Spelling suggestions: "subject:"northamerican"" "subject:"northamericans""
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Säugetierkundliche Freilandforschung zur Populationsbiologie des Waschbären (Procyon lotor Linnaeus, 1758) in einem naturnahen Tieflandbuchenwald im Müritz-Nationalpark (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)Michler, Frank-Uwe Fritz 03 July 2017 (has links)
In der Dissertation werden Fragen zur Populationsbiologie des neozonalen Nordamerikanischen Waschbären (Procyon lotor) behandelt. Die knapp sechsjährigen Freilanduntersuchungen fanden im Rahmen eines umfangreichen Waschbärenforschungsprojektes (www.projekt-waschbaer.de) in einem naturnahen Tieflandbuchenwald im Müritz-Nationalpark (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) statt. Das Nationalparkgebiet wird nachweislich seit Ende der 1970er Jahre vom Waschbären besiedelt und stellt aufgrund seines Gewässerreichtums und seiner alten Laubbaumbestände einen idealen Lebensraum für Waschbären dar.
Die Dissertation schließt die populationsbiologischen Arbeiten des Gesamtprojektes ab und stellt die Ergebnisse in fünf separaten Themenschwerpunkten vor (I. Raumverhalten, II. Sozialverhalten, III. Reproduktionsbiologie, IV. Populationsstruktur, V. Populationsdynamik). Übergeordnetes Ziel der Arbeit war die Erhebung valider populationsbiologischer Daten, um eine grundlegende ökologische Charakterisierung des Waschbären unter dem Aspekt des Natur- und Artenschutzes vornehmen zu können.
Dazu wurden zwischen 2006 und 2011 in einem 1.114 ha großen Fallennetz im Serrahner Teilgebiet des Nationalparks an 53 verschiedenen Fallenstandorten 145 verschiedene Waschbären (62 ♀♀, 83 ♂♂) insgesamt 489 Mal gefangen, genetisch beprobt, vermessen und individuell markiert. 51 adulte Waschbären (23 ♀♀, 28 ♂♂) und 18 Jungtiere (10 ♀♀, 8 ♂♂) wurden darüber hinaus mit einem UKW-Halsbandsender ausgestattet und im Rahmen der telemetrischen Arbeiten insgesamt 31.202 Mal geortet (≙ im Mittel 452 Lokalisationen pro Tier). Im Kernuntersuchungsgebiet wurde an 36 beköderten Standorten ein Fotofallenmonitoring durchgeführt. Bei einer Überwachungsdauer von 5.365 Fotofallennächten entstanden dabei 18.721 Aufnahmen von 183 verschiedenen Waschbären. 82 % aller Waschbärenbilder zeigten individuell markierte Individuen. Alle 145 gefangenen Waschbären wurden im Rahmen eines separaten Teilprojektes mit hochvariablen Mikrosatelliten erfolgreich genotypisiert, so dass die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse sowie der individuelle Reproduktionserfolg der Untersuchungstiere bekannt sind. Für die Analysen zur Populationsstruktur wurden unter anderem von 120 verendet aufgefunden Waschbären (Totfunden) aus dem unmittelbaren Umfeld des Nationalparks klassische morphometrische und phänotypische Merkmale sowie die Mortalitätsursachen erfasst. / This study considers questions concerning the spatial and social behaviour, reproduction, population structure and dynamics of the alien North American raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Germany. The investigations took place within the framework of a comprehensive raccoon research project (www.projekt-waschbaer.de) over a period of nearly six years in a close-to-nature lowland beech forest in the Müritz National Park (Mecklenburg-West Pomerania). The National Park has been verifiably colonized by raccoons since the end of the 1970s, and due to its abundance of water and its old deciduous tree population it represents an ideal habitat for this mammal.
Between 2006 and 2011, 145 individual raccoons (62 ♀♀ and 83 ♂♂) were captured, genetically sampled, measured and individually tagged. Sampling took place within a 1,114 hectare area of the National Park, at 53 trap sites and with 489 trappings. 51 adult raccoons (23 ♀♀, 28 ♂♂) and 18 juveniles (10 ♀♀, 8 ♂♂) were also fitted with radio collars and located a total of 31,202 times as part of the telemetric survey (=452 localisations per individual). Camera trap monitoring was carried out at 36 baited locations of the main investigation area (1,628 ha): 18,721 camera trap pictures were taken of 183 different raccoons over a monitorring period of 5,365 nights. 82 % of all the raccoon pictures showed individually tagged ani-mals. All 145 of the trapped raccoons were successfully genotyped as part of a subproject with highly polymorphic microsatellites. Both the familial relationships and the individual reproductive success of the subject animals could be determined with the genotyping results. For the analyses of the population structure, classic morphometric and phenotypical characteristics, as well as the cause of mortality of 120 raccoon carcasses in the immediate vicinity of the National Park, were recorded.
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The Romanovs on a World Stage: Autocracy, Democracy, and Crisis, 1896-1918Meredith Kathleen Stukey (15324124), Meredith Tuttle Stukey (15324789) 20 April 2023 (has links)
<p>In 1917, the Romanov dynasty in Russia came to an end as Tsar Nicholas II abdicated during the February Revolution and the First World War. The Romanovs ruled Russia for over three-hundred years as absolute monarchs and until 1917, Nicholas II and his wife Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna fervently clung to their autocratic rule and projected an image of power and stability. Yet, their choices not only shaped Russia itself but also dictated Russia’s diplomatic and cultural relationship with their future allies in the First World War: Great Britain, France, and the United States of America. From 1896 to 1917, Tsar Nicholas II floundered amid a series of crisis and this dissertation considers five key moments in his reign that illustrate the complex relationship between Russia and the allies of the First World War. These events are: the Coronation of Nicholas II in 1896; Bloody Sunday and the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905; the Romanov Tercentenary in 1913; the role of Tsarina Alexandra in the First World War from 1914-1917; and the abdication of Nicholas II and asylum request by the Romanovs in 1917. All of these events showcase the diplomatic and media representations of the Romanovs among allied nations and how Nicholas performed and presented his view of himself to the rest of the world. Each Tsar of Russia fashioned himself into a mythic and ceremonial figure to the Russian people and this dissertation argues that the governments of Great Britain, France, and the United States accepted Nicholas’ self-representations for many years and ignored his autocratic rule in favor of their own military and financial interests. In 1917, after years of excusing his behavior, they finally rejected him. Ultimately, the Romanovs held great power at home and abroad and were major players in international events in the early twentieth century but they were unable to reconcile their autocratic regime with modern democracies. In the end, Nicholas’ and Alexandra’s failure to adapt and perform their roles effectively cost them their throne and left Russia in a state of war and disarray.</p>
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"Our Primate Materials" Robert M. Yerkes and the Introduction of the Primate to Problems of Human Betterment in the American Eugenics MovementCaitlin Marie Garcia-Feehan (15348619) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p>My thesis examines how eugenicist and psychologist Robert M. Yerkes’ experimental intelligence research helped to situate the non-human primate as the ideal research subject for human betterment research in the twentieth century U.S. Yerkes believed that the primate was the ideal research subject to address questions of human betterment and social welfare, specifically best to create methods of evaluating the imagined threat of intellectual disability. While Yerkes has been studied extensively in the history of psychology, primatology, and eugenics, rarely have his separate contributions to these fields been placed in conversation with one another. Placing the primate at the center of Yerkes’ work allows for all three fields to engage with one another in a new perspective. By analyzing Yerkes’ publications about the Multiple-Choice Experiment within the context of the American eugenics’ movement, we can see how the primate came to hold a central position in U.S. scientific research, the advancement of human welfare and betterment, and as a means of defining what it means to be human. This story offers a glimpse into this longer process of how the primate came to occupy this position, but even a glimpse offers historians of the American eugenics’ movement new questions. What was the role of the non-human animal in the formulation of American eugenic theories? How have we historically used the natural world in our attempts to separate ourselves from it? And can we truly reconcile a history with eugenics if we continue to ignore the role of animals within it, they who today exist unquestionably within the status of the sub-human?</p>
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Reaching Gold Mountain: Diasporic Labour Narratives in Chinese Canadian Literature and FilmPhung, Malissa January 2016 (has links)
This project provides a coalitional reading of Chinese Canadian literature, film, and history based on an allegorical framework of Asian-Indigenous relationalities. It tracks how Chinese labour stories set during the period of Chinese exclusion can not only leverage national belonging for Chinese settlers but also be reread for a different sense of belonging that remains attentive to other exclusions made natural by settler colonial discourses and institutional structures, that is, the disavowal of Indigenous presence and claims to sovereignty and autochthony. It contributes to important discussions about the experiences of racism and oppression that typically privilege the relations and tensions of diasporic and Indigenous communities but hardly with each other. What is more, this study aligns with a recent surge of interest in investigating Asian-Indigenous relations in Asian Canadian, Asian American, and Asian diaspora studies.
The political investments driving this project show a deep commitment to anti-racist and decolonial advocacy. By examining how Chinese cultural workers in Canada have tried to do justice to the Head Tax generation’s experiences of racial exclusion and intersectional oppressions in fiction, non-fiction, graphic non-fiction, and documentaries, it asks whether there are ways to ethically assert an excluded and marginalized Chinese presence in the context of the settler colonial state. By doing justice to the exclusion of Chinese settlers in the national imaginary, do Chinese cultural workers as a result perform an injustice to the originary presence of Indigenous peoples? This thesis re-examines the anti-racist imperative that frames Chinese labour stories set during the period of Chinese exclusion in Canada: by exploring whether social justice projects by racially marginalized communities can simultaneously re-assert an excluded racialized presence and honour their treaty rights and responsibilities, it works to apprehend the colonial positionality of the Chinese diaspora within the Canadian settler state. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This project examines representations of Chinese labour and Asian-Indigenous relations in Chinese Canadian literature and film. By focusing on how Chinese Canadian writers and artists honour and remember the nation-building contributions and sacrifices of Chinese labourers in stories set in Canada during the period of anti-Chinese legislation policies such as the Chinese Head Tax and the 1923 Chinese Immigration Act, this thesis provides a critical look at the values and ideologies that these narratives may draw upon. It asks whether it is possible for writers and artists to commemorate Chinese labour stories without also extending the colonization of Indigenous peoples, forgetting the history of Asian-Indigenous relationships, or promoting work ethic values that may hinder community building with Indigenous peoples and respecting Indigenous ways of living and working off the land. This study explores questions of history, memory, national belonging, social justice, decolonization, and relationship building.
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<p>A historical study on the inflince of private foundations in American political history.</p>
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Stunt Girls: Elizabeth Bisland, Nell Nelson, and Ada Patterson as Rivals to Nellie BlyPeko, Samantha N. 22 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Intimate Reconciliations: Diasporic Genealogies of War and Genocide in Southeast AsiaTroeung, Y-Dang 04 1900 (has links)
<p>This dissertation investigates the traumatic legacies of colonialism, imperialism and authoritarianism in Southeast Asia, the diasporic conditions of Southeast Asian refugees in North America after 1975, and the relationship among literature, ethics, and reconciliation more broadly. Focusing primarily on contemporary novels that intervene in the cultural memory of the Cambodian genocide, the War in Viet Nam, and the World War II Japanese Occupation of Malaysia, my dissertation conceptualizes an intimate politics of reconciliation that routes the study of justice foremost through questions of affect, epistemology and ethics. An intimate politics of reconciliation, I argue, encapsulates a constellation of intimate memorial acts—ritual, testimony, collaboration, gifting, and narrative reconstruction—that operate within and against macro-political and juridical modalities of justice. My research highlights productive scenes of convergence between discourses of post-genocide reconciliation and alternative spiritual cosmologies, between refugee collaborative writing and theories of gifting, and between theories of forgetting and social and psychic reparation. In arguing that Southeast Asian diasporic genealogies paradoxically foreground the necessity of both remembering and forgetting in the collective work of reconciliation, this dissertation engages with and challenges two key theoretical paradigms in Asian American Studies—a politics of social justice premised upon a discourse of “subjectlessness” and a psychoanalytic paradigm of productive melancholia theory.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Koproskopische Untersuchungen zum Nahrungsspektrum des Waschbären Procyon lotor (L., 1758) im Müritz-Nationalpark (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) unter spezieller Berücksichtigung des Artenschutzes und des EndoparasitenbefallsMichler, Berit Annika 15 December 2017 (has links)
Der Nordamerikanische Waschbär (Procyon lotor Linné, 1758) gehört zu den neozonalen Vertretern der heimischen Raubsäugerfauna. Seit den 1990er Jahren tritt der in Deutschland mittlerweile fest etablierte Kleinbär verstärkt in Erscheinung und ist damit Auslöser kontroverser Diskussionen über negative Auswirkungen auf einheimische Tierarten sowie über seine Rolle als potentieller Krankheitsüberträger. Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass der Waschbär durch Prädation lokale Bestände naturschutzfachlich relevanter Tierarten beeinträchtigen kann, wurden Waschbär-Kotproben aus einem naturnahen Tieflandbuchenwald im Müritz-Nationalpark (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) nahrungsökologisch und im Hinblick auf den Endoparasitenbefall analysiert. Das Untersuchungsgebiet repräsentiert ein charakteristisches Binnenentwässerungsgebiet der nordostdeutschen Tiefebene, das hinsichtlich der Ressourcenausstattung ein überaus geeignetes Habitat für Waschbären darstellt.
Gleichzeitig wurde anhand eines Referenzgebietes im Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) geprüft, ob der Waschbär in einem anthropogen beeinflussten Lebensraum aufgrund schlechterer Ressourcenausstattung einen größeren Prädationseinfluss haben kann.
Die vorliegende Dissertation ist Teil eines mehrjährigen, integrierten Forschungsprojektes (Projekt Waschbär), welches zwischen 2006 und 2011 im Teilgebiet Serrahn des Müritz-Nationalparks durchgeführt wurde. / The North American raccoon (Procyon lotor L., 1758) is an introduced carnivore species in Germany. Against the background of a vast increase of raccoon numbers in Germany over the last years, a controversial discussion has developed regarding the influence of the new inhabitant on indigenous resp. protected species and the potential transmission of diseases and parasites. Based on the hypothesis that raccoons may affect local stock of ecological relevant species through predation raccoon faecal samples were collected in a close to nature beech forest in the Müritz National Park (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany) and analysed with regard to nutrition ecology and endoparasite infestation. The study area represents a characteristic inland drainage area of North-Eastern German lowlands, which provides a very suitable habitat for raccoons with regards to essential resources.
Simultaneously, examinations were carried out in raccoons from a control area in the Nature Park Feldberger Seenlandschaft (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), focusing on the question as to whether raccoons might have higher ecological impact in an anthropogenically modified habitat due to poorer food resources.
This thesis is part of a long-term and integrated research project (Projekt Waschbär), which was conducted between 2006 and 2011 in the subterritory Serrahn of the Müritz National Park.
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<b>Climate Solutions and Genre Politics in Contemporary Fiction</b>Matthew Raymond Morgenstern (20840879) 06 March 2025 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Since the late 1980s, various authors from the US, UK, Australia, and elsewhere have contributed to a literary archive of climate change’s impacts, and charting these impacts has led to a proliferation of both realistic and speculative climate solutions. Because climate change cannot be “solved,” these climate solutions account for both pragmatic answers and considerations of both immediate and future problems. <i>Climate Solutions and Genre Politics in Contemporary Fiction</i> catalogues these climate solutions and their circulation in contemporary fiction. Literary representations of climate solutions enable ethical considerations of different climate solutions in different contexts while thinking through the unfolding impacts of climate change. Literary representations of climate solutions also prompt the formulation of genre politics as an analytical framework because they draw on conventions from climate fiction, science fiction, utopian fiction, and realism to engage readers. Conceiving of genre as a spectrum, <i>Climate Solutions and Genre Politics in Contemporary Fiction</i> identifies four categories (climate engineering, biodiversity work, care futures, and creative work) of climate solutions that speak to different elements of the climate, biodiversity, and care crises. Putting these crises into conversation through different climate solutions, the dissertation<i> </i>delineates new modes of engagement with literary representations of climate change, shifts conceptions of genre in literary studies, and provides insights into the future of climate justice efforts. The complexities of climate solutions, and the genre politics required to assess them, make them a compelling object of inquiry for literary studies, ecocriticism, and environmental humanities more broadly.</p>
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<b>Literary Kinship: An Examination of Black Women's Networks of Literary Activity, Community, and Activism as Practices of Restoration and Healing in the 20th and 21st Centuries</b>Veronica Lynette Co Ahmed (18446358) 28 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation is a Black feminist qualitative inquiry of the interconnections between Black women, literary activity, community, activism, and restoration and healing. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance and the Black feminist movement converged to create one of the richest periods in Black women’s history. Black women came together in community, through the text, and through various literary spaces–often despite or even because of their differences–to build an archive that articulates a multivocal Black women’s standpoint which many believed to be monotonously singular. During this period, for example, Black women writer-activists wrote more novels, plays, and poetry in these two decades than in any period prior while also establishing new literary traditions. These traditions included the recovery of previously published yet out of print Black women writers, the development of the Black Women Anthology era, the creation of Black women writer-activist collectives, the founding of bookstores, as well as the development of Black Women’s Studies and Black feminist literary criticism in the academy. In the dissertation, these traditions are intrinsically tied to the articulation and definition of the theoretical concept of literary kinship. Conceptually, relationally, and materially literary kinship is the connection generated by the intergenerational literary activity between Black women and girls. In the dissertation, I use literary activity in slightly different ways including to denote community-engaged oral practices, publication, relationships defined around literary sites, and the practice of reading. Literary kinship provides access to community based on and derived from a connection to the literary that is often marked by intergenerational activity. I argue that Black women writer-activists during the period of the BWLR articulate and define literary kinship as a practice of communal restoration and healing for individuals and the collective.</p><p dir="ltr">Literary kinship is explored in four interrelated, yet distinct ways in the dissertation. In chapter two, literary kinship is located in and operationalized through Black women’s literary kinship “networks” founded during the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance. In chapter three, the focus is on the Black Women’s Anthology era that begins in 1970 and becomes a pipeline for the development of the interdisciplinary field of Black Women’s Studies in the 1980s. The fourth and fifth chapters shift the impact of the Black Women’s Literary Renaissance to the 21st century and examines how literary kinship is rearticulated or re-visioned a generation later. The fourth chapter, in this vein, uses autoethnography and literary analysis to illuminate the interconnections between Black girlhood, geography, and my concept of literary kinship. The chapter explores my experience of literary kinship at the kitchen table, in public libraries, and in secondary and higher education as transformative opportunities that fostered my love for reading, engaging in literary community, and developing reading as a restorative and healing practice. In the final chapter, the rapid reemergence of Black women booksellers and their bookstores in the last five years (2018-2023) become integral to a contemporary rearticulation of literary kinship.</p><p dir="ltr">The Black Women’s Literary Renaissance is a significant period of literary output by Black women writer-activists that has had intergenerational impact in the lives of Black women. During the Renaissance, Black women writer-activists were catalysts for critical and necessary literary interventions, strategies, and methods that supported their sociopolitical activism, the development of a rich Black feminist and literary archive, and that manifested community functional practices of restoration and healing. Black women’s articulation, definition, and utilization of literary kinship in the 20th and 21st centuries has supported their literary labors as activists, as intellectuals, and as community members, and is therefore a practice of community restoration and healing.</p>
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