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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DONALD MARK SANTEE 28 August 2001 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta tese é estudar os mecanismos de escape em sistemas estruturais sensíveis a imperfeições quando submetidos a certas classes de carregamentos dinâmicos, identificar os parâmetros que controlam o escape e criar critérios capazes de prever a fronteira de escape e a perda de estabilidade da estrutura no espaço dos parâmetros de controle. Isto permitirá um melhor entendimento dos processos de perda de estabilidade e servirá de base para o cálculo e controle da integridade dessas estruturas. Após a descrição dos fenômenos que podem ocorrer na dinâmica dessa classe de estruturas, são testados e adaptados alguns critérios existentes na literatura, que verificam a estabilidade de uma estrutura a partir do conhecimento dos parâmetros de controle. Em seguida estuda-se a evolução da estabilidade global do conjunto das soluções medida pela área da bacia de atração, e pelas características de sua fronteira. Desenvolvem-se expressões gerais para o critério de Melnikov, e mostra-se, a partir de perturbações aleatórias nos parâmetros de controle e na força externa, que essas expressões podem ser tomadas como um limite inferior para o carregamento de escape e conseqüentemente como uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento de critérios de projeto. Verifica-se também que os valores obtidos pelos critérios de escape podem ser tomados como limites superiores para o valor da força de escape. / [en] The purpose of this thesis is to study the escape mechanisms in imperfection sensitive structural systems under certain dynamical loading conditions. Other objectives are to identify the parameters that control the escape phenomenon and to create some criteria capable of predicting the escape boundary and the structures stability in the control parameters space. This will allow a better understanding of the stability loss process and can serve as a basis to the integrity control and design of these structures. After a description of the phenomena that can occur in the dynamics of this class of structures, some predictive criteria, found in literature, that verify the structure stability based on the control parameters knowledge, are adapted and tested. Following is a study of the evolution of the global stability of the set of solutions measured by the basin of attraction area, and by the characteristics of its boundary. Some general expressions for the Melnikov criterion are developed, and it is shown by randomly perturbing the control parameters and the external force, that these expressions can be taken as a lower bound for the escape load, and consequently as a contribution to the development of design criteria. It is also observed that the values obtained by the escape criteria can be taken as an upper bound for the values of the escape force. / [es] EL objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los mecanismos de escape en sistemas extructurales que son sensibles a imperfecciones cuando son sometidos a ciertas clases de cargas dinámicas. Outro objetivo es identificar los parámetros que controlan el escape y crear criterios capaces de preveer la frontera de escape y la pérdida de estabilidad de la extructura en el espacio de los parámetros de control. Esto permitirá una mejor comprensión de los procesos de pérdida de estabilidad y servirá de base para el cálculo y control de la integridad de esas extructuras. Después de describir los fenómenos que pueden ocurrir en la dinámica de esta clase de extructuras, se prueban y adaptan algunos criterios existentes en la literatura, que verifican la estabilidad de una extructura a partir del conocimiento de los parámetros de control. Seguidamente, se estudia la evolución de la estabilidad global del conjunto de las soluciones, se dearrollan expresiones generales para el criterio de Melnikov, y se muestra, a partir de perturbaciones aleatorias en los parámetros de control y en la fuerza externa, que esas expresiones pueden ser tomadas como límite inferior para la carga de escape y conseqüentemente como una contribución para el desarrollo de criterios de proyecto. Se verifica también que los valores obtenidos por los criterios de escape pueden ser tomados como límites superiores para el valor de la fuerza de escape.


DIEGO ORLANDO 24 July 2006 (has links)
[pt] Nesse trabalho, estuda-se o desempenho de um absorsor pendular no controle de vibrações de torres altas e esbeltas, ocasionadas por carregamentos dinâmicos, tais como, por exemplo, cargas ambientais. Em virtude da possibilidade de oscilações de grande amplitude, considera- se na modelagem do problema a não-linearidade do pêndulo. O principal objetivo é estudar o comportamento do sistema torre-pêndulo, submetido a um carregamento harmônico, no regime não-linear, abordando-se aspectos gerais ligados à estabilidade dinâmica. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, a formulação necessária para obter o funcional de energia do sistema coluna-pêndulo, tanto para o caso linear quanto para o caso não-linear, do qual derivam-se as equações diferenciais parciais de movimento. A partir das equações lineares, obtêm-se as freqüências naturais e modos de vibração para alguns casos relevantes de coluna. A seguir, com base na análise modal do sistema coluna-pêndulo, deriva-se um modelo de dois graus de liberdade capaz de descrever com precisão o comportamento do sistema na vizinhança da freqüência fundamental da coluna, do qual obtêm-se as equações de movimento e as equações de estado não- lineares. Uma análise paramétrica detalhada das oscilações não-lineares do sistema coluna-pêndulo demonstra que o absorsor pendular passivo pode reduzir ou amplificar a resposta da coluna. No estudo da influência da não-linearidade geométrica do pêndulo, verifica-se a importância dessa na resposta do sistema, evidenciando que a nãolinearidade não pode ser desprezada nessa classe de problema. Por fim, com base nos resultados, propõe-se um absorsor pendular híbrido. Os estudos revelam que este controle é mais eficiente que o passivo e que não requer grande gasto de energia. / [en] In the present work the performance of a pendulum absorber in the vibration control of tall and slender towers, caused by dynamic loads, such as, environmental loads, is studied in detail. Due to the possibility of large amplitude oscillations, the non-linearity of the pendulum is considered in the modeling of the problem. The main objective of this research is to study the behavior of the tower-pendulum system, submitted to a harmonic load, in the nonlinear regimen, with emphasis on general aspects related to its dynamic stability. It is presented, initially, the formulation necessary for the derivation of the system´s energy functional, both for the linear and the nonlinear cases, from which the partial differential equations of motion are derived and the vibration frequencies and related vibration modes are obtained. Then, based on the modal analysis of the column-pendulum system, a two degrees of freedom model, capable of describing with precision the behavior of the system in the neighborhood of the fundamental frequency of the column is derived, from which the equations of motion and the nonlinear state-space equations are obtained. A detailed parametric analysis of the nonlinear oscillations of the system is carried out. It shows that the pendulum may reduce or amplify the response of the column. The results show a marked influence of the geometric not-linearity of the pendulum on the response of the system, showing that its not-linearity cannot be neglected in this class of problems. Finally, based on the results, a hybrid control approach is proposed. These studies show that this control strategy is more efficient than the passive control alone and that it does not require a large amount of energy.


[pt] Nesta tese, as vibrações não-lineares e a estabilidade de uma casca cilíndrica contendo um fluido são estudadas com base em modelos de dimensão reduzida, isto é, modelos com um número reduzido de graus de liberdade. A partir dos funcionais de energia potencial e cinética de uma casca cilíndrica, deduzem-se suas equações de movimento. O campo de deformações da casca cilíndrica segue a teoria não- linear de Donnell para cascas abatidas. O fluido é considerado interno à casca irrotacional, não-viscoso e incompressível, sendo descrito a partir de um potencial de velocidade que leva em consideração a interação entre o fluido e a estrutura. Para resolver o sistema de equações de equilíbrio da casca, desenvolve-se um procedimento analítico que permite obter os campos de deslocamento axial e circunferencial em função dos deslocamentos laterais, além de atender as condições de contorno do problema. Desta forma, reduz-se o sistema de equações de equilíbrio a uma única equação diferencial parcial que é resolvida com o método de Galerkin. A determinação dos deslocamentos laterais é feita a partir de técnicas de perturbação que ordena os modos não-lineares de acordo com sua importância na solução da casca cilíndrica. Comprova-se essa ordenação através do método de Karhunen-Loève que fornece, também, uma expansão ótima para os deslocamentos laterais. Além dessas técnicas, apresenta-se uma redução polinomial que relacionam as amplitudes dos modos não-lineares com a amplitude do modo linear, criando uma expansão modal com 1 GDL. Apresentam-se respostas no tempo, fronteiras de instabilidade e diagramas de bifurcação para uma casca cilíndrica submetida a dois tipos de carregamentos harmônicos, pressão lateral e carga axial. A seguir, são propostos alguns critérios para a análise da a integridade do sistema dinâmico tanto para um sistema com 1 GDL quanto para um sistema multidimensional através da evolução e erosão das bacias de atração. Por fim, estuda-se o comportamento de cascas cilíndricas parcialmente cheias, mostrando a influência da altura do fluido nas fronteiras de instabilidade e curvas de ressonância da casca cilíndrica. / [en] The nonlinear vibrations and stability of a fluid-filled cylindrical shell is investigated using reduced order models. First, the nonlinear equations of motion of the cylindrical shell are deduced based on the expressions for the potential and kinetic energy, which are obtained using Donnell shallow shell theory. The internal fluid is considered to be irrotational, non- viscous and incompressible. It is described by a velocity potential that takes into account the fluid-shell interaction. A procedure is proposed to obtain analytically the axial and circumferential displacements of the shell, satisfying the in-plane equations of motion and the associated boundary conditions. So, the problem is reduced to one partial differential equation of motion which is solved by the Galerkin method. The transversal displacement field is obtained by perturbation techniques. This enables one to identify the relevance of each term in the nonlinear expansion of the vibration modes. Then, the Karhunen-Loève method is employed to investigate de relative importance of each mode obtained by the perturbation analysis on the nonlinear response and to deduce optimal interpolation function to be used in the Galerkin procedure. A SDOF model is also obtained by relating the modal amplitudes of the nonlinear modes to the vibration amplitude of the linear mode. Time responses, instability boundaries and ifurcation diagrams are obtained for cylindrical shells subjected to harmonic lateral and axial loads. Different procedures for the analysis of the shell integrity are proposed based on the evolution and erosion of the basins of attraction in state-space. Finally, the influence of the fluid height on the stability boundaries and resonance curves is studied.

Methods For Forward And Inverse Problems In Nonlinear And Stochastic Structural Dynamics

Saha, Nilanjan 11 1900 (has links)
A main thrust of this thesis is to develop and explore linearization-based numeric-analytic integration techniques in the context of stochastically driven nonlinear oscillators of relevance in structural dynamics. Unfortunately, unlike the case of deterministic oscillators, available numerical or numeric-analytic integration schemes for stochastically driven oscillators, often modelled through stochastic differential equations (SDE-s), have significantly poorer numerical accuracy. These schemes are generally derived through stochastic Taylor expansions and the limited accuracy results from difficulties in evaluating the multiple stochastic integrals. We propose a few higher-order methods based on the stochastic version of transversal linearization and another method of linearizing the nonlinear drift field based on a Girsanov change of measures. When these schemes are implemented within a Monte Carlo framework for computing the response statistics, one typically needs repeated simulations over a large ensemble. The statistical error due to the finiteness of the ensemble (of size N, say)is of order 1/√N, which implies a rather slow convergence as N→∞. Given the prohibitively large computational cost as N increases, a variance reduction strategy that enables computing accurate response statistics for small N is considered useful. This leads us to propose a weak variance reduction strategy. Finally, we use the explicit derivative-free linearization techniques for state and parameter estimations for structural systems using the extended Kalman filter (EKF). A two-stage version of the EKF (2-EKF) is also proposed so as to account for errors due to linearization and unmodelled dynamics. In Chapter 2, we develop higher order locally transversal linearization (LTL) techniques for strong and weak solutions of stochastically driven nonlinear oscillators. For developing the higher-order methods, we expand the non-linear drift and multiplicative diffusion fields based on backward Euler and Newmark expansions while simultaneously satisfying the original vector field at the forward time instant where we intend to find the discretized solution. Since the non-linear vector fields are conditioned on the solution we wish to determine, the methods are implicit. We also report explicit versions of such linearization schemes via simple modifications. Local error estimates are provided for weak solutions. Weak linearized solutions enable faster computation vis-à-vis their strong counterparts. In Chapter 3, we propose another weak linearization method for non-linear oscillators under stochastic excitations based on Girsanov transformation of measures. Here, the non-linear drift vector is appropriately linearized such that the resulting SDE is analytically solvable. In order to account for the error in replacing of non-linear drift terms, the linearized solutions are multiplied by scalar weighting function. The weighting function is the solution of a scalar SDE(i.e.,Radon-Nikodym derivative). Apart from numerically illustrating the method through applications to non-linear oscillators, we also use the Girsanov transformation of measures to correct the truncation errors in lower order discretizations. In order to achieve efficiency in the computation of response statistics via Monte Carlo simulation, we propose in Chapter 4 a weak variance reduction strategy such that the ensemble size is significantly reduced without seriously affecting the accuracy of the predicted expectations of any smooth function of the response vector. The basis of the variance reduction strategy is to appropriately augment the governing system equations and then weakly replace the associated stochastic forcing functions through variance-reduced functions. In the process, the additional computational cost due to system augmentation is generally far less besides the accrued advantages due to a drastically reduced ensemble size. The variance reduction scheme is illustrated through applications to several non-linear oscillators, including a 3-DOF system. Finally, in Chapter 5, we exploit the explicit forms of the LTL techniques for state and parameters estimations of non-linear oscillators of engineering interest using a novel derivative-free EKF and a 2-EKF. In the derivative-free EKF, we use one-term, Euler and Newmark replacements for linearizations of the non-linear drift terms. In the 2-EKF, we use bias terms to account for errors due to lower order linearization and unmodelled dynamics in the mathematical model. Numerical studies establish the relative advantages of EKF-DLL as well as 2-EKF over the conventional forms of EKF. The thesis is concluded in Chapter 6 with an overall summary of the contributions made and suggestions for future research.

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