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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alinhamentos e comparação de sequências / Alignment and comparison of sequences

Francisco Eloi Soares de Araujo 24 May 2012 (has links)
A comparação de sequências finitas é uma ferramenta que é utilizada para a solução de problemas em várias áreas. Comparamos sequências inferindo quais são as operações de edição de substituição, inserção e remoção de símbolos que transformam uma sequência em uma outra. As matrizes de pontuação são estruturas largamente utilizadas e que definem um custo para cada tipo de operação de edição. Uma matriz de pontuação G é indexada pelos símbolos do alfabeto. A entrada de G na linha A, coluna B mede o custo da operação de edição para substituir o símbolo A pelo símbolo B. As matrizes de pontuação induzem funções que atribuem uma pontuação para um conjunto de operações de edição. Algumas dessas funções para a comparação de duas e de várias sequências são estudadas nesta tese. Quando cada símbolo de cada sequência é editado exatamente uma vez para transformar uma sequência em outra, o conjunto de operações de edição pode ser representado por uma estrutura conhecida por alinhamento. Descrevemos uma estrutura para representar o conjunto de operações de edição que não pode ser representado por um alinhamento convencional e descrevemos um algoritmo para encontrar a pontuação de uma sequência ótima de operações de edição usando um algoritmo conhecido para encontrar a pontuação de um alinhamento convencional ótimo. Considerando três diferentes funções induzidas de pontuação, caracterizamos, para cada uma delas, a classe das matrizes para as quais as funções induzidas de pontuação são métricas nas sequências. Dadas duas matrizes de pontuação G e G\', dizemos que elas são equivalentes para uma dada função que é induzida por uma matriz de pontuação e que avalia a qualidade de um alinhamento se, para quaisquer dois alinhamentos A e B, vale o seguinte: o alinhamento A é ``melhor\'\' do que o alinhamento B considerando a matriz G se e somente se A é ``melhor\'\' do que o alinhamento B considerando a matriz G\'. Neste trabalho, determinamos condições necessárias e suficientes para que duas matrizes de pontuação sejam equivalentes. Finalmente, definimos três novos critérios para pontuar alinhamentos de várias sequências. Todos os critérios consideram o comprimento do alinhamento além das operações de edição por ele representadas. Para cada um dos critérios definidos,propomos um algoritmo e o problema de decisão correspondente mostramos ser NP-completo. / Comparison of finite sequences is a tool used to solve problems in several areas. In order to compare sequences, we infer which are the edit operations of substitution, insertion and deletion of symbols that transform one sequence into another. Scoring matrices are a widely used structure to define a cost for each type of edit operation. A scoring matrix G is indexed by symbols of an alphabet. The entry in G in row A and column B measures the cost of the edit operation for replacing symbol A by symbol B. Scoring matrices induce functions that assign a score for a set of edit operations. Some of these functions for comparing two and multiple sequences are studied in this thesis. If each symbol is edited exactly once for transforming a sequence into another, the set of edit operations can be represented by a structure called alignment. We describe a structure to represent the set of edit operations that cannot be represented by a conventional alignment and we design an algorithm to find the cost of an optimal sequence of edit operations by using a known algorithm to find the cost of an optimal alignment. Considering three different kinds of induced scoring functions, we characterize, for each one of them, the class of matrices for which the induced scoring functions are metrics on sequences. Given two scoring matrices G and G\', we say they are equivalent for a given function that is induced by a scoring matrix and that evaluates the quality of an alignment if, for any two alignments A and B of two sequences, we have the following: alignment A is ``better\'\' than B considering scoring matrix G if and only if A is ``better\'\' than B considering scoring matrix G\'. In this work, we determine necessary and sufficient conditions for scoring matrices to be equivalent. Finally, we define three new criteria for scoring alignments of several sequence. Every criterion considers the length of the alignment and the edit operations represented by it. An algorithm for each criterion is studied and the corresponding decision problem is shown to be NP-complete.

The signature of sea surface temperature anomalies on the dynamics of semiarid grassland productivity

Chen, Maosi, Parton, William J., Del Grosso, Stephen J., Hartman, Melannie D., Day, Ken A., Tucker, Compton J., Derner, Justin D., Knapp, Alan K., Smith, William K., Ojima, Dennis S., Gao, Wei 12 1900 (has links)
We used long-term observations of grassland aboveground net plant production (ANPP, 19392016), growing seasonal advanced very-high-resolution radiometer remote sensing normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data (1982-2016), and simulations of actual evapotranspiration (1912-2016) to evaluate the impact of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on a semiarid grassland in northeastern Colorado. Because ANPP was well correlated (R-2 = 0.58) to cumulative April to July actual evapotranspiration (iAET) and cumulative growing season NDVI (iNDVI) was well correlated to iAET and ANPP (R-2 = 0.62 [quadratic model] and 0.59, respectively), we were able to quantify interactions between the long-duration (15-30 yr) PDO temperature cycles and annual-duration ENSO SST phases on ANPP. We found that during cold-phase PDOs, mean ANPP and iNDVI were lower, and the frequency of low ANPP years (drought years) was much higher, compared to warm-phase PDO years. In addition, ANPP, iNDVI, and iAET were highly variable during the cold-phase PDOs. When NINO-3 (ENSO index) values were negative, there was a higher frequency of droughts and lower frequency of wet years regardless of the PDO phase. PDO and NINO-3 anomalies reinforced each other resulting in a high frequency of above-normal iAET (52%) and low frequency of drought (20%) when both PDO and NINO-3 values were positive and the opposite pattern when both PDO and NINO-3 values were negative (24% frequency of above normal and 48% frequency of drought). Precipitation variability and subsequent ANPP dynamics in this grassland were dampened when PDO and NINO-3 SSTs had opposing signs. Thus, primary signatures of these SSTs in this semiarid grassland are (1) increased interannual variability in ANPP during cold-phase PDOs, (2) drought with low ANPP occurring in almost half of those years with negative values of PDO and NINO-3, and (3) high precipitation and ANPP common in years with positive PDO and NINO-3 values.

Suburban Swedish maturing : Examining variation and perceptions among adult speakers of Swedish contemporary urban vernacular / Förortssvenskan på mognadsvägen : En undersökning av variation och perceptioner bland vuxna talare av svensk ‘contemporary urban vernacular’

Young, Nathan January 2014 (has links)
Up to now, adolescent speakers have been the primary focus when researching contemporary variation in the language of Sweden’s urban areas. This study contributes to the growing body of research on the topic by examining and reporting on adult speakers of what is here referred to as förortssvenska (English: Suburban Swedish). This study focuses specifically on formal speech registers of eight young working-class men from Stockholm along with the perception and reception of their speech by two independent native-listener groups. The paper is the first to present quantifiable data on what has been previously referred to as a “staccato” rhythm in Suburban Swedish. Strong correlations are shown between prosodic rhythm as measured by the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) and speech speed to mean listener attitudes (R2=0.9). A strong correlation is also shown for nPVI’s influence on mean listener-projected ethnicity (R2=0.8). Alongside variation in rhythm, we also see phonemic variation that trends toward specific indexes of social identity as revealed by speaker interviews and native-listener assessments. Alongside linguistic variation among speakers, there is also significant variation within speaker peer groups. In addition to identifying specific linguistic features, the study examines social mechanisms revealed in interviews with and qualitative observations of speaker and listener participants. In exploratory fashion, ideas on variation, register ranges, meta-pragmatic stereotyping, and ethnic boundary-making are presented to make a case for treating contemporary urban variation in Swedish as a habitual semiotic extension of speaker identity. Indicators that contemporary urban variation in Swedish may be heading in the direction of sociolectal entrenchment are also discussed. / Hittills har unga talare varit det primära fokus för forskning av aktuell språklig variation i urbana Sverige. Denna studie bidrar till den växande mängden forskning i detta ämne genom att undersöka och rapportera om vuxna talare av det som här kallas för förortssvenska. Studien fokuserar specifikt på formella talregister bland åtta unga män från Stockholms arbetarklass, samt perception och mottagande av deras tal av två oberoende grupper av infödda lyssnare. Denna studie är den första som presenterar kvantifierbar data rörande den i tidigare forskning så kallade stackato-rytmen i förortssvenska. Starka korrelationer finns mellan, å ena sidan, prosodisk rytm mätt med the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) och talhastighet och, å den andra, de genomsnittliga lyssnarattityderna (R2=0,9). Det finns också en stark korrelation för nPVIs påverkan på genomsnittlig lyssnarprojicerad etnicitet (R2=0,8). Vid sidan av variation i rytm ser vi också fonemisk variation som trender mot specifika index för social identitet. Och vid sidan av variation i rytm bland talarna, finns också en stor variation inom kamratgrupperna. Förutom att den identifierar specifika lingvistiska drag, undersöker studien sociala mekanismer som framkommer i intervjuer med och kvalitativa observationer av talardeltagarna och lyssnardeltagarna. På ett explorativt sätt, lägger studien fram idéer om variation, registeromfång, meta-pragmatiska stereotyper och etniska gränsskapande för att framhäva argumentet för att behandla den aktuella förortsvariationen i svenska som en habituell avsiktlig utbyggnad av talarens identitet. Det diskuteras också indikatorer till att den aktuella urbana variationen i svenska kan vara på väg mot sociolektal stabilisering.

Méthodes efficaces de capture de front de pareto en conception mécanique multicritère : applications industrielles / Non disponible

Benki, Aalae 28 January 2014 (has links)
Dans le domaine d’optimisation de forme de structures, la réduction des coûts et l’amélioration des produits sont des défis permanents à relever. Pour ce faire, le procédé de mise en forme doit être optimisé. Optimiser le procédé revient alors à résoudre un problème d’optimisation. Généralement ce problème est un problème d’optimisation multicritère très coûteux en terme de temps de calcul, où on cherche à minimiser plusieurs fonctions coût en présence d’un certain nombre de contraintes. Pour résoudre ce type de problème, on a développé un algorithme robuste, efficace et fiable. Cet algorithme, consiste à coupler un algorithme de capture de front de Pareto (NBI ou NNCM) avec un métamodèle (RBF), c’est-à-dire des approximations des résultats des simulations coûteuses. D’après l’ensemble des résultats obtenus par cette approche, il est intéressant de souligner que la capture de front de Pareto génère un ensemble des solutions non dominées. Pour savoir lesquelles choisir, le cas échéant, il est nécessaire de faire appel à des algorithmes de sélection, comme par exemple Nash et Kalai-Smorodinsky. Ces deux approches, issues de la théorie des jeux, ont été utilisées pour notre travail. L’ensemble des algorithmes sont validés sur deux cas industriels proposés par notre partenaire industriel. Le premier concerne un modèle 2D du fond de la canette (elasto-plasticité) et le second est un modèle 3D de la traverse (élasticité linéaire). Les résultats obtenus confirment l’efficacité de nos algorithmes développés. / One of the current challenges in the domain of the multiobjective shape optimization is to reduce the calculation time required by conventional methods. The high computational cost is due to the high number of simulation or function calls required by these methods. Recently, several studies have been led to overcome this problem by integratinga metamodel in the overall optimization loop. In this thesis, we perform a coupling between the Normal Boundary Intersection -NBI- algorithm and The Normalized Normal constraint Method -NNCM- algorithm with Radial Basis Function -RBF- metamodel in order to have asimple tool with a reasonable calculation time to solve multicriteria optimization problems. First, we apply our approach to academic test cases. Then, we validate our method against two industrial cases, namely, shape optimization of the bottom of a can undergoing nonlinear elasto-plastic deformation and an optimization of an automotive twist beam. Then, in order to select solutions among the Pareto efficient ones, we use the same surrogate approach to implement a method to compute Nash and Kalai-Smorodinsky equilibria.

Análise estática normalizada e modelagem de pequenos sinais do conversor classe-e utilizando transformadores piezoelétricos.

Engleitner, Raffael 04 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Piezoelectric transformers (PTs) allow the design of promising power supply applications, increasing efficiency, reducing size, facilitating the achievement of high transformation ratio, besides providing high immunity against electromagnetic noise. Due to the electrical equivalent model having resonant characteristics, some resonant topologies are naturally suitable for these power supplies, i.e. the Class- E, Half-Bridge, Full-Bridge and Push-pull. Among these topologies, the Class-E converter has a highlight of having one controlled switch. The static gain of the Class-E is changed through the switching frequency variation, while the duty cycle is adjusted with the purpose of achieving soft switching for different switching frequencies and loads. The analisys of this process becomes complex when the system has a high number of reactive elements. One way to simplify this analisys is applying a normalized methodology. On this regard, the first result of this work is the normalized analisys of the functionally of the Class-E converter, including normalized load and switching frequency variation. This allows choosing one optimum point for the static design, without the necessity of design parameters. The main objective of this analisys is the obtention of the duty cycle behavior in order to have soft switching for all operation points. In a second moment, a small-signal model was derived using the generalized averaging method, through Fourier series aproximation. The model describes the relevant poles and zeros of the system, being accurate enough for different loads and switching frequencies. The behavior of resonant converters changes considerably for different operating points; therefore it is important to have a model that represents the system well. The normalized analisys allowed simplifying the small-signal model derivation, once soft switching is achieved for all the operation points. Experimental measurements validate either the normalized or the small signal derivation methodologies. The measurements were achieved for a 3W step-down converter, with universal 85-265 V AC input and 6 V DC output. / Os Transformadores Piezoelétricos (PTs) permitem o projeto de aplicações promissoras para fontes de alimentação até 100W, melhorando a eficiência, reduzindo o tamanho, facilitando a obtenção de grandes relações de transformação, além de proporcionar alta imunidade contra ruídos eletromagnéticos e interferências. Os PTs apresentam modelo elétrico ressonante, trazendo a necessidade de implementação juntamente com topologias de conversores ressonantes, como por exemplo os conversores: Classe-E, Meia Ponte, Ponte Completa e Push-pull. Dentre estas topologias, o conversor Classe-E se destaca por apresentar somente um interruptor controlado. O ganho estático do conversor Classe-E é obtido através da variação da freqüência de chaveamento, e a razão cíclica muda para atender as condições de comutação suave para diferentes freqüências e cargas. A análise deste processo se torna complexa à medida que o sistema apresenta inúmeros elementos reativos. Uma maneira de simplificar esta análise é utilizar uma metodologia normalizada. Devido a isso, o primeiro resultado deste trabalho é a análise normalizada do funcionamento do conversor piezoelétrico Classe- E, incluindo variação normalizada da frequênciade operação e da carga. Isso permite escolher um ponto ótimo de projeto estático, sem a necessidade de parâmetros de projeto. O objetivo principal desta análise normalizada é a obtenção do comportamento da razão cíclica para obter comutação suave em todos os pontos de operação. Em um segundo momento, um modelo de pequenos sinais foi derivado utilizando a metodologia do modelo médio generalizado, através de aproximação por series de Fourier. O modelo descreve os pólos e zeros relevantes do sistema, sendo suficientemente preciso para diferentes cargas e da frequencias de operação. O comportamento de conversores ressonantes varia consideravelmente para diferentes pontos de operação, pois isso um modelo que permita avaliar estes pontos de maneira precisa se faz importante. A análise normalizada permitiu simplificar a derivação do modelo de pequenos sinais, uma vez que garante a operação em comutação suave. Para validar a metodologia apresentada, são mostrados resultados experimentais para um conversor abaixador de 3W, entrada universal de 85-260 V AC e saída de 6 V DC.

Mitigating Congestion by Integrating Time Forecasting and Realtime Information Aggregation in Cellular Networks

Chen, Kai 11 March 2011 (has links)
An iterative travel time forecasting scheme, named the Advanced Multilane Prediction based Real-time Fastest Path (AMPRFP) algorithm, is presented in this dissertation. This scheme is derived from the conventional kernel estimator based prediction model by the association of real-time nonlinear impacts that caused by neighboring arcs’ traffic patterns with the historical traffic behaviors. The AMPRFP algorithm is evaluated by prediction of the travel time of congested arcs in the urban area of Jacksonville City. Experiment results illustrate that the proposed scheme is able to significantly reduce both the relative mean error (RME) and the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the predicted travel time. To obtain high quality real-time traffic information, which is essential to the performance of the AMPRFP algorithm, a data clean scheme enhanced empirical learning (DCSEEL) algorithm is also introduced. This novel method investigates the correlation between distance and direction in the geometrical map, which is not considered in existing fingerprint localization methods. Specifically, empirical learning methods are applied to minimize the error that exists in the estimated distance. A direction filter is developed to clean joints that have negative influence to the localization accuracy. Synthetic experiments in urban, suburban and rural environments are designed to evaluate the performance of DCSEEL algorithm in determining the cellular probe’s position. The results show that the cellular probe’s localization accuracy can be notably improved by the DCSEEL algorithm. Additionally, a new fast correlation technique for overcoming the time efficiency problem of the existing correlation algorithm based floating car data (FCD) technique is developed. The matching process is transformed into a 1-dimensional (1-D) curve matching problem and the Fast Normalized Cross-Correlation (FNCC) algorithm is introduced to supersede the Pearson product Moment Correlation Co-efficient (PMCC) algorithm in order to achieve the real-time requirement of the FCD method. The fast correlation technique shows a significant improvement in reducing the computational cost without affecting the accuracy of the matching process.

Metody ekvalizace v digitálních komunikačních systémech / Equalization Methods in Digital Communication Systems

Deyneka, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Tato práce je psaná v angličtině a je zaměřená na problematiku ekvalizace v digitálních komunikačních systémech. Teoretická část zahrnuje stručné pozorování různých způsobů návrhu ekvalizérů. Praktická část se zabývá implementací nejčastěji používaných ekvalizérů a s jejich adaptačními algoritmy. Cílem praktické části je porovnat jejich charakteristiky a odhalit činitele, které ovlivňují kvalitu ekvalizace. V rámci problematiky ekvalizace jsou prozkoumány tři typy ekvalizérů. Lineární ekvalizér, ekvalizér se zpětnou vazbou a ML (Maximum likelihood) ekvalizér. Každý ekvalizér byl testován na modelu, který simuloval reálnou přenosovou soustavu s komplexním zkreslením, která je složena z útlumu, mezisymbolové interference a aditivního šumu. Na základě implenentace byli určeny charakteristiky ekvalizérů a stanoveno že optimální výkon má ML ekvalizér. Adaptační algoritmy hrají významnou roli ve výkonnosti všech zmíněných ekvalizérů. V práci je nastudována skupina stochastických algoritmů jako algoritmus nejmenších čtverců(LMS), Normalizovaný LMS, Variable step-size LMS a algoritmus RLS jako zástupce deterministického přístupu. Bylo zjištěno, že RLS konverguje mnohem rychleji, než algoritmy založené na LMS. Byly nastudovány činitele, které ovlivnili výkon popisovaných algoritmů. Jedním z důležitých činitelů, který ovlivňuje rychlost konvergence a stabilitu algoritmů LMS je parametr velikosti kroku. Dalším velmi důležitým faktorem je výběr trénovací sekvence. Bylo zjištěno, že velkou nevýhodou algoritmů založených na LMS v porovnání s RLS algoritmy je, že kvalita ekvalizace je velmi závislá na spektrální výkonové hustotě a a trénovací sekvenci.

Měření elektromagnetického vyzařování v částečně a plně bezodrazových komorách / Measurements of electromagnetic interference in anechoic and semi-anechoic chambers

Deneš, Roman January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on a detailed analysis of the mechanisms of electromagnetic wave propagation in anechoic chambers. The analysis takes into account the influence of the measurement distance, setup of anechoic chamber and other parameters. Furthermore, the work deals with a validation of both types of anechoic chambers and examines the impact of selected parameters on the measurement results. Based on the theoretical analysis and practical measurement, the comparation between semi and fully anechoic chamber, or a three and ten meter measuring distance was made. This thesis also contains a detailed analysis of sources of the uncertainty.

Aplikace lokálních aproximátorů pro řízení reálného mechatronického systému / Application of local approximators for control of real mechatronic system

Palaj, Lukas January 2011 (has links)
Cieľom práce je aplikácia lokálnych aproximátorov pre riadenie reálnych mechatronických sústav pomocou metódy dopredného riadenia predstavujúcej zaujímavú alternatívu k metódam využívajúcim globálne aproximátory. Po ukážkových príkladoch funkcie lokálnych aproximátorov bol navrhnutý algoritmus implementovaný pre riadenie dvoch sústav, elektronickej škrtiacej klapky a výukového modelu magnetickej levitácie, predstavujúcich vysoko nelineárne a nestabilné sústavy. Skúmali sme, či riadiaci algoritmus bude mať pozitívny vplyv na presnosť regulácie, ďalej bola skúmaná jeho schopnosť prispôsobiť sa zmene parametrov sústavy a tiež prípadná možnosť jeho implementácie pre mikrokontrolér znížením vzorkovacej frekvencie. Výsledky ukázali, že riadenie založené na lokálnych modeloch zlepšilo riadenie v porovnaní s jednoduchým PID regulátorom a že má schopnosť adaptability. Veľmi výhodné sa zdá byť jeho použitie pre zariadenia umožnujúce vzorkovaciu frekvenciu do 1 kHz.

Odhad hloubky pomocí konvolučních neuronových sítí / Depth Estimation by Convolutional Neural Networks

Ivanecký, Ján January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with depth estimation using convolutional neural networks. I propose a three-part model as a solution to this problem. The model contains a global context network which estimates coarse depth structure of the scene, a gradient network which estimates depth gradients and a refining network which utilizes the outputs of previous two networks to produce the final depth map. Additionally, I present a normalized loss function for training neural networks. Applying normalized loss function results in better estimates of the scene's relative depth structure, however it results in a loss of information about the absolute scale of the scene.

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