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'n Ondersoek na en bydraes tot navraaghantering en -optimering deur databasisbestuurstelsels / L. MullerMuller, Leslie January 2006 (has links)
The problems associated with the effective design and uses of databases are increasing. The
information contained in a database is becoming more complex and the size of the data is
causing space problems. Technology must continually develop to accommodate this growing
need. An inquiry was conducted in order to find effective guidelines that could support queries
in general in terms of performance and productivity. Two database management systems were
researched to compare die theoretical aspects with the techniques implemented in practice.
Microsoft SQL Sewer and MySQL were chosen as the candidates and both were put under
close scrutiny. The systems were researched to uncover the methods employed by each to
manage queries. The query optimizer forms the basis for each of these systems and manages
the parsing and execution of any query. The methods employed by each system for storing
data were researched.
The way that each system manages table joins, uses indices and chooses optimal execution
plans were researched. Adjusted algorithms were introduced for various index processes like
B+ trees and hash indexes.
Guidelines were compiled that are independent of the database management systems and help
to optimize relational databases. Practical implementations of queries were used to acquire and
analyse the execution plan for both MySQL and SQL Sewer. This plan along with a few other
variables such as execution time is discussed for each system. A model is used for both
database management systems in this experiment. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Evaluating the Economic Feasibility of Utilizing Power Optimizers in Various PVSystemsPius Perangatt, George January 2018 (has links)
Integration of power optimizers in photovoltaic systems is standard practice in some parts of the world. Manufacturers claim that optimizers can significantly reduce electrical losses due to shading. Hence, it is important to investigate this claim and determine under what conditions it is economically warranted to utilize optimizers. In this thesis systems were modelled in PVSyst, for 6 different locations: Abu Dhabi, Borlänge, Madrid, New Delhi, Sydney, and Vienna. In each location there were 3 types of systems: a regular non-optimised system, a SolarEdge optimised system and a TIGO optimised system. Each of these systems had 10 variants where the amount of shading was varied. The system variants were simulated in PVSyst and the effect of power optimizers on electrical losses due to shading was analysed. Afterwards, payback periods were calculated for each system to determine under which conditions power optimizers are economically feasible. It was found that power optimizers significantly reduce electrical losses due to shading. In some scenarios, the losses were reduced by up to 58 %. However, in the current economic climate in 2018, it is not feasible to incorporate power optimizers, in photovoltaic systems in Abu Dhabi, New Delhi or Sydney. Furthermore, in Borlänge, Madrid, and Vienna, optimizers are only feasible if there are high levels of shading, which is not realistic for a regular photovoltaic system.
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Förbättrad produktionsplanering med SAP APO : En studie på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB i Finspång / Improved production planning with SAP APO : A study at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB in FinspangWalldén, Joel, Elofsson Tottmar, Kristian January 2010 (has links)
<p>Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, nedan utskrivet som Siemens, är en svensk turbintillverkare placerad i Finspång som tillhör den tyska koncernen Siemens AG. Turbintillverkningen i Finspång började 1911 under namnet STAL men har sedan dess bytt ägarstruktur flertalet gånger. STAL-Laval, ABB STAL och Alstom Power är ett urval av de namn verksamheten har haft innan den blev en del av Siemens.</p><p>Ett problem som Siemens står inför vid produktionsplanering av gasturbiner är de mycket långa ledtider inom den egna produktionen samt från underleverantörerna. Den totala ledtiden för en gasturbin är cirka 2,5 år samtidigt som de flesta kunder beställer sin gasturbin cirka ett år innan leverans. Produktionsplaneringen förlitar sig därför mycket på prognoser vilket skapar en osäkerhet. Detta gör det svårt att sätta en huvudplan som matchar den sanna efterfrågan från kunderna. Problemet förenklas inte av att en turbin är en mycket komplex produkt med djupa och breda produktstrukturer. Utan en säker huvudplan blir det svårt för Siemens att planera för tillverkning och inköp på ett effektivt sätt. Vid examensarbetets utförande fanns ett tydligt behov av att förbättra planeringsprocessen på Siemens för att på sikt få en stabilare och bättre planering.</p><p>Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) är ett så kallat avancerat planeringssystem från den tyska affärssystemsleverantören SAP. SAP levererar dessutom Siemens affärssystem R/3. APO kan användas för att planera och styra en hel supply chain med hjälp av sofistikerade matematiska metoder. APO är kopplat till R/3 så data kan överföras dem emellan men arbetet som utförs i APO sker i en fristående miljö så att scenariosimulering kan genomföras.</p><p>Examensarbetets syfte är att analysera hur APO kan stödja produktionsplaneringen på Siemens. För att göra detta har tre frågor ställts och besvarats. Dessa frågor är:</p><ul><li>Vilka behov finns i dagsläget på Siemens i Finspång?</li><li>Vilka funktioner finns i planeringssystemet APO och hur fungerar de?</li><li>Går det att matcha Siemens nuvarande behov med funktionerna i APO? </li></ul><p>Under arbetets första skede behandlades de två första frågeställningarna parallellt. Först när dessa besvarats analyserades matchningen dem emellan som efterfrågas i fråga tre.</p><p>De behov som har observerats är:</p><ul><li>Ersätta och förbättra dagens simuleringsverktyg Testsystem 4 som kommer att försvinna oktober 2010</li><li>Möjliggöra kapacitetsutjämning och simulering vid taktisk planering för att skapa bättre beslutsunderlag till huvudplanen</li><li>Kvotering vid köpa/tillverka-beslut måste effektiviseras för att ge ett bättre underlag till den egna verksamheten och till externa leverantörer</li><li>Minska beroendet av nyckelpersoner samt komma ifrån betydelsen av tumregler vid planeringsarbete</li><li>Förenkla arbetet med prognossammanställning och utveckla arbetet kring prognosuppföljning.</li></ul><p>De funktioner i APO som studerats under examensarbetes gång är Demand Planning (DP), Supply Network Planning (SNP) och Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS). DP kan sammanställa en efterfrågeplan och har verktyg för prognostisering och prognosuppföljning. SNP är ett verktyg för taktiskt planering som klarar av att beläggningsutjämna produktionen genom de tre lösningsmetoderna Optimizer, Heuristics och Capable-To-Match. PP/DS använder matematiska metoder för att underlätta den operativa planeringen i ett företag.</p><p>Författarnas första rekommendation till Siemens är att använda modulen SNP till att förbättra den taktiska planeringen. Detta kan ske genom att huvudplanerare kan kontrollera beläggningsutjämning tidigt samt simulera olika planer för att välja den som anses bäst. På så sätt kommer Siemens planerare få ett bra beslutsunderlag att basera sina beslut på. Genom att använda SNP på detta sätt kommer även behovet av att ersätta TS4 uppfyllas. SNP kan även användas till att hantera behovet av bättre kvotering genom att bygga en separat modell dedikerad till denna uppgift vilket kommer leda till effektivare arbetsrutiner i den operativa planeringen.</p><p>Den andra rekommendationen är att DP används som ett verktyg för att ge stöd vid efterfrågeplanering och prognosuppföljning. Om SNP samt DP nyttjas till de uppgifter beskrivna ovan kommer möjlighet ges till att avlasta nyckelpersoner och även undvika beroendet av tumregler.</p><p>Eftersom det inte finns något överhängande behov av att förbättra detaljplaneringen rekommenderas inte att implementera PP/DS innan de under examensarbetet identifierade behoven har åtgärdats.</p><p>Oavsett hur APO ska används på Siemens är det mycket viktigt att implementeringsarbetet sker grundligt och att mycket fokus läggs på förberedelser. Ett avancerat planeringsverktyg som APO måste implementeras smart om det ska kunna användas fördelaktigt. Beroende på hur APO används kommer det eventuellt att medföra en del förändringar i hur dagens planeringsarbete ser ut vilket är viktigt för Siemens att inse och rätta sig efter. Därför är det av yttersta vikt att implementeringsarbetet utförs av konsulter med mycket kunskap och erfarenhet av APO tillsammans med personal på Siemens med god kunskap om verksamheten och dagens arbete.</p> / <p>Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, called only Siemens below, is a Swedish gas turbine manufacturer located in Finspång and is a part of the German group Siemens AG. The production of gas turbines in Finspång was first started in 1911 a company named STAL. Since then the site has changed name numerous times and was at times part of groups such as ABB and Alstom Power before it finally became a part of Siemens AG.</p><p>Siemens has got a problem in their production planning process due to very long lead times, both within the own production and from their suppliers. The production lead time for a gas turbine is approximately 2.5 years although Siemens’s customers usually order a gas turbine one year before delivery. The production planners therefore have to rely on forecasts which create uncertainties. This makes it hard to make a master plan that match the actual demand. The complexity of a gas turbine and its deep and wide product structures makes it even harder. Without a good master plan it is very hard to plan effectively further down in the planning hierarchy for the procurement and manufacturing planners. There is clearly a need to improve the production planning process to be able to in time create a more stable and better plan.</p><p>Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) is a so called advanced planning system from SAP. SAP also delivers Siemens’s ERP-system R/3. APO can be used to plan and control an entire supply chain by using sophisticated mathematical methods. APO is connected to R/3 making data transfer in between easy and also allowing scenario testing outside the actual ERP-system.</p><p>The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze how APO can support the production planning process at Siemens. To do that, these three questions have been asked:</p><ul><li>What are the present needs at Siemens in Finspång?</li><li>What functions are available in APO and how do they work?</li><li>Is it possible to match the needs at Siemens with the functions in APO? </li></ul><p>Firstly the questions number one and two were answered simultaneously. Not until those questions were answered the answer to the third one was explored by analyzing the match between the two first.</p><p>The present needs found at Siemens were:</p><ul><li>To replace and improve the current simulation tool TS4 which will be gone in October 2010</li><li>To make capacity leveling and simulation possible at a tactical planning level that can enable better decision making for the master plan </li><li>Quotation at the make/buy decision has to become more effective to make planning easier at their own workshops as well as at their external suppliers </li><li>To decrease dependence of key human resources and also to stop relying on rules of thumb during the production planning </li><li>To simplify the tasks forecast aggregation and to develop the work regarding follow-up of forecasts </li></ul><p>The APO functions that have been investigated are Demand Planning (DP), Supply Network Planning (SNP) and Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS). DP can aggregate a demand plan and has got tools for statistical forecasting and forecast follow-up. SNP is a tool for tactical planning that also can handle capacity leveling through the three different solving methods Optimizer, Heuristics and Capable-To-Match. PP/DS use mathematical methods to handle detailed planning at a short planning horizon.</p><p>The authors’ first recommendation is to use the SNP module to improve their tactical planning. This could be done by letting the master planner control capacity leveling early on and also run different scenarios and then choosing the best one. This will provide Siemens’s production planners with reliable information to base decisions on. Also by using SNP in this way the need of a TS4 replacement will be met. SNP can also be used to manage the need of better quotation by building a separate model that is dedicated especially for this task which will increase the work efficiency in operational planning.</p><p>The second recommendation is that DP is being used as a supportive tool for demand planning and forecast follow-up. If both SNP and DP are used for the tasks mentioned above it will also be possible to decrease dependence of key human resources and avoid planning by rules of thumb.</p><p>Since there is no obvious need of improved detailed planning at the moment, PP/DS is not recommended to be implemented before the other recommended modules.</p><p>No matter how APO is going to be used at Siemens it is of utter importance that the implementation is thought through and well planned with a lot of focus on the preparations. An advanced planning system such as APO has to be implemented smartly if it is to work properly. Depending on how APO is to be used there might be some changes in the present way of working with planning which is important for Siemens to realize before executing the implementation. It is also very important that the implementation is being done by a team of skilled consultants with expert knowledge and plenty of experience of APO implementations together with people with a broad knowledge of Siemens’s business.</p>
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Förbättrad produktionsplanering med SAP APO : En studie på Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB i Finspång / Improved production planning with SAP APO : A study at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB in FinspangWalldén, Joel, Elofsson Tottmar, Kristian January 2010 (has links)
Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, nedan utskrivet som Siemens, är en svensk turbintillverkare placerad i Finspång som tillhör den tyska koncernen Siemens AG. Turbintillverkningen i Finspång började 1911 under namnet STAL men har sedan dess bytt ägarstruktur flertalet gånger. STAL-Laval, ABB STAL och Alstom Power är ett urval av de namn verksamheten har haft innan den blev en del av Siemens. Ett problem som Siemens står inför vid produktionsplanering av gasturbiner är de mycket långa ledtider inom den egna produktionen samt från underleverantörerna. Den totala ledtiden för en gasturbin är cirka 2,5 år samtidigt som de flesta kunder beställer sin gasturbin cirka ett år innan leverans. Produktionsplaneringen förlitar sig därför mycket på prognoser vilket skapar en osäkerhet. Detta gör det svårt att sätta en huvudplan som matchar den sanna efterfrågan från kunderna. Problemet förenklas inte av att en turbin är en mycket komplex produkt med djupa och breda produktstrukturer. Utan en säker huvudplan blir det svårt för Siemens att planera för tillverkning och inköp på ett effektivt sätt. Vid examensarbetets utförande fanns ett tydligt behov av att förbättra planeringsprocessen på Siemens för att på sikt få en stabilare och bättre planering. Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) är ett så kallat avancerat planeringssystem från den tyska affärssystemsleverantören SAP. SAP levererar dessutom Siemens affärssystem R/3. APO kan användas för att planera och styra en hel supply chain med hjälp av sofistikerade matematiska metoder. APO är kopplat till R/3 så data kan överföras dem emellan men arbetet som utförs i APO sker i en fristående miljö så att scenariosimulering kan genomföras. Examensarbetets syfte är att analysera hur APO kan stödja produktionsplaneringen på Siemens. För att göra detta har tre frågor ställts och besvarats. Dessa frågor är: Vilka behov finns i dagsläget på Siemens i Finspång? Vilka funktioner finns i planeringssystemet APO och hur fungerar de? Går det att matcha Siemens nuvarande behov med funktionerna i APO? Under arbetets första skede behandlades de två första frågeställningarna parallellt. Först när dessa besvarats analyserades matchningen dem emellan som efterfrågas i fråga tre. De behov som har observerats är: Ersätta och förbättra dagens simuleringsverktyg Testsystem 4 som kommer att försvinna oktober 2010 Möjliggöra kapacitetsutjämning och simulering vid taktisk planering för att skapa bättre beslutsunderlag till huvudplanen Kvotering vid köpa/tillverka-beslut måste effektiviseras för att ge ett bättre underlag till den egna verksamheten och till externa leverantörer Minska beroendet av nyckelpersoner samt komma ifrån betydelsen av tumregler vid planeringsarbete Förenkla arbetet med prognossammanställning och utveckla arbetet kring prognosuppföljning. De funktioner i APO som studerats under examensarbetes gång är Demand Planning (DP), Supply Network Planning (SNP) och Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS). DP kan sammanställa en efterfrågeplan och har verktyg för prognostisering och prognosuppföljning. SNP är ett verktyg för taktiskt planering som klarar av att beläggningsutjämna produktionen genom de tre lösningsmetoderna Optimizer, Heuristics och Capable-To-Match. PP/DS använder matematiska metoder för att underlätta den operativa planeringen i ett företag. Författarnas första rekommendation till Siemens är att använda modulen SNP till att förbättra den taktiska planeringen. Detta kan ske genom att huvudplanerare kan kontrollera beläggningsutjämning tidigt samt simulera olika planer för att välja den som anses bäst. På så sätt kommer Siemens planerare få ett bra beslutsunderlag att basera sina beslut på. Genom att använda SNP på detta sätt kommer även behovet av att ersätta TS4 uppfyllas. SNP kan även användas till att hantera behovet av bättre kvotering genom att bygga en separat modell dedikerad till denna uppgift vilket kommer leda till effektivare arbetsrutiner i den operativa planeringen. Den andra rekommendationen är att DP används som ett verktyg för att ge stöd vid efterfrågeplanering och prognosuppföljning. Om SNP samt DP nyttjas till de uppgifter beskrivna ovan kommer möjlighet ges till att avlasta nyckelpersoner och även undvika beroendet av tumregler. Eftersom det inte finns något överhängande behov av att förbättra detaljplaneringen rekommenderas inte att implementera PP/DS innan de under examensarbetet identifierade behoven har åtgärdats. Oavsett hur APO ska används på Siemens är det mycket viktigt att implementeringsarbetet sker grundligt och att mycket fokus läggs på förberedelser. Ett avancerat planeringsverktyg som APO måste implementeras smart om det ska kunna användas fördelaktigt. Beroende på hur APO används kommer det eventuellt att medföra en del förändringar i hur dagens planeringsarbete ser ut vilket är viktigt för Siemens att inse och rätta sig efter. Därför är det av yttersta vikt att implementeringsarbetet utförs av konsulter med mycket kunskap och erfarenhet av APO tillsammans med personal på Siemens med god kunskap om verksamheten och dagens arbete. / Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, called only Siemens below, is a Swedish gas turbine manufacturer located in Finspång and is a part of the German group Siemens AG. The production of gas turbines in Finspång was first started in 1911 a company named STAL. Since then the site has changed name numerous times and was at times part of groups such as ABB and Alstom Power before it finally became a part of Siemens AG. Siemens has got a problem in their production planning process due to very long lead times, both within the own production and from their suppliers. The production lead time for a gas turbine is approximately 2.5 years although Siemens’s customers usually order a gas turbine one year before delivery. The production planners therefore have to rely on forecasts which create uncertainties. This makes it hard to make a master plan that match the actual demand. The complexity of a gas turbine and its deep and wide product structures makes it even harder. Without a good master plan it is very hard to plan effectively further down in the planning hierarchy for the procurement and manufacturing planners. There is clearly a need to improve the production planning process to be able to in time create a more stable and better plan. Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) is a so called advanced planning system from SAP. SAP also delivers Siemens’s ERP-system R/3. APO can be used to plan and control an entire supply chain by using sophisticated mathematical methods. APO is connected to R/3 making data transfer in between easy and also allowing scenario testing outside the actual ERP-system. The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze how APO can support the production planning process at Siemens. To do that, these three questions have been asked: What are the present needs at Siemens in Finspång? What functions are available in APO and how do they work? Is it possible to match the needs at Siemens with the functions in APO? Firstly the questions number one and two were answered simultaneously. Not until those questions were answered the answer to the third one was explored by analyzing the match between the two first. The present needs found at Siemens were: To replace and improve the current simulation tool TS4 which will be gone in October 2010 To make capacity leveling and simulation possible at a tactical planning level that can enable better decision making for the master plan Quotation at the make/buy decision has to become more effective to make planning easier at their own workshops as well as at their external suppliers To decrease dependence of key human resources and also to stop relying on rules of thumb during the production planning To simplify the tasks forecast aggregation and to develop the work regarding follow-up of forecasts The APO functions that have been investigated are Demand Planning (DP), Supply Network Planning (SNP) and Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS). DP can aggregate a demand plan and has got tools for statistical forecasting and forecast follow-up. SNP is a tool for tactical planning that also can handle capacity leveling through the three different solving methods Optimizer, Heuristics and Capable-To-Match. PP/DS use mathematical methods to handle detailed planning at a short planning horizon. The authors’ first recommendation is to use the SNP module to improve their tactical planning. This could be done by letting the master planner control capacity leveling early on and also run different scenarios and then choosing the best one. This will provide Siemens’s production planners with reliable information to base decisions on. Also by using SNP in this way the need of a TS4 replacement will be met. SNP can also be used to manage the need of better quotation by building a separate model that is dedicated especially for this task which will increase the work efficiency in operational planning. The second recommendation is that DP is being used as a supportive tool for demand planning and forecast follow-up. If both SNP and DP are used for the tasks mentioned above it will also be possible to decrease dependence of key human resources and avoid planning by rules of thumb. Since there is no obvious need of improved detailed planning at the moment, PP/DS is not recommended to be implemented before the other recommended modules. No matter how APO is going to be used at Siemens it is of utter importance that the implementation is thought through and well planned with a lot of focus on the preparations. An advanced planning system such as APO has to be implemented smartly if it is to work properly. Depending on how APO is to be used there might be some changes in the present way of working with planning which is important for Siemens to realize before executing the implementation. It is also very important that the implementation is being done by a team of skilled consultants with expert knowledge and plenty of experience of APO implementations together with people with a broad knowledge of Siemens’s business.
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Industrial Silo OptimizationGopinath, Varun January 2011 (has links)
This thesis aims to build a working design-analyze-optimize methodology for Alstom Power Sweden AB at Växjö, Sweden. In order to be profitable in today’s competitive industrial product market, it is necessary to engineer optimized products fast. This involves CAD design and FEA analysis to work within an optimization routine in a seamless fashion which will result in a more profitable product. This approach can be understood as a model-based design, where the 3D CAD data is central to the product life cycle. The present approach provides many benefits to a company because of the use of a central database ensure access to the latest release of the 3D model. This allows for a streamlined design to fabrication life cycle with inputs from all departments of a product based company. Alstom is looking into automating some of their design process so as to achieve efficiency within their design department. This report is the result of a study where an industrial silo is taken as an example. A design loop involving CAD design and FE analysis is built to work with an optimization routine to minimize the mass and also ensure structural stiffness and stability. Most engineers work with a lot of constraints with regard to material stock size and other design codes (e.g. Euro Codes). In this report an efficient way to design an industrial product in a 3D CAD (CATIA) program so as to stay within these constrains and still obtain credible computation results within an optimization loop will be discussed.
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Time-efficient Computation with Near-optimal Solutions for Maximum Link Activation in Wireless Communication SystemsGeng, Qifeng January 2012 (has links)
In a generic wireless network where the activation of a transmission link is subject to its signal-to-noise-and-interference ratio (SINR) constraint, one of the most fundamental and yet challenging problem is to find the maximum number of simultaneous transmissions. In this thesis, we consider and study in detail the problem of maximum link activation in wireless networks based on the SINR model. Integer Linear Programming has been used as the main tool in this thesis for the design of algorithms. Fast algorithms have been proposed for the delivery of near-optimal results time-efficiently. With the state-of-art Gurobi optimization solver, both the conventional approach consisting of all the SINR constraints explicitly and the exact algorithm developed recently using cutting planes have been implemented in the thesis. Based on those implementations, new solution algorithms have been proposed for the fast delivery of solutions. Instead of considering interference from all other links, an interference range has been proposed. Two scenarios have been considered, namely the optimistic case and the pessimistic case. The optimistic case considers no interference from outside the interference range, while the pessimistic case considers the interference from outside the range as a common large value. Together with the algorithms, further enhancement procedures on the data analysis have also been proposed to facilitate the computation in the solver.
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Voltage Stability Study for Dynamic Load with Modified Orthogonal Particle Swarm OptimizationLin, Wu-Cheng 24 June 2011 (has links)
The thesis use capacitors, Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) and wind generator to get optimal voltage stability for twenty-four-hour dynamic load by compensating real/reactive power.
In the thesis, Modified Orthogonal Particle Swarm Optimizer (MOPSO) is proposed to find the sitting and sizing of capacitors, STATCOM and wind generator, and integrate Equivalent Current Injection (ECI) algorithm to solve Optimal Power Flow (OPF) to achieve optimal voltage stability. The algorithm uses MOPSO to renew STATCOM and wind turbine sizing Gbest with multiple choices and Taguchi orthogonal array, which improves Particle Swarm Optimizer (PSO) without falling into the local optimal solution and searches optimal voltage stability of power system by load balancing equation and inequality constraints. Average Voltage Variation (AVV) and Average Voltage Drop Variation (AVDV) are proposed as objective function to calculate whole system voltage variations, and convergence test of MOPSO.
The IEEE 33 Bus distribution system and Miaoli-Houlong distribution system were used for simulation to test the voltage control during peak and off-peak periods of Taipower. Compensation of real/reactive power was used to get optimal system voltage stability for each simulated case.
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Study of Standard Voltage Setting of a Primary SubstationKao, Tzu-yu 04 July 2009 (has links)
Stability of the power quality is one of the objectives that power companies always try to assure. With energy shortage and the increases of fuel cost over years, reduction of expenses in all areas is another effort of the power company. Dealing with the above problems, Taiwan Power Company sets up a standard voltage for secondary side of each primary substation. Standard voltage is a commitment of expected 69kV primary substation bus voltage. A proper setting of the standard voltage can reduce voltage variation, in the secondary substation, and reduce the operation frequencies of the on load tap changer. Besides, it can prolong the service life and the maintenance cycle, and it can also reduce maintenance cost of each main transformer.
This study proposes a method to calculate the standard voltage to improve the shortcomings that the voltage used to be set up with experience rule. The load and voltage data were used to build a neural network model. Improved particle swarm optimizer was used to find the parameters of the radial basis function neural network in order to build an efficient network. This network uses improved particle swarm optimizer again to the standard voltage. The proposed approach has been verified by the comparison of winter and summer standard voltages on the Tainan primary substation of taipower with accurate results.
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'n Ondersoek na en bydraes tot navraaghantering en -optimering deur databasisbestuurstelsels / L. MullerMuller, Leslie January 2006 (has links)
The problems associated with the effective design and uses of databases are increasing. The
information contained in a database is becoming more complex and the size of the data is
causing space problems. Technology must continually develop to accommodate this growing
need. An inquiry was conducted in order to find effective guidelines that could support queries
in general in terms of performance and productivity. Two database management systems were
researched to compare die theoretical aspects with the techniques implemented in practice.
Microsoft SQL Sewer and MySQL were chosen as the candidates and both were put under
close scrutiny. The systems were researched to uncover the methods employed by each to
manage queries. The query optimizer forms the basis for each of these systems and manages
the parsing and execution of any query. The methods employed by each system for storing
data were researched.
The way that each system manages table joins, uses indices and chooses optimal execution
plans were researched. Adjusted algorithms were introduced for various index processes like
B+ trees and hash indexes.
Guidelines were compiled that are independent of the database management systems and help
to optimize relational databases. Practical implementations of queries were used to acquire and
analyse the execution plan for both MySQL and SQL Sewer. This plan along with a few other
variables such as execution time is discussed for each system. A model is used for both
database management systems in this experiment. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Spokojenost zákazníků vybrané firmy / Customerr satisfaction of chosen companyFrancová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The theses speaks about satisfaction of customer as about one of the most important factor of company's prosperity. Firts chapter is devoted to theory of marketing research. Second chapter speaks about satisfaction of customers. Third chapter includes facts about AV MEDIA, a.s. and its activities. Two researches about AV MEDIA's customers satisfaction are analysed in fourth and fifth chapter. The last chapter contains critical view of both methods which were used. There are also some recommendations in order to make measurements more efficient in the future.
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