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The purpose of this study was to develop a new investment strategy called NC-Score. The strategy is based on Chapter 14 of The Intelligent Investor written by Benjamin Graham, but with other key figures and criteria. The key figures were chosen on the basis of creating a varied and comprehensive picture of the companies as possible. They describe the companies' valuation, profitability, growth, cash flows, and capital structure. The strategy was tested between 2011 and 2020 at OMX Stockholm Large Cap. An index and Graham's original strategy have been used to compare NC-Score's performance during the period. The purpose of the index was to emulate the market and act as a minimum requirement for returns. Graham's portfolio gives a picture of how a similar strategy performs under the same conditions. The result for the strategy was a high return at a lower risk than our benchmark index and the original Graham strategy. Between 2011 and 2020, NC-Score generated a return of 191.67% with a Sharpe Ratio of 2.70. During the same period, OMX Stockholm 30 GI generated a return of 110.48% with a Sharpe Ratio of 0.91. NC-Score's results cannot be considered to be significantly positively risk-adjusted since it cannot be ruled out that the higher return in relation to the risk was due to a coincidence. / Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en ny investeringsstrategi som benämns NC-Score. Strategin utgår ifrån kapitel 14 av The Intelligent Investor skriven av Benjamin Graham, fast med andra nyckeltal och kriterier. Nyckeltalen valdes med utgångspunkt att skapa en varierande och så omfattande bild av bolaget som möjligt. De beskriver bolagens värdering, lönsamhet, tillväxt, kassaflöden samt kapitalstruktur. Strategin testades mellan 2011 och 2020 på OMX Stockholm Large Cap. Ett index samt Grahams ursprungliga strategi har använts för att jämföra prestationen av NC-Score under tidsperioden. Indexets syfte var att efterlikna marknaden och agera som ett minimikrav för avkastningen. Grahams portfölj ger en bild av hur en liknande strategi presterar under samma förutsättningar. Resultatet för strategin var en hög avkastning till en lägre risk än vårt jämförelseindex samt den ursprungliga Graham strategin. Mellan 2011 till 2020 genererade NC-Score en avkastning på 191,67% med en Sharpe Ratio på 2,70. Under samma period genererade OMX Stockholm 30 GI en avkastning på 110,48% med en Sharpe Ratio på 0,91. NC-Scores resultat kan inte anses vara signifikant positivt riskjusterad, då det inte kan uteslutas att den högre avkastningen i förhållande till risk berott på slumpen.
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Active versus passive portfolio management : A study of risk-adjusted return and market fluctuations on short term and long termDuveskog, Ida, Halldén, Jesper January 2024 (has links)
Today fund matching is a natural part of Swedes finance and is a popular form of savings that includes a large number of investors in the Swedish fund market. This in turn generates an increased interest in how portfolio managers should locate and acquire knowledge in portfolio selection. This gives a greater interest in how different investment strategies can be affected and generate an investors wealth to an increased level within the stock market, which gives an increased focus to be able to generate as high risk-adjusted return as possible. The study partly presents traditional theory and background on modern portfolio theory and the efficient market hypothesis. Empirical studies also present within the financial market that demonstrate the differences of opinion between how actively versus passively managed funds have performed and which investment strategy is most beneficial for investment. The purpose of the study is to compare realized return on active versus passive funds during long term, short term and specific time periods that had a lot of economic fluctuations, like bear markets. Within the study 10 actively managed funds and two index measures are selected to be studied and compared based on their respective performance, both within its rise and fall in the Swedish fund market. The performance measures will then be applied to be able to produce the results of the study and to be able to answer whether the active fund’s have any statistically significant over- and underperformance. After conducting single index models and t-test on the 10 active funds, the result of the study shows that despite using two benchmarks index, ten different active funds, long time period, short time period or specific time periods defined by market imbalance , we still resulted in many P-values that was not statistically significant. Active funds failed to overperform against passive funds, but passive funds also failed to outperform our selection of active funds.
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