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Os ataques realizados pelas lontras aos tanques de peixes e o conhecimento dos piscicultores para com a lontra neotropical Lontra longicaudis Olfers, 1818 (Carnívora – Mustelidae)Moreno, Marcos Edmor Ladeira January 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A lontra neotropical (Lontra longicaudis) ocorre desde o México até a Argentina, estando entre as espécies de lontra com a maior área de distribuição. Mas apesar desta grande área de distribuição pouco se sabe sobre sua ecologia, comportamento e relação com os homens. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral estudar as relações entre os produtores de peixes localizados em 3 Estados brasileiros (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo) e as lontras, animais estes freqüentemente associados a ataques aos tanques de peixes. Para tal estudo um questionário foi enviado a 50 piscicultores presentes nos estados acima citados, tal questionário continha questões relativas ao levantamento de informações sobre os ataques realizados pelas lontras aos tanques de peixes e se estes geram um conflito entre estas e os piscicultores, assim como questões relativas ao conhecimento dos piscicultores sobre aspectos da ecologia e comportamento das lontras. Os resultados relacionados aos ataques indicam que apesar destes ocorrerem na maior parte das propriedades investigadas, as perdas serem tratadas como grandes pela metade dos investigados e que quanto maior o dano causado maior o sentimento negativo para com as lontras, tais elementos por si só não foram suficientes para a instauração de um conflito entre as lontras e os piscicultores, sendo sim o termo conflito de interesses mais bem colocado, uma vez que a idéia de conflito vem acompanhada de ações danosas entre as partes envolvidas, fato não demonstrado, pois dentre as medidas possivelmente adotadas para a resolução da predação pelos produtores a morte do animal figurou em último lugar. Alguns métodos foram propostos pelos produtores para a solução da predação, em destaque: a utilização de cães, a implementação de cercas e a baixa estocagem de peixes nos tanques. Com relação ao conhecimento dos produtores para com as lontras, estes nos forneceram informações sobre a presença destas em suas propriedades, pequenos córregos e brejos como principais locais de sua ocorrência, tendo as lontras como período de atividade toda a extensão do dia, com picos matutinos e noturnos, sendo animais de hábitos solitários ainda que relatos do avistamento destas em grupos tenham sido freqüentes e com o status atual de sua presença na natureza considerado estável pelos piscicultores que também colocaram que antigamente seu número fora maior. Aspectos de difícil avaliação como a caça e motivos desta também foram avaliados. As
abordagens do conhecimento dos produtores de peixes, apresentada neste trabalho foram efetivamente substanciais à obtenção e acréscimo de informações relativas às lontras. Embora exista, obviamente a necessidade de investigar mais detalhadamente algumas das informações obtidas junto aos produtores antes que sua veracidade possa ser atestada, os dados aqui relatados todos a partir do conhecimento dos produtores são uma importante fonte de embasamento e direcionamento para ações conservacionistas a serem desenvolvidas na região, além de contribuírem significantemente para o aumento do conhecimento das relações homem e natureza. / The Neotropical otter (Lontra longicaudis) occur since México toward Argentina, staying among the most widespread species of otter in the world. In spite of this great distribution area a little is known about its ecology, behavior and human relation. The present work aim was to study the relationship between fish farmers placed in three Brazilian States (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo) and the otters, animals frequently associated with fishing tanks’ attacks. For such study, a questionnaire was sent to 50 fish farmers located in the states cited above, containing questions to rise information about the otters’ attack to fishing tanks and if these generate potential conflict between otters and fish farmers, as well as questions concerning the fish farmers’ assessment about otters’ ecology and behavior aspects. The results accounted to attacks shown that, in spite of these attacks occur in the majority of the investigated farms, the losses being threatened as big by the half of investigated and that as larger the damage larger the negative feeling to the otters, such elements by itself were not enough for the establishment of a conflict involving otters and fish farmers, being interest clash the better put term, once that the idea of conflict comes accompanied with harmful actions among the involved parts that in fact, was not verified, cause the dead of the animal figure last in the middle of possible actions adopted by the fish farmers to solve the predation problem. Some fish farmers’ proposed methods to minimize the predation, in prominence: the use of dogs, to implement of fence and low down the stock of fish in fishing tanks. Regarding the farmers’ assessment to the otters, the information supplied by them about otters’ presence in their property, show up small streams and swamps as main place of otters’ occurrence, having as activity period the whole day extension, with morning and night picks, being animals of lonely habits although sighting them grouped reports have been frequent and with current presence status in nature stable by fish farmers that in addition assumed that formerly its number had been larger. Difficult evaluation aspects as the hunt and the reasons of this were also appraised. The approaches of fish farmers’ assessment, presented in this work were substantial indeed to obtaining and increase information about the otters. Although there is, obviously the need of deeper investigation of some information obtained through the farmers before its could be truly attested, the data here reported, from farmers’ assessment onwards, are an important basis and direction source for conservationist actions for being developed in this region, further than significantly contribute to raise the knowledge of human-nature relation.
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The Population Status and Diet of the North American River Otter in OhioParise, Charles Thomas January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Validating reasoning heuristics using next generation theorem proversSteyn, Paul Stephanes 31 January 2009 (has links)
The specification of enterprise information systems using formal specification languages
enables the formal verification of these systems. Reasoning about the properties of a formal
specification is a tedious task that can be facilitated much through the use of an automated
reasoner. However, set theory is a corner stone of many formal specification languages and
poses demanding challenges to automated reasoners. To this end a number of heuristics has
been developed to aid the Otter theorem prover in finding short proofs for set-theoretic
problems. This dissertation investigates the applicability of these heuristics to next generation
theorem provers. / Computing / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
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Testování pachových ohradníků pro odstrašení vydry říční (Lutra lutra) na sádkách Krajského školního hospodářství a zkušenosti s náhradami škod dle zákona č. 115/2000 Sb. / Testing of odour fences as protecting measure against otter on small ponds of fisheries KŠH ČB, Protivín and opinion with compensation of damages after law N.115/2000Sb.KOTLÍN, Vít January 2017 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the current issue of compensation for damages caused by European otter (Lutra lutra), namely the use of feasible preventive measures to eliminate damages and to ensure the entitlement to compensation in accordance with the law No 115/2000 Col. It also presents the results of practical testing of scent barrier systems as an alternative protective equipment agains unwanted predation in real conditions of fish storage pools.
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Validating reasoning heuristics using next generation theorem proversSteyn, Paul Stephanes 31 January 2009 (has links)
The specification of enterprise information systems using formal specification languages
enables the formal verification of these systems. Reasoning about the properties of a formal
specification is a tedious task that can be facilitated much through the use of an automated
reasoner. However, set theory is a corner stone of many formal specification languages and
poses demanding challenges to automated reasoners. To this end a number of heuristics has
been developed to aid the Otter theorem prover in finding short proofs for set-theoretic
problems. This dissertation investigates the applicability of these heuristics to next generation
theorem provers. / Computing / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
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Uso de área e hábitos alimentares de Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) em uma área de caatinga do baixo rio São Francisco, Sergipe/Alagoas, BrasilTerra, Rodrigo Farias de Carvalho 28 July 2016 (has links)
The Neotropical otter Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) have a large distribution,
occurring in great part of Latin America, from northwestern of Mexico to northern of
Argentina and in all Brazilian territory. The majority of works about L. longicaudis in
Brazilian northeastern treats only on occurrence records. Upon the distribution in Caatinga,
there is no information in literature concerning the species. The diet consists of fishes and
crustacean. Therefore, L. longicaudis inhabits regions associates to fluvial systems. It is
encountered more easily in areas where there is no intense anthropic activity. This way, the
work had the objective identify what the ecological parameters that influence a population of
L. longicaudis in a region of Caatinga: how the margin characteristics, with respect to
substrate and to anthropic alteration level, can influence the frequency of use; characterize the
feed habits and verify how the frequency of feed items varies throughout the year. The study
has realized between January and November/2015 in a stretch of 10 km in Low São Francisco
River, among the municipalities of Piranhas/AL, Poço Redondo e Canindé de São
Francisco/SE, in Amortization Zone of Natural Monument Grota do Angico, a Caatinga area
where were presents some riverine communities. The monthly frequency of use of the 83
latrines identified and categorized as substrate type and anthropic disturb level were compared
with availability of margins in the same categories. Fourteen shelters were described as
substrate, disturb, structure and origin. The major frequencies of use of latrines were in rocky
outcroppings and islands. The sand beaches were significantly less used when under high
disturbed level. The rocky beaches were avoided. Environment with human presence constant
were significantly less used. Upon diet, the analysis of 184 fecal samples monthly collected
showed the major presence of fishes followed by crustaceans. In addition, birds were
identified. The main fish’s families were Anostomidae, Cichlidae, Loricariidae e
Iguanodectidae; and de crustacean’s were Palaemonidae. Were less important the fish’s
families Erythrinidae e Serrasalmidae; and crustacean’s Atyidae. There was no sazonal
variation in the composition of L. longicaudis’ diet. However, Macrobrachium spp. was
significantly more frequent in dry station, possibly due variation in prey availability. / A lontra neotropical Lontra longicaudis (Olfers, 1818) possui ampla distribuição,
ocorrendo em grande parte da América Latina, do noroeste do México ao norte da Argentina e
em todo território brasileiro. A maioria dos trabalhos sobre L. longicaudis no Nordeste
brasileiro se limita a registros de ocorrência. Quanto à distribuição na região da Caatinga, não
se tem informações na literatura acerca da espécie. A dieta consiste basicamente de peixes e
crustáceos. Por consequência, L. longicaudis habita regiões associadas a sistemas fluviais. É
encontrada mais facilmente em áreas onde não há intensa atividade antrópica. Desse modo, o
trabalho teve como objetivo identificar quais os parâmetros ecológicos que influenciam uma
população de L. longicaudis em uma região de Caatinga: como as características das margens,
no tocante ao tipo de substrato e ao nível de alteração antrópica, podem influenciar a
frequência de uso; caracterizar os hábitos alimentares e verificar como a frequência dos itens
alimentares varia ao longo do ano. O estudo foi realizado entre janeiro e novembro/2015, em
um trecho de 10 km no Baixo Rio São Francisco, entre os municípios de Piranhas/AL, Poço
Redondo e Canindé de São Francisco/SE, na Zona de Amortização do Monumento Natural
Grota do Angico, área de Caatinga, onde estão presentes algumas comunidades ribeirinhas.
As frequências de uso mensal das 83 latrinas identificas e categorizadas quanto ao tipo de
substrato e nível de distúrbio antrópico foram compradas à disponibilidade das margens nas
mesmas categorias. Quatorze abrigos também foram descritos quanto aos substrato, distúrbio,
estrutura e origem. As maiores frequências de uso de latrinas foram em afloramentos rochosos
e ilhas. As praias arenosas foram significativamente menos utilizadas quando sob nível de
distúrbio elevado. Praias rochosas foram evitadas. Ambientes com presença humana constante
foram significativamente menos utilizados. Quanto à dieta, a análise de 184 amostras de fezes
coletadas mensalmente mostrou a presença majoritária de peixes, seguidos por crustáceos.
Também foram identificadas aves. As principais famílias de peixes consumidas foram
Anostomidae, Cichlidae, Loricariidae e Iguanodectidae; enquanto crustáceos foi Palemonidae.
Foram menos importantes as famílias de peixes Erythrinidae e Serrasalmidae; para crustáceos,
Atyidae. Não houve variação sazonal na composição da dieta de L. longicaudis. No entanto,
Macrobrachium spp. foi significativamente mais frequente na estação seca, possivelmente
devido a variações na disponibilidade da presa.
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Role rybožravých predátorů a socio-ekonomických trendů ve sportovním rybaření / The role of fish-eating predators and socio-economic trends in recreational fishingLyach, Roman January 2018 (has links)
Recreational fishing is a very important leisure activity and one of the most important ways how humans influence freshwater habitats and wild fish populations. Both fish-eating predators and socio-economic trends play a major role in recreational fishing. This thesis found that the Eurasian otter feeds mainly of small (5-10 g) and very abundant fish species of low angling value. In this case, gudgeon Gobio gobio dominated in the otter diet. The overlap between catches of otters and anglers was very low, and commercially important salmonids made up only 10 % of the otter diet by biomass. Cormorants also prey mostly on smaller (10-100 g) a very abundant fish species. In this case, roach Rutilus rutilus dominated in the cormorant diet. The overlap between catches of cormorants and anglers was also quite low. Commercially important fish species made up less than 10 % of the cormorant diet. Even though cormorants consume mostly smaller fish, they are potentially removing fish that serve as prey for piscivores, and they are also removing smaller fish that would grow into angling size. The Atlantic salmon Salmo salar reintroduction programme has not yet been successful. However, cormorant predation is not the main reason for its low success. The main problem is somewhere on the lower River Elbe in...
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Ecology and Behaviour of the Southern River Otter Lontra provocax Thomas 1908 in ChileReyes Küppers, Renato 12 October 2007 (has links)
The conducted study on the southern river otter Lontra provocax presents for the first time substantial data and analyses on preferred habitat components, activity pattern, prey availability, diet composition and potential food competitors, as well as a first attempt in age determination. Three southern river otter (1,2) were successfully equipped with radio transmitter. Both females were classified as resident whereas the male southern river otter was classified as temporary resident. Home range (FK 95) was 14358 m and 17675 m respectively. As only one home range was accessible for habitat analysis, the preferred habitat structures were analysed. Thus the plant Chusquea quila is most important for den sites in anthropogenic modified areas. In natural habitat dens were encountered under big trees and overhanging roots. Hunting areas in anthropogenic modified regions show considerably more woody debris than non-hunting areas, as the main prey the crayfish Samastacus spinifrons hides in this substrate. Most of their time southern river otter spent in their dens (60 %). Lontra provocax show cathemeral behaviour and when being active, the time bouts of movement behaviour averaged 2:18 hours.The crustacean species Samastacus spinifrons was the most encountered aquatic prey species in abundance and in total biomass in the river Queule and in the diet of Lontra provocax. Likewise fish may play an important role to meet the southern river otter s daily metabolic requirements. Monthly collected water samples even close to villages, had physico-chemical parameter values well below critical or toxic levels on aquatic species. Age determination was conducted on four male skulls of southern river otter. Tooth wears; tooth abrasions; dental pulp; relative width of dental pulp, incremental cementum lines and sutures of the skull were used for age determination. The animals were classified as juvenile (1), subadult-adult (1) and senior (2).
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Assessment of Heavy Metals in Subsistence-Harvested Alaskan Marine Mammal Body Tissues and VibrissaeFerdinando, Pilar M 26 April 2019 (has links)
The coastal, indigenous communities around Alaska have subsisted on marine animals for generations, often focusing on large apex predators such as seals, sea lions, and whales. Three species of pinnipeds (harbor seal, Steller sea lion, northern fur seal) and the northern sea otter have all undergone significant population declines since the 1970s, some regions more than others. Archived vibrissae (whiskers) and body tissues from these four species were available from the Bering Sea and throughout the Gulf of Alaska from the 1990s and early 2000s. Tissues from these species are exceedingly difficult to obtain; thus, the archived tissues provided a finite and irreplaceable resource of data. Analysis of these archived tissues indicates which species, tissues, and gender bioaccumulate metals more readily. In this study twelve heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, vanadium, zinc) were analyzed in vibrissae from the four select species, and in body tissues from harbor seals and Steller sea lions. The samples were collected from three regions (southeastern, southcentral, and southwestern Alaska) during the 1990s through early 2000s. Significant differences of heavy metal concentrations in vibrissae were detected among elements (p2(110) = 454.81, p2(66) = 310.88, p
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Habitat Selection of Greater Sage-Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus and Northern River Otters Lontra canadensis in UtahWestover, Matthew D. 06 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Greater sage-grouse populations have decreased steadily since European settlement in western North America. Reduced availability of brood-rearing habitat has been identified as a limiting factor for many populations. We used radio-telemetry to acquire locations of sage-grouse broods from 1998 to 2012 in Strawberry Valley, Utah. Using these locations and remotely-sensed imagery, we proceeded to 1) determine which features of brood-rearing habitat could be identified using widely available, fine-scale imagery 2) assess the scale at which sage-grouse selected brood-rearing habitat in our study area, and 3) create a predictive habitat model that could be applied across our large study area to identify areas of preferred brood-rearing habitat. We used AIC model selection to evaluate support for a list of variables derived from remotely-sensed imagery. We examined the relationship of explanatory variables at three scales (45, 200, and 795 meter radii). Our top model included 10 variables (percent shrub, percent grass, percent tree, percent paved road, percent riparian, meters of sage/tree edge, meters of riparian/tree edge, distance to tree, distance to transmission lines, and distance to permanent structures). Variables from each scale were represented in our top model with the majority of scale-sensitive variables suggesting selection at the larger (795 meter) scale. When applied to our study area our top model predicted 75% of naive brood locations suggesting reasonable success using this method and widely available NAIP (National Agricultural Imagery Program) imagery. We encourage application of this method to other sage-grouse populations and species of conservation concern. The northern river otter is a cryptic semi-aquatic predator that establishes and uses latrines. Highly used river otter latrines indicate otter "activity centers" since frequency of scat deposition is thought to be correlated to frequency of habitat use. We compared an indirect method (scat counts) and a direct method (remote cameras) of determining latrine utilization in order to assess the accuracy of the commonly used indirect method. To further compare these methods we used them to examine effects of anthropogenic disturbance on otters of the Provo River in Utah. We found that overall the direct and indirect methods were highly correlated. There was significant seasonal variation in the degree of correlation between the indirect and direct methods with correlation being significantly higher in the summer. We found similar results when using these methods to examine effects of anthropogenic disturbance. For each method the distance of the latrine to trails was significant in one of the top competing models. We suggest that space use of otters in our study area is being affected by anthropogenic disturbance as measured by distance to trails. We also suggest that scat counts should only be conducted during the summer when they correlate best with actual levels of otter activity.
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