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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial characterisation of natural terroir units for viticulture in the Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg-Helderberg winegrowing area

Carey, Victoria Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is an increasing demand by the consumer for knowledge and understanding of the origin of each wine produced. This origin is directly linked to the interaction between the environment and grapevine, and therefore to the terroir. A terroir can be defined as a complex of natural factors being expressed through the final product and must therefore be studied in two steps, namely, the identification of relatively homogenous natural terroir units followed by their ecophysiological characterisation. The aim of this study was to characterise the Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg-Helderberg wine growing area according to existing digital information and to identify natural terroir units. The study area is situated to the southwest of Stellenbosch and covers an area of approximately 25 000 ha. Topography is a static feature of the landscape and affects the sunlight interception by a slope, exposure of a site to winds and drainage of soil water and air. It forms an important component of the terroir concept and has a strong interaction with the environmental components of climate and soil. The study area is bordered by mountains and bisected by a river valley resulting in a large variation in aspect and altitude affecting both spatial and temporal temperature variability. There is no doubt as to the important effect of climate on wine character and quality. A number of indices can be used to describe the regional climate. The study area has a Mediterranean climate with notable spatial variation of all climatic parameters due to its complex topography and proximity to the ocean. The effect of geology on wme character is less clear but appears to act through its contribution to the physical properties of the soil. In the Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg- Helderberg study area the geology is complex due to the high degree of tectonic movement and mixing of parent material. In situ weathering of rocks is seldom the only source of soil formation. Soil has a number of contributing factors affecting wine character and quality, inter alia, soil colour, temperature, chemical composition, depth and texture (affecting the water supplying properties of the soil). It is the last two that appear to have the most significant effect. Soil depth affects the buffer capacity of the soil to temper climatic extremes and the water supply has a well-recorded effect on vine growth and functioning. There is a high degree of soil variation in the Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg-Helderberg study area that is difficult to represent in soil associations. A pattern of soil distribution, however, can be noticed in relation to landscape variation. Terrain morphological units, altitude and aspect were used as pnmary keys for the identification of natural terroir units. Broad soil categories and geological information were included at a secondary level. This resulted in 195 units. These natural terroir units will form the basis for future ecophysiological characterisation in order to determine possible future cultivar distribution as well as the terroir effect on wine character. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is toenemende aanvraag vanaf die verbruiker vir kennis en begrip van die oorsprong van elke wyn wat geproduseer word. Die oorsprong is direk aan die interaksie tussen die omgewing en wingerd gekoppel, en daarom ook die terroir. Terroir kan omskryf word as die kompleks van natuurlike faktore wat in die finale produk uitdrukking vind en studies daarvan moet dus in twee stappe plaasvind, d.i. die identifisering van relatiewe homogene natuurlike terroir eenhede gevolg deur die ekofisiologiese karakterisering daarvan. Die doel van die studie was om die Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg-Helderberg wynproduserende gebied te karakteriseer, met behulp van bestaande versyferde data en om natuurlike terroir eenhede te identifiseer. Topografie is 'n vaste landskapskenmerk en beïnvloed sonligonderskepping deur hellings, blootstelling van 'n ligging aan wind en die dreinerin~ van grondwater en beweging van koue lug. Dit is 'n belangrike deel van die terroir konsep en het sterk interaksie met omgewingsfaktore van grond en klimaat. Die studiegebied word begrens deur berge en is deursny deur 'n riviervallei, met groot variasie in helling en aspek. Beide hiervan beïnvloed die ruimtelike- en daaglik-variasies in daaglikse maksimum temperatuur. Die belangrike effek van klimaat op wynkarakter en kwaliteit is duidelik soos weerspieël deur die beskikbaarheid van 'n aantal makroklimaatsindekse. Alle klimaatsparameters word deur topografie beïnvloed. Temperatuur en relatiewe humiditeit word ook deur afstand vanaf die see beïnvloed. Die studie area het 'n Meditereense klimaat, met merkwaardige ruimtelike variasie van alle klimaatsparameters. Die effek van geologie op wynkarakter is minder duidelik, maar het waarskynlik 'n effek op die fisiese eienskappe van 'n grond. Die geologie in die Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg- Helderberg studiegebied is kompleks, as gevolg van die hoë graad van tektoniese beweging en vermenging van moedermateriaal. In situ vorming van gronde uit gesteentes vind selde plaas: Grond het 'n groot aantal bydraende faktore, wat wynkarakter en -kwaliteit kon beïnvloed, onder andere, grondkleur, -temperatuur, -chemiese samestelling, -diepte en -tekstuur (wat die waterleweringsvermoë van die grond bepaal). Dit is veral laasgenoemde twee faktore wat blykbaar die mees opvallendste effek openbaar. Gronddiepte bepaal die buffer kapasiteit van die grond om klimaatsuiterstes te kan weerstaan en die waterleweringsvermoë het 'n alombekende effek op wingerdgroei en funksionering. Daar is 'n hoë graad van grondvariasie in die Bottelaryberg-Simonsberg-Helderberg studiegebied wat moeilik is om met grondassosiasies weer te gee. Daar is wel 'n patroon van grond distribusie wat verband hou met landskapvariasie. Terrein morfologiese eenhede, hoogte en aspek is gebruik as primêre sleutels vir die indentifisering van natuurlike terroir eenhede. Globale grondkategorieë en geologiese inligting is op 'n sekondêre vlak gebruik. Dit het 195 eenhede tot gevolg. Die natuurlike terroir eenhede sal die basis vorm vir toekomstige ekofisiologiese karakterisering, om die terroir effek op wynkarakter te kan bepaal.

Effect of climate and soil water status on Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevines in the Swartland region with special reference to sugar loading and anthocyanin biosynthesis

Mehmel, Tara Olivia, Van Heerden, Tara Olivia 23 November 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosach, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cabernet Sauvignon, the most planted red wine cultivar in South Africa, is prone to vigorous growth with low yields. The aim of the study was to describe how Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines react to climate and irrigation within the Swartland region. Such knowledge would assist growers in decisions regarding long term as well as short term cultivation practices. This study was part of a larger project carried out by the Infruitec-Nietvoorbij institute of the Agricultural Research Council at Stellenbosch to determine effects of soil type and climate on yield and wine quality of Cabernet Sauvignon. The larger project was carried out in selected grape growing regions, i.e. Stellenbosch, Swartland, Lower Olifants River and Lower Orange River. Due to the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, the study area in the Swartland region could be divided into two climatic regions for viticulture. Grapevines near Philadelphia closer to the ocean experienced less water constraints compared to those further inland near Wellington. Variation in stem water potential could also be related to soil water matric potential. Climate tended to have a more pronounced effect on the grapevine response to water constraints further inland than closer to the ocean. Vegetative growth, berry size and yield depended on water constraints experienced by the grapevines. In the warmer climate, severe constraints reduced yield. In the warmer climate, grapes started to ripen earlier than those in the cooler climate. Sugar concentration (mg/mL) was highest where grapevines experienced moderate water constraints. These seemingly balanced grapevines had the highest sugar accumulation, probably due to optimum photosynthesis and carbohydrate utilization. Low water constraints increased vegetative growth which could have been a sink for sugar loading. In addition to sugar loading, degree Balling (°B) increases could also have been due to a concentration effect where water constraints reduced berry volume. Therefore, °B is probably not a representative indicator of grapevine functioning. Anthocyanin biosynthesis, as quantified on a per berry basis, showed that sugar and anthocyanin could be co-regulated, with anthocyanin biosynthesis reaching a plateau when the sugar content per berry reached 200 mg/mL to 220 mg/mL. At véraison, the most intense grape colour occurred where grapevines experienced moderate water constraints, i.e. single drip line at Wellington and no irrigation at Philadelphia. However, at harvest grapes from the cooler climate tended to have more intense colour and higher phenolics, indicating that lower temperatures favoured anthocyanin biosynthesis. These results supported earlier findings that grapevine water status influences berry volume and dynamics of berry ripening. Water constraints tended to increase sensorial wine colour intensity, as well as wine fullness. Moderate water constraints at both localities resulted in the best sensorial wine quality. Yet there were indications that too severe water constraints could be detrimental to wine quality. Irrigation can be used to manipulate grapevine growth in warmer climates, but might be less effective in cooler climates. In warmer climates, moderate water constraints required to achieve balanced grapevine functioning can be obtained with single drip irrigation, but this might not be the case in cooler climates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Cabernet Sauvignon, die mees aangeplante rooiwynkultivar in Suid-Afrika, is geneig tot kragtige groei met lae opbrengste. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om te beskryf hoe Cabernet Sauvignon-wingerdstokke reageer op klimaat en besproeiing in die Swartland-streek. Hierdie kennis sal kwekers help wanneer hulle besluite moet neem oor langtermyn sowel as korttermyn verbouingspraktyke. Hierdie studie was deel van ‘n groter projek deur die Infruitec-Nietvoorbij Instituut van die Landbounavorsingsraad op Stellenbosch om die effekte van grondtipe en klimaat op die opbrengs en wynkwaliteit van Cabernet Sauvignon te bepaal. Die groter projek is in geselekteerde wingerdverbouingstreke uitgevoer, nl. Stellenbosch, Swartland, Benede Olifantsrivier en Benede Oranjerivier. As gevolg van die nabyheid daarvan aan die Atlantiese Oseaan kon die studiegebied in die Swartland-streek in twee klimaatstreke vir wingerdbou verdeel word. Wingerdstokke by Philadelphia, wat nader aan die oseaan is, het minder waterstremming ervaar as dié verder binnelands naby Wellington. Veranderinge in stamwaterpotensiaal hou moontlik ook verband met die grondwater- matrikspotensiaal. Klimaat het ‘n groter effek op die reaksie van die wingerdstok op waterstremming verder binnelands as nader aan die oseaan. Vegetatiewe groei, korrelgrootte en opbrengs was afhanklik van die waterstremminge wat deur die wingerdstokke ervaar is. In die warmer klimaat het die ernstige stremminge opbrengs verminder. In die warmer klimaat begin druiwe vroeër ryp word as in die koeler klimaat. Suikerkonsentrasie (mg/ml) was die hoogste waar wingerde matige waterstremming ervaar het. Hierdie skynbaar gebalanseerde wingerdstokke het die hoogste suikerakkumulasie vertoon, moontlik as gevolg van optimum fotosintese en koolhidraatverbruik. Lae waterstremming het vegetatiewe groei verhoog, wat ook ‘n vraagpunt vir suikerlading kon wees. Benewens suikerlading kon verhogings in grade Balling (°B) ook moontlik aan ‘n konsentrasie-effek toegeskryf word in terme waarvan waterstremming die korrelvolume verminder het. °B is dus moontlik nie ‘n verteenwoordigende indikator van wingerdstokfunksionering nie. Antosianienbiosintese, soos gekwantifiseer op ‘n per-korrel basis, het getoon dat suiker en antosianien saam gereguleer kon word, en dat antosianienbiosintese ‘n plato bereik het wanneer die suikerinhoud per korrel 200 mg/mL tot 220 mg/mL was. By deurslaan het die mees intense druifkleur voorgekom waar die wingerdstokke matige waterstremming ervaar het, d.w.s. enkel druplyn op Wellington en geen besproeiing op Philadelphia. Teen oes was die druiwe in die koeler klimate egter geneig om meer intense kleur en meer fenole te bevat, wat aandui dat laer temperature antosianienbiosintese bevoordeel. Hierdie resultate ondersteun vroeër bevindings dat die waterstatus van die wingerdstok ‘n invloed op korrelvolume en die dinamika van korrelrypwording het. Waterstremming neig om die sensoriese wynkleurintensiteit te verhoog, asook die volheid van die wyn. Matige waterstremming op beide liggings het aanleiding gegee tot die beste sensoriese wynkwaliteit. Tog was daar aanduidings dat waterstremming wat te straf was, nadelig kon wees vir wynkwaliteit. Besproeiing kan gebruik word om wingerdgroei in warmer klimate te manipuleer, maar is moontlik minder effektief in koeler klimate. In warmer klimate kan die matige waterstremming wat benodig is vir gebalanseerde wingerdstokfunksionering, verkry word deur enkel drupbesproeiing, maar dit is moontlik nie die geval in koeler klimate nie.

Identification of terroirs in the Robertson valley for Chardonnay and Shiraz : a focus on soil and roots

Erazo-Lynch, Leonardo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ABSTRACT: The grapevine must constantly find a balance between two continually changing environments, the rhizosphere (i.e. soil) and the troposphere (i.e. macroclimate). The adaptations are extremely complex because they encompass complicated and interrelated processes that are not yet fully understood. In terms of water-use behaviour, differences between cultivars have been described in the literature. In this study, the water status and stomatal conductance of four cultivars (Shiraz, Grenache, Pinot noir and Chardonnay) grafted onto R99 were studied. Diurnal cycles of water status and stomatal conductance, from 07:00 to 19:00, were followed for a single day at the end of the 2009 season. The results showed that, at the end of the season, Shiraz was subjected to water stress conditions, losing leaves and showing symptoms of berry shrivelling. The other three cultivars had a much better canopy status and no symptoms of berry shrivelling were observed. Based on the canopy observations and a comparison of the curves of stem water potential (Ψs) and stomatal conductance (gs), it seems that Pinot noir and Chardonnay are closer to the water-use behaviour of Grenache noir, which is known as a “pessimistic” cultivar, than to Shiraz, which is an “optimistic” cultivar. A study of four plots each of Chardonnay/101.14 Mgt and Shiraz/101.14 Mgt was carried out in eight commercial vineyards in the Robertson region in order to investigate the relationship between soil and root morphology, and the influence thereof on canopy development and berry growth. These plots had different soil types. Important soil properties are reported to limit root growth, individually or as a combination of restrictions. It was found that the size of the root system of 101.14 Mgt is defined by soil physical and chemical properties. The roots of 101.14 Mgt under irrigation can grow to a depth of 100 cm or beyond if the soil physical and chemical properties allow it. Because the soil properties define the root system and the water storage/drainage, they greatly influence the plant water status, even under irrigation. In an arid zone like Robertson, irrigation is an important management tool. The balance between canopy growth before véraison and the ability of the root-soil system to maintain that canopy size during the ripening process is crucial in an area with a high evaporative demand. In this regard, not all the soil properties-root system combinations showed satisfactory performance in maintaining the canopy functioning, which affected berry sugar loading and berry volume. In another study that is presented, forty soil profiles were characterised in the Robertson valley. The root systems were considered as a product of the soil properties, and thus the morphology of the root systems was used as a starting point to group soils together. The importance of soil depth has been described well, thus the root systems were first classified according to rooting depth – into shallow and deep root systems. The deep root systems were then subdivided, creating two subgroups of high root density and low root density. The two extreme groups (i.e. shallow roots, and deep roots with high root density) have particularly different soil properties. The soil characteristics found in these extremes are represented up to certain point by families of the South African soil taxonomy, mainly due to the restrictive function of the B horizon. This restrictive function is related to soil properties that are taken into consideration in the South African soil classification and that are important for grapevine root growth, as well as the thickness of the described horizons and the physical and chemical differences between the horizons. Soil properties have an important influence on root morphology. Due to the fundamental role played by the root system in the overall plant functioning, soil properties are of critical importance. In an arid area, the low water pressure in the atmosphere and the high temperature greatly affect the plant water status. The soil-root system combination plays an important role in the ability of the root system to supply the plant with water during times of high evaporative demand. Different cultivars will react differently due to differences in transpiration control. The maintenance of an adequate water status will have an immense influence on canopy development and maintenance, and on normal and steady berry ripening. In this study it was found that not all the soil-root combinations can fulfil this satisfactorily. Thus, the grapevine balance determined by the combination of the soil-root-canopy complex and the influence of management techniques is extremely important for the favouring of a good canopy:root system ratio, a functional canopy throughout the season and a steady berry ripening curve.

Oxygen and sulphur dioxide additions to Sauvignon blanc : effect on must and wine composition

Coetzee, Carien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliogaphy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sauvignon blanc wines have become increasingly popular in South Africa as it is a cultivar that can be easily manipulated in the vineyard and cellar to produce a range of wine styles. These wines are usually given aroma descriptors such as green pepper, grassy and asparagus; while other more tropical aromas include passion fruit and guava. These aromas are thought to be mainly caused by methoxypyrazines and volatile thiols. These compounds are known to be character impacting compounds of Sauvignon blanc and are present in the grapes in the aromatic form (methoxypyrazines) or as non‐aromatic precursors (thiols) that can be released by the yeast during fermentation. Other aroma compounds such as esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids and monoterpenes are compounds that could potentially influence the aroma bouquet of a wine significantly. These aroma compounds exist either as precursors in the grapes (monoterpenes) or arise due to yeast metabolism during fermentation (esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids) and often display fruity, floral and pleasant aromas. In the cellar, winemaking practices can be manipulated to a certain extent to achieve the desired wine style. Winemaking tools such as temperature, skin contact, pressing conditions, oxygen (O2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and yeast strain are only a few factors influencing the outcome of a wine. In general, South African winemakers maintain a very reductive environment during Sauvignon blanc wine production by using inert gasses, thereby causing the production costs to increase. There is sufficient evidence to support the reductive handling of white wine, however there seems to be a lack of information as to why the must should be treated reductively before fermentation. The over all goal of this study was thus to investigate the effect of different O2 and SO2 additions to Sauvignon blanc must before settling, specifically focussing on the typical aroma compounds often found in these wines. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the oxidation reactions occurring in must (enzymatic oxidation) and wine (chemical oxidation). This chapter also reports the origin of the specific Sauvignon blanc aroma compounds and their reaction to different must and wine treatments with a focus on oxidation. Chapter 3 reports research results focussing on the effect of the different must treatments on the character impacting compounds of Sauvignon blanc wines, specifically the methoxypyrazines and the volatile thiols. The effect of the treatments on the polyphenols and glutathione content in the must and wine was also investigated. Oxidation in the absence of SO2 led to a decrease in glutathione and certain phenolic compounds in the must. In general, volatile thiols were protected against oxidation by SO2, even when O2 was present in the must. Methoxypyrazines concentrations were not significantly influenced by the treatments. Chapter 4 elucidates the effect of the treatments on other yeast and grape derived aroma compounds often found in Sauvignon blanc wines, such as the esters, higher alcohols, fatty acids and monoterpenes. In general, the effect of SO2 seemed to have the greatest influence on the produced aroma compounds. The results reported in this thesis could possibly change the way South African Sauvignon blanc musts are handled in future during the winemaking process. It is clear that O2 and SO2 management in the cellar is of critical importance for the winemaker to produce wines of high quality. Future work is important to fully understand the mechanisms and evolution of important aroma compounds of Sauvignon blanc wines during the winemaking process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sauvignon blanc wyn aroma word gewoonlik beskryf met terme soos groen rissie, grasagtig en aspersie terwyl ander tropiese aromas soos grenadella en koejawel ook dikwels voorkom. Die manipulasie van Sauvignon blanc in die wingerd en in die kelder tydens wynmaak, gee die wynprodusent die vryheid om ‘n wye reeks wyn style te produseer. Dit maak Sauvignon blanc baie populêr in die Suid‐Afrikaanse wynindustrie. Die bogenoemde aromas word waargeneem in die wyn as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van sekere aroma komponente genaamd metoksipirasiene en vlugtige tiole. Hierdie komponente lewer ‘n unieke bydrae tot die aroma samestelling van Sauvignon blanc wyne en kom voor in die druiwe in die aromatiese vorm (metoksipirasiene) of as nie‐aromatiese voorlopers (tiole) wat tydens alkoholiese fermentasie deur die gis vrygestel kan word. Komponente soos esters, hoër alkohole, vetsure en monoterpene kan ook ‘n potensiële bydra lewer tot die algehele aroma van Sauvignon blanc wyne en kom voor in die druiwe (monoterpene) of ontstaan as gevolg van gis metabolisme gedurende alkoholiese fermentasie (esters, hoër alkohole, vetsure). Hierdie geur komponente word dikwels beskryf as vrugtig, blomagtig en oor die algemeen aangenaam. Tydens wynmaak kan die wyn tot ‘n mate gemanipuleer word om ‘n spesifieke wynstyl te bekom. Hulpmiddels soos temperatuur, dopkontak, pers omstandighede, suurstof (O2), swawel dioksied (SO2) en gisras is slegs ‘n paar faktore wat die algemene uitkoms van ‘n wyn kan beïnvloed. Oor die algemeen word Sauvignon blanc in Suid‐Afrika baie reduktief behandel tydens wynbereiding. Dit vereis sekere hulpmiddels, soos die gebruik van inerte gas, wat die produksiekoste dikwels verhoog. Navorsing ondersteun die reduktiewe behandeling van wit wyn, maar dit wil voorkom asof daar ‘n tekort aan navorsing is wat die reduktiewe behandeling van die sap voor fermentasie regverdig. Die algemene doel van die studie is dus om die effek van verskillende O2 en SO2 byvoegings tot Sauvignon blanc sap (voor afsak) te ondersoek met die fokus op die tipiese aroma komponente wat in die wyn voorkom. Hoofstuk 2 lewer ‘n algemene oorsig van die tipes oksidasie reaksies wat voorkom in sap (ensiematiese oksidasie) en wyn (chemiese oksidasie). Spesifieke Sauvignon blanc aroma komponente word ook ondersoek in terme van die oorsprong van die komponente asook die reaksie wat plaasvind met verskillende mos en wyn behandelings, met ‘n fokus op oksidasie. In hoofstuk 3 word die effek van die verskillende mos behandelings op tipiese Sauvignon blanc aroma komponente, spesifiek metoksipirasiene en vlugtige tiole, ondersoek. Die effek van die behandelings op die polifenole en glutatioon inhoud in die mos en wyn word ook gerapporteer. Oksidasie van die sap in die afwesigheid van SO2, het ‘n afname in glutatioon en sekere polifenol konsentrasies veroorsaak. Dit wil voorkom asof die produksie van vlugtige tiole oor die algemeen beskerm word teen oksidasie indien daar genoegsame SO2 teenwoordig is. Hierdie effek word ondervind selfs as die sap met suursof versadig word. Die effek van die behandelings op die konsentrasies van metoksipirasiene was nie beduidend nie. Hoofstuk 4 rapporteer die effek van die behandelings op ander aroma komponente soos esters, hoër alkohole, vetsure en monoterpene. Oor die algemeen wil dit voorkom asof die effek van SO2 beduidend was en waarskynlik die grootste invloed op die produksie van hierdie aroma komponente het. Na aanleiding van die resultate bevind in hierdie tesis, is daar ‘n moontlikheid dat die manier waarop Sauvignon blanc wyne geproduseer word in Suid‐Afrika, moontlik kan verander in die toekoms. Vir die wynmaker om hoë kwaliteit Sauvignon blanc wyne te produseer, is O2 en SO2 bestuur in die kelder van kardinale belang. Verdere navorsing moet steeds gedoen word om die meganisme en evolusie van belangrike aroma komponente in Sauvignon blanc wyne tydens die wynmaakproses, ten volle te verstaan.

The influence of different winemaking techniques on the extraction of grape tannins

Nel, Anton Pieter 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grape and wine phenols consist of flavanols which is the building blocks for tannins. These building blocks are called monomers which consist of catechins, epicatechins, epigallocatechins and epicatechin-gallate. Tannin is important in wine as it contributes to bitterness, mouth feel (astringency) and maturation potential of the wine. Futhermore it has a health benefit as an antioxidant. Anthocyanins are responsible for the colour of red wine. The anthocyanins combine with tannins to form stable polymeric pigments. Due to the importance of tannins and anthocyanins in wine, it is imperitative that different winemaking techniques are used to extract as much of these components as possible and that the analysis is done quickly and accurately. The aim of this study was to evaluate different winemaking techniques and their extraction of tannins and anthocyanins into the wine. Too much tannin extraction can have a negative effect on the sensory quality of the wine. Therefore a second aim was to evaluate the mouth feel properties of a Shiraz wine. A third aim was to compare the two tannin precipitation methods in terms of time efficiency, repeatability and the ease of practice. To investigate the amount of tannin concentration extracted by different winemaking techniques, two cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz) were used. These treatments included the addition of an enzyme during fermentation [E], cold maceration [CM], post maceration [PM] and the combination of cold and post maceration [CM+PM]. The grapes were harvested in two different climatic areas during the 2008 and 2009 vintages. The two climatic areas were classified according to the Winkler scale as a III (Morgenster) and a IV (Plaisir de Merle). The grapes were harvested at two different ripeness levels in order to evaluate the effect of the different winemaking processes on the extraction of tannins and anthocyanins. One harvest was before (LB) and the other after (HB) the commercial harvest. The results of this study showed significant differences in the phenolic composition of the wines. It was found that the warmer area showed higher tannin concentrations than the cooler area for both cultivars. In the 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon the CM extracted higher concentrations of tannin from the cooler area at both ripeness levels. In the warmer area, CM extracted the highest tannin concentration HB, but the CM+PM extracted the highest tannin concentration from Cabernet Sauvignon at the LB and CM at the HB of the warmer area. In 2009 the PM extracted the highest concentration of tannin at the lower ripeness level, while the E treatment extracted the highest concentration from the warmer area. In the cooler area the CM+PM extracted the highest concentration of tannin at a lower ripeness level, while there were no siginicant differences between the different treatments at the higher ripeness level. The highest anthocyanin concentration was found in the cooler area. The CM treatment was found to have no effect on anthocyanin extraction. Different methods are available to quantify the tannin concentration in wine. Two of the most popular tannin analytical methods are the bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the methyl cellulose precipitable tannin (MCP) methods. The BSA method is a very complex method which uses at least 3 times more reagents than the MCP method. The MCP method only analyzes tannins, while the BSA method analyzes tannins, monomeric pigments (MP), small polymeric pigments (SPP) and large polymeric pigments (LPP). In this study a good correlation was found between the two tannin precipitation methods (R2 – 0.88). There is controversy regarding the variability of these methods. Some scientists found that the two methods show a good correlation with HPLC, while others found that there was no such correlation between the precipitation methods and the HPLC. The MCP method had a practical advantage as it could be performed in half the time required for the BSA method. This has a significant impact in scenarios where a high sample throughput is required although it only measures total tannin. The phenolic composition and mouth feel of the wine was strongly influenced by the climatic area. In the warmer area the effect of tannin concentration on mouth feel was much less than in the cooler area. The wine made of riper grapes, was more grippy, bitter and numbing than the wines made from greener grapes. The E treatment was especially associated with a dry, grippy sensation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Druif en wyn fenole bestaan uit flavanole wat weer die boublokke is van tanniene. Hierdie boublokke, wat bekend staan as monomere, betsaan uit katesjiene, epikatesjiene, epigallokatesjiene an epikatesjien-gallaat. Tanniene is belangrik in wyn aangesien dit bydra tot bitterheid, mondgevoel (vrankheid) asook die verouderingspotensiaal van wyn. As antioksidante hou dit ook gesondheidsvoordele in. Antosianiene dra by tot die kleur van rooiwyn. Antosianiene kombineer met tanniene om meer stabiele polimeriese pigmente te vorm. As gevolg van die belangrikheid van tanniene en antosianiene is dit van uiterse belang dat verskillende wynmaak tegnieke gebruik word om ekstraksie in die wyn te bevoordeel en dat die analitiese metode so vinnig en akkuraat as moontlik gedoen word. Die eerste doel van hierdie studie was om die ekstraksie van tanniene en antosianiene deur middel van verskillende wynmaak tegnieke te evalueer. Te veel tanniene in die wyn kan negatiewe sensoriese kwaliteit tot gevolg het. Daarom is die tweede doel om die sensoriese kwaliteit van Shiraz wyn te evalueer. Die derde doel van hierdie studie was die twee tannien presipitasie metodes met mekaar te vergelyk in terme van die moeilikheidsgraad van die metode, tyd doeltreffendheid en herhaalbaarheid. Verskillende wynmaak tegnieke (ensiem byvoegings [E], koue maserasie [CM], verlengde dopkontak [PM] en ‘n kombinasie van koue maserasie en verlengde dopkontak [CM+PM]) is vergelyk ten opsigte van tannien en antiosianien ekstraksie. In 2008 en 2009 is twee kultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon en Shiraz) in twee verskillende klimatologiese areas gepars. Hierdie areas is geklassifiseer in die Winklerskaal as ‘n IV (Plaisir de Merle) en ‘n III (Morgenster). Om die effek van die verskillende wynmaak tegnieke op die ekstraksie van antosianiene en tanniene te vergelyk, is hierdie twee kultivars by twee verskillende rypheidsgrade geoes. Die eerste oes was net voor kommersiële oes (LB) en die tweede oes het net na kommersiële oes (HB) plaasgevind. Die 2009 Shiraz wyn is organolepties beoordeel om die effek van die verskillende wynmaak tegnieke op die wyn se mondgevoel te vergelyk. Die resultate van hierdie studie toon beduidende verskille in die fenoliese samestelling van die wyne. Dit is gevind dat die warmer area hoër tannien konsentrasies het as die koeler area. In 2008 het die CM+PM die meeste tanniene uit die Cabernet Sauvignon geëkstraheer by LB en die CM by HB in die warmer area. Die CM het in die koeler area meer tanniene geëkstraheer by beide die LB en HB rypheidsgrade. In 2009 het PM die meeste tanniene geëkstraheer by LB terwyl E die meeste tanniene geëkstraheer in die warmer area. In die koeler area het CM+PM die meeste tanniene geëkstraheer, terwyl geen van die behandelings ‘n effek gehad het by HB. Die meeste antosianien konsentrasie was in die koeler area gevind as in die warmer area. In beide 2008 (LB en HB) en 2009 (LB) het CM die meeste antosianiene geëkstraheer, terwyl geen behandeling ‘n effek gehad het by HB. Twee van die mees populêre tannien analitiese metodes is die BSA (bovine serum albumien) en die MCP (metielsellulose presipitasie) metodes. Die BSA metode is ‘n baie meer ingewikkelde metode waarvoor drie keer meer reagense gebruik word as vir die MCP metode. Maar waar die MCP net tanniene ontleed, ontleed die BSA metode tanniene, monomere (MP), klein polimeriese pigmente (SPP) en groot polimeriese pigmente (LPP). Dit help indien daar gekyk wil word na die evolusie van polimeriese pigmente. In hierdie studie is bevind dat daar ‘n redelike korrelasie (R2 – 0.88) tussen die BSA en MCP metode bestaan. Die herhaalbaarheid van die metodes het redelike kontroversie veroorsaak, waar sommige navorsers bevind het dat die BSA metode nie so herhaalbaar is soos eers bevind is nie. Die MCP metode het ’n praktiese voordeel aangesien dit in die helfde van die tyd van die BSA metode uitgevoer kan word. Dit het ‘n groot impak indien ‘n groot hoeveelheid monsters ontleed moet word. Die fenoliese samestelling en mondgevoel word sterk beïnvloed deur die klimatologiese area. In die warmer area was die effek van tannien konsentrasie op mondgevoel kleiner as in die koeler area. Die wyn van ryper druiwe het meer harder, verdowingseffek en bitter nasmaak gehad as by die wyn van groener druiwe. Die ensiem behandeling was meer geassossieerd met droë mond gevoel.

Influence of reflective mulch on Pinot noir grape and wine quality

Leal, G. R. January 2007 (has links)
A trial established in 2003 at Upper Moutere in Nelson, New Zealand, was used to evaluate the effect of mussel shells as reflective mulch on Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir vine performance and fruit and wine quality. Shell mulch had several effects on the environment and vine growth as well as grape and wine composition in the 2006/2007 season. Soil under mulch was cooler compared to un-mulched control, but buffered the extremes in temperatures. Fruiting zone temperature over shells was slightly higher during the day and cooler at night, showing no effect on mean hourly temperature. Shell mulch reflected greater amounts of UV-A, UV-B and PAR radiation into the fruiting zone. Shell reduced weed growth compared to control. Leaf petiole and blade samples showed higher amounts of calcium compared to control. Leaf SPAD values were higher in the shell treatment during veraison, previous and postharvest, but lower post budburst. While date of budburst was not affected by treatments, dates of flowering and veraison appeared to be slightly advanced over shells. Fruit set was similar between treatments and was considered poorer in shell bunches due to a larger population of seedless berries. Vine growth was not affected in terms of the number of nodes laid at pruning, flower cluster and shoot number pre shoot thinning, early shoot growth and lateral shoots development. Vigour was not increased by shells as demonstrated by pruning weights, canopy density and trunk circumferences being similar, though internode lengths in shell shoots were greater in 2007 and lower in 2006. Berry weights, bunch weights and vine yields were lower in shell than control, though greater berry numbers were recorded. There were slight differences between treatments in fruit and wine composition. Grape pH only varied in the middle of the sampling time, being higher the 2nd week and lower the 3rd week in shell grapes and TA was greater at harvest time. However, °Brix was only higher in shell grapes in the middle of the sampling period, being similar to control at veraison and harvest. Peduncle lignification was delayed at veraison as well as at harvest time. Shell must after crushing was greater in Brix but similar to control in pH and TA. Similarly, shell wines pre bottling showed higher alcohol and no differences for pH and TA. HPLC-DAD analyses of commercial-scale and microvin wines showed consistent differences of the individual flavonoid composition. Shell microvin wines were greater than control in quercetin and resveratrol. However, commercial shell wines were lower in epicatechin, gallic acid, resveratrol, and catechin than control. Leaf phenolic composition was also different between treatments. However, further analyses by HPLC-MS in wines as well as in leaves are necessary to identify individual compounds. Total anthocyanins and total phenolics were no different between treatments. Sensory analyses of microvin and commercial shell wines exhibited consistently lower levels of green and unripe tannins, and greater smoothness and complexity as well. Further analysis by GC-MS and HPLC-MS is warranted. Shell mulch improved sensory characteristics of the resulting wines.

Effects of Bacillus Mycoides Supplement in a Reduced Frequency Fungicide Program on Chambourcin Grapevines (Vitis Vinifera L.)

Mairs, Ryan Alan 01 July 2018 (has links)
Fungal diseases pose significant challenges for grapevine producers in Kentucky due to the region’s abundant moisture and relative humidity. Methods to reduce fungicide application frequency would prove both economically and temporally valuable to producers. A field experiment was established in Bowling Green, KY in 2017 to investigate Bacillus mycoides isolate J (LifeGard) as a supplement to a fungicide program for systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Three fungicide treatment regimens were implemented consisting of a program modelled from the Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (2017) and an identical program supplemented with 140 g ha-1 LifeGard per application (both applied on 14 day intervals), a reduced frequency application every 28 days supplemented with 140 g ha-1 LifeGard, and an untreated control. Treatments were applied to 9-year-old French-Hybrid grapevines (cv. Chambourcin); each treatment was replicated 3 times in a randomized complete block design. All treatments were applied with a backpack sprayer delivering 150 L ha-1 at 2 Bar pressure. Canopy management, fertility, herbicide, and insect management were standardized across treatments and no supplemental irrigation was applied. Data collected included fruit yield, pH, ºBrix, and titratable acidity (TA). Data were analyzed with SAS PROC GLIMMIX; differences in means were determined at  < 0.05. Plots supplemented with B. mycoides had lower fruit pH than untreated plots but higher fruit pH than the traditional fungicide program. Treatment regime did not influence Brix, TA, or total yield; however, all treated plots yielded more high quality fruit than the untreated control.

Spatial Analysis of Climate and Winegrape Production in Winegrape Growing Regions of Oregon, United States of America

Campbell, Willow Devin 02 October 2013 (has links)
American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) are susceptible to small variations in climate and microclimates and are found within a narrow latitudinal range of prime climate conditions. These AVAs are geographically determined based on the best soil, climate, precipitation and temperature combinations for specific winegrape regions. As climate change continues to alter the local weather and the greater climate region of the Western United States, winegrape growing regions in Oregon are being affected. In an effort to determine what the pattern of change is, and compare previous studies of climate change using climate indices, a comparative study based in part on prior research was conducted. Using 800 meter resolution Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (PRISM) climate datasets, four individual climate indices were analyzed for statistical correlation with the climate data. These climate indices are: growing degree-days (GDD), the average growing season temperatures (GST), Huglin Index (HI) and the biologically effective degree-day (BEDD). Based on currently available data for this research, these climate indices were statistically analyzed during the years 2000 to 2010. A further avenue of research included a statistical analysis of the reported winegrape production, although this data was available only at an aggregated county-level. Results show that all four climate indices exhibit statistical significance, although the inclusion of the winegrape production data exhibited no statistical significance for many of the analyses, most likely due to subjective and aggregated data, few did result in significance with the climate indices. The research discussed here confirms the accuracy of the four climate indices and suggest that a longer time frame, coupled with less aggregated and subjective winegrape production data could produce interesting results in future research on the results of climate indices in winegrape growing regions.

Factors affecting the predisposition of 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) to the physiological disorder, bunch stem necrosis : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Physiology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Pickering, Andrea Hilary January 2006 (has links)
Bunch stem necrosis (BSN) is a physiological disorder in grapes. It results in shrivelled berries with poor quality attributes such that wine produced from grapes with high BSN incidence is of compromised quality. Past research has proposed many different hypotheses to explain the disorder. Literature indicates that conditions during certain stages of development may predispose berries to BSN but results are not consistent as to which stage is the critical one or which factors have the most impact. This study was designed to resolve these points of uncertainty. Treatments that either enhanced or decreased vine vigour, or manipulated the light environment around the fruit zone were applied to field grown 'Cabernet Sauvignon' vines over three seasons. Treatments included root pruning, heading back of canes by 50%, laying down a reflective mulch and two 50% shade treatments applied for three weeks either pre- or post-full bloom (FB). A strong positive correlation was found between vine vigour and the incidence of BSN. Three weeks post-FB, during both the current and previous season, was identified as the critical period within which factors predispose bunches to BSN. Plant growth regulators, including GA3, IAA and NPA, were applied to bunches on a different group of field grown vines immediately after FB. Application of GA3 during the critical period, tended to reduce the incidence of BSN, while the effects of IAA and NPA application were less clear and require further research. In a controlled environment (CE) trial, pot-grown vines were placed in CE rooms during one of three development stages. Results showed that treatments applied during the critical threeweek period after FB increased the incidence of BSN three fold compared with no change in BSN incidence for vines that were placed in the CE rooms immediately prior to FB or prior to veraison. Collective results from these studies clearly demonstrate that the period immediately following FB is the most critical time in the predisposition of bunches to BSN. It is suggested that competitive dominance of vegetative growth over the developing inflorescence and bunch for assimilates and/or nutrients may be the predisposing factor/s influencing this disorder.

The Effects of Vine Age on Vine Performance, Fruit, and Wine Composition of Zinfandel in the Templeton Gap AVA, California

Riffle, Vegas L 01 July 2021 (has links) (PDF)
A two-year study was conducted at a commercial vineyard in California’s Templeton Gap AVA to evaluate the effect of vine age on viticultural, enological, and sensory attributes of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Zinfandel grapes and wines. The experimental block was dry farmed, conventionally managed, with own-rooted Zinfandel vines that, when determined unproductive, were replaced with new vines of genetically identical scion plant material grafted onto St. George (Vitis rupestris Scheele) rootstock. Treatments included Young vines (5 to 12 years old), Control (representative proportion of young to old vines in the block), and Old vines (40 to 60 years old). Results indicated Young vines progressed more slowly during berry formation and more rapidly during berry ripening than Old vines. Due to variation in the timing of sugar accumulation, Old vines were harvested 21 days after Young vines in 2019, and 9 days after in 2020. Old vines produced, on average between both seasons, 3.7 kg more fruit per vine than Young vines. Old vines also produced, on average between both seasons, 22.8 more clusters per vine than Young vines (5.41 tons/acre and 2.64 tons/acre, respectively). The larger vine capacity observed was attributed to Old vines having more arm, spur and dormant bud positions per vine than Young vines, in addition to larger trunk circumference and diameter. Vine age also had an effect on vine vegetative growth, with Old vines producing shorter internodes (25.5% decrease) and smaller shoot diameters (29.3% decrease) compared to Young vines. Young vines had higher mid-day stomatal conductance and tended to have higher mid-day photosynthetic rates, although no differences in corresponding pre-dawn measurements were found. While root architecture was similar between age groups, Old vines displayed greater rooting depths. Young vine wines had lower pH and titratable acidity than Old vine wines. Old vine wines were defined by a wider array and intensity of aromatics, including raisin, orange peel, black fruit and spices relative to Young vine wines which were defined by wet topsoil and pomegranate aromas. These results suggest the potential for greater yield and improved wine quality when extending the longevity of Zinfandel vineyards.

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