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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktyvių grupinių mokymo metodų taikymo privalumai, pažįstant XX a. dailę XI - XII klasėse / The advantages of the application of group work methods in teaching the art of twentieh century in XI - XII forms

Beivydaitė-Jarašiūnienė, Giedrė 29 June 2009 (has links)
Aktyvūs grupiniai mokymo metodai skatina mokinių kritinį mąstymą, padeda ugdyti kūrybiškumą ir daro darbą aktyvesnį, įdomesnį, tokiu būdu padeda formuotis brandžiai, mąstančiai, atsakingai asmenybei, gebančiai savo gebėjimus pritaikyti gyvenime. / Active group work teaching methods promote studets' logical thinking, help to foster creativivy and makes the work stronger, more interesting and in this way contributes to the formation of mature, thinking, responsible personality capable of adapting his abilities in life.

Aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumai dailės pamokose / Active teaching methods peculiarity in art lessons

Balčiūtė, Agnė 02 July 2010 (has links)
Darbo temos aktualumas – norint pagerinti vaiko mokymą reikėtų taikyti aktyviuosius mokymo metodus, kurie aktyvina mokinio veiklą, bei leidžia mokytojui pasirinkti ir taikyti juos pagal vaiko įgūdžius; kaip veikia aktyvieji mokymo metodai. Tyrimo problema – nepakankamai ištirta aktyviųjų mokymo metodų naudojimas ir jų įtaka paaugliams dailės pamokose. Tyrimo objektas – aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumai dailės pamokose. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) atskleisti aktyviųjų mokymo metodų sampratą; 2) aptarti paauglystės amžiaus tarpsnio psichosocialinius bruožus; 3) išanalizuoti aktyviųjų mokymo metodų ypatumus dailės mokymo procese. Tyrimo metodai: atlikta mokslinės literatūros sisteminė analizė, apklausos raštu metodas, matematinės statistikos metodai: chi kvadrato kriterijaus taikymas, kontingencijos koeficientas (C), procentinė duomenų analizė empirinis – individualusis giluminis interviu, mokinių apklausa žodžiu, kokybinė duomenų analizė. / Importance of the topic – in order to improve child‘s learning it is important to use active teaching methods, which make influence on activities a child does, as well as permit to a teacher to choose the most proper methods according to a child skills and abilities. Search problem – practice of active education method is not investigated enough and it’s influence on teenagers in the art lessons. Objective of search is - active teaching methods peculiarity in art lessons. Mail goal of search – reveal active methods peculiarity. Tasks of search: expose active methods conception; discuss adolescence psychological features; analyze active methods peculiarity in a process of art teaching. Research methods: accomplished scientific literature analysis, written poll method, mathematical statistic methods: chi squared test applied, contingency coefficient (C), and empirical percentage data analysis – individual deep interview, oral poll method (oral pupil’s inquest), quality data analysis, and triangulation.

Švietimo įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų veikla, taikant aktyviuosius mokymo metodus / Die Tatigkeit die Leiter der Bildungsanstalten im Anerziehung der aktiven Unterrichtsmetoden

Dasevičienė, Ramunė 17 June 2005 (has links)
Die Tatigkeit die Leiter der Bildungsanstalten im Anerziehung der aktiven Unterrichtsmetoden.

Aplicação do método Peer Instruction na abordagem das leis de Newton no ensino médio

Bernardes, Jader January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a elaboração de uma sequência didática em nível de Ensino Médio sobre Leis de Newton, para ser utilizada com o método de ensino Peer Instruction. (Instrução pelos Colegas). Esta sequência didática foi aplicada em quatro turmas (totalizando 118 alunos) da primeira série do Ensino Médio Técnico de uma escola pública de Novo Hamburgo – RS. A concepção de todo o material elaborado foi alicerçada na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Paul Ausubel. As aulas foram estruturadas em sete encontros de uma hora e quarenta minutos cada um, sendo que em seis deles foi empregado o método Peer Instruction para a aprendizagem conceitual do conteúdo, intercalando-se questões envolvendo cálculos e o último encontro foi destinado à avaliação de todas as etapas do processo. A análise dos dados revela que as turmas obtiveram ganhos significativos de aprendizagem. Observou-se que as discussões entre os colegas foram proveitosas, propiciando a participação dos alunos como protagonistas do seu próprio processo de ensino-aprendizagem e levaram a um aumento do percentual de acertos das questões conceituais propostas. O retorno dado pelos alunos demonstra que a dinâmica da aula os motiva a trabalhar e os mantêm envolvidos com o trabalho por mais tempo. Conclui-se que esta sistemática pode se estender a outros conteúdos da Física, aumentando a interação entre os alunos e a reflexão crítica sobre os fenômenos que estão sendo abordados. Para a aplicação desta proposta foram elaboradas: tarefas prévias, os momentos da sequência didática e um banco de questões conceituais. / This work aimed to develop a high school level didactical sequence about Newton’s Laws of motion, suitable for use with Peer Instruction teaching method. This didactical sequence was implemented in four first grade classes (totaling 118 students) of a public technical High School in Novo Hamburgo (Brazil). The conception of all material was based on David Paul Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory. The classes were organized in seven meetings of one hour and forty minutes each. The Peer Instruction method was used for conceptual learning during six of these meetings, interspersing questions involving calculations. The last meeting was dedicated to evaluate all the stages of the process. The performance analysis of the data reveals that the students obtained significant learning gains. The discussions among the students were useful, allowing the participation of students as protagonists of their own teaching-learning process and led to an increase in the percentage of correct answers to the proposed conceptual questions. The feedback given by the students demonstrates that the dynamics of the class motivates them to work and keeps them involved with the work. We can conclude that this systematics can be extended to other contents of Physics, stimulating the interaction between the students and the reflection on the phenomena that are being approached. For the application of this proposal were elaborated: previous tasks, a didactical sequence in moments and a bank of conceptual questions.

Verslumo ugdymui skirtų mokymo priemonių taikymas gimnazijoje / Development of entrepreneurship education measures for gymnasium

Baliutytė, Simona 27 January 2014 (has links)
XXI amžius Europoje susijęs su dideliais pokyčiais, kurie labiausiai pastebimi ekonomikoje, socialiniame gyvenime. Naujausios technologijos keičia visuomenės socialinius santykius, požiūrį į verslą. Švietimo sistemai žiūrint tiek Europos, tiek ir Lietuvos lygiu kilo svarbus uždavinys - ugdyti jaunimą, suprantantį, kas yra verslas, efektyviai įsiliejantį į visuomeninį gyvenimą, ir gebantį savo įgūdžius ir žinias pritaikyti prie besikeičiančios ekonominės ir visuomeninės aplinkos. Jaunimo verslumo ugdymas tapo viena svarbiausių ugdymo krypčių šiandien. Darbe tirta problema apibrėžia keletą klausimų: •kaip mokytojai susipažinę su verslumo ugdymo samprata, verslumo ugdymui skirtų mokymo priemonių įvairove ir galimybėmis jas taikyti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose; •kaip mokytojai verslumo ugdymui skirtas mokymo priemones praktiškai taiko gimnazijoje. Baigiamojo darbo tikslas- išanalizuoti verslumo ugdymui skirtų mokymo priemonių praktinį taikymą gimnazijoje. Tyrimo objektas– verslumo ugdymui skirtų mokymo priemonių taikymas gimnazijoje. Pagrindiniai baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: atskleisti verslumo ir verslumo ugdymo sampratas; pagrįsti verslumo svarbą švietime; išnagrinėti verslumo ugdymui skirtas mokymo priemones ir jų praktinio taikymo švietimo įstaigose galimybes;išanalizuoti verslumo ugdymui skirtų mokymo priemonių taikymo gimnazijose ypatumus. Darbe taikyti metodai:mokslinės literatūros analizė; dokumentų, analizė; apklausa. Pirmoje darbo dalyje pateikiama verslumo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / 21st century ir relevant with a big change in Europe. These changes are most noticeable in ecomomy and social life. New technologies changes social relationship between members of community together with the approach to a bussiness. With the lapse of time the Lihuania and Globe system of education get an important task – to educate young people, who realises what is the business and these, who sufficiently joins to societal life and to apply its skills and knowledge to continously changing status of economy and society. Today youth entrepreneurship education has become one of the most important directions of development. The problem of the thesis defines some questions: •how teachers familiar with the concept of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship development training for a variety of instruments and to use them to secondary schools; •how teachers applies various methods of entrepreneurship education to gymnasiums. The aim of thesis is – to analyze the application of entrepreneurship education measures for the practical application of gymnasium. The object of the research - application of entrepreneurship education measures to gymnasiums. The main tasks of the thesis are: to reveal a conception of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education; to base the importance of entrepreneurship in education; to examine the teaching tools for entrepreneurship education and its possibilities to apply it to educational institutions; to analyze the application features of... [to full text]

Aplicação do método Peer Instruction na abordagem das leis de Newton no ensino médio

Bernardes, Jader January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a elaboração de uma sequência didática em nível de Ensino Médio sobre Leis de Newton, para ser utilizada com o método de ensino Peer Instruction. (Instrução pelos Colegas). Esta sequência didática foi aplicada em quatro turmas (totalizando 118 alunos) da primeira série do Ensino Médio Técnico de uma escola pública de Novo Hamburgo – RS. A concepção de todo o material elaborado foi alicerçada na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Paul Ausubel. As aulas foram estruturadas em sete encontros de uma hora e quarenta minutos cada um, sendo que em seis deles foi empregado o método Peer Instruction para a aprendizagem conceitual do conteúdo, intercalando-se questões envolvendo cálculos e o último encontro foi destinado à avaliação de todas as etapas do processo. A análise dos dados revela que as turmas obtiveram ganhos significativos de aprendizagem. Observou-se que as discussões entre os colegas foram proveitosas, propiciando a participação dos alunos como protagonistas do seu próprio processo de ensino-aprendizagem e levaram a um aumento do percentual de acertos das questões conceituais propostas. O retorno dado pelos alunos demonstra que a dinâmica da aula os motiva a trabalhar e os mantêm envolvidos com o trabalho por mais tempo. Conclui-se que esta sistemática pode se estender a outros conteúdos da Física, aumentando a interação entre os alunos e a reflexão crítica sobre os fenômenos que estão sendo abordados. Para a aplicação desta proposta foram elaboradas: tarefas prévias, os momentos da sequência didática e um banco de questões conceituais. / This work aimed to develop a high school level didactical sequence about Newton’s Laws of motion, suitable for use with Peer Instruction teaching method. This didactical sequence was implemented in four first grade classes (totaling 118 students) of a public technical High School in Novo Hamburgo (Brazil). The conception of all material was based on David Paul Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory. The classes were organized in seven meetings of one hour and forty minutes each. The Peer Instruction method was used for conceptual learning during six of these meetings, interspersing questions involving calculations. The last meeting was dedicated to evaluate all the stages of the process. The performance analysis of the data reveals that the students obtained significant learning gains. The discussions among the students were useful, allowing the participation of students as protagonists of their own teaching-learning process and led to an increase in the percentage of correct answers to the proposed conceptual questions. The feedback given by the students demonstrates that the dynamics of the class motivates them to work and keeps them involved with the work. We can conclude that this systematics can be extended to other contents of Physics, stimulating the interaction between the students and the reflection on the phenomena that are being approached. For the application of this proposal were elaborated: previous tasks, a didactical sequence in moments and a bank of conceptual questions.

Aplicação do método Peer Instruction na abordagem das leis de Newton no ensino médio

Bernardes, Jader January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a elaboração de uma sequência didática em nível de Ensino Médio sobre Leis de Newton, para ser utilizada com o método de ensino Peer Instruction. (Instrução pelos Colegas). Esta sequência didática foi aplicada em quatro turmas (totalizando 118 alunos) da primeira série do Ensino Médio Técnico de uma escola pública de Novo Hamburgo – RS. A concepção de todo o material elaborado foi alicerçada na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Paul Ausubel. As aulas foram estruturadas em sete encontros de uma hora e quarenta minutos cada um, sendo que em seis deles foi empregado o método Peer Instruction para a aprendizagem conceitual do conteúdo, intercalando-se questões envolvendo cálculos e o último encontro foi destinado à avaliação de todas as etapas do processo. A análise dos dados revela que as turmas obtiveram ganhos significativos de aprendizagem. Observou-se que as discussões entre os colegas foram proveitosas, propiciando a participação dos alunos como protagonistas do seu próprio processo de ensino-aprendizagem e levaram a um aumento do percentual de acertos das questões conceituais propostas. O retorno dado pelos alunos demonstra que a dinâmica da aula os motiva a trabalhar e os mantêm envolvidos com o trabalho por mais tempo. Conclui-se que esta sistemática pode se estender a outros conteúdos da Física, aumentando a interação entre os alunos e a reflexão crítica sobre os fenômenos que estão sendo abordados. Para a aplicação desta proposta foram elaboradas: tarefas prévias, os momentos da sequência didática e um banco de questões conceituais. / This work aimed to develop a high school level didactical sequence about Newton’s Laws of motion, suitable for use with Peer Instruction teaching method. This didactical sequence was implemented in four first grade classes (totaling 118 students) of a public technical High School in Novo Hamburgo (Brazil). The conception of all material was based on David Paul Ausubel’s Meaningful Learning Theory. The classes were organized in seven meetings of one hour and forty minutes each. The Peer Instruction method was used for conceptual learning during six of these meetings, interspersing questions involving calculations. The last meeting was dedicated to evaluate all the stages of the process. The performance analysis of the data reveals that the students obtained significant learning gains. The discussions among the students were useful, allowing the participation of students as protagonists of their own teaching-learning process and led to an increase in the percentage of correct answers to the proposed conceptual questions. The feedback given by the students demonstrates that the dynamics of the class motivates them to work and keeps them involved with the work. We can conclude that this systematics can be extended to other contents of Physics, stimulating the interaction between the students and the reflection on the phenomena that are being approached. For the application of this proposal were elaborated: previous tasks, a didactical sequence in moments and a bank of conceptual questions.

Význam sociálně komunikačních dovedností pro výslednou kvalitu ekonomického vzdělání / The Importance of Social Communication Abilities in Relation to the Quality of Economic Education

Holečková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with social communication in economic education with special focus on actual level of students' communication abilities within selected institutions. The special attention is paid to the aspects and the competencies that are crucial to be developed. The work is divided into two parts and two related research problems. The base of the thesis lies in the application of rhetorical and social communication aspects into economic subjects in which the influence of these aspects on the quality of presentation is researched with the help of experimental method and observation. The presentation is focused on economic topic that is presented by students to their colleagues. The evaluation is focused on final quality of presentation (evaluated with the help of selected aspects). Next key part of the thesis is aimed on the development of students' ability to give the arguments in economic subject with the help of active teaching methods. The influence of active teaching methods on students' knowledge is assessed. The students are divided into two groups; the first one is taught with the help of active teaching methods, the second one via classic frontal teaching method. The knowledge of the topic is evaluated by didactic test. The fundamental meaning of active teaching methods with focus on argumentation is highlighted because of its crucial importance for future students' acting in the labour market. The importance of differences between pretest and posttest is evaluated via Paired Two Sample t-test; the importance of differences between experimental and control group via Student's t-test. The main methods used in the work are experiment, observation, scaling, survey, didactic test and statistic interpretations such a Shapiro-Wilk test, F-test, Paired Two Sample t-test, Student's t-test. On the basis of the results there will be suggested integration of rhetorical and communication aspects and of the selected active teaching methods into teaching of economic subjects. The purpose of the work is to show the importance of communication aspects integration into teaching of economic subjects and to suggest the possibilities how to develop the communication aspects.

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