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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First Response to Emergency Situation in a Smart Environment using a Mobile Robot

Lazzaro, Gloria January 2015 (has links)
In recent years, the increase in the amount of elderly people has gained importance and significance and has become one of the major social challenges for most developed countries. More than one third of elderly fall at least once a year and often are not able to get up again unsupported, especially if they live alone. Smart homes can provide efficient and cost effective solutions, using technologies in order to sense the environment and helping to understand the occurrence of a possible dangerous situation. Robotic assistance is one of the most promising technologies for recognizing a fallen person and helping him/her in case of danger. This dissertation presents two methods, to detect first and then to recognize the presence or non-presence of a human being on the ground. The first method is based on Kinect depth image, thresholding and blob analysis for detecting human presence. While, the second is a GLCM feature-based method, evaluated from two different classifiers, namely Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for recognizing human from non-human. Results show that SVM and ANN can classify the presence of a person with 76.5 and 85.6 of accuracy, respectively. This shows that these methods can potentially be used to recognize the presence or absence of fallen human lying on the floor.

The preparedness of Bloemfontein radiographers for common medical emergencies

Botha, R.W., Kotze, B. January 2014 (has links)
Published Article / Radiographers need to know how to react appropriately when a patient has a medical emergency; this is not only essential but lifesaving. This reaction stems from a theoretical framework that guides an automotive sense of knowing what to do and how to assist. Having the correct equipment completes this circle. The objectives of this study was to evaluate the responses of Bloemfontein radiographers in emergency situations based on the awareness of their role in emergency procedures and their role in the application of pharmaceuticals and equipment on the emergency trolley. A checklist compiled from literature was used to evaluate the state of emergency trolleys at four hospitals in Bloemfontein through impromptu visits. A questionnaire was used to determine the preparedness of radiographers for common medical emergencies. The currency of their first aid training was also established. The study results showed that 50% of the emergency trolleys' content conformed to guidelines in literature; the other trolleys contained expired medicine. Forty-five percent of the radiographers in the sample did not know how to assist effectively when using an emergency trolley. Of the participants 73.5% would respond according to protocol in emergency situations. Fifty-three percent of the radiographers in the study did not have valid first aid certificates. This study showed that though most participating radiographers would respond to emergency situations according to protocol, certain aspects of their response have shortcomings. Additionally the availability of equipment and medication is cause for concern.

Branduolinio tipo ekstremaliųjų situacijų prevencijos ir parengties analizė / Nuclear emegency prevention and preparedness analysis

Gaidamavičiūtė, Alina 28 January 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotos ir įvertintos branduolinio tipo ekstremaliųjų situacijų prevencijos ir parengties priemonės. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu tiriama branduolinės saugos bei ekstremaliųjų situacijų valdymo ciklo prevencijos ir parengties fazių samprata. Taip pat išanalizuojamas technologinio pobūdžio rizikos suvokimas, jos valdymo ypatumai bei branduolinių tipo ekstremaliųjų situacijų klasifikavimas pagal tarptautinę branduolinių ir radiologinių įvykių skalę. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjos branduolinio tipo ekstremaliųjų situacijų prevencijos ir parengties priemonės bei trumpai apžvelgiama Lietuvos situacija, įvertinta pagal tas priemones, atskleidžiamos spragos teoriniame lygmenyje. Trečioje dalyje aptariama tyrimo, atliekamo trianguliacijos principu metodika bei analizuojami žvalgybis,kokybinis ir kiekybinis tyrimai. Kokybiniu tyrimu atskleidžiama Černobylio avarijos prevencijos ir parengties priemonių situacija, kiekybiniu – visuomenės nuomonė apie branduolinę saugą Lietuvoje, žvalgybiniu – specialistų nuomonė dėl radiacinės saugos. / Master's thesis analyzed and evaluated nuclear emergency prevention and preparedness measures. The first part is an overview of nuclear safety, prevention and preparedness phases conception of emergency management cycle. It is also examined the nature of technological risk perception and its operating features and the type of nuclear emergency classification according to the INES scale. The second part analyzed the nuclear emergency prevention and preparedness measures and it is given a brief overview of the situation in Lithuania, assessed according to these measures. The third section discussed the research carried out by triangulation method: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research revealed the Chernobyl accident prevention and preparedness measures and identified gaps in emergency management process. Quantitative research analyzed public opinion on nuclear safety in Lithuania. Also experts in radiological sphere have given their opinion about radiological safety measures.

Připravenost obecní policie na krizové situace ve vybraných obcích s rozšířenou působností v Jihočeském kraji / Readiness municipal police in crisis situations in selected municipalities with extended powers in the South Bohemian Region.

BAREŠ, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation on ,,Preparedness Municipal Police Force for states of emergency in selected villages with extended activities in South Bohemian Region" was compiled from main reason, that this status is not described anywhere. First goal of this dissertation was charting preparedness in selected city police for solving situations, which are reason for announcements of state of emergency and then to confirm or disprove two specified hypotheses. First goal of this dissertation was to suggest a possibility of improvement preparedness city police force with taking into the size of villages with extended activities, based on obtained information and on SWOT analysis. Second goal of the dissertation was to evaluate financial security preparedness city police force on state of emergency in selected villages with extended activities on South Bohemian area. During process of this dissertation were used literary sources, existing legislation, existing internal documents and internet ,quantitative research, structured interviews. Subsequently to this were made SWOT analysis, which together with outputs acquired from done by quantitative and qualitative research, completed preparedness of selected city police force and also showed the possibility of improvement preparedness city police force in both of examined groups of city police force. The work structure consists of the common characteristics of the public administration and the local government, and especially of the status of the villages with extended activities and their activities within the security system of the Czech Republic. The next part of the work describes the states of emergency, their brief characteristics and their integration to the legislature of the Czech Republic. The legal adjustment, it is progress and its current state of the city police force was described in the part about the city police force, with all the information regarding its activities, overall introduction of the city police force in the individual villages with extended activities alongside with the partition of the city police force to two groups. Also the budget of the city police force was described, because of the emergency states and the budget alone is the part of villages with extended activities' budget that described the areas of income and all the expenses. The next part of this work is focused on the graphical and statistical elaboration of the survey and subsequently, the results of the interviews are published and they are linked directly to the SWOT analysis. With the evaluation of these methods, the conclusion was made. And the conclusion states the following: "From the technical, theoretical, personal and material view, the city police force is sufficiently prepared, but the readiness itself differs in the various villages with extended activities, because of their wealth and area (some are smaller, and some are bigger). Also the surveys have shown some differences between the theoretical knowledge and practical experiences between the police officers. The structured interviews have also shown some differences in the technical equipment. The differences were discovered in the various co-operation levels with other security forces and organizations. The SWOT analysis has shown various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are influencing the actions of the city police force. Alongside with that, several strategies based on the own investigation were proposed for the individual city police force's to improve their readiness status. With this proposal, a new general content of training was proposed in the legislative for the chief officers of the city police force." The submitted dissertation has proven that the both hypothesis are true. This conclusion is made and based on the surveys, SWOT analysis and the interviews.

Zajištění psychologické pomoci a krizové intervence civilnímu obyvatelstvu při mimořádné události / Providing psychological aid and crisis intervention for the civilian population during an emergency situation

ŠČERBOVÁ, Nikola January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis bears the title: Providing psychological aid and crisis intervention for the civilian population during an emergency situation. The theoretical part aims to survey the development and present state of psychosocial aid system in the Czech Republic, including individual subjects and organisations that provide help in places affected. The research is based on qualitative and quantitative surveys. The qualitative part was realised by means of a non-structured interview with a defined clinical psychologist and the main psychologist of the Fire Rescue Service of the Region of Karlovy Vary. I have fulfilled the objectives of my thesis in the following way: 1. to describe the structure and functionality of the psychological intervention system, 2. to assess experts{\crq} readiness to provide aid to victims of an emergency situation. The quantitative survey method included collecting data from the randomly chosen samples of 150 citizens who thus expressed their opinions of the questions of crisis intervention and psychological aid, from their own point of view. The research was conducted in the Region of Karlovy Vary. The structure of the psychosocial aid system came into being in 1997, when these questions started to be given more attention both from state authorities and non-profit-organisations, and commercial institutions. The fundamental state body that manages and coordinates the psychosocial aid system is the Interior Ministry, which has a post-traumatic intervention care system, elaborated in relation to citizens affected and in relation to intervening units, and that cooperates with the Integrated Rescue System (IZS) and foreign subjects. The results of the questionnaire survey are an integral part of my research. The civilian population has basic information about psychological aid, which they assess as an important factor for mastering mentally demanding situations. This diploma thesis is structured in such a way that provides the reader with a complex overview of the current state of psychosocial aid. I also aim, by means of my thesis, to point out the fact that there is no professional post-traumatic care in our health care system.

Stress vid akuta situationer perioperativt : En kvalitativ studie utifrån anestesisjuksköterskors perspektiv

Nieto Andree, Anna, Harström, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: De flesta anestesisjuksköterskor kommer någon gång under sitt arbetsliv uppleva en kritisk händelse perioperativt, som orsakar stressymptom och som potentiellt kan påverka personens förmåga att omhänderta patienten. Flera studier undersöker faktorer som kan höja eller minska patientsäkerheten. En av faktorerna som påverkar patientsäkerheten är stress. Personer som utsätts för akut stress kan fixera sig på en specifik händelse och inte se helheten av problemet. Tidigare forskning har visat att en välfungerande arbetsgrupp med god kommunikation kan minska stressnivåerna inne på operationssalen och därmed bidra till ökad patientsäkerhet. Coping har även i tidigare forskning visats vara en viktig del av återhämtning efter en akutsituation.   Syfte: Syftet är att belysa anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av stress vid en akut situation perioperativt. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med kvalitativa enkäter som insamlingsmetod. Resultat: Sju subkategorier resulterade i tre kategorier. Subkategorierna Stress i lagom dos, När stressande situationer omvandlas till lärdomar och När balansen brister resulterade i kategorin Söker efter en god balans. Subkategorierna Vikten av kommunikation och Vikten av att inse sina begränsningar resulterade i kategorin Samverkan i team. Subkategorierna Vikten av stöd från kollegor och Att använda sig av individuella copingstrategier resulterade i kategorin Utrymme för återhämtning. Slutsats: God kommunikation och gott teamarbete på operationssalen är grundläggande för att uppnå bästa möjliga resultat under en akut situation. Anestesisjuksköterskor som utsätts för negativ stress bör även få möjligheten att kunna återhämta sig efter en sådan händelse.

Stratégies de modélisation des conséquences d’une dispersion atmosphérique de gaz toxique ou inflammable en situation d’urgence au regard de l’incertitude sur les données d’entrée. / Modeling strategies of toxic or flammable gas spreading consequences according to input data uncertainties in crisis situations.

Pagnon, Stéphane 30 October 2012 (has links)
En cas d’accident impliquant des produits chimiques, il peut être fait appel à des experts pour évaluer les effets générés par cet accident. Ces experts fournissent des distances d’effets à l’aide de modélisations informatiques et sont confrontés à une difficulté majeure : peu d’éléments à leur disposition pour caractériser la situation.L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une méthodologie permettant de prendre en compte les incertitudes relatives aux données d’entrée dans les modélisations effectuées en situation d’urgence tout en restituant de manière explicite cette incertitude au gestionnaire de la situation d’urgence.Une première phase a consisté à évaluer, pour une situation à même de générer un nuage toxique ou explosible, la dispersion des résultats des modélisations. Il a été établi une hiérarchisation des variables d’entrée en fonction de leur influence sur le résultat final. Cette phase a été réalisée au moyen d’une analyse de sensibilité dont la stratégie a été spécifiquement développée.Une seconde phase a eu pour but d’établir une méthodologie d’estimation des distances d’effets en situation d’urgence en tenant compte du niveau d’incertitude des variables d’entrée. Une méthodologie de classification opérationnelle des données d’entrée a été réalisée. Elle s’appuie sur deux critères : la sensibilité du modèle au paramètre d’entrée et l’incertitude sur sa valeur (imprécision ou variabilité). Sur cette base, une nouvelle manière d’utiliser ces variables a été proposée. Enfin, différentes façons de restituer de manière opérationnelle les résultats des modélisations ont été proposées. / During accidents involving chemicals, experts can be asked to assess the effects generated. These experts provide distance effects using computer modeling and are faced with a major difficulty: little (or no) information available in order to assess the situation.The objective of this thesis is to suggest a methodology able to take into account uncertainties in the input data for the modeling carried out in emergency situations and to return explicitly these uncertainties to the manager of the crisis.A first step was to evaluate, for a given situation generating a toxic or flammable cloud, the dispersion of modeling results. A ranking of the input variables according to their influence on the final result was established. This phase was carried out on the basis of a sensitivity analysis with a specifically developed strategy.A second phase aimed to establish a methodology for estimating distance effects (in crisis situations), which takes into account the level of uncertainty in the input variables. A methodology for the classification of input operational data was carried out. This methodology is based on two criteria: the sensitivity of the model to the input parameter and the uncertainty about its value (imprecision or variability). On this basis, a new way of using these variables was suggested. Finally, several methods aimed to restore explicitly the results of this modeling were suggested.

Krizové plánování v působnosti Ministerstva vnitra ČR / Crisis Planning in the Ministry of Interior of Czech Republic

Janeček, Libor January 2013 (has links)
Title: Crisis Planning in the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic. Aims: To describe the mechanism of emergency planning in the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic, focused on the valid legislation. Mention crisis management bodies, which are involved in this issue. To characterize the integrated rescue system and develop the organizational structure of the Police of the Czech Republic and Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, as two key executives of the Ministry of Interior. Mention the application area of typical activities for the Czech Police and Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. Method: Use available sources of information to organize activities and tasks of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic in the field of emergency planning. Keywords: the Integrated Rescue System, crisis plan, crisis management, emergency situation, emergency status. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Analysis of the causes of delay in collaborative decision-making under uncertainty in pharmaceutical R and D projects / Analyse des causes de retard dans la prise de décision collaborative en situation d'incertitude dans les projets R and D pharmaceutiques

Hassanzadeh, Saïna 03 December 2012 (has links)
Les décisions collaboratives sous incertitude dans les situations non urgentes peuvent être retardées, surtout lorsque la santé humaine et des investissements élevés sont en jeu comme c’est le cas des projets de R and D pharmaceutiques. Cette thèse étudie les causes des retards récurrents dans la prise de décision collaborative sous incertitude et les pratiques efficientes pour réduire ces retards. Pour mieux comprendre le problème des retards dans la prise de décision face à l’incertitude, nous étudions d’abord la notion d’incertitude et proposons une définition de l’incertitude adaptée au management de projet. Ensuite, le processus de prise de décision dans les projets de développement de nouveaux médicaments est modélisé, mettant en évidence le cycle de vie de l’information à partir de sa production jusqu’à sa consommation c’est-à-dire la décision elle-même. Ce modèle comprend une étape de réflexion individuelle et une étape de l’interaction en groupe, en clarifiant comment l’information est traitée différemment par les décideurs. Afin d’analyser les conflits du passé et anticiper ceux du futur, sur la base de ce modèle, un indice est défini pour mesurer le risque d’invalidation d’une décision prise a posteriori. Finalement, à travers des entretiens approfondis, 252 facteurs clés qui influent la prise de décision sont identifiés. Les trois causes de retard les plus citées sont : la peur de l’incertitude, la peur de la hiérarchie et la difficulté des décisions d’arrêt. Sur la base des facteurs identifiés, un recueil de bonnes pratiques est construit pour les acteurs du processus de prise de décision qui aident à former, mûrir, communiquer, digérer, respecter et finalement exécuter les décisions collaboratives. / Collaborative decisions may be deferred when faced with a high degree of uncertainty, especially when public health and high investments are at stake and in situations that seem non-urgent, as is the case in pharmaceutical R and D projects. This thesis investigates the causes of recurrent delay in collaborative decision-making under uncertainty, and the efficient practices to reduce this delay. To better understand the problem of delay in decision-making under uncertainty, we first review the notion of uncertainty and propose a definition of uncertainty adapted to project management. Then, the decision-making process in drug development projects is modeled, highlighting the information life cycle from its generation to its consumption i.e. the decision itself. It includes individual reflection and group interaction, clarifying how information is processed differently by decision-makers. To analyze past conflicts and anticipate future ones, based on this model, an index is defined that measures the risk of invalidating a decision a posteriori. Finally, through an in-depth interview-based approach, 252 key factors that affect decision-making are pointed out. The three most-mentioned causes of delay are: fear of uncertainty, fear of hierarchy, and difficulty of No Go decisions. Based on the identified factors, a compendium of practices is constructed for the actors of the decision-making process that help collaborative decisions to be formed, matured, digested, respected, and finally executed.

Způsoby ochrany obyvatelstva před nebezpečnými chemickými látkami při mimořádných událostech / Means of population protection against chemical hazards during emergency situations

MRÁZKOVÁ, Silvie January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the methods of population protection from hazardous chemicals in the event of an emergency situation. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the analysis of legislation that governs hazardous chemicals and it pays special attention to the risks related to the transportation of hazardous chemicals and their subsequent leakage. The thesis describes selected hazardous chemicals and informs of accidents that have happened recently. It is also pays attention to warnings, evacuation, providing shelter and the means of improvised protection, which is the most important factor for common public. People meet tanker cars transporting chemicals everywhere and every day; therefore, the protection of population should be aimed in this direction. People often do not know how to behave in situations like this. A questionnaire was compiled for research in the practical part; the questionnaire was intended to find out about the level of knowledge among people. Through the evaluation of population informedness and based on the questionnaire results, a suitable form of education was proposed to fill a gap in the knowledge (a pocket guide). At the same time, the questionnaires were distributed among the staff of the Fire and Rescue System with the aim of confirming their preparedness as well. The preparedness of the Fire and Rescue System is also documented by the analysis of photographs from a tactical drill aimed at a leakage of a hazardous chemical during transport.

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