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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equity crowdfunding: Is it really "Dumb money"? : An exploratory study on the non-financial value added by equity crowdfunding investors from Swedish entrepreneurs’ perspective

Malmgren, Johanna, Holm, Freja, Bertilsson, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
Abstract  Background:                     In an equity crowdfunding campaign, the investor receives shares in the company in return for the investment, which makes equity crowdfunding similar to traditional sources of equity funding. Nevertheless, skeptics have referred to equity crowdfunding as “dumb money”, since it might not provide similar non-financial value added as realized from professional investors. The main literature used for the frame of reference were Boué (2007), Macht and Robinson (2008) and Macht and Weatherston (2014). The literature worked as a basis for deriving a table, outlining the non-financial value added received by venture capitalists and business angels, as well as showing where literature is lacking regarding non-financial value added by equity crowdfunding investors. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to explore the non-financial value added by equity crowdfunding investors to the entrepreneur. This purpose was answered by two research questions: (1) Do equity crowdfunding investors provide similar non-financial value added to the entrepreneur as traditional equity funding investors do? (2) Are there any additional non-financial value added realized from equity crowdfunding? Method: This thesis follows the interpretivist research paradigm and undertakes an abductive research approach in order to explore the purpose. Primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews with seven entrepreneurs who had successfully conducted an equity crowdfunding campaign in Sweden. Secondary data was collected from peer-reviewed articles containing relevant theories and models. Conclusion: This research suggests that there are similarities between professional investors and equity crowdfunding investors in terms of non-financial value added. The contribution from equity crowdfunding investors seems to be dependent on the effort that the entrepreneur puts into the relationship with the investors. Furthermore, equity crowdfunding also allows the entrepreneur to maintain ownership and control over the company. However, each equity crowdfunding case is different and there are no guarantees of receiving certain types of investors.

Entrepreneurial Marketing : The emergence of a new strategy in a small venture

Rogard, Maxime, Dubreuil, François January 2016 (has links)
Historically speaking, marketing and entrepreneurship have been separated into two different concepts. However, more and more studies are now doing a link between them. They have shown that both concepts have strengths but also weaknesses. Marketers are not entrepreneurial and innovative enough, and entrepreneurial businesses that do not include marketing are less competitive on the market than those who use marketing. These new pieces of research put forward the idea that an innovation does not imply value making for an enterprise. The marketing part that increases the customer value and really makes the difference on the market. The purpose of this thesis is to discover and evaluate the importance and the role of the relationship between entrepreneurship and marketing in the SME SFA Romani. It will then study how this relationship helps SFA Romani in their new strategy (creation of a new R&D department) with the increasing of the customer value as main objective. In order to fulfil the purpose, a deductive approach has been used. Four members of the new R&D department have been interviewed around their vision of the connection between entrepreneurship and marketing. Finally, and after analyzing the empirical data, a conclusion has been drawn. It showed that the new strategy of the company uses entrepreneurial marketing. Firstly, through a close cooperation between the different departments of the company. Secondly, through marketing tools used to understand the customers’ needs and to increase the final customer value. This study finally shows that entrepreneurial marketing is a sustainable way for SFA Romani to increase its competitive advantage and to ensure its long-term survival on the market

An investigation into the co-producers of preferred strategic behaviour in small, micro and medium tourism enterprises in South Africa

Tassiopoulos, Dimitri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African tourism industry has undergone transformation with numerous “windows of opportunity” having been opened for tourism entrepreneurs. The South African small, micro and medium tourism enterprises (SMMTE) sector, however, faces numerous challenges. To ensure long-term sustainability, according to Whittle (2000: 8), the owners of SMMTEs need to make efficient and effective business decisions about the internal and external threats and challenges their businesses face. This will ensure that they have sufficient strategic information on which to base decisions in order to maintain their competitive advantage in the tourism industry. Motivation/problem statement: Small business planning behaviour is described as unstructured, irregular and incomprehensive. This characterises SMMTE strategising as incremental, sporadic and reactive. A clear need for strategic planning and management coordination of SMMTEs is identified in the light of increasing competition in the tourism industry and the dominance of large international companies in most sectors of the tourism industry (Cooper & Buhalis, 1996: 101). This study examines determinants of strategic behaviour through a sample frame of formally registered SMMTEs in South Africa. Because of the importance of the issue for a developing economy such as South Africa, the study contributes toward an improved understanding of strategic determinants of sustainable business performance at SMMTE level. It is against this background that the study examines the extent to which linkages or relationships can be established between the characteristics or attributes that are unique to SMMTE owners and manifestations of strategic behaviour. The overall research question in this study is: Do relationships exist between the attributes of SMMTE owners and strategic behaviour? Methods/procedure/approach: The research design for the proposed study primarily involves descriptive and explanatory research. The purpose of using this methodology is to determine predictors of strategic behaviour of SMMTEs in South Africa. Primary and secondary data gathering methods are used in this study. The target-sampling frame is the formally registered SMMTEs in South Africa, and the research sample is determined through using a systematic random sampling method, stratified by province. The study focuses on two elements, namely profile attributes of the SMMTE owner and preferred strategic behaviour that has manifested within the SMMTE. The possible preferred relationship between these two elements is addressed from a theoretical perspective with the basic premise that some of the manifestations of the SMMTE owners’ strategic behaviour have a better likelihood of success. On the basis of this conceptual framework, the development of a suitable data-gathering instrument is discussed and developed to determine the degree of SMMTE strategic behaviour in the ventures. Results/findings/product: The descriptive statistical aspect of the research is discussed in detail. The business characteristics, profiles of the typical attributes or traits of the SMMTE owners, as well as their demographic profiles are discussed in detail. This study further investigates a possible relationship between strategic behaviour (the dependent variable) and entrepreneurial attributes (independent variables) using inferential statistics. The relationships and constructs, as depicted in the a priori model, are empirically tested by means of various statistical techniques: • Reliability testing of the data set is conducted (ref. Section 7.5); • The validity of the research instrument is determined (ref. Section 7.6); • The reliability of the new constructs after exploratory factor analysis is determined (ref. Section 7.6.2); • The relationships between the selected variables are investigated through Spearman’s rho and ANOVA (ref. Section 7.7); and • The relationships between the selected variables of the hypothesis are further investigated (ref. Section 7.7.2) through regression analysis. The research results support an overall statistically significant association between the independent and dependent variables, and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (and the rejection of the null hypothesis), namely that there is an association between certain attributes of the owners of the SMMTEs (which is characterised by locus of control, reasons for starting a business, holistic capabilities, formal management education and prior experience) and preferred strategic behaviour. However, the research findings do not support an overall statistically significant association between the risk propensity independent variable and strategic behaviour dependent variables. Consequently the following null sub-hypothesis (ref. Section 7.2.2) is accepted: There is no relationship between risk propensity and strategic behaviour. Conclusion/implications: The study makes various recommendations for further research (ref. Section 8.5.1) and explains the practical implications (ref. Section 8.5.2) thereof. The findings of this study have identified entrepreneurial attributes that have a significant association with strategic behaviour and have made a contribution toward the largely underresearched subject of the role of strategy in entrepreneurship. The study has further applied this to a largely under-researched economic sector in South Africa, namely tourism. The results in this study have produced a foundation for further analysis of the attributes of SMMTE entrepreneurs and the manifestation of strategic behaviour in SMMTEs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse toerismebedryf is getransformeer en dit het talle geleenthede vir toerisme-entrepreneurs in dié bedryf laat ontstaan. Die sektor vir klein, mikro- en middelgrootte toerismeondernemings (KMMTO’s) in Suid-Afrika staan egter voor talle uitdagings. Om volhoubaarheid op lang termyn te verseker, moet die eienaars van KMMTO’s volgens Whittle (2000: 8) doeltreffende en doelmatige sakebesluite neem oor die interne en eksterne bedreigings en uitdagings waarvoor hul ondernemings te staan kom. Dit sal verseker dat hulle oor voldoende strategiese inligting beskik waarop hulle besluite kan grond sodat hulle 'n mededingende voordeel in die toerismebedryf kan volhou. Motivering/probleemstelling: Die beplanningsgedrag van klein ondernemings word as ongestruktureerd, onreëlmatig en onvolledig beskryf. Dit tipeer die strategiese beplanning van KMMTO’s as inkrementeel, sporadies en reaktief. 'n Duidelike behoefte aan strategiese beplanning en bestuurskoördinering word by KMMTO’s geïdentifiseer in die lig van groter mededinging in die toerismebedryf en die oorheersing van groot internasionale maatskappye in die meeste sektore van die toerismebedryf (Cooper & Buhalis, 1996: 101). Hierdie studie ondersoek die bepalers van strategiese gedrag deur middel van 'n steekproefraamwerk van formeel geregistreerde KMMTO’s in Suid-Afrika. Omdat hierdie kwessie vir 'n ontwikkelende ekonomie soos dié van Suid-Afrika belangrik is, dra die studie by tot 'n beter begrip van die strategiese bepalers van volhoubare sakeprestasie op KMMTO-vlak. Dit is die agtergrond wat die studie gebruik om vas te stel tot watter mate daar verwantskappe of verhoudings bestaan tussen die kenmerke of eienskappe wat uniek aan KMMTO-eienaars is en die manifestering van strategiese gedrag. Die oorkoepelende navorsingsvraag in hierdie studie is: Bestaan daar verwantskappe tussen die kenmerke van KMMTO-eienaars en strategiese gedrag? Metodes/prosedure/benadering: Die navorsingsontwerp vir die voorgestelde studie behels hoofsaaklik beskrywende en verduidelikende navorsing. Die doel van die gebruik van hierdie metodologie is om die voorspellers van strategiese gedrag van KMMTO’s in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Primêre en sekondêre metodes van datainsameling is in die studie gebruik. Die steekproefraamwerk bestaan uit formeel geregistreerde KMMTO’s in Suid- Afrika en die navorsingsteekproef is bepaal deur 'n sistematies ewekansige steekproefmetode te gebruik wat volgens provinsie gestratifiseer is. Die studie lê klem op twee elemente, naamlik die profielkenmerke van KMMTO-eienaars en die voorkeur strategiese gedrag wat in die KMMTO manifesteer. Die moontlike voorkeurverhouding tussen hierdie twee elemente word vanuit 'n teoretiese perspektief beskou met die basiese uitgangspunt dat sommige manifestasies van die KMMTO-eienaars se strategiese gedrag 'n beter kans op sukses het. Die ontwikkeling van 'n toepaslike datainsamelingsinstrument word op grond van hierdie konseptuele raamwerk bespreek en ontwikkel om die graad van strategiese gedrag in die ondernemings te bepaal. Resultate/bevindings/produk: Die beskrywende statistiese aspek van die navorsing word breedvoerig bespreek. Die besigheidskenmerke, profiele van die tipiese kenmerke of eienskappe van die KMMTO-eienaars sowel as die demografiese profiele van die KMMTO eienaars word ook breedvoerig bespreek. Hierdie studie ondersoek ook 'n moontlike verwantskap tussen strategiese gedrag (die afhanklike veranderlike) en entrepreneurskenmerke (onafhanklike veranderlikes) met behulp van inferensiële statistiek. Die verhoudings en konstrukte, soos in die a priori-model uitgebeeld, word empiries deur middel van verskeie statistiese tegnieke getoets: • Betroubaarheidstoetsing van die datastel word uitgevoer (verw. Afdeling 7.5); • Die geldigheid van die navorsingsinstrument word bepaal (verw. Afdeling 7.6); • Die betroubaarheid van die nuwe konstrukte word ná verkennende faktorontleding bepaal (verw. Afdeling 7.6.2); • Die verhoudings tussen die geselekteerde veranderlikes van die hipotese word met Spearman se rho en ANOVA (verw. Afdeling 7.7) getoets; en • Die verhoudings tussen die geselekteerde veranderlikes van die hipotese word verder (verw. Afdeling 7.7.2) deur regressieontleding getoets. Die navorsingsresultate ondersteun 'n oorkoepelende en statisties beduidende verband tussen die onafhanklike en afhanklike veranderlikes, en die aanvaarding van die alternatiewe hipotese (en die verwerping van die nulhipotese), naamlik dat daar 'n verband is tussen sekere van die eienskappe van die KMMTO-eienaars (wat gekenmerk word deur lokus van beheer, redes vir die vestiging van 'n besigheid, konseptuele/perseptuele vermoëns, formele bestuursopleiding en vorige ondervinding) en voorkeur strategiese gedrag. Die navorsingsbevindinge ondersteun egter nie 'n oorkoepelende statisties beduidende verband tussen risikogeneigdheid as onafhanklike veranderlike en strategiese gedrag as afhanklike veranderlikes nie. Die volgende nulsubhipotese (verw. Afdeling 7.2.2) word dus aanvaar: Daar is geen verwantskap tussen risikogeneigdheid en strategiese gedrag nie. Gevolgtrekking/implikasies: Die studie maak verskeie aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing (verw. Afdeling 8.5.1) en verduidelik die praktiese implikasies hiervan (verw. Afdeling 8.5.2). Die bevindinge van hierdie studie identifiseer die entrepreneurskenmerke wat 'n beduidende verband met strategiese gedrag toon en wat 'n bydrae lewer tot die rol van strategie in entrepreneurskap – 'n onderwerp wat nie voldoende nagevors is nie. Die studie pas dit ook toe op toerisme – 'n ekonomiese sektor in Suid-Afrika wat ook nie voldoende nagevors is nie. Die resultate van hierdie studie vorm 'n grondslag vir die verdere ontleding van die eienskappe van KMMTO-entrepreneurs en die manifestering van strategiese gedrag in KMMTO’s.

Les entrepreneurs libanais à Sao Paulo (Brésil) : une mobilité sociale ascendante

El Hachem Kirby, Elsa 26 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Au Brésil, aujourd'hui, il existe une importante population d'origine libanaise dont São Paulo est le centre de ralliement principal. Forte de plusieurs millions d'individus, cette population s'est constituée par vagues successives dont les premières remontent au dernier quart du 19ème siècle. Elle a connu un notable succès entrepreneurial dont une conséquence majeure a été un phénomène peu commun, dans une population d'immigrants, de mobilité sociale ascendante. C'est ainsi qu'après avoir été à leurs débuts pour l'essentiel des mascates (colporteurs), ces immigrants sont parvenus, ultérieurement, à accéder à l'entrepreneuriat, principalement commercial. Et aujourd'hui, on voit ses membres se déployer, horizontalement, dans tous les domaines d'activité ou presque et, verticalement, escalader les échelles de la société jusqu'aux plus hautes sphères économiques, sociales et même politiques. C'est cette mobilité des immigrants et de leurs descendants, sur les deux plans horizontal et vertical qui constitue l'objet d'étude de cette thèse. L'objectif est, d'un côté, de retracer les parcours ayant sous-tendu le phénomène en question et, de l'autre, de repérer les causes qui l'ont rendu possible. S'agissant des causes, elles s'avèrent avoir tenu à des facteurs internes à la collectivité des immigrants libanais et à une conjoncture historique favorable. Cette dernière fut la résultante des grandes mutations économiques et sociales dont le Brésil a été le théâtre dans la période en vue. Quant aux parcours, ce furent ceux conduisant, après une transitoire situation de " minorité intermédiaire ", à une intégration des Libanais dans la société d'accueil. Il s'agit d'une intégration " à la brésilienne ", qui leur a permis de ne pas renoncer à leur libanité en tant qu'identité propre, mais de la conserver en la réinterprétant comme identité libano-brésilienne.

Den offentliga upphandlingens påverkan på entreprenörer : En studie av små och medelstora byggentreprenörer

Boréus, Ida, Andersson, Sanna January 2014 (has links)
Public procurement in Sweden is regulated by the Act on Public Procure­ment (lagen om offentlig upphandling, LOU, in Swedish). The Public procurement in Sweden stands every year approximately for 500 bil­lion Swedish crowns of the taxpayers’ money. It is therefore im­portant that the money is spent in the best possible way. The focus in this study is set on the relationship between the small- and medium sized building entrepreneurs and the government. The study is built on international scientific arti­cles together with Swedish industry articles and the results from our own interview study. A comparison has been made between the three and it has resulted in listing obstacles for SME (small- and medium sizes enter­prises) and how to overcome these obstacles.

An entrepreneurship perspective on the formation and growth of business groups in the small business sector

Iacobucci, Donato January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is a contribution to our understanding of business groups in the small busi-ness sector. Specifically, its aim is to verify to what extent the consideration of entrepre-neurial processes can advance our understanding of this phenomenon. A ‘business group’ is a set of companies which are legally distinct but belong to the same person or people. Despite the significant presence of business groups in the small business sector, most of the literature on business groups addresses large groups. This study demonstrates that the available theories of business groups – the financial and the diversification theories – are not able to explain the presence and characteristics of business groups in the small business sector. Given the little work done on the issue, the research strategy involves the use of both, quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are used to test propositions deduced from available models of business groups; qualitative methods, based on case studies and direct interviews, are used to get new insights about the phenomenon and develop theoretical propositions. Quantitative analyses refer to the population of Italian business groups; case studies and interviews refer to a sample of business groups in the Marche region (Italy). The business group is an organizational form used by portfolio entrepreneurs to grow and diversify the businesses under their control. By using cross sectional and longitudinal analyses this study shows that in the small business sector diversification is a substitute strategy for growth in the original business. Moreover, this study demonstrates that the diversification theory is not able to explain the setting up of a business group as in most cases the degree of diversification observed in small groups is very low. The thesis demonstrates that entrepreneurial processes associated with the exploitation of new business opportunities by portfolio entrepreneurs play a crucial role in explaining the formation and characteristics of business groups. The start-up phase is critical for the success of a new business as it requires complete dedication of time and attention by the entrepreneur to continuously adjust the planned actions to the unforeseen events and un-predictable contingencies that are typical of this phase. The legal autonomy granted to the new venture helps focus resources and monitor results. In addition to this and more than anything else, legal autonomy allows entrepreneurs to modify the ownership structure of the new business and give minority shares to people involved in the start-up. The financial explanation of business groups stresses the importance of legal autonomy as a way for manipulating the ownership structure of new businesses, to raise outside equity. The thesis demonstrates that the causal relationship is the opposite of that hypothesised by the financial explanation: it is not so much the aim of raising outside equity that determines the involvement of external shareholders as the need to involve and motivate people in the start up of the new business that induces entrepreneurs to sell minority shares in it, thus enlarging the entrepreneurial team. By involving other people in the start-up of new ventures, portfolio entrepreneurs enhance their ability to enter new businesses while retaining ownership and control of the ones already established. The empirical analysis revealed the existence of three different patterns: joint venture with established entrepreneurs, employee involvement and intrapreneurship. The first is when new ventures are set up with other established entrepreneurs. The second is when the entrepreneur gives a share of the new company to an employee to secure his/her involvement in the start-up of a new venture (employee involvement). The third is when the new business is established as a result of the inspiration of an ‘intrapreneurial’ employee who takes major responsibility for the development of the business. As well as the discovery and analysis of these three forms, the thesis provides a theoretical explanation of entrepreneurial team development in business groups, based on the problems faced by portfolio entrepreneurs in allocating time and attention between the running of established businesses and the exploitation of new business opportunities. By integrating the latter explanation with other models of business groups the thesis provides a more general framework for understanding the formation and dynamics of business groups in the small business sector. The thesis also provides contributions to explain the formation and dynamics of entrepreneurial teams in a multi business context and in situations where there is a ‘dominant’ or ‘lead’ entrepreneur and one or more ‘associate’ or ‘sub’ entrepreneurs. Studying the formation and evolution of business groups poses several methodological problems, as groups are complex systems, characterised by the presence of several companies, different architectural structures and a multi-business context. The thesis provides methodological contributions on the ways to represent the current structure of business groups and on how to analyse their evolution over time.

Narratives of Manchester pedestrianism : using biographical methods to explore the development of athletics during the nineteenth century

Oldfield, Samantha-Jayne January 2014 (has links)
The British sporting landscape significantly altered during the nineteenth century as industrialisation affected the leisure patterns of the previously rural communities that were now residents of the urban city. As both space and time available for sport reduced, traditional pastimes continued to survive amid the numerous public houses that had emerged within, and in, the outskirts of Britain’s major industrial centres. Land attached to, and surrounding, the more rural taverns was procured for sporting purposes, with specially built stadia developed and publicans becoming gatekeepers to these working-class pursuits. Pedestrianism, the forerunner to modern athletics, became a lucrative commercial enterprise, having been successfully integrated into the urban sporting model through public house endorsement. The sporting publicans, especially within the city, used entrepreneurial vision to transform these activities into popular athletic “shows” with these professional athletes demonstrating feats of endurance, speed and strength, all under the regulation of the sporting proprietor. In Manchester, areas such as Newton Heath developed their own communities for pedestrianism and, through entrepreneurial innovation and investment, the Oldham Road became a hotspot for athletic competition throughout much of the nineteenth century. Within these communities, there was a reliance on the individual to cultivate and maintain athletic interest through their endorsement and promotion of, and their continued investment in, sporting entertainment. The relationship between entrepreneurial sportsmen and public houses has long been noted and there are abundant examples of individuals who combined their sporting activities with the role of licensee, but these are usually limited in scope and are overtly descriptive narratives that do little beyond documenting the individual achievements of their subjects. The traditional biographical method, whereby individual profiles are constructed through the uncovering of historical detail, is normally employed within the sport history discipline but this requires re-evaluation if a more complete picture of sport is to be established. Further biographical methods, such as collective biography and prosopography, whereby individuals are collectively studied through more measured techniques, should be applied to give further analysis of the impact of individuals within a specific sporting environment. This study uses all three approaches, biography, prosopography and collective biography, to give a more nuanced narrative that uncovers the changing nature of pedestrianism within nineteenth-century Manchester. Each chapter utilises a different biographical approach to explore a unique aspect of Manchester pedestrianism and gives further recognition to the previously anonymous population that helped to create a diverse hub for athletic entertainment. Although several themes permeate all three narratives, each method has its own outcomes, which provide alternative interpretations and perspectives on Manchester’s sporting history. Whilst pedestrianism is used as an exemplar, the study intends to highlight the importance of the individual, as opposed to national organisations, in telling the story of nineteenth-century sport.

Influence of Significant Other and Locus of Control Dimensions on Women Entrepreneur Business Outcomes

Nelson, George W. (George William), 1938- 05 1900 (has links)
The personality characteristic locus of control internality is widely-accepted as a trait possessed by women entrepreneurs. Recent research also suggests the presence of a coexisting attribute of similar strength, characterized as influence of a significant other. The presence of one personality characteristic implying perception of self-directed capability, together with indication of need for external assistance, poses a theoretical paradox. The study's purpose was to determine the nature and extent of direct and interactive effects which these and related variables had on entrepreneur return on investment. It was hypothesized that dimensions of significant other, as operationalized for this research, would support internality of locus of control and also modify constraining effects of educational and experiential disadvantage which the literature cites as pertinent to women entrepreneurs. This was nonexperimental, exploratory research of correlational cross-sectional design which examined hypothesized variable linkages. A convenience sample from a women's entrepreneur networking group was surveyed. Significant other elements were derived from factor analysis, resulting in four common dimensions. These factors, together with Rotter's Locus of Control instrument scores, reports on levels of education and experience, and hypothesized interactions, were independent variables. Hierarchial multiple regression was used to test a proposed path model. Two interpretable four-factor solutions derived from significant other variables were tested in two models. Although neither model attained overall significance, individual variables were directionally as hypothesized, and locus of control and certain factoral dimensions attained bivariate significance. Significant other factors appear to influence locus of control through statistical suppression as they interact with other variables. Results point toward a possibility that significant others who most affect female entrepreneur performance are those who give specific advice and aid, rather than moral support. Further research to explore what seems a strong relationship between return on investment and locus of control internality is recommended.

« Les Princes de Sorel » : analyse du rôle de la famille Simard dans le développement de la ville de Sorel (1909-1965)

Ouellet-Riendeau, Chloé January 2017 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d'analyser l'engagement des frères Simard, un trio d'industriels canadiens-français, dans la ville de Sorel entre 1909 et 1965. Plus précisément, ce mémoire s’intéresse aux modalités de leur implantation en tant que principaux acteurs économiques dans cette ville ouvrière de taille moyenne. Peu de temps après leur arrivée, les trois frères Simard prennent en charge les principaux leviers économiques de Sorel en raison de sa situation socioéconomique stagnante et de son élite économique et politique manquant de dynamisme et de ressources. Ils effectuent une série de transactions menant à la création d'un empire industriel régional touchant à une multiplicité de secteurs, dont la construction navale. La modernisation de leurs acquisitions et la création de nouvelles industries propulsent ces modestes entrepreneurs parmi les élites économiques canadiennes. Toutefois, leur ascension dépend d'éléments conjoncturels et contextuels, tel que le marasme des années 1930 et la reprise économique engendrée par la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. De plus, cette concentration économique ne se fait pas sans contestation de la part de la population. Afin de consolider leur position, le trio adopte une stratégie claire d'enracinement dans la communauté soreloise à travers divers vecteurs sociaux, tel que la philanthropie. Ainsi il s'engage directement et indirectement autant dans le domaine du divertissement que dans les services essentiels. À travers cette analyse, ce mémoire nuance l'historiographie structurelle et globalisante des grandes transformations socioéconomiques du Québec de la première moitié du 20e siècle. L'étude de la symbiose entre les Simard et Sorel permet d'entrevoir l'existence d'une pluralité de modèles de développement possibles en ce qui a trait aux villes québécoises.

La perception à la fois de soi et de l'autre côté de la frontière, par l'intermédiaire du commerce transfrontalier en période de conflit et en temps de paix, au sud-est de la Turquie

Kolay, Gulcan 24 June 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'impact du commerce (transfrontalier) sur les relations, les perceptions entre la Turquie et l'Irak, plus précisément entre deux région kurdes : le Kurdistan de Turquie d'un côté, le Kurdistan d'Irak de l'autre. Ce travail va nous permettre de comprendre et d'analyser les relations économiques, sociales et culturelles de part et d'autre de la frontière. En tant que séparatrice des deux régions kurdes, la frontière turco-irakienne tient une position qui joue un rôle significatif ; c'est une séparation mais aussi une zone de contact. Plusieurs acteurs jouent un rôle dans le commerce frontalier de cette région. Les principaux sont les États (ou « quasi-État » si l'on considère le gouvernement autonome du Kurdistan d'Irak comme un État dans l'État fédéral d'Irak), ainsi que les entrepreneurs des deux côtés de la frontière.Après la guerre du golfe en 2003, la région du nord de l'Irak est devenue davantage liée à la Turquie qu'à l'Irak. Ce phénomène s'étant accentué de nos jours. Des milliers de camions franchissent quotidiennement les frontières qui séparent le Kurdistan d'Irak et la Turquie, les entreprises et les ouvriers travaillant au Kurdistan irakien sont pour l'essentiel des Kurdes de Turquie.Dans ce contexte le commerce est important par son rôle de communication. Il est également significatif en tant que lien symbolique entre les deux régions frontalières. En outre, ce commerce confirme à nouveau le rôle du Kurdistan irakien comme référence de la mouvance kurde dans son ensemble. / This thesis deals with the impacts of the cross-border trade on the perceptions, on the relations between Turkey and Iraq, more precisely between two Kurdish regions: Turkish Kurdistan on one side, Iraqi Kurdistan on the other. This study allows us to understand and analyse political, economic and cultural relations by means of border trade between two border regions on either side of the border. By acting as a divide between the two Kurdish regions, the Turkish-Iraqi border plays a significant role as a barrier but also a zone of contact. Several actors play a role in the border trade of this region. The main ones are the States (or quasi-State if we consider the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan as a State within the federal state of Iraq), as well as the entrepreneurs on both sides of the border.After the Gulf War in 2003, the north of Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan) became more linked to Turkey than to the rest of the country. This phenomenon has become more and more present. Every day, thousands of trucks cross the border separating Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey, the firms and workers working in Iraqi Kurdistan are mostly Turkish Kurds.In this context, trade is important through its role of communication. It is also significant as a symbolic link attaching both sides. Furthermore, this trade again confirms the role of Iraqi Kurdistan as a reference for the whole Kurdish region.

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