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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eine eindeutig traumabezogene Verhaltensweise : Optionen, Komplikationen und Implikationen bei der Übersetzung von pränominalen erweiterten Adjektiv- und Partizipialattributen aus dem Deutschen ins Schwedische / ‚Eine eindeutig traumabezogene Verhaltensweise‘ (A clearly trauma related behaviour). : Options, Complications and Implications in Swedish translations of German extended premodifiers

Rödholm Siegrist, Helena January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the Swedish translations of extended premodifiers in a non-fictional German text on pedagogical theory and practice. The aim is to analyse complications and implications connected to different translation options and strategies. The analysis is based on Solfjeld’s (2003, 2004) German-Norwegian translation studies, which propose a classification model for translation strategies for German extended premodifiers with regard to aspects of explicitation and implicitation. The results show relations between postnominal finite target clauses and explicitation on the one hand, and on the other hand between prenominal non-clausal units and implicitation. Explicitation tends to result in sentence splitting which affects the text length and text cohesion.In addition, the study defines three main categories of German extended modifiers. The first category of adverbial extender premodifiers describe time, degree, and perspective and can easily be transferred into Swedish premodifying structures. The second category includes objects or predicatives which must be transferred into postmodifying structures. For the extended premodifiers belonging to the third category, the transferring into pre- or postmodifying target structures is optional. The study shows that the complexity of the extended premodifiers is a crucial factor which determines the choice of translation strategy. While explicifying relative clauses have a high amount of correspondence with Swedish language structures, the analysis emphasizes that implicifying premodifying target structures have less negative impact on text length, sentence splitting and text cohesion.

Komparace penzijních systémů v České republice a ve Spojených státech amerických / Comparison of pension systems in the Czech Republic and the United States of America

Brtník, Karel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis present an analysis of pension systems in the Czech Republic and the United States of America, according to the status in 2013. The aim is to make comparison of pension schemes based on defined criteria, that are budgetary responsibility, the quality of life for the elderly, social justice, social solidarity, equivalence and financial sustainability of the pension system. Another objective is to compare each pillar of the pension systems and analyze the different elements of the benefits that are provided from mentioned pillars. Theoretical basis include the Welfare State theory, the theory of public finance and the theory of market, state and civic sector and the criterion anchoring of the reform. The research is devoted to the analysis of pension systems ability to provide an adequate income in retirement, what is the real purchasing power of pensioners, whether the pension systems are due to unfavorable demographic development in the future financially sustainable and how the pension system encourages older workers to remain in the labor market.

Assessment of Field-Grown Cellulase-Expressing Corn

Garda, Martina, Devaiah, Shivakumar P., Vicuna Requesens, Deborah, Chang, Yeun Kyung, Dabul, Audrei, Hanson, Christy, Hood, Kendall R., Hood, Elizabeth E. 18 April 2015 (has links)
Transgenic plants in the US and abroad generated using genetic engineering technology are regulated with respect to release into the environment and inclusion into diets of humans and animals. For crops incorporating pharmaceuticals or industrial enzymes regulations are even more stringent. Notifications are not allowed for movement and release, therefore a permit is required. However, growing under permit is cumbersome and more expensive than open, non- regulated growth. Thus, when the genetically engineered pharmaceutical or industrial crop is ready for scale-up, achieving non-regulated status is critical. Regulatory compliance in the US comprises petitioning the appropriate agencies for permission for environmental release and feeding trials. For release without yearly permits, a petition for allowing non-regulated status can be filed with the United States Department of Agriculture with consultations that include the Food and Drug Administration and possibly the Environmental Protection Agency, the latter if the plant includes an incorporated pesticide. The data package should ensure that the plants are substantially equivalent in every parameter except for the engineered trait. We undertook a preliminary study on transgenic maize field-grown hybrids that express one of two cellulase genes, an exo-cellulase or an endo-cellulase. We performed field observations of whole plants and numerous in vitro analyses of grain. Although some minor differences were observed when comparing genetically engineered hybrid plants to control wild type hybrids, no significant differences were seen.

Towards establishing the equivalence of the English version of the verbal analogies scale of the woodcock Munoz language survey across English and Xhosa first language speakers

Ismail, Ghouwa January 2010 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / In the majority of the schools in South Africa (SA), learners commence education in English. This English milieu poses a considerable challenge for English second-language speakers. In an attempt to bridge the gap between English as the main medium of instruction and the nine indigenous languages of the country and assist with the implementation of mother-tongue based bilingual education, this study focuses on the cross-validation of a monolingual English test used in the assessment of multilingual or bilingual learners in the South African context.

A behaviorist correspondence theory of truth / En behavioristisk korrespondensteori om sanning

Alexander, Emil January 2020 (has links)
For many decades there has been an ongoing feud between the fields of behaviorism and cognitive science. This feud is not about specific scientific findings, it is about deep philosophical convictions, and about what terms and methods it makes sense to use when studying psychology. In the late 1950’s, behaviorism was declared dead when it was convincingly argued that behaviorism could not explain the nature of language, a centerpiece of human psychology. But since then behaviorism has slowly risen from its grave, as a new behaviorist theory of language emerged. The new behaviorist theory of language is called Relational Frame Theory (RFT), and it is part of a new behaviorist paradigm called Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS). This paradigm also includes a behaviorist psychotherapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which in the last decade has become popular across the world. Thus, the feud has once again become active, and the question about which philosophical principles are most suitable for the science of psychology is yet again something that needs an answer. But things have changed since the mid-1900’s when the discussion was last active. The philosophy of CBS is not exactly like that of earlier versions of behaviorism, having developed into a more explicit and coherent set of philosophical principles, summarized under the name functional contextualism. Old arguments against behaviorism do not apply to the same degree. So it is time for a new look at this debate, taking into consideration what functional contextualism and RFT has to offer. According to Contextual behavioral science, cognitive science generally entails a commitment to the correspondence theory of truth, the idea that something is true if it corresponds with reality, or a worldly fact. CBS, on the other hand, makes an explicit commitment to a pragmatic theory of truth, which focuses on the consequences (i.e. usefulness) of a statement or theory, instead of its correspondence with reality. Because of the supposed centrality of these theories of truth for the divide between cognitive science and behaviorism, I will focus on what exactly this divide is about, and whether there is any way that the differences can be reconciled. I will argue that the divide isn’t as big as it may seem when we take a closer look at the philosophical principles and empirical theories of CBS, and that it may in fact be possible to bridge this divide by formulating a version of the correspondence theory that is compatible with CBS. In part 1 I present a quick sketch of behaviorism as contrasted with cognitive science, and the connection between behaviorism and the pragmatic theory of truth, as well as the connection between cognitive science and the correspondence theory of truth. In part 2 I give a more detailed description of the philosophy and science of Contextual behavioral science, including the tools for understanding language in CBS terms. In part 3 I present a more detailed description of the correspondence theory of truth, giving an overview of the different versions of this theory that have been proposed throughout the history of philosophy. In part 4 I make a careful evaluation of the CBS objections towards the correspondence theory of truth, and arrive at a version of the correspondence theory that can be expressed in CBS terms. I will conclude that this version is compatible with the underlying philosophy of CBS, even though the CBS pragmatic theory of truth claims otherwise. I call it a behaviorist correspondence theory of truth.

Effects of Childhood Context, Implicit Motives, and Explicit Sociocultural Orientation on Autobiographical Memory in PR China, Cameroon and Germany

Bender, Michael 09 August 2006 (has links)
In this study, the relationship of autobiographical memory, implicit motivation, sociocultural orientation, and childhood variables was investigated cross-culturally. A German sample reflecting a prototypical independent context (n=100), and a Chinese (n = 77) and Cameroonian sample (n = 68) from a prototypical interdependent context were selected. Participants were asked to report their earliest childhood memories, to answer socio-demographic questions, to complete the Operant Multimotive Test as a measure of their implicit motivation, and two self-report scales to indicate their sociocultural orientation. Special attention was given to considerations of methodological equivalence across cultures.It was expected that (1) Chinese and Cameroonian participants recall more oriented towards others than German participants, and that (2) individuals from a social-oriented childhood context make more use of the social function of autobiographical recall, and finally that (3) implicit motivation and sociocultural orientation predict autobiographical memory across cultures.Results indicate that Cameroonian and Chinese participants generally make more use of the social function of autobiographical memory than do German participants. Furthermore, the more siblings an individual has, the more she/he makes use of the social function. Missing effects of implicit motivation and sociocultural orientation on interindividual differences in autobiographical memory are accounted for by methodological constraints.

On the Relation between Stimulus Equivalence and Extension of Stimulus Function

Hartman, Carrie 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between stimulus equivalence (briefly, networks of relations among stimuli) and the extension of stimulus function (briefly, spread of effect across network) more closely than has been possible before. The traditional view of this relation suggests that equivalence classes mediate the extension of stimulus function and are, therefore, necessary for any extension to occur. This study used a preparation in which the conditional discriminations required for the development of equivalence classes and the simple discriminations required for the extension of function were trained or tested simultaneously. Results suggest that equivalence are not necessary for the extension of stimulus function though they may be sufficient.

Funkční ekvivalence ve filmové adaptaci románu Pokání Iana McEwana / Functional equivalence in the film adaptation of Ian McEwan's Atonement

Výborná, Eva January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the film adaptation of Ian McEwan's novel Atonement that was directed by Joe Wright and written by Christopher Hampton in 2007. The thesis focuses on the instances of functional equivalence in the film. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part elaborates on the phenomenon of functional equivalence and briefly discusses the main approaches to film adaptations. The practical part examines individual examples of functional equivalence in the film, describes and analyses corresponding passages in the novel and scenes in the film. It describes the scenes in which Hampton introduces the characters with special attention to the changes that were made to fully do so and then inspects the other segments of the film that were transformed to seamlessly transfer the adapted material to screen. Keyworrds Film, adaptation, novel, equivalence, scene, passage, theme, narration

VAD ÄR EN LIKVÄRDIG SKOLA? -En jämförande fallstudie mellan Göteborgs stad och Laxå kommun

Friberg, Julia, Söderberg, Maria January 2020 (has links)
This paper has investigated the right to equivalent education in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. What has been investigated is what is the right to equivalent education and factors such as finances, equivalent and quality within two Swedish municipalities. The study has examined with the help of New public management and implementation theories to investigate how two municipalities work with implementing political decisions but also how they are steering, controlling and the evaluation of school administration and pupils. The study concludes that a policy on equivalent education may be needed to increase the equivalent for students in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities. The study has also concluded that there are two key concepts that increase equivalence for students in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities, it's the need of the pupils and their knowledge development to enchur equivalent education. The two municipalities and the school administration need to work on is: to have a good foundation in the schools' systematic quality work to achieve the requirements of the Education Act and the curriculum from the National Agency for Education, the goal of new public management to be achieved. It turns out that the municipalities' financial management is partly crucial for the school's development especially with teacher density and competent staff. Neither municipality has a successful implementation due to the municipalities being in different phases in the policy process for the systematic quality work and the work in the school administration.Something from the two municipalities is that it is complex to work and manage the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities where the state of Gothenburg works with a systematic work to follow the law and curriculum while Laxå municipality works more on a value- based system on students' needs. To have a clear path on what equivalent education for pupils in the compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities it's that they need both the structure that the state of Gothenburg has and the value- based system on needs Laxå municipality has. There is a need for further research on what type of policy to ensure equivalent education in compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities.

Losing personality : Exploring with a focus on formal speech how the register of Nakata Satoru in Murakami Haruki’s Umibe no Kafuka is affected when translated into English and Swedish

Josefsson, Anna-Klara January 2023 (has links)
When reading a translated book or a dubbed movie, one might come to wonder if the translation conveys the characters’ personality traits identically to that of the original, and while ‘identical’ may not be achievable, ‘equivalent’ rather may be within the scope of a translator’s capability. Translation between languages as vastly different as Swedish and Japanese, or English and Japanese are bound to face greater difficulties than for example Swedish and English. Japanese dialogue can highlight register and idiosyncratic speech patterns in particularly unique ways. This case study investigates how this is done and handled in both English and Swedish by analyzing the dialogue of the main protagonist Nakata Satoru in the novel Umibe no Kafka by Murakami Haruki. Thus, two questions arise: “What distinguishing elements of Nakata Satoru’s register and formality make his speech unique in the original Umibe no Kafuka?” and “How are the distinct characteristics in the dialogue of Nakata Satoru maintained – or lost in the Swedish and English translations of Umibe no Kafuka?”. In pursuit of an answer to these questions, the original copy of Umibe no Kafuka, the English translation (Kafka on the Shore), and the Swedish translation (Kafka på Stranden) were analyzed and all sentences spoken by Nakata in chapters 6,16 and 20 were recorded and compared to the ST – or source text. The study ultimately found that the distinct characteristics in Nakata’s speech were many times in the English and Swedish translations ignored and that Nakata’s soft spoken, understanding tone was often overlooked in order to allow for the translation to flow naturally.

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