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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

16–18 metų moksleivių požiūrio į mokyklinę kūno kultūrą ypatumai / Pecilarities of attitute towards physical education among schoolchildren (age group 16-18)

Mikalauskas, Regimantas 20 May 2005 (has links)
Health of the schoolchildren is influenced by many factors, but one of the main components of health improvement is physical culture practice (physical culture in school). Therefore it was important to investigate the higher forms schoolchildren’s (16-18 years) from the different regions of Lithuania and of different sex view of the physical culture practice and professionals, the physical activity and health, various forms of schoolchildren leisure time. The purpose of the research was to investigate the peculiarities of the 16 –18 years old schoolchildren view of the physical culture in school. The object of the project is the peculiarities of the 16 –18 years old schoolchildren view of the physical culture in school Goals: to investigate and determine the schoolchildren view of the physical culture practice, professional, health and physical activity and leisure considering the aspect of region and sex. The methods of questionnaire and mathematical statistics were applied. The research was carried out November to December, 2004 in Kaunas and Marijampole secondary schools. 200 (109 girls and 91 bay) 16-18 year old schoolchildren were surveyed. The results of the research showed that schoolchildren in Marijampolė much more frequently agreed with the proposition that practices of the physical culture are necessary in the schoolchildren development process, but these practices are not favourite classes and the knowledge acquired during these practices do not promote the... [to full text]

Profesijos mokytojų veiklos ypatumai dirbant su sutrikusio intelekto asmenimis / The peculiarities of vocational teachers’ activities while working with persons who have intellectual deficiency

Zubavičienė, Jūratė 04 September 2008 (has links)
Šiandien mokant profesijos intelekto sutrikimų turinčius asmenis pedagogams keliami reikalavimai profesinei ir pedagoginei kvalifikacijai. Specialiosios pedagogikos kvalifikacija nebūtina. Todėl atliekant šį tyrimą siekiama išsiaiškinti svarbiausius pedagoginės veiklos ypatumus mokant virėjo profesijos sutrikusio intelekto asmenis. Darbo tikslas: išsiaiškinti profesijos mokytojų veiklos ypatumus dirbant su sutrikusio intelekto asmenimis. / Therefore carrying out this research there was tried to ascertain the main peculiarities of pedagogical work while training the persons with intellectual deficiency cook’s speciality. The aim of the research work: to to define the peculiarities of vocational teachers’ activities working with the persons who have intellectual deficiency.

Telekomunikacijos organizacijų įvaizdžio kūrimo ir palaikymo ypatumai: Lietuvos atvejis / Image creation and maintenance of telecommunication organizations in Lithuania

Kazakevičienė, Asta 04 August 2009 (has links)
Telekomunikacijų rinka turi didelę įtaką šalies ekonominei ir socialinei raidai. Pasaulio GSM asociacijos skaičiavimais, didėjant mobiliojo ryšio skverbimuisi, padidėja ir šalies BVP augimo tempas. Pabrėžiama, jog telekomunikacijų paslaugos tai vienos aktyviausiai besivystančių ir konkurencingiausių sektorių, todėl čia labai svarbu kiekviena įvaizdžio ypatumo detalė. Todėl kiekvienai organizacijai tenka ne lengvas uždavinys – pristatyti visuomenei aiškų savo organizacijos įvaizdį, kuris sąlygotų teigiamą organizacijos reputaciją. Paminėtina, jog kova rinkoje dažnai vyksta ne tarp paslaugų, ar organizacijų, o tarp paslaugas gaminančių organizacijos įvaizdžių, o tai ypač pasakytina apie telekomunikacijos organizacijas. Organizacijoms norinčioms pasiekti išskirtinę poziciją vis svarbesniu tampa įvaizdžio kūrimas ir jo palaikymas. Tačiau galima prieiti prie šio darbo problemos, jog yra bendrieji įvaizdžio kūrimo teoriniai postulatai, tačiau kiekvieno sektoriaus įvaizdžio kūrimo ypatumus lemia ir jo specifika, todėl negalima apsiriboti vien teorinėmis koncepcijomis, neanalizuojant praktinių jų ypatumų. Darbo objektas – Lietuvos telekomunikacijos organizacijų UAB UAB ,,Omnitel“ ir UAB ,,Tele2“ įvaizdžio kūrimo ir palaikymo ypatumai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti telekomunikacijos organizacijų įvaizdžio kūrimo ir palaikymo ypatumus Lietuvoje. Pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo aptarti organizacijų įvaizdžio kūrimo ir palaikymo teoriniai aspektai. Antroje dalyje buvo gilinamasi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The telecommunications market has a significant impact on the country's economic and social development. The World GSM Association estimates when the mobile penetration is increasing, the country's GDP growth rate goes up. It is emphasized, the importance of the telecommunications services is one of the most competitive and developing sectors, that is why an each detail of image feature is very important. Therefore, each organization faces not an easy task – to show to the public a clear image of their organization, which leads to the positive reputation of the organization. In particular, the struggle often is not among the services or organizations, but between the services-producing images of the organization, and this is especially true for telecommunications organizations. Organizations which are eager to achieve a unique position, the image building and support is becoming of more importance. However, it is possible to access to the Work problems that there are common theoretical postulates of image creation, but it is influenced by specificity in each sector. Therefore it is not able be confined to the theoretical concepts without any practical features. Work object - the Lithuanian telecommunications organizations JSC „Omnitel“ and JSC „Tele2“ image creation and maintenance features. Purpose of the Work - to analyze the telecommunication organizations in the development and maintenance of the image creation features of Lithuania. The first part deals with the... [to full text]

Aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumai dailės pamokose / Active teaching methods peculiarity in art lessons

Balčiūtė, Agnė 02 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo temos aktualumas – norint pagerinti vaiko mokymą reikėtų taikyti aktyviuosius mokymo metodus, kurie aktyvina mokinio veiklą, bei leidžia mokytojui pasirinkti ir taikyti juos pagal vaiko įgūdžius; kaip veikia aktyvieji mokymo metodai. Tyrimo problema – nepakankamai ištirta aktyviųjų mokymo metodų naudojimas ir jų įtaka paaugliams dailės pamokose. Tyrimo objektas – aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumai dailės pamokose. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) atskleisti aktyviųjų mokymo metodų sampratą; 2) aptarti paauglystės amžiaus tarpsnio psichosocialinius bruožus; 3) išanalizuoti aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumus dailės mokymo procese. Tyrimo metodai: atlikta mokslinės literatūros sisteminė analizė, apklausos raštu metodas, matematinės statistikos metodai: chi kvadrato kriterijaus taikymas, kontingencijos koeficientas (C), procentinė duomenų analizė empirinis – individualusis giluminis interviu, mokinių apklausa žodžiu, kokybinė duomenų analizė. / Importance of the topic – in order to improve child‘s learning it is important to use active teaching methods, which make influence on activities a child does, as well as permit to a teacher to choose the most proper methods according to a child skills and abilities. Search problem – practice of active education method is not investigated enough and it’s influence on teenagers in the art lessons. Objective of search is - active teaching methods peculiarity in art lessons. Mail goal of search – reveal active methods peculiarity. Tasks of search: expose active methods conception; discuss adolescence psychological features; analyze active methods peculiarity in a process of art teaching. Research methods: accomplished scientific literature analysis, written poll method, mathematical statistic methods: chi squared test applied, contingency coefficient (C), and empirical percentage data analysis – individual deep interview, oral poll method (oral pupil’s inquest), quality data analysis, and triangulation.

Mokinių verslumo įgūdžių ugdymas gimnazijoje / Developing entrepreneurship skills among the students of gymnasium

Golcova, Rita Valentina 04 September 2008 (has links)
Remiantis Lietuvoje atliktais tyrimais bei faktiniais duomenimis, išskiriamos šios nepakankamo verslumo įgūdžių ugdymo priežasčių grupės: nepakankamas moksleivių suvokimas ir žinios apie verslo galimybes, neparengti pedagogai, nepakankamai ugdomi bendrieji ir praktiniai mokinių gebėjimai, stoka medžiagos ir verslumo ugdymo metodikos. Atsižvelgiant į esamą situaciją, iškyla tyrimo problema - verslumo ugdymas mokykloje yra nepakankamas, neskatinamas susidomėjimas verslumu, silpnai ugdomi verslumo įgūdžiai. Tyrimo objektas – mokinių verslumo ugdymas. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti mokinių požiūrį į verslumo ugdymą gimnazijoje. Tyrimo klausimas – kokią įtaką mokinių verslumo ugdymui turi gimnazija? Tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai padės: - Kauno „Varpo“ gimnazijoje mokinių verslumo įgūdžių ugdymo proceso tobulinimui. Tyrimas parodė, kad verslumo ugdymas mokykloje yra būtinas, tačiau tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad jis yra nepakankamas. Didžioji dalis respondentų nurodė, kad verslumą reikėtų pradėti ugdyti nuo ankstyvojo amžiaus; ekonomikos pamokose nepakankamai ugdomos mokinių žinios verslumo bei kūrybiškumo įgūdžiams, gebėjimams įtvirtinti, prisitaikant prie dabartinių ekonomikos rinkos sąlygų; parengta programa pagal „Lietuvos Junior Achievement“ nepakankamai suteikia žinių apie verslumą, mažai taikomi praktiniai užsiėmimai. / Referring to the investigations performed in Lithuania and other factual information, the factors, which make dependent on lack of entrepreneurship among students are: insufficient students’ perception and knowledge about busyness potentialities; unprepared pedagogues; insufficient improvement of students’ practical and general abilities; the lack of teaching methodology and teaching material. According to the present situation, the facts are: the developing entrepreneurship is not sufficient; involvement in entrepreneurship is not motivated; weak entrepreneurship practical skills. The object of the research is improving entrepreneurship among students of gymnasium. The aim of the research is to estimate the students’ attitude towards the developing entrepreneurship in gymnasium. The main question is what influence the gymnasium has in developing entrepreneurship among students. The results of the research work could be used developing entrepreneurship skills in Kaunas „Varpo“ gymnasium. The results of the research indicated that development of entrepreneurship at school is essential but not sufficient. Regarding the respondents, the development of entrepreneurship could be started at earlier stage; the absence of improving entrepreneurship is significant in economics lessons; The teaching program „Lietuvos Junior Achievement“ is not sufficient, there is a scarce of practical tasks there.

An Analysis Of Peculiarity Oriented Interestingness Measures On Medical Data

Aldas, Cem Nuri 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Peculiar data are regarded as patterns which are significantly distinguishable from other records, relatively few in number and they are accepted as to be one of the most striking aspects of the interestingness concept. In clinical domain, peculiar records are probably signals for malignancy or disorder to be intervened immediately. The investigation of the rules and mechanisms which lie behind these records will be a meaningful contribution for improved clinical decision support systems. In order to discover the most interesting records and patterns, many peculiarity oriented interestingness measures, each fulfilling a specific requirement, have been developed. In this thesis well-known peculiarity oriented interestingness measures, Local Outlier Factor (LOF), Cluster Based Local Outlier Factor (CBLOF) and Record Peculiar Factor (RPF) are compared. The insights derived from the theoretical infrastructures of the algorithms were evaluated by using experiments on synthetic and real world medical data. The results are discussed based on the interestingness perspective and some departure points for building a more developed methodology for knowledge discovery in databases are proposed.

Singularités dans le modèle de Landau-de Gennes pour les cristaux liquides / Defects in the Landau-de Gennes model for liquid crystals

Canevari, Giacomo 21 September 2015 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons aux cristaux liquides nématiques, qui sont une phase de la matière intermédiaire entre les liquides et les solides cristallins. Ces états sont caractérisés par la présence de défauts ponctuels ou de ligne. Le but de cette thèse est d'apporter une contribution à l'étude mathématique des défauts, dans le cadre de la théorie variationnelle de Landau-de Gennes. Dans le premier chapitre, nous étudions les minimiseurs de l'énergie dans des domaines bornés de dimension deux. Lorsque la constante élastique tend vers zéro, les minimiseurs convergent vers une application localement harmonique, avec un nombre fini de singularités ponctuelles. Au voisinage de celles-ci, les minimiseurs sont biaxes (le molécules sont alignées localement dans plusieurs directions). Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l'analyse asymptotique des minimiseurs en dimension trois, en supposant l'énergie majorée par le logarithme de la constante élastique. Comme dans le cas bidimensionnel, nous obtenons un résultat de compacité des minimiseurs, mais cette fois l'application limite peut présenter à la fois des singularités ponctuelles et de ligne. Nous donnons aussi des conditions suffisantes pour que l'hypothèse sur l'énergie évoquée précédemment soit satisfaite. Le troisième chapitre porte sur l'existence de minimiseurs à symétrie radiale dans une couronne en dimension trois. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre nous présentons une obstruction topologique à l'existence de champs de vecteurs unitaires de faible régularité, sur des variétés à bord. Ce résultat constitue une étape préliminaire à l'étude de modèles variationnels pour les films nématiques sur une surface. / Nematic liquid crystals are an intermediate phase of matter, sharing properties with liquids and crystalline solids. They are composed of molecules which can flow freely, but tend to align locally along some preferred directions. Nematic phases exhibit defects, which can occur at isolated points or along lines, and are one of their mean features. This thesis mainly aims at discussing some mathematical results about defects and their generation, in the framework of the Landau-de Gennes theory. In the first chapter, we study minimizers of the energy functional in a bounded, smooth domain in dimension two. We show that, as the elastic constant tends to zero, minimizers converge to a locally harmonic map with a finite number of point singularities. Minimizers are biaxial in the core of defects (that is, more than one preferred direction of molecular alignment exists at a given point). Chapter two deals with the asymptotic analysis of minimizers in dimension three. We assume that the energy is comparable to the logarithm of the elastic constant and prove a compactness result. However, the limiting map is now allowed to have line singularities as well as point singularities. We also provide sufficient conditions for the logarithmic energy estimate to be satisfied. In chapter three, we study the existence of radially symmetric minimizers on spherical shells, in dimension three. Finally, in chapter four, we discuss a topological obstruction to the existence of unit vector fields of low regularity, on a compact manifold with boundary. This result can be understood as a first step in the analysis of some variational models for a surface coated with a thin nematic film.

Racionalaus dangoraižio modelio kūrimas statybos technologijos aspektu / The creation of rational skyscraper model in technological aspect

Volvačiovas, Robertas 22 June 2010 (has links)
Baigiamojo magistro darbo tikslas – sukurti racionalų dangoraižio modelį statybos technologijos aspektu. Baigiamojo magistro darbo uždaviniai – apžvelgti dangoraižių evoliucionavimą ir apibrėžti dangoraižių aukštį, išskirti ir išnagrinėti dangoraižių statybos technologijos ypatumus remiantis naujausia su dangoraižiais susijusia užsienio šalių literatūra, kuriant racionalų dangoraižio modelį statybos technologijos aspektu remtis Lietuvoje galiojančia teisine sistema. Baigiamojo magistro darbo metodinė dalis yra parašyta remiantis užsienio šalių patirtimi, o mokslinėje dalyje sukurtas modelis – remiantis Lietuvoje galiojančia teisine sistema, tačiau bendrais bruožais šis modelis yra tinkamas naudoti ir užsienyje. Sukurtame modelyje didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas dangoraižio projektavimo etape iškylančių problemų sprendimui susijusių su dangoraižiais kaip atskira pastatų rūšimi. Sukurtu modeliu galima vadovautis įgyvendinant dangoraižių statybos projektus nuo idėjos gimimo iki dangoraižio nugriovimo. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, dangoraižių evoliucionavimas ir jų aukščio apibrėžimas, dangoraižių statybos technologijos ypatumai, racionalaus dangoraižio modelio kūrimas, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 73 p. teksto be priedų, 42 paveikslai, 3 lentelės, 63 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / This master thesis focuses on creating the most rational skyscraper model in technological aspect. This is done through the completion of several key tasks. Firstly, the study evaluates the development of the skyscrapers, defines their height. Then the work assesses the key technological features of the skyscraper construction. The assessment is based on contemporary foreign literature and meets the legal requirements of the Republic of Lithuania. The academic part of the thesis presents a model which fulfils the legal requirements of the Republic of Lithuania. However, this model is also valid in foreign countries as it is based on the contemporary foreign literature. The core objective of this model is to find solutions for the key issues that arise during the skyscraper design stage. Therefore, this model can play a significant part in all stages of the skyscraper construction from the creation of the initial idea of the skyscraper to its demolition. The thesis consists of 6 parts: introduction, the development of the skyscrapers, the key features of the skyscraper construction, the creation of the rational skyscraper model, conclusions and suggestions, references. The thesis consists of: 73 p. text without appendixes, 42 pictures, 3 tables, 63 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

L'originalité de la responsabilité du fait des dommages de travaux publics / The originality of public liability for wrongs caused by public works

Ferreira, Jean-Philippe 11 December 2018 (has links)
La responsabilité du fait des dommages de travaux publics est habituellement considérée comme une hypothèse originale de responsabilité. Son ancienneté, sa structure et les règles qui la composent l’éloigneraient des droits administratif et civil de la responsabilité. L’étude de la matière des travaux publics montre toutefois qu’à deux époques différentes, l’isolement de ces règles doit être relativisé. Historiquement, elles ont été fondatrices de la responsabilité administrative. En tant que toute première hypothèse de responsabilité, les dommages de travaux publics ont constitué un véritable prélude à son principe, et partant, ont détenu un rôle précurseur. Ils ont en outre formé la matrice des régimes et des conditions de la responsabilité administrative. Actuellement, l’originalité de certaines règles propres à la matière des travaux publics est en déclin. Elle est d’abord en voie de réduction, car malgré la persistance du particularisme attaché à la classification des dommages de travaux publics, la spécificité de ses règles techniques est de plus en plus atténuée. Elle est ensuite en voie de disparition, au regard de son éviction par d’autres règles situées en dehors du droit commun de la responsabilité administrative, voire de son effacement à la comparaison avec le droit civil. L’originalité de la responsabilité du fait des dommages de travaux publics tend ainsi à devenir progressivement un vestige du passé. / Public liability for wrongs caused by public works is usually understood as an original and peculiar case of liability. Its existence, its structure and the rules applied to it made it different from classical administrative accountability or civil liability. Nevertheless, the study of the topic shows that at two different times such an assessment should have been more balanced. From an historic perspective, rules for public liability in the context of wrongs caused by public works are the foundation of French administrative accountability. Rules for public works had the leading role in the development of administrative accountability and were the mould for the doctrines and principles of administrative responsibility. Currently, the peculiarity of some rules applied to public works are in decline. Firstly, despite the persistence and the use of a classification specific to public liability in the context of public works, the particularity of its rules is lessened. Secondly, this peculiarity is endangered as other rules for liability coming from administrative law or civil law are preferred to its application. Thus, the originality of the public liability for wrongs caused by public works seems to become a thing of the past.

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