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Moterų nusikalstamumas / Female crimeNorvaišaitė, Eglė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Literatūroje nėra vieningo apibrėžimo, tiksliai apibūdinančio nusikalstamumą, tačiau daugelis kriminologų nusikalstamumą įvardina kaip socialinį teisinį reiškinį, susijusį su visuomenės socialine, demografine, politine, moraline, ekonomine bei teisine situacija, jos raida ir pokyčiais. Daugelis kriminologų pripažįsta, kad nusikalstamumas yra socialinis reiškinys, atskirų individų veiklos visuminis rezultatas, kuris yra vertintinas atsižvelgiant į konkrečias istorines sąlygas. Moterų nusikalstamumas yra žymiai mažesnis nei vyrų nusikalstamumas - 2007 m. Lietuvoje tarp visų įtariamų (kaltinamų) asmenų, moterys sudarė 11 %. Moterų įvykdytų nusikalstamų veikų struktūroje dominuoja turtiniai nusikaltimai – vagystės, plėšimai, bei nusikalstamos veikos, susijusios su disponavimu narkotinėmis medžiagomis. Dažniausiai nusikalsta 21-39 metų amžiaus moterys, turinčios pagrindinį arba vidurinį išsilavinimą. Tarp nuteistųjų moterų dažna alkoholio/narkotikų priklausomybės problema, padidinta psichinių negalavimų rizika. Pastaraisiais metais moterų nusikalstamumas išlieka beveik pastovus, matomas nežymus augimas atskiruose segmentuose, tačiau lyginant moterų nusikalstamumo rodiklius su bendrais nusikalstamumo rodikliais, procentinė moterų nusikasltamumo dalis kinta labai nežymiai. Lietuvos moterų nusikasltamumą su kitų šalių moterų nusikalstamumu sunku lyginti visų pirma dėl skirtingos įstatymų leidybos, bausmių sistemos ir baudžiamosios politikos apskirtai. Be to, reikia atsižvelgti į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / There are no one opinion about the determination of criminality. Most of the criminologists agree, that criminality is social-legal construct, which is bound up to development and variation of the social, demographic, political, moral, economical and legal situation. Eventually, criminality is social construct, the common result of different individual’s actions, and should be estimated according to historical condition. Women commit a small share of all crimes – in the year 2007 among all suspects, women comprised about 11 %. Women mostly commit offences against property - theft, robbery, and drug offences. 21-39 years old women, with basic or secondary education commit most of offences. Alcohol/drugs addiction, mental troubles are widespread among convicted women. Recently female criminality remains stable, except marginal increase in different sections. It is difficult compare female criminality in Lithuania with female criminality abroad, because of different legislation, penal system and criminal policy overall. Furthermore, historical, political, social, economical conditions, women position must be taken into consideration. Different criminological theories tried to explain female criminality concentrating on various factors, although the main explanations of female crime haven’t been proved.
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Moterų nusikalstamumas / Female CriminalitySlidziauskienė, Asta 04 March 2009 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Moterų nusikalstamumas Female Criminality Moterų socialinė padėtis ir jų statusas pasikeitė, taip pat, demografiniai rodikliai liudija, jog moterų yra daugiau, tačiau vyrai nusikalsta žymiai dažniau. Tokia padėtis yra daugelyje pasaulio šalių, bet moterų nusikalstamas elgesys tapo svarbiu kriminologijos mokslo tyrimų objektu, nes taip ir lieka neatsakytas klausimas, kodėl veikiant toms pačioms kriminogeninėms sąlygoms vyrų ir moterų nusikalstamas elgesys pasireiškia skirtingai. Šiam darbe apžvelgiamos pagrindinės teorijos, aiškinančios moterų nusikalstamumą. Mokslinių interpretacijų buvo daug, tačiau nė viena iš jų negalėjo paaiškinti moterų nusikalstamumo, nes daugelis teiginių taip ir liko nepagrįstais. 1918 – 1939 m. laikotarpio Lietuvos moterų nusikalstamumą galima apibūdinti tik pačiais bendriausiais bruožais dėl to meto įvairių politinių, ekonominių, socialinių priežasčių. Tarpukario Lietuvos moterų nusikalstamumui turėjo reikšmės nedarbas, pasaulinės ekonominės krizės padariniai, požiūris į moters statusą visuomenėje. Šios lyties nusikalstamumo struktūroje vyravo gana siauras nusikaltimų spektras, tačiau, nuo XX a. trečiojo dešimtmečio moterų nusikalstamumas didėjo. Sovietmečiu moterų nusikalstamumas buvo mažai analizuojamas, manant, kad šios lyties nusikalstamas elgesys nėra reikšmingas bendro nusikalstamumo atžvilgiu. Analizuojant įvairias to meto publikacijas, kriminologines knygas, pastebima tai, kad sovietų kriminologai didelį dėmesį skyrė kitų valstybių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Female Criminality Moterų nusikalstamumas Women’s social situation and status have changed, and now demographical indices show that male criminality is significantly higher, although there are more women than men. Many countries of the world have this situation, but female criminal behaviour became an important research subject of criminology, because the following question remained open: Why is male criminal behaviour different from the female one under identical crime circumstances? The main theories explaining female criminality are the subject of this thesis. There are many scientific interpretations, but so far, none was able to explain female criminality because many statements remained ungrounded. Female criminality in Lithuania during the period from 1918 to 1939 could be just defined by means of common characteristics due to various political, economical and social reasons of this period. Between WWI and WWII, Lithuanian female criminality was influenced by unemployment, consequences of global economical crisis, attitude towards women’s status in the society. Criminal structure of this sex was determined by rather small spectrum of offences, however, female criminality increased since the twenties of 20th century. In the Soviet period, there were few researches of female criminality, because the opinion dominated that criminal behaviour of this sex was not important in respect of common criminality. After analysis of various publications and criminological... [to full text]
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Nusikalstamumo Lietuvoje tyrimas statistikos metodais / Criminality Lithuania analysis using statistical methodsAbudauskaitė, Vaida 02 August 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: Asmenys, darantys nusikaltimus didžiausiuose Lietuvos miestuose. Tyrimo tikslas: Rasti Lietuvoje daromų nusikaltimų statistinius dėsningumus. Tyrimo uždavinys: Ištirti 2004–2009 metų nusikalimų duomenis taikant statistikos metodus. / The object of research: Persons who commit crimes in the largest cities of Lithuania. The aim: Find crime statistics are being made Lithuania patterns. The study objective: Examine the 2004-2009 crime data using statistical methods.
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Moksleivių nusikalstamumo prevencijos problemos / The problems of schoolchildren crime preventionZaksaitė, Salomėja 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojamos moksleivių nusikalstamumo prevencijos problemos. Darbo tikslai yra ištirti moksleivių nusikalstamumo reiškinį, prevencijos sistemą, suformuluoti moksliškai pagrįstas moksleivių nusikalstamumo prevencijos rekomendacijas, išskirti problemas, dėl kurių rekomendacijas įgyvendinti gali būti sudėtinga. Šio tikslo siekiama analizuojant registruoto moksleivių nusikalstamumo būklę, struktūrą ir dinamiką, įvertinant latentinį moksleivių nusikalstamumą, atskleidžiant veiksnius, sąlygojančius moksleivių nusikaltimus, ieškant būdų skirtų atitinkamiems veiksniams neutralizuoti. Įvairių statistinių bei mokslinių tyrimų duomenų, įstatymų bei mokslinės doktrinos analizė padėjo atpažinti ir išsiaiškinti pagrindines problemas, kurios sudaro kliūtis veiksmingai moksleivių nusikaltimų prevencijai. Pagrindines problemos yra: 1) įstatymų tarpusavio nesuderinamumas ir spragos, kaip antai Vaiko minimalios ir vidutinės priežiūros bei Socialinių paslaugų įstatymų neatitikimai; 2) psichosocialinio išsilavinimo specialistų stoka; 3) sisteminiai trūkumai, pavyzdžiui, socialinės pagalbos funkcijų perdavimas Švietimo ministerijai, nevyriausybinių organizacijų vaidmens neapibrėžimas vaiko (re)socializacijos procese, nepakankamas ir nenuolatinis NVO rėmimas; 4) visuomenėje paplitę stereotipai, susiję su delinkventinio elgesio vaikų marginalizavimu ir nesugebėjimu (nemokėjimu) su jais elgtis, dichotomišku lyčių vaidmens supratimu, psichosocialinės pagalbos nuvertinimu. Todėl... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work the problems of schoolchildren crime prevention are analyzed. The main goals of this work are to study the phenomenon of criminality and the system of its prevention, formulate scientific recommendations, and present the problems that burden said recommendations. Thus the level, structure and dynamics of registered crime as well as latent criminality are analyzed. The factors that condition crime are analyzed and the means devoted to neutralize said factors are searched. The analysis of various statistical and scientific data, as well as precedents and doctrine let to recognize and discover the problems, which burden effective crime prevention. The main problems are: 1) lack of specialists with psychosocial education; 2) incompatibility of legal acts; 3) systematic shortages, such as the confusion of social protection and education functions, insufficient support of NGO; 4) the spread stereotypes, related with the marginalization of delinquents, the conception of dychotomic role of sexes and the depreciation of psychosocial help. Thus it is recommended to change problematic laws and to prepare the new ones, increase the number of specialists with psychosocial education, continually support NGO, organize special seminars and enlighten the society in order to blow about stereotypes.
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Ankstyvoji vaikų ir paauglių nusikalstamumo prevencija; Vilniaus m. „Ryto" vidurinės mokyklos mokinių požiūris / Early prevention of children's and teenagers' criminality; point of view of pupilsStrazdienė, Vaidutė 15 June 2005 (has links)
The principal aim of the presented Paper is an analysis of the system of prevention of delinquency of the under-age persons, the attitude of pupils towards the early prevention of children and teenagers and offering versions of its optimization. The hypothesis: measures of early prevention of delinquency, taken by qualified pedagogues upon application active methods, that conform to the needs and age of pupils, should be assessed positively. Unoccupancy is one of the factors affecting delinquency of the under-age. The scope of the investigation: 274 pupils of the 6-12th grades of a secondary school. The methods of the investigation: theoretical analysis of the references related to the subject, questioning of pupils, statistical analysis of the data of quantitative analysis and the method of generalization. On the base of the investigation, the following assumptions may be formulated: · A majority of crimes is committed by unoccupied children and teenagers. Their unoccupancy is an increased risk factor. · Failure to investigate the needs of children and teenagers as well as failure to take them into account form preconditions for their delinquency. The activities organized by qualified pedagogues, taking into account the age and needs of pupils, prevent children and teenagers from delinquency.
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Nepilnamečių nusikalstamumo prevencijos pedagoginių rekomendacijų ekspertizė / The pedagogical recomendations of the juvenile crime preventionKandrotienė, Vida 07 June 2004 (has links)
Juvenile crime - it's a start of the common crime, its potential reserve and also a model of prediction for the future, and the earlier juvenile crimes will be intercepted - the bigger chance to prevent common crimes in the future will appear. Purpose of this work - to group and analyse pedagogical recommendations of juvenile crime prevention. Theory part of the work (1-3 parts) is intended to analyse the conception and characteristics of the juvenile crime in the aspect of pedagogy, psychology, criminology and other scientific views, the personality and its evolution of the crime committing juvenile and also the conception and the system of juvenile crime prevention. Appropriate conclusions are made based on the accomplished analysis. While practical part of the work (4th part) is meant to analyse, group and rate the pedagogical recommendations of the juvenile crime prevention. The approaches are made based on this analysis.
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Delinkventų asmenybės ypatumai / Personalities of delinquentsRemeikytė, Jurgita 27 June 2006 (has links)
Delinquents crime make worry not only Lithuanian, but public in other world countries too. We have to look for the answers , why young people make more serious crimes with the time and become more agressive. The principal aim of this paper to analyse delinquents’ behavior and self- esteem. Research tasks: to compare delinquents’ and persons’ who do not brake the law , self – esteem and attitude towards their family members; to compare the level of agression of persons’ who do not brake the law and delinquents’ . Research hypothesis : the level of agression of delinquents’ is higher than persons’ who do not make crimes . Research methods : • Self – esteem was measured by the semantical differencial type scale development by D. Beresnevičienė ( 1995). • Not - existing animal drawing method by E.C. Romanova ( 2002). The gotten data of the research confirmed the hypotesis. The level of agression of delinquents’ is higher than persons’ who do not brake the law ( t ( 141) = 3,204, p< 0,05). Comparing persons’ who do not make crimes and delinquens’ self- esteem, the latest ones’ self- esteem is higher (t ( 177 ) = 2,090, p>0,05 ). Delinquents take them selves as more beautiful ( t ( 198 ) = 2,184 , p< 0,05 ) and more active ( t ( 177) = 2,614, p< 0,05 ) than persons who do not brake the law.
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Bendrininkavimo formos LR BK ir jų baudžiamasis teisinis vertinimas / Forms of complicity in Criminal Code of Lithuania and their legal evaluationSabašinskas, Vytautas 13 December 2006 (has links)
The master thesis presents legal analysis of forms of complicity in the Criminal Code of Republic of Lithuania. The institute of complicity presents rather complicated structure within the Criminal Law. The modern system of forms of complicity consists of three members: group of accomplices, organized group and criminal association. The theory of Criminal Law is trying to find ways of justifying the construction, presented by the legislator.
The forms of complicity as a topic of analysis have a great importance for the court practice, whereas courts’ decisions depend on the proving of marks and features of complicity. The legal regulation of complicity has been changed by the legislator. The new Criminal Code of 2000 regulates forms of complicity and constitutes new features of them. The regulation is new. The forms of complicity were not present in the old Criminal Code. In addition to that, different doctrines of law separate different features of forms of complicity. It is important systemize them theoretically.
The new regulation of forms of complicity is important not only because of new features of the forms, but also the estimation of them present difficulties in various criminal cases. Thus, the author presents valuable analysis and different suggestions for establishing forms of complicity in different criminal cases. Examples from cases are widely analyzed and discussed. The existing doctrine is based on the Criminal Code of 1961. The doctrine of law is... [to full text]
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Nepilnamečių baudžiamosios atsakomybės ypatumai pagal Lietuvos ir užsienio baudžiamuosius įstatymus / Features of Criminal Liability of Juveniles According to Criminal Laws of Lithuania and Foreign CountriesČernauskaitė, Rasa 04 March 2009 (has links)
Nepilnamečių baudžiamosios atsakomybės ypatumai – tai tema savo aktualumu pastaruosius dešimtmečius reikalaujanti pasaulio valstybių, jų įstatymų leidėjų, teisėsaugos institucijų bei baudžiamosios teisės specialistų, nevyriausybinių organizacijų išskirtinio dėmesio. Jungtinių Tautų vystymo programos iniciatyva 1999 m. lapkričio 17 d. su Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybe pasirašytos sutarties pagrindu pradėta vykdyti Nepilnamečių justicijos programa (1999 – 2002 m.). Ji leido žengti svarbų žingsnį humanizuojant ir modernizuojant nepilnamečių baudžiamosios justicijos sistemą. 2003 m. gegužės 1 d. įsigaliojo naujas Lietuvos Respublikos Baudžiamasis kodeksas (toliau – BK), kuriame kaip svarbiausias reformos akcentas išskirtas naujas skyrius, skirtas nepilnamečių baudžiamosios atsakomybės ypatumams (XI skyrius „Nepilnamečių baudžiamosios atsakomybės ypatumai“). Nepilnamečių baudžiamoji atsakomybė yra viena iš svarbiausių valstybių vykdomos baudžiamosios politikos dalis, nes nepilnamečiai dėl savo fizinių ir psichinių savybių yra išskirtiniai baudžiamosios justicijos subjektai, dėl to taikomos baudžiamojo poveikio priemonės turi būti skirtos ne tik nepilnametį nubausti, bet ir perauklėti, siekiant jo integracijos į visuomenę. Lietuvoje reformuojant bausmių sistemą, buvo siekiama nepilnamečiams taikyti alternatyvias auklėjamojo poveikio priemones vietoj įkalinimo. Tačiau nors auklėjamojo poveikio priemonės yra labai svarbios, bet praktikoje vis dar sudaro silpną nepilnamečių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Criminal liability of juvenile offenders is a relevant issue which requires constant attention of states, legislators, law enforcement institutions, specialists of criminal law and non-governmental institutions. On initiative of United Nations Development Programme, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania introduced Juvenile Justice Programme (1999 – 2002 ) on the 17th of November 1999. This programme played an important role in humanizing and modernizing the system of juvenile criminal justice. On the 1st of May 2003 a new Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania introduced new section under the title "Characteristics of Juvenile Criminal Liability”. Juvenile criminal liability is one of the most important issues of criminal justice policy. Due to specific physical and psychical features of juveniles, juveniles are considered exclusive subjects of criminal justice. Therefore, punitive measures applied should re-educate the minor and help to integrate him into society instead of simply punish him for the crime committed. In Lithuania, the central aim of reforms in punishment system was to impose educational measures on juvenile offenders which would be an alternative to imprisonment. However, even though educational measures are considered to be very important, in practice this kind of punishment is not widely applied in the juvenile criminal justice. Moreover, statistical data show that the number of cases when imprisonment is imposed on juvenile offenders tends to... [to full text]
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Vagysčių kriminologinė analizė / Stealing crime analysyMiciūnaitė, Lina 04 January 2007 (has links)
Stealing, in Lithuania as in the entire world, make the biggest part of all crimes and are usually made by criminal acts. Consequently, the increase of criminality is related with increase of number of stealing. Properties take the important place in human being's life, thus, the loss of it affects every single victim causing not just material, but often moral trauma (especially burglary, when people consider one's home as home-castle or car stealing, even though it is not an expensive car). It is also important to make a note that stealing is the fastest ant the easiest illegal way to make a profit, that's why they are interesting by its unique features, which main point is that majority, who did crime- stole something, but also around 70%-80% all crimes are made by professionals. In this work author is talking about stealing as separate sort of crimes, because it is important thoroughly traverse roots of stealing, the development of tendency, structure and define thieves, name causes and factors, which stimulate stealing, so that one could effectively control stealing and apply correspondent preventive means.
This master's work, which contains four parts, analyses the historical process with penal stealing assessment review, the rates of crimes: dynamics, bouclé, level, variation, investigation, stealing in general criminality contest. Moreover, work contains the defining of persons, review of court practice though penalizes and real porridge term, name and analyse... [to full text]
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