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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What's not to like? : Historiebruk kring Ivan Aguéli 1920-2020 / What's not to like? : Use of history concerning Ivan Aguéli 1920-2020

Arvidsson Lille, Johan January 2020 (has links)
This essay studies the use of history concerning the Swedish nineteenth century painter Ivan Aguéli. It places itself in the field of didactics of history where, in this case, the use of history on a societal scale is being analyzed. With the theoretic typology of Klas-Göran Karlsson both the interests, needs and functions of the use of Aguéli can be illuminated and compared. The groups of people that use the memory of Aguéli in the Swedish culture of history are very broad. To sort these out, the essay borrows the theoretical framework stemmed from Jörn Rüsen and applied by Anders Dybelius. Using this analytical typology of the educational, popular, and commemorative spheres, the journey of Aguéli’s memory in Sweden between 1920 and 2020 can be illuminated and understood. The empirical material is very broad and includes, among others, novels, exhibitions, a rock band, a museum, biographies, and newspapers. Regarding the theoretical typologies in the essay, a deductive method is used to sort these artifacts in their relation to their abode. Ivan Aguéli was introduced in the Swedish historical culture after his death. He is remembered mainly as one of the great Swedish modernist landscape-painters, and his extravagant personality and bohemian lifestyle has made him an object of both reverence and wonderment. But why has this person been used and remembered in this way? Ivan Aguéli has often been described as a mystery. This is the one main quality that has followed his memory through the millennia, disregarding which group has been using it. This study points out that the refusal to un-mystify Aguéli has kept his memory in the style of a “bottomless well”, where different groups and individuals has been able to pick up quality’s that answer to their own particular interests and needs. This “bottomless well” contains a flurry of positive characteristics and has something that is appealing for everyone: what’s not to like? Ivan Aguéli is more popular today than ever before. His legacy as an artist is getting challenged when much of his metaphysical, political, and philosophical legacy becomes accessible through translation from French and Arabic into Swedish. Aguéli’s theories of the correlation between religious truths and the political organization of society answers to an increased need for both political and spiritual renewal. This fact makes this essay, and the use of Ivan Aguéli’s memory, an example of how history is being produced and used as a tool to aid man in her aspirations. / I denna uppsats studeras historiebruket kring den svenska sekelskiftskonstnären Ivan Aguéli. Studien har sin hemvist i det historiedidaktiska fältet där, i detta fall, ett samhälleligt bruk av historia analyseras. Med Klas-Göran Karlssons analytiska typologi som bejakar de olika mänskliga intressen, behov och funktioner som historiebruket fyller, kan användningen av Aguélis minne i den svenska historiekulturen avslöjas och analyseras. Bruket av Aguélis minne i den svenska historiekulturen är väldigt brett och kräver något typ av sorteringsverktyg för att begripliggöras. Uppsatsen lånar därför Jörn Rüsens teoretiska ramverk, vilket applicerats i den svenska historiebruksforskningen av Anders Dybelius. Genom att använda de analytiska kategorierna utbildningskultur, populärkultur och minneskultur kan vandringen av Aguélis minne i Sverige mellan 1920 och 2020 belysas och förstås. Det empiriska materialet är väldigt brett och består av bland annat facklitteratur, skönlitteratur, konstutställningar, ett rockband, ett museum och tidningsrecensioner. I ljuset av uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk används en deduktiv metod för att sortera dessa artefakter utifrån deras förhållande till de tre kultursfärerna. Ivan Aguéli blev introducerad i den svenska historiekulturen först efter sin död. Han är ihågkommen som främst en av de stora modernistiska landskapsmålarna, och hans extravaganta personlighet och bohemiska livsöde har kommit att prägla särarten i hans minne. Men varför har han blivit ihågkommen på just detta sätt? Aguéli har ofta beskrivit som ett mysterium. Detta är det enskilda karaktärsdraget som följt hans minne genom århundradet, oavsett vilken grupp som har brukat det. Uppsatsens resultat pekar på att en ovilja att avmystifiera Aguéli har gjort hans minne till något av en ”bottenlös brunn” där olika grupper och personer har kunnat plocka upp värden som svarat på deras specifika intressen och behov. Ivan Aguéli är mer populär idag än någonsin tidigare. Hans arv som i första hans konstnär har kommit att utmanas då mycket av hans metafysiska, politiska och filosofiska tänkande tillgängliggjorts genom översättningar från franska och arabiska till svenska. Aguélis teorier kring korrelationen mellan religiösa sanningar och den politiska organiseringen av samhället har svarat på ett ökat behov av både andlig och politisk förnyelse. Detta faktum gör denna uppsats, och bruket av Aguélis minne i den svenska historiekulturen, till ett exempel på hur historia produceras och brukas av människor för att svara på deras behov och intressen.

”Man hoppas här, näst Guds tillhjälp så skalldet bliva det Svenskas Västindien”. : En studie om historiebruket kring Silvergruvan i Nasafjäll / "God willing, this shall become the Swedish West indies" : A study of the use of history regarding the Nasafjäll silver mine.

Uvén, Peter January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate and compare the use of history of the Nasafjäll silver mine as a historical cultural phenomenon, and its functional role as a cultural heritage. This by studying which story was conveyed, how this story was conveyed and with what purpose by different actors. It was also studied whether there had been any changes over time in the use of the history of the Nasafjäll silver mine. The sources have consisted of academic, popular history and popular cultural texts in books, articles and magazines, as well as articles and features in newspapers, TV, radio and websites between 1673-2021. The theoretical framework on which this study is based on, is a combination of the use of history and the history of knowledge. Based on Peter Aronsson's and Klas-Göran Karlsson's definition of historical culture and the use of history, as well as Margaret Macmillan's and Pierre Nora's definitions of memory cultures and memory landscapes, I also take inspiration from Philipp Sarasin´s and Andreas Kilcher´s knowledge history theories, based on the circulation of knowledge between people, groups and institutions. Two qualitative analysis methods have been used to examine and sort the texts of the source material. Narrative analysis to decode the text's content and meaning, and circulation analysis to examine how the history of the Nasafjäll silver mine changed and was used over time. The results of the study show that the perceptions created about Nasafjäll through Petrus Laestadius' texts in Fortsättning af Journalen öfver missions-resor i Lappmarken innefattande åren 1828-1832, as well as Janrik Bromé's book Nasafjäll: ett norrländskt silververks historia, have had a significant impact on the history and memory culture of the Nasafjäll silver mine. The conclusion is therefore, that various actors from the 17th century onwards have shaped the content of the place and concept Nasafjäll consists of, and maintained the general interest in the place's memory and its value as a lieux de mémoire. Nasafjäll has thus been formed into a historical cultural symbol, since the conceptions of the silver mine have been able to be adapted and used according to different political, cultural and commercial purposes.

Kopplingen mellan historia och samtid blir extra stark under svåra tider

Thorild, Hannes January 2019 (has links)
This paper has the purpose to investigate the relationship between historical consciousness and use of history. In this context the historical consciousness is the way a person can orient themselves through different times. Thus, the paper investigates how temporal orientation can be expressed by upper secondary students. This is achieved by analysing student texts which deal with use of history after the attacks on the twin towers of 9/11. Earlier research suggests that use of history can activate the historical consciousness in the form of temporal orientation. It also suggests that students have difficulties orientating themselves through time especially concerning expressions that connects the different time dimensions. Through the theoretical perspectives of historical consciousness as temporal orientation this paper aims to find out how the use of history can engage students’ historical consciousness and how this historical consciousness expresses itself. This paper concludes that the relationship between the use of history and historical consciousness is that the temporal orientation is activated through symbolism, the need of history at certain times, interlocutors of the use of history as well as narrative capability.

Historical culture of Soviet mass deportations in contemporary Latvia. How do cultural expressions form historical narrative and use of history?

Purvina, Elizabete Marta January 2020 (has links)
This thesis discusses the Soviet mass deportation historical culture narrative formation and their use of history in contemporary Latvia. Looking to find research answer to question of: How are the Soviet mass deportations of 1941 and 1949 used in, and forms Latvian historical culture, in the novel Five Fingers and the film Chronicles of Melanie? The analysis is done via three connected parts using concepts of use of history, cultural and social memory. First, the paper gives an analysis of socio-historical context giving the historical background of mass deportations and the emerging historical culture use in society since 1986. The second part of the paper focuses on two separate narrative analysis of Latvian cultural expressions. The book “Five fingers” by Mara Zalite and the film “Chronicles of Melanie” dir. Viesturs Kairish. Both works analysed by their portrayed story narrative of deportation experience and how they form cultural narratives and use history within the work. The last part of the paper is interpretation- reinterpretation of socio-historical and narrative analysis together. To see the role of the novel and film, have in the use of historical culture, and how they help form the historical narrative in society. Analysing the broader context via social media responses book and film received from the public and seeing how cultural works are forming historical culture in Latvia. The thesis concluded that the novel and film are moral and existential uses of history, as they discuss topics censored during the Soviet period. The authors feel a duty to bring accounts of the past back to the centre of attention in order for people not to forget. Additionally, both works are playing a part in forming new narrative within historical culture, by moving away from identifying as the victim of soviet deportations to survivors of the past. Thus, playing an important role in Soviet mass deportation historical culture in Latvia.

Synen på Berlinmurens fall : En litteraturstudie om Berlinmurens fall åren 1992-2019 / The portrayal of the Berlin wall : A literature study on the fall of the Berlin wall between the years 1992-2019

Norberg, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with increased tensions between East and West as a result, has, after a period of relative calm, led to a situation reminiscent of the days of the Cold War. A situation where Europe is once again torn between two power poles under threat of nuclear war in a way reminiscent of the time leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Although development can be said to require the absence of history repeating itself , it is undeniably easy to think of this event and its consequences. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the case of the Berlin Wall is presented in ten textbooks for upper secondary school published 1992–2019, if the presentation has changed over time and if so, how. To investigate this, a qualitative text analysis has been made of the source material. Two theories have been used. The first is the use of history, where Karlsson's typology has been used to analyze this. The second is history awareness to analyze how the view of the fall of the Berlin Wall has become history and how this affects the view of the present and future in the textbooks. The results show that it is possible to distinguish two themes in the textbooks. The first is an emphasis on economic perspectives between 1992–2001 and the second is an emphasis on democracy in the textbooks written 2007-2019. Furthermore, the result shows that the use of scientific history occurs in all history textbooks, the political-pedagogical occurs in half. The ideological use of history appears only in two textbooks in the first part of the study.

Digitalt är historien alltid närvarande : En litteraturstudie om digitala spel som läromedel i historieundervisningen / History is always present in the digital world : A literature study on digital games as teaching aids in history teaching

Lund, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Research shows an increased interest in the use of both educational- and commercial games in the classroom. This increased interest in digital games and the potential of game-based learning may not come as a surprise due to the constant digitization in schools. The purpose of this literature study is to analyze scientific literature that covers the use of digital games for teaching purposes and from this identify opportunities and challenges with using digital games in history teaching, as well as to see how teachers integrate digital games in the classroom. For this purpose, data has been gathered and analyzed through systematic search on two different databases: Primo and ERIC (Education Resource Information Center). The study found that the use of digital games in history teaching may enable the development of student’s social skills, an increased understanding of concepts and theories, increased focus and commitment, an increased critical approach to history teaching and an increased interest in the subject. Several potential challenges with the use of digital games in history teaching were also found. The most distinctive challenges were structural limitations, teacher competence, society’s view of digital games, as well as a concern that students have difficulty applying what they learned outside the framework of the game. Furthermore, the study shows the importance of the digital game being integrated into the regular teaching, and not being used as the main knowledge facilitator in the classroom. It is also shown that it is not just one role that teachers need to take on when it comes to using digital games in their classrooms, but a wide range of roles to successfully integrate digital games into their teaching practice. Lastly, the study provides some guidance for teachers who are interested in working with digital games in their teaching practice but who do not know which games to use. It also discusses an alternative way forward for the field, by using streaming platforms as a means to experience game-based learning for students.

Hotell Rwanda - Ett pedagogiskt verktyg eller historieförvanskning?

Medina Petersson, Victor, Sennström, John January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyse the movie Hotel Rwanda from a didactic point of view using the movie’s use of history and historical culture as the main analytical tools. We also intend to problematize the use of movies in teaching focusing on the teaching guide from the Swedish film institution concerning Hotel Rwanda. We choose to work with a qualitative method. The reason why we decided to work with a qualitative method is the intention, as mentioned before, to analyse the movie using the tools we described earlier. By doing this we learnt that the movie uses history as a mean to simplify the roles of perpetrator and victims and it also describes the events without historical context. Concerns about the facts of the movie and its complementary guide has also been raised especially the role of the movies main protagonist Paul Rusesabagina. Therefore we have reason to question the use of this movie in an educational environment.

Ett liv levt i krig : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av framställningen av Karl XII:s person och politiska gärning samt historiebruksanalys av översiktsverk om Sveriges historia. / A lifetime of war : A content analysis on the image of Charles XII person and political actions and a use of history analysis in historical overview works on Swedish history.

Grund, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this essay was to use a content analysis to investigate how the image of Charles XII's person and political actions has been presented over time in overviews of Sweden's history. The essay also aims to investigate what needs and interests lie behind the use of Charles XII with the help of Klas-Göran Karlsson's use of history typology. The investigated period was defined against the background of Sweden's democratic development during the years 1824–1948. To structure the survey, three periods were generated: early democratization, parliamentarism and universal and equal suffrage. The material consists of eight overview works on Sweden's history; the focus of the investigation has been the chapter that concerns the lifetime of Charles XII.  The analysis of the material shows that there is a predominantly positive portrayal of Charles XII's person over the entire period with occasional exceptions. The survey also shows that Charles XII's deed tends to a greater extent to be portrayed negatively compared to his person. The use of Charles XII has varied during the examined period, but it appears that Charles XII is actualized as a symbolic figure in times when Russia projects its power towards Europe and Sweden. Charles XII is highlighted as ahead of his time by having realized the threat Russia would pose to Europe and Sweden. Such use occurs mainly in works published after the Crimean War and reappears in works published after World War I and World War II. The investigation shows that the representation of Charles XII is strongly dependent on the time in which its author lives and which needs and interests are served by a particular representation.

De dramatiserade drottningarna : Svenska drottningar i historisk dramadokumentär / The dramatized queens

Bergmark, Alva January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how femininity is portrayed in relation to power in the Swedish documentary series Drottningarna, which follows the life experience of 8 Swedish queens. This will be researched based on the theories of hegemonic masculinity and femininity. The study also aims to investigate what purposes might have contributed to how the different queens are portrayed in the series, and how truthful the representation of them is. The results shows that power in the series is often associated with breaking and opposing the power structures, but also with typically hegemonic masculine traits such as assertiveness, independence and aggressivity. the series also seems to primarily have a commercial purpose, even though it contains both cognitive, moral, and aesthetic intentions. This in turn affects the credibility of the series in a negative way, as the focus is on making good television instead of sticking to historical truths.

Att undervisa historiebruk i teori och praktik / The theory and practice of teaching the uses of history

Byberg, Filip, Cunrath, Teddy January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Studies show that teachers struggle to teach one of the core aspects of history teaching in Sweden, namely use of history. This problem was the reason behind the creation of this overview. The aim of this overview is to examine the theories that surround the didactical concept of use of history. The methods used to establish the ground of this overview are inquiries in several databases and review of scientific publications. The results show that the concept of use of history includes many different aspects that can be emphasized depending on the perspectives that researchers apply. Followingly, history didacticians have developed different possible frameworks to tackle the teaching of this concept in the classroom. However, teachers are not always aware of how teaching can be done and their views on history affect their perspectives. Nonetheless, the overview shows how it can be done in an effective way and that the use of history can be a functional tool to develop students’ historical consciousness. Since the use of history and historical consciousness are core aims in the Swedish curriculum of history, this overview can be helpful for teachers.

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