice system. Historically, victims who sought to bring their wrongdoers to justice conducted their own investigations and argued their own cases or employed others to do so. As time passed, a distinction was drawn between offences against the social order and disputes between individuals. Crime control became a function of government and the state increased its responsibility for the investigation and punishment of criminal conduct. Gradually, the victim was removed from the proceedings and relegated to serving as a witness for the state. The assumption was that the state, whilst representing the interests of society, would represent the interests of the victim also. This fallacy provided the foundation for a criminal justice which, until recently, encourage victim exclusion. In recent years, there has been a clear trend towards re-introducing the right of victims to participate in the criminal justice process. This international trend has been labelled the „return of the victim‟. In South Africa, the Constitution and, in particular, the Bill of Rights contained therein underscore the move towards procedural rights for victims of crime. Moreover, the South African government has taken significant legislative steps to ensure that victims have formal rights in criminal justice proceedings. However, to date, comparatively little attention has been paid to the question of whether or not victims should be allowed a meaningful role in the process of plea and sentence negotiations. One of the aims of this study is to determine whether victims‟ rights are properly understood, defined and implemented within the criminal justice system. In particular, this study aims to clarify the rights of victims who find themselves affiliated with a specific stage of criminal prosecution, namely, negotiated justice.

Integration of community development and statutory social work services within the developmental approach

Landman, Liezel 04 October 2005 (has links)
South African welfare policies and social problems dictate social service rendering in South Africa. Social workers are involved in various service delivery interventions of which community development (macro focus) and statutory services (micro focus) are two separate specialised interventions. In social work practice there is a need for both interventions, however, there is no clear guidelines for social workers how to integrate these interventions in practice. The aim of this study was to determine how community development and statutory services as two distinctive social work interventions could be integrated in order to render effective, integrated social services within a developmental approach. A qualitative research approach was utilised for the study and data was gathered by means of four focus group interviews. Respondents for the study included social workers and clients who were involved in both statutory and community development interventions. Research findings indicated that statutory and community development interventions are guided by different processes, time frames, and models of implementation, such as the legislative framework in the case of statutory work as opposed to participatory models in community development. The study concluded that there is not only confusion with regard to the role of social workers, but also a high risk of clients loosing trust in the helping relationship when one social worker simultaneously does community work and render statutory services in the same community. The distinctive nature of statutory services and community development calls for other options for the integration of these two intervention levels. This study proposed three options for social workers and NGOs to integrate statutory services and community development. Based on the research findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher proposed guidelines for (1) the development of an integrated model and (2) a policy framework for the integration of statutory services and community development within a developmental approach and finally recommended that such a designed model and policy framework be implemented and the impact thereof on social service delivery be researched. / Dissertation (MSD (Social Development and Policy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work / unrestricted

'n Spelterapieprogram vir die adolessente dogter wat seksueel misbruik is (Afrikaans)

Kotze, Etna 13 December 2006 (has links)
This research deals with a play therapy programme that was developed, implemented and evaluated with fifteen adolescent girls from three different ethnical backgrounds, namely Xhosa, Coloured and white. Five girls from each respective ethnical background were selected by means of purposeful sampling. The goal of this research was to implement and evaluate a play therapy programme for die adolescent girl that was sexually abused. In order to achieve this goal, information was gathered and a theoretical framework built with the help of a literature study. A critical investigation was done on existing intervention programmes for adolescents that were sexually abused, a play therapy programme for the adolescent girl that was sexually abused was developed, implemented, evaluated and recommendations were made for the use of the programme with the different ethnical groups, namely Xhosa, Coloured and white. Applied research was done; the researcher exploited existing knowledge to gather new knowledge to address immediate problems that professional people experience in practice. Within the context of applied research the goal of this study was to do intervention research. The researcher used a single-system design, A-B-A-A, to determine the effectiveness of the play therapy programme with adolescent girls from three ethical groups, namely: Xhosa, Coloured and white. A Research hypothesis was made, namely: If the play therapy programme is implemented with the adolescent girl, her self-perception and trauma-dynamic-elements will improve. The researcher used Creswell’s mixed methodology design model. A standardized scale, namely the Child Functioning Inventory - High School, was used to measure the adolescent girls’ self-perception and trauma-dynamic-elements before and after intervention. The researcher conducted a semi-structured interview, in conjunction with an interview schedule, with the respondent’s parent(s) before and after intervention. The researcher observed the respondents during the therapy sessions, field notes were made and every session were describe by means of report writing. The researcher had a follow-up interview three months after the post measurement with the adolescent and parent(s), to monitor the long-term effect of the play therapy programme after termination. The self-perception and trauma-dynamic-elements of every respondent that took part in the research and completed the therapeutic process, improved. The conclusion can therefore be made that the play therapy programme can be used successfully with the three ethnical groups, namely Xhosa, Coloured and white. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

Dopady úpravy v novém občanském zákoníku do pojištění odpovědnosti za škody / The impact of the new Civil Code on liability insurance

Klierová, Irena January 2014 (has links)
On 1 January 2014 the new Civil Code, the most important piece of legislation, has come into effect. It is a part of large recodification of the Czech civil law. This thesis, "The impact of the new Civil Code on liability insurance", points out the most significant changes and the implications which effects, among others, the insurance sector. The first part of the thesis addresses mostly the theoretical concept of liability, the elemental preconditions of liability and methods of compensation for material and immaterial damage, including comparison of claim rights under former legal norm and the current legal norm. It also mentions the ambiguity in law in case of compensation for work-related injuries and occupational diseases. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to describing the process of implementation of the new Civil Code to operation of insurance companies from both legal and financial point of view. This includes evaluation of the impact of the changes on settlement of compensation claims for immaterial damage from the first available data. The third part is focused on the characteristics of liability insurance and its construction. It includes basic breakdown by legal bindings and a description of types of liability insurances. The conclusion contains overall assessment of liability insurance on the Czech insurance market.

Sbližování daňových systémů v EU / Convergence of the tax systems in the EU

Kučírková, Dagmar January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate whether is there a convergence in the tax systems of the EU Member States or not. The first chapter describes a development in a process of tax coordination and harmonization of the EU Member States. The next chapter focuses on a description and comparison of the current state of the tax systems in the European Union. The third chapter deals with the statistical evaluation of the development of individual variables - overall tax quota, tax quota of individual taxes, implicit tax rates, statutory tax rates, for individual taxes and a group of taxes between 1995 and 2011 period. The fourth chapter summarizes the results of the analysis.

Contribution à l'étude de la qualité de l'audit : une approche fondée sur le management des équipes et le comportement des auditeurs / Contribution to the Study of disfunctional behaviors of financial Auditors

Gaddour, Inès 21 November 2016 (has links)
Cette étude développe et teste empiriquement un modèle explicatif des comportements dysfonctionnels des auditeurs financiers. La revue de la littérature permet d'identifier les principaux facteurs ayant un impact significatif sur les dysfonctionnements (pression budgétaire et des délais...). Cette recherche propose d'étendre le périmètre des déterminants sous un angle relationnel et managérial. À cette fin, elle mobilise principalement l'approche de la relation supérieur - subordonné (LMX), mais aussi le role modeling et le style d'évaluation de la performance des auditeurs.Notre étude repose sur un questionnaire soumis aux auditeurs seniors opérant dans les grands réseaux de commissariat aux comptes constituant les principaux acteurs du marché de l'audit en France, plus précisément d'origines anglo-saxonne (Big 4) et française (Mazars).Pour tester nos hypothèses, la méthode d'estimation retenue est celle de type Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR).Les analyses soulignent que les trois dimensions du LMX, à savoir affection, loyauté et contribution ont un impact négatif et significatif sur les comportements adaptatifs (respectivement comportements non professionnels : CNP, mauvaise gestion de l’équipe d’audit : MGE et comportements réducteurs de qualité : QTB). En outre, les résultats mettent en lumière que, sous l’effet de mimétisme, les comportements managériaux adoptés par un supérieur réduisent le MGE, le QTB et le CNP. De plus, il a été observé qu’une perception favorable du soutien organisationnel et une évaluation axée sur des critères sociaux entraînent respectivement moins de QTB et de MGE. Enfin, certains résultats confirment ceux des recherches antérieures quant à l’impact du style d’évaluation basée sur des critères techniques, de l’engagement affectif, et de la pression liée au budget et aux délais sur les comportements dysfonctionnels. / This study develops and empirically tests an explanatory model in order to study the dysfunctional behaviors of financial auditors.The literature review allows to identify the main factors having a significant impact on malfunctions (budget pressure, time deadline pressure...). This research proposes extending the scope of the determinants in a relational and managerial perspective. To this end, it mobilizes mainly Leader-Member Exchange theory (LMX), but also the role modeling and the assessment style of auditors performance.Our study is based on a questionnaire which was sent to senior auditors who work in the large auditing networks which constitute the main actors of the audit market in France, specifically of Anglo-Saxon (Big 4) and French (Mazars) origins.To test our hypotheses, the estimation method of Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) was applied.The results show that the three dimensions of Leader Member-Exchange (LMX), namely affection, loyalty and contribution have a negative and significant impact on the adaptive behaviors (respectively unprofessional behaviors: CNP, mismanagement of the audit team: MGE and Quality-Threatening Behavior: QTB). Also, results highlight under the effect of mimetic, managerial behaviors adopted by a superior have been shown to reduce the MGE, but also QTB and CNP. In addition, it was revealed that a favorable perception of organizational support and an evaluation focused on social criteria result in less QTB and MGE respectively.Finally, the analyses confirm the results of previous research concerning the impact of the style assessment based on technical criteria, affective commitment, budget pressure and time deadline pressure on such types of behavior.

Pharmakogenetisches Screening bei Erstdiagnose einer Schizophrenie: Existiert hinsichtlich der Leistungserstattung ein gesundheitsökonomischer Nutzen seitens der GKV? - Entwicklung eines gesundheitsökonomischen Evaluationskonzepts

Kilimann, Stephanie 26 September 2013 (has links)
Ziel: Entwicklung eines gesundheitsökonomischen Evaluationskonzepts zum Nachweis einer Kostenreduktion unter gleichzeitiger Optimierung des medizinischen Nutzens durch pharmakogenetisches Screening bei Erstdiagnose einer Schizophrenie. Finale Zielsetzung ist die Aufnahme der pharmakogenetischen a priori-Diagnostik für die Indikation Schizophrenie in die GKV-Regelversorgung. Methodik: Basierend auf dem aktuellen Stand gendiagnostischer Forschung sowie der evidenzbasierten Schizophrenietherapie wurde eine prospektive, randomisierte und kontrollierte, dreiarmige, offene, multizentrische Pilotstudie im Paralleldesign über 3 Jahre konzeptioniert. Studienpopulation: 300 Patienten (1:1:1) im Alter von 18 bis 65 Jahren mit erstmaliger F20-Diagnose (ICD-10). Interventionen: pharmakogenetisches Screening und integrierte Versorgung; integrierte Versorgung; Standardversorgung. Die Erhebung des medizinischen Nutzens erfolgt durch Messung des klinischen Outcome bzgl. der patientenrelevanten Endpunkte Mortalität, Morbidität, Lebensqualität und Nebenwirkungen zu definierten Zeitpunkten. Perspektivisch relevante Kosten werden im "piggy back"-Verfahren ermittelt. Ergebnisse: Angesichts zurzeit bestehender Limitationen im deutschen Gesundheitssystem (z.B. unzureichendes intersektorales Schnittstellenmanagement bei der Arzneimittelversorgung und Informationsweitergabe) wird die Integrierte Versorgung als geeignete Versorgungsform für den Nutzennachweis eingestuft. Die Integrierte Versorgung stellt jedoch momentan nicht den allgemeinen Standard der psychiatrischen Patientenversorgung dar. Aus GKV-Perspektive wesentliche Kostentreiber der Schizophrenietherapie sind Rückfälle, Krankenhausaufenthalte, Arbeitslosigkeit und vorzeitige Verrentung. Eine Verringerung der Häufigkeit dieser Parameter könnte z.B. zu einer Reduktion der Erstjahres-Behandlungskosten (zurzeit ca. 30% der Gesamtkosten) führen. Die Kosten-Effektivitäts-Analyse erweist sich als Studienform mit der geringsten Anfälligkeit für Bias und Confounder. Trotz einer vergleichsweise hohen externen Validität ist das Studiensetting nicht uneingeschränkt übertragbar auf die Versorgungsrealität des deutschen Gesundheitssystems. Es existiert aktuell keine generelle Empfehlung für den Einsatz der Gendiagnostik zur Steuerung der Arzneimitteltherapie in Psychiatrie. Ebenso hat die integrierte Versorgung bisher keinen umfassenden Einzug in den psychiatrischen Behandlungsalltag gefunden, so dass die beschriebenen Limitationen einen positiven Nutzennachweis erschweren. Dennoch ist das Konzept als praktisch umsetzbar zu bewerten. Schlussfolgerung: Bei dieser Faktenlage ist das Interesse der GKV an der Veranlassung einer gesundheitsökonomischen Evaluation mit dem Ziel einer Erstattungsfähigkeit des a priori durchgeführten pharmakogenetischen Screenings bei Schizophrenie als eher gering einzustufen. Jedoch lassen das Update der S3-Praxisleitlinie mit dem Einbezug der strukturierten u. integrierten Versorgung sowie der Aktionsplan „Individualisierte Medizin“ des Bundesforschungsministeriums auf eine Fokussierung auf diese Fragestellung und veränderte Interessenlage bzgl. der Initiierung der Pilotstudie hoffen. Weitere Forschungstätigkeit sowie die praktische Erprobung neuer gendiagnostischen Verfahren sind, basierend auf versorgungsbezogenen Pilotstudien wie der hier konzeptionierten, fachübergreifend erforderlich, um die Relevanz der Methodik für den psychiatrischen Versorgungsalltag zu belegen. / Purpose: Development of a health-economic investigation method to study whether a cost reduction under concurrent optimisation of the medical use exists by using pharmacogenetic a- priori- screening with first diagnosis of a schizophrenia. Final objective is the reimbursement of pharmacogenetic diagnostics for the indication schizophrenia in the German health statutory insurance (GKV). Methods: A prospective, randomised and controlled, 3-armed, parallel, open, multicentre pilot study with a duration of 3 years was designed based on the actual status of genetic-diagnostic research as well as the evidence-based therapy of schizophrenia. Study population: 300 patients (1:1:1) aged 18 to 65 years with initial F20 diagnosis (ICD-10). Interventions: pharmacogenetic screening and integrated care; integrated care; standard care. For evaluation of the medical benefit the clinical outcome is measured at defined times with regard to the patients' relevant endpoints mortality, morbidity, quality of life and side effects. In perspective relevant costs are determined by "piggy back" procedure. Results: In view of actually existing limitations within the German health system (e.g., insufficient intersectional medication and information management) the integrated care is considered being a suitable setting to demonstrate the advantage of using pharmacogenetic screening. Nevertheless, the integrated care does not show the general standard of the psychiatric patient's care at the moment. From GKV perspective essential cost drivers of schizophrenia therapy are relapses, hospital stays, unemployment and untimely superannuation. Diminishing the rate of these parametres could lead, e.g., to a reduction of the first year medical costs (at the moment approx. 30% of the total expenses). The cost-effectiveness analysis seems to be the study form with the slightest susceptibility to bias and confounding. In spite of a relatively high external validity the study setting is not unconditionally transferable to the German health system. Currently no general recommendation exists for the application of the genetic diagnostics to manage medication therapy in psychiatry. Up to now also the integrated care has not found a comprehensive entry in psychiatric practice, so that the described limitations are complicating a positive use proof. Nevertheless, the investigational concept can be regarded as feasible. Conclusion: Based on the existing situation the GKV's interest in performing a health-economic evaluation, which is focussed on the reimbursement of pharmacogenetic a priori-diagnostics in schizophrenia, is considered to be low. However, the situation may change in view of the expected update of the S3-practise guideline with the focus on structured and integrated care as well as the action plan „individualised medicine“ of the German federal research ministry. Thus, there is hope for changing interests in a pilot study. Based on care-related pilot studies as presented here, further research activities and practical testing of recent gene diagnostic procedures are necessary to demonstrate the relevance of the methodology for psychiatric practice.

An assessment of the Media High Council as a media regulatory body in Rwanda, 2007-2010

Nkundakozera, Prince Bahati 02 1900 (has links)
The Media High Council (MHC) was put in place by the 2003 constitution of the Republic of Rwanda as amended to today. As article 34 clarifies, the MHC is an independent institution which aims to address issues of media and press freedom. In the same spirit, the law number 30 /2009 of 16/9/2009 determines its mission, organisation and functioning. According to article 2 of this law, the Media High Council is responsible for protection, control and promotion of media and media professionals. Based on normative theories, qualitative methods and thematic analysis, this study has explored the policy formation of the Media High Council and how it has been balancing the seeming contradictory responsibilities of protecting and controlling media from 2007 to 2010. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

Kontrola rozhlasových vln - Československý rozhlas v 50. a 60. letech / Censorship of broadcasting - Czechoslovak broadcasting in the 1950s and 1960s

Šenkýřová, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
Synopsis The aim of this diploma paper is to explain and demonstrate censorial practice of the communist regime in the Czechoslovak Radio. The paper demonstrates via narrators' memories the way the transmission in the Czechoslovak Radio was affected after its takeover by the Communist Party in 1948, namely on the part of both the operational technical staff members and editors. Historical experience of narrators is presented in the context of formerly known events amended by published articles or sources including those of radio archive.

Effect of statutory and regulatory protection in investment decision / Efecto de la seguridad jurídica en la decisión de inversión

Sargsyan, Gevorg 29 June 2018 (has links)
Public interest in investments has increased dramatically during the past decades. Also parallely, there has been much research interest related with profitability, liquidity, and statutory and regulatory protection of investments, the three important pillars of investment. However, there is no similar research comparing the markets of Spain, USA and Russia in order to answer the research question of this thesis. Considering these factors, there exists need for this scientific research. The objective of this study was to discover the effect of statutory and regulatory protection in investment decision by comparing and analysing the legal environment of investments. The two steps to achieve this objective were: - Analyse and compare the legislation and securities market regulation international, national and institutional framework. - Survey. On a national level, we focused on three markets - Spain, the USA and Russia. On an institutional level, we concentrated on state agencies with regulatory power over securities markets of the above mentioned countries. The conclusion answered the main question of the work – “How does statutory and regulatory protection affect investment decisions?” This thesis in financial and business law is very relevant and will be of great interest to the investment sector. It can help interested parties in investment societies find specific solutions to improve the efficiency in investments in the above mentioned securities markets taking into consideration statutory and regulatory protection. Also, this work raises new questions for future research and indicates new possibilities of conducting future investigations. / Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento (Escuela de Doctorado) "Convocatoria para la concesión de subvenciones con el objetivo de facilitar la obtención de la mención de Doctor internacional en el título de doctora o doctor, Ayudas Movilidad 2015". Jeffrey E. Smith Institute of Real Estate and Capital Markets of University of Missouri "Research Scholar (Becario de Investigación) - 01/02/2016-31/12/2017".

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