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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redes no terceiro setor: condições favoráveis à transferência de conhecimento. / Networks in nonprofit sector: favorable conditions for knowledge transfer.

Cristiano Rocha Heckert 02 December 2008 (has links)
A demanda por serviços oferecidos pelas organizações sem fins lucrativos tem crescido consideravelmente. Por outro lado, a necessária expansão na oferta requer melhorias no desempenho operacional daquelas instituições. Para isso, não é possível simplesmente importar conceitos e ferramentas desenvolvidos para empresas ou órgãos públicos. As organizações necessitam de metodologias de operação coerentes com as especificidades do setor sem fins lucrativos. Desenvolver tal conhecimento internamente requer estrutura organizacional e recursos, na maioria das vezes, indisponíveis. A formação de redes surge, então, como alternativa interessante para transferir conhecimento relativo à prestação de serviços entre organizações sem fins lucrativos. Esta Tese procura identificar que condições favorecem a transferência de conhecimento nas redes com participação significativa de organizações do terceiro setor. Por meio de um survey exploratório seguido de estudos de caso em quatro redes selecionadas, observa-se que a transferência de conhecimento é favorecida se: o propósito da rede contribui para o desempenho da missão dos membros; a rede conta com agentes facilitadores em sua estrutura; a rede é liderada de forma democrática e participativa; a rede disponibiliza recursos para os membros executarem suas atividades; a rede se comunica por canais de baixo custo; e os membros possuem capacitação prévia para absorverem o conhecimento transferido na rede. / The demand for services provided by nonprofits is increasing significantly. On the other hand, the desired increment in supply requires operational performance improvements on those organizations. For that, it is not possible to simply import concepts and tools developed for corporations or public agencies. Methodologies coherent with nonprofits specificities are required. Developing this knowledge internally demands organizational structures and resources that most of them dont have. Therefore, the creation of networks appears as a good alternative to transfer knowledge related to services provision between nonprofits. This Thesis aims to identify the favorable conditions for knowledge transfer in networks with significant presence of nonprofit organizations. Through an exploratory survey followed by case studies in four selected networks, it concludes that knowledge transfer is easier if: the network goal contributes to achieving its members mission; the network has brokers in its structure; the network leadership is democratic and promotes participation; the network provides resources for the members to develop their activities; the network communicates through low cost channels; and the members have the required capacity to absorb the knowledge transferred by the network.

O desenho das relações de trabalho nas organizações da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos conveniadas com o Estado / The labor relations draft of the nonprofit civil society organizations which are related to the public sector

Viviane de Barros Rossini 15 August 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral realizar uma análise do desenho e das relações de trabalho nas organizações da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos conveniadas com o poder público, identificando, através dos elementos constituintes do trabalho, as características do trabalho decente ou do precário existentes nessas parcerias. Para tanto, fomos buscar no referencial teórico algumas considerações gerais sobre o Estado e a concepção de Estado do Bem-Estar Social e sua crise, com o intuito de compreendermos a dinâmica na transferência da execução de serviços públicos para organizações da sociedade civil através da celebração de parcerias. No Brasil, tais parcerias foram incentivadas a partir da reforma administrativa que aconteceu em meados da década de 1990, com base na legislação da Constituição de 1988, que se mostra propícia à descentralização e terceirização de serviços. Nesta dissertação o conceito de organizações da sociedade civil sem fins lucrativos está intimamente ligado a idéia de terceiro setor e ao modelo de instituições brasileiras sem fins lucrativos. O elevado ritmo de crescimento dos indicadores nacionais e mundiais do setor mostra hoje a relevância do tema para a sociedade em geral e para a configuração do mercado de trabalho de maneira mais específica. Desta maneira, procuramos realizar uma análise sobre os elementos do desenho do trabalho nas organizações do terceiro setor conveniadas com o poder público à luz das discussões sobre relações de trabalho e trabalho no contexto contemporâneo, que apresenta, em alguns setores, características de precarização, especialmente quando envolvido com o fator de terceirização. Como os elementos constituintes da análise são identificáveis nas relações entre estas organizações e seus trabalhadores, optou-se por uma pesquisa descritiva em duas etapas. A primeira baseada em um levantamento de dados junto à prefeitura de São Paulo através de entrevistas para coleta de informações sobre a realização e o controle dos convênios firmados pela Secretaria Municipal do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social com as organizações do terceiro setor. E a segunda na aplicação de questionário para gestores e trabalhadores de uma amostra probabilística estratificada de 20 dessas organizações, para verificação das condições de trabalho, das práticas e políticas de recursos humanos e dos elementos identificadores da presença de trabalho decente ou trabalho precário nestas instituições. A análise dos resultados da pesquisa mostrou-nos alguns indícios que sinalizam uma tendência à precarização das condições estabelecidas e fornecidas pelas organizações conveniadas a seus trabalhadores remunerados. Entre estes sinalizadores podemos citar os baixos salários praticados, apesar do nível de especialização e de escolaridade destes trabalhadores, o alto número de organizações que não oferecem qualquer tipo de benefícios adicionais, como cesta básica ou plano de saúde, a ausência de procedimentos com relação ao trabalho realizado além daquele determinado pelo contrato (horas extras) e a baixa sindicalização dos trabalhadores, o que prejudicaria o processo de reivindicação e discussão coletiva dos problemas enfrentados por estes profissionais. Em contrapartida, o alto número de contratos formais de trabalho, a baixa rotatividade e a percepção dos trabalhadores sobre seu próprio trabalho são fatores positivos que ainda mantêm estes trabalhadores fora do conceito de precarização total de suas condições de trabalho. / The main goal of this study is to analyze the labor relations frame in the nonprofit organizations that are related to public sector through agreements of public services offer, in order to identify its elements of decent or deteriorated working conditions. To accomplish this we brought from the theories of State and Welfare State?s crisis some relevant points for a better comprehension of the dynamics present in the transference of public services to civil society organizations. More specifically the transferences that were made through partnerships between those organizations and the public sector. In Brazil, such partnerships increased after Constitution of 1988, which regulated laws that were favorable to decentralization and outsourcing, culminating in the public sector administrative reform in the nineties. The concept of civil society organizations that we use in the present work is related to the idea of third sector and the nonprofit Brazilian organizations model. Today, the significant growth of this sector in Brazil and the world, show us the relevance of this theme for society in general and for the labor market specifically. In this way, we intend to examine the labor relations elements present in the civil society nonprofit organizations under the contemporary working scenario, once the labor market is facing, in some sectors, the deterioration of the workers? labor conditions. Since we are able to identify the desired elements of the research in the relationship between the nonprofit organizations and their paid workers, we decided for a descriptive research divided into two phases. In the first stage we composed a administrative data collection with interviews made with specialists who work at São Paulo city hall, in order to obtain information about the contracts celebrated between the Secretaria Municipal do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social and the nonprofit civil society organizations. After, we applied a survey to managers and paid workers from a stratified sample of 20 of these organizations to verify general working conditions, human resources policies and practices, and other elements that would indicate the presence of decent or deteriorated working conditions. The research results have shown us some indications of deteriorated working conditions offered by these organizations to their paid workers. Among these indicators we shall mention the low level salaries, in spite of workers? specialization and education, the high number of organizations that do not offer any fringe benefits, the absence of proceedings to remunerate extra hours and the paid workers? low level of unionization, which would harm their demands processes. On the other hand, the high level of formal contracts between workers and those organizations, the low rate of turn over and the workers? perception of their own jobs were the found positive factors that still keep those workers away from total deteriorated working conditions.

Motivace mecenášů umění / Motivation of the patrons of arts

Jirková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with the motivation of art patrons, with a special emphasis on contemporary patrons promoting art and culture in the Czech environment. The theoretical part focuses on defining the basic terminology and presents selected studies of volunteering and donation in the non-profit sector with a special focus on culture. The current status in this field is described from the general economic aspects of the support of arts in the Czech Republic to the psychological aspects of individuals. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the patronage of art and introduces the most important patrons of art, considering the historical context and development of the patronage in the history of Czech art. The practical part is based on the media analysis and the interview analysis and the resulting summary of the motivation of the patrons of art.

Financování neziskových organizací na příkladu vybraných organizací v ČR a USA / Financing of non-government organisations at example of chosen czech and US organisations

Andrejová, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is divided into three parts. The first two parts are theoretical and describe development of nonprofit sector in Czech Republic and USA. The second part is practical and in this part I created financial analysis of four chosen NGO's (two Czech and two American, both created by celebrity of political figure). On basis of my analysis I compare them and examine their effectiveness, prosperity and legitimacy of their existence.

Charakteristika neziskového prostředí v ČR a analýza vybraného projektu společenské odpovědnosti / Characteristic of the nonprofit environment in the Czech Republic and analysis of selected socially responsble project

Mezihoráková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the nonprofit environment in the Czech Republic. The non profit sector is closely related to corporate social responsibility. The thesis analyzes trends in CSR and focuses on a specific project of social responsibility, which is the National Food Collection. The project is analyzed on the basis of data obtained from questionnaires and in-depth interview with the coordinator of the National Food Collection. The result is to determine strengths and weaknesses and identify opportunities for further development of this project.

Návrh marketingové strategie neziskové organizace Kredance / Proposal of the marketing strategy for Nonprofit Organization Kredance

Konopecká, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this Master's thesis to formulate recommendations and to create a proposal of the marketing strategy for the Non-governmental organization  Kredance, whose area of activities lies in culture and contemporary movement theatre. The thesis is divided into four principal parts; the first part is focused on the theoretic framework of non-profit sector and NGOs with accent to the Czech reality. The second part deals with the management of NGOs, mainly with marketing management and management of finances (with stress on fundraising). The third part is composed of the profile of the organization Kredance and of the research. Last part of the thesis is based on the research and it presents a proposal of the marketing strategy and few recommendations (in the area of marketing).

Návrh indexu predikce finanční výkonnosti pro podporu rozhodování managementu nemocnic / Proposing the financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management

Hajdíková, Taťána January 2013 (has links)
Dissertation thesis deals with the managerial needs in the area of financial health. Managers need a tool to reveal the impending financial failure or to assess the financial quality of the organization. They link their decisions to performance, ability to pay, employee productivity, financial resources and financial risk. In the theoretical part of the thesis it is necessary to explain the non-profit sector and its connection with the hospital environment. It is also necessary to introduce models used both in the Czech Republic and abroad, which share common elements. The basic aim of this thesis is to propose a financial performance prediction index for decision support of the hospital management, the owners of hospitals and insurance companies. To achieve the basic goal, three sub-goals must be accomplished. The first goal is to divide the hospitals into healthy and unhealthy by using the multi-criteria methods. The second goal is, based on an expert approach with the support of statistical methods, the selection of indicators appropriate for the hospital environment and the third goal is to find a suitable method for the determination of weighted representation of individual indicators in the proposed index and to assemble the final form of the new financial index for the hospital environment.

Analýza požadavků na IS pro podporu organizací působících v neziskovém sektoru / The Requirements Analysis for IS Supporting the Nonprofit sector organizations

Kružík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The nonprofit sector in Czech Republic grows slowly and in many key aspects significantly lags behind western countries. In fact, to find a feasible way to growth is actually far from being easy. Nonprofits, frequently encountering problems with self-presentation and communication with supporters, fail to establish transparency and credibility among public, which is connected to considerably low sum of financial donations supporting nonprofit causes and low public interest in volunteering as well. An aim of this thesis is to proceed with an analysis of a problem domain and to design a solution which lies in founding a platform organization, which would be able to offer IT supported services allowing the nonprofits to overcome aforementioned difficulties.

Uvedení nové neziskové organizace na trh / Launch of a New Nonprofit Organization

Talácková, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze Kladno kindergarten market in order to find out whether there is room for a new kindergarten operating according to forest kindergarten principles. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the nonprofit organizations marketing in general and its specifics. The thesis further deals with the idea of the forest kindergarten itself, describes its history and the current situation in the Czech Republic and finally it explores the conditions necessary for utilizing this alternative concept of pre-school education in the Czech Republic. In the practical part of the thesis the analysis of the pre-school education supply in Kladno is compared to local demographics, respectively the local demand. The market research part investigates possible clients' requirements for a kindergarten and reveals whether the respondents would be interested in a forest kindergarten being opened. Based on the results of the research a proposal of the new kindergarten is defined and a communication campaign suitable for the kindergarten's market entry is described.

Vliv demokratizace na stav občanské společnosti v Kambodži mezi lety 1991 až 2015 / The effect of democratization on the state of civil society in Cambodia between 1991 to 2015

Rostek, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the civil society in Cambodia, according to the democratization of the country. After the turbulent times that were full of bloody conflicts the country in 1991 initially joined the path of democracy, but soon after that the governing regime shifted the orientation of the country toward authoritarianism. This complicated situation in the country after several decades was making the existence of civil society and western type non-profit sector impossible. Also, the situation concerning civil and political freedoms in the country was very controversial. The aim of the thesis is, through a secondary source analysis to describe the structure of civil society and the obstacles that it must deal with, in the background of the democratization process of the country.

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