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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prekės ekologiškumo veiksnio raiška, formuojant vartotojo požiūrį / Expression of ecological factor of commodity in consumer attitude shaping

Daunoravičiūtė, Diana 23 June 2014 (has links)
Jau aštuntajame dešimtmetyje žmonės pripažino vadybos adaptavimo svarbą ir tai, kad būtų galima spręsti aplinkos apsaugos problemas. Aplinkos problemos tapo daugelio šalių politinių diskusijų tema. Visuomenės nuomonės apklausose, paaiškėjo, kad dauguma žmonių yra labai susirūpinę esama aplinkos padėtimi. Aplinkos problemos vis labiau atkreipia vartotojų dėmesį. Todėl kyla poreikis tirti ekologiško produkto poreikio rinkai galimybes. Ekologiški produktai pasižymi tuo, kad jiems pagaminti, paslaugai teikti ar darbams atlikti sunaudojama mažiau gamtos išteklių ir mažiau teršiama aplinka palyginti su kitu tą pačią funkciją atliekančiu produktu. Darbo objektas – vartotojo požiūris. Šio darbo uždaviniai: • Teoriniu aspektu išanalizuoti vartotojų elgsenos modelius, bei vartotojų požiūrio tipus; • Atskleisti ekologiškų produktų kūrimo vietą žaliojo marketingo sprendimuose; • Pateikti vartotojo požiūrio į ekologiškus produktus formavimo modelį; • Išanalizuoti Lietuvos vartotojų požiūrį į ekologiškus produktus. Vartotojų elgsena yra gana sudėtingas reiškinys, kurios tyrimui ir analizei reikalingos marketingo bei psichologijos žinios. Tam, kad būtų galima geriau suprasti vartotojų elgseną, reikia analizuoti giliau vartotojų elgsenos modelius, vartotojų požiūrius, jų formavimą, veiksnius, kurie lemia vartotojo apsisprendimą pirkti vieną ar kitą prekę / paslaugą. Siekiant patenkinti vartotojų poreikius, pasitelkiamas žaliasis marketingas, kurio pagrindinis uždavinys yra bendri tikslai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the eight decade people already acknowledged the importance of management adaptation and that it could be possible to solve environment protection problems. Environmental problems became a political discussion topic for many countries. In polls of society opinion it was found out that many people are very concerned about the state of environment. Consumers pay more and more attention to the environmental problems. Hence, there is a need to research the possibilities of an ecological product demand in the market. Ecological products can be characterized as products for production of which, for service provision or work one uses less natural resources and environment is less polluted comparing with other product that performs the same function. Object of the work: attitude of the consumer Goals of the work: • To analyze models of consumer behavior from a theoretical point of view and types of consumer attitude; • To reveal the creation place of ecological products in green marketing solutions; • To present formation model of consumer attitude towards ecological products; • To analyze the attitude of Lithuanian consumers towards ecological products. The behavior of consumers is rather a complicated phenomenon that requires marketing and psychological knowledge to perform its research and analysis. In order to better understand the behavior of consumers, one needs to deeper analyze models of consumer behavior, attitudes of consumers, and their formation, factors that influence... [to full text]

Konfliktai ir agresija mokykloje: mokinių ir pedagogų požiūris / Conflicts and Agggression at School: the Standpoint of Schoolteachers and Students

Lindinaitė, Rita 08 June 2006 (has links)
Conflicts and aggression at school : the standpoint of schoolteachers and students Rita Lindinaitė Summary One of the most concerning and urgent social problems of today is the increasing number of aggressive children and teenagers. Lot’s of children use physical and verbal aggression, violence, solving conflicated situations. Often they don’t even think about the consequences. According to the press, it is usual at school for students and even schoolteachers to act aggressively. That’s the social urgency of this work. It is discussing about the conception of conflict and aggression, the reasons of them, solutions of conflicts and the ways of changing aggressive behaviour in this work, also the expression of conflicts and aggressive behaviour between young children and teenagers, the specific features of schoolchildren with mental disorder. The purpose of this research was to disclose the standpoint to the conflicts and aggression at school of schoolchildren with mental disorder, special teachers and high school teachers. The hypothesis of this work says that there are conflicts and aggression between schoolchildren themselves and between schoolchildren and teachers. There where used the questionnaire of twenty five schoolchildren with mental disorder, fifty special teachers and fifty high school teachers. The results of this questionnaire affirm, that the schoolchildren often get in conflict with other students or with schoolteachers – physical and... [to full text]

16–18 metų moksleivių požiūrio į mokyklinę kūno kultūrą ypatumai / Pecilarities of attitute towards physical education among schoolchildren (age group 16-18)

Mikalauskas, Regimantas 20 May 2005 (has links)
Health of the schoolchildren is influenced by many factors, but one of the main components of health improvement is physical culture practice (physical culture in school). Therefore it was important to investigate the higher forms schoolchildren’s (16-18 years) from the different regions of Lithuania and of different sex view of the physical culture practice and professionals, the physical activity and health, various forms of schoolchildren leisure time. The purpose of the research was to investigate the peculiarities of the 16 –18 years old schoolchildren view of the physical culture in school. The object of the project is the peculiarities of the 16 –18 years old schoolchildren view of the physical culture in school Goals: to investigate and determine the schoolchildren view of the physical culture practice, professional, health and physical activity and leisure considering the aspect of region and sex. The methods of questionnaire and mathematical statistics were applied. The research was carried out November to December, 2004 in Kaunas and Marijampole secondary schools. 200 (109 girls and 91 bay) 16-18 year old schoolchildren were surveyed. The results of the research showed that schoolchildren in Marijampolė much more frequently agreed with the proposition that practices of the physical culture are necessary in the schoolchildren development process, but these practices are not favourite classes and the knowledge acquired during these practices do not promote the... [to full text]

Paauglių požiūris į socialinio pedagogo kasdieninę veiklą / Teenagers' attitude towards daily activities of social educator

Varkavičienė, Asta 10 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this Master's work is to analyze teenagers' attitude towards daily activities of social educator. Research hypothesis: if social educator working at general education school with teenagers can solve arising problems such daily activities influence the formation of teenagers' attitude. Research object - teenagers of general education schools in Utena town. Research aim - to study the attitude of teenagers of general education schools in Utena town towards daily activities of social educator. Research tasks: • to analyse teenagers' attitude towards activities of social educators working at general education schools; • to study social educator's communication and collaboration with teenagers; • to analyse social educator's and teenager's intercommunion. Research methodology: the research was carried out basing on the questionnaire prepared by the author of the work (see Appendix 2). The criteria of questionnaire survey are reflected in questions. Estimation of communication and collaboration between social educator and teenagers in the context of functions performed; estimation of aspects of intercommunion between teenagers and social educator; general estimation of information on respondents. The work is based on empirical study that was carried out in March 2005 at general education schools in Utena. Statistical data were processed by the program Microsoft Excel. Novelty and theoretical significance of the work: the novelty of the subject is outlined by... [to full text]

Vaiko požiūris į suaugusįjį / Child‘s attitude to adult

Grigaliūnienė, Rasa 27 June 2005 (has links)
Grigaliūnienė Rasa. Child‘s attitude to adult: senior task of educological postgraduate studies / sciential leader dr. Montvilaitė Sigita; Vilnius Pedagogical University, Department of childhood studies. – Vilnius, 2005. – 75 p. In master paper child‘s attitude to adult was researched. While postmodernism ideas were settled, requirement of child‘s cognizance came up. Scientists information which can describe child’s attitude to adult world are missing. The aim of the research was to survey and reveal contemporary child attitude to adult. In theoretical part visual peculiarities of preschool child’s were analyzed. Also the factors which could have influence to child’s attitude. In the research part, I have researched positive and negative factors which could have interest to child’s attitude to adult while child cooperating with adult. The research material confirmed the hypothesis, that child’s attitude to adult has changed because of the challenges which are caused by informative society in today’s fast-changing world.

Pamokų nelankymo priežastys: mokytojų požiūris / Causes of school non-attendance: teachers’ opinion

Žarnauskaitė, Vida 23 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Mokyklos pamokų nelankymas yra didelė problema tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje. Ji negali būti atsieta nuo šalies ekonomikos ir socialinės struktūros. Ši problema siejama su skurdu, bedarbyste, piknaudžiavimu alkoholiu, narkotikais, žema šeimos socialine padėtimi bei pakitusiomis socialinėmis vertybėmis. Kitaip tariant, mokyklos nelankymas – socialinė problema, reikalaujanti sisteminio sprendimo ir apimanti švietimo, socialinės, teisinės apsaugos ir kitų institucijų veiklą. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti mokytojų nuomones apie pagrindines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis bei mokytojų pastangas šią problemą spręsti ugdymo metodų ir santykių su mokiniais palaikymo priemonėmis. Darbe keliami šie uždaviniai: nustatyti kiek tiriamosiose mokyklose mokiniai per mokslo metus praleidžia pamokų; sužinoti mokytojų nuomonę apie pagrindines mokinių nelankymo priežastis slypinčias šeimoje, mokykloje; ištirti mokytojų ir mokinių tarpusavio santykius; nustatyti klasės auklėtojų santykius su auklėtojais; atskleisti kokius metodus naudoja mokytojai, siekdami sudominti mokinius; ištirti mokytojų nuomonę apie mokinių tarpusavio santykius; išsiaiškinti kas padeda spręsti mokinių nelankymo problemas. Savo darbe lyginau keletą mokyklų tirtais aspektais. Tyrime dalyvavo 86 mokytojai iš 3 mokyklų (viena miesto ir dvi kaimo mokyklos). Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos būdu. Apibendrinant gautus tyrimo rezultatus galima daryti išvadą, kad mokytojai mano, jog dauguma tėvų sudaro sąlygas savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / School’s nonattendance is a big problem not only in Lithuania but in the whole world. It can‘t be dissociate from national economy and social culture. This problem relates with poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, the drug habit, bad family social position and because of changes in social worthies. In other words school’s nonattendance is social problem which needs systematic solution because it is includes work of education, social sphere, legalese and other institutes. The subject of research is to know teachers’ opinion about school’s nonattendance reasons and to show teachers efforts in solving this problem by training methods and keeping terms with students. The tasks of my work is to assess how many lessons through school year misses students in exploratory schools; to know teachers opinion about main students nonattendance reasons which comes to school and family; to explore teachers and students, form master‘s and pupils intercommunion and to know teachers opinion about that; to educe methods which use teachers to interest students; to ascertain who helps to solve students nonattendance reasons. In my work I compared some schools in research dimensions. In research participated 86 teachers from 3 schools (one town school and two village schools). Work methods: questionnaire survey. The main conclusion: teachers think that most of the parents allow their children attending school. However parents have problems to let them to school because of hard material situation... [to full text]

Vartotojų požiūris į humorą reklamoje / The customers attitude towards humor in advertising

Janionienė, Iglė 26 June 2014 (has links)
Pirmoje darbo dalyje pateikiama reklamos samprata ir esmė, apibrėžiamos reklamos vartotojų charakteristikos, identifikuojami jos poveikio vartotojui elementai. Taip pat, pateikiama vartotojų požiūrio ir humoro samprata bei identifikuojami veiksniai, formuojantys vartotojų požiūrį į humorą reklamoje. Antroje darbo dalyje, remiantis anksčiau atliktais tyrimais, pateikiamas veiksnių, formuojančių vartotojų požiūrį į humorą reklamoje teorinis modelis, aptariami Lietuvoje ir užsienyje atlikti tyrimai bei pateikiama ir aiškinama tyrimo metodika. Trečioje darbo dalyje pristatomi empirinio tyrimo rezultatai. / Most people enjoy funny advertisements, so there seems little doubt the use of humor in advertising is popular, prevalent, and growing. Advertising agency executives generally believe that humor positively affects awareness for new products, establishes name registration, communicates simple copy points, and encourages brand switching. But more than anything else, advertisers hope humor will atract customers attention and keeps them ignoring their advertisements. Dispite that, many advertisers agree there‘s a definite downside to the use of advertising humor. It can offend people. The advertisement can be remembered instead of the message. But far worst of all, sometimes it simply isn‘t funny. The object of this research is the customers attitude towards humor in advertising. The aim is to determine the customers attitude towards humor in advertising and create the theoretical model of factors forming their attitude towards humor in advertising. The tasks of this research is to lay the concept of advertising and identify its impact towards costumers, to lay the concept of customer attitude and humor, to find out the factors forming the customers attitude towards humor in advertising and to explore the customers attitude towards humor in advertising. According to the results of the empirical research most of the respondents have positive attitude towards humor in advertising and there are many factors forming customers attitude towards humor in advertising such as humor type... [to full text]

Maisto papildų vartojimo ir požiūrio į maisto papildus tarp Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų tyrimas / Research of dietary supplements usage and opinion about dietary supplements among Lithuania Universities student‘s

Karpenko, Jelena 04 March 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti maisto papildų vartojimą ir požiūrį į maisto papildus tarp Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų studentų pagrindinių demografinių, socialinių ir gyvensenos veiksnių kontekste. Tyrimo objektas ir metodai: tikimybinės (atsitiktinės) daugiapakopės imties sudarymo būdu atrenkami 1 087 Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų bakalauro dieninių studijų 1 - 4 kurso studentų, jie tiriami anoniminės anketinės apklausos metodu; skirtumas laikytas statistiškai patikimu, kai p<0,05. Rezultatai: maisto papildus vartoja 73,7% apklaustų studentų, moterys maisto papildus vartoja statistiškai patikimai dažniau negu vyrai (p=0,001); tarp maisto papildų vartojimo ir darbinio užimtumo, pajamų lygio, gyvenamosios vietos, abiejų tėvų išsilavinimo statistiškai patikimo ryšio nenustatyta. 76% studentų mano, jog maisto papildai yra efektyvūs, siekiant pagerinti sveikatą; 69,4%mano, kad papildų vartojimas yra pastanga sveikiau gyventi; 50,3% mano, jog maisto papildų vartojimas yra būtinas organizmui; 16,9% nurodė, kad maisto papildai jiems yra per brangūs. Papildus vartojantys studentai statistiškai patikimai dažniau linkę būti sveikesnio gyvenimo būdo negu jų nevartojantys: rečiau rūkyti, rečiau alkoholį vartoti, dažniau sportuoti, bet dažniau patirti stresą ir būti nepakankamo kūno svorio. Tarp subjektyvios savo sveikatos ir mitybos būklės vertinimo ir papildų vartojimo statistiškai patikimo ryšio nenustatyta. Išvados: 1) didžioji dalis studentų (73,7%) vartoja maisto papildus; moterys dažniau negu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of study: to investigate dietary supplements (DS) usage and opinion about DS among Lithuania universities students in the context of general demographic, social and lifestyle characteristics. Study object and methods: the sample - 1087 Lithuania universities bachelor study students, were randomly selected (multi-stage sampling). 37 questions questionnaire to target group were used to elicit necessary information. Conventional methods of statistics were used to assess differences between sample groups. Results: 73,7% students used DS; compared women and men, women more often used DS (p=0,001). Differences in attitude towards DS usage and employment status, income, permanent place of residence, father and mother education level were not significant. The most part (76%) of students were opinion that DS are effective to improve health; 69,4% of students were opinion that DS usage is effort to be careful about one‘s health; about a half (50,3%) of students were opinion that DS use is necessary for their organism; for 16,9 % of students DS were to expensive. Users were more likely to smoke less, take alcohol less, were more active, were underweight, but had higher stress level than non-users. Conclusions: 1) 73,7% students used DS; compared women and men, women more often used DS; 2) the most part of students were positive opinion about DS effectiveness and about want of DS usage for organism; 3) users were more likely than non-users to be more healthy lifestyle.

Priklausomų nuo alkoholio asmenų požiūris į reabilitacijos ir integracijos procesą / The point of view of alcohol addicts on the process of rehabilitation end integratio

Misevičius, Valdemaras 07 June 2005 (has links)
Theme ‘‘The point of view of alcohol addicts on the process of rehabilitation end integration” The author of this work is Valdemaras Misevičius. Supervisor - Dr. Ieva Kugnytė. Addiction to alcohol is recently becoming e serious social phenomenon. It is obvious that the help depends on the effort of different specialists. The goal of this work is not to consider alcohol addicts as weak – willed people but try to find problems they confront with and the ways to solve them. In the theoretical part of the work the concept of addiction the symptoms and the stages of developments are explained. Also the origin of alcoholism, intoxication, peculiarities of alcohol addicts are examined. A separate chapter of the work is about addiction treatment. Factors having influence on addicts recovering are analyzed too. In the research part methodies have been provided and analysis done. The goal of research is to find out what and who disturbs and helps in the process of recovering. Questionnaire and descriptive statistic methods, t – test ant changeability level have been used. The research has been organized in order too compare the group in hospital with the group using mutual assistance. In this work it has been tried to attain purpose and solve problematic questions. The role of a social worker has been analyzed and conclusions have been drawn. In conclusion, the variety of the ways of treatment and dispersion of information help the most in the process of treatment. However... [to full text]

Paslaugų kokybės vertinimas pacienčių ir medikų požiūriu universitetinės ligoninės moterų konsultacijoje / The assessment of outpatient service quality in the university clinic: views of patients and physicians

Aniulienė, Rosita 15 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study – to assess the consultation service quality provided for patients in the maternity academic clinic. Methods. The anonymous poll has been proceeded in September, 2005. It included all physicians of the university clinic such as obstetricians and gynecologists (N=68, response rate - 94.4 %) and all patients visited in the clinic during the research period (N=334, response rate 81.1 %). The consultation service quality was assessed with the structured questionnaire by Ferguson et all. Data of respondents was analyzed and statistically justified by using the „SPSS 10.03“. Results. The study showed that majority of patients positively assessed the technical aspect of service quality. The patients were satisfied with clear indoor signs and references as well as with comprehended and obvious oral instructions. The majority of patients were also complied to the statements that the clothing and appearance and of clinic staff was clean and ordered, that health care means, methods and regulations are secured and appropriate for patients, that medical equipment is advanced and modern, that all physicians of the clinic are competent and qualified. We have also determined that 53.7 % of clinical workers accepted and 28.4 % rejected the statement that the equipment and indoor rooms were sterile and aseptic. The majority of patients and clinic staff members assessed positively the functional service quality in clinic: enough information about necessity and aims of... [to full text]

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