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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bodenfruchtbarkeit im Öko-Betrieb

Kolbe, Hartmut, Schuster, Martina 21 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Broschüre gibt einen Überblick zu Methoden, mit denen die Bodenfruchtbarkeit von Ackerflächen bewertet werden kann, sowie Hinweise zu deren Anwendung. Dazu gehören unter anderem die Spatendiagnose, Bodenuntersuchungen und Nährstoffbilanzierungen.

Adaptacions del còlon de rata al contingut en sodi de la dieta: paper del sistema renina-angiotensina-aldosterona i de la vasopressina

Cristìà Civit, Esther 05 October 2006 (has links)
La tesi doctoral engloba l'estudi de les adaptacions funcionals i estructurals que es produeixen en el còlon distal deguts als canvis en la ingesta de sodi. En concret s'ha estudiat el paper de tres hormones, l'angiotensina II, l'aldosterona i la vasopressina, en el transport de Na+, en la permeabilitat de l'epiteli i en el desenvolupament miofibroblàstic de la zona pericriptal. Mitjançant un model animal d'activació del RAAS en rata, s'han reproduït les adaptacions funcionals i estructurals en la mucosa del còlon distal en l'adaptació d'una dieta amb alt contingut en sodi (HS) a una dieta amb baix contingut en sodi (LS). Després de tan sols 3 dies de dieta LS augmenta el transport electrogènic de sodi i disminueix la permeabilitat del teixit, fet que es confirma per un augment en la densitat de les unions estretes, concretament de l'expressió de claudina 4, i per un augment en la resistència transepitelial. S'ha confirmat que en tan sols tres dies de dieta LS, la capa de miofibroblasts presents en la zona pericriptal prolifera, ja que augmenta l'expressió d'alfa-actina de múscul llis i la síntesi de col·lagen IV, augmenta l'expressió de les unions adherents que uneixen aquests miofibroblasts, concretament d'E- i OB-caderina, i es produeix acumulació de sodi en aquesta zona pericriptal. El tractament amb captopril, inhibidor de l'ECA, losartan, inhibidor dels ATr1, o espironolactona, antagonista del receptor mineralcorticoide, reverteix aquests efectes, confirmant la implicació de l'angiotensina II i l'aldosterona. Per determinar el paper concret de l'angiotensina II i de l'aldosterona en aquests efectes s'ha posat a punt un model animal d'activació del RAAS minimitzant la síntesi d'aldosterona mitjançant una operació d'adrenalectomia i controlant la concentració plasmàtica d'ambdues hormones mitjançant la seva infusió exògena. L'aldosterona, sense la presència d'angiotensina II, aconsegueix reproduir els efectes de la dieta LS augmentant el transport electrogènic de sodi, disminuint la permeabilitat del teixit, incrementant la resistència transepitelial, afavorint el creixement miofibroblàstic i augmentant l'acumulació de sodi a la zona pericriptal. L'angiotensina II, en canvi, per si sola no reprodueix aquests efectes. Els resultats obtinguts estan recollits en dues publicacions (Moretó et al., 2005; Cristià et al., 2005). També s'han estudiat els efectes del grau de deshidratació sobre les funcions del còlon distal, comprovant la implicació directa de la vasopressina i determinant els receptor implicats. Tant la deshidratació com concentracions elevades de vasopressina donen lloc a una disminució de la permeabilitat del teixit, un augment en l'acumulació de sodi a la zona pericriptal i un augment del creixement miofibroblàstic. Ambdós tipus de receptors, V1 i V2, hi estan implicats. Aquests resultats, tot i ser similars a les accions de l'aldosterona, no han demostrat un sinergisme entre ambdues hormones. A més, s'ha confirmat l'expressió d'aquaporina-2 (AQP-2) en la mucosa del còlon distal i l'augment de la seva expressió tant en estats de deshidratació com d'administració de vasopressina. L'expressió d'AQP-2 està mitjançada pel receptor V2, ja que tan sols el tractament amb Tolvaptan, un antagonista específic d'aquests receptors, l'inhibeix. Aquest estudi destaca l'aldosterona com l'hormona clau de les adaptacions del còlon distal al disminuir la ingesta de sodi de la dieta, descartant un paper directe de l'angiotensina II en aquests efectes. En condicions de deshidratació, la vasopressina també disminueix la permeabilitat de l'epiteli i indueix el desenvolupament de la beina pericriptal, a més de regular el moviment d'aigua a través d'aquaporines mitjançant els seus receptors V2 al còlon distal de rata. / Fluid and electrolyte absorption by colonic crypts depends on the transport properties of crypt cellular and paracellular routes and of the pericryptal sheath. During the transition from a high-Na+ (HS) to a low-Na+ (LS) diet there are changes in the colonic crypt wall and pericryptal sheath. The effect of angiotensin II, aldosterone and vasopressin in these changes was studied. The extracellular Na+ concentration in isolated rat distal colonic mucosa was determined by confocal microscopy using a low-affinity Na+-sensitive fluorescent dye (Sodium red, and Na+-insensitive BODIPY) bound to polystyrene beads. Crypt permeability to FITC-labelled dextran was monitored by its rate of escape from the crypt lumen into the pericryptal space. Mucosal ion permeability was estimated by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current. Different epithelial, myofibroblasts and extracellular matrix proteins and membrane receptors were determined by immunolocalization. After only 3 days of a LS diet all colonic changes were reproduced, a decrease in crypt wall permeability, an increase in electrogenic sodium transport and a growth in the pericryptal space, that produced an increase in Na+ accumulation in the pericryptal space. The treatment with captopril, losartan and spironolactone reversed all these effects, showing the implication of angiotensin II and aldosterone. High plasma aldosterone concentrations, independently of the diet or angiotensin II, decreased crypt wall dextran permeability, increased TER, increased Na+ accumulation in the pericryptal sheath and ENaC expression, increased extracellular matrix, membrane receptors and myofibroblast proteins. Angiotensin II did not reproduced LS diet effects. High vasopressin plasma concentration raised alpha-SMA expression in the pericryptal sheath, increased the pericryptal Na+ accumulation in this space and caused a reduction of crypt wall permeability. All these effects were reversed by selective blocking of V1 and V2 receptors. Dehydration and vasopressin infusion increased AQP-2 expression in distal colonic mucosa, an effect mediated by the V2 receptor, as only the specific V2 receptor antagonist inhibited this effect. In conclusion, these findings show that aldosterone alone is responsible for the adaptative changes in the colonic crypts of distal colon due to the sodium content and that vasopressin has similar effects as aldosterone in permeability and growth development.

Temporal Nutrient Dynamics in Cool-Season Pasture

Jones, Gordon B. 04 June 2013 (has links)
Understanding the nutrient dynamics of pastures is essential to their profitable and sustainable management.  Tall fescue [Schendonorus phoenix (Scop.) Holub.] is the predominant forage species in Virginia pasturelands.  Although tall fescue pasture is common, little research has attempted to document how soil and herbage nutrient concentrations change through time.  This thesis summarizes two studies conducted within the context of a larger grazing systems project near Steele's Tavern, VA.  The objectives were to: (1) examine temporal changes in plant available soil nutrient concentrations in four grazing systems, (2) determine how hay feeding and use of improved forages affected soil and herbage nutrient concentrations (3) examine the relationship between and variability within soil and herbage nutrient concentrations, (4) analyze the seasonal variation in herbage mineral concentration with regard to beef cattle requirements, and (5) create a statistical model to predict variation in herbage mineral concentration across the growing season.  Analysis of plant and soil nutrients through 5 years of grazing produced several important findings.  Soil pH, P, and Ca, Mg, and B declined through five years of grazing.  Higher concentrations of herbage N and K and soil P, K, Fe, Zn, and Cu were measured in hay feeding paddocks.  Herbage nutrient concentrations showed less variability in P and K than did soil test results.  Fertility testing in pastures is important to monitor changing nutrient concentrations, and this study showed that herbage analysis may provide a more stable and accurate assessment of pasture fertility than soil testing.  Pasture herbage, grown without fertilization, contained sufficient concentrations of macronutrients to meet the requirements of dry beef cows through the growing season and to meet the requirements of lactating beef cows in April.  A model was developed using soil moisture and relative humidity that predicted (R2 = 0.75) variation in herbage mineral concentration throughout the growing season.  As described in this thesis, use of modeling to predict nutrient dynamics in pasture could allow for more efficient mineral supplementation strategies that lead to improved profitability, nutrient retention, and livestock health. / Master of Science

Impacts of Amending Bauxite Residue Sands with Residue Fines for the Establishment of Vegetation on Residue Disposal Areas

j.anderson@murdoch.edu.au, Jonathan Anderson January 2009 (has links)
Long term storage of bauxite residue materials requires a capping stratum which will limit erosion while stabilizing slopes, limit deep infiltration of water into storage piles, and be aesthetically acceptable to the surrounding community. A diverse native vegetative community capable of surviving seasonal drought, low plant available water and nutrient constraints has the best potential of satisfying most, if not all of these requirements. Current and past rehabilitation of residue disposal areas (RDAs) using species native to southwest Western Australia has exhibited varying success. Current practices at Alcoa World Alumina Australia’s (Alcoa) Western Australia refineries have bauxite residue fines (< 150 ìm) stored within impoundments, in which the outer embankments are constructed with bauxite residue sands (> 150 ìm). The residue sands are also used as the growth media in the capping stratum for vegetation establishment on the disposal sites. Despite the inherently hostile properties of residue sand (pH > 10, EC(1:5) > 4 dS m-1, and ESP > 50), reductions in alkalinity (pH), salinity (EC) and sodicity (ESP) are corrected, through freshwater leaching, to a greater extent than is possible with residue fines. Although leaching can reduce the hostile character of residue sand, additions of phosphogypsum are typically added to expedite the removal of Na and alkalinity, and inorganic fertilizers are incorporated to improve the nutrient status of the growth media. However, due to the inconsistencies in vegetation establishment, which are attributed to poor water retention, inherent nutrient deficiencies and rapid loss of nutrients within residue sands (because of high hydraulic conductivity), further amendments are required. The aim of this study was to determine if amending the residue sand capping layer with residue fines would enhance its overall growth potential for vegetation establishment. Additions of fines to residue sands were predicted to increase water retention, add nutrients and increase the ability of the growth media to retain nutrients. Comparisons were made between the treated residue fines (seawater washed, carbonated, or unaltered) at a series of fines additions (1 - 20 % w/w) and a control(residue sand) amended with 2% (w/w) phosphogypsum and inorganic fertilizer. Comparisons were to determine the differences in 1) water retention, 2) nutrient concentrations and nutrient retention, and 3) plant growth responses and plant biomass nutrient concentrations between the growth media treatments. Four experiments were set up to measure differences in these variables which included: a glasshouse study involving the growth of Acacia saligna; a germination and emergence study (A.saligna); a two year field study in Western Australia; and a glasshouse column leaching study. Water retention increased with increasing percentage of residue fines addition. Plant available water (PAW) increased up to 110 %, with a 20 % increase in fines, representing an increase of 0.026 m3 PAW m-3 residue growth media, when compared to the residue sand only. This increase in PAW was attributed to changes in pore space distributions, due to the increasing fines contents altering the sandy texture to loamy sand texture class. However, initially much of this increase in PAW may not be realized, due to estimated temporary increases in osmotic potential associated with the high salt contents of residue sand and fines. Fines materials have much greater salt contents, and thus need to be leached to a greater extent than sands to remove the associated osmotic potential effects. Essential plant nutrients (P, K, S, Ca, Mg, and B) were increased with additions of residue fines in the glasshouse studies, although many nutrients (Mg, Zn, Mn and B) were still marginal for sustainable plant growth and development. Seawater treated residue fines additions produced the greatest increases in growth media nutrients with substantial increases in soluble (> 7 mg L-1) and exchangeable (> 0.10 cmolc kg-1) Mg, being up to 400 % greater than all other treatments. Along with these necessary nutrients, concentrations of Na were also increased in all fines additions treatments. Added Na may offset the benefits of fines additions, at least in the short term, due to inhibitions of cation uptake from Na competition. However, in the column leaching study soluble and exchangeable Na was lost rapidly from the profile, due to Ca and K displacement of Na from exchange sites during leaching. Soluble Na was removed from the profile to < 5 % of initial concentrations, after only three pore volumes of leaching, and exchangeable Na was removed from charge sites to less than 25 % of the initial concentration. Fines additions did increase concentrations of Mg and K on exchange sites, thus reflecting increased nutrient retention capacity relative to that in residue sand only. Plant growth responses and plant biomass nutrient concentrations were altered with the additions of residue fines to residue sands. The germination and emergence study demonstrated that the emergence of native seedlings was affected by additions of fines, due to the increased salinity and sodicity of the materials. Acacia saligna seedling emergence was inhibited by EC(1:5) > 2 dS m-1, which was highly correlated with a Na/Ca ratio of > 40, for all treatments, except the seawater fines additions. Seeds sown in seawater treatments emerged from growth media with EC(1:5) as high as 3.33 dS m-1 and appeared to be better correlated with Ca/Mg ratios than any other variable. Native vegetation growth responses showed mixed results in fines treated residues in the field. In the greenhouse study, plant growth tended to decrease with fines additions. Poor plant growth with increasing fines additions occurred despite the increased water retention and increased nutrients. This was attributed to the addition of Na associated with the residue fines, as increases in Na, EC and ESP in fines treatments all appear to have limited growth of Acacia saligna in the glasshouse over three months. Seawater fines additions had elevated Mg and B concentrations in plant biomass, and performed better than the carbonated or unaltered fines treatments, but still had reduced growth compared to the residue sand, which contained lower Na concentrations. Additional plant growth limitations may have occurred, due to possible plant nutrient deficiencies including: Mg, Zn, Mn and B and Na toxicity. Incorporation of residue fines into residue sands did increase water retention, nutrient concentrations and the nutrient retention capacity, but did not enhance the overall growth potential for vegetation, at least in the short term. Reductions in germination and emergence of seedlings and reduced plant growth were attributed to increases in Na concentrations introduced from the fines. Seawater washed residue fines had lower ESP and greater concentrations of nutrients, thus reducing the negative impacts from the additional Na introduced, and showed the greatest promise as a fines amendment. As leaching occurs over the first few initial months of rehabilitation, it is expected that the majority of the Na will be removed, from a system with an addition of 5 to 10 % fines, and the positive benefits of the fines additions will than be realized. Findings also illustrate that delaying the planting of vegetation on RDAs, until adequate leaching has occurred to reduce the Na concentrations, will substantially increase vegetation emergence and establishment.

Land use changes and the properties of stormwater entering a wetland on a sandy coastal plain in Western Australia

H.Kobryn@murdoch.edu.au, Halina T. Kobryn January 2001 (has links)
This study investigated the catchment of an urban wetland on sandy soils in Perth, Western Australia. The wetland is of high conservation value but is currently used as a stormwater-compensating basin. The three main aims of this work were to: 1. determine the importance of stormwater drains in the water and pollutant balance of the lake; 2. evaluate pollutant retention rates by the wetland; and 3. identify current land uses in the catchment, determine their impacts on the wetland and identify tolerable levels of urbanisation for a wetland of this type. Stormwater flowing in and out of the lake subcatchments was monitored for two years for background flows and storm events. Water discharge, physical and chemical characteristics —including nutrients and heavy metals — were measured. Water and pollutant mass balances were determined. There was year-round flow at all sites, except from the smallest subcatchment. Flow characteristics differed between sites and were more influenced by catchment characteristics than rain intensity or duration. More water entered than left the lake in spring. In autumn more water left the lake via the overflow than entered. Due to poor maintenance, many drains overflowed during storm events. When compared to Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) water quality guidelines for receiving waters, only pH and conductivity met the recommended criteria. The nutrient and heavy metal loads varied with rainfall during both years of study. Suspended solids, total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations were proportional to rainfall, while concentrations of dissolved forms of nutrients were not. Background flows contributed significantly to the pollutant load. More than 85% of total suspended solids, nutrients and heavy metals were retained by the wetland — the only exceptions being copper and some forms of dissolved nutrients. An evaluation of the performance of the lake as a pollutant sink, using published data from constructed wetlands, identified phosphorus as the pollutant that requires the largest area for treatment.

Invasive species and panne ecosystems the effects of atmospheric pollution /

Nazareth, Cheryl. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Indiana University, 2008. / Title from screen (viewed on April 23, 2008). Department of Earth Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Gabriel M. Filippelli, Catherine J. Souch, Gary D. Rosenberg. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 85-87).

The effect of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) density on soil nutrient availability and microbial enzyme activity in Northwest Ohio : a gradient analysis /

Pisarczyk, Elizabeth W. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Toledo, 2009. / Typescript. "Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for The Master of Science Degree in Biology (Ecology-track)." "A thesis entitled"--at head of title. Bibliography: leaves 28-32.

A study of primary productivity and nutrients in the grassland, fernland and scrubland of Hong Kong /

Guan, Dong-sheng. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 275-295).

The effect of climate change on Antarctic terrestrial flora

Wasley, Jane. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Wollongong, 2004. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references: leaf 171-191.


Pecegueiro do Amaral, Maira Freire 01 January 2012 (has links)
Algae can be used to treat wastewater and manure while producing a feedstock for renewable energy. Algae require nutrients to achieve their maximum growth and manure could provide those nutrients, thereby reducing the cost of algae production and the impact of manure treatment. Algae concentration during cultivation is a critical variable that is difficult to measure due to the high concentration of suspended solids present in manure. This dissertation addresses methods to measure algae concentration in the presence of manure solids. Quantifying the algae concentration gravimetrically or by optical density was unreliable due to manure solids interfering with the measurement. Cell counting to determine algae concentration was accurate but time consuming, subjective, required dilution of concentrated samples and only small sample volumes could be measured. Chlorophyll extraction was a consistent method to determine algae concentration in manure based media, but the model had to be adjusted to account for solids interference. The proposed equation predicted chlorophyll concentration from Chlorella vulgaris in dairy manure better than the reference equation. Different algae strains (Chlorella vulgaris, Cylindrocystis sp, and Scenedesmus sp.) and manure sources (dairy, beef, swine, and sheep) were used to validate the proposed equation and all combinations had a linear relationship between actual and predicted chlorophyll concentration, but not all comparisons followed a 1:1 reference line. Even with chlorophyll extraction the manure solids interfered with the chlorophyll measurement and calibrations had to be developed based on manure type. A method based on spectral deconvolution was used to quantify algae concentration in the presence of manure without chlorophyll extraction. Various manure-algae mixtures were scanned with a spectrophotometer. Algae concentration was accurately determined with the four manure sources. Measuring algae concentration required absorbance spectra from 600 to 700 nm and manure solids concentration between 280 and 350 nm. Spectral deconvolution was able to differentiate algae concentration and manure solids concentration with a Pearson coefficient of 95.3% and 99.8% respectively. This method proved to be an accurate and efficient method for estimating algae and manure solids content in unprocessed samples. A critical factor was utilizing appropriate reference spectra.

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