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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos gyventojų amžiaus struktūros kaita 1989- 2005 metais / Changes of age structure population of Lithuania for 1989-2005

Timofejeva, Ina 14 June 2006 (has links)
The population is one of the most important elements of any territory. As it changes, not one decennary interests a different profile of researchers. Work of the master on a theme "Changes of age structure population of Lithuania for 1989-2005" has chosen because for this period there were obvious changes. The structure age the population is important for employment of the population, also for the analysis of a reproduction. It is one of the main sources, making different type forecasts (birth rate, death rate). The purpose of this work is to analyse change of age structure population of Lithuania for the given period, the great attention is devoted to the process of ageing of the population and to specify the reasons of such change. For the reason of this purpose, the main problems were brought forward: 1. Analysing of changes of age structure of population during the different periods: 1989- 2005; 2001-2005; 2. To estimate changes of age structure urban population; 3. To analyse features of age structure the rural population in a territorial division; 4. To consider dynamics of a level and an index of ageing. Work of the master has been written basing on the statistical data. Considering of a huge number of database in this work, the main conclusions are devoted to age structure the population in 1989-2001 and 2001-2005. There are different age structure the population in cities and villages too. Process of ageing is more active in large cities than in small towns or in... [to full text]

Rokiškio rajono kaimo gyventojų kaita XX amžiuje ir socialinės pasekmės / The change of Rokiskio district villagers in XX age and social consequences

Kemeklis, Mindaugas 14 June 2006 (has links)
Lithuanian villages were created moustly in beautiful places: near to the lake, river or forest. But time was flying… Little by little Lithuanian villages were disapearing, at firstvillagers and then deep traditions of our grandparents. The topic „The change of Rokiskio district villagers in XX age and social consequences“ was chosen not by chance: obsolescent villages and fast diminution of inhabitants let to look to changes of villages, reasons of diminution and future perspectives more deeply. During the years 1923- 2001 an administrative separation of Rokiskio district, that did an influence on the number of villages and on the number of villagers had changed. A part of villages were given to other districts. During 78 years number of villages fell down from 1220 till 555. Certainly, in the different places of monitors the number of villages dissapeared, is not the same. If we value this expression by per cents, this situation will look menacingly: diminution of villages hesitates from 35 till 60,9 per cents. It is not strange, that the biggest losses suffered areas of monitors, that had the highest number of villages: Rokiskio kaimiskoji, Juodupes and Obeliu- it lost almost 2/3 of all villages. And the number of villagers felldown most more than the number of villages- from 60554 till 21231. When we go through areas of monitors, we can see a lot of desolated homesteads, destroyed farms- because the number of villagers had fallen 60 per cents. The main reasons of... [to full text]

Gyventojų mirtingumo ir sveikatos apsaugos sistemos tarpusavio sąryšio tyrimas / Investigation of relations between people mortality and health protection system

Urbonavičiūtė, Justina 30 July 2013 (has links)
Gyventojų mirtingumas Lietuvoje kasmet vis didėja, todėl bandysime surasti, kas tam daro didžiausią įtaką. Tiriami sveikatos apsaugos sistemos faktoriai: išlaidos sveikatos priežiūrai (mln. Lt), gydytojų (sveikatos priežiūros specialistų) skaičius ir lovų skaičius ligoninėse. Šiame darbe ieškome priklausomybės tarp gyventojų mirtingumo ir paminėtų sveikatos apsaugos sistemos faktorių. Tyrimas paremtas 1996–2011 metų duomenimis iš Lietuvos statistikos departamento svetainės (www.stat.gov.lt). Darbe tikrinamos įvairios hipotezės, tyrimui atlikti naudojama koreliacinė analizė ir tiesinė regresija. Taip pat bandoma prognozuoti, koks bus mirusių gyventojų skaičius ateityje. / People mortality in Lithuania is increasing every year, so we are going to try to identify, what things make the biggest influence. Investigated factors of health protection system are: expenses on health care, quantity of doctors (health care professionals) and number of hospital beds in Lithuania. In Bachelor thesis, we are searching for a dependence between people mortality and those 3 factors of health protection system mentioned before. This investigation is based on data from 1996–2011 (www.stat.gov.lt). In this work we are testing several hypothesis and for investigation we use correlation analysis and linear regression. Also trying to predict people mortality in the near future.

Socialinės-teisinės pagalbos emigravusių tėvų vaikams teikimas / Social - legal aid for children of emigrants

Venskutonytė, Giedrė 13 July 2010 (has links)
Emigracija- tai asmenų (gyventojų) išvykimas į kitą šalį. Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą (ES)- šalies gyventojų mobilumo teisės yra plačiau įgyvendinamos. Kadangi Lietuvos gyventojai įgyja dar vieną pilietybę – ES pilietybę, yra užtikrinamas laisvas asmenų judėjimas. Ekonominės recesijos laikotarpiu nepaprastai išryškėjo Lietuvos gyventojų tarptautinės migracijos/emigracijos tendencija. Vis intensyvėjanti Lietuvos gyventojų emigracija veikia šalies ekonominę- socialinę raidą, bet jos žalą patiria šeimos ir vaikai. Emigruojantys tėvai sutrikdo vaiko socializacijos procesą sukeldami įvairias pasekmes (pvz; psichologines, socialines, teisines ir kt.) vaikui. Veikiančios institucijos neužtikrina vaiko gerovės ir reikalingos pagalbos paslaugų, todėl Elektrėnų rajone buvo atliktas empirinis tyrimas, siekiant išsiaiškinti gyventojų nuomuonę apie socialinės- teisinės pagalbos teikimą emigravusių tėvų vaikams. Tyrime dalyvavo 148 Elektrėnų rajono gyventojai. Tikslas: ištirti socialinės – teisinės pagalbos teikimą emigravusių tėvų vaikams, nuomonę Tyrimo objektas: socialinės – teisinės pagalbos teikimas emigravusių tėvų vaikams Uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti socialinės- teisinės pagalbos teikimo prielaidas emigravusių tėvų vaikams 2. Atskleisti socialinės- teisinės pagalbos teikimo galimybes socialinio darbo aspektu 3. Ištirti Elektrėnų rajono gyventojų nuomonę apie socialinės – teisinės pagalbos teikimą emigravusių tėvų vaikams Hipotezė. Emigracijos procesas Lietuvoje vis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Emigration is moving to another country. Since Lithuania joined the European Union (EU), the country's population mobility rights have been implemented more widely. As the Lithuanian population acquires another citizenship, the citizenship of the Union, the free movement of persons is ensured. During the economic recession the trend of international migration of habitants of Lithuania showed up very clearly. The intensifying emigration of Lithuanian population affects the country's economic-social development, it causes damages to families and their children as well. The child's parents having emigrated disrupt the socialization process and this leads to different negative outcomes for a child (eg, psychological, social, legal, etc.). Existing institutions do not provide welfare and services to provide assistance needed for a child, therefore an empirical study to determine the population’s opinion on social and legal assistance to children of emigrated parents in Elektrenai district. The study included 148 residents of the district. Aim: To investigate the social - legal aid for children of emigrated parents, the opinion. Object of the research: social - legal aid for children of emigrated parents; Objectives: 1. To clarify the preconditions of social and legal assistance to children of emigrated parents: 2. To reveal opportunities of the social and legal assistance what concerns social work; 3. To investigate the opinion of the residents of Elektrenai district on... [to full text]

Gyventojų dalyvavimas nusikalstamumo prevencijoje / Citizenry‘s participation in delinquency prevention

Antanavičiūtė, Roma 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuotas gyventojų dalyvavimas nusikalstamumo prevencijoje. Pirmame darbo skyriuje teoriniu aspektu nagrinėjamos prevencijos, nusikalstamumo sampratos. Antrame skyriuje analizuojamos nusikalstamumo prevencijos formos, kuriose dalyvauja ar gali dalyvauti gyventojai. Pateikiama užsienio šalių patirtis. Trečiame skyriuje pristatomas tyrimas, kuriame atskleidžiamas Mažeikių rajono savivaldybės gyventojų dalyvavimas, požiūris į nusikalstamumo prevenciją. / Final master work analyzes citizenry’s participation in delinquency prevention. The first part in theory studies conceptions of prevention and delinquency. The second part analyzes forms of delinquency prevention, where the citizenry participate or can participate. The countries’ experience is supplied. The third part supplies the research, where citizenry‘s participation of Mažeikiai city and region municipalities, citizenry‘s attitude towards delinquency prevention are displayed.

Kaimo gyventojų dvasinė kultūra ir jos raiškos bruožai / Spiritual culture of country people and attributes of it's expression

Stadalnykienė, Rita 29 June 2009 (has links)
Šiandieninis kaimo žmonių dvasinis pasaulis apsigaubęs dramatizmo šešėliu. Pernelyg sparčiai modernėjantis pasaulis modifikuoja dvasines vertybes ir jų reikšmę. Dvasinis gyvenimas yra būtinas kiekvieno sielai, reiškiantis gerovę, praturtinantis kasdieninį gyvenimą.Tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad bendruomeniniai santykiai tiek Dzūkijoje, tiek Suvalkijoje yra panašūs. Nėra jaučiama esminiai skirtumai tarp šių dviejų Lietuvos regionų. Bendruomeniniai ryšiai abiejuose regionuose yra opi, spręstina problema. Ir vienoje, ir kitoje bendruomenėje yra asmenų, kurie nesijaučia pilnaverčiais bendruomenės nariais, jaučiasi pastarosios atstumti. Vyraujančios žmogiškosios ydos bendruomenės viduje yra abiejuose regionuose tos pačios, tai žmonių pavydas, susvetimėjimas, esminės kultūros stoka. / Modern – day spiritual life of village people seems like in a fog. The world becomes more and more modern overmuch and modifies spiritual worths and their meaning. Material and pragmatic things strike the roots and shades the spiritual life of village folk and the entire meaning of beeing. Even religion modifies its primary functions and it is not a shelter for tired human soul. The changes of modern society, which destroy the limits between cultures and making a new of it, changes human relationship with the world. At this time it is hard to save a basic of folk culture, and without it succession and growing of it is impossible. In the following way, national culture and human interface is failing, as a background of spiritual growing, as a natural spiritual perfection seedbed. The theoretical part consist of lithuanian and foreign scholarly paperwork, which analyze the conditions of spiritual influence. Also it is appealed to periodical “The folk culture” and to the articles, which describes the problems of spiritual life of village people. Qualitative (deep) interview was used for empiric part. Dzukija and Suvalkija countryside’s inhabitants of various age layer were asked for this interview. The purpose of this interrogatory is to reveal lineaments of village people spiritual life in a those countrysides.

Važiavimo dviračiu kaip aktyvios laisvalaikio formos nauda sveikatinimui: Kauno miesto gyventojų atvejis / Cycling as a form of active leisure benefits health promotion: Kaunas city population case

Solnyškinaitė, Neringa 20 June 2014 (has links)
Apklaustieji teigiamai vertina važiavimą dviračiu kaip aktyvaus laisvalaikio formą, labiausiai džiaugiasi pagerėjusia emocine būsena ir teigia, kad dviratis puiki transporto priemonė, nes yra sutaupoma pinigų už transportą. Respondentai tai pat pastebėjo tokius pokyčius kaip padidėjusią raumeninę masę, sumažėjusį svorį, sustiprėjusią širdį ir kaulus. Galima daryti išvadą, kad anot respondentų važiavimas dviračiu labiausiai gerina emocinę būseną, galbūt jiems pavyko atsikratyti slogių minčių ir depresijos taip jų gyvenimo kokybė tapo geresnė. Ne maža dalis respondentų pastebėjo kūno pokyčius, o tai yra labai svarbu ne tik psichologiškai bet ir fiziškai. Atlikus tyrimą taip pat paaiškėjo, kad respondentai dažniau važinėtų dviračiais jei infrastruktūros būklė būtų geresnė. Kauniečiai norėtų daugiau dviračių takų Kaune, kurių danga būtų saugi važiavimui. Tai pat, reikėtų pašalinti kliūtis take (nuleisti bortelius, sutvarkyti elektros stulpus kelyje). / The respondents positively assess as an active form of entertainment , the most widely welcomes improved emotional state and says that the bike a great vehicle because it is saving money for transport. Respondents also noted developments such as increased muscle mass, decreased weight, increased strength of the heart and bones. It can be concluded that, according to most respondents cycling improves emotional state, perhaps they managed to get rid of the dismal thoughts and depression as their quality of life has improved. A large majority of respondents noted changes in the body , which is very important, not only physically but also psychologically. The investigation also revealed that respondents often cycling if the infrastructure condition would be better. Kaunas would like more bike paths in Kaunas , the coating is safe driving. Also, it should be to remove barriers to take (dropping curbs, fixing electric poles on the way).

Moterų užimtumas Lietuvoje ir jo didinimo galimybių tyrimas / Women busyness in Lithuania and research possibilities of growing

Kačinskienė, Gintarė 27 June 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe pateiktos užimtumą apibūdinančios sąvokos ir gyventojų užimtumo kitimo priklausomybė nuo gamybinių jėgų išsivystymo lygio, ekonominių-socialinių ir politinių veiksnių, taip pat analizuojama diskriminacija ir lyčių padėtis darbo rinkoje. Baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamos moterų užimtumo problemos Lietuvoje ir trumpai apžvelgiamas moterų užimtumas Europos Sąjungoje. Nustatytos pagrindinės moterų užimtumo problemos ir jas lemiantys veiksniai. Pateikti galimi nustatytų priežasčių mažinimo būdai. Atlikus sociologinę apklausą, darbo pabaigoje pateiktas moterų užimtumo didinimo Lietuvoje principinis modelis. Išnagrinėjus teorinius ir praktinius užimtumo aspektus, pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir siūlymai. / The bachelor theses describe the notions of business and how residents businesses depend on relations of production development, economics, socials and political factors. The theses also analyse the discrimination and sexual equality at work. The bachelor theses describe the problems of women business in Lithuania and European Union. The reasons of the problems, women face in business, are specified and the way to reduce them is described. Furthermore, the model of women busyness in Lithuania was created in refer to sociological research. Finally, the conclusions and suggestions are drawn.

Miesto gyventojų požiūris į kultūros institucijų veiklą / The attitude of the inhabitants of the city towards the activities of culture and art institutions

Čepukienė, Danguolė 07 June 2005 (has links)
Nowadays Lithuanian society is dynamic and rapidly developing. Culture is like the system of values created by a human being. It integrates a public process of political, social, economical development and is able to accelerate social and economical development of the country. Institutions forming cultural processes find themselves in the crossing of the above-mentioned processes. The sociological survey on culture needs are needed not only to describe the state of culture but also to determine the changes, the tendency of public needs to be developed, the peculiarities of activities of culture institutions in the community of a city, useful contacts and culture perspectives. In improving the activities of culture institutions, it is very important to pay attention to a subjective aspect- the possibilities of human development. In order to determine the public needs for culture, the attitude towards the activities of culture and art institutions, the status of city culture, to determine the negative and positive evaluations of cultural activities, the research was implemented. During the survey, 200 inhabitants of Panevėžys City of 16-61 years old were interviewed. The hypothesis was raised- if the attention is paid to the opinion of inhabitants to the activities of culture and art institutions, the status of city culture, the peculiarities of activities of culture and art institutions in the community of the city, useful contacts and the perspectives of culture could be... [to full text]

Mažiausias pajamas gaunančių Vilniaus miesto gyventojų teritorinė sklaida / Territorical spread of Vilnius city inhabitans with lowest income

Martinkaitytė, Laura 13 June 2005 (has links)
Although Vilnius is the largest city of the republic, a centre of industry and culture, the largest Lithuanian administrative centre, where the most important political, financial, economic, social and cultural centres are located, nevertheless there are plenty of unemployed and socially supported persons.. The officially registered unemployment level n Vilnius for the time being does not exceed the average of the European Union. Compared to the structure of unemployment in other Lithuanian cities and their change indications, the situation in Vilnius is quite good, except for the fact that the number of the retired persons is growing. Recently in Vilnius the demand for Workforce is growing, yet qualification characteristics in many cases does not match the requirements of the vacant positions offered. Hence the structural changes in Labour Market, intensive development of new technologies have had significant influence on the competition in the dynamic market of people who have lost their jobs. The unemployment here affected certain social demographic groups of the inhabitants: the youth, and senior pre-retirement persons. Naturally, that a large part of the people failed or did not want to adapt to the new requirements, therefore unemployment became a poignant problem of the society. A big attraction of Vilnius as the capital, where the living costs are much higher than elsewhere in Lithuania, for instance, purchase of accommodation, bills for accommodation, services, fuel... [to full text]

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