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Nové organické polovodiče pro bioelektroniku / New organic semiconductors for bioelectronicsMalečková, Romana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the characterization of PEDOT:DBSA, a new semiconducting polymer for use in bioelectronic devices. It also deals with possibilities of surface treatment in order to enhance its biocompatibility and stability in aqueous environments. For this purpose, the organic polymer films were crosslinked with two crosslinking agents – GOPS and DVS. The ability of these agents to prevent leaching of some fractions of the polymer films in an aqueous environment and the ability to bind polymer molecules to each other as well as to the glass substrate was studied using the delamination test. Subsequently, the effects of these crosslinking agents on the film properties essential for the proper functions of bioelectronics made of these materials, was studied by contact angle measurements and four-point probes respectively. Moreover, several OECTs were prepared using original and crosslinked material as an active layer and were characterized by measuring transconductance and volumetric capacitance. PEDOT:DBSA has been shown to be a suitable material for use in bioelectronics, but its thin layers need to be stabilized in an aqueous environment. The agent DVS appears to be unsuitable for this purpose, mainly due to its insufficient film stabilization and its increased hydrophilicity of the film surface, thus increased tendency to interact with water, resulting in degradation of these thin layers. In contrast, GOPS, despite some reduction in film conductivity, has been able to stabilize the polymer layer over the long term, and thus appears to be a suitable way to stabilize PEDOT:DBSA.
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Organické materiály pro organické polem řízené tranzistory a elektrochemické transistory / Organic materials for organic field-effect transistors and electrochemical transistorsStříteský, Stanislav January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce je zaměřena na studium vlastností organických polovodivých materiálů se zaměřením na jejich vodivost a pohyblivost nosičů náboje. Hlavním cílem této práce je objasnit vztah mezi chemickou strukturou organických polovodičů a jejich vlastnostmi. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na základy organických polovodičů, transport náboje a přehled vlastností organických polovodivých materiálů, které vedly k jejich aplikaci v polních a elektrochemických tranzistorech. Experimentální část představuje přehled použitých materiálů, způsoby jejich přípravy a charakterizační metody. V rámci výsledkové části bylo vyvinuto nebo optimalizováno několik metod pro přípravu tenkých vrstev a následně byl studován jejich vliv na výkon organických polem řízených tranzistorů. Byly charakterizovány a diskutovány relevantní vlastnosti nových organických polovodivých materiálů se zaměřením na pohyblivost nosičů náboje. Byla charakterizována a diskutována biokompatibilita několika organických polovodičů. Elektrické vlastnosti, stabilita a biokompatibilita elektroaktivních polymerních inkoustů na bázi PEDOT:PSS byla charakterizována a diskutována s ohledem na jejich možné použití v bioelektronice. Nakonec byl zkonstruován organický bioelektronický senzor pro detekci fyziologické odpovědi kardiomyocytů na základě studovaných materiálů.
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Optimalizace tiskových metod přípravy organických polovodivých vrstev / Optimalization of printing methods of organic semiconducting layers preparationEhlich, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
Electrophysiological biosensors enables a novel way to measure electrical activity of biological structures both in-vitro and in-vivo and represents valuable alternative to current cellular activity measuring methods. Within this work we will be focusing on development of organic semiconductor (PEDOT:PSS) based Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) and optimization of material printing methods used in their development. These transistors are meant to be able to transfer electrochemical signals within the cell membrane to electrical signal. Such sensors should be used for cytotoxicity testing of chemicals and potential drugs on cardiomyocytes. Main benefits of OECTs are in their higher sensitivity thanks to their ability to locally amplify electric signals, better noise-signal ratio and outstanding biocompatibility. Their development is undemanding and inexpensive due material printing methods and materials processable at room temperatures.
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Diseño y caracterización de sensores para la medida de parámetros químicos y biológicos mediante Organic Thin-film transistorsPérez Fuster, Clara 22 March 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] RESUMEN
La Electrónica Orgánica ha experimentado un gran avance en las últimas décadas, desde que en los años 70 se descubrieran los polímeros conductores. Las características únicas de los semiconductores orgánicos, han permitido el desarrollo de dispositivos electrónicos flexibles y con múltiple funcionalidad, mediante técnicas de fabricación a temperatura ambiente y bajo coste. Uno de los campos en los que estos dispositivos orgánicos han despertado mayor interés es el de su aplicación como sensores.
En particular, los sensores basados en los denominados Transistores Orgánicos de película delgada (OTFT's) han experimentado un gran desarrollo debido a sus múltiples ventajas, como simplicidad, elevada sensibilidad, y posibilidad de miniaturización. Existen dos tipos principales de OTFT's: Transistor Orgánico de Efecto de Campo (OFET) y Transistor Electroquímico Orgánico (OECT).
Los OECT's constan de tres electrodos (surtidor, drenador y puerta), un semiconductor orgánico (OSC), y un electrolito en contacto con el semiconductor. El funcionamiento de los sensores basados en OECT's se basa en la modulación de la corriente del canal por dopaje o de-dopaje electroquímico desde el electrolito, cuando se aplican tensiones de puerta. Los OECT's resultan especialmente adecuados como sensores químicos debido a su capacidad de operar en medios acuosos. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado OECT's basados en el OSC PEDOT:PSS mediante tecnología Screen-printing. Los transistores se han diseñado variando su geometría, parámetro del que depende la sensibilidad del sensor. Mediante la caracterización eléctrica de los OECT's, se ha podido determinar la geometría óptima en función del analito a detectar. Finalmente, se ha comprobado experimentalmente la validez de estos OECT's como sensores de cationes de diferentes tamaños y de ácido ascórbico, obteniéndose resultados muy satisfactorios.
Los OFET's, se han preparado depositando el OSC sobre el dieléctrico y para obtener el canal cuya corriente se modula con la tensión aplicada al electrodo de puerta. En la mayoría de los sensores basados en OFET's, el semiconductor está expuesto al analito. Su funcionamiento se basa en la modificación de la corriente del canal por dopaje o captura de cargas en presencia del analito. En este trabajo, se han desarrollado OFET's basados en TIPS-Pentacene mediante las tecnologías Drop-casting y Spin-coating. Tras establecer la mejor técnica de deposición del semiconductor orgánico se han caracterizado eléctricamente los OFET's.
La caracterización eléctrica de estos transistores orgánicos es fundamental para optimizar su uso como sensores químicos. No obstante, las propiedades únicas de los OSC's dificultan la caracterización eléctrica de estos dispositivos con los equipos comerciales actuales, diseñados todos ellos para la caracterización de transistores de Silicio. Para suplir esta necesidad, se ha diseñado un equipo para la caracterización de transistores orgánicos, utilizando componentes comerciales de bajo coste y un software desarrollado específicamente para la determinación de los parámetros característicos de OECT's y OFET's fijados en la norma estándar IEEE 1620-2008. / [CA] RESUM
La Electrònica Orgànica ha experimentat un gran avanç en les últimes dècades, des que en els anys 70 es descobrissin els polímers conductors. Les característiques úniques dels semiconductors orgànics, han permès el desenvolupament de dispositius electrònics flexibles i amb múltiple funcionalitat, mitjançant tècniques de fabricació a temperatura ambient i baix cost. Un dels camps en què aquests dispositius orgànics han despertat més interès és el de la seva aplicació com a sensors.
En particular, els sensors basats en els denominats Transistors Orgànics de pel·lícula prima (OTFT s) han experimentat un gran desenvolupament a causa dels seus múltiples avantatges, com simplicitat, elevada sensibilitat, i possibilitat de miniaturització. Hi ha dos tipus principals de OTFT s: Transistor Orgànics d'Efecte de Camp (OFET) i Transistor Electroquímic Orgànic (OECT).
Els OECT's consten de tres elèctrodes (sortidor, drenador i porta), un semiconductor orgànic (OSC), i un electròlit en contacte amb el semiconductor. El funcionament dels sensors basats en OECT's es basa en la modulació del corrent del canal per dopatge o de-dopatge electroquímic des del electròlit, quan s'apliquen tensions de porta. Els OECT's resulten especialment adequats com a sensors químics per la seva capacitat d'operar en mitjans aquosos. En aquest treball, s'han desenvolupat OECT's basats en el OSC PEDOT: PSS mitjançant tecnologia Screen-printing. Els transistors s'han dissenyat variant la seua geometria, paràmetre del qual depèn la sensibilitat del sensor. Mitjançant la caracterització elèctrica dels OECT's, s'ha pogut determinar la geometria òptima en funció de l'analit a detectar. Finalment, s'ha comprovat experimentalment la validesa d'aquests OECT's com a sensors de cations de diferents mides i d'àcid ascòrbic, obtenint-se resultats molt satisfactoris.
Els OFET's, s'han preparat dipositant el OSC sobre el dielèctric per obtenir el canal i la corrent es modula amb la tensió aplicada a l'elèctrode de porta. En la majoria dels sensors basats en OFET's, el semiconductor està exposat al analit. El seu funcionament es basa en la modificació del corrent del canal per dopatge o captura de càrregues en presència de l'analit. En aquest treball, s'han desenvolupat OFET's basats en TIPS-Pentacene mitjançant les tecnologies "Drop-càsting" i "Spin-coating". Després d'establir la millor tècnica de deposició del semiconductor orgànic s'han caracteritzat elèctricament els OFET's
La caracterització elèctrica d'aquests transistors orgànics és fonamental per optimitzar el seu ús com a sensors químics. No obstant això, les propietats úniques dels OSC's dificulten la caracterització elèctrica d'aquests dispositius amb els equips comercials actuals, dissenyats tots ells per a la caracterització de transistors de silici. Per suplir aquesta necessitat, s'ha dissenyat un equip per a la caracterització de transistors orgànics, utilitzant components comercials de baix cost i un programari desenvolupat específicament per a la determinació dels paràmetres característics de OECT's i OFET's fixats en la norma estàndard IEEE 1620-2008. / [EN] ABSTRACT
Organic Electronics has been extensively developed along these past decades, since the discovery of conducting polymers in the 1970s. The unique features that these organic semiconductors can offer have allowed the development of many electronic devices with mechanical flexibility and multiple functionalities, using low-temperature and low-cost fabrication technologies. These organic devices have attracted considerable interest for their use in many fields, especially for sensing applications.
In particular, Organic Thin-Film Transistors (OTFTs) have paved the way towards the fabrication of efficient sensors due to their many advantages, such as simplicity, high sensitivity, and facile miniaturization. OTFTs can be classified into two types of transistors: Organic Field Effect Transistors (OFET) and Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECT).
The essential components of an OECT are an organic semiconductor film, three electrodes (source, drain and gate), and an electrolyte bridging the semiconductor and the gate electrode. The operation of an OECT-based sensor lies on the modulation of the channel current by electrochemical doping or de-doping from the electrolyte, when gate voltages are applied. OECTs have attracted considerable interest for their application as chemical sensors due to their ability to operate in aqueous environments. In this work, PEDOT: PSS-based OECTs have been prepared by Screen-printing. The effect of the geometry on the sensor sensitivity has been investigated by comparing OECTs with different channel and gate areas ratio. The electrical characteristics of the OECTs have been used to determine the geometry that optimizes their performance for sensing different analytes. Finally, the use of these OECTs for the detection of cations and ascorbic acid has been experimentally assessed, with satisfactory and promising results.
The OFET's have been prepared by depositing the organic semiconductor on the dielectric and thus obtain the chanel whose current is modulated by the voltage applied to the gate electrode. In most of the OFET-based sensors, the semiconductor is exposed to the analyte. Their operation is based on the modification of the channel current by charge doping or trapping due to the analyte. In this work, OFETs based on TIPS-pentacene have been prepared by Drop-casting and Spin-coating. The best technique for deposition of this organic semiconductor has been initially identified. Then, the electrical characteristics of these OFETs have been determined.
The electrical characterization of these organic transistors is essential for their optimization as chemical sensors. However, the unique properties of organic semiconductors render difficult the electrical characterization of these transistors with current commercial devices, since these have been all designed for characterizing Si-based transistors. A device which allows for systematic characterization of organic transistors has been designed therefore, using low-cost commercial components and a software that has been specifically developed for the determination of the reporting parameters for OFETs and OECTs, as specified in the IEEE 1620-2008 standard. / El trabajo desarrollado en los artículos ha sido posible gracias a los distintos proyectos de investigación de financiación pública dentro del marco de proyectos del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia del Gobierno de España/Fondos FEDER (grant number MAT2015-64139-C4-3-R (MINECO/FEDER)) y Fondos de la Generalitat Valenciana (grant number AICO/2015/103). / Pérez Fuster, C. (2019). Diseño y caracterización de sensores para la medida de parámetros químicos y biológicos mediante Organic Thin-film transistors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/118793 / Compendio
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An Organic Electrochemical Transistor for Printed Sensors and LogicNilsson, David January 2005 (has links)
Conducting polymers entered the research field in late 70´s and efforts aimed at achieving printed electronics started a decade later. This thesis treats printable organic electrochemical transistors (OECT). Some conjugated polymers can be switched between a high conducting and a low conducting state in an electrochemical cell. In this thesis, the work carried out using poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) as the active material in an electrochemical transistor is reported. The electrochemical transistors, presented, can be designed into a bi-stable and dynamic mode of operation. These transistors operates at voltages below 2V and current on/off ratios are typically 5000, but 105 have been reached. The transistor device can be built up from all-organic materials using common printing techniques such as with screen-printing. The bi-stable transistor can be combined with an electrochromic (EC) display cell to form a smart pixel circuit. Combining several of these smart pixels yield an actively addressed cross-point matrix display. From this an all-organic active matrix display printable on paper has been achieved. The OECT, combined with a resistor network was successfully used in inverter and logic circuits. One important feature of these organic electrochemical devices is that both ions and electrons are used as the charge (signal) carriers. This is of particular interest and importance for chemical sensors. By combining a proton-conducting electrolyte (Nafion®) that changes its conductivity upon exposure to humidity, a simple OECT humidity sensor was achieved. This proves the use of this OECT as the ion-to-electron transducer.
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Lithographic fabrication, electrical characterization and proof-of-concept demonstration of sensor circuits comprising organic electrochemical transistors for in vitro and in vivo diagnostics / Fabrication lithographique, caractérisation électrique et preuve de concept des circuits de capteurs comprenant des transistors organiques électrochimiques, à des fins diagnostiques in vitro et in vivoBraendlein, Marcel 24 March 2017 (has links)
Grâce à leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques, électriques et chimiques, les dispositifs organiques électroniques à base de polymères conducteurs peuvent résoudre l’incompatibilité entre les modules électroniques rigides en silicone et les exigences des tissus mous qui constituent l’environnement biologique. Les avancées en matière de semiconducteurs organiques et en microélectronique ont donné naissance à la bioélectronique. Cette discipline emploie des capteurs à des fins diagnostiques, telles que la détection des métabolites ou la mesure d’un potentiel d’action neuronal, et des actionneurs à des fins thérapeutiques, comme l’application locale d’un traitement à l’intérieur même du corps, ou la stimulation cérébrale profonde afin de guérir un trouble neurologique. En bioélectronique, l’utilisation de matériaux organiques, tels que le polymère conducteur poly(3,4-éthylènedioxythiophène) polystyrène sulfonate de sodium (PEDOT:PSS) a permis de développer des composants électroniques biomédicaux de qualité exceptionnelle, comme par exemple le transistor organique électrochimique (OECT), qui ont été testés in vitro et in vivo. Ce manuscrit explique en détail la fabrication, la fonctionnalisation et la caractérisation du OECT à base de PEDOT:PSS. Afin de pouvoir intégrer ce capteur à des systèmes de mesure biomédicaux déjà établis, l’OECT est intégré à des circuits simples, tels qu’un amplificateur de tension ou un pont de Wheatstone. Ces circuits sont mis à l’épreuve de la pratique clinique, dans le cas de mesures électrocardiographiques, ou de détection de métabolites dans des cellules cancéreuses. Cela permet d’apprécier à la fois leur applicabilité, et leurs limites. / Due to their outstanding mechanical, electrical and chemical properties, organic electronic devices based on conducting polymers can bridge the gap between the rigid silicon based read-out electronics and the soft biological environment and will have a huge impact on the medical healthcare sector. The recent advances in the field of organic semiconductors and microelectronics gave rise to a new discipline termed bioelectronics. This discipline deals with sensors for diagnostic purposes, ranging from metabolite detection and DNA recognition all the way to single neuronal firing events, and actuators for therapeutic purposes, through for example active local drug delivery inside the body or deep brain stimulation to cure neurological disorder. The use of organic materials such as the conducting polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) in the field of bioelectronics has brought about a variety of outstanding electronic biomedical devices, such as the organic electrochemical transistor (OECT), that have been implemented for both in vitro and in vivo applications. The present manuscript gives a detailed explanation of the fabrication, functionalization and characterization of OECTs based on PEDOT:PSS. To be able to intercept this sensor element with traditional biomedical recording systems, the OECT is implemented into simple circuit layouts such as a voltage amplifier or a Wheatstone bridge. These sensor circuits are then applied to real-life biomedical challenges, such as electrocardiographic recordings or metabolite detection in tumor cell cultures, to demonstrate their applicability as well as their limitations.
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A função de operação estabelecedora condicionada transitiva de estímulos verbais e não verbais: uma análise experimental / Transitive conditioned establishing operation function of verbal and non-verbal stimuli: an experimental analysisVeiga, Dhayana Inthamoussu 23 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The purpose of the present study was to verify if verbal stimuli could exert the function of transitive conditioned establishing operation (TCEO) and if the establishment of the TCEO function would differ between verbal stimuli probably produced by different histories of reinforcement (tacting / manding / autoclitic relations) and would differ between verbal and non verbal stimuli. The participants were 15 female and 4 male (between 18 and 24 years old). A
software managed the presentation of the task and the manipulation of the operative contingencies. The task was presented as a game, similar to a slot machine, in which a mouse and a joystick were used to produce points which could be exchanged by an amount of money.
The experimental design was based in Ravagnani (2004) and consisted of: a preliminary phase (discrimination and chaining) and Phases 1, 2 and 3. The purpose of Phase 1 was to establish a TCEO, with one word ( press , fruits or don t press ), a pseudo-word ( tabilu ) or an abstract image (╣╣╣╣╣╣╣╣╣). The TCEO was established through the following contingency: in the presence of one of the five stimuli the first instance of the response should be emitted and once the VR12 was completed the color of a circle was changed from grey to
green during 3 seconds. In the presence of the Green circle the response of pulling the joystick s handle produced one point. If the first response instance was emitted in the absence of the presumed TCEO the completion of the VR12 would produce the color change of the circle, however, the response of pulling the joystick s handle would not produce points. Phase 2 had the aim to observe the possible effects of the non changing color of the circle as a consequence for the of completion of the VR12 on the behavioral chain. In this phase, all VR12 started either in the presence or in the absence of the presumed TCEO did not produce the 3 sec color change in the circle, which was grey. However, pulling the joystick s handle during the first three sec immediately subsequent to the VR12 completion (started in the presence of the presumed TCEO) produced points. On Phase 3, contingencies identical to those of Phase 1 were operative with the purpose to verify if the changes in the behavior of the participants possibly observed during Phase 2 would remain. Phase 1 results indicate that, for 16 of 19 participants the TCEO was established, despite the stimuli utilized. For 13 of these 16 participants, results clearly showed that the conditioned reinforcer omission produced behavioral changes which indicate extinction process. It suggests that the green circle exerted conditioned reinforce function, established by the TCEO. Phase 3 results show that the behavioral chain was sistematically completed by all 16 participants. Some evidence of differences between the effects produced by the different stimuli established as TCEO during Phase 1 were observed. However this study could not verify the establishment of systematic relations / O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar se estímulos verbais podem exercer função de operação estabelecedora condicionada transitiva (OECT) e se o estabelecimento da função de OECT diferiria entre estímulos verbais provavelmente produzidos por diferentes histórias de reforçamento (relações de mando/tato/autoclíticas) e entre estímulos verbais e não verbais. Participaram 15 mulheres e 4 homens (18 a 24 anos). Um software gerenciou a apresentação da tarefa e a manipulação das contingências em vigor. A tarefa foi apresentada no formato de um jogo, semelhante a um caça-níqueis, em que se utilizava mouse e joystick para produzir pontos, trocados por uma quantia em dinheiro. O delineamento experimental foi elaborado a partir de Ravagnani (2004) e consistiu em: Fase Preliminar (discriminação e encadeamento) e Fases 1, 2 e 3. A Fase 1 tinha por objetivo estabelecer uma OECT, que poderia ser uma palavra ( pressione , frutas ou não pressione ), uma pseudo-palavra ( tabilu ) ou uma figura abstrata (╣╣╣╣╣╣╣╣╣). O estabelecimento da OECT era feito a partir da seguinte contingência: na presença de um dos cinco estímulos, a primeira resposta de uma VR12 deveria ser emitida quando, então, completada a VR12, a cor de um círculo era alterada de cinza para verde durante 3 segundos. Na presença do círculo verde, a resposta de puxar a alavanca do joystick produzia um ponto. Caso a primeira resposta da VR12 fosse emitida na ausência da suposta OECT, a finalização da VR12 produzia a alteração da cor do círculo, contudo, a resposta de puxar a alavanca na presença do círculo verde não produzia ponto. A Fase 2 teve como objetivo observar os possíveis efeitos na cadeia de respostas da não alteração da cor do círculo como conseqüência das VR12 completadas. As VR12 iniciadas tanto na presença como na ausência da suposta OECT não produziram a alteração de 3 segundos na cor círculo, permanecendo cinza. Contudo, puxar a alavanca durante os 3 segundos imediatamente depois de completadas as VR12 (iniciadas na presença da suposta OECT) produziam ponto. Na Fase 3, contingências idênticas àquelas da Fase 1 estiveram em vigor com o objetivo de verificar se as mudanças no responder dos participantes possivelmente observadas na Fase 2 seriam mantidas. Os resultados na Fase 1 indicaram que, para 16 de 19 participantes, a OECT foi estabelecida, a despeito do tipo de estímulo utilizado. Para 13 destes 16 participantes, os resultados da Fase 2 mostram de forma clara que a omissão do reforçador condicionado produziu alterações comportamentais indicadoras do processo de extinção, o que sugere que círculo verde exerceu função de reforçador condicionado, cujo valor era estabelecido pela apresentação da OECT. Os resultados relativos à Fase 3 mostram que a cadeia foi sistematicamente completada por todos os 16 participantes. Alguns indícios de diferenças entre os efeitos produzidos pelos estímulos estabelecidos como OECT durante a Fase 1 foram encontrados. Contudo, por meio deste estudo não foi possível verificar relações que tenham se estabelecido sistematicamente
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Electroanalytical devices with fluidic control using textile materials and methodsÖberg Månsson, Ingrid January 2020 (has links)
This thesis, written by Ingrid Öberg Månsson at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and entitled “Electroanalytical devices with fluidic control using textile materials and methods”, presents experimental studies on the development of textile based electronic devices and biosensors. One of the reasons why this is of interest is the growing demand for integrated smart products for wearable health monitoring or energy harvesting. To enable such products, new interdisciplinary fields arise combining traditional textile technology and electronics. Textile based devices have garnered much interest in recent years due to their innate ability to incorporate function directly into, for example, clothing or bandages by textile processes such as weaving, knitting or stitching. However, many modifications of yarns required for such applications are not available on an industrial scale. The major objective of this work has been to study how to achieve the performance necessary to create electronic textile devices by either coating yarns with conductive material or using commercially available conductive yarns that are functionalized to create sensing elements. Further, liquid transport within textile materials has been studied to be able to control the contact area between electrolyte and electrodes in electrochemical devices such as sensors and transistors. Yarns with specially designed cross-sections, traditionally used in sportswear to wick sweat away from the body and enhance evaporation, was used to transport electrolyte liquids to come in contact with yarn electrodes. The defined area of the junction where the fluidic yarn meets the conductive yarn was shown to increase stability of the measurements and the reproducibility between devices. The results presented in the two publications of this thesis as well as additional results presented in the thesis itself show the promising potential of using textile materials to integrate electronic and electrochemical functionality in our everyday life. This is shown by using basic textile materials and processing techniques to fabricate complex devices for various application areas such as sensors and diagnostics as well as electrical and energy harvesting components. / Denna avhandling, skriven av Ingrid Öberg Månsson vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan och titulerad ”Elektroanalytiska sensorer med vätskekontroll integrerad genom användande av textila material och metoder”, presenterar experimentella studier inom utvecklingen av textilbaserade elektroniska komponenter och biosensorer. Detta är av intresse på grund av den ökade efterfrågan på integrerade smarta produkter som till exempel bärbara sensorer för hälsoövervakning eller för att samla upp och konvertera energi till elektricitet. För att möjliggöra denna typ av produkter föds nya interdisciplinära fält där traditionell textilteknologi och elektronik möts. Textilbaserade enheter har väckt stort intresse under de senaste åren på grund av den naturliga förmågan att integrera funktion i till exempel kläder eller förband genom textila tillverkningsprocesser som väveri, stickning eller sömnad. Många modifikationer hos garner som krävs för att möjliggöra sådana tillämpningar är dock inte tillgängliga i större skala. Därför har det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie varit att undersöka hur man kan uppnå den prestanda som krävs för att tillverka elektroniska textila komponenter, antingen genom att belägga garner med elektroniskt ledande material eller genom att använda kommersiellt tillgängliga ledande garner som sedan modifieras kemiskt för att skapa sensorer. Utöver detta har vätsketransport inom textila material studerats för att kunna styra och kontrollera kontaktytan mellan elektrolyt och elektroder i elektrokemiska enheter så som sensorer och transistorer. Garner med speciella tvärsnitt, som traditionellt använts i sportkläder för att transportera svett bort från kroppen och underlätta avdunstning, har använts för att transportera elektrolytvätska till elektroder av garn. Den definierade kontaktytan där det vätsketransporterade garnet korsar elektrodgarnet har visats öka stabiliteten av mätningen och reproducerbarheten mellan mätenheter. Resultaten som presenteras i de två artiklar som denna avhandling bygger på samt i avhandlingen själv visar på lovande potential för användandet av textila material för att integrera elektronisk och elektrokemisk funktionalitet i våra vardagsliv. Detta har uppnåtts genom att använda grundläggande textila material och tillverkningsprocesser för att tillverka komplexa enheter för olika tillämpningsområden så som sensorer för diagnostik samt elektroniska komponenter. / <p>QC 2020-08-21</p>
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Understanding Organic Electrochemical TransistorsPaudel, Pushpa Raj 21 July 2022 (has links)
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