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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da performance do algoritmo d / Performance analysis of D-algorithm

Dornelles, Edelweis Helena Ache Garcez January 1993 (has links)
A geração de testes para circuitos combinacionais com fan-outs recovergentes é um problema NP-completo. Com o rápido crescimento da complexidade dos circuitos fabricados, a geração de testes passou a ser um sério problema para a indústria de circuitos integrados. Muitos algoritmos de ATPG (Automatic Test Pattern Generation) baseados no algoritmo D, usam heurísticas para guiar o processo de tomada de decisão na propagação n e na justificação das constantes de forma a aumentar sua eficiencia. Existem heurísticas baseadas em medidas funcionais, estruturais e probabilísticas. Estas medidas são normalmente referidas como observabilidade e controlabilidade que fazem parte de um conceito mais geral, a testabilidade. As medidas que o algoritmo utiliza podem ser calculadas apenas uma vez, durante uma etapa de pré-processamento (medidas de testabilidade estáticas - STM's), ou dinamicamente, recalculando estas medidas durante o processamento sempre que elas forem necessárias (medidas de testabilidade dinâmicas — DTM's). Para alguns circuitos, o use de medidas dinâmicas ao invés de medidas estáticas diminui o número de backtrackings pcir vetor gerado. Apesar disto, o tempo total de CPU por vetor aumenta. Assim, as DTM's só devem ser utilizadas quando as STM's não apresentam uma boa performance. Isto pode ser feito utilizando-se as medidas estáticas ate um certo número de backtrackings. Se o padrão de teste não for encontrado, então medidas dinâmicas são utilizadas. Entretanto, a necessário ainda buscar formas de melhorar o processo dinâmico, diminuindo o custo computacional. A proposta original do calculo das DTM's apresenta algumas técnicas, baseadas em selective tracing, com o objetivo de reduzir o custo computacional. Este trabalho analisa o use combinado de heurísticas e propõe técnicas alternativas, na forma das heurísticas de recalculo parcial e recalculo de linhas não free, que visam minimizar o overhead do calculo das DTM's. E proposta ainda a técnica de Pré-implicação que transfere a complexidade do algoritmo para a memória. Isto é feito através de um preprocessamento que armazena informações necessárias para a geração de todos os vetores de teste. De outra forma estas informações teriam de ser calculadas na geração de cada um destes vetores. A implementação do algoritmo D com as várias heurísticas permitiu a realização de um experimento pratico. Isto possibilitou a análise quantitativa da performance do algoritmo D para vários tipos de circuitos e demonstrou a eficiência de uma das heurísticas propostas neste trabalho. / The test generation for combinational circuits that contain reconvergence is a NP-complete problem. With the rapid increase in the complexity of the fabricated circuits, the generation of test patterns poses a serious problem to the IC industry. A number of existing ATPG algorithms based on the D algorithm use heuristics to guide the decision process in the D-propagation and justification to improve the efficiency. The heuristics used by ATPG algorithm are based on structural, functional and probabilistics measures. These measures are commonly referred to as line controllability and observability and they are combined under the , more general notion of testability. The measures used by ATPG algorithms can be computed only once, during a preprocessing stage (static testability measures - STM's) or can be calculated dinamically, updating the testability measures during the test generation process (dymanic testability measures - DTM's). For some circuits, replacing STM's by DTM's decreases the average number of backtrackings per generated vector. Despite these decrease, the total CPU time per generated vector is greater when using DTM's instead of STM's. So, DTM's only must be used if the STM's don't present a good performance. This can be done by STM's until a certain number of backtrackings. If a test pattern has still not been found, then DTM's are used. Therefore, it is yet necessary to search for ways to improve the dynamic process and decrease the CPU time requirements. In the original approach some techniques for reducing the computational overhead of DTM's based on the well-know technique of selective path tracing are presented. In this work, the combined use of heuristics are analised and alternative techniques — the heuristics of partial recalculus and not free lines recalculus — are proposed. These alternative techniques were developed in order to minimize the overhead of the DTM's calculus. It is yet proposed the pre-implication technique which transfers to memory the algorithm complexity. It includes a preprocessing stage which storages all necesary informations to the generation of all test vectors. So, these informations don't need be computed in the generation of each test vector. The implementation of the D-Algorithm with diferent heuristics has possibilited a practical experiment. It was possible to analise the performance of the D-Algorithm on diferent circuit types and to demonstrate the efficiency of one of the proposed heuristics.

Evaluation of two Methods for Identifiability Testing / Utvärdering av två metoder för identifierbarhetstestning

Nyberg, Peter January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concerns the identifiability issue; which, if any, parameters can be deduced from the input and output behavior of a model? The two types of identifiability concepts, a priori and practical, will be addressed and explained. Two methods for identifiability testing are evaluated and the result shows that the two methods work well if they are combined. The first method is for a priori identifiability analysis and it can determine the a priori identifiability of a system in polynomial time. The result from the method is probabilistic with a high probability of correct answer. The other method takes the simulation approach to determine whether the model is practically identifiable. Non-identifiable parameters manifest themselves as a functional relationship between the parameters and the method uses transformations of the parameter estimates to conclude if the parameters are linked. The two methods are verified on models with known identifiability properties and then tested on some examples from systems biology. Although the output from one of the methods is cumbersome to interpret, the results show that the number of parameters that can be determined in practice (practical identifiability) are far fewer than the ones that can be determined in theory (a priori identifiability). The reason for this is the lack of quality, noise and lack of excitation, of the measurements. / Fokus i denna rapport är på identifierbarhetsproblemet. Vilka parametrar kan unikt bestämmas från en modell? Det existerar två typer av identifierbarhetsbegrepp, a priori och praktisk identifierbarhet, som kommer att förklaras. Två metoder för identifierbarhetstestning är utvärderade och resultaten visar på att de två metoderna fungerar bra om de kombineras med varandra. Den första metoden är för a priori identifierbarhetsanalys och den kan avgöra identifierbarheten för ett system i polynomiell tid. Resultaten från metoden är slumpmässigt med hög sannolikhet för ett korrekt svar. Den andra metoden använder sig av simuleringar för att avgöra om modellen är praktiskt identifierbar. Icke-identifierbara parametrar yttrar sig som funktionella kopplingar mellan parametrar och metoden använder sig av transformationer av parameterskattningarna för att avgöra om parametrarna är kopplade. De två metoderna är verifierade på modeller där identifierbarheten är känd och är därefter testade på några exempel från systembiologi. Trots att resultaten från den ena metoden är besvärliga att tolka visar resultaten på att antalet parametrar som går att bestämma i verkligheten (praktiskt identifierbara) är betydligt färre än de parametrar som kan bestämmas i teorin (a priori identifierbara). Anledningen beror på brist på kvalitet, både brus och brist på excitation, i mätningarna.

Stabilisation de quelques équations d’évolution du second ordrepar des lois de rétroaction / Stabilization of second order evolution equations with dynamical feedbacks

Abbas, Zainab 02 October 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la stabilisation de certaines équations d’évolution par des lois de rétroaction. Dans le premier chapitre nous étudions l’équation des ondes dans R avec conditions aux limites dynamiques appliquées sur une partie du bord et une condition de Dirichlet sur la partie restante. Nous fournissons des conditions suffisantes qui garantissent une stabilité polynomiale en utilisant une méthode qui combine une inégalité d’observabilité pour le problème non amorti associé avec des résultats de régularité du problème non amorti. L’optimalité de la décroissance est montrée dans certains cas à l’aide des résultats spectraux précis de l’opérateur associé. Dans le deuxième chapitre nous considérons le système sur un domaine de Rd, d ≥ 2. On trouve des conditions suffisantes qui permettent la stabilité forte. Ensuite, nous discutons de la stabilité non uniforme ainsi que de la stabilité polynomiale. L’approche en domaine fréquentiel nous permet d’établir une décroissance polynomiale sur des domaines pour lesquels l’équation des ondes avec l’amortissement standard est exponentiellement ou polynomialement stable. Dans le troisième chapitre nous considérons un cadre général d’équations d’évolution avec une dissipation dynamique. Sous une hypothèse de régularité, nous montrons que les propriétés d’observabilité pour le problème non amorti impliquent des estimations de décroissance pour le problème amorti. / In this thesis, we study the stabilization of some evolution equations by feedback laws. In the first chapter we study the wave equation in R with dynamical boundary control applied on a part of the boundary and a Dirichlet boundary condition on the remaining part. We furnish sufficient conditions that guarantee a polynomial stability proved using a method that combines an observability inequality for the associated undamped problem with regularity results of the solution of the undamped problem. In addition, the optimality of the decay is shown in some cases with the help of precise spectral results of the operator associated with the damped problem. Then in the second chapter we consider the system on a domain of Rd, d ≥ 2. In this case, the domain of the associated operator is not compactly embedded into the energy space. Nevertheless, we find sufficient conditions that give the strong stability. Then, we discuss the non uniform stability as well as the polynomial stability by two methods. The frequency domain approach allows us to establish a polynomial decay on some domains for which the wave equation with the standard damping is exponentially or polynomially stable. Finally, in the third chapter we consider a general framework of second order evolution equations with dynamical feedbacks. Under a regularity assumption we show that observability properties for the undamped problem imply decay estimates for the damped problem. We finally illustrate our general results by a variety of examples.

Řešení inverzních úloh v oblasti výměníků hmoty a tepla / Solutions of inverse problems in the area of material and heat exchangers

Kůdelová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the dynamic behaviour of the heat exchangers which is described by a system of differential equations. In this connection, it contains general informations about heat transfer, heat exchangers and their arrangements. The main aim of this thesis is to solve the inverse problem of the antiparallel arrangement and discuss the question of the controllability, observability and identifiability of its parameters.

Goal-Aware Robocentric Mapping and Navigation of a Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Biswas, Srijanee 18 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Information visualization of microservice architecture relations and system monitoring : A case study on the microservices of a digital rights management company - an observability perspective / Informationsvisualisering av mikrotjänsters relationer och system monitorering : En studie angående mikrotjänster hos ett förvaltningsföretag av digitala rättigheter - ett observerbarhetsperspektiv

Frisell, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
90% of the data that exists today has been created over the last two years only. Part of the data space is created and collected by machines, sending logs of internal measurements to be analyzed and used to evaluate service incidents. However, efficiently comprehending datasets requires more than just access to data, as Richard Hamming puts it; "The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers." A tool to simplify apprehension of complex datasets is information visualization, which works by transforming layers of information into a visual medium, enabling the human perception to quickly extract valuable information and recognise patterns. This was an experimental design-oriented research study, set out to explore if an information visualization of microservice architecture relations combined with system health data could help developers at a Swedish digital rights management company (DRMC) to find root cause incidents, increase observability and decision support, i.e. simplifying the incident handling process. To explore this, a prototype was developed and user tests consisting of a set of tasks as well as a semi-structured interview was executed by ten developers at DRMC. The results concluded that the proposed solution provided a welcomed overview of service health and dependencies but that it lacked the ability to effectively focus on certain services, essentially making it difficult to find root causes. Visualizations like this seems to be best suited for overview-, rather than focused, comprehension. Further research could be conducted on how to efficiently render large complex datasets while maintaining focus and how to account for external factors. / 90% av alla data som finns idag har skapats under de senaste två åren. En del av datautrymmet skapas och samlas in av maskiner som genererar loggar innehållandes interna systemmätningar för att utvärdera felaktiga tjänster. För att effektivt förstå ett dataset krävs mer än bara tillgång till data, som Rickard Hamming har sagt; “Syftet med datoranvändning är insikt, inte siffror.” Ett verktyg för att förenkla ens uppfattning av komplexa dataset är informationsvisualisering. Det fungerar genom att transformera lager av information till ett visuellt medium, och på så sätt tillåta mänsklig perception att snabbt extrahera värdefull information och utläsa mönster. Det här var en experimentell, design-orienterad, forskningsstudie med syftet att utforska ifall en informationsvisualisering av mikrotjänsters relationer kombinerat med system-hälso-data kunde hjälpa utvecklare på ett svenskt förvaltningsföretag av digitala rättigheter (DRMC) att hitta grundorsaken till felaktiga mikrotjänster samt utöka observerbarhet och beslutstöd, d.v.s. förenkla felhanteringsprocessen. För att utforska detta problem så utvecklades en prototyp som testades genom att låta tio utvecklare på DRMC utföra ett antal olika uppgifter samt svara på en semi-strukturerad intervju. Resultatet visade på att den föreslagna lösningen möjliggjorde en välkommen överblick över systemets hälsa och relationer, men också att den saknade möjligheten att effektivt fokusera på specifika tjänster, vilket ledde till att grundorsaksproblem var svåra att hitta. Visualiseringar som denna verkar fungera bäst för att presentera en överblick av ett system, snarare än ett fokus på specifika tjänster. Framtida forskning skulle kunna utföras för att utreda hur visualiseringar effektivt kan återge komplexa dataset utan att förlora fokus på specifika delar, samt hur externa faktorer kan integreras.

Load Learning and Topology Optimization for Power Networks

Bhela, Siddharth 21 June 2019 (has links)
With the advent of distributed energy resources (DERs), electric vehicles, and demand-response programs, grid operators are in dire need of new monitoring and design tools that help improve efficiency, reliability, and stability of modern power networks. To this end, the work in this thesis explores a generalized modeling and analysis framework for two pertinent tasks: i) learning loads via grid probing, and; ii) optimizing power grid topologies for stability. Distribution grids currently lack comprehensive real-time metering. Nevertheless, grid operators require precise knowledge of loads and renewable generation to accomplish any feeder optimization task. At the same time, new grid technologies, such as solar panels and energy storage units are interfaced via inverters with advanced sensing and actuation capabilities. In this context, we first put forth the idea of engaging power electronics to probe an electric grid and record its voltage response at actuated and metered buses to infer non-metered loads. Probing can be accomplished by commanding inverters to momentarily perturb their power injections. Multiple probing actions can be induced within a few tens of seconds. Load inference via grid probing is formulated as an implicit nonlinear system identification task, which is shown to be topologically observable under certain conditions. The analysis holds for single- and multi-phase grids, radial or meshed, and applies to phasor or magnitude-only voltage data. Using probing to learn non-constant-power loads is also analyzed as a special case. Once a probing setup is deemed topologically observable, a methodology for designing probing injections abiding by inverter and network constraints to improve load estimates is provided. The probing task under noisy phasor and non-phasor data is tackled using a semidefinite-program relaxation. As a second contribution, we also study the effect of topology on the linear time-invariant dynamics of power networks. For a variety of stability metrics, a unified framework based on the H2-norm of the system is presented. The proposed framework assesses the robustness of power grids to small disturbances and is used to study the optimal placement of new lines on existing networks as well as the design of radial topologies for new networks. / Doctor of Philosophy / Increased penetration of distributed energy resources such as solar panels, wind farms, and energy storage systems is forcing utilities to rethink how they design and operate their power networks. To ensure efficient and reliable operation of distribution networks and to perform any grid-wide optimization or dispatch tasks, the system operator needs to precisely know the net load (energy output) of every customer. However, due to the sheer extent of distribution networks (millions of customers) and low investment interest in the past, distribution grids have limited metering infrastructure. Nevertheless, data from grid sensors comprised of voltage and load measurements are readily available from a subset of customers at high temporal resolution. In addition, the smart inverters found in solar panels, energy storage units, and electric vehicles can be controlled within microseconds. The work in this thesis explores how the proliferation of grid sensors together with the controllability of smart inverters can be leveraged for inferring the non-metered loads i.e., energy output of customers that are not equipped with smart inverters/sensors. In addition to the load learning task, this thesis also presents a modeling and analysis framework to study the optimal design of topologies (how customers are electrically inter-connected) for improving stability of our power networks.

Instrumentation optimale pour le suivi des performances énergétiques d’un procédé industriel / Optimal sensor network design to monitor the energy performances of a process plant

Rameh, Hala 07 November 2018 (has links)
L’efficacité énergétique devient un domaine de recherche incontournable dans la communauté scientifique vu son importance dans la lutte contre les crises énergétiques actuelles et futures. L'analyse des performances énergétiques, pour les procédés industriels, nécessite la connaissance des grandeurs physiques impliquées dans les équilibres de masse et d'énergie. D’où la problématique : comment choisir les points de mesure sur un site industriel de façon à trouver les valeurs de tous les indicateurs énergétiques sans avoir des redondances de mesure (respect des contraintes économiques), et en conservant un niveau de précision des résultats ? La première partie présente la formulation du problème d’instrumentation ayant pour but de garantir une observabilité minimale du système en faveur des variables clés. Ce problème est combinatoire. Une méthode de validation des différentes combinaisons de capteurs a été introduite. Elle est basée sur l’interprétation structurelle de la matrice représentant le procédé. Le verrou de long temps de calcul lors du traitement des procédés de moyenne et grande taille a été levé. Des méthodes séquentielles ont été développées pour trouver un ensemble de schémas de capteurs pouvant être employés, en moins de 1% du temps de calcul initialement requis. La deuxième partie traite le choix du schéma d’instrumentation optimal. Le verrou de propagation des incertitudes dans un problème de taille variable a été levé. Une modélisation du procédé basée sur des paramètres binaires a été proposée pour automatiser les calculs, et évaluer les incertitudes des schémas trouvés. Enfin la méthodologie complète a été appliquée sur un cas industriel et les résultats ont été présentés. / Energy efficiency is becoming an essential research area in the scientific community given its importance in the fight against current and future energy crises. The analysis of the energy performances of the industrial processes requires the determination of the quantities involved in the mass and energy balances. Hence: how to choose the placement of the measurement points in an industrial site to find the values of all the energy indicators, without engendering an excess of unnecessary information due to redundancies (reducing measurements costs) and while respecting an accepted level of accuracy of the results ? The first part presents the formulation of the instrumentation problem which aims to guaranteeing a minimal observability of the system in favor of the key variables. This problem is combinatory. A method of validation of the different sensors combinations has been introduced. It is based on the structural interpretation of the matrix representing the process. The issue of long computing times while addressing medium and large processes was tackled. Sequential methods were developed to find a set of different sensor networks to be used satisfying the observability requirements, in less than 1% of the initial required computation time. The second part deals with the choice of the optimal instrumentation scheme. The difficulty of uncertainty propagation in a problem of variable size was addressed. To automate the evaluation of the uncertainty for all the found sensor networks, the proposed method suggested modeling the process based on binary parameters. Finally, the complete methodology is applied to an industrial case and the results were presented.

Análise de observabilidade e de redundância de medidas no contexto de estimação de estado trifásica / Observability and measurement redundancy analysis on three-phase state estimation

Fantin, Camila dos Anjos 27 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho de dissertação trata do problema de observabilidade e redundância de medidas para efeito de estimação de estado trifásica. É proposta a extensão de uma metodologia numérica eficiente para análise de observabilidade e identificação de medidas críticas e conjuntos críticos de medidas, desenvolvida para modelagem por fase, a fim de considerar redes trifásicas de energia, nas quais os desbalanços nas cargas e os desequilíbrios na rede são considerados. Ao longo do trabalho apresenta-se uma revisão dos principais conceitos de estimação de estado, observabilidade de redes e redundância de medidas, destacando a importância da estimação de estado trifásica para obtenção de uma operação segura de sistemas elétricos de potência desbalanceados e/ou desequilibrados. Os resultados obtidos em diversos testes realizados, com sistemas trifásicos já empregados em outros trabalhos da área contendo 4, 7 e 38 barras, atestam o adequado desempenho da extensão proposta e são apresentados detalhadamente nesta dissertação. Por fim, o conceito de observabilidade topológica, desenvolvido para modelagem monofásica da rede, é estendido para modelagem trifásica, permitindo um entendimento melhor do problema de observabilidade no contexto de estimação trifásica. / This thesis focuses on the problem of observability and measurement redundancy in the context of three-phase state estimation. It is proposed an extension of an efficient numerical methodology for observability and redundancy analysis, developed for the single-phase network model, in order to consider the three-phase network model, where the unbalanced loads and the asymmetric nature of the system are considered. During this work, a review of the main concepts related to state estimation, network observability and measurement redundancy are presented, highlighting the importance of the three-phase state estimation in order to obtain a reliable operation of unbalanced and/or asymmetric power systems. Simulations results obtained for several cases studies based on three three-phase systems already used in the literature, with 4, 7 and 38 buses, validate the proposed methodology extension and are presented in detail in this thesis. Finally, the concept of topological observability, developed for the single-phase network model, is extended for the three-phase model.

Contrôlabilité de quelques systèmes gouvernés par des équations paraboliques / Controllability of some systems governed by parabolic equations

Duprez, Michel 26 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la contrôlabilité approchée et à zéro des systèmes paraboliques linéaires sur un domaine non vide borné Ω de (), contrôlés par moins de forces que d'équations. Les contrôles seront localisés sur un ouvert de Ω ou sur son bord. Nous étudierons deux problèmes différents. Le premier consiste à contrôler une des équations indirectement à l'aide d'un opérateur de couplage d'ordre un. Nous obtenons alors des résultats pour plusieurs classes d'opérateurs et de systèmes. La deuxième question que nous étudierons est de savoir s'il est possible de contrôler seulement certaines composantes de la solution du système. Nous donnons une condition nécessaire et suffisante lorsque les coefficients de couplage sont constants ou dépendent du temps et étudions un système simplifié quand ils dépendent de l'espace. Nous terminerons en détaillant un schéma numérique avec lequel nous fournirons des perspectives quant à quelques problèmes qui restent ouverts en contrôlabilité partielle des systèmes paraboliques linéaires. / This thesis is devoted to the study of the approximate and null controllability of linear parabolic systems on a nonempty bounded domain Ω of(), controlled by less controls than equations. The controls will be localized in an open set of Ω or on its boundary. We will study two different problems. The first of them involves controlling one of the equations indirectly with a coupling operator of order one. We obtain some results for different class of operators and systems. The second question we will study is to know if it is possible to control only some components of the solution of the system. We give a necessary and sufficient condition when the coupling coefficients are constant or time depending and study a simplified system when they are space dependent. We will finish by giving details on a numerical scheme with which we provide perspectives concerning some open problems in partial controllability of linear parabolic systems.

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