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Verslumo ugdymas Lietuvos universitetuose / Entrepreneurship training at the lithuanian universitiesDimšaitė, Agilija 26 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvai, siekiant sėkmingai konkuruoti pasaulinėse rinkose, reikia didesnio ekonomikos augimo, daugiau naujų įmonių, daugiau antreprenerių, norinčių imtis naujoviškos veiklos. Būtent dėl šios priežasties, šiandieninėje visuomenėje, siekiant pokyčių, yra būtina skirti ypatingą dėmesį švietimo vaidmeniui stiprinant verslumo principų įsitvirtinimą Lietuvoje. Ne tik universitetuose, bet ir mokyklose mokiniams nuo ankstyvo amžiaus turėtų būti teikiama informacija apie verslo galimybes, kaip galimą ateities veiklą, ugdomi svarbiausi antrepreneriškumo bei kūrybiškumo įgūdžiai, mokoma pasitikėti savimi, kad ir ko jie imtųsi. Universitetai turėtų verslumo principus, kaip svarbią mokymo programų dalį, įtraukti į mokymo dalykų planus ir reikalauti arba skatinti studentus rinktis verslumo ugdymo kursus. Darbo objektas: Verslumo ugdymas Lietuvos universitetuose Darbo tikslas: Pateikti verslumo ugdymo Lietuvos universitetuose vertinimą, atsižvelgiant į verslumo (antrepreneriškumo) ugdymo teoriją ir užsienio universitetų patirties pavyzdžius. Darbo uždaviniai: • Atlikti teorinę verslumo analizę – išsiaiškinti antreprenerystės ir antreprenerio sąvokas, pateikti pagrindinius antreprenerio ir verslininko skirtumus, atskleisti antrepreneriškąsias savybes ir jų ugdymo galimybes; • Atskleisti, kaip verslumo ugdymo skatinimas yra vykdomas ES, išsiaiškinti, kokias programas, skirtas verslumo ugdymui, siūlo užsienio bei Lietuvos universitetai; • Atlikti tyrimą, siekiant atskleisti Lietuvos studentų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / If we want successfully compete in global markets, we need for greater economic growth, more new firms, more entrepreneurs. Not only universities, but students and schools from an early age should be provided with information on business opportunities as a possible future activity nurtures essential Entrepreneurship and creativity skills are taught to trust him in whatever they undertake. Universities should be the principles of entrepreneurship as an important part of the curriculum included the teaching of the plans, and require or encourage students to take courses in entrepreneurship education. The object - Entrepreneurship training at the Lithuanian Universities; The main goal - analyse theoretical aspects of the concept of entrepreneurship, to explore how enterpreneurship education is organized by Lithuanian universities; The goals: • To reveal the essence of entrepreneurship and basic properties of Entrepreneurs • To reveal the basic differences between a businessman and entrepreneur; • Provide basic training to promote entrepreneurship in Europe and Lithuania aspects; • Conduct a study to examine how entrepreneurship education is organised at the Lithuanian universities. The work consist of three part, 131 pages, 32 pictures, 12 tables, 5 appendixes and 67 literature source.
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Priešmokyklinio ugdymo organizavimo modelių veiksmingumas / Die Organinisierungsarbeit der Modellen der Vorschulausbildung zu vervollkommnenVoitechovič, Danuta 16 June 2005 (has links)
Diese Untersuchung ist sehr aktuel, weil hier die Notwendigkeit des Bedürfnisses der allgemeinen Ausbildung vor der Schule hervorgegeben wird (die aktive, die selbständige und die schöpferische Ausbildung der Kinder). Immer mehr aktuell werden die Fragen des Überganges zu der allgemeinen Ausbildung, wie man sie erreicht, welche Organisationsmodellen der institutionellen Vorschulausbildung möglich sind und welche von denen wirkungsvoller seien, damit die Kinder die notwendige Vorbereitung für die Schule bekommen und wie die Interessen als auch die der unterschiedlichen Gruppen der Ausbildungssubjekte zu befriedigen seien.
Dafür muß man die Organinisierungsarbeit der Modellen der Vorschulausbildung zu vervollkommnen, die Bedürfnisse der Kunden (Eltern und Kinder) gründlich zu erforschen.
Das Problem ist einmalig, als in Westen sowie in Osten gibt es keine „fertigen Recepte“ dafür. Die Ausbildung der Kinder vor der Schule dauert in einen Ländern ein Jahr, woanders - zwei Jahre und in manchen Ländern ist dies überhaupt nicht vorgesehen.
Das Ziel der Untersuchung: Die Wirksamheit der drei Organisationsmodellen der Vorschulausbildung zu vergleichen.
Die Hypothesen:
1. Die Eltern schätzen die unterschiedlichen Modellen der Organisation der Kinderausbildung vor der Schule grundsätzlich positiv ein.
2. Die Kunden (Eltern) schätzen am meisten die allgemaine Ausbildung des Kindes, die Umgebung, den Umgang mit anderen, die Adaptation des Kindes und die Arbeitsdauer der Gruppe... [to full text]
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Tolerancija kaip pagrindinė inkliuzinio ugdymo nuostata / Tolerance as the basic attitude for inclusive educationTijūnėlytė, Aušra 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe buvo siekiama išanagrinėti prielaidas inkliuzinio ugdymo vykdymui Lietuvoje ir atskleisti heterogeniškų ir homogeniškų mokyklų mokinių tolerantiško požiūrio ypatumus bei inkliuzinio ugdymo įtaką jo stiprinimui. Siekiant šio tikslo, pirmiausia atskleista tolerancijos samprata, apibrėžti jos ugdymą veikiantys veiksniai, atlikta inkliuzinio ugdymo situacijos mūsų šalyje analizė. Taip pat atliktas heterogeniškos ir homogeniškos mokyklos X–XII klasių mokinių tolerantiško požiūrio tyrimas. Nustatant heterogeniškos ir homogeniškos mokyklos vyresniųjų klasių mokinių tolerantiško požiūrio skirtumus tirtas mokinių požiūris į dešimt mažai visuomenės toleruojamų socialinių grupių: asmenis, turinčius protinę ar fizinę negalią, infekuotus ŽIV virusu, neturinčius pastovios gyvenamosios vietos, turėjusius priklausomybę nuo psichotropinių medžiagų (alkoholio, vaistų ar kitų narkotinių medžiagų), teistus asmenis, imigrantus, homoseksualus, tautinių, religinių mažumų atstovus. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė atskleidė tolerantiško požiūrio priklausomumą nuo mokyklos sudėties ir parodė, kad heterogeniškos mokyklos mokiniai yra tolerantiškesni nei homogeniškos mokyklos mokiniai. / The aim of this work was to analyse preconditions for implementation of inclusive education in Lithuania and to disclose the peculiarities of tolerant attitudes of pupils attending heterogeneous and homogeneous schools and the influence of inclusive education on their strengthening. For the implementation of this aim the conception of tolerance was disclosed, the factors influencing it were determined, and the analysis of situation of inclusive education in our country was carried out. Also the research of tolerant attitudes of X–XII grades pupils attending heterogeneous and homogeneous schools was carried out. Seeking to determine the differences in tolerant attitudes of senior grades pupils attending heterogeneous and homogeneous schools, the pupils’ attitudes towards ten social groups that society is less tolerant of were researched: persons with mental and physical disabilities, HIV infected people, vagrant (without constant place of residence), psychotropic materials addicts (alcohol, drugs and other narcotic materials), convicts, immigrants, homosexuals, and representatives of national and religious minorities. The analysis of the research data shows that pupils’ tolerant attitudes are reliant on school composition. It also proves that the pupils attending heterogeneous schools are more tolerant than the pupils from homogeneous schools.
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Estetinis-meninis papildomas ugdymas kaip profesinės karjeros prielaida / Aesthetic artistic additional education can be assumption of professional careerGiedra, Laurynas 07 July 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamos estetinio-meninio papildomo ugdymo organizavimo aplinkybės, teoriniai aspektai; nubrėžiamos šio ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimo gairės, pateikiama rekomendacijų ugdymo įstaigoms, organizuojančioms estetinį-meninį ugdymą. / Additional aesthetic-artistic development sistem include same way a formal art bringing up according to a special train programmes and edditional development, witch include different additional aesthetic purpose classes, activities, clubs and researches. However, in an every single activity, art is first of all values creator and our emotionals experiences area. Understanding a piece of art is very close to that experience, what we call social-culture values.
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Sveikos gyvensenos ugdymo bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje modelis / The model of healthy lining in secondary schoolsStrakšienė, Genovaitė 08 June 2004 (has links)
The aim of the research - to create in educational model of heaalthy lining in sesondary sch the sciools and its complex parts. The scientifik problem - looking for a system of strenghtening healthy living image in secondary schools.
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Nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto vaikų bendravimo gebėjimai integruotoje mokykloje / Communication skills of children with slight mental disorder at the integrated schoolSkodienė, Violeta 14 June 2005 (has links)
The problem of the research – the status quo of the communication skills of children with slight mental disorder at the integrated school. The aim of the paper was to describe the process of communication skills development of children with slight mental disorder at the integrated school. The objectives of the research were to define the peculiarities of the communication skills of children with slight mental disorder at the integrated school, to construct the model of communication skills development for children with slight mental disorder at the integrated school and to outline the prospects for improvement of communication skills development of primary school children with slight mental disorder at the integrated school.
The methods of the research: the systematic analysis of the relevant literature on psychology and special education and the review of the documents of the education system were carried out; the empirical method (the analytical description of Q type diagnostic data), the method of experts and the method of mathematical statistics (the mathematical data analysis was done with the help of MS Excel program) were employed in the research.
30 experts (teachers of special schools) and 75 teachers of integrated schools working with children with slight mental disorder were questioned.
The conclusions of the research:
1. The resources for communication skills development (verbal communication, non-verbal communication and the resolution to the conflict with... [to full text]
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Mokyklos sporto būrelis kaip papildomo ugdymo forma / School sport's cluster like additional education formGrabliauskaitė, Aušra 15 June 2005 (has links)
School sport’s cluster like additional education form
In this work attention is given to one of out –off-school activities example – sport’s cluster like additional education form. Wich would nurture and reinforce not only during lesson time achived knowledge, but alsowould help to form good future citizen and human, wich has values, goals, aim. Lately big attention is given to children and youth business, lack of it and possible connection to youth criminal problems of it. By different means and ways there is desire to increase schoolchildren business, education, nurturing.
Research subject: sport’s clusters education possibilities. The goal of the work is to detect attitude of Vilnius city schools teachers and pupils to schools sport’s clusters activities and educational possibilities by pedagogical and social aspect. To achieve this goal the following issues have been analyzed: out-off-school sport’s activities in Vilnius city for pupils, also realistic sport’s activity as educational method.
Also analyzed influance of economic enviromental elements to schoolchildren in out-off-class activities. In the survey were 601 respondents: 365 pupils participate in sports clusters, 203 pupils not participate in sports clusters and 33 sports clusters teachers.The survey has been performed using the theoretical method – analysis of pedagogical and scientific literature, inquiry of documentation; empirical method – questionnaire survey of pupils... [to full text]
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Integruotos mokyklos technologijų mokytojų požiūris į darbinį ugdymą / The view of the teachers of a practice lessons to the working education under integrated teaching conditionsViskontienė, Jūratė 15 June 2005 (has links)
Work takes up a specific place in everyone’s life. Especially, in a life of a man with the disability. Complete integration of a disabled man – it is integration to the professional practice in a first place. Work is basement of the life for a such people. Future of the pupils, with the disabilities, depends from the trade, they will gain. Practice lessons are used for this at school.
The subject of this research – point of the view of the teachers of a practice lessons to the working education under integrated teaching conditions.
Objective point of this work is to investigate point of the view of the teachers of a practice lessons to the working education under integrated teaching conditions.
Nonfiction is reviewed and interpreted and documents of the educational system are analysed in a theoretical part of this work.
There was interviewed 20 respondents during the research time. Ten questions were given to the educators on the effect to study preparation of the teachers of a practice lessons to work under integrated teaching conditions, content of the subject training, influence of the teachers to the professional preparation of the pupils. Point of the view to the work of the pupils with the disabilities was investigated too. There was given forty additional questions for the further research as well.
Results of the investigation reflected, that:
- Teachers of the secondary schools are not fully prepared for the education of the disabled pupils. A lot of educators... [to full text]
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Suaugusiųjų asmenų nuolatinio mokymosi galimybės Utenos rajone / Possibilities of continual adult education in Utena districtKaminskienė, Irena 17 June 2005 (has links)
There is important to create flexible placement system in a world economic that is very variable so attention is paid to life long education. Changes in environment and activities act on permanent society. Individual should have a possibility to live in changeable political as well as economical situation, creating new democratic society. Regularly elevating science level, developing new technologies, changes requirements for employment. So continual need for improving knowledge is significant.
Research object: Possibilities of continual adult education in Utena district.
Aim of the research: To explore possibilities of continual adult education in Utena district.
Tasks of the research:
1. To discuss conception, destination and aims of continual education.
2. To study adults’ motivation and experience in education.
3. To present institutions for adults’ education in Utena.
4. To research possibilities of continual education between inhabitants in Utena district.
Used methods in the work:
1. Theoretical: analysis of scientific and methodical literature was used with the aim to ground theory of research problem.
2. Empirical: empirical research, interview of respondents and analysis of data.
3. Statistical: data of the research was analyzed using SPSS.
At the theoretical part or work is reviewed education as continual process lasting all the life.
At the practical part research are present. This research was competed in Utena. Respondents are adult people. Aim of research... [to full text]
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Pilietinis ugdymas: lyginamasis aspektas / Civic education: comparing aspectsŠirvinskaitė, Rūta 08 June 2004 (has links)
Life in world–wide society defies different states and their citizens so that‘s why recently a great attention has been paid to civic education in many countries Lithuania included. Every nation has its own understanding of the concept of homeland. In 1988, the education for democratic citizenship was declared to be one of the most important aims of the reformed Lithuanian school. At the beginning of the educational reform the integrated curriculum of the civic education was created. The standards of civic development summarize the whole democratic education at comprehensive school. The aspects of democratic education have to pierce the whole school life; they are integrated into all subjects.
The problem of education for democratic citizenship is very relevant in Lithuania for understanding democracy, democratic citizenship determines the practical activity of young person. It is necessary to help pupils develop their sense of democratic citizenship and to understand its significance for the political life of nation. When citizenship become the deliberate ideal, then it becomes an integral part of their morality and inner disposition as well as a motive of their practical activity.
The aim of this work is to compare the efficiency of Lithuanian and other countries models of democratic education. The author seeks to relevant the theoretical background of democratic education, show the signification of the projects methods of democratic education, define the models of... [to full text]
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