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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklos nelankymo prevencija rajono sąlygomis: diagnostinis tyrimas / Prevention of unwillingness to attend school in district conditions: diagnostic investigation

Sabaitis, Raimondas 15 June 2005 (has links)
Urgency of the problem. Each country faces the problem of pupils who, for some reasons, do not finish schools. This problem exists in many countries of the world, and this problem is linked with different social values. Quick social changes bring about and even make bigger gap between parents’ and children’s system of values. The changes in family relations, the growth of cities, the increase of requirements in the fields of education and the changes of values cause the loss of immunity. A new understanding of education is being formed. When Lithuania regained its independence and when the Law on Education was established, compulsory education was legitimated. It determines that children must gain basic education or at least they have to study at school until they are 16 years old. It determined a possibility for a pupil to freely choose the type of education according to his/her own wish. During the period of constant changes the main features of a leader become the ability to cope with those changes, the ability to learn oneself and inspire others to learn as well. School is in a rather controversial situation under such constantly changing process. The reasons for missing school haven’t been investigated, thus, this topic under such great changes is really of great importance and urgent. The unwillingness to attend school is one of the most urgent problems of today. Until now it is not known the number of pupils who do not attend school. That ‘s why this problem should... [to full text]

Narkomanija: paplitimo tendencijos ir prevencijos aspektai / Drug Addiction: the Spread of Tendency and the Aspects of Prevention

Basijokaitė, Silvija 04 March 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje narkotikai neturi senų tradicijų, tačiau dėl patogios mūsų valstybės geografinės padėties spėjo įsišaknyti bei sudaryti palankias sąlygas nelegaliam narkotikų vartojimui, gabenimui, tiekimui. Terminas „narkomanija” apima įvairius neigiamus padarinius visuomenėje, todėl gali būti nagrinėjamas medicinos, socialiniu, teisiniu, kriminologiniu bei kitais aspektais Nors vienos narkomanijos bei narkotinių medžiagų sampratos nėra. Tarptautinės konvencijos, Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai, tokie kaip Narkotinių ir psichotropinių medžiagų kontrolės įstatymas, Narkologinės priežiūros įstatymas nurodo visumą požymių, leidžiančių klasifikuoti gamtines ir sintetines medžiagas, medicinines priemones, augalus ar jų preparatus kaip narkotinius. Plintanti narkomanija yra viena aktualiausių šių dienų Lietuvos problemų. Socialiniai veiksniai, didelis pelnas, gaunamas iš narkotikų verslo, didėjanti narkotikų pasiūla bei paklausa lemia narkomanijos plitimą ir su tuo susijusį nusikalstamumą. Daugėja vartojančių narkotikus asmenų, ypač tarp jaunimo. Narkotinės medžiagos plinta laisvės atėmimo vietose, neteisėta narkotikų apyvarta užsiima organizuotos nusikalstamos grupuotės, plečiasi nusikalstamo pasaulio tarptautiniai narkotikų verslo ryšiai, neteisėtoje apyvartoje pastebimas pramoniniu būdu gaminamų psichotropinių vaistinių medžiagų plitimas. Valstybinio psichikos sveikatos centro duomenimis, kiekvienais metais užregistruojama vis daugiau narkomanija sergančių asmenų. Lietuva... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The focus of the study is the analyses of the drug addiction conception, the drugs scene and the prevention. Author first goes to deep into the drug addiction conseption, looking at the International Conventions, Lithuanian law rules and analyses the reasons and the most serious problems that using of drugs can cause. Also the attention is givven to find the connection between the delinquency and the drug addiction. The author rewies one of the most serious problems nowadays – the drug scene between the juveniles and kids; also drugs in some places of entertainment, for example night clubs, parties and between the prisoners. The concideration and the comparison of the spread of drugs in the different countries appraises and evaluates situation in Lithuania, too . The prevention on drug addiction is the part of inside and outside policy of our nation. The attention has to be attracted not only for making new laws, but also for individual help for the people, who are using drugs. The rehabilitation an the adaption programs have to be implemented according international standarts ao the prevention. It is a need to found new and spectacular ways to improve all the programmes and make them useful for all types and categories of people. The preventions must begin from the little kids, as the part of their education , the adults, parents also have to be intended in it. Drug using is a an integrated problem, so it has to involve drug control, health service and education all at once... [to full text]

Drausminimas ugdymo procese: bausmė, kontrolė ir prevencija / Discipline in the educational process: punishment, control and prevention

Letulis, Adomas 23 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA DRAUSMINIMAS UGDYMO PROCESE: BAUSMĖ, KONTROLĖ IR PREVENCIJA Pastaruoju metu humanizuojant ugdymo procesą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose pereinama nuo bausmių, kontrolės prie prevencinių priemonių. Tačiau prevencinės priemonės tinkamai neveikia sudėtingoje Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje, o tos priemonės, kurios gali pagelbėti (bausmė ir kontrolė), kai kurių šių dienų teoretikų įvardijamos kaip prievartinės. Magistro darbas skirtas išnagrinėti drausminimo ir savidrausmės ugdymo procese sampratą ir raidą, aptarti šiuolaikines drausminimo paradigmas, išryškinti bausmės, kontrolės, prevencijos, kaip pagrindinių drausminimo priemonių, ir savidrausmės taikymo aktualijas ir perspektyvas. Teorinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje buvo apžvelgtos praeities: Antikos, viduramžių, Švietimo epochos - filosofų ir pedagogų įžvalgos bei šiuolaikinės psichologinės ir sociologinės paradigmos drausminimo požiūriu ir jų plėtotė švietime. Empirinėje darbo dalyje, atlikus anketinę apklausą, buvo išanalizuotas mokytojų požiūris į mokinių drausminimą ir savidrausmę ugdymo procese ir jų taikomos drausminimo priemonės: bausmė, kontrolė, prevencija. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai taikomos drausminimo priemonės yra: bausmės - įspėjimas, nuolatinė kontrolė, vertinimas žemesniu pažymiu, kontrolės mechanizmai – individualus pokalbis, semestro rezultatų detalus aptarimas, vidaus taisyklių kūrimas, dažniausiai taikomos prevencinės priemonės – gero elgesio pavyzdys, įtraukimas į įdomią veiklą, pažadas atlyginti už... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY DISCIPLINE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS: PUNISHMENT, CONTROL AND PREVENTION In recent years humanisation of the educational process in comprehensive schools has led to a shift in application of disciplining measures, moving away from punishment and control towards preventive means. These means, however, do not seem to be functioning properly in a complex Lithuanian educational system of today, whereas punishment and control, the measures seemingly more adequate and efficient within the school setting, are seen by some contemporary theoreticians as too controlling and restrictive. The present MA thesis sets out to examine the concept of discipline and self-discipline in the educational process and its development, to discuss contemporary paradigms of disciplining, as well as highlight the tendencies and perspectives in application of punishment, control and prevention as the key disciplining measures within the school setting. The theoretical part of the paper presents an overview of different schools of thought in the light of discipline, providing the insights of the thinkers and educators from the past, i.e. Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, etc., as well as dwelling on contemporary psychological and sociological paradigms and their development within the framework of education. Based on the questionnaire results, the empirical part of the MA paper provides an analysis of teachers‘ attitudes towards student disciplining and self-discipline in the... [to full text]

Gyventojų dalyvavimas nusikalstamumo prevencijoje / Citizenry‘s participation in delinquency prevention

Antanavičiūtė, Roma 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuotas gyventojų dalyvavimas nusikalstamumo prevencijoje. Pirmame darbo skyriuje teoriniu aspektu nagrinėjamos prevencijos, nusikalstamumo sampratos. Antrame skyriuje analizuojamos nusikalstamumo prevencijos formos, kuriose dalyvauja ar gali dalyvauti gyventojai. Pateikiama užsienio šalių patirtis. Trečiame skyriuje pristatomas tyrimas, kuriame atskleidžiamas Mažeikių rajono savivaldybės gyventojų dalyvavimas, požiūris į nusikalstamumo prevenciją. / Final master work analyzes citizenry’s participation in delinquency prevention. The first part in theory studies conceptions of prevention and delinquency. The second part analyzes forms of delinquency prevention, where the citizenry participate or can participate. The countries’ experience is supplied. The third part supplies the research, where citizenry‘s participation of Mažeikiai city and region municipalities, citizenry‘s attitude towards delinquency prevention are displayed.

Nepilnamečių nusikalstamumo prevencijos pedagoginių rekomendacijų ekspertizė / The pedagogical recomendations of the juvenile crime prevention

Kandrotienė, Vida 07 June 2004 (has links)
Juvenile crime - it's a start of the common crime, its potential reserve and also a model of prediction for the future, and the earlier juvenile crimes will be intercepted - the bigger chance to prevent common crimes in the future will appear. Purpose of this work - to group and analyse pedagogical recommendations of juvenile crime prevention. Theory part of the work (1-3 parts) is intended to analyse the conception and characteristics of the juvenile crime in the aspect of pedagogy, psychology, criminology and other scientific views, the personality and its evolution of the crime committing juvenile and also the conception and the system of juvenile crime prevention. Appropriate conclusions are made based on the accomplished analysis. While practical part of the work (4th part) is meant to analyse, group and rate the pedagogical recommendations of the juvenile crime prevention. The approaches are made based on this analysis.

Kryptingų fizinių pratimų įtaka senyvo amžiaus žmonių pusiausvyrai ir kritimų prevencijai / Influence of special physical exercises among older adults on balance training and falls prevention

Rožanienė, Rūta-Liucija 10 May 2006 (has links)
Elderly population is increasing over the world .The problem is especially important because according prognosis for the beginning of this century, each fourth resident in Europe will be aged 65 or more. This will undoubtedly put a strain on health care, because it becomes one of the most important problems over the world. According to the statistic data of Lithuanian Statistics Department, at the beginning of 2005, there were 15,1% of the population aged 65 or more. In order to remain physically efficient and self-consistent at an advanced age, it is necessary to do daily exercises, as well as to practice other kinds of health related physical activities individually matched to physical abilities of a person. It should become a priority in each country. Balance is an important risk factor for falls in the elderly, and improvements in balance are vital to prevent falls and injuries from falls. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that specific physical exercises for older adults can help to improve their static and dynamic balance and confidence and thus to reduce their risk of falling. The following objectives were put forward: to assess balance and risk of falling of the elderly; to evaluate influence of specific physical exercises on balance changes and prevention of falls among elderly; to compare changes in static and dynamic balance and risk of falling between elderly of training and control groups. 33 community-dwelling elderly were enrolled in the study. The... [to full text]

Paauglių požiūris į savižudybę / Adoloscent's standpoint of suicide

Suveizdytė, Sandra 08 June 2004 (has links)
The topicality of suicide problem is self-evident. Ratings are speaking for them themselves. In recent years, however, there has been increasing evidence that we need to create programs of suicide prevention, particularly for young people. In 2000, the rate of suicide among adolescents (15-19) was 57; among young adults (20-24), the rate was 95. To investigate suicide until committing is very difficult, because potential self – murderers could be just implied. We can hardly imagine how he feels before committing suicide. That’s why it is very important to indicate factors, that can do influence on persons verdict to commit suicide. That’s why the main aim of this work is to investigate adolescents’ standpoint of suicide and then prepare possible prevention guidelines. There were chosen few general tasks to reach the main aim: · To overlook general characteristics of suicide and possible causes of suicidical behavior. · To discuss risk factors of teenagers suicide. · To acquit the testing, that displays pupils’ standpoint to descriptive phenomenon. Summarizing testing results we may say, that family is the main factor that can raise children thoughts about committing suicide. Unhappy love as possible source of suicidical behavior is much more relevant for younger (IX – X classes) respondents. If we talk about school influence, it should be said, that school as it was thought is not so powerful elements, which determine children decision to commit suicide. But about 90 % of... [to full text]

Korupcijos prevencijos teisinių pagrindų Lietuvoje kriminologinė analizė / Criminological Analysis of Legal Grounds for Prevention of Corruption, since in Lithuania

Jagėla, Miroslavas 09 June 2005 (has links)
This Master Thesis deals with a very urgent theme, criminological analysis of legal grounds for prevention of corruption, since in Lithuania, like in many other countries, the roots of corruption lie in the past, but nowadays the new forms of corruption are emerging and penetrating into various public institutions, politics, private sector, and they often acquire international character. All the above mentioned factors have negative impact on the country’s economic development, they impede free and fair competition, discredit the state authorities, and even the state itself, with the public. The Thesis aims at introducing the specific features of criminological characteristic of corruption and at discussing the legal grounds for prevention of the said phenomenon. With this aim in mind, through comparison and analysis of the Lithuanian laws and international legal acts providing the concept of corruption and principles of fight against this phenomenon, the features of corruption prevention were specified and explained, as well as the legal status and activities of institutions engaged in investigation of corruption were introduced. Finally, the Thesis gives conclusions and provides suggestions on how to improve prevention of corruption in Lithuania based on the opinion of various authors, analysis of laws and legal acts and data of the survey carried out. Analysis of legal acts and research materials, as well as the systematized results of the survey of the officers involved... [to full text]

Moksleivių požiūris į smurto prevenciją mokykloje / Children approach to a prevention of violence at school

Batulevičienė, Vida 07 June 2005 (has links)
THE TOPIC OF THE DISCUSSION: “ Children approach to a prevention of violence at school” SUPERVISOR: Dr. Ieva Kuginytė VILNIUS PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, VILNIUS, 2005 Violence at school is very actual problem not only in Lithuania also worldwide. There is a lot of prevention programmes at this moment witch could reduce such phenomenon spread. The aim of this paper is to evaluate pupils’ opinion to violence prevention. First part of this paper analyzes violence prevalence. The author gives violator and the victim characteristics and looks at violence reasons and results. The second part gives a view about Lithuanian prevention programmes and analyzes pedagogical prevention presumption. After this research author gives a conclusion that violence at school is evident in all forms and from different people. The main violators are older schoolchildren. The critical situation is when the violator and the educator is the same person. Schoolchildren say that the intervation of the third person ( police) is necessary in order to prevent violence and increase security at school. The main prevention tool, according to the children, is to educate how to act in any violence situation. Finally, the author gives some practical violence prevention at school recommendations which could improve the current situation and could possibly impact on further positive changes.

Jaunimo suicidinio elgesio prevencija socialinio pedagogo darbe / Prevention of youngsters' suicidal behaviour in the work of social pedagogue

Domarkaitė, Rūta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Savižudybė – reiškinys, kurį tiria daug mokslų: sociologija, filosofija, medicina, psichologija, kriminologija, teologija ir kt. Savižudybė – sudėtinga, daugiareikšmė problema, kuri neturi kokios nors vienintelės priežasties ir paaiškinimo. Ją dažniausiai sukelia psichologinių, kultūrinių ir socialinių veiksnių visuma (Polukordienė, 2003). Savižudybės Lietuvoje yra didžiulė problema, kurios aktualumas akivaizdus. 2011 m. nusižudė 20 vaikų ir jaunuolių iki 19 metų amžiaus. Pasaulinės organizacijos duomenimis, bandymai nusižudyti iki 20 kartų dažnesni nei savižudybės. Raktiniai žodžiai: jaunimas, suicidas, prevencija, savižudybės. Tyrimo objektas - socialinių pedagogų požiūris savižudybių fenomeną prevencija. Rašant darbą buvo naudojama mokslinės literatūros analizė, atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, pasirinkus anketų metodą. Šio tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti socialinių pedagogų požiūrio į jaunimo savižudybių priežastis ir prevencijos galimybes būsimajame darbe. Tyrimo uždaviniai- 1. Aptarti jaunimo suicidinio elgesio problemos aktualumą. 2. Nustatyti sunkumus, su kuriais susiduria studijų metu socialiniai pedagogai. 3. Nustatyti socialinių pedagogų informuotumą apie jaunimo savižudybių priežastis. 4. Nustatyti socialinių pedagogų pasirengimą teikti pagalbą suicidinio elgesio atveju. Išvados: 1. Lietuva pagal savižudybių skaičių vis dar užima pirmąją vietą pasaulyje. Kaip nurodo, T. Ramanauskienė, V. Matulionienė, V. Martinkienė (2002), žudosi vis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Each age period of human life is different for its diversity and peculiarity. He/she faces new challenges while gaining diverse experience, establishing social relationships, communicating and cooperating. One of such age periods is adolescence. This is transition from childhood to adult life that starts with sexual maturation and ends with the formation of personality and readiness for independent life. The chronological range is typical for this period of age: early adolescence at the age 12-14, the middle one – at the age 15-18, and the late – at the age 19-21, until the individual ceases to grow physically (Vaičiulienė, 2004).No coincidencethat due tothe abundance of changes the adolescence is characterized as "storm and stress" period inthe literature. According to Erikson teenager experiences the confusion crisis of identity roles during which he/she tries to find out who he/she is, what his/her goals and aspiration are. Therefore, during this period it is a significant increase in suicidal thoughts as an incentive to solve the problems. 1. During the study it was found that the most important reasons for adolescent's suicidality is the age of the youngsters embracing loneliness, inability to establish relationships with other people and the attemptto solve all the problems simultaneously. 2. The data analysis showed that the respondents seek the help in the familyafter facing the problems, and only a small part of them refers to... [to full text]

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